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Fossil evidence from the Plio-Pleistocene of Africa apparently has confirmed a multi-lineage interpretation of early hominid evolution. Empirical refutation of the single species hypothesis must now be matched to the evolutionary ecology theory, which can underwrite taxonomic assessment and help to explain sympatric hominid coexistence. This paper contributes to that goal by reassessing the ecological rationale provided for the single-species hypothesis. Limiting similarity concepts indicate that the allowable ecological overlap between sympatric competitors is greater than the degrees of metric overlap often advanced as standards for identifying fossil species. Optimal foraging theory and the compression hypothesis show that the initial ecological reaction of a hominid to a sympatric competitor would likely be micro-habitat divergence and possibly also temporal differentiation of resource use. The long-term, evolutionary response is niche divergence, probably involving diet as well. General niche partitioning studies suggest that diet and habitat are the most common dimensions of niche separation, although temporal separation is unusually frequent in carnivores. The equation of niche with culture, basic to the single-species hypothesis, has no analytic meaning. Finally, four minor points are discussed, suggesting that (a) extinction is not unlikely, even for a long-lived and competitively competent hominid lineage, (b)parsimony is fickle, (c)interspecific mutualism may jeopardize survival, and (d)generalists are subordinate competitors, but for hominids, seemingly, successful ones. I argue that analog models of hominid paleoecology should be replaced by the use of zoological and anthropological observations to assess the generality and reliability of ecological theory and comcepts that may encompass early hominids.  相似文献   

In this work we introduce a general class of spatially heterogeneous competing species models where the species are assumed to disperse in a random way through the inhabiting region in the presence of some refuge patches where they are free from the aggressions of the antagonist species. Our model shows that the competitive exclusion principle fails to be true under these circumstances, as the species can segregate within their respective refuge areas when the intensity of the aggressions from competitors severely increase. Going beyond, segregation mechanisms, as a result from competition, combined with subsequent species differentiation, as a consequence from territorial heterogeneities--after a certain number of generations--might ultimately explain the extraordinary biodiversity of the Earth's biosphere, which seems to be confirmed by fossil registers in zoo-paleontology. Actually, the existence of Lazaro' species strongly support the validity of the predictions made from our prototype model.  相似文献   

Flume experiments demonstrate that human skeletal parts sort into lag and transportable groups in a current flow of 31 cm/sec. Orientations, rates and types of movement, and stable positions are recorded. Density of a skeletal part is correlated with the average rate of movement, whereas wet weight in air, weight in water, and volume are not. Shape is an important but unquantifiable factor. Complete crania are the fastest moving elements; individual cranial fragments are in the lag group. Omo fluviatile deposits show a preponderance of hominid lag elements, whereas Olduvai and East Rudolf perilacustrine deposits present a mixture of transportable and lag elements.  相似文献   

Robustness of coexistence against changes of parameters is investigated in a model-independent manner by analyzing the feedback loop of population regulation. We define coexistence as a fixed point of the community dynamics with no population having zero size. It is demonstrated that the parameter range allowing coexistence shrinks and disappears when the Jacobian of the dynamics decreases to zero. A general notion of regulating factors/variables is introduced. For each population, its impact and sensitivity niches are defined as the differential impact on, and the differential sensitivity towards, the regulating variables, respectively. Either the similarity of the impact niches or the similarity of the sensitivity niches results in a small Jacobian and in a reduced likelihood of coexistence. For the case of a resource continuum, this result reduces to the usual "limited niche overlap" picture for both kinds of niche. As an extension of these ideas to the coexistence of infinitely many species, we demonstrate that Roughgarden's example for coexistence of a continuum of populations is structurally unstable.  相似文献   

Understanding the conditions for the stable coexistence of different alleles or species is a central topic in theoretical evolution and ecology. Different causes for stable polymorphism or species coexistence have already been identified but they can be grouped into a limited number of general processes. This article is devoted to the presentation and illustration of a new process, which we call 'habitat boundary polymorphism', and which relies on two key ingredients: habitat heterogeneity and distance-limited dispersal. Under direct competition and with fixed population densities, we show that this process allows for the equilibrium coexistence of more than n types in a n-habitat environment. Distance-limited dispersal indeed creates local maladaptation at habitat edges, which leaves room for the invasion of more generalist alleles or species. This mechanism provides a generic yet neglected process for the maintenance of polymorphism or species coexistence.  相似文献   

Our main objective is to study a Ricker-type competition model of two species. We give a complete analysis of stability and bifurcation and determine the centre manifolds, as well as stable and unstable manifolds. It is shown that the autonomous Ricker competition model exhibits subcritical bifurcation, bubbles, period-doubling bifurcation, but no Neimark–Sacker bifurcations. We exhibit the region in the parameter space where the competition exclusion principle applies.  相似文献   

Evolutionary branching has been suggested as a mechanism to explain ecological speciation processes. Recent studies indicate however that demographic stochasticity and environmental fluctuations may prevent branching through stochastic competitive exclusion. Here we extend previous theory in several ways; we use a more mechanistic ecological model, we incorporate environmental fluctuations in a more realistic way and we include environmental autocorrelation in the analysis. We present a single, comprehensible analytical result which summarizes most effects of environmental fluctuations on evolutionary branching driven by resource competition. Corroborating earlier findings, we show that branching may be delayed or impeded if the underlying resources have uncorrelated or negatively correlated responses to environmental fluctuations. There is also a strong impeding effect of positive environmental autocorrelation, which can be related to results from recent experiments on adaptive radiation in bacterial microcosms. In addition, we find that environmental fluctuations can lead to cycles of repeated branching and extinction.  相似文献   

Most models of plant competition represent competition as taking place between species when realistically competition takes place between individuals. We model individual plants as optimally choosing biomass in order to maximize net energy that is directed into reproduction. Competition is for access to light and a plant that grows more biomass adds to the leaf area index, creating negative feedback in the form of more self shading and shading of its neighbors. In each period and for given species densities, simultaneous maximization by all plants yields an equilibrium characterized by optimum biomasses. Between periods the net energies plants obtain are used to update the densities, and if densities change the equilibrium changes in the subsequent period. A steady state is attained when all plants have net energies that just allow for replacement. Four main predictions of the resource-ratio theory of competition are obtained, providing behavioral underpinnings for species level models. However, if individual plant parameters are not identical across species, then the predictions do not follow. The optimization framework yields many other predictions, including how specific leaf areas and resource stress impact biomass and leaf area indices.  相似文献   

We investigate the transition between limiting similarity and coexistence of a continuum in the competitive Lotka-Volterra model. It is known that there exist exceptional cases in which, contrary to the limiting similarity expectation, all phenotypes coexist along a trait axis. Earlier studies established that the distance between surviving phenotypes is in the magnitude of the niche width 2σ provided that the carrying capacity curve differs from the exceptional one significantly enough. In this paper we studied the outcome of competition for small perturbations of the exceptional (Gaussian) carrying capacity. We found that the average distance between the surviving phenotypes goes to zero when the perturbation vanishes. The number of coexisting species in equilibrium is proportional to the negative logarithm of the perturbation. Nevertheless, the niche width provides a good order of magnitude for the distance between survivors if the perturbations are larger than 10%. Therefore, we conclude that limiting similarity is a good framework of biological thinking despite the lack of an absolute lower bound of similarity.  相似文献   

Weakly density-dependent effects, characterized by fractional scaling exponents close to one, are rarely studied in the ecological literature. Here, we consider the effect of an additional weakly density-dependent term on a simple competition model. Our investigation reveals that weak density-dependence opens up an “invisible niche”. This niche does not constitute a new mechanism for coexistence, but is a previously unexplored consequence of known mechanisms. In the invisible niche a weaker competitor can survive at very low density. Coexistence thus requires large habitat size. Such niches, if found in nature, would have a direct impact on species-area laws and species-abundance curves and should therefore receive more attention.  相似文献   

生物竞争排斥对油藏微生物群落结构变化影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王大威  张世仑  靖波  张健  杜君 《微生物学报》2022,62(6):2299-2310
【目的】海上S油田采用生物竞争排斥技术治理油藏硫化氢产出取得一定成效,本研究通过揭示该技术对油藏环境中微生物群落结构的影响,尝试研究硫化氢治理过程中产生效果差异的因素。【方法】采用高通量测序分析等方法对加入硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐等药剂后,治理效果低效井、高效井及未治理井中不同微生物群落结构变化进行分析。【结果】与低效井和未治理井相比,高效井中的反硝化菌和石油降解菌种类和丰度明显增加,其中石油降解菌增加24.14%,反硝化细菌增加5.23%;Fe2+、Zn2+等离子的存在对不同井间治理效果差异和微生物群落变化具有一定影响。【结论】海上油田硫化氢治理中,生物竞争排斥技术不仅可以明显降低硫化氢产出,同时对油藏微生物群落环境也影响显著,微生物群落结构分析可作为硫化氢治理效果评价的重要指标,为海上油田硫化氢治理工作提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Published research on process-based models for biocontrol of foodborne pathogens on produce is limited. The aim of this research was to develop cost model estimates for competitive exclusion (CE) process using Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas chlororaphis (non-plant pathogenic and non-human pathogen) as biocontrol against Salmonella enterica on tomatoes. Cost estimates were based on material inputs, equipment, facilities, and projected processing conditions of post-harvest packaging of tomatoes. The microbiological data for inactivation of S. enterica was based on published papers. The small-scale processing facility was assumed to have a processing capacity of 2000 kg of tomatoes/hour for 16 h per day, operational 6 days a week, and for 3-months /year. The large-scale facility was assumed to have a processing capacity of 100,000 kg of tomatoes/hour. Estimated initial capital investment costs for small and large-scale models (production facility) were US$391,000 and US$2.1 million. Application of CE for biocontrol of S. enterica on tomatoes was estimated at US$0.0058–0.073/kg of tomatoes during commercial processing operations. This exceeds chlorine wash technology estimated at US$0.00046/kg and is competitive with gaseous chlorine dioxide at US$0.02–0.21/kg. For high-value produce, CE may complement existing technologies increase food safety, reduce storage loses, and extend shelf life of produce.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that niche differentiation plays a key role in coexistence on relatively small scales. With regard to a large community scale, the recently propounded neutral theory suggests that species abundances are more influenced by history and chance than they are by interspecies competition. This inference is mainly based on the probability that competitive exclusion is largely slowed by recruitment limitation, which may be common in species rich communities. In this respect, a theoretical study conducted by Hurtt and Pacala (1995) for a niche differentiated community has been frequently cited to support neutral coexistence. In this paper, we focused on the effect of symmetric recruitment limitation on delaying species competitive exclusion caused by both symmetric and asymmetric competition in a large homogeneous habitat. By removing niche differentiation in space, we found that recruitment limitation could delay competitive exclusion to some extent, but the effect was rather limited compared to that predicted by Hurtt and Pacala's model for a niche differentiated community. Our results imply that niche differentiation may be important for species coexistence even on large scales and this has already been confirmed in some species rich communities.  相似文献   

Studies of facilitative interactions as drivers of plant richness along environmental gradients often assume the existence of an overarching stress gradient that equally affects the performance of all the species in a given community. However, co-existing species differ in their ecophysiological adaptations, and do not experience the same stress level under particular environmental conditions. Moreover, these studies assume a unimodal relationship between richness and biomass, which is not as general as previously thought. We ignored these assumptions to assess changes in plant–plant interactions and their effect on local species richness across environmental gradients in semi-arid areas of Spain and Australia. We aimed to understand the relative importance of direct (microhabitat amelioration) and indirect (changes in the competitive relationships among the understorey species: niche segregation, competitive exclusion or intransitivity) mechanisms that might underlie the effects of nurse plants on local species richness. By jointly studying these direct and indirect mechanisms using a unifying framework, we found that nurse plants (trees, shrubs and tussock grasses) increased local richness not only by expanding the niche of neighbouring species but also by increasing niche segregation among them, though the latter was not important in all cases. The outcome of the competition-facilitation continuum varied depending on the study area, likely because the different types of stress gradient considered. When driven by both rainfall and temperature, or rainfall alone, the community-wide importance of nurse plants remained constant (Spanish sites), or showed a unimodal relationship along the gradient (Australian sites). This study expands our understanding of the relative roles of plant–plant interactions and environmental conditions as drivers of local species richness in semi-arid environments. The results can also be used to refine predictions about the response of plant communities to environmental change, and to clarify the relative importance of biotic interactions as drivers of such responses.  相似文献   

Simulation model for niche shift in ecological time scale was constructed on the basis of the optimal foraging theory. In accordance with the previous experimental study (Shimada andFujii , 1985), the model competitive system consisted of 2 parasitoid wasp species utilizing 4 host stages. Wasps were assumed to choose host stages in the manner that they realized the maximal gain/cost values, where gain was represented by body weight of a wasp progeny emerging from each host stage and cost was expressed by time required to search for and detect an unparasitized host. The number of parasitized hosts in each host stage was calculated numerically by usingArditt 's (1983) model for avoidance of superparasitism. The model simulated well the experimental results ofShimada andFujii (1985) andShimada (1985). Sensitivity analysis of the model showed that the experimentally derived criterion for competitive coexistence (different second-best host stages between competing species even with the common best) was not necessarily the indispensable condition for niche shift and separation, but that if the criterion was not satisfied, stable competitive coexistence occurred only in the narrow range of the parametric values. Further, niche shift in ecological time scale made the competitive coexistence more stable than fixed niche on which the current niche theory stands.  相似文献   

Summary Many plant species prominent in the native vegetation of the dry shingle banks at Dungeness (Britain) are also prominent as exotics in the dry Upper Clutha catchment (New Zealand). To examine the realised niche relations of these species, vegetation was sampled in the two areas. Inverse classification and ordination were used to determine the relative beta niches of the species in the two areas. There was little agreement; it seems that the exotic species in the Upper Clutha were pre-adapted to different niches from those in their native range.  相似文献   

荒漠草原蝗虫营养生态位及种间食物竞争模型的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
以宁夏荒漠草原 1 2种蝗虫为对象 ,对荒漠草原蝗虫的营养生态位和种间食物竞争模型进行了研究 .采用嗉囊内含物分析技术分析了 1 2种蝗虫的取食特性和食物利用谱 ,并根据嗉囊内含物的分析结果 ,定量研究了蝗虫的营养生态位重叠和宽度 .依据生态位分化的特点 ,1 2种蝗虫可划分为 4个不同营养需求类群 :杂草取食者、杂草 禾草取食者、禾草 杂草取食者、禾草取食者 .通过蝗虫的取食频率、生物量以及种群密度 ,提出了蝗虫种间食物竞争力评估模型 ,对 1 2种蝗虫种间食物竞争的作用力进行了讨论 .  相似文献   

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