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The effects of spraying potato plants (var. Majestic) with gibberellic acid and kinetin were investigated. Gibberellic acid increased both leaf area and dry-matter production over the short period of the experiment, but there were indications that this would not persist at maturity. Kinetin alone depressed leaf area and dry-matter production, but this did not occur in the presence of gibberellic acid. The mean net assimilation rate measured over a 2-week period was not significantly reduced by gibberellic acid.  相似文献   

本文报道云南山茶花(Camellia reticulataL.)的茎尖培养诱导形成多芽体和生根的条件及影响因素。MS培养基中含有较高浓度(3—5 mgL~(-1))BA和适量(1—1.5 mgL~(-1))IAA或NAA诱导形成多芽体。外植体的母株年龄明显影响多芽体的形成,幼龄种苗外植体的多芽诱导率高于成年树。添加CM(椰乳)、ZT、尿囊素对成年芽条返幼态有明显的促进作用。采用“浸没-纸桥生根法”诱根,以高浓度生长调节剂(0.5gL~(-1)IBA或ABT生根粉)溶液浸芽条基部短时间(20—30 min),生根效果最佳。母树的年龄对芽条的生根也有显著影响,种苗来源的芽条的生根率和根的数目都比来源于成年树的高。生根培养基中蔗糖浓度为15—20 gL~(-1),生根率高。MW和1/2 ER培养基比MS培养基的生根效果好。试管植物移栽入土后生长正常并已开花。  相似文献   

多胺与激动素对稀脉浮萍离体叶状体衰老的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
多胺与KT 都可抑制暗诱导衰老的稀脉浮萍(Lem na aequinoctialis)离体叶状体的叶绿素损失,且多胺的作用大于KT。KT 还显著抑制蛋白质的损失与蛋白酶活性的上升,而多胺对此却无大的影响。0.05 m m ol/L的甲基乙二醛二脒基-腙(MGBG)轻微促进叶绿素和蛋白质的损失。0.05 m m ol/L的KT 可抑制衰老过程中腐胺(Put)的上升和亚精胺(Spd)的下降,而对精胺(Spm )无明显影响。在稀脉浮萍中,精氨酸脱羧酶(ADC)活性占优势。KT 可轻微促进ADC 活性,而对鸟氨酸脱羧酶(ODC)和S-腺苷甲硫氨酸脱羧酶(SAMDC)活性无显著影响。讨论了多胺与细胞分裂素在抑制植物叶片衰老过程中作用途径的可能关系  相似文献   

Sorokin , Helen P., S. N. Mathur , and Kenneth V. Thimann . (Harvard U., Cambridge, Mass.) The effects of auxins and kinetin on xylem differentiation in the pea epicotyl. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(5): 444–454. Illus. 1962.—Treatment of isolated segments from the second internode of etiolated ‘Alaska’ pea epicotyls with indoleacetic acid or 2,4-D results in: (1) activation of fascicular cambium, and initiation of some interfascicular cambium, resulting in abundant production of secondary xylem, and in formation of hyperplastic tissue; (2) partial or even total occlusion of proto- and metaxylem. The secondary xylem formed consists of short vessel members with scalariformly reticulate or pitted walls, which often lack vertical connection with each other, being interrupted by unlignified cells. When IAA is used, the hyperplastic growth mainly takes the form of root primordia, whereas 2,4-D initiates the formation of callus, but not of root primordia. The growth of this callus causes a characteristic split at the base of the internode. Treatment with kinetin, alone or in combination with the auxin, changes the above structure markedly. It leads to the initiation, over the entire circumference of the core of the internode, of a still more active cambium, which forms several layers of secondary xylem; this consists mainly of long vessel members with pitted walls. Hyperplastic growth is completely absent, and the xylem does not become occluded. Thus the effect of kinetin is to make the xylem more normal and to alter the epicotyl structure from herbaceous to more-or-less woody.  相似文献   

Abstract— (1) The effects of gamma-hydroxybutyrate, imidazole-4-acetic acid and pento-barbitone on mouse brain glucose, glycogen and lactate levels have been studied. All the drugs significantly increased the brain glucose content, but did not significantly alter brain glycogen levels. The increase in brain glucose following imidazole-4-acetic acid or hypnotic doses of pentobarbitone was matched by corresponding decreases in the lactate level; this was not the case with gamma-hydroxybutyrate where the total glucose equivalents in the brain, expressed as the tissue level of (glucose) + (lactate/2), were significantly increased.
(2) All drugs except imidazole-4-acetic acid significantly decreased the rate of appearance of [14C]glucose into the bloodstream in vivo but had no effect on the uptake of glucose into rat diaphragm in vitro when present at 2·5 mM concentration.
(3) Only imidazole-4-acetic acid significantly inhibited glucose uptake into the brain in vivo but at 2·5 mM had no significant effect on glucose uptake into rat cerebral cortical slices in vitro.
(4) It is concluded that the very large increase in brain glucose level observed following the injection of hypnotic doses of gamma-hydroxybutyrate cannot be explained in terms of an increased net uptake of glucose into the brain.  相似文献   

Incubation of brain cell suspensions with 14 mM-phenylalanine resulted in rapid alterations of amino acid metabolism and protein synthesis. Both thc rate of uptake and the final intracellular concentration of several radioactively-labelled amino acids were decreased by high concentrations oi phenylalanine. By prelabelling cells with radioactive amino acids, phenylalanine was also shown to effect a rapid loss of the labelled amino acids from brain cells. Amino acid analysis after the incubation of the cells with phenylalanine indicated that several amino acids were decreased in their intracellular concentrations with effects similar to those measured with radioisotopic experiments (large neutral > small and large basic > small neutral > acidic amino acids). Although amino acid uptake and efflux were altered by the presence of 14 mwphenylalanine, little or no alteration was detected in the resulting specific activity of the intracellular amino acids. High levels of phenylalanine did not significantly altcr cellular catabolism of either alanine, lysine, leucine or isoleucine. As determined by the isolation of labcllcd aminoacyl-tRNA from cells incubated with and without phenylalanine, there was little or no alteration in the level of this precursor for radioactive alanine and lysine. There was, however, a detectable decrease in thc labelling of aminoacyl-tRNA for leucine and isoleucine. Only aftcr correcting for the changes of the specific activity of the precursors and thcir availability to translational events, could the effects of phenylalanine on protein synthesis be established. An inhibition of the incorporation into protein for each amino acid was approximately 20%.  相似文献   

小蔓长春花的生物学特性及种苗繁殖   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

本文以绿豆子叶为材料研究了切伤、外源萘乙酸及激动素诱导形成愈伤组织的作用及其与内源色氨酸和吲哚乙酸生物合成的关系。实验结果表明,切伤对于愈伤组织的形成具有重要作用,切伤面积的大小与愈伤组织的增殖成正比。在绿豆子叶愈伤组织形成的初期,游离色氨酸和内源吲哚乙酸的水平均降低,而在后期,组织内部游离色氨酸和吲哚乙酸的含量都有增加。在培养基中加入外源色氨酸可以部分代替萘乙酸促进愈伤组织的形成。可以认为,外源激素诱导愈伤组织的形成是通过促进内源色氨酸和内源吲哚乙酸的生物合成而实现的。受伤对愈伤组织的形成也起了重要的协同作用。  相似文献   

罗汉果组织培养中愈伤组织和腋生枝的形成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邹琦丽  林荣   《广西植物》1989,9(2):103-104+194
用罗汉果茎段为外植体,培养在MS+BA1.0+IBA0.1毫克/升培养基上,诱导愈伤组织和芽形成。观察了罗汉果茎段愈伤组织的生长以及腋生枝的形成。罗汉果茎段培养5天后,潜伏腋芽开始萌动和生长。培养10天后罗汉果茎段的基部一端开始膨大。培养20天后产生大量白色疏松的愈伤组织,这时腋生枝已经长成3—6厘米长。培养30天后基部的愈伤组织中有少量瘤状小突起,但再分化形成芽的频率极低。结果表明,罗汉果茎段组培形成的苗均是从腋芽产生的。  相似文献   

Immature ear primordia of maize when cultured on a defined liquid medium grew and differentiated in response to two variables: 1) size of initial explants and 2) concentration of kinetin in the medium. Overall growth of primordia, less than 15 mm at explanting, reached an optimum fresh weight and ear length when kinetin was 10–6m. Ears less than 10 mm, in the presence of kinetin, produced many male spikelets with well-developed stamens in both upper and lower flowers. Ears greater than 15 mm, at explanting, produced only female flowers regardless of the kinetin concentration. Different proportions of male and female and bisexual flowers were produced depending upon the initial size of inflorescences and the concentration of kinetin.  相似文献   

Wittwer , S. H., and R. R. Dedolph . (Michigan State U., E. Lansing.) Some effects of kinotin on the growth and flowering of intact green plants. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(4): 330–336. Illus. 1963.—Dry matter accumulation of aerial parts, and heights of tomato, cucumber, and pea plants were markedly reduced when kinetin was incorporated into the culture solution root medium in concentrations ranging from 10–5 to 10–7 M. Concentrations which suppressed top growth (height, dry weight) generally had lesser effects on root growth and, in some instances, enhanced it. Thus top/root ratios were greatly reduced and approached unity in kinetin-treated peas and tomatoes. Flowering was inhibited in tomatoes and accelerated in peas. There were marked changes in root morphology, including the formation of pseudonodules. Kinetin had an effect which was opposite to that of gibberellin on internode elongation, root extension, top/root ratios and flowering of dwarf peas. N6-benzyladenine was more active than kinetin in suppressing the growth of intact green plants. The data show that kinetin can markedly alter the behavior of intact plants when absorbed by the roots from culture solutions in which the concentrations are comparable to those which are biologically active on explants.  相似文献   

The summated response from the chorda tympani proper nerve of9 monkeys was recorded during stimulation with solutions ofacetic and citric acids, sodium chloride, quinine sulfate, sucrose,glucose and fructose before and after application of extractsof Synsepalum dulcificum-miraculin- and Gymnema sylvestre-gymnemicacid-on the tongue. It was observed that (a) miraculin enhancedthe response to all acids used (b) miraculin had no significanteffect on the response of the other taste stimuli (c) its effectlasts for more than h and was not removed by rubbing of thetongue (d) gymnemic acid had no significant effect on the responseto any of the stimuli used if miraculin had not been appliedbeforehand (e) gymnemic acid applied after miraculin diminishedthe response to acid, then miraculin enhanced the response toacid again. It was concluded that these electrophysiologicalfindings in monkey parallel the psychophysical observationsin man with regard to the effect of miraculin and gymnemic acidon the response to acids, but that they differ with regard tothe effect of gymnemic acid on the response to sugars. * On leave from Dept. of Psychology, University of New Hampshire,U.S.A. ** On leave from Dept. of Oral Physiology, Osaka University,Japan.  相似文献   

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