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Pollen morphology was examined in 40 samples from 19 species in the genus Erythronium (Liliaceae) using scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Pollen grains are monosulcate monads, except for a plant of E. oregonum which has dyad grains. North American and European species are characterized by reticulate exine sculpture composed of various degrees of wavy muri and variably-sized lumina. The most distinctive feature of exine sculpture in the genus is exhibited by the Asian species E. japonicum, which has a unique reticulate pattern composed of striate muri and a distinctive exine structure without columellae. The distinctness of E. japonicum pollen suggests that it has specialized in isolation from species in North America and Europe.  相似文献   

毛冠菊属的花粉形态和结构及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国产菊科特有属的花粉形态和结构进行了光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜的观察和研究。该属的花粉可以分为圆球形、扁球形和长球形三种类型。种之间的花粉差异主要表现在大小、形状和外壁纺饰的细微变化等方面。与紫菀族、竿里光旋和旋覆共族三个族的代表种的花粉特征进行对比分析,并结合其它生物演化证据,可得取以下结论:(1)支持and-Mazzetti的分类意见,毽炙属应归于紫族中;(2)毛冠菊属的花粉可划分为圆球  相似文献   

Eucharis, Caliphruria, and Urceolina form a monophyletic group of petiolate-leaved, Neotropical Amaryllidaceae ecologically specialized to the understory of primary tropical rain forest below 2,000 m elevation. Pollen morphology of the three genera is surveyed. Pollen grains of all species of Eucharis, Caliphruria, and Urceolina are boat-shaped elliptic, monosulcate, heteropolar, and bilateral in symmetry. Exine sculpturing is semitectate-columellate and reticulate in all species examined. A transformation series in reticulum coarseness and pollen grain size is described. The large pollen grain with coarse reticulum of most Eucharis species is considered ancestral. The fine reticulation of Caliphruria is considered derived and the exine morphology of Urceolina is intermediate. Both of these genera have medium-sized pollen grains. Exine dimorphism common to all Urceolina, but rare in Eucharis and Caliphruria, may be symplesiomorphous among those taxa exhibiting this morphology. The three genera are largely uniform in pollen grain ultrastructure, with completely ektexinous exines. Pollen grain size in Eucharis is not closely correlated with style length. Several wide-ranging species show considerable intraspecific variation in pollen size. Parallelisms in pollen grain evolution among related tribes of Neotropical Amaryllidaceae are discussed.  相似文献   

Compared with pollen tubes of conifers, gnetophytes, and angiosperms, the pollen tube of cycads is exclusively a vegetative structure, uninvolved with the siphonogamous conduction of sperm to an egg. The cycad pollen tube appears to function primarily to obtain nutrients for the extensive growth and development of the male gametophyte. Previous workers have suggested that, similar to an haustorial fungus, the cycad pollen tube penetrates the reproductive tissues of the sporophyte by enzymatically destroying nucellar cells. These earlier studies did not document the precise structural relationship between the growing male gametophyte and its “host” tissue, the nucellus. Pollen tube growth, and its relation to the nucellus, was examined in Zamia furfuracea with light and transmission electron microscopy. Following germination, the pollen tube of Zamia furfuracea grows intercellularly through the subepidermal layers of the micropylar apex of the nucellus. Electron micrographs clearly show additional localized outgrowths of the pollen tube penetrating the walls of individual nucellar cells. Intracellular haustorial growth ultimately leads to the complete destruction of each penetrated cell, and appears to induce the degeneration of proximal unpenetrated nucellar cells. This pattern of intracellular penetration of the sporophyte by the male gametophyte in Zamia furfuracea is fundamentally different from what has been described in any other major group of seed plants (where intercellular growth of the male gametophyte is the rule), and suggests that the heterotrophic and tissue-specific relationships that male gametophytes of seed plants have with their host sporophytes are substantially more diverse than had previously been known.  相似文献   

山茶科花粉超微结构及其系统学意义   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
借助光学显微镜,扫描电镜及透射电镜对分布于亚洲,北美洲及中南美洲山茶科17属约50种植物的花粉进行了系统的观察研究。本科花粉为3孔沟或3孔沟,近扁球至近球形,少数近长球形。大小从13 ̄50μm×55.3μm。表面纹饰可分为皱波状,颗粒状,疣状,钝刺状,网状,穴网状及近乎光滑等类型。在皱波状纹饰中,其皱脊的组成分子可分为颗粒,念珠状结构。外臂为具复盖-柱状层结构,复盖层-穿孔或不穿孔。其复盖层、柱状  相似文献   

鹅掌楸属花粉的超微结构研究及系统学意义   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  

珍珠菜属植物的花粉形态及其系统进化学意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对20 种珍珠菜属植物的花粉形态结构进行了详细研究。根据花粉的大小、形状、表面纹饰和外壁构造等特征可划分为四大类型,即细梗香草型、白花过路黄型、过路黄型和黑腺珍珠菜型。对它们可能的进化水平进行了分析,并结合形态学、细胞学等资料进一步探讨了珍珠菜属各亚属间的系统演化关系。  相似文献   

七筋姑花粉形态种内变异及其系统学意义   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
对东亚七筋姑分布区内10个产地11号材料花粉扫描电镜观察结果表明,花粉外壁纹饰具有三种类型:1.芽孢形,即外壁密布芽孢状突起;2.拟网状芽孢形。外壁呈不规则网状,网脊由大小不等的小芽孢相互融合或连接而成;3.具穿孔芽孢形。芽孢部分连接或融合,并有穿孔形成。这三种类型在陕西南部-喜马拉雅地区均有分布,而第1种类型则主要分布在秦岭-东亚东北部。花粉外壁纹饰的多样性显示该种目前正处于强烈的分化阶段,但反  相似文献   

潘福生  何树兰 《植物研究》1993,13(4):399-403
本文首次报导了菰属Zizania L.及其有关属,共5属7种的全草化学成分。分别采用直流氩等离子火焰光谱发射仪测定了全草22种常,微量元素;重铬酸钾-硫酸消化法测定了全草的粗蛋白质及全氮;干灰化法测定了全草的灰分;酸-洗涤剂法测定了全草的粗。作者认为菰属的在水稻族中独立成菰亚族,其中所含的4种都是独立存在的;菰属的经济价值较高,尤其菰Z.latifolia的综合利用价值更是该属中最高的一种,值得推  相似文献   

An examination of the endothecial thickenings in 44 species of Iridaceae, selected from the four subfamilies and all major tribes, provides useful information about generic and tribal relationships in the family. U-shaped thickenings occur in Nivenioideae and Iridoideae—Sisyrinchieae, the latter the least specialized tribe of its subfamily. The occurrence of helical thickenings in all members examined of Iridiodeae tribes Irideae, Mariceae, and Tigridieae (a putatively monophyletic group) and Ixioideae is consistent with the recognition of these two lines as distinct taxa based on anatomical, morphological, phytochemical, and in the case of Ixioideae, palynological criteria. Baseplate thickenings are restricted to Patersonia. However, the shrubby Cape genera—Nivenia, Klattia, and Witsenia—have U-shaped thickenings which show a tendency for the bars on the inner periclinal cell walls to anastomose, suggesting a trend towards the baseplate condition in Patersonia. This accords with a suggested relationship between these genera, based on anatomical and flavonoid similarities. The pattern of variation in endothecial thickenings in Iridaceae is consistent with the phylogeny proposed by Goldblatt (1990). The distribution of thickening types within the family does not make it possible to polarize this character, but the most parsimonious interpretation assumes that U-shapes are basic. However, in at least some other monocotyledonous families the pattern suggests that U-shaped thickenings are derived from helices.  相似文献   

The genus Filipendula Mill. is generally separated from Spiraea L. in systematic keys on the basis of a single fruit character. In some taxonomic treatments of the Rosaceae, where subfamilies are used, this places the genera in separate subfamilies. Karyological studies can be useful in assaying the justifiability of such treatment and are needed because of serious discrepancies between previous reports of chromosome numbers and the recent textbook designation, on dubious grounds, of F. vulgaris as an example of a “permanent chromosome hybrid.” The results given in this paper show that x = 7 in this genus (compared with x = 9 in Spiraea) and the reasons for rejecting previous counts of 2n = 15 for F. vulgaris are presented. “Permanent chromosome hybridity” for this species is also rejected. The possibility that a cytotype with 2n = 16 may exist in the northern part of the range of F. ulmaria cannot be completely discounted, but positive evidence is presented for 2n = 14 in this species (even though 2n = 16 has been reported most frequently recently). The basic number 7 for Filipendula is in agreement with the placing of this genus in the subfamily Rosoideae even though the hereditary peculiarities (apomixis and permanent chromosome hybridity) shown by some other members of this subfamily are apparently not now needed to explain the cytological situation in Filipendula.  相似文献   

Results of a comparative wood anatomical survey of the American frankenias are presented. The eleven species examined are woody perennials occurring almost exclusively in arid and semiarid regions and on saline and gypseous soils. The secondary xylem of all species is highly specialized and is characterized by libriform fibers, vessel elements with simple perforation plates, and the absence of rays. Axial elements of all species are quite small. A number of unusual features, e.g., anomalous secondary growth and formation of interxylary cork, were observed in some species. Nonfibrous woods have evolved independently in two species of reduced stature and contrast markedly with the highly fibrous woods of most species. Woods of the American frankenias are compared with those of the Tamaricaceae. The systematic and evolutionary implications of interspecific variation in both qualitative and quantitative features are discussed. There is a general tendency for dimensions of the axial wood elements to be positively associated and to decrease with decreasing plant height. In general, differences in wood anatomy more strongly reflect differences in plant growth form and size than phylogeny.  相似文献   

Pollen tetrads within Amaryllidaceae are reported for the first time for Stenomesson elwesii. Tetrads were examined with light and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The tetrads are tetragonal in shape. Tetrad-members are rounded-triangular in equatorial view and elliptic in polar view. Average polar diam is 50.1 μm; average longest equatorial diam is 62.5 μm. Morphology of the aperture is monosulcate. Exine sculpturing of the intectate pollen is gemmate. Systematic implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

鸡爪草属的染色体及其系统位置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了毛茛科鸡爪草Calathodes oxycarpa的核形态。其静止核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别属于复杂中央染色微粒型和中间型,中期染色体属于R型,核型公式为2n=16=8sm 8st(2sat)。据此并结合有关资料,讨论了鸡爪草属与毛茛科其它类群的亲缘关系,认为鸡爪草属与金莲花属和特产于南朝鲜的Megaleranthis属是极为近缘的类群,不宜将它们分开置于不同的族或亚科中。  相似文献   

南天竹属的花部器官发生及其系统学意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了南天竹(NandinadomesticaThunb.)(小檗科)的花部器官发生。发现该属植物萼片、花瓣和雄蕊的发生式样为三数轮生;雄蕊与花瓣是经它们所具有的共同原基进行侧向分裂而形成的;花瓣发育早期存在迟滞发育的阶段;心皮发生属于瓶状发生类型。讨论了花器官的三基数性质,小檗科花瓣的来源,雄蕊对瓣着生及单心皮雌蕊的形成等问题。对本属的花部个体发育性状同小檗科中已有报道的红毛七属(Caulophylum)、足叶草属(Podophylum)进行了比较,萼片多数轮列与心皮发生的多态现象是南天竹属的独特性状。  相似文献   

The pollen brush commonly is referred to as a “bearded” or “pubescent” style in taxonomic literature and traditionally is taken to be an aggregation of trichomes on the distal end of the style, and occasionally including the stigma. We present data that support the taxonomic utility of the pollen brush but define it more specifically as a dense aggregation of erect trichomes emanating from the style (not stigma or ovary) and functioning in secondary pollen presentation. We recommend avoiding such vague terminology as bearded or pubescent styles as these refer not only to the pollen brush but also to ciliate and penicillate stigmas and ciliate styles. The latter three conditions have some taxonomic use, and since their occurrence is not necessarily correlated with the presence of a pollen brush, they should be distinguished from it. We estimate that the pollen brush has arisen independently in the following eight taxa: 1) Crotalaria and Bolusia (Crotalaraieae), 2) subtribe Coluteinae (Galegeae), 3) Tephrosia subgenus Barbistyla (Millettieae), 4) Adenodolichos (Phaseoleae subtribe Cajaninae), 5) Clitoria (Phaseoleae subtribe Clitoriinae), 6) the subtribe Phaseolinae (Phaseoleae), 7) the Robinia group (Robinieae), and 8) the tribe Vicieae. Its hypothesized homology within each of these groups is supported by a cooccurrence with other taxonomic characters, both morphological and molecular.  相似文献   

研究了国产菊科千里光族款冬亚族及其相关类群 1 1属 1 5种植物的花粉超薄结构。研究类群的花粉超薄结构可分为 2类 :“千里光型”和“向日葵型”。多榔菊属、大吴风草属和毛冠菊属为“向日葵型”,其余种类均为“千里光型”。根据花粉超薄结构类型 ,结合其它有关方面的研究 ,认为大吴风草属与橐吾属并不近缘 ,而毛冠菊属可能接近于紫菀族。  相似文献   

轮钟花属的恢复及其花粉和种皮证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察表明,金钱豹属(广义)花粉明显分为两个类型:Campanumoea inflata和C.javanica subsp.laponica的花粉5~8沟,外壁具相对密的短刺,刺高不过1μm,而C.lancifolia,C.celebica和C.parviflora的花粉3孔沟,外壁刺稀疏,高于2μm。种子表面纹饰也同样可分为 两类,前两个种一类,其种子表面网状,网眼规则而多角形,直径大于网脊宽度,网脊上的次级纹饰为念 珠状,而后三种为一类,其种子表面网眼不规则,直径与网脊宽度近相等,网脊上的次级纹饰绳索状。可 见花粉特征与种皮性状是高度相关的。后三个种所属的分类群就是被归并了的属Cyclocodon Griffith。 综合花粉、种皮及外部形态,这个属应予恢复。其近缘属应是Platycodon,而不是Campanumoea。  相似文献   

The pollen wall of Canna generalis Bailey is exceptionally thick, but only a minor part of it contains detectable amounts of sporopollenin. The sporopollenin is in isolated spinules at the exine surface and in the intine near the plasma membrane. There is no sporopollenin in the > 10 μ thick channeled region between spinules and intine. We suggest that the entire pollen wall of C. generalis is similar to the thick intine and thin exine typical for germinal apertures in many pollen grain types. Considered functionally, the Canna pollen wall may offer an infinite number of sites for pollen tube initiation and would differ significantly from grains that are inaperturate in the sense of an exine lacking definite germinal apertures.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the pollen grain of Tillandsia caput-medusae Morr. (Bromeliaceae) prior to germination has been studied. The development, after the first mitosis, is here schematized in three stages which are in accordance with the main steps described in angiosperms. The ultrastructural modifications occurring in the generative and vegetative cells are discussed in view of their different destiny. The results obtained are compared with the data known about tropical orchids and epiphyteic plants like Tillandsia. The following differences have been observed: a large vacuole in the vegetative cell; rapid thinning of the wall between the generative and vegetative cells; great quantity of ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum surrounding the vacuoles in the generative cell. The above-listed ultrastructural features may have a meaning, considering the peculiar environmental conditions in which the epiphytism of Tillandsia is achieved.  相似文献   

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