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Although the basal and uppermost lateral branches of Lupinus angustifolius L. frequently grow and contribute to yield, buds formed in the axils of leaves 6-12 (referred to as middle buds) rarely grow. This may be due to an inherent limitation of these buds, or some form of apical dominance or competition imposed by the plant. The hypothesis that middle buds have the full capacity to grow, but remain suppressed on intact plants was tested. The main stem apex and buds from the axils of leaves 1 and 8 (bud 1 and bud 8) were excised and cultured on sterile agar. The buds were removed from culture and weighed every 2-3 d for 21 d. The growth rate of apices from the main stem was approximately 5.8 mg d-1, compared to 2.4 mg d-1 for bud 1 and 0.9 mg d-1 for bud 8. Buds in the axils of leaves 6-10 on intact plants were painted six times with a synthetic cytokinin, benzylaminopurine, from 40 d after sowing. This promoted rapid elongation and thickening of these buds, visible as early as 5 d after painting began. The rapid growth of these branches was associated with a reduction in the length of the remaining branches on the plant. However, excision of lower branches did not increase the growth of the middle buds. It is concluded that buds 6-12 of Lupinus angustifolius L. have a partial potential to grow. This potential appears to be limited by innate factors in the bud, and may be structural and/or hormonal. The limitation appears to develop very early in the plant, and potential growth is not modified by subsequent nutrition of the plant.  相似文献   

In both Chamaedorea seifrizii Burret and C. cataractarum Martius each adult foliage leaf subtends one axillary bud. The proximal buds in C. seifrizii are always vegetative, producing branches (= new shoots or suckers); and the distal buds on a shoot are always reproductive, producing inflorescences. The prophyll and first few scale leaves of a vegetative branch lack buds. Transitional leaves subtend vegetative buds and adult leaves subtend reproductive buds. Both types of buds are first initiated in the axil of the second or third leaf primordia from the apex, P2 or P3. Later development of both types of bud tends to be more on the adaxial surface of the subtending leaf base than on the shoot axis. Axillary buds of C. cataractarum are similarly initiated in the axil of P2 or P3 and also have an insertion that is more foliar than cauline. However, all buds develop as inflorescences. Vegetative branches arise irregularly by a division of the apex within an enclosing leaf (= P1). A typical inflorescence bud is initiated in the axil of the enclosing leaf when it is in the position of P2 and when each new branch has initiated its own P1. No scale leaves are produced by either branch and the morphological relationship among branches and the enclosing leaf varies. Often the branches are unequal and the enclosing leaf is fasciated. The vegetative branching in C. cataractarum is considered to be developmentally a true dichotomy and is compared with other examples of dichotomous (= terminal) branching in the Angiospermae.  相似文献   

Artabotrys hexapetalus is widely planted in the tropics and is known as "climbing ylang-ylang," an ornamental liana or woody climber. New natural sprouts, or water shoots, and those induced by the damage of Hurricane Andrew (24 August 1992) were collected and fixed in formalin/acidic acid/alcohol. Seeds from these plants were planted and grown in a greenhouse where seedling morphology was observed and young material collected and fixed. The development of lateral plagiotropic and orthotropic shoots was studied using both epi-illumination light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. A series of buds develops in the axils of leaves on the orthotropic shoot. At the lateral margins of the axillary shelf, plagiotropic shoots form that will develop into either vegetative shoots, or thorns, or sympodial shoots that bear hooks and flowers. In between the two marginal buds, a series of median vertical buds develop that either remain dormant or grow out as renewal orthotropic shoots. Previous work that suggested that the plagiotropic shoot buds were displaced out of the median vertical series of supernumerary buds is not supported. The sympodial development of plagiotropic branches as inflorescence hooks is documented.  相似文献   

A study of the composition of long-branch terminal buds (LBTB) of Pinus banksiana Lamb. and the yearly periodicity associated with their formation, development, and elongation was undertaken. Each LBTB has lateral bud zones and zones of cataphylls lacking axillary buds. When present, staminate cone primordia differentiate from the lowest lateral buds in the lowest lateral bud zone of the LBTB. Ovulate cone primordia and lateral long-branch buds can differentiate from the upper lateral buds in any lateral bud zone. When both types of buds are present, lateral long-branch buds are uppermost. Dwarf-branch buds occur in all lateral bud zones. During spring LBTB internodes elongate, new cataphylls are initiated, dwarf branches elongate, needles form and elongate, pollen forms and is released, and ovulate cones are pollinated. During summer buds form in the axils of the newly formed cataphylls. By early fall the new LBTB are in overwintering condition and the four types of lateral buds are discernable. The cytohistological zonation of the LBTB shoot apex is similar to that of more than 20 other conifer species. Cells in shoot apices of pine are usually arranged in distinct zones: apical initials, subapical initials, central meristem, and peripheral meristem. Periclinal divisions occur in the surface cells of the apex; therefore no tunica is present. At any given time, shoot apex volume and shape vary among LBTB in various positions on a tree. In any one LBTB on a tree, shoot apex shape changes from a low dome during spring to a high dome during summer to an intermediate shape through fall and winter.  相似文献   

TOMLINSON, P. B., TAKASO, T. & RATTENBURY, J. A., 1989. Developmental shoot morphology in Phyllocladus (Podocarpaceae). Shoot architecture in the adult phase of Phyllocladus is established by a succession of units of extension that develop a system of permanent axes supporting photosynthetic units (phylloclades) each of which represents a branch complex with three branch orders. Seedlings have needle foliage leaves comparable to those of other conifers, but in adult plants all leaves are ephemeral, non-photosynthetic scales that for the most part subtend no axillary buds. Once rhythmic growth (usually seasonal) is established in the adult phase, each increment produces a whorl of phylloclades so that a regular tiered arrangement develops, with the tiers progressively reduced on outer units. In the resting terminal bud of permanent axes only scale primordia are present; with bud burst and beginning of extension of the unit the phylloclades are produced by syllepsis and complete the initiation and expansion of all axis orders in the short flushing cycle. Segments retain strict distichy throughout, but in a dorsiventral and not a lateral plane. Phylloclades may be either determinate, when the apex of the first-order axis develops as a terminal flattened segment, or indeterminate, when the apex retains radial symmetry and forms a resting bud that can continue axis extension as a permanent shoot in subsequent years. A phylloclade consequently only produces flattened lateral segments in its season of initiation. Reiteration from reserve buds is not possible, because none are produced in the adult phase, but is possible from detached meristems formed in the axils of needle leaves on juvenile shoots. Reiteration in the adult phase is thus possible only by axis dedifferentiation, that is, change from plagiotropy to orthoptropy. The distinctive massive vascular connection of the phylloclade is made possible by syllepsis. In this way the normal structural constraints of elaborate appendage development in conifers is fully overcome.  相似文献   

Ulex europaeus is a much-branched shrub with small, narrow, spine-tipped leaves and axillary thorn shoots. The origin and development of axillary shoots was studied as a basis for understanding the changes that occur in the axillary shoot apex as it differentiates into a thorn. Axillary bud primordia are derived from detached portions of the apical meristem of the primary shoot. Bud primordia in the axils of juvenile leaves on seedlings develop as leafy shoots while those in the axils of adult leaves become thorns. A variable degree of vegetative development prior to thorn differentiation is exhibited among these secondary thorn shoots even on the same axis. Commonly the meristems of secondary axillary shoots initiate 3–9 bracteal leaves with tertiary axillary buds before differentiating as thorns. In other cases the meristems develop a greater number of leaves and tertiary buds as thorn differentiation is delayed. The initial stages in the differentiation of secondary shoot meristems as thorns are detected between plastochrons 10–20, depending on vigor of the parent shoot. A study of successive lateral buds on a shoot shows an abrupt conversion from vegetative development to thorn differentiation. The conversion involves the termination of meristematic activity of the apex and cessation of leaf initiation. Within the apex a vertical elongation of cells of the rib meristem initials and their immediate derivatives commences the attenuation of the apex which results in the pointed thorn. All cells of the apex elongate parallel to the axis and proceed to sclerify basipetally. Back of the apex some cortical cells in which cell division has persisted longer differentiate as chlorenchyma. Although no new leaves are initiated during the extension of the apex, provascular strands are present in the thorn tip. Fibrovascular bundles and bundles of cortical fibers not associated with vascular tissue differentiate in the thorn tip and are correlated in position with successive incipient leaves in the expected phyllotactic sequence, the more developed bundles being related to the first incipient leaves. Some secondary shoots displayed variable atypical patterns of meristem differentiation such as abrupt conversion of the apex resulting in sclerification with limited cell elongation and small, inhibited leaves. These observations raise questions concerning the nature of thorn induction and the commitment of meristems to thorns.  相似文献   

Summary On intact, 3-week-old plants of Phaseolus the larger bud in the axils of the primary leaves shows slow, continuous elongation growth. Release from correlative inhibition can be detected within 30 min following decapitation. When 0.1% indoleacetic acid in lanolin is applied to the decapitated stem stump, the lateral bud shows slow growth during the first 7 h, then stops completely for a further 15 h but after 2 days a further gradual increase in length is observed.The movement of 14C-labelled assimilates from the subtending primary leaf into the lateral bud increases following removal of the shoot apex. When indole acetic acid is applied to decapitated plants the ability of the buds to import 14C increases for 5–7 h and then declines to a negligible amount. Little or no radioactivity from tritiated indoleacetic acid is transported into the lateral buds of decapitated plants during the first 48 h following removal of the apex and it appears that rapid metabolism of the compound occurs in the stem tissues.  相似文献   

Shoot development of temperate and tropical members of Berberis s. l. was examined in order to assess: (1) the homology of the spines along the long shoots and the foliage leaves that form on the short shoots; (2) the occurrence of heterophylly and/or heteroblasty in the genus; and (3) the structural correspondence between cataphylls, spines, and foliage leaves. The 1-5-armed spines have been interpreted as modified compound leaves lacking stipules, as a modified lamina (central spine) with stipules (lateral spines), or less often, as transformed branches, or as epidermal outgrowths. On the other hand, the foliage leaves of the short shoots have been interpreted as leaflets of palmately compound leaves. Our results indicate that there are three distinct leaf types per node: (1) Leaves modified in spines spirally arranged in long shoots; (2) foliage, expanded leaves densely arranged in short shoots; and (3) cataphylls protecting axillary buds. The spines are leaf homologs with a clear distinction between the leaf base with stipules, and a laminar portion modified into the 1-5-armed spine; the lateral spines are not stipules as they arise from the marginal meristem of the laminar portion, and not from the leaf base. The foliage leaves also have stipules flanking the leaf base. Both spiny leaves and foliage leaves develop an articulation between the base and the laminar portion. Cataphylls of the short shoots of Berberis s. str. and those of the reproductive short shoots of Mahonia correspond to the entire leaf base, but those of the renewal (vegetative) shoots of Mahonia are spiny and have an odd vestigial pinnately compound lamina. Heterochrony due to ontogenetic truncation caused by the formation of the terminal inflorescence at the apex of the short shoots could be responsible for the lack of petiole/lamina differentiation in the foliage leaves. The spiny long-shoot/foliose short-shoot system of branching in Berberis s. str. appears to be genetically and phylogenetically fixed and not environment-dependent. This represents a clear example of metamorphic heteroblasty sensu Zotz et al. (Botanical Review 77:109–151, 2011) with further occurrence of heterophylly along the short shoots.  相似文献   

The development of buds and their vascular connections are described for Helianthus annuus and H. bolanderi. Bud meristems of H. annuus usually become isolated by parenchymatization of the bud traces in the cortical zone. If the buds are induced to grow as a result of decapitation of the terminal meristem, a continuous range between typical primary connections and pseudo-adventitious connections are made between the main axis and the lateral buds. Considerable growth of the branches occurs within 48 hours after decapitation. Axillary buds of H. bolanderi grow continuously, and both the meristem and vascular system of the buds are derived directly from the apical meristem of the shoots.  相似文献   

Reversion of flowering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reversion from floral to vegetative growth is under environmental control in many plant species. However the factors regulating floral reversion, and the events at the shoot apex that take place when it occurs, have received less attention than those associated with the transition to flowering. Reversions may be categorized as flower reversion, in which the flower meristem resumes leaf production, or inflorescence reversions, in which the meristem ceases to initiate bracts with flowers in their axils and begins instead to make leaves with vegetative branches in their axils. Related to these two types of reversion, but distinct from them, are examples of partial flowering, when non-floral meristems grow out so that the plant begins to grow vegetatively again. Anomalous or proliferous flowers may form as a result of unfavourable growth conditions or viral infection, but these do not necessarily involve flower reversions.  相似文献   

Brownea ariza Benth. (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) shows early shoot tip abortion and subsequent renewal growth from the pseudoterminal bud. This species is unusual in that the entire shoot system is formed before flushing from the bud occurs, shoot tip abortion occurs during flushing, and the aborting portion contains three to six leaves as well as primordial structures varying from hood to peg shape. This study focused on the morphological changes from initiation of scale and foliage leaf primordia in the “resting” renewal bud through bud elongation to flushing and bud abortion. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that embryonic scale leaves are hood-shaped while foliage leaf primordia show early segmentation into leaflets and stipules. No transitional stages were observed. Bud scales and foliage leaves show opposite developmental trends. In bud scales, length at maturity increases from first to last formed, while length decreases in sequentially formed foliage leaves. Early in leaf development the stipules keep pace with the elongation of the rachis. When the bud reaches about one half of its final length the leaf rachis begins to exceed the lengths of its stipules. This young rachis terminates in a distinct mucro that persists until maturity at which time it abscises. Growth patterns indicate that mucro and rachis are a single developmental unit. The early abortion of a shoot tip containing several leaves cannot be easily rationalized. Previous suggestions have involved maintenance of form and ecological adaptation. We add the possibility of elimination of cell progeny encumbered by mutations. From this and other studies of this group, it is clear that at maturity leaves of different species may look alike, e.g., Hymenaea and Colophospermum are bifoliolate; Brownea, Saraca, and others are multifoliolate. However, early stages of leaf ontogeny are quite diverse and may be of systematic value, since these early differences are lost or masked by later development.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial formation and differentiation of axillary buds in developing shoots of mature eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) were investigated. Shoots sequentially initiate early vegetative, floral, and late vegetative buds. Associated with these buds is the formation of three distinct leaf types. In May of the first growing season, the first type begins forming in terminal buds and overwinters as relatively developed foliar structures. These leaves bear early vegetative buds in their axils. The second type forms late in the first growing season in terminal buds. These leaves form floral buds in their axils the second growing season. The floral bud meristems initiate scale leaves in April and begin forming floral meristems in the axils of the bracts in May. The floral meristems subsequently form floral organs by the end of the second growing season. The floral buds overwinter with floral organs, and anthesis occurs in the third growing season. The third type of leaf forms and develops entirely outside the terminal buds in the second growing season. These leaves bear the late vegetative buds in their axils. On the basis of these and other supporting data, we hypothesize a 3-yr flowering cycle as opposed to the traditional 2-yr cycle in eastern cottonwood.  相似文献   

The growth of the tropical tree Brownea ariza Benth. is modular and conforms to Troll's model. Distinctive anatomical features of its shoot development were investigated. Each module consists of from 6–10 compound leaves and terminates its growth by shoot tip abortion. Sympodial branch systems are formed by renewal growth from the most distal (pseudoterminal) 1–2 buds. New modules are wholly preformed within large (15–28 cm) buds. The flush occurs without a resting period and full shoot expansion is completed within one day. A distinct abscission zone develops in the stem just distal to the node of the last expanded leaf. Abortion of the shoot apex and 5–6 embryonic leaves occurs 2–3 days after the flush begins. This tissue vacuolates and begins to become necrotic prior to actual abscission. New flushes are pendent but are reoriented to a plagiotropic or upright position to create an arborescent form. Reorientation begins quickly (10° within 2 days) due to maturation of primary and secondary tissues and continues throughout the life of the branch by means of reaction wood formation on the upper surface.  相似文献   

Shoot and inflorescence branching   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Lateral phylloclades of Ruscus aculeatus are found in the axils of reduced scale leaves on the orthotropic, photosynthetic stem. The terminal phylloclade results from the elongation and flattening of the main shoot apex after the lateral appendages have been initiated. Studies of the development of both lateral and terminal phylloclades point to their cauline nature. The hypothesis that the phylloclade results from the congenital fusion of a reduced short shoot and its prophyll is not supported.  相似文献   

Development of the cotyledonary region in Chamaesyce maculata is described from germination of the seed through formation of the dense mat of branches which characterize this common weed. The cotyledonary node is trilacunar with split-lateral traces. Epicotyl development is limited to a pair of leaves (“V-leaves”) inserted directly above and decussate to the cotyledons. The two V-leaves are also vascularized by three traces and insertion of these traces relative to the vasculature at the immediately subjacent cotyledonary node is asymmetrical; four of the six V-leaf traces arise on one side of the intercotyledonary plane and two arise on the opposite side. Further shoot development is limited to lateral branches that develop sequentially from cotyledonary axillary buds, and then from de novo buds which arise at bases of previously developed lateral branches. The first axillary bud to develop is located on that half of the seedling which supplies the V-leaves with four traces. Development or insertion of the third and fourth branches (first and second de novo branches) relative to the first and second (cotyledonary) branches occurs in two patterns, termed cis and trans. Subsequent de novo branches generally develop between the two most recently developed branches on that half of the seedling, gradually forming a large branch plexus at the cotyledonary region. In mature robust specimens, however, the sequence of lateral branch development may become irregular. Structure of the cotyledonary region of C. maculata does not readily support widely held concepts of homology between the pleiochasium of Euphorbia subgenus Agaloma and the lateral branch system of Chamaesyce.  相似文献   

In Cordyline terminalis negatively geotropic leafy shoots and positively geotropic rhizomes develop from single axillary buds on either shoots or rhizomes. All axillary buds have similar morphogenetic potential when released from apical dominance. Experiments in which the orientation of the apex is changed, organs removed, or growth regulators applied indicate that after a rhizome is initiated, it is maintained as a rhizome by auxin originating in the leafy shoot. When auxin levels are lowered by changes in the orientation of the axis or shoot removal, the rhizome apex becomes a shoot apex, which appears to be the stable state of the actively growing apex. Benzyl adenine when applied exogenously to the apex or lateral buds has the same effect as lowering the auxin level. Gibberellic acid has no effect on the apex or lateral buds. High levels of exogenous naphthaleneacetic acid cause bud release and development of rhizomes from previously inhibited axillary buds of the shoot. However, it was not possible to convert a shoot apex into a rhizome apex by auxin treatment. It is suggested that the release of buds on the lower side of horizontal branches and of buds directly above a stem girdle is caused by high auxin levels on the lower side or distal to the girdle. The experimental results are discussed in relation to naturally occurring shoot-rhizome dimorphism.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of shoots in Whytockia W. W. Smith was investigated in order to reveal its growth pattern. The shoot in Whytockia has lost apical growth, which is contrary to the present knowledge about its growth pattern. Its stem is in fact a lateral branch system formed by sprouting of lateral buds in axils of small leaves substituting for the thoroughly restrained phyllogens. The unbranched stem of the genus is due to the restrained state of axillary buds in axils of large leaves. This so-called simple stem is secondary in phylogeny rather than relict in Epithemateae. According to the revealed growth pattern of the shoot in Whytockia, the present paper discusses the phylogenetic relationships between Whytockia and Loxonia, Monophyllaea and Rhynchoglossum in Epi-themateae.  相似文献   

异叶苣苔属地上茎的生长式样及其系统发育意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对异叶苣苔属植物地上茎形态发生过程的观察旨在揭示该属地上茎的生长式样。该研究发现异 叶苣苔属植物地上茎的生长式样并不是以往所认为的简单顶端生长。该属植物的顶芽已完全受到抑制。其地上茎实际上是萌发于小型叶叶腋的侧芽替代顶芽生长所形成的各级侧枝系统,即合轴分枝系统。异叶苣苔属植物地上茎的不分枝情况是位于大型叶叶腋的腋芽受到抑制所致,纯粹是一种次生现象,并不是尖舌苣苔族植物原始祖先的孑遗性状。尖舌苣苔族其他属植物地上茎的生长式样并不均是从异叶苣苔属植物的生长式样演化而来。出蕊苣苔属和异叶苣苔属植物地上茎的生长式样可能来自同一个不太远的祖先,但已经向着不同的方向演化。独叶苣苔属植物复杂的圆锥状对花聚伞花序并非从异叶苣苔属地上茎上部,即生殖生长部分退化而来,乃幼态成熟的复化过程所致。尖舌苣苔属的总状花序可能更接近尖舌苣苔族的原始祖先类型。  相似文献   

Intact trees of Wollemia nobilis Jones, Hill and Allen (Araucariaceae) routinely develop multiple coppice shoots as well as orthotropic epicormic shoots that become replacement or additional leaders. As these are unusual architectural features for the Araucariaceae, an investigation was made of the axillary meristems of the main stem and their role in the production of epicormic and possibly coppice shoots. Leaf axils, excised from the apex to the base of 2-m-high W. nobilis plants (seedling origin, ex situ grown), were examined anatomically. Small, endogenous, undifferentiated (no leaf primordia, no vascular or provascular connections) meristems were found in the axils from near the shoot apex. In the more proximal positions about half the meristems sampled did not differentiate further, but became tangentially elongated to compensate for increases in stem diameter. In the remaining axils the meristems slowly developed into bud primordia, although these buds usually developed few leaf primordia and their apical 'domes' were wide and flat. Associated vascular development was generally restricted to provascular dedifferentiation of the cortical parenchyma, with the procambium usually forming a 'closed loop' that did not extend back to the secondary vascular tissues. Development of the meristems was very uneven with adjacent axils often at widely differing stages of development into buds. The study shows that, unlike most conifers, W. nobilis possesses long-lived meristematic potential in most, if not all, leaf axils. Unlike other araucarias that have been investigated, many of the meristems in the orthotropic main stem will slowly develop into bud primordia beneath the bark in intact plants. It appears likely that this slow but continued development provides a ready source of additional or replacement leaders and thus new branches and leaves.  相似文献   

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