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Vascular pattern and anomalous secondary growth were studied in shoots of Clytostoma callistegoides, a liana having two types of phyllotaxy, one decussate and the other whorled. In shoots with decussate phyllotaxy, typical of bignoniaceous lianas, the vascular pattern has four major vascular strands that extend continuously from internode to internode, whereas in shoots having a whorled phyllotaxy the pattern has six major vascular strands. The first unidirectional cambium segments which result in the anomalous secondary growth were initiated precisely opposite each of the major vascular strands in both types of shoots. It is concluded that positioning of unidirectional cambium segments responsible for anomalous growth is correlated morphogenetically with the vascular pattern.  相似文献   

Classification and phylogeny of the Nymphaeaceae are unresolved. This study provides floral anatomical data that will assist in elucidating generic interrelationships and systematic relationships to other taxa of angiosperms. The floral anatomy of Ondinea purpurea den Hartog subsp. purpurea has been examined utilizing light microscopy. The peduncle possesses stelar vascular bundle complexes and cortical vascular bundles. Cortical bundles terminate within the peduncle. Each bundle complex consists of 2 collateral bundles on the same radius, the inner bundle inverted; 2 protoxylary lacunae occur yet differ in structure and function. Progressing acropetally, the inner xylary lacunae become discrete mesarch strands surrounded centrifugally by a vascular cylinder formed by divisions and anastomosing of the bundle complexes. Together these become the massive receptacular vascular plexus. The plexus provides collateral traces to the floral organs. Each sepal receives 3 traces that separate from the plexus as 1–3 lateral traces. Petals are absent and no vestigial petal traces have been observed. Distally, the plexus forms several large strands of connate gynoecial and androecial traces termed the principal vascular bundles (PVBs). Ventral veins separate from the PVBs and the latter extend acropetally through the outer ovary wall. Branches of the ventrals and PVBs contribute to septal vascular reticula from which each ovule is supplied by one vascular bundle. Each stamen receives 1 trace from branches of the PVBs. The ventrals and PVBs terminate within the carpellary lobes. A comparative anatomical study is offered that supports the inclusion of Ondinea in the Nymphaeaceae sensu stricto.  相似文献   

The annual Mediterranean herbTheligonum cynocrambe shows a peculiar combination of morphological characters, e.g., switch from decussate to spiral phyllotaxis with 90–100° divergence, combined with a change from interpetiolar to lateral stipules, anemophily, lack of calyx, flowers often dimerous to trimerous, corolla fused in both male and female flowers, male flowers extra-axillary, with 2–19 stamens per flower, female flowers axillary, with inferior uniovulate ovary, basilateral style and perianth, nut-like fruits with elaiosome. In male flowers the androecium emerges as an (uneven) elliptical rim with a central depression. This common girdling primordium is divided up into several stamen primordia. In male flowers with low stamen number the stamen primordia may occupy the corners alternating with the corolla lobes. There are no epipetalous androecial primordia that secondarily divide into stamens. Male flowers occasionally show a hemispherical base that may be interpreted as remnant of the inferior ovary. In female flowers a ring primordium grows into a tube on which the petal lobes arise. The perianth and style become displaced adaxially by uneven growth of the inferior ovary. The ovary is basically bilocular. The lower region of the ovary is provided with a septum that is overtopped and hidden by the single curved ovule.Theligonum is referred to theRubiaceae-Rubioideae, with theAnthospermeae andPaederieae as most closely related tribes.  相似文献   

Catalpa speciosa is interesting in that the phyllotaxy of the lateral shoots can be either decussate or whorled. The pattern appears to be correlated with the number of buds which emerge. The arrangement is not related to dormancy; nor does the stage of development of the bud at the time of bud break influence the phyllotaxy. The control of bud break appears to be related to the position of the bud on the stem. Possible mechanisms controlling the lateral shoot pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Tucker, Shirley C. (Northwestern U., Evanston, III.) Development and phyllotaxis of the vegetative axillary bud of Michelia fuscata . Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(7): 661–668. Illus. 1963.—The vegetative axillary buds of Michelia fuscala are dorsiventrally symmetrical with 2 ranks of alternately produced leaves. The direction of the ontogenetic spiral in each of these buds is related both to the symmetry of the supporting branch and to the position of the bud along the branch. On a radially symmetrical branch, all the axillary buds are alike—all clockwise, for example. But in a dorsiventrally organized branch the symmetry alternates from clockwise in 1 axillary bud to counterclockwise in the next bud along the axis. Leaf initiation and ontogeny of the axillary apical meristem conform with those of the terminal vegetative bud. The axillary bud arises as a shell zone in the second leaf axil from the terminal meristem. During this process the axillary apex develops a zonate appearance. The acropetally developing procambial supply of the axillary bud consists wholly of leaf traces. At the nodal level the bud traces diverge from the same gap as the median bundle trace of the subtending leaf. Only the basal 1–2 axillary buds which form immediately after the flowers elongate each year, while the majority remains dormant with 3 leaves or fewer.  相似文献   

The pollen strobilus Cordaianthus concinnus is examined as a possible indicator of the basic pattern of vascular architecture in stems of the Cordaitales. Bract traces arise from two points in the stele of the bilateral primary axis and diverge to the regularly arranged, four-ranked bracts. Tracheids to the axillary secondary shoots arise as two traces that flank the position of bract trace emission. Distally, the secondary shoot traces unite to form a stele that becomes increasingly dissected at successively higher levels. Although radially aligned, these tracheids show thickening patterns on all walls and are not separated by vascular rays; they are therefore interpreted as primary xylem. The traces form sympodia that are similar to those of typical eustelic gymnosperms. Scale traces from the secondary shoots arise by the tangential division of an individual axial bundle and occur in arrangements that range from a ½ to a % spiral. The vascular architecture of these secondary axes is interpreted as the equivalent of that in the stems of extant conifers with spiral phyllotaxis.  相似文献   

Growth of Ranunculus shoots through ontogeny is quantified by techniques utilizing scanning electron microscopy and studies on living plant material. The order of the contact parastichy phyllotaxy in the apical system is related to the relative plastochron rates of growth of the shoot. There is a change in the (2, 3) contact parastichy pattern of vegetative phyllotaxy to a transitional (3, 5) contact pattern which is maintained through sepal production. Formation of a 5(1, 1) whorl of petal primordia establishes a (5, 8) contact pattern with the sepal primordia. Subsequent initiation of stamen primordia, in spiral sequence, results in (5, 8, 13) triple contacts between petal and stamen primordia. The stamen primordia and carpel primordia arrangement is characterized by a (8, 13) contact parastichy pattern of phyllotaxy. Through ontogeny the volume of the shoot apex progressively increases but the shape of the apex, described by a second degree polynomial, remains constant. The plastochron and the relative plastochron rates of radial and vertical displacement of primordia progressively decrease during transition but there is no alteration of the chronological rate of apical expansion. The change in contact parastichy phyllotaxy through ontogeny is interpreted as a change in the relative positions of primordia insertion on the apex resulting from an increase in apical volume and an increased rate of primordia initiation.  相似文献   

A nearly mature axillary bud of Populus deltoides was embedded in epoxy and serially sectioned at 6 μm. Sectioning extended from the cataphyll tips to a level in the subtending internode about 6 mm below the bud base. Vascular development was followed through the serial microsections and the vascular system was mapped in its entirety from initiation of the original bud traces to termination of the last recognizable leaf trace beneath the bud apex. Each vascular trace was identified as to its origin, its termination within a foliar organ, and its relation to other traces comprising the bud vascular cylinder. Analysis of these data confirmed the procambial patterns found in Part I of this study. Two original bud traces that diverged from the central trace of the axillant leaf gave rise to two pairs of scale traces in quick succession, and these scale traces become the progenitors of all subsequent vascular traces that were perpetuated within the bud. Just before the bud vascular system separated from that of the stem, a third pair of scale traces diverged from the original bud traces; the latter then receded toward the stem to eventually merge with its vasculature. The third pair of scale traces produced a horizontal vascular connection between stem and bud before terminating in the adaxial cataphyll. The vascular system at first conformed with a ½ vascular phyllotaxy when the original bud traces were initiated, progressed through a ⅓ vascular phyllotaxy in the scale trace system, and terminated at the time of sampling with a ⅖ vascular phyllotaxy in the foliage leaf primordia.  相似文献   

Seven seedlings ranging from 1 to 25 days old were embedded in Spurr's resin and serially sectioned at 1–2 μm. Sectioning extended from well above the apex downward to the hypocotyl base in the 1–day seedlings and to varying levels in the hypocotyl in the older seedlings. Procambial development was analyzed in its entirety for each seedling, and a composite two-dimensional diagram representing the procambial system of a 25-day-old seedling was prepared. Each cotyledon was served by a double-trace, one-half of which was derived from each of two embryonic bundles. The central traces serving the four primary leaves were in turn derived from the four cotyledonary bundles comprising the double traces. The procambial system serving the cotyledons and the four primary leaves approximated a decussate phyllotaxy. The central traces serving the secondary leaves were arranged in a helix that conformed at first to a 1/3 and then to a 2/5 phyllotaxy. Transitions to higher phyllotactic orders were systematic and reproducible, and they occurred in an orderly sequence in both the central and lateral leaf traces. The manner in which leaf traces diverged from parent traces to serve new leaf primordia provided for vascular redundancy. Thus, the entire vascular system was integrated into a highly functional whole.  相似文献   

The general organography, vascular organization, and leaf and bud development in Davallia solida and D. trichomanoides are described. These epiphytic species have creeping shoots with dorsally-borne leaves in a distichous phyllotaxis and the buds occur near each leaf base. Roots are borne on the ventral and flanking surfaces of the rhizome, but only at bud positions. The vascular pattern of these species is a perforated solenostele. Leaf and bud traces have distinctly different origins. While the proximity of buds to leaves has suggested that bud origin is axillary, observations show that the origin of buds is cauline and that their position is extra-axillary from inception. The stages of structural morphogenesis in Davallia buds differ significantly from the scheme proposed by Wardlaw. The principal difference is the absence of a resting period occurring between the origin and continued development of buds in Davallia. The elongated internodes which separate leaf-bud pairs from one another, the topographically distinct and predictable positions of leaves and buds, the structural equivalence of unexpanded buds, and vascular differences in leaves and buds make Davallia an useful species for physiological studies of differential bud expansion.  相似文献   

Procambium was initially isolated near the insertions of lemma and stamen primordia in the grass Anthoxanthum. The palea was initiated before its procambium. The acropetal, continuous differentiation of procambium involved in the siting of leaves on shoots of many other megaphyllous plants, does not occur in the rachilla of this grass. A portion of the vascular system of the fertile floret of Anthoxanthum became connected with the vascular system of the rest of the spikelet by basipetal differentiation of the procambial trace of the fertile lemma. A core of residual meristem persisted in the fertile floret above the procambial trace to the fertile lemma. Vascular continuity between the procambial trace to the fertile lemma and the procambial traces of the stamens was achieved by the differentiation of procambium from this core of residual meristem.  相似文献   

The morphology, ontogeny, and vascular anatomy of the staminate inflorescences and florets of seven species of Allocasuarina are described. The generally terminal but open-ended inflorescences occur on monoecious or staminate dioecious trees and consist of whorls of bracts, each subtending a sessile axillary floret. Each floret consists of one terminal stamen with a bilobed, tetrasporangiate anther enclosed typically by cuculliform appendages, commonly considered bracteoles, an inner median pair and an outer lateral pair. The mature stamen is exerted, the anther is basifixed and is extrorsely dehiscent. In early development of a male inflorescence very little internodal elongation occurs and enclosing cataphylls appear. The inflorescence apex is a low dome with a uniseriate tunica and a small group of central corpus cells. Bract primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions of C1 followed by further divisions of the corpus and anticlinal divisions in the tunica. The bracts are epinastic and become gamophyllous except apically by cell divisions in both sides of each primordium. Stomata are restricted to the axis furrows and the abaxial tips of the bracts. The axillary florets arise in acropetal succession initiated by periclinal divisions in C1 accompanied by anticlinal divisions in the tunica. The lateral floral appendages are also initiated by C1 followed by anticlinal divisions in the tunica. They become adnate basally later with the subtending bract. The median sterile appendages are initiated in a manner similar to the initiation of the outer appendages. The stamen is initiated by divisions in the outer layers of the corpus and in the tunica, and then develops first by apical growth followed by intercalary growth. The vascular system of the inflorescence is identical to that of the vegetative stem. Each floret is supplied by a single bundle that has its source in a branch from each of the two traces supplying a bract. Six bundles arise from the floral bundle; four of these terminate in the base of the stamen and two form an amphicribal bundle that supplies the anther. Pollen is binucleate, 3- to 7-porate. The exine is tegillate.  相似文献   

The apical 22 cm of a dormant, first-year sprout of Populus grandidentata was sectioned serially, and the primary and secondary xylem systems were studied microscopically and graphically reconstructed. A total of 15 nodes was present on the mature stem and 14 foliar primordia in the dormant bud. The vascular traces in the lower portion of the mature stem conformed to a 2/5 phyllotaxy while those of the upper portion and within the dormant bud conformed to a 3/8 phyllotaxy. The 2/5 to 3/8 phyllotactic transition occurred in an extremely precise and systematic two-step pattern: (1) The lateral traces shifted to a new point of origin on the parent central trace, and (2) three new central traces were initiated in sequence by divergences from left-traces. Metaxylem, when followed downward, conformed to the arrangement of the procambial trace system only within one orthostichy. Below this point, the metaxylem components of lateral traces physically separated from those of the protoxylem and continued downward on a new course. Metaxylem vessels produced by the trace cambium originated from a postulated vessel-generating center at the stem-petiole junction. Each metaxylem vessel developing basipetally through the primary body was continuous with a secondary vessel developing basipetally in the secondary body. Because secondary development closed the vascular cylinder, vessels originating from developing leaves or primordia situated at higher levels in the shoot were displaced radially outward when they entered the secondary xyelm. The distribution of vessels in the secondary xylem can therefore be accounted for by a knowledge of the production and distribution of metaxylem vessels in the primary body.  相似文献   

The anatomy and organization of the stem vascular system was analyzed in representative taxa of Nymphaea (subgenera Anecphya, Lotos, and Brachyceras). The stem vascular system consists of a series of concentric axial stem bundles from which traces to lateral organs depart. At the node each leaf is supplied with a median and two lateral leaf traces. At the same level a root trace supplies vascular tissue to adventitious roots borne on the leaf base. Flowers and vegetative buds occupy leaf sites in the genetic spiral and in the parastichies seen on the stem exterior. Certain leaves have flowers related to them spatially and by vascular association. Flowers (and similarly vegetative buds) are vascularized by a peduncle trace that arises from a peduncle fusion bundle located in the pith. The peduncle fusion bundle is formed by the fusion of vascular tissue derived from axial stem bundles that supply traces to certain leaves. The organization of the vascular system in the investigated taxa of Nymphaea is unique to angiosperms but similar to other subgenera of Nymphaea.  相似文献   

The developmental morphology ofIndotristicha ramosissima, a submerged rheophyte from South India, is described. Besides creeping organs (called roots) there are branched shoots with two kinds of short-lived photosynthetic appendages: scales and compound structures (called ramuli). These ramuli may be interpreted as leaf-stem intermediates because they combine typical leaf characters (extra-axillary position, determinate growth, subtending an axillary bud) and typical stem characters (nearly radial symmetry, acropetal development with apical meristem, arrangement of the scaly subunits helical or irregular). Floral shoots arise from axillary exogenous buds along the vegetative shoots, occasionally also from endogenous buds along the roots and vegetative shoots. The uppermost scales and ramuli of each floral shoot form a cup-like structure around the base of the terminal flower.Indotristicha is thought to be primitive within theTristichoideae (Podostemaceae). Some morphogenetic switches are postulated in order to deriveIndotristicha from a putative ancestor that still showed the classical root-shoot model typical of most angiosperms.  相似文献   

The morphology and anatomy of 105 flowers representing 13 species and 6 genera of the Canellaceae are summarized. The flowers are borne in axillary or terminal racemes, cymes, or small groups, or solitary, in an axillary or terminal position. The flowers are characterized as follows: bisexual, hypogynous; sepals 3, thick and leathery; petals, 5–12, free or united into tube at base, rather thick, in 1 or 2 whorls and/or spirals; androecium of 6–12 stamens united by their filaments forming a tube, anthers with longitudinal extrorse dehiscence; gynoecium of 2–6 carpels fused by their ventral margins; 2–6 placentae. There are 2 vascular bundles (rarely 3) to each sepal, 3 to each petal (some of the inner petals have only 1), 1 to each stamen and 1 trace to each carpel. The petal and stamen bundles have a common origin. All the data accumulated in this series on the Canellaceae indicate that the correct systematic placement of the Canellaceae is in the woody Ranales, perhaps in a complex with the Myristicaceae.  相似文献   

Nymphaea and Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) share an extra-axillary mode of floral inception in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Some leaf sites along the ontogenetic spiral are occupied by floral primordia lacking a subtending bract. This pattern of flower initiation in leaf sites is repeated inside branching flowers of Nymphaea prolifera (Central and South America). Instead of fertile flowers this species usually produces sterile tuberiferous flowers that act as vegetative propagules. N. prolifera changes the meristem identity from reproductive to vegetative or vice versa repeatedly. Each branching flower first produces some perianth-like leaves, then it switches back to the vegetative meristem identity of the SAM with the formation of foliage leaves and another set of branching flowers. This process is repeated up to three times giving rise to more than 100 vegetative propagules. The developmental morphology of the branching flowers of N. prolifera is described using both microtome sections and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary Continuous axillary shoot proliferation and in vitro flowering were achieved using single node explants from a mature (over 70-yr-old) field clump of Dendrocalamus giganteus (giant bamboo). The shoots proliferated in a basal Murashige and Skoog medium with 6 mgl−1 (26.6 μM) N6-benzyladenine (BA) and 2% sucrose. The rate of shoot proliferation gradually increased to over three-fold before in vitro flowering took place. In vitro flowering was not the expression of a species-specific mechanism believed to occur during gregarious flowering, as the mother clump did not flower. The rate of shoot proliferation decreased at flowering, accompanied by reversion of flowering. The development of axillary meristems into vegetative or generative shoots depended on the level of BA. The possible role of BA, changes in the rate of shoot proliferation decreased at flowering, accompanied by reversion of flowering. The development of axillary meristems into vegetative or generative shoots depended on the level of BA. The possible role of BA, changes in the rate of shoot proliferation leading to build up, and release of stress in relation to flowering and its reversion are discussed.  相似文献   

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