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The restoration of the northern jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest after bauxite mining is a major objective of Alcoa of Australia Limited. The typically variable and sometimes low emergence of broadcast seed of jarrah-forest plant species may relate to microclimatic changes associated with mining disturbance. This study examined the effect of the presence and absence of a canopy and topographic position in the post-mining landscape on the emergence of four canopy species (E. marginata, E. calophylla, E. patens, and E. diversicolor) and related these patterns to detailed measures of surface soil temperature and moisture. The absence of a canopy in the restoration appeared to result in adverse microclimatic conditions for the successful early establishment of E. marginata and E. calophylla from seed, particularly in the low topographic regions of the restoration. Emergence beneath a canopy compared to that in the open was 17% and 6%, respectively, for E. marginata and 23% and 2%, respectively, for E. calophylla. For both species, emergence was also greater at upland than at lowland open restoration sites (9% and 3%, respectively, for E. marginata; 4% and 0.3%, respectively, for E. calophylla). In contrast, canopy removal and position on the topographic landscape did not reduce the early establishment success of E. patens and E. diversicolor. Field measurements revealed that soils were drier and that diurnal temperature fluctuations were wider in the open restoration sites than beneath a canopy. Furthermore, cold conditions were more frequent at lowland than at upland restoration sites, suggesting the occurrence of cold-air drainage to Jew-lying areas. It is therefore possible that the field emergence patterns reflected the lower tolerance of E. marginata and E. calophylla than both E. diversicolor and E. patens to cold and dry surface-soil conditions. The ecological significance and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Alcoa World Alumina Australia has been rehabilitating bauxite mines in the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest of western Australia for more than 35 years. Completion criteria were developed in the 1990s for native species rehabilitation, with various desirable characteristics described as the rehabilitation ages. Successional models can be useful in mining rehabilitation for predicting whether sites are developing along the desired trajectory toward the rehabilitation objective. The current rehabilitation objective is to establish a self‐sustaining jarrah forest ecosystem, planned to enhance or maintain water, timber, recreation, and conservation values. The major objective of this study was to present a state‐and‐transition successional model that assists Alcoa to identify sites that will and will not meet identified completion criteria. Agreed completion criteria and vegetation data collected from native species rehabilitation from 9 months to 15 years old were used to construct a state‐and‐transition model. The model identified the various desired and deviated successional states and factors that cause transitions between these states. Five desirable and nine deviated states were identified and described in detail. Key indicators relating to desired and deviated states include eucalypt density, species richness, legume density, topsoil cover, vegetation structure, ripping depth, and tree health and form. Identified management manipulations to return deviated states to the desired successional trajectory include ripping, reseeding, replanting, weed control, and tree thinning. Some of the identified thresholds between desired and deviated states will require significant management input (e.g., reripping), whereas others require little or no input (e.g., recovery following wildfire). Of the 6,429 ha of native species rehabilitation undertaken between 1991 and 2002, 98% is on or above the desired successional trajectory. More than half of the rehabilitated area is regarded as being above the desired trajectory because of high tree density. Although these sites meet the existing completion criteria, management input may be required in the future, emphasizing the importance of identifying maximum and minimum completion criteria. The state‐and‐transition model of successional development is a practical but rigorous land management tool that has the potential to be applied in a wide variety of ecosystems and wide range of land uses.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are characterized by marked temporal and spatial variation in productivity, and many primates face foraging problems associated with seasonal shifts in fruit availability. In this study, I examined seasonal changes in diet and foraging behaviors of two groups of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), studied for 12 months in Eastern Brazilian Amazonia, an area characterized by seasonal rainfall. Squirrel monkeys were primarily insectivorous (79% of feeding and foraging time), with fruit consumption highest during the rainy season. Although monkeys fed from 68 plant species, fruit of Attalea maripa palms accounted for 28% of annual fruit-feeding records. Dietary shifts in the dry season were correlated with a decline in ripe A. maripa fruits. Despite pronounced seasonal variation in rainfall and fruit abundance, foraging efficiency, travel time, and distance traveled remained stable between seasons. Instead, squirrel monkeys at this Eastern Amazonian site primarily dealt with the seasonal decline in fruit by showing dietary flexibility. Consumption of insects, flowers, and exudates increased during the dry season. In particular, their foraging behavior at this time strongly resembled that of tamarins (Saguinus sp.) and consisted of heavy use of seed-pod exudates and specialized foraging on large-bodied orthopterans near the forest floor. Comparisons with squirrel monkeys at other locations indicate that, across their geographic range, Saimiri use a variety of behavioral tactics during reduced periods of fruit availability.  相似文献   

M. G. RIDPATH  M. G. BROOKER 《Ibis》1986,128(2):177-194
The breeding of the Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax was investigated in four areas of the arid zone of Western Australia from 1968 to 1976, with some supporting data from the adjacent Mediterranean zone. Breeding was dependent on, and geared to, the occurrence of a minimum level of available prey. In the arid zone the seasonally most regular occurrence of the low rainfall, combined with greatest diversity of vegetation and prey, was associated with the most regular breeding and the greatest annual productivity of young per pair. At the other extreme, where an identical mean annual rainfall was distributed more erratically between seasons and years and was combined with a less diverse flora, the prey available to eagles was restricted to virtually one species–the introduced European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus . In this situation there were gaps of up to 4 years between the breeding of eagles, because of major fluctuations in the size of the population of its rabbit prey. Their density was actually greatest in those areas where the widely fluctuating food supply occasionally allowed them to breed with considerable success; however, this did not compensate fully for the irregularity of breeding. Where the prey available was thus restricted to a single species and was least stable, the area may have been unable to support a population which could maintain itself without recruitment from outside.
Breeding success in the Mediterranean zone was higher than in the arid zone. The Wedge-tailed Eagle's breeding strategy is conservative (with 'k-selected' characteristics), but this study shows that it is ecologically successful in both zones, although least so where the climate is extremely erratic.  相似文献   

In a feeding experiment with the common goby Pomatoschistus microps , there was no female preference for well-fed males, although these males had a higher mating success. This suggests that care should be taken about drawing conclusions regarding mate choice and mating success based on mate preference tests alone.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of soil handling operations during bauxite mining and restoration on the numbers and depth distribution of seed stored in the surface soil of the jarrah forest. Germinable seed stores were determined in four sites of undisturbed forest, these same sites after clearing and burning of forest residues, in the soil immediately following the construction of topsoil stockpiles, in the respread topsoil and then after deep ripping of the respread topsoil. Average density of germinable seed at four sites prior to disturbance was 352 m?2. After clearing and burning, the seed store had decreased to a mean 74% of the original forest soil seed store density. When the top-soil was stockpiled prior to respreading, the seed content was further reduced to 31% in freshly constructed stockpiles and had declined to 13% after 10 months in the stockpiles. After ripping of the respread topsoil the seed content was 16% of the original forest seed store density. In one site where the topsoil was directly stripped and respread with no period of stockpiling but with a period of fallow, the seed store was 32% after respreading and then increased to 53% of the original forest store after ripping. This increase may have been caused by an underestimate of the reserves due to insufficient heating of the samples to break dormancy in fire-requiring species. In the forest topsoils seed was concentrated in the upper few centimeters of the soil profile, whereas after the mining and restoration operations seed was evenly distributed throughout the returned soil profile to a depth of 20 cm. Small-seeded annual species, which were common in the forest seed store, were more sensitive to the soil handing operations and declined to very low numbers, whereas hard-seeded plant species such as Acacia spp. were less affected by the soil handling operations. Implications for bauxite mine revegetation operations include the recommendation that direct return of topsoil should be carried out wherever possible with a minimum delay between clearing, stripping, respreading, and ripping.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the feeding behavior and activities of mangabeys (Cercocebus albigena) in the Ngogo study area, Kibale Forest, Uganda. Mangabeys spend 47% of activity observations feeding, 27% moving, and the remainder of the activity observations is accounted for by grooming, playing, vocalizing, copulating, etc. Feeding on fruit constitutes 58% of feeding records, arthropods 25%, young leaves and flowers 10%, cambium 5% and rare and unidentified items 2%. 29 tree species are used as sources of vegetable food and 31 tree species are used as substrate for arthropod search. Mangabeys move an average distance of 1,299 m per day, and use an average of 28,50 X 50 m quadrats per day. The activity patterns, the types and number of food species, the daily distances traveled, and the number of quadrats used per day, are not significantly different from those found in the literature for mangabeys in the Kanyawara research area, Kibale Forest, Uganda. Mangabey population density in Ngogo is approximately 1.46 times that of the Kanyawara mangabeys. The difference in density is associated with Ngogo exhibiting a greater mangabey food tree density than is found at Kanyawara. The higher mangabey density in Ngogo is associated with an average group size similar to that at Kanyawara, and an increase in the number of groups per unit area. The greater number of groups is accommodated by the mangabey having smaller home ranges, and less home range overlap than do the Kanyawara mangabeys. I suggest that these results are compatible with an interpretation based on disease control via regulation of group size, and social and spatial isolation between groups. The role of food availability in regulation of group size, or determining land tenure systems remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Post-fire species changes were documented over a portion of the northern section of the jarrah forest of Western Australia from a series of sites of known age since last fire. Species richness and species diversity were observed to increase following fire for several years, followed by a gradual decline. Dominance-diversity curves indicated that maximum diversity occurred from 3 to 5 years following fire. The species composition of sites of different regions was more similar than sites of similar time since burn. The significance of the results to the programme of controlled burns is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of a species’ range use aids in understanding their ecological requirements, which in turn facilitates designing effective conservation strategies. The ranging behaviour of golden monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis kandti) in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda was studied from January 2003 to February 2004 to establish habitat preferences. In each 0.25 ha grid cell in the group’s home range we quantified the basal area of food trees (n = 12,133 trees), measured bamboo (Arundinaria alpina) stems (n = 103,548), and estimated vine and shrub coverage. The evaluation of habitat preferences was facilitated by the fact that only five plant species, plus invertebrates (7.5%) constituted 96.4% of the group’s foraging effort; this included bamboo (59.9%), Maesa lanceolata (18.7%), Hypericum revolutum (6.8%), Galiniera saxifraga (2.1%) and Ilex mitis (1.4%). Phenology data were collected for all five food tree species, three vines, and two shrubs. Range use generally followed food tree basal area distribution and not the distribution of bamboo, with the abundance of M. lanceolata being more closely associated with home range use than any other food plant. Bamboo was ubiquitous in distribution and a vital year‐round resource for golden monkeys, which they combined with other food items to meet their nutritional requirements. Illegal bamboo or tree extraction both pose a serious threat to the conservation of the golden monkey, but activities that affect food tree abundance will likely have the most influence on monkey persistence.  相似文献   

The present work describes the association between environmental variables and reproductive seasonality in wild femaleCtenomys talarum Thomas, 1898. We assessed monthly variation in external reproductive features and vaginal smears of free-living females over a year-long period. We examined the relationship between frequency of lactating and pregnant females and temperature, plant biomass, plant water content, and rainfall (same month and 1 month prior) using path analysis. About 80% of the variance in the occurrence of pregnancy was explained by the model that included all of the above mentioned variables. Temperature had a direct negative effect on pregnancy. However, temperature had a positive effect on pregnancy through plant-water content and thus, positively influenced frequency of pregnancy. Although plant biomass was correlated with plant-water content, plant biomass had no significant effect on frequency of pregnancy. There were no effects (direct or indirect) of rainfall on pregnancy. The combination of vaginal smears and external features from free-living and autopsied females showed that reproductive activities occurred when new plant tissues were more abundant. Thus, enhanced energetic demands during gestation and lactation were assured. Moreover, births occurred when ambient temperatures provided a favorable thermal environment for pups that demonstrated poor thermoregulatory abilities during their initial phase of development.  相似文献   

T. C. R. White 《Oecologia》1984,63(1):90-105
Summary It has previously been postulated that when plants are stressed by certain changes in patterns of weather they become a better source of food for invertebrate herbivores because this stress causes an increase in the amount of nitrogen available in their tissues for young herbivores feeding on them. And this may cause outbreaks of such phytophagous invertebrates.Evidence is now presented that a similar physiological mechanism appears to operate when a wide variety of apparently unrelated environmental factors impinge on plants or parts of plants in such a way as to perturb their metabolism. A broken branch, lightning strike, fire, nutrient deficiencies or an otherwise adverse site; all may have this effect. With the advent of modern man the available agencies increase and diversify to include pesticides, irradiation and air pollutants.One common metabolic response by plants to all such agents impinging on them seems to be equivalent to that found in senescing plant tissues — the breakdown and mobilization of nitrogen in soluble form away from the senescing/stressed tissues. Young herbivores which chance to feed on such stressed/senescing tissues have a greater and more readily available supply of nitrogen in their food than they would have had if feeding on unstressed plants. As a result many more of them survive, and there is an increase in abundance of their kind. Such increases may be quite localised and short-lived or more widespread and persistent, depending on the extent and duration of the stress experienced by the plants. And in the face of this improved nutrition and survival of the very young, predators and parasites seem to have only a minor influence on subsequent changes in abundance of their herbivorous prey.Another effect of increased mobilization of nitrogen in stressed plants is an increase in the quantity of the seed that they set. This has led to the conclusion that increased abundance of some species of birds at such times is due to a greater supply of seeds as winter food for recent fledglings. But it may be that the increased abundance is due to the synchronous increase in phytophagous insects providing a richer source of protein food for laying hens and growing nestlings.  相似文献   

James  William F.  Barko  John W.  Eakin  Harry L. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,455(1-3):55-60
Using flow-through microcosms, we examined phosphorus (P) recycling by zebra mussels under conditions of nearly constant food resource supply and varying zebra mussel population densities (600–5200 ind./m2). At all density levels, zebra mussels filtered substantial algae, measured as chlorophyll biomass. Because chlorophyll biomass inputs were low throughout the study, zebra mussel biomass-specific rates of chlorophyll filtration declined with increasing density, suggesting food resource limitation at the higher densities. We observed net total P export and high zebra mussel biomass-specific rates of P recycling over time in microcosms at high zebra mussel densities. In systems with a low zebra mussel density, net total P export did not occur over time. Our results suggest the occurrence of P remineralization by zebra mussels and net loss associated with emaciation during periods of temporary starvation. These findings have implications for P dynamics since zebra mussels can be subjected to periods of starvation over seasonal and annual time scales.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is often returned to rehabilitated areas after mining to provide specific habitat features for fauna that might otherwise take many decades to develop naturally. The CWD, typically constructed into log piles, is assumed to persist for comparable periods of time to fulfil their role. In the fire‐prone jarrah forest in Western Australia, these structures will be subject to recurrent wildfire, but there is little information on their survival. In January 2006, a wildfire burnt through 310 ha of rehabilitation at Alcoa’s Willowdale bauxite mine, 140 km south east of Perth, enabling the first estimates of the longevity of log pile fauna habitats to be made. Reductions in numbers of logs were greatest for small (<30 cm diameter) logs (48%), intermediate for large (>30 cm diameter) logs (37%) and least for stumps (17%). Assuming an exponential decay pattern, half‐lives of 1.1, 1.5 and 3.7 wildfires were calculated for small logs, large logs and stumps respectively, from which we estimate a useful ‘life’ of a typical log pile fauna habitat of 57–73 years. Increasing fire intensity was associated with greater reductions in the number of large logs, significantly greater surface charring and, at the highest intensity, significantly fewer crevices compared to unburnt log piles. Implications of these findings for the management of log piles in rehabilitation and CWD in the adjacent unmined forest, and of the role of prescribed fire, are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Spatial and temporal availability of pollen helps shape bee foraging behaviour and productivity, which has been studied in great detail at the landscape level, but never in a diverse tropical forest. 2. To study the effect of spatio‐temporal variation in resource distribution on pollen use and productivity, we identified pollen from spatially explicit nest collections of two generalist sweat bees, Megalopta genalis Meade‐Waldo and M. centralis Friese, from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, a 50‐ha forest dynamics plot during the 2007 dry and early wet seasons. Pollen from nests collected in 1998–1999 without spatial information was also identified. 3. Bees used pollen of at least 64 species; many of these occurred in only one collection. The 2007 collections contained pollen of 35 different species, but were dominated by five species, especially Hura crepitans L. and Pseudobombax septenatum (Jacq.) Dugand. 4. Temporal availability, but not distance from nest, influenced flower use at a 50‐ha scale. 5. Body size was not associated with minimum flight distance as inferred from pollen collections. 6. Nest productivity and pollen diversity decreased from the dry to wet seasons, mirroring community‐level availability of floral resources. 7. Results suggest that on a scale of 50 ha, bees are choosing certain host plant species regardless of distance from the nest, but adjusting foraging behaviour opportunistically based on the temporal availability of host flowers.  相似文献   

The wheatbelt region of Western Australia has been extensively cleared of indigenous vegetation for agriculture and is now severely affected by dryland salinity. Wetlands that were once freshwater are now saline and others are under threat, as are the animals and plants that inhabit them. Rising groundwater is also affecting the many naturally saline playas. To provide a framework for setting conservation priorities in this region a biological survey was undertaken, including sampling of aquatic invertebrates at 230 wetlands. In this paper, we have used data from the survey to summarise occurrence of species in relation to salinity. Total species richness at a wetland showed no response to salinity below 4.1 g l−1 and then declined dramatically as salinity increased. When halophilic species were excluded from consideration, species richness was found to decline from 2.6 g l−1. These patterns are compared to previous studies of richness-salinity relationships. There is some evidence that the freshwater invertebrate fauna of the wheatbelt may be comparatively salt tolerant, with 46% of freshwater species collected at salinities above 3 g l−1 and 17% above 10 g l−1, though these proportions differed between various invertebrate groups. While this tolerance will provide a buffer against the effects of mild salinisation, many species are at risk of regional extinction as salinisation becomes more widespread.  相似文献   

MARTIN TJERNBERG 《Ibis》1985,127(2):250-255
A regular nest spacing of Golden Eagle pairs was found in every carefully searched area within the species range in Sweden. The spacing regularity of nests used by pairs in forests (mostly tree-nesting) was similar to that in mountain areas (cliff-nesting), indicating that regular nest spacing is affected more by spacing behaviour than by shortage of nest sites. Distances to nearest neighbours were shorter in the mountain region (mean distance 102 km) than in the forests (170) of northern Sweden. Densities of the most important prey species for Golden Eagle were apparently higher in the mountains than in the forests. Differences in topography and habitat diversity between the two regions may also have contributed to the difference in breeding density.  相似文献   

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