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Opuntia acanthocarpa (Cactaceae) possesses extrafloral nectaries embedded in the areoles of new reproductive and vegetative growth. The nectar secreted by these glands attracts ants and is a nutritional food source. Members of one attracted ant species, Crematogaster opuntiae (Myrmicinae), are aggressive and efficient defenders of the plants against cactus-feeding insects. The results of our study are consistent with the ant-guard hypothesis for the role of extrafloral nectaries in O. acanthocarpa. Additionally, individuals of O. acanthocarpa are well protected in comparison with those of O. phaeacantha. The latter generally possess ephemeral extrafloral nectaries and consistently maintain fewer ants.  相似文献   

Most productivity studies use destructive harvesting methods, prohibiting continuous plant monitoring under various environmental conditions. Here a nondestructive procedure involving the displacement of areoles from the apex was utilized to study the growth of Ferocactus acanthodes, a common barrel cactus of the Sonoran Desert. Net CO2 uptake measured under controlled conditions of temperature, water, and photosynthetically active radiation in the laboratory was used to indicate how F. acanthodes would respond to field values of these parameters. For example, net CO2 uptake over 24 hr was maximal at day/night air temperatures of 23 C/14 C, the mean annual values in the field, and was approximately halved at 11 C/5 C and 32 C/23 C, the monthly extreme values in the field. An environmental productivity index (EPI), constructed as the product of indices for the three environmental variables, indicated the fraction of maximal CO2 uptake expected. The monthly production of areoles on 33 plants was highly correlated with EPI (r2 = 0.81). Areole production for individual plants, however, tended to be in pulses represented by Fibonacci numbers. EPI predicted an annual stem growth of 8% compared with 9 ± 3% measured previously in the field. Thus, morphological and physiological studies can be usefully combined and applied to indicate field productivity of F. acanthodes and, by extension, of other plants.  相似文献   

The extrafloral nectar from involucral bracts of Helianthella quinquenervis has more nonprotein (5) and total (24) amino acids than have been reported for any other extrafloral nectar. Seven to twelve additional unknowns, probably nonprotein amino acids, were also found. The concentrations of amino acids (8–10 on the histidine scale) were the highest ever reported for extrafloral nectar. Most amino acids were found in all samples, while others were variable in their occurrence.  相似文献   

The genus Campsis (Bignoniaceae), with one New World and one Old World species, is unusual among temperate plants in having five distinct nectary sites. Multiple nectaries occur at all four of the extrafloral sites (petiole, calyx, corolla, fruit), representing an advanced strategy for ant attraction. The morphology and anatomy of the extrafloral nectaries in both species are uniform for the petioles, calyces, and young fruits; those on the outer corolla lobes are of slightly different forms. The generalized structure consists of one layer of basal cells, and a one- to two-layered secretory cup. Because of their small size, there is no vascular tissue in them. The large, vascularized (phloem only) floral nectary is an annular structure subtending the ovary.  相似文献   

Root glochids of Opuntia arenaria Engelm. are produced by adventitious buds (areoles) that arise endogenously on fleshy roots. If they remain active, root areoles become dwarf shoots that initiate only glochids and trichomes unless the roots are uncovered or the shoots bearing the roots are removed. Then they will expand, producing aerial shoot joints. Root spurs are formed in great numbers on the profusely branched system of small roots. They consist of clusters of rootlets about one mm long that are initiated in sympodial sequence, each new rootlet arising endogenously near the base of the preceding one. On older spurs this results in the formation of a short axial peg. Rootlet primordia lack a root cap from the beginning and appear to mature quickly, losing all their meristematic characteristics and becoming completely covered with root hairs, even over the tip. They may represent a mechanism for the rapid production of root hairs during the infrequent periods when moisture is available. In any case, they seem to be transitory structures because cork soon forms beneath the older ones on a spur.  相似文献   

蓼属植物果皮微形态特征及其分类意义初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用扫描电镜对部分蓼属植物果皮的微形态特征进行了观察,着重了解各类群果皮微形态特征的特性,比较不同类群间的区别,确定其分类价值。观察结果表明:蓼属植物在果皮微形态特征上存在较明显的种间差异,并且对不同类群和不同分类等级来说,其分类价值是不同的。研究结果还为蓼属某些类群和等级的合理划分提供了有用的资料。  相似文献   

An immediate, marked response to small amounts of rainfall occurs in Opuntia basilaris, despite previous drought conditions. The effect of rainfall is upon plant water potential, which is the single most important parameter influencing stomatal opening, CO2 assimilation, and organic acid synthesis. Nocturnal stomatal opening is initiated following rainfall, and stomata remain open during the daytime. Decreasing stomatal and mesophyll resistances correlate with increasing rates of nocturnal assimilation of 14CO2. Photosynthetic rates of 14CO2 assimilation are low, despite high plant water potentials and low stomatal diffusion resistances. The decreased mesophyll resistances and increased rates of nocturnal 14CO2 assimilation correlate with the increases of nocturnal efficiency of water use and CO2 assimilation. The diurnal efficiency of water use and CO2 assimilation is lower than the nocturnal gas exchange efficiency values.  相似文献   

The Echinocereus viridiflorus complex is morphologically distinct from other members of the genus. Temporal differences in flowering preclude natural interspecific hybridization between taxa of the E. viridiflorus complex and sympatric congeners. All taxa within the complex are xenogamous and self-incompatible. Considerable taxonomic disagreement exists among herbarium and field botanists with regard to species boundaries and infraspecific classification of the taxa constituting the E. viridiflorus complex. One author views the complex as consisting of a single species, E. viridiflorus while other authors additionally recognize E. chloranthus, E. russanthus, and E. davisii. Pollination in E. viridiflorus is by solitary halictid bees. Photographs taken with a filter transmitting long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light revealed two floral patterns among entities of the complex: entirely UV-absorbing tepals and tepals with UV-reflective outer segments and UV-absorbing centers (target-type blossoms). We suggest that UV-floral patterning increases pollinator visitation and efficiency. Six flavonol-O-glycosides and two dihydroflavonol-7-O-glycosides were localized in tepal tissue. No qualitative differences were seen either between differentially UV-patterned flowers or among E. viridiflorus, E. chloranthus, E. davisii, and E. russanthus. Flavonoid evidence indicates that these taxa are conspecific.  相似文献   

The floral nectar sugar compositions of 20 New World species from 10 genera and of five interspecific hybrids in tribe Antirrhineae have been analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Species are pollinated by short-tongued bees, long-tongued bees, and hummingbirds. Ornithophily represents the derived condition in the tribe and has arisen independently in subtribes Maurandyinae and Gambeliinae. All nectars analyzed are sucrose-dominant or -rich, except for the hexose-rich nectar of Mohavea breviflora. Despite the predominance of sucrose, floral nectar sugars from species pollinated by different pollen vectors have characteristic constituents. Nectar sugars from flowers visited by hummingbirds average 76.2% sucrose and have compositions remarkably similar to hummingbird nectars analyzed in previous studies of unrelated species. Long-tongued bee nectars average 87% sucrose and differ from shorttongued bee nectars which have the lowest mean sucrose percentage (40.2%). The association of sugar constituent types and principal pollinators is concordant with previous data and supports hypotheses concerning pollinator preferences and the adaptive significance of certain nectar sugar compositions. Within this adaptive framework, phylogenetic constraint is also operative and may explain the predominance of sucrose in nectar sugars, similarities in sugar composition among hummingbird nectars in subtribes Maurandyinae and Gambeliinae, and the similarity of nectar from Galvezia leucantha (long-tongued bee-pollinated) to hummingbird-pollinated species also in subtribe Gambeliinae.  相似文献   

Shoots of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller consist of a sequence of flattened stem segments (cladodes) in contact over only a small portion of their periphery. The maximum angular deflection for an upper terminal cladode under a weight equal to its own fresh mass applied perpendicular to its face increased from 5° to 9° as cladode length increased from 20 cm to 60 cm, consistent with an increase in mass proportional to length2.83. Just over half of the angular deflection of an upper cladode represented flexure of the cladode-cladode junction; the angular deflections averaged fourfold more for mass loadings perpendicular to the cladode face compared with those parallel to it. Compared with such static loading by mass, dynamic loading by wind for a 31-cm-long cladode led to a maximum angular deflection of only 0.13° at a wind speed of 1 m sec−1 and 2.3° at 10 m sec−1. Drought caused the angular deflections to increase 9% for 21-cm-long cladodes over a 90-day period and to decrease 45% for 44-cm-long cladodes. Increases in stem temperature from 0 C to 20 C increased angular deflections of a 27-cm-long cladode about 10%, with little further increase up to 50 C. Even though the cladodes were thin compared with stems of many perennials and the cladode-cladode junction comprised only about 3.5% of their peripheral area, the shoots of O. ficus-indica proved to be quite rigid, as angular deflections of cladodes were only slightly influenced by temperature and wind, were not markedly enhanced by drought, and were less than 10° under loading by a cladode's mass.  相似文献   

The fate of diethyl 5-2-(ethylthioethyl) phosphorothiolate (demeton-S) in white mustard (Brassica alba) , borage (Borago officinalis) and field beans (Viciafaba) has been followed over several weeks using the radioactive tracer technique. Radio-assay of nectar samples from flowers which opened a few days after spraying showed that no unchanged demeton-S, but that small amounts of degradation products were present. The highest value for total radioactivity found in the nectar corresponded to 2–7 p.p.m. expressed as demeton-S.
Radioassay of treated leaves and new growth after spraying confirmed that demeton-S is rapidly con, erted in the plant into two primary degradation products extractable by chloroform. Further breakdotvn is more rapid in new growth and appreciable quantities of the two primary products believed to be biologically active are retained by the treated leaves.  相似文献   

In Echinocereus reichenbachii dichotomous branching and fasciation (cresting) are rare events. Both were found together in only a few of many populations investigated and are interpreted as variants of a single phenomenon. They may occur at any stage of shoot development, but crest meristems arise most commonly on young branches among clusters of normal shoots. Sometimes they appear on unbranched young plants or seedlings, very rarely on older shoots. Dichotomy results from the division of an apical meristem into equal parts each of which functions independently, producing a forked shoot. Fasciation involves the extension of a single meristem into an apical ridge. The product is a flabellate shoot that becomes undulate if growth along the summit continues. In longisection linear meristems appear similar to radial sections of normal shoots; in median sagittal section they have a much extended central mother cell zone within which the cell pattern resembles a rib meristem. Although crest meristems become sluggish or even inactive with age, localized renewed growth may occur spontaneously or be induced by injury. In this species the random production of normal shoots from crest meristems (defasciation) was not observed, but if much or all of such a meristem is removed, branches may arise from lateral areoles, and these are always normal. It seems, therefore, that whatever induces fasciation in E. reichenbachii originates in and is restricted to the apical meristem and its immediate vicinity.  相似文献   

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine specific sugar ratios (fructose, glucose and sucrose) in nectars of nine families of flowering plants. All nectars contained all three sugars with the exception of that of Asclepias. Asclepias nectar was nearly a pure sucrose solution. Sucrose/hexose ratio was correlated with flower morphology, with tubular flowers having more sucrose and open flowers having more hexose. Open flowers contained nectar whose concentration was more affected by relative humidity than tubular flowers. Available nectar in unbagged flowers was found in volumes of 0.1 to 5 μl (17.5 to 68.2% sugar). Total sugar available per blossom amounted to 0.07 to 3.54 mg. We note that care must be taken in converting % concentration to mg sugar. Energetic yield was not as variable as the other measures and ranged from 0.72 to 3.58 cal/μl. Total daily nectar production was measured in five families and 24-hr sugar production varied from 0.64 to 5.52 mg per flower. Insect nectar feeders frequently searched many blossoms with little or no reward, but were rewarded sufficiently at rare “lucky hit” blossoms which contained relatively large nectar rewards. Insect pollinators did not seek nectars of specific sucrose-hexose ratios, but instead took nectar where caloric reward and accessibility made it most profitable.  相似文献   

Ipomoea leptophylla Torr. (Convolvulaceae) is a sprawling dry-site morning glory with two types of extrafloral nectaries: foliar nectaries and nectaries on the outside of the sepals. Both are shown to greatly increase insect visitation to the plant. Ants visiting sepal-surface nectaries significantly decrease flower damage caused by grasshoppers and seed losses caused by bruchids. These results are similar to those for I. carnea and other plants whose extrafloral nectary-ant interactions have been studied, but differ in detail. This is the first demonstration of antiherbivore defense of a prairie plant by nectary visitors.  相似文献   

The schizo-lysigenous latex ducts of Mammillaria guerreronis, sect. Subhydrochylus, were examined by optical and electron microscopy. These ducts are complex having a distinct outer epithelium without intercellular spaces and an inner epithelium in which schizogenous spaces arise. Schizogeny begins with formation of bulbous pockets and/or production of dark streaks in certain walls. Spaces formed by these processes ultimately contain a combination of electron dense materials, vesicles, and numerous thin, convoluted wall layers. Schizogeny may be responsible for initial formation of lumen and latex and may also separate some inner epithelial cells from the surrounding layers. Lysigeny of the inner epithelial cells contributes materials to the latex and allows enlargement of the duct. The inner epithelial cells contain mitochondria, dictyosomes, apparently functional nuclei, and numerous vesicles. The outer epithelium has fewer vesicles than the inner epithelium. Schizo-lysigeny in the members of sect. Subhydrochylus is considered to be ancestral to the strict lysigeny of the members of sect. Mammillaria. The inner and outer epithelia of M. guerreronis are thought to be homologous to the lumen and epithelium respectively of M. heyderi.  相似文献   

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