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舟山渔场及附近海域虾类群落结构特征分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
{{@ convertAbstractHtml(article.abstractinfoCn, "cn")}}    相似文献   

水体中铝(Ⅲ)的化学形态及其生态效应的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文着重论述了水体中各种铝络合物的形成结构、分布特征和转化规律,分析了当前广泛使用的几类定量鉴别方法,阐明某些形态的铝对生物体及人类的毒性作用和生理功能性障碍等生态效应方面的研究进展。同时提出未来研究的重点领域和方法。  相似文献   

The experiments on casein solutions therefore confirm the conclusion at which we arrived from the behavior of gelatin and crystalline egg albumin that the forces determining the combination between proteins and acids or alkalies are the same forces of primary valency which also determine the reaction between acids and alkalies with crystalloids, and that the valency and not the nature of the ion in combination with a protein determines the effect on the physical properties of the protein.  相似文献   

Manchego cheese is a high-fat pressed ewe's-milk cheese made in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) and produced by enzymatic coagulation. The minimum ripening time before marketing required by the Regulatory Board of the Manchego Cheese Appellation of Origin is 60 days.
This paper describes the physicochemical, proteolysis, sensory and texture characteristics of Manchego cheese, and the degree of homogeneity of cheeses made under the Manchego Appellation of Origin. The data gathered in this study indicate that sensory and instrumental analysis are useful tools for detecting changes in Manchego cheese during ripening. These changes were first detected by the instrumental analysis (2 months). The panelists detected differences after 4 months' ripening in all the factories. With physicochemical analysis, on the other hand, longer ripening times (6–8 months) are required before such changes become appreciated.  相似文献   

报道分离自地生枝顶孢Acremonium terricola RCEF0260菌株发酵滤液中的胞外多糖EPS-Ia的理化性质和一级结构。EPS-Ia分子量为416kD,至少含有D-甘露糖、D-葡萄糖、D-半乳糖、D-阿拉伯糖、D-木糖,各单糖摩尔比为4.46: 0.24: 2.38: 0.90: 0.19。糖醛酸含量为27.4%。硫酸基含量0.92%、蛋白质含量2.23%。氨基酸组成分析显示:EPS-Ia中含有17种常见氨基酸。EPS-Ia为型吡喃糖,含有1→3糖苷键,1→6糖苷键及1→2糖苷键,其中的糖肽键是N-糖苷键。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal dynamics in phytoplankton reflect of the combined effects of the physical and chemical environments and associated biological responses. Although alterations in phytoplankton are well-documented for a variety of lentic waters, the exact linkages between environmental forcing and phytoplankton assemblages remain poorly understood (particularly for coastal systems). A recurrent sediment resuspension event occurs every late winter/early spring in southeastern Lake Michigan, often extending greater than ten km in width and 300 km in length. Inherently, such a large-scale and dramatic physical process would be thought to dramatically influence phytoplankton assemblages; however, linkages between the turbidity plume and phytoplankton assemblages have been postulated, but never verified. As such, the episodic nature of the plume provided an opportunity to examine the effects of a short-term physical forcing event on coastal phytoplankton in relation to more persistent, seasonal meteorological forcing. Lake phytoplankton assemblages within and outside of the RCP were examined during the spring isothermal period from 1998 to 2000. Here, we describe results from the 1998 and 1999 field seasons characterizing the distribution of phytoplankton biomass and composition within and adjacent to the RCP and their relationship to particulate and dissolved constituents. In addition, the spatial and temporal patterns in production and photosynthetic characteristics of the phytoplankton community are examined.  相似文献   

1. The change in viscosity and the corresponding increase in the carboxyl groups, as determined by the formol titration, has been determined in gelatin solutions during the progress of hydrolysis by pepsin. 2. Very marked changes in viscosity are found to result from very slight chemical changes. If the viscosity is increased by the addition of acid a greater change in viscosity (volume of solute) is caused by the same percentage change in the number of carboxyl groups. The percentage change in the volume of solute, caused by the same percentage increase in the number of carboxyl groups, is independent of the concentration of gelatin. 3. These results are in agreement with the idea that the high viscosity of gelatin solutions is due to the presence of swollen micells, since a slight chemical hydrolysis may be sufficient to rupture a micella and so cause a very large change in viscosity.  相似文献   

黄淮海平原封丘试区水体理化性状的多元分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在封丘试区内两个最具代表性水体(曹岗湖,潘店芦苇荡)水质调查的基础上,对主要水质指标及其集合进行方差分析和聚类分析,结果表明:封丘试区水体具有典型的北方水体特征,其水质的变化主要受季节影响,水体间无甚大差别。各水体pH值偏高(年平均值为8.0—9.0),属弱碱性;硬度较大(17.54—20.63德国度),均属硬水且有逐年上升趋势;离子总量较大(860—1448mg/L);碱度(4.57—5.20me/L)和主要营养物含量(总氮1.31—2.08mg/L,总磷0.100—0.135mg/L)较高,属富营养型水体。文中指出:该试区水体水质状况较好,渔业开发潜力较大,但磷是水体生物生产力的主要限制性营养物。  相似文献   

Logbooks ( n = 317) from whaling expeditions made in the North Atlantic during the 19th century were examined to investigate activity in the Gibraltar Straits grounds. At least forty expeditions of whaling vessels from European and American ports visited the area. In all cases the main target was the sperm whale, but pilot whales, dolphins, sea turtles, and even a blue whale were also taken. Whaling effort concentrated on the Atlantic side of the Straits; only two expeditions ventured into the Mediterranean Sea, obtaining negligible catches. The whaling season extended during spring and summer and peaked in June–July. This seasonality appeared not to be governed by changes in whale density but by the trade winds necessary to sail southward or westward to cross the Atlantic. Searching effort continued while trying out, but the rate of sighting cetaceans was about half that of searching periods. However, the rate of sighting or capturing a sperm whale remained unchanged during processing, probably because the gregarious habits of the species produced clumping of catches. For every whale secured, 1.31 whales were struck. After correcting for struck but lost whales and for "gammed" vessels, the minimum number of removals of sperm whales during 1862–1889 is estimated at 237.  相似文献   

江苏沿岸海域浮游病毒的时空分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2006.7—2007.12期间,采用SYBR Green I染色-荧光显微直接计数法,对江苏沿海海域浮游病毒丰度进行了四个季度的调查,同时调查还包括细菌丰度、叶绿素a浓度。浮游病毒水平分布呈现中间高,两侧低。苏北浅滩海域病毒含量最高,最高值为47.90×106个/mL;吕泗海域最低,最低值为0.03×106个/mL。季节变化表现为冬季最高,夏季次之,春秋季相当。垂直分布也变现为明显的季节变化,除秋季外,表层浮游病毒丰度高于底层水体。浮游病毒与细菌丰度比(VBR)为0.30—180.08,平均为18.35。春季浮游病毒与叶绿素a、细菌之间均存在较强的相关性,相关系数分别为0.79和0.74(P<0.01);而在秋季,浮游病毒只与细菌有较强的相关性(r=0.79,P<0.01),这说明不同季节,浮游病毒的主要宿主会发生变化。  相似文献   

Eighteen commercial cat litters were characterized for the following physical characteristics: water holding capacity, drying time, pH, cost, density, residual water, and particle size. Using sensory analysis, eight of the litters were evaluated for dustiness, clumpability and odor control before and after use and storage. The cat litters differed substantially in both physical and sensory properties. The crystal litters were noted for their small uniform size, high water holding capacity and clumpability. The recycled litter was most dusty and ammoniacal; whereas, the granule litter had an innately offensive odor. The alfalfa litter had superior odor control, but neither clumped nor dried well. The clay litters could be differentiated by pH, residual water, water holding capacity and could be classified as either perfumed and nonperfumed. Some of the perfumed litters became intensely perfumed when used and stored; whereas, the other perfumed litters behaved like the nonperfumed litters and became more offensive.  相似文献   

白鱀豚饲养池水质某些理化因子的变动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自来水中的低量余氯对白暨豚无明显的刺激作用。豚池水温的变化情况与长江中、下游相似,极温对豚有不利影响。不同温度下,池水中磷酸盐含量的日增加率有显著差异,铵氮和硝酸盐氮的日增加系数相近,分别为0.327和0.2468,而亚硝酸盐氮的日增加系数在0.397—0.539之间,受温度的影响较大。池水有机物耗氧量增加不显著,含量与时间的相关式符合Y=aX~b型。缺少阳光照射是池水无机氮化合物增加较快、有机物分解较慢的原因之一。  相似文献   

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