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本工作采用去污剂微铺展——硝酸银染色技术研究熊猴、平顶猴、藏酋猴、恒河猴及其亚种毛耳猴的精母细胞联会复合体(SC)核型、SC的结构及其在减数分裂中的行为。结果表明这几种动物的SC核型以及SC的发育过程基本一致。SC的形成开始于偶线期,成熟于粗线期,解体于双线期。在减数分裂前期,性染色体轴呈强嗜银性,配对明显落后于常染色体。根据减数分裂前期性染色体的形态和行为,性染色体的配对可分为五种类型。此外,本文还对XY染色体的同源性和侧轴加粗等现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

白逢彦  贾建华 《菌物学报》1995,14(Z1):75-81
摘要:用CHEF(钳位均匀电场)脉冲电泳系统分析了德巴利汉逊酵母的两个变种及两个相关种的脉冲电泳核型。对每个分类群的染色体条数,染色体DNA的分子量大小范围及整个基因组大小作出了估算,结果如下:Debaryomyces hansenii(Zopf) Lodder et Kreger-van Rij var. hansenii具有6-7条染色体,分子量范围为1.2-2.6(个别3.5)Mb,整个基因组大小为I 0.6-14.9Mb;D. hansenii var. fabryi (Ota) Nakase et Suzuki具有7条染色体,分子量范围为0.7-2.4M b,整个基因组大小为12.0-12.7Mb;D. nepalensis Goto et Sugiyama具有6-8条染色体,分子量范围为(个别0.2)1.1-2.7Mb,整个基因组大小为10.6-11.0Mb;Candida saitoana Nakase et Suzuki具有10-11条染色体,分子量范围为0.6-3.6Mb,整个基因组大小为18.1-18.9Mb.本研究表明C. saitoana与上述德巴利酵母属的三个分类群在脉冲电泳核型上具有明显差异,而后三者之间在染色体DNA带型上却没有发现有价值的区别之处.  相似文献   

黄鳝减数分裂和联会复合体组型分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
马昆  施立明 《动物学研究》1987,8(2):159-163
联会复合体(Synaptonemal Complex,SC)是减数分裂前期同源染色体配对形成的一种非永久性核内细胞器,同染色体配对、遗传交换以及染色体的分离有着密切的关系。自Moses和Fawcett的早期工作以来,围绕着SC的结构、行为及化学组成等开展了大量的工作,积累了丰富的资料。近年来,由于界面铺张技术的发展,进一步推动了  相似文献   

家鸡联会复合体的亚显微结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘冬梅  张传善 《动物学报》1990,36(4):360-365
本文以表面铺展——硝酸银染色技术,对家鸡的联会复合体(Syneptonemal Complex,SC)作亚显微结构分析。根据对10个精母细胞和10个卵母细胞SC的测量结果,绘制组型图。发现雌雄家鸡的常染色体的SC组型相同。在精母细胞中,性染色体(ZZ)的行为与常染色体相似。在卵母细胞中,性染色体ZW的长度不同,长轴为Z,短轴为W,两者之间只有部分配对,形成SC。从早粗线期到晚粗线期,由同源配对调整为非同源配对。另外,在一只雌鸡中,第一次观察到,有些细胞的常染色体能正常配对,而性染色体完全不配对的现象。  相似文献   

本工作以C带、硝酸银染色、对黑眉锦蛇(Elaphe taeniura)的有丝分裂染色体进行了显微观察。其二倍体染色体数目2n=36,核型组成为16(8m+6sm+2t)大染色体+20微小染色体。C带显现于几乎所有染色体的着丝粒区,有一对插入型C带位于第6对端着丝粒染色体。一个银染核仁组织区(NORs)位于No.12小染色体。同时以界面铺张——硝酸银染色技术,对黑届锦蛇减数分裂精母细胞联会复合体(SC)的结构进行了亚显微观察。发现黑眉锦蛇的SC结构与其他动物的SC相似,是由两股平行的侧线组成,SC组型与有丝分裂染色体组型有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

应用透射电子显微镜观察了杉木花粉母细胞减数分裂前期的联会复合体。发现杉木花粉母细胞减数分裂的联会复合体中央结构是由两条暗带及一条明带组成,而不是一般描述的一条暗带。  相似文献   

国内首次以“胜利”黑麦品系为材料,在电镜下观察联会复合作并分析了联会复合体核型。在同染色体核型比较后,认为“胜利”黑麦存在着两个可能的易位:1R长臂的一小段易位到6R短臂;4R长臂向2R长臂易位三单位长度,使4R长臂变成短臂。从而判断“胜利”黑麦为易位杂合体。这个研究方法可以在植物实验分类学研究中得到应用。  相似文献   

脉冲电泳核型分析在酿酒酵母菌分类学研究中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据酵母属( Saccharomyces Meyen ex Reess) 分类学研究最新进展,核实并更新了保藏于中国普通微生物菌种保藏中心的该属菌株的种类归属。在形态和生理生化性状,包括对6 种糖的发酵能力、对18 种碳源和3 种氮源化合物的同化能力、在无维生素培养基中和37 ℃下的生长情况、对放线菌素酮的抗性等常规分类学研究的基础上,对部分疑难菌株进行了脉冲电泳核型比较分析。酿酒酵母( Saccharomycescerevisiae) 、贝酵母( S.Bayanus) 和巴氏酵母( S.Pastorianus) 三者与少孢酵母( S.Exiguus) 在电泳核型上具有明显的差异,主要表现在前三者染色体DNA 分子的大小范围均为225 ~2200 kb ,而S.Exiguus 缺少小于365 kb 的染色体DNA 分子。S.Cerevisiae 的模式和权威菌株具有12 ~14 条染色体DNA 带;S.BayanusS.Pastorianus 的模式菌株均有17 条带,但在带型上存在一定差异。原归于S.Cerevisiae 的株菌AS2-100 具有16 条带,与S.Cerevisiae 区别明显而与S.…  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complexes (SCs) were found in stage 3, premeiotic (S phase) pollen mother cell (PMC) nuclei of wheat which were labeled with 3H-thymidine. Three nucleoli are present in PMC nuclei at the beginning of stage 3, premeiotic interphase (S3). During S3, nucleoli move toward the nuclear envelope and fuse to form one nucleolus near the end of the stage. PMC nuclei labeled with 3H-thymidine were serially sectioned to show that more than one nucleolus was present and that SCs were also present in these DNA synthetic nuclei. Entire S3 PMC nuclei were serially sectioned to show the presence of SCs and all three nucleoli. Entire leptotene nuclei were also serially sectioned and segments of SCs were found. It is concluded that the association of homologous chromosomes in S3 of wheat is an early step in SC formation which proceeds through leptotene and is completed in zygotene and pachytene. Thus there is evidence that the continuum of chromosome pairing in wheat starts much earlier than was once thought.  相似文献   

A method for isolation of nuclei from Saccharomyces cervisiae in high yield is described. The DNA/protein ratio of the isolated nuclei is 10 times higher than that of whole cells. Examination of these nuclei in phase and electron microscopes has shown them to be round bodies having a double membrane, microtubules, and a dark crescent at one end. The optimum conditions for extraction and resolution of histones of these nuclei on acrylamide gels have been investigated. The nuclei have an active RNA polymerase (E.C. and are able to synthesize RNA in vitro. They are also readily stainable with Giemsa's, Feulgen's, and acridine orange methods.  相似文献   

THE FUSION OF SEXUAL NUCLEI   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A classification scheme is proposed for the types of sexual nuclear fusion that occur in eukaryotes. The two main classes are envelope fusion and envelope vesiculation and each is further divided into subclasses. The formation of sexual nuclei (pronuclei) has been detailed in representatives from various phyla, but is best understood in animals, in which the development of male and female pronuclei differs in some respects. The only characterized cytoplasmic mediator of pronuclear movement are microtubules. Groups of eukaryotes can be classified according to the type of nuclear fusion they reveal. Envelope fusion occurs in animals whose eggs are fertilized at the pronuclear stage, and in all plants, fungi, protozoa and algae studied to date. Ultrastructural details of envelope fusion have shown variations that are classified in our scheme as direct and indirect, the latter being restricted to the plant kingdom. Envelope vesiculation only occurs in animals, in which it is the most common means of nuclear fusion. Four subclasses can be defined according to the timing of the vesiculation of the nuclear envelopes, and the extent of envelope surface projections prior to fusion. The amount of work reported on the controlling mechanisms of nuclear fusion has been limited, but some evidence of genetic control has been provided, particularly in fungi. Evidence is presented to indicate that the control of the fusion competence of nuclei is a negative one. This review of the information available on nuclear fusion points out the need for extensive future comparative studies if this important process is to be better understood.  相似文献   

DNA CONTENT OF PLACENTAL NUCLEI   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The DNA content of individual nuclei in four immature human placentas was determined by microspectrophotometric analysis of Feulgen-stained sections. The absence of mitosis in the syncytiotrophoblast, taken together with the finding of a diploid unimodal distribution, at a time of rapid placental growth, indicated that the syncytiotrophoblast possessed little or no intrinsic reproductive capacity. In contrast, the cytotrophoblast displayed considerable mitotic activity and was found to contain a high proportion of nuclei with DNA values in excess of the diploid amount, corresponding to DNA synthesis in interphase nuclei preparatory to division. From the complementary behavior of the two layers of trophoblast, with respect to evidence of reproductive ability, it is concluded that the rapid accumulation of nuclei in the syncytiotrophoblast, during the early development of the placenta, is accounted for by cell proliferation within the cytotrophoblast followed by alignment and coalescence of some daughter cells in the syncytiotrophoblast.  相似文献   


1. Estimates of the number of dividing megakaryocytes with mitotic apparatus have been obtained in intact and in phenylhydrazine-papain treated rats. 2. In treated rats chromosome morphology was studied using colchicine and hypotonic treatment. 3. In bone marrow smears and in cultures two systems for nuclear reduplication were demonstrated: C-mitosis, and multipolar mitosis without cytokinesis. 4. In phenylhydrazine-papain treated rats, the mitotic index of each bone marrow cell series was greatly increased.  相似文献   

Wilson , James F. (Hartnell Coll., Salinas, Calif.) Transplantation of nuclei in Neurospora crassa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(8): 780–786. Illus. 1963.—Heterocaryons of N. crassa were produced artificially by cell-to-cell transfer of protoplasm of genetically marked strains. The injected hyphal sections were excised and cultured separately. The criteria of prototrophic growth and recovery of conidia of the donor genotype were used to prove that functional nuclei had been transplanted. Reciprocal injections were made with 2 pairs of macroconidial and 3 pairs of microconidial strains. Growth curves and conidial ratios of these artificial heterocaryons were compared to the corresponding natural heterocaryons. In each pair of heterocaryons produced by reciprocal injection, the growth curve of only one was equivalent to the naturally formed heterocaryon of that pair. The growth curve of the other artificial heterocaryon differed either in rate or in the lag period before growth occurred. There was no apparent relation between conidial ratios of the natural heterocaryons and the artificial heterocaryons with comparable growth curves. Injection of normal nuclei into a morphological temperature-sensitive mutant produced an apparent heterocaryon which grew with normal morphology at 34 C. The apparent stability of Neurospora nuclei may make in vitro studies possible.  相似文献   

质膜体是由质膜的内折或外突而形成的。Harris等”’把质膜的外突称为原生质小管(Plasmatubules),认为原生质小管是一种特化的质膜体。质膜体或原生质小管为质膜的一种异型体结构,明显增加质膜的表面积。由于植物细胞存在着细胞间短距离的物质运输,增加膜的表面积可扩大物  相似文献   

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