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Measurements of the gas vesicle space in steady-state light or phosphate-limited cultures of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs, strain 7905 showed that gas vesicle content decreased as energy-limited growth rate increased hut was the same at several phosphate-limited growth rates. Upon a decrease in growth irradiance, gas vesicle content did increase in phosphate-limited cultures, hut the cultures remained nonbuoyant as long as P was limiting. Buoyant, energy-limited cultures lost their buoyancy in less than 2 h when exposed to higher irradiances. The primary mechanism for buoyancy loss was the accumulation of polysaccharide as ballast. Collapse of gas vesicles by turgor pressure played a minor role in the loss of buoyancy. When cultures were exposed to higher irradiances, cells continued to synthesize gas vesicles at the same rate as before the shift for at least 1 generation time. The amount of ballast required to make individual filaments in the population sink varied 4-fold. This variation appears to be due to differences in gas vesicle content among individual filaments.  相似文献   

Buoyancy regulation in phosphate-limited cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Buoyancy regulation was studied in P-limited continuous cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa grown on light-dark cycles of 8–16 h. Gas-vesicle content did not vary systematically over a range of dilution rates form 0.004 to 0.015 h−1. A reduction in irradiance did not cause a significant change in gas-vesicle content. The proportion of floating cells decreased during the photoperiod and increased during the dark period. At three dilution rates, parallel cultures were grown at growth-saturating irradiance and at a lower irradiance. The cultures at low irradiance had a higher proportion of floating cells and a smaller decrease in buoyancy during the light period. The buoyancy losses were not due to destruction of gas vesicles but, rather, to the accumulation of heavy substances. However, measured increases in polysaccharide ballast accounted for only 60% of the required ballast. The molecule(s) which comprised the remainder of the ballast are unknown. Upon relief of phosphate limitation, P-limited cultures increased their buoyancy when incubated in the dark or light. Buoyancy increases in the dark were correlated with a decrease in polysaccharide content, whereas there was an increase in gas vesicle content in the light.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1999, a bloom (11 100 filaments ml–1)of the gas vacuolate cyanobacteriumAphanizomenon ovalisporumdeveloped in a shallow (1.7 m deep) reservoir containing nutrient-enrichedwater from Lake Kinneret (Israel). During 4 days, A. ovalisporumshowed a marked diel periodicity in buoyancy: the proportionof floating filaments fluctuated between 76–84% from middayto evening and 94–98% at the end of the night, in bothsurface and bottom samples. Buoyant filaments were present throughoutthe water column, presumably due to wind-driven vertical mixing.Aphanizomenonfilaments collected from the reservoir were maintained undermean photon irradiances of 15 (LL), 150 (ML) and 1100 (HL) µmolm–2 s–1 in a computer-controlled set-up, which simulatedthe diel light changes at different depths in the reservoir.In the LL cultures, filament buoyancy showed no diel fluctuationpatterns during the 4 days of incubation, but ML and HL culturesshowed regular diel changes, with a higher proportion of filamentsfloating at the end of the night than during midday–evening.There was no evidence for either turgor-driven collapse of gasvesicles or dilution of gas vesicles by cell growth by any ofthe treatments. Gas vesicles of A. ovalisporum had a relativelylow mean critical pressure (pc of 0.57 MPa), but the daytimerise in turgor pressure was too small to cause gas vesicle collapse.The observed diel buoyancy changes may be explained by accumulationof carbohydrate ballast during the day and decrease during thenight.  相似文献   

Gas-vacuolate filaments of Oscillatoria agardhii form a metalimneticlayer in Oeming Lake, Minnesota. The environmental factors whichaffect buoyancy and the physiological processes which mediatechanges in buoyancy were determined. Buoyant filaments losttheir buoyancy in a few hours when incubated at light intensitiesabove those found in situ ({small tilde}15 µnol photonsm–2 s–1, or 1% of the surface value). The rate ofbuoyancy loss was accelerated by the addition of 10 µMphosphate at irradiances >200mol photons m–2 s–1.The effect of nutrient additions on buoyancy was also investigatedover a longer time period by incubating metalimnetic samplesin situ. The samples were deployed for 6 days at a depth wherethe irradiance was 8% of the surface value. As found in short-termexperiments, the addition of phosphate resulted in the largestdecrease in buoyancy. However, the addition of ammonia in additionto phosphate attenuated the buoyancy loss on day 2, and on day6 the filaments in these treatments were almost completely buoyant.The physiological status of the filaments in these treatmentswas assayed by analysis of elemental ratios of C, N and P, andby measurement of cellular chlorophyll, polysaccharide and protein.In addition, the cellular content of gas vesicles was determined.The construction of ballast balance sheets from these data indicatedthat changes in buoyancy were primarily due to differences inthe amount of polysaccharide ballast in the cells. However,in another set of in situ experiments, the increase in measuredballast molecules did not explain the observed loss of buoyancy.We hypothesized that another, undetected ballast-providing moleculehad accumulated in the cells.  相似文献   

Abstract The buoyancy regulation in light-limited cultures of the gas vacuolate cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa AK1 was studied at three temperatures, 15, 20 and 28°C. At the two highest temperatures the organism remained buoyant during the entire light period, whereas at the lowest temperature the buoyancy was reduced at the start of the light period. With this temperature the buoyancy was lost during the light period. This reduced buoyancy was caused by an increase in ballast and a decrease in the gas vesicle volume. Buoyancy changes during a transient state with slow changes in temperatures, i.e., 1°C per day, were caused by changes in polysaccharide ballast. The gas vesicle volume showed no significant change during the transient state.
The maximal photosynthetic rate was dependent upon the growth and incubation temperature, whereas the light harvesting efficiency was independent of the temperature. The results are discussed in an ecological context.  相似文献   

The dominance of gas-vacuolate cyanobacteria is often attributedto their buoyancy and to their ability to regulate buoyancyin response to environmental conditions. Changes in absolutegas vesicles volume, carbohydrate content, protein content andcolony buoyancy of Microcystis flos-aquae were investigatedduring nitrogen-limited, phosphorus-limited and nutrient-repletegrowth. When nutrient-replete, M. flos-aquae cells consistentlyhad excess gas vesicles, which provided sufficient buoyancythat the influence of daily carbohydrate changes on cells uponfloatation was negligible. However, during nitrogen-limitedgrowth, gas vesicle volume per cell decreased significantlywith nitrogen exhaustion. The maximum decrease of gas vesiclevolume was up to 84–88%. At the same time, cellular carbohydratecontent had an accumulation trend. The decrease of gas vesiclebuoyancy together with the daily increase in carbohydrate aresuggested to explain the daily changes in the cell floatation.During phosphorus-limited growth, gas vesicle volume per celldecreased slightly (maximum to 22–32%), and they stillprovided sufficient buoyancy that most cells kept floating eventhough there were significant daily carbohydrate changes. Sincenitrogen limitation caused more significant buoyancy loss thanphosphorus limitation did, surface water blooms may disappearor appear frequently in nitrogen limited water bodies whilethey may persist a longer time in phosphorus limited water bodies.The quantitative analysis in buoyancy change by gas vesicles,carbohydrate and protein suggested that long-term buoyancy regulationwas mainly determined by changes of gas vesicle volume whereasshort-term buoyancy regulation was mainly determined by carbohydrateaccumulation and consumption. Both long-term and short-termbuoyancy regulation were influenced by cell nutrient status.Furthermore, gas vesicle volume per cell and protein contentchanged in the same way in both nitrogen-limited and phosphorus-limitedgrowth, which implied that the decrease of gas vesicles wereassociated with controls of total protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Changes in the buoyancy of Microcystis populations were followedover 24 h periods in two shallow well-mixed lakes, Lake Vinkeveen(area 0 6 km2) and Lake IJsselmeer (1190 km2), in the NetherlandsThe Microcystis colonies collected from the surface layers inboth lakes showed a buoyancy decrease during the day and anincrease at night The buoyant colonies, and especially the faster-movinglarge ones, became concentrated by flotation into the surfacemixed layers As a result the mean position of the cyanobacterialpopulation became located nearer the surface than that of othernon-buoyant phytoplankton, such as Scencdesmus. The cyanobacteriawould, therefore, have received a higher average irradianceThe Microcystis in these shallow lakes had weaker gas vesiclesthan those found previously in deeper lakes but it was demonstratedthat the loss of buoyancy, which occurred at high irradiances,resulted from an increase in carbohydrate ballast rather thanthrough turgoi-driven gas vesicle collapse  相似文献   

Filaments of Oscillatoria rubescens stratified in the metalimnion of Crooked Lake, Indiana at depths of 6–9 m, where the incident light intensity averaged 2% of the surface intensity. Buoyancy (due to gas vesicles) was regulated in response to light intensity, and increased turgor pressure generated at high light intensity could contribute to the collapse of gas vesicles. Filaments exposed to irradiances of 20–50 µE m-2 s-1 had neutral buoyancy. As nutrient availability was increased (by resuspending filaments in nutrient-rich water from the hypolimnion or by preventing CaCO3 precipitation with a calcium chelator), higher light intensities were necessary for buoyancy loss and increased turgor.

A series of traps were placed in the lake to intercept floating and sinking filaments. Migration activity (both floating and sinking) was greatest 1 m above the most dense concentration of O. rubescens. These results, together with vertical profiles of primary production, suggest that maximum production by O. rubescens occurred above the population maximum in the water column.  相似文献   

Microcystis aeruginosa was grown in light-limited continuouscultures at different growth rates on light-dark cycles at variousphotopenods. Due to the strength of the gas vesicles the organismwas not able to collapse its gas vesicles by turgor pressure.Below the maximal growth rate, the organism was buoyant dueto its high gas vesicle content. The results suggested thatthe rate of gas vesicle synthesis was not regulated. Upon atransition to high irradiance it took several hours before thecells lost their buoyancy due to polyglucan accumulation. Theresults are interpreted in an ecological context and it is suggestedthat Microcystis is an epilimnetic species due to its buoyancyregulation.  相似文献   

Previous investigations with planktonic cyanobacteria have suggested that these organisms do not form new gas vesicles in the dark. This study, on Microcystis sp., confirmed that cells that had been preincubated at low photon irradiances (< 15 μmol m-2 s-1) formed negligible amounts of gas vesicles in the dark. Significant gas vesicle formation occurred, however, in cells preincubated continuously at higher irradiances, and particularly within the range 65 to 105 μmol m-2 s-1. The results suggest that gas vesicle formation in the dark is dependent on the prior accumulation of energy reserves. The amount of gas vesicles formed in continuous light was linearly related to irradiance over the range 0 to 20 μmol m-2 s-1, and reached a maximum at only 30 μmol m-2 s-1 that was over five times the amount formed at higher irradiances. This suggests that the rate of gas vesicle formation, regulated directly in response to irradiance, has a role in the light-mediated buoyancy regulation of this cyanobacterium.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of photosynthetically-fixed CO2 was determined by labeling samples of Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmerman for 30 min with NaH14CO3 and analyzing its incorporation into low molecular weight compounds, polysaccharide and protein. In N- and P-sufficient cultures, relative incorporation into protein increased as the irradiance used during the labeling period was decreased to 20 μE · m-2 s-1. This pattern was found for cells grown at irradiances of either 20 or 180 μE · m-2· s-1, although incorporation into protein was greater in cultures grown at the higher irradiance. In N-limited continuous cultures, relative incorporation into protein was low, independent of growth rate, and the same for samples tested at 20 or 180 μE · m-2· s-1 irradiance. In contrast, 14C incorporation into protein by P-limited cultures increased as growth rate increased, and at relative growth rates greater than 0.25, the incorporation was greater at 20 than at 180 μE · m-2· s-1. However, the total RNA content and maximum photosynthetic rate of the cultures was the same at all growth rates tested. The interaction between nutrient concentration and light intensity was studied by growing-limited continuous cultures at the same dilution rate, but different irradiances. Relative incorporation into protein was highest in cultures grown at 20 μE · m-2· s-1, in which the relative growth rate was 0.4. These results suggest that photosynthetic carbon metabolism may respond to relative growth rate μ/μmax rather than to growth rate directly.  相似文献   

蓝藻伪空胞的特性及浮力调节机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张永生  孔繁翔  于洋  张民  史小丽 《生态学报》2010,30(18):5077-5090
伪空胞为蓝藻在水体中提供浮力,使其获得适宜的生长条件,最终导致蓝藻水华暴发,了解伪空胞的特征对控制蓝藻水华暴发有重要意义。文章简要回顾了蓝藻伪空胞自1865年被Klebahn发现到1965年被正式命名的研究历程,目前已发现150多种原核生物中含有伪空胞;伪空胞是两末端呈圆锥状的中空圆柱体,伪空胞半径与临界压强遵循方程:Pc=275(r/nm)-1.67MPa;伪空胞气体含量可根据不同原理,利用Walsby伪空胞测定装置、压力浊度计和细胞流式仪测得。总结了伪空胞组成的化学特性,评述了伪空胞gvp基因丛结构功能和GvpA、GvpC的蛋白空间结构。GvpA是伪空胞合成的主要成分,gvpA在伪空胞内存在多个拷贝,其功能仍不清楚;GvpC由33个氨基酸重复单位组成,重复单位越多,伪空胞越不易破裂;概述了伪空胞3种浮力调节机制:镇重物的改变、伪空胞的合成、伪空胞的破裂;归纳了环境因子(光照、温度、氮、磷、钾)参与伪空胞浮力网络调控的途径。提出了目前伪空胞研究面临的困难和问题,对伪空胞的未来研究方向提出探索性的建议。  相似文献   

In stratified lakes, dominance of the phytoplankton by cyanobacteria is largely the result of their buoyancy and depth regulation. Bloom-forming cyanobacteria regulate the gas vesicle and storage polymer contents of their cells in response to interactive environmental factors, especially light and nutrients. While research on the roles of nitrogen and phosphorus in cyanobacterial buoyancy regulation has reached a consensus, evaluations of the roles of carbon have remained open to dispute. We investigated the various effects of changes in carbon availability on cyanobacterial buoyancy with continuous cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa Kuetz. emend. Elenkin (1924), a notorious bloom-former. Although CO2 limitation of photosynthesis can promote buoyancy in the short term by preventing the collapse of turgor-sensitive gas vesicles and/or by limiting polysaccharide accumulation, we found that sustained carbon limitation restricts buoyancy regulation by limiting gas vesicle as well as polysaccharide synthesis. These results provide an explanation for the positive effects of bicarbonate enrichment on cyanobacterial nitrogen uptake and bloom formation in lake experiments and may help to explain the pattern of cyanobacterial dominance in phosphorus-enriched, low-carbon lakes.  相似文献   

In some lakes, large amounts of the potentially toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis overwinter in the sediment. This overwintering population might inoculate the water column in spring and promote the development of dense surface blooms of Microcystis during summer. In the Dutch Lake Volkerak, we found photochemically active Microcystis colonies in the sediment throughout the year. The most vital colonies originated from shallow sediments within the euphotic zone. We investigated whether recruitment of Microcystis colonies from the sediment to the water column was an active process, through production of gas vesicles or respiration of carbohydrate ballast. We calculated net buoyancy, as an indication of relative density, using the amounts and densities of the major cell constituents (carbohydrates, proteins, and gas vesicles). Carbohydrate content of benthic Microcystis cells was very low throughout the year. Buoyancy changes of benthic Microcystis were mostly a result of changes in gas vesicle volume. Before the summer bloom, net buoyancy and the amount of buoyant colonies in the sediment did not change. Therefore, recruitment of Microcystis from the sediment does not seem to be an active process regulated by internal buoyancy changes. Instead, our observations indicate that attachment of sediment particles to colonies plays an important part in the buoyancy state of benthic colonies. Therefore, we suggest that recruitment of Microcystis is more likely a passive process resulting from resuspension by wind‐induced mixing or bioturbation. Consequently, shallow areas of the lake probably play a more important role in recruitment of benthic Microcystis than deep areas.  相似文献   

Microcystis aeruginosa is a planktonic unicellular cyanobacterium often responsible for seasonal mass occurrences at the surface of freshwater environments. An abundant production of intracellular structures, the gas vesicles, provides cells with buoyancy. A 8.7-kb gene cluster that comprises twelve genes involved in gas vesicle synthesis was identified. Ten of these are organized in two operons, gvpA(I)A(II)A(III)CNJX and gvpKFG, and two, gvpV and gvpW, are individually expressed. In an attempt to elucidate the basis for the frequent occurrence of nonbuoyant mutants in laboratory cultures, four gas vesicle-deficient mutants from two strains of M. aeruginosa, PCC 7806 and PCC 9354, were isolated and characterized. Their molecular analysis unveiled DNA rearrangements due to four different insertion elements that interrupted gvpN, gvpV, or gvpW or led to the deletion of the gvpA(I)-A(III) region. While gvpA, encoding the major gas vesicle structural protein, was expressed in the gvpN, gvpV, and gvpW mutants, immunodetection revealed no corresponding GvpA protein. Moreover, the absence of a gas vesicle structure was confirmed by electron microscopy. This study brings out clues concerning the process driving loss of buoyancy in M. aeruginosa and reveals the requirement for gas vesicle synthesis of two newly described genes, gvpV and gvpW.  相似文献   

The rates of uptake of five amino acids--alanine, glutamate, glycine, leucine and serine--by axenic cultures of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens were measured over a range of irradiances using the (14)C-labelled amino acids at the nanomolar concentrations observed in Lake Zürich. The rates in the light exceeded the dark rates by as much as two- to ninefold. The light-affinity constants for stimulation were similar, indicating a similar process for each of the five amino acids. The E(k) (light saturation irradiance) for light stimulation was only 1 micromol m(-2) s(-1), less than the compensation point for photosynthesis and autotrophic growth, and much lower than the E(k) for either process. The E(k) for amino acid uptake was also less than the irradiance at which filaments obtain neutral buoyancy, which determines the depth at which they stratify and the irradiance they receive. This indicates that stimulation of amino acid uptake by light of low irradiances provides a mechanism for supplementing growth of filaments stratifying deep in the metalimnion, which, while able to grow at low irradiances, are often left with insufficient light to sustain them. Acetate uptake was also stimulated by light, but the kinetics differed.  相似文献   

Gas vesicles.     
The gas vesicle is a hollow structure made of protein. It usually has the form of a cylindrical tube closed by conical end caps. Gas vesicles occur in five phyla of the Bacteria and two groups of the Archaea, but they are mostly restricted to planktonic microorganisms, in which they provide buoyancy. By regulating their relative gas vesicle content aquatic microbes are able to perform vertical migrations. In slowly growing organisms such movements are made more efficiently than by swimming with flagella. The gas vesicle is impermeable to liquid water, but it is highly permeable to gases and is normally filled with air. It is a rigid structure of low compressibility, but it collapses flat under a certain critical pressure and buoyancy is then lost. Gas vesicles in different organisms vary in width, from 45 to > 200 nm; in accordance with engineering principles the narrower ones are stronger (have higher critical pressures) than wide ones, but they contain less gas space per wall volume and are therefore less efficient at providing buoyancy. A survey of gas-vacuolate cyanobacteria reveals that there has been natural selection for gas vesicles of the maximum width permitted by the pressure encountered in the natural environment, which is mainly determined by cell turgor pressure and water depth. Gas vesicle width is genetically determined, perhaps through the amino acid sequence of one of the constituent proteins. Up to 14 genes have been implicated in gas vesicle production, but so far the products of only two have been shown to be present in the gas vesicle: GvpA makes the ribs that form the structure, and GvpC binds to the outside of the ribs and stiffens the structure against collapse. The evolution of the gas vesicle is discussed in relation to the homologies of these proteins.  相似文献   

Gas vesicles.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The gas vesicle is a hollow structure made of protein. It usually has the form of a cylindrical tube closed by conical end caps. Gas vesicles occur in five phyla of the Bacteria and two groups of the Archaea, but they are mostly restricted to planktonic microorganisms, in which they provide buoyancy. By regulating their relative gas vesicle content aquatic microbes are able to perform vertical migrations. In slowly growing organisms such movements are made more efficiently than by swimming with flagella. The gas vesicle is impermeable to liquid water, but it is highly permeable to gases and is normally filled with air. It is a rigid structure of low compressibility, but it collapses flat under a certain critical pressure and buoyancy is then lost. Gas vesicles in different organisms vary in width, from 45 to > 200 nm; in accordance with engineering principles the narrower ones are stronger (have higher critical pressures) than wide ones, but they contain less gas space per wall volume and are therefore less efficient at providing buoyancy. A survey of gas-vacuolate cyanobacteria reveals that there has been natural selection for gas vesicles of the maximum width permitted by the pressure encountered in the natural environment, which is mainly determined by cell turgor pressure and water depth. Gas vesicle width is genetically determined, perhaps through the amino acid sequence of one of the constituent proteins. Up to 14 genes have been implicated in gas vesicle production, but so far the products of only two have been shown to be present in the gas vesicle: GvpA makes the ribs that form the structure, and GvpC binds to the outside of the ribs and stiffens the structure against collapse. The evolution of the gas vesicle is discussed in relation to the homologies of these proteins.  相似文献   

Gas vesicle formation and buoyancy regulation in Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme strain BU1 (Green sulfur bacteria) was investigated under various laboratory conditions. Cells formed gas vesicles exclusively at light intensities below 5 mol · m-2 · s-1 in the stationary phase. No effect of incubation temperature or nutrient limitation was observed. Gas space of gas vesicles occupied always less than 1.2% of the total cell volume. A maximum cell turgor pressure of 330 kPa was determined which is comparable to values determined for cyanobacterial species. Since a pressure of at least 485 kPa was required to collapse the weakest gas vesicles in Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme, short-term regulation of cell density by the turgor pressure mechanism can be excluded.Instead, regulation of the cell density is accomplished by the cease of gas vacuole production and accumulation of carbohydrate at high light intensity. The carbohydrate content of exponentially growing cells increased with light intensity, reaching a maximum of 35% of dry cell mass above 10 mol · m-2 · s-1. Density of the cells increased concomitantly. At maximum density, protein and carbohydrate together accounted for 62% of the total cell ballast. Cells harvested in the stationary phase had a significantly lower carbohydrate content (8–12% of the dry cell mass) and cell density (1010–1014 kg · m-3 with gas vesicles collapsed) which in this case was independent of light intensity. Due to the presence of gas vesicles in these cultures, the density of cells reached a minimum value of 998.5 kg · m-3 at 0.5 mol · m-2 · s-1.The cell volume during the stationary phase was three times higher than during exponential growth, leading to considerable changes in the buoyancy of Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme. Microscopic observations indicate that extracellular slime layers may contribute to these variations of cell volume.  相似文献   

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