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The inflorescence of Dracontium polyphyllum consists of 150 – 300 flowers arranged in recognisable spirals. The flower has 5 – 6 (90% of observed specimens), or 7 broad tepals enclosing 9 – 12 stamens (occasionally 7) inserted in two whorls. The gynoecium is trilocular (90% of observed specimens) or tetralocular. The tetralocular gynoecia are found at random among the trilocular gynoecia. Each locule encloses an ovule inserted in an axile position, in the median portion of the ovary. Each carpel has its own stylar canal. However, in the upper portion of the style, there is only one common stylar canal. Floral organs are initiated in an acropetal direction in the following sequence: tepals, stamens, and carpels. During later stages of development, the tepals progressively cover the other floral organs. The first floral primordia are initiated on the upper portion of the inflorescence. During early stages of development, the floral primordia have a circular shape. The tepals are initiated nearly simultaneously. During later stages of development, the first whorl of stamens develops in alternation with the tepals and is followed by a second whorl of stamens. The trilocular or tetralocular nature of the ovary is clearly visible during early stages of development of the gynoecium. Recent molecular studies show that Anaphyllopsis A. Hay and Dracontium L. are closely related. However, although pentamerous flowers have been observed in Anaphyllopsis, the developmental morphology of the flower of Dracontium is different from that of Anaphyllopsis.  相似文献   

Flowers of Tupidanthus show an extreme case of floral polymery among asterids. Floral development and gynoecium structure have been examined. The floral meristem has a complex folded shape. The tiny calyx is initiated as a continuous ring primordium. The corolla is initiated as a lobed ring and develops into a calyptra. All stamen primordia appear simultaneously as a single whorl. The carpels, also in a single whorl, tend to alternate with the stamens. Some Schefflera species related to Tupidanthus are also studied. The flower of Tupidanthus is interpreted as a result of fasciation. Further investigation should determine whether mutation(s) in gene(s) of the CLAVATA family are responsible for the fasciation here. The significance of Tupidanthus for understanding spatial pattern formation in flowers of Araliaceae, and both functional and developmental constraints in angiosperm flowers with a single polymerous carpel whorl are discussed.  相似文献   

Lignite fossil flowers (including pollen) and isolated stamens of probable hamamelidalean (possible hamamelidaceous) affinities from the upper Cretaceous (Late Santonian or Early Campanian) of Sweden are described. The flowers are 6–7-merous with probably a double perianth, one whorl of stamens and (2-?)3 carpels. The stamens are disporangiate; each theca opens by a valve towards the centre of the flower. Pollen is tricolpate, tectate-columellate and reticulate; the endexine is lamellated in the apertural region. The gynoecium has free styles and a syncarpous ovary. In the one flower that was serially sectioned the ovary is either non-functional or development of the few (2?) ovules is retarded.  相似文献   

Flower development and anatomy of Acorus calamus and flower anatomy of A. gramineus were studied. Findings were compared with published reports on paleoherbs. Important developmental features include an abaxially median tepal that is initiated first and is similar to a flower-subtending bract and unidirectional flower development with an inversion of organ initiation sequence in the second tepal whorl. The mature gynoecium is largely synascidiate, but early development of carpels is plicate, and the apocarpous portion persists up to anthesis. The carpels form dorsal bulges on the style, enclosing longitudinal intercarpellary slits. The dominance of the synascidiate portion and the apical position of the placenta result from a late and distinct basal elongation of the gynoecium. Stigma, pollen transmitting tract, and ovary are filled with secretion. Secretory papillae are present from the stigma to the placenta; papillae also occur on the rims of the integuments of the ovules. In the uppermost part of the inflorescence, the adaxial floral sectors are reduced in number and structure, and at the apex of the inflorescence, a peloria-like structure is formed. Developmental and morphological similarities seem to be closer between Acorus and Piperales than between Acorus and other magnoliids.  相似文献   

Flower and fruit morphogenesis of Colubrina asiatica, including aspects of fruit dehiscence and seed morphology, were studied by scanning electron microscopy and serial sectioning. Material from 13 additional species representing most intrageneric diversity was also examined. Organ initiation is simultaneous within each floral whorl and proceeds centripetally. Each petal/stamen pair apparently arises by tangential splitting of an individual primordium. The ontogeny of the three-locular, semi-inferior gynoecium follows a pattern common to many Rhamnaceae. At anthesis each uniovulated carpel has an almost independent pollen-tube pathway, with a subbasal compitum allowing for interconnection between carpels. Protandry, herkogamy, and a tendency to polygamy seemed to occur in C. asiatica. Fruit growth results mainly from postfloral promotion of the previously negligible superior part of the ovary. The explosively to tardily dehiscent capsules include three thin-walled, dehiscent stones (endocarpids) of inner dermal origin. At maturity, xerochastic (i.e., caused by desiccation), oblique bending of the endocarpids generates a complex dehiscence pattern involving thorough breaking of epicarp and mesocarp. The Colubrina type of fruit may be considered basic within the Rhamnaceae, which is consistent with the putative primitiveness of the genus. A limited potential for specialization is, however, expressed in such traits as explosive dehiscence, persistent arils on the seeds, and dispersal by sea currents (thalassochory).  相似文献   

Transition to flowering in the North-temperate bog plant Scheuchzeria palustris occurs in early May and results in the formation of a simple raceme with six flowers. Five of the flowers are subtended by large foliar bracts, while the sixth and last-formed flower on the inflorescence remains ebracteate. The individual flowers develop along a clearly trimerous pattern. The three outer tepals develop first, arising almost simultaneously at the periphery of the triangular floral apex. They are followed closely by the development of the three anti-tepalous outer stamens. The three inner tepals are next in the developmental sequence, alternating with the outer whorl of tepal-stamen pairs but arising at a slightly higher level on the floral meristem. Three inner stamens are initiated opposite the inner tepal primordia. Finally, three gynoecial primordia are initiated on the remaining central portion of the floral apex and alternating with the inner whorl of tepal-stamen pairs. Each carpel develops at first as a horseshoe-shaped structure. Two ovules form in each carpel, initiating on the adaxial margin of the carpel wall. Histogenesis of all floral appendages involves initially periclinal divisions in the second tunica layer followed by corresponding anticlinal divisions in the first tunica layer and concurrent activity in the underlying corpus. Separate procambial strands differentiate acropetally from the inflorescence axis to each tepal-stamen pair and then bifurcate. The vascular connection to the gynoecium develops directly from the strands in the tepal-stamen pairs. The results of this developmental study of the flower of S. palustris have a significant bearing on the positioning of this and related taxa within the Alismatidae and on the speculation of the phylogeny of the monocotyledon flower.  相似文献   

Most angiosperms have gynoecia with two to five carpels. However, more than five carpels (here termed ‘multicarpellate condition’) are present in some representatives of all larger subclades of angiosperms. In such multicarpellate gynoecia, the carpels are in either one or more than one whorl (or series). I focus especially on gynoecia in which the carpels are in a single whorl (or series). In such multicarpellate syncarpous gynoecia, the closure in the centre of the gynoecium is imprecise as a result of slightly irregular development of the carpel flanks. Irregular bumps appear to stuff the remaining holes. In multicarpellate gynoecia, the centre of the remaining floral apex is not involved in carpel morphogenesis, so that this unspent part of the floral apex remains morphologically undifferentiated. It usually becomes enclosed within the gynoecium, but, in some cases, remains exposed and may or may not form simple excrescences. The area within the remaining floral apex is histologically characterized by a parenchyma of simple longitudinal cell rows. In highly multicarpellate gynoecia with the carpels in a whorl, the whorl tends to be deformed into an H‐shaped or star‐shaped structure by differential growth of the floral sectors, so that carpels become aligned in parallel rows, in which they face each other with the ventral sides. In this way, a fractionated compitum may still be functional. Multicarpellate gynoecia (with the carpels in one whorl or series) occur in at least one species in 37 of the 63 angiosperm orders. In contrast, non‐multicarpellate gynoecia are present in at least one species of all 63 orders. The basal condition in angiosperms is more likely non‐multicarpellate. Multicarpellate gynoecia are restricted to flowers that are not highly synorganized. In groups with synorganized androecium and gynoecium and in groups with elaborate monosymmetric flowers, multicarpellate gynoecia are lacking. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174 , 1–43.  相似文献   

Mutations in the AGAMOUS (AG) gene cause transformations in two adjacent whorls of the Arabidopsis flower. Petals develop in the third floral whorl rather than the normal stamens, and the cells that would normally develop into the fourth whorl gynoecium behave as if they constituted an ag flower primordium. Early in flower development, AG RNA is evenly distributed throughout third and fourth whorl organ primordia but is not present in the organ primordia of whorls one and two. In contrast to the early expression pattern, later in flower development, AG RNA is restricted to specific cell types within the stamens and carpels as cellular differentiation occurs in those organs. Ectopic AG expression patterns in flowers mutant for the floral homeotic gene APETELA2 (AP2), which regulates early AG expression, suggest that the late AG expression is not directly dependent on AP2 activity.  相似文献   

This study deals specifically with floral organogenesis and the development of the inflorescence of Philodendron squamiferum and P. pedatum. Pistillate flowers are initiated on the lower portion of the inflorescence and staminate flowers are initiated on the distal portion. An intermediate zone consisting of sterile male flowers and atypical bisexual flowers with fused or free carpels and staminodes is also present. This zone is located between the sterile male and female floral zones. In general, the portion of bisexual flowers facing the male zone forms staminodes, and the portion facing the female zone develops an incomplete gynoecium with few carpels. The incomplete separation of some staminodes from the gynoecial portion of the whorl shows that they belong to the same whorl as the carpels. There are two levels of aberrant floral structures in Philodendron: The first one is represented by the presence of atypical bisexual flowers, which are intermediates between typical female flowers and typical sterile male flowers. The second one is the presence of intermediate structures between typical carpels and typical staminodes on a single atypical bisexual flower. The atypical bisexual flowers of P. squamiferum and P. pedatum are believed to be a case of homeosis where carpels have been replaced by sterile stamens on the same whorl. A quantitative analysis indicates that in both species, on average, one staminode replaces one carpel.  相似文献   

In both male and female flowers of H. morsus-ranae the primordia of the floral appendages appear in an acropetal succession consisting of alternating trimerous whorls. In the male flower a whorl of sepals is followed by a whorl of petals, three whorls of stamens, and a whorl of filamentous staminodes. The mature androecial arrangement therefore consists of two antisepalous stamen whorls, an antipetalous whorl of stamens, and antipetalous staminodes. Shortly before anthesis, basal meristematic upgrowth between filaments of adjacent whorls produces paired stamens, joining Whorls 1 and 3, and Whorl 2 with the staminodial whorl. A central domelike structure develops between the closely appressed filaments of the inner stamen and staminodial whorl, giving the structure a lobed appearance. After petal inception in the female flower a whorl of antisepalous staminodes develop, each of which may bifurcate to form a pair of staminodes. During staminode development a girdling primordium arises by upgrowth at the periphery of the floral apex. The girdling primordium rapidly forms six gynoecial primordia, which then go on to produce six free styles with bifid stigmas. Intercalary meristem activity, below the point of floral appendage attachment, leads to the production of a syncarpous inferior ovary with six parietal placentae. The styles and carpels remain open along their ventral sutures. During the final stages of female floral development, several hundred ovules develop along the carpel walls, and three nectaries develop dorsally and basally on the three antipetalous styles.  相似文献   

The vasculature and development of the flower of Victoria Schomb. are described. The vasculature is basically similar to that found in other genera of the Nymphaeaceae sensu stricto (e.g. Nymphaea L. and Nuphar Sm.). The early development of the flower is similar to that of a hypogynous flower, but meristematic activity shifts from the apex to the periphery in the form of an intercalary ring meristem. The innermost appendicular organs, including the gynoecium, arise by differentiation of tissues formed by this intercalary ring meristem. Evidence is assembled from the mature vasculature and developmental studies: (a) to refute Troll's interpretation that receptacular strips of tissue occur between the carpels and that the outer ovary wall is totally receptacular; (b) to propose that the occurrence of epeltate carpels in Victoria, as correctly described by Troll, has been phylogenetically ‘read’ in the wrong direction; (c) to propose that the flower of Victoria has evolved by (1) the adnation and connation of the proximal portions of the appendicular organs which now envelop the syncarpous gynoecium and (2) the concomitant condensation from a primitive ranalian floral apex.  相似文献   

The early stages of development of the inflorescence of Philodendronmelinonii were examined using scanning electron microscopy.Pistillate flowers are initiated on the lower portion of theinflorescence and staminate flowers are initiated on the distalportion. The male flowers have four to five stamens. The femaleflowers have a multilocular ovary consisting of four to sixlocules. A transition zone consisting of sterile male flowersand bisexual flowers with fused or free carpels and staminodesis also present on the inflorescences. This zone is locatedbetween the male and female flower zones. Generally, the portionof the bisexual flower facing the male zone forms stamens, andthe portion facing the female zone develops an incomplete gynoeciumwith few carpels. In P. melinonii, the incomplete separationof staminodes from the gynoecial portion of the whorl showsthat the staminodes and carpels belong to the same whorl. Thebisexual flowers of P. melinonii are believed to be a case ofhomeosis where carpels have been replaced by sterile stamenson the same whorl. At the level of the inflorescence, pistillateand staminate flowers are inserted on the same contact parastichiesalong the inflorescence; there is no discontinuity between thefemale zone, the bisexual zone, and the male zone. The presenceof bisexual flowers is believed to correspond to a morphogeneticgradient at the level of the inflorescence as a whole. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Flower, development, gradient, inflorescence  相似文献   

In Tetracentron sinense of the basal eudicot family Trochodendraceae, the flower primordium, together with the much retarded floral subtending bract primordium appear to form a common primordium. The four tepals and the four stamens are initiated in four distinct alternating pairs, the first tepal pair is in transverse position. The four carpels arise in a whorl and alternate with the stamens. This developmental pattern supports the interpretation of the flower as dimerous in the perianth and androecium, but tetramerous in the gynoecium. There is a relatively long temporal gap between the initiation of the stamens and the carpels. The carpel primordia are then squeezed into the narrow gaps between the four stamens. In contrast to Trochodendron, the residual floral apex after carpel formation is inconspicuous. In their distinct developmental dimery including four tepals and four stamens, flowers of Tetracentron are reminiscent of other, related basal eudicots, such as Buxaceae and Proteaceae.  相似文献   

PERIASAMY  K.; INDIRA  C. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(6):897-901
The gynoecium of Moringa is tricarpellary, syncarpous and unilocularwith parietal placentation. The three carpel primordia ariseindependently but soon become connected resulting in an annularstructure which develops into the tubular gynoecium. The gynoeciumis supplied with three dorsal and three marginal bundles. Thelatter represent the fusion product of the marginal bundlesof adjacent carpels and each splits into three in the ovarywall. The ovules receive their vascular supply from a commonbundle, which branches from the dorsal trace of the carpel atthe base of the ovary. The derivation of the gynoecium fromconduplicate carpels is postulated. Moringa oleifera, carpel morphology, conduplicate carpel, carpel ontogeny  相似文献   

Wang XF  Tao YB  Lu YT 《Annals of botany》2002,89(6):791-796
Using fluorescence microscopy, deposition of pollen on stigmas and pollen tube growth in the gynoecium of Sagittaria potamogetifolia Merr., a monoecious species with an apocarpous gynoecium, were observed. The maximum rate of pollination averaged 83.9 +/- 4.7 %, and the number of pollen grains per stigma ranged from zero to 30. Pollen tubes grew through one stigma to the base of the ovary at almost the same speed, but generally only one of the pollen tubes then turned towards the ovule and finally entered the nucellus through the micropyle. The other pollen tubes grew through the ovary base and the receptacle tissue into ovules of adjacent carpels whose stigmas were not pollinated or which had been pollinated later. This phenomenon is termed pollen tube 'reallocation' by the authors. To verify the direct effect of the phenomenon on fruit set, artificial pollination experiments were conducted in which two or more pollen grains were placed onto only one stigma in each gynoecium; frequently more than one fruitlet was obtained from each flower treated. The reallocation of pollen tubes among pistils in the gynoecium could effect fertilization of ovules of unpollinated pistils and lead to an increase in sexual reproduction efficiency. It would, to some extent, also increase pollen tube competition among pistils of the whole gynoecium.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the floral ontogeny of Swartzia dipetala, which has peculiar floral features compared with other legumes, such as an entire calyx in the floral bud, a corolla with one or two petals, a dimorphic and polyandrous androecium and a bicarpellate gynoecium. We provide new information on the function of pollen in both stamen morphs and whether both carpels of a flower are able to form fruit. Floral buds, flowers and fruits were processed for observation under light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and for quantitative analyses. The entire calyx results from the initiation, elongation and fusion of three sepal primordia. A unique petal primordium (or rarely two) is produced on the adaxial side of a ring meristem, which is formed after the initiation of the calyx. The polyandrous and dimorphic androecium also originates from the activity of the ring meristem. It produces three larger stamen primordia on the abaxial side and numerous smaller stamen primordia on the adaxial side. These two types of stamens bear morphologically similar ripening pollen grains. However, prior to the dehiscence of thecae and presentation of pollen in the anther, only the pollen grains of the larger stamens contain amyloplasts. Two carpel primordia are initiated as distinct protuberances, alternating with the larger stamens, in a slightly inner position in the floral meristem, constituting the bicarpellate gynoecium. Both carpels are able to form fruit, although only one fruit is generally produced in a flower. The increase in gynoecium merism probably results in an increase in the surface deposition of pollen grains and consequently in the chance of pollination. This is the first study to thoroughly investigate organogenesis and the ability of the carpel to form fruit in a bicarpellate flower from a member of Fabaceae, in addition to the pollen ultrastructure in the heteromorphic stamens associated with the ‘division of labour’ sensu Darwin. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 303–320.  相似文献   

The flower of Rhododendron luteum (L.) Sweet has a pentamerous structure with radial symmetry. The anthers filament surface is covered by dense non-glandular hairs to the half of the height. The tubular anther dehisces along creating two openings in the anther-sac walls and the viscous pollen is released through two splits along the anther lobes. The pistil is pentamerous and the axial channel is filled with a mucilaginous secretion product which is continuous with the exudate on the stigma surface. The stigmatic papillae are densely packed and their exudate is stained intensively red for carbohydrates, while pollen grains are stained positively for lipids. The five-locular ovary has isomerous carpels (syncarpous gynoecium) and the ovary surface is covered by numerous, densely-packed glandular and non-glandular hairs protecting the nectar against transpiration. Numerous ovules per locule occur with one integument and a thin-walled megasporiangium. In carpels, oil cells occur sporadically as solitary idioblasts, located around the vascular bundles. Transmitting tissue cells contain a large central, electron translucent vacuole, filling most of the cell containing dark osmiophilic bodies homogenous or granular in appearance.  相似文献   

Allamanda exhibits an unusual type of gynoecial development in which the two carpels are free at initiation, but fuse completely during development, resulting in a unilocular ovary with parietal placentation at maturity. Whereas the majority of the Apocynaceae are characterized by an advanced type of gynoecium that is secondarily apocarpous, in Allamanda gynoecial evolution has proceeded one step further to secondary syncarpy. This condition is not known to occur in any other genus in the Apocynaceae and provides further evidence of the isolated position of Allamanda within the family.  相似文献   

In the flower of Hydrolea palustris, unusually orientated with one sepal abaxially, organogenesis starts in following sequence: five sepals (2/5 sequence), five simultaneously initiated alternating petals, five episepalous stamens, two (seldom three) carpels forming a coenocarpous septate gynoecium. The two carpels are orientated rather in the diagonal floral plane than in the median one. Petal primordia fuse very late by forming interprimordial bridges (late sympetaly!). Many ovules develop on considerably widened placentas. On the very basis of the superior ovary a five-humped nectary disk is formed.Within Solanales (APG II 2003) late sympetaly, an intrastaminal disk and a 2-carpellate, septate, superior ovary are found in Hydroleaceae, Convolvulaceae, and Solanaceae. Enlarged axile placentas characterize Hydrolea, Solanaceae, and Sphenocleaceae but Sphenocleaceae differ considerably by early sympetaly. Montiniaceae differ by having a choripetalous corolla. Nearly diagonal orientation of the carpels seems to relate Hydrolea close to Solanaceae, but the orientation of the calyx is different.  相似文献   

Tiquilia is very different from the other members of the Ehretiaceae (Boraginales) in many aspects of morphology and ecology. Because detailed knowledge about flower and fruit traits is necessary to reliably infer character evolution of and within Tiquilia, we investigated flower to fruit ontogeny in eight species of Tiquilia using light and electron microscopy. Tiquilia accumulated a number of autapomorphies such as the prostrate growth form, the lack of lateral and ventral bundles in the gynoecium, and the formation of nutlet‐like mericarpids as dispersal units instead of more or less succulent drupes. The internal architecture of the superior bicarpellate ovary resulted from the development of several secondary septa including apical, basal and false septa, as it has been reported also from other Boraginales. However, no character found in Tiquilia can be regarded as synapomorphic with any other taxon of the Ehretiaceae. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 520–534.  相似文献   

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