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The numbers of microgametophytes in the stigmas of the outcrossing Phlox drummondii were determined in 19 natural populations. Microgametophyte numbers per stigma ranged from 0 to over 40 in each population. The number of flowers per plant, distance to the nearest-neighbor, and number of plants within 1 m of the focal plants explained about 23% of the variation in microgametophyte numbers within 2 of the populations. The mean number per stigma across all populations was 14.34; and the mean number per population varied from 7.77 to 19.52. Given that there are 3 ovules per flower, there was an average of 4.73 microgametophytes per ovule. Sixty-nine percent of all pistils contained more than 3 microgametophytes, thereby presenting an opportunity for intergametophytic competition.  相似文献   

福录考体细胞胚胎发生的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福录考(PhloxdrummondiiHook)体细胞胚胎发生的方式有两种:一是由叶外植体具有一定功能的特化细胞脱化为胚性细胞,如叶表皮细胞,维管束鞘及韬皮薄壁细胞均可发生脱分化进行分裂,形成胚性细胞或分细胞团;二是叶外植体先脱分化形成愈伤组织。  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in amounts and patterns of phenotypic plasticity which have arisen in the Texas annual Phlox drummondii during domestication. Character means and plasticities were compared for five populations: a wild population, three cultivated varieties (a Tall cultivar and two Dwarf cultivars), and a population of an escaped Tall cultivar naturalized in Texas. To measure plasticity, we scored the responses of 10 characters to six treatments and analyzed both the amount and direction of plastic response. Wild plants are phenotypically distinct from the Tall and Escaped cultivar and from the two Dwarf cultivars. Despite its substantial phenotypic divergence from the Wild population, the Tall cultivar's plasticity has changed little during domestication. Traits most strongly correlated with fitness show the least change in their plasticities. The two Dwarf varieties have very similar plasticities, despite strong phenotypic divergence from the Tall population and despite the fact that they were derived from different Tall lines. This suggests that indirect selection on phenotypic plasticity related to selection for the Dwarf habit has resulted in the characteristic plasticity of the Dwarf lines. The Escaped cultivar has substantially different plastic responses from those of the Wild or cultivated populations.  相似文献   

Comparative demography of reciprocally sown populations for all stages of the life cycle of the winter annual, Phlox drummondii, was recorded for two seasons in natural sites. The sites investigated covered the natural range of the species and were separated by linear distances ranging from 10 to over 500 kilometers. Interpopulational variation was observed in all stages of the life cycle. Prereproductive survivorship ranged from 0 to 92 percent. Fecundity per plant ranged from 0 to 81 seeds. Finite rates of increase ranged from 0 to 34.1 yr?1. The experimental populations with low values were growing in sites that received little rainfall or had experienced an insect or fungal infestation. The populations with high growth rates occurred in the northern sites which received greater rainfall. The relative fitness of individuals from the alien populations was compared to the local populations for all stages of the life cycle. The alien relative fitness for survivorship averaged 0.72. The average relative fitness of aliens for fecundity was 0.71 and that for finite rate of increase was 0.57. The life history parameters found in Phlox populations differ from one part of the range to another so that aliens have lower relative fitnesses than individuals indigenous to the site.  相似文献   

濒危植物长柄双花木自然种群数量动态   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
 运用种群生命表、生殖力表、Leslie矩阵模型和时间序列预测分析方法,研究了濒危植物长柄双花木(Disanthus cercidifolius var. longipes)种群的动态变化过程,揭示了长柄双花木各龄级植株的数量动态规律。结果表明:长柄双花木为缓慢负增长型种群;种群的净增殖率、内禀增长率以及周限增长率都较低,世代平均周期较长;Leslie矩阵模型和时间序列预测分析均表明在未来50年内长柄双花木各年龄级种群数量会出现波动性的消长,但其种群总数将逐步下降。导致种群下降的主要原因可能是人为砍伐及由此造成的生境破碎化等。  相似文献   

本文给出了北美Chihuahuan荒漠分属4科10属的17种啮齿动物生物量的时间序列资料,利用时间序列分析方法、均匀性的Shannnon指数和季节性指标对该17个物种的生物量动态的比较研究说明:优势种在群落总生物量稳定中起着主要作用,其余非优势物种则在优势种种群密度较低时弥补低生物量,使17个物种种群能共存于同一群落之中,使处于复杂多变的荒漠生境中的啮齿动物的生物量保持相对稳定。扩散在维持这种稳定中有明显的作用。  相似文献   

Spite, the shady relative of altruism, involves paying a fitness cost to inflict a cost on some recipient. Here, we investigate a density dependent dynamic model for the evolution of spite in populations of changing size. We extend the model by introducing a dynamic carrying capacity. Our analysis shows that it is possible for unconditionally spiteful behavior to evolve without population structure in any finite population. In some circumstances spiteful behavior can contribute to its own stability by limiting population growth. We use the model to show that there are differences between spite and altruism, and to refine Hamilton’s original argument about the insignificance of spite in the wild. We also discuss the importance of fixing the measure of fitness to classify behaviors as selfish or spiteful.  相似文献   

A controlled pollination study, involving a diallel crossing scheme among 15 Phlox drummondii individuals grown under either control, low water or low nutrient conditions, was performed. The results of this research demonstrate that, although plant size and flower number are responsive to the treatments, pollen germination percentage, the survival probability of developing seeds and the weight of mature seeds are buffered against water and nutrient deprivation. However, the identities of male and female parents did have significant effects on pollen germination and seed survival, and female identity had a significant effect on seed weight.  相似文献   

Invasive plant species threaten biological communities globally. However, relatively little is known about how evolutionary processes vary over the course of an invasion. To evaluate the importance of historical and adaptive drivers of range expansion, we compare the performance of North American populations of invasive Lonicera japonica from areas established 100–150 years ago, now the southern core of the range, to populations from the northern range margin, established within the last 65 years. Growth and survival of individuals from 17 core and 14 margin populations were compared in common gardens at both regions. After three years, margin plants were larger than core plants regardless of planting region, with 34% more branches and 36% greater biomass. Growth rate was directly related to survival, and margin plants also had 30% greater survival than core plants across both regions. Larger size of individuals from margin populations suggests either that the shorter growing period at the northern margin has selected for more rapid growth or that range expansion has selected for plants with a greater colonizing ability, including rapid establishment and growth. Because this evolution has resulted in enhanced survival and increased growth rate it may drive spread, increasing the likelihood of further invasion.  相似文献   

Phlox cuspidata (n = 7) and P. drummondii subsp. drummondii (n = 7) are closely related annuals which are indigenous to eastern and central Texas. The species typically occupy different ecological niches but may form contiguous or confluent populations in disturbed habitats and hybridize therein. On the basis of correlative interpretations of exomorphic, chromatographic and fertility information, hybridizing populations can be segregated into three distinct classes: (1) highly fertile plants with the morphological and phenolic attributes of P. drummondii; (2) highly fertile plants with the morphological and chemical attributes of P. cuspidata; (3) sterile plants with manifestly intermediate morphology and complementary chromatographic patterns. These data strongly suggest that hybridizing populations of P. drummondii and P. cuspidata are tritypic, being composed of “pure” or essentially “pure” parental species and a group of plants which has all of the attributes characteristic of an F1 hybrid.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of Pedicularis oederi, P. cystopteridifolia, and P. groenlandica on the Beartooth Plateau (Montana) were obligately dependent on Bombus pollinators. Their corolla colors were mutually distinct to insect vision, but their nectars had identical sugar components. Analysis of corbicular pollen loads of pollinating insects indicated a high degree of polylecty. Queen/worker ratios of pollinators on plant species corresponded to the parallel phenological sequences of plant blooming and insect caste development. The total number of individual pollinators of each Bombus species on all plants was directly related to the number of plant species it pollinated, but a comparable relationship between the number of pollinators on a plant species to the number of Bombus species pollinating it was not found. Morphological and behavioral correspondence of floral mechanisms and pollinators form an integral part of the general pattern of coadaptive evolution of the floral ecology of Pedicularis in North America known from previous studies. Reproductive isolation between Pedicularis species in this study is attributed to internal barriers. Wide overlaps of blooming seasons, proboscis lengths of bumblebee species and castes, and pollinator species on Pedicularis species suggest resource sharing, rather than resource partitioning or competition for resources among plant and insect species and individuals.  相似文献   

We describe results for a diploid, two-locus model for the evolution of a female mating preference directed at an attractive male trait that is subject to viability and/or fertility selection. Using computer simulation, we studied a large, random sample of parameter values, assuming additivity of alleles at the preference locus and partial dominance at the trait locus. Simulation results were classifiable into nine types of parameter sets, each differing in equilibria, evolutionary trajectories, and rates of evolution. For many parameters, evolutionary trajectories converged on curves within the allelic frequency plane and subsequently evolved along the curves toward fixation. Neutrally stable curves of equilibria did not occur in Fisherian models that assume only viability and sexual selection unless there is complete dominance at the trait locus. The Fisherian models also exhibited oscillation of allelic frequencies and unique polymorphic equilibria. “Sexy son” models in which attractive males had reduced fertility were much less likely to lead to increase in traits and preferences than were the Fisherian models. However, if less fertile males had increased viability, trait polymorphisms and fixation of rare “sexy” alleles occurred. In general, the behavior of the diploid model was much more complex than that of analogous haploid or polygenic models.  相似文献   

The organization of genetic variation in Phlox drummondii was investigated using both allozyme electrophoresis and quantitative genetics. Variation at five polymorphic enzyme loci was characterized in nine populations, and variation in 16 morphological and life-history characters was examined using an analysis of full- and half-sibs in seven populations. Significant levels of genetic variation were found at enzyme loci and for metric characters. Significant heritabilities were observed for 15 of the 16 characters examined. Genetic differences among populations were revealed both by Nei's genetic distance and by phenotypic differences, summarized by discriminant analysis. Partitioning variance in allozyme frequencies among hierarchical levels of genetic organization indicated that 94% of this variance lay within populations, 4% between populations within varieties, and 2% between varieties. Partitioning phenotypic variance for metric characters indicated that 73% lay within populations, 24% lay between populations within varieties, and 3% lay between varieties. Thus, both electrophoretic and metric characters indicated that despite extensive genetic differentiation among populations, most of the evolutionary potential of the species lies within populations.  相似文献   

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