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To determine the effects of density, genotype, and their interaction on individual seed mass in Raphanus sativus L., we replicated maternal and paternal families of seed across two planting densities in an experimental garden. Seeds were produced by a nested breeding design performed in the greenhouse. Among garden-raised plants, density had a strong negative effect on the mass of seeds produced. At low density, the identity of the greenhouse-grown maternal plants had a strong effect on F2 seed mass, while in high-density plots, there were no significant parental effects on mean seed mass. Significant parental genotype density interactions contributed to variation in F2 seed mass. Norms of reaction for each of the 15 paternal sibships illustrate paternal family density interactions. Three sibships exhibited significant declines in mean seed mass with increasing density; 12 sibships showed no change. Maternal family density interaction effects on seed mass were also detected; among maternal sibships, mean seed mass at low density was negatively correlated with mean seed mass at high density. These results demonstrate: a) planting density has a strong effect on mean individual seed mass produced by adults; b) density influences the magnitude of maternal effects on progeny phenotype; and c) genotype density interactions influence seed mass, potentially contributing to the maintenance of maternal genetic variation in seed mass in natural populations of wild radish.  相似文献   

Seed weight varies significantly within and among fruits of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). To determine sources of this variation, we studied fertilization and seed development following controlled pollinations. Within fruits, central ovules were fertilized prior to distal ovules and attained greater seed size. Ninety-seven percent of the variation in mean seed wt per fruit was explained by an analysis of variance incorporating parental effects, pollination date, and the number of seeds per fruit. We document strong maternal effects on the number of ovules per ovary, the number of fertilized ovules per ovary, the number of seeds per fruit, and mean individual seed wt per fruit. Across females, pollen donor had a slight but significant effect on seed wt; no paternal effects on fertilization rate, zygote number, or seed number per fruit were detected. Within females, with one exception, pollen donor had no significant effect on these components of seed development. Stronger maternal main effects may be due to donor x recipient interactions, cytoplasmic factors, the genetic inequity within triploid endosperm, and/or strict maternal control over resource allocation. The large maternal effects relative to paternal effects may limit the rate at which natural selection acts on paternal traits expressed prior to seed maturation.  相似文献   

Gametophytic competition and selection have important effects on patterns of mating in plant populations. However, the relative importance of prezygotic mechanisms is often unclear due to a paucity of observations on pollen tube growth in vivo. In this study, we present observations on pollen tube behavior in the gynoecium of wild radish. Significant variation in the order of fertilization of the linearly arranged ovules occurred within the radish ovary. This variation is evidence that prezygotic mechanisms of gamete selection operate to sort pollen tubes nonrandomly to different ovule positions in the ovary. We propose that the variation in fertilization patterns can be attributed to variance in pollen tube growth rates in the central septum of the radish gynoecium. The path of pollen tube growth and gynoecial structure deserve greater attention in future studies of gamete competition.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine some ecological consequences and phenotypic correlates of flower size variation in wild radish, Raphanus sativus. Mean corolla diameter varied significantly among individuals within natural populations of R. sativus in California. On the average, almost 40% of flower biomass was allocated to corolla tissue. In field experiments, pollinator visitation increased significantly with corolla size. Large flowers also accumulated more nectar when pollinators were excluded from plants. In three populations, corolla size was positively correlated with allocation to pollen per flower (either anther weight or pollen grain number), but there was usually no phenotypic relationship between corolla size and several measures of female allocation (ovule number per flower, proportion fruit set, and total seed mass per fruit). Plants growing in the field produced fewer large flowers per unit of stem, and stem biomass was negatively related to corolla size for plants grown under controlled greenhouse conditions. Male and female fitness may covary differently with allocation to attractive floral features in species such as R. sativus, where seed production is often limited by resources rather than by pollen.  相似文献   

Pastinaca sativa (wild parsnip) produces seeds on the primary, secondary, and tertiary umbels of the flowering stalk. Within plants, variation in seed weight is about twofold. Secondary and tertiary seed weight is 73% and 50% of primary seed weight, respectively. Maximum variation in seed weight between plants is sixfold when tertiary seeds from a small plant are compared to primary seeds from a large plant. Within an umbel order, variation in seed weight between plants is correlated with plant size. Under autumn germinating conditions in the laboratory, final germination of seeds from different umbel orders does not differ but smaller seeds germinate more rapidly than larger seeds. Under spring germination conditions in the laboratory, significantly more primary and secondary seeds germinate than tertiary seeds and the rate of germination is independent of seed weight. Field germination of seeds from different umbel orders produces similar results except that in the spring both secondary and tertiary seed germination is lower than that of primary seeds. These results suggest that with respect to seed germination characteristics small seeds may have a competitive advantage over large seeds in the autumn because they germinate more quickly, but in the spring small seeds are at a disadvantage because they have lower overall germination. Because most germination in the field occurs in the spring, population recruitment from small seeds is likely to be substanially less than that from large seeds.  相似文献   

The possibility that sexual selection operates in angiosperms to effect evolutionary change in polygenic traits affecting male reproductive success requires that there is additive genetic variance for these traits. I applied a half-sib breeding design to individuals of the annual, hermaphroditic angiosperm, wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum: Brassicaceae), to estimate paternal genetic effects on, or, when possible, the narrow-sense heritability of several quantitative traits influencing male reproductive success. In spite of significant differences among pollen donors with respect to in vitro pollen tube growth rates, I detected no significant additive genetic variance in male performance with respect to the proportion of ovules fertilized, early ovule growth, the number of seeds per fruit, or mean individual seed weight per fruit. In all cases, differences among maternal plants in these traits far exceeded differences among pollen donors. Abortion rates of pollinated flowers and fertilized ovules also differed more among individuals as maternal plants than as pollen donors, suggesting strong maternal control over these processes. Significant maternal phenotypic effects in the absence of paternal genetic or phenotypic effects on reproductive traits may be due to maternal environmental effects, to non-nuclear or non-additive maternal genetic effects, or to additive genetic variance in maternal control over offspring development, independent of offspring genotype. While I could not distinguish among these alternatives, it is clear that, in wild radish, the opportunity for natural or sexual selection to effect change in seed weight or seed number per fruit appears to be greater through differences in female performance than through differences in male performance.  相似文献   

Substantial variation in seed mass within individual seed parents is at odds with predictions of models for the evolution of optimum offspring size and with empirical observations of directional selection on seed mass. To elucidate the ultimate causes of this variation, I examined several proximal sources of within-individual variation in seed mass in the perennial herb Prunella vulgaris. Position of inflorescence, position of flower within an inflorescence, date of anthesis, and number of seeds produced per flower all explained some within-individual variation in seed mass. Hand pollination in the field failed to reveal any effect of pollen source (self pollen or outcross pollen) on seed mass. My results, in conjunction with those from studies of selection on seed mass in P. vulgaris, do not support hypotheses that within-individual variation in seed mass is favored by the pattern of natural selection on seed mass. Rather, the results suggest that seed parents are not capable of producing a uniform seed crop in the face of changes in resource availability in the course of a season. The inability to produce a uniform seed crop may persist because of selection for variability in traits correlated with seed mass or because of a true constraint on the evolution of uniform offspring size.  相似文献   

The relative importance of prezygotic mechanisms of gametophytic competition and selection are often unclear due to an absence of observations on the gynoecium and pollen tube growth in vivo. We used LM, SEM, and TEM to study the structure of the gynoecium and the path of pollen tube growth in Raphanus raphanistrum, a sporophytically self-incompatible annual. Wild radish has a papillate stigma and a solid style. A septum, which is characteristic of cruciferous gynoecia, is present in the ovary. After germination on the stigma, pollen tubes grow in the secretion of the transmitting tract of the style. The stylar secretion stains positive for acidic polysaccharides and insoluble carbohydrates, and negative for lipids and protein. In the ovary, the transmitting tissue is contained inside the septum. The secretion in the ovary stains positive only for acidic polysaccharides. Pollen tubes travel inside the septum as they enter the ovary and must exit to the surface of this tissue before ovule fertilization can occur. Pollen tube growth on the septum tracks the intercellular junctions of the septum epidermis where the secretion leaks out through a torn cuticle. Tubes must grow across the obturator before reaching the micropyle of an ovule. The temporal pattern with which tubes growing into the ovary exit the septum can contribute to the previously observed nonrandom patterns of fertilization (Hill and Lord, 1986).  相似文献   

Studies of andromonoecious species have shown that sex expression (proportions of hermaphrodite and staminate flowers) is quite variable. It is not known, however, whether this variation is due to variation among individuals for genetically fixed patterns of allocation to staminate and hermaphrodite flowers (population level variation) and/or to developmental plasticity of individuals in a heterogeneous environment (organismal level variation). Distinguishing between these two levels of variation is important for understanding the evolution of andromonoecy. This study investigates levels of variation in sex expression in the andromonoecious Solanum hirlum. Sex expression in this species is shown to be plastic among individuals of the same genotype (organismal level variation) and determined, in part, by the resource status of the individual. Among the genotypes examined there is also genetic variation for developmental plasticity. Thus, developmental plasticity can potentially respond to selection, and the evolution of this developmental system may have been instrumental in the establishment and maintenance of andromonoecy in S. hirtum.  相似文献   

Competition among many microgametophytes for a limited number of ovules can lead to both nonrandom fertilization by pollen genotypes and selection for greater sporophytic vigor. The evolutionary implications of this process depend on the extent of heritable genetic variation for pollen competitive ability. Using flower color in wild radish as a genetic marker, we demonstrate differences among pollen donors in competitive ability. Significant differences were found in four out of five pairs of donors. For three pairs of donors, competitive differences were observed in certain maternal plants but not others. To test for heritability of pollen performance, we conducted a selection experiment. We manipulated the intensity of pollen competition for two generations and then tested for differences in the performance of pollen from two selected lines. Competitive ability of pollen derived from each line was assessed relative to a standard unrelated pollen donor, using pollen mixtures on six wild maternal plants. The intensity of previous pollen competition had no overall effect on the proportion of seeds sired by each selected line. In two maternal plants, pollen from intense previous competition was actually inferior, contrary to expectation. Thus, we found no evidence for heritable variation in this trait. Other factors, such as male-female interactions, may influence the outcome of pollen competition. Prevailing theory on the genetic basis of effects of pollen competition on subsequent generations is not supported by our results. Improved protocols for future experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

Deviations from Mendelian ratios are frequently treated as an intrinsic property of individuals, independent of the environment. We tested whether the environment of the parents could alter patterns of inheritance in the wild radish, Raphanus sativus. We demonstrated the genetic basis of 12 isozyme loci by controlled pollinations of unstressed plants. The frequency of deviant segregation detected was not different than that expected by chance. Controlled pollinations among stressed plants showed over 3 times as much deviant segregation as the unstressed controls. No genetic correlates of segregation bias were detected. Linkage was assessed for 64 of the 66 pairs of loci. Two linkage groups were detected, one involving four loci (PGM2–ACO–ACP–LAP), the other involving a single pair (EST-PRX). The second linkage group is apparently associated with a locus or tightly linked loci which may segregate for “balanced” lethals on the same chromosome. Deviant segregation did not appear to act primarily by selection on a particular gamete. Postzygotic selection was the probable source of at least some of the aberrant segregation. Because no particular allele was favored in such situations, selection is apparently operating on alleles at linked loci rather than on the allozyme loci per se. Data from other studies on wild radish support the suggestion that postzygotic selection might be an important influence on progeny segregation ratios. Because wild radishes often encounter a variety of stresses in the field, in this species, aberrant segregation may be common under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Six ecologically central (old field) and marginal (strip mine) populations of the hexaploid Rumex acetosella were collected, grown under uniform conditions, and examined for genetic and morphological variation. Extensive electrophoretic variation was found in alcohol dehydrogenase and phosphoglucose isomerase, while other enzymes surveyed showed little or no variation. Hedrick's genotypic measure of identity revealed mean values of 0.506 for central populations, 0.836 for marginal populations, and 0.633 for comparisons of central with marginal populations. Alcohol dehydrogenase phenotypes had significantly fewer electromorphs per individual in marginal populations. Clones of individuals from both environments were subjected to different watering regimes. No significant differences in root/shoot ratio, leaf number, total leaf area, or relative growth rate were found between strip mine and old-field individuals within each watering treatment, although significant differences were found between watering treatments. There are small, but significant amounts of isozyme differentiation between central and marginal populations, while there was no such differentation for morphological characters.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of ovule position within the ovary on the probability of seed maturation, on seed weight, and on progeny performance in the outbreeding legume Phaseolus coccineus. Ovaries of P. coccineus possess six linearly arranged ovules (ovule position one = stylar end). We found that in both 1987 and 1988, ovule position had a significant effect on the probability of seed maturation under field conditions. In 1987, ovule positions one. two, and three had a higher probability of maturing seeds than the three most basal ovule positions. In 1988, the probability of producing a mature seed in ovule position one was more similar to the three most basal ovule positions than to ovule positions two and three. The position of the ovule in the ovary had no significant effect on seed weight in 1987, but it had a significant effect in 1988. Overall, seeds from ovule positions one, two, and three tended to produce heavier seeds than the three most basal ovule positions. The effects of ovule position on progeny performance were determined in a greenhouse and a field study. In the greenhouse study, we found no significant overall effect of the position of the ovule that produced the seed on progeny performance. In the field study, we did find a significant ovule position effect on several measures of reproductive performance as well as an overall effect on reproductive performance. In addition, we found a significant interaction between ovule position and number of seeds per fruit. Progeny from the stylar end of the fruit outperformed the progeny from the peduncular end in fruits containing many seeds, whereas there were no significant differences between progeny produced in the stylar and peduncular ends of fruits containing few seeds. Causes of position effects are unknown but hypotheses abound.  相似文献   

We conducted field experiments to determine how a naturally occurring petal-color polymorphism influences mating patterns in wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). The polymorphism is controlled at a single genetic locus, with white petal color being completely dominant to yellow. In experimental populations with equal numbers of yellow- and white-flowered homozygous individuals, insect visitors strongly discriminated against white flowers. Pieris rapae, the most frequent pollinator, was almost 50% more likely to visit yellow than white flowers. Maternal fecundity did not differ between the morphs and was not significantly influenced by a plant's compatibility with potential donors, suggesting that seed production was not limited by receipt of compatible pollen. In contrast, the yellow-flowered morph sired approximately 75% of all seeds produced during the study. This paternity proportion was consistently greater than that expected on the basis of postpollination compatibility measures and was indistinguishable from that expected on the basis of pollinator-visitation frequency. We conclude that the male-fitness advantage of the yellow morph resulted from enhanced pollen export due to the greater attractiveness of its flowers to insect pollinators. With color morphs evenly distributed in experimental arrays, insects did not move assortatively on the basis of petal color, and we found no evidence for assortative pollen flow due to the floral polymorphism. Once postpollination compatibility relationships within populations were taken into account, paternal success of yellow donors did not differ between yellow- and white-flowered maternal plants.  相似文献   

The shoot apex of a plant may be damaged by herbivory, weather conditions, or other factors, leading to growth of some axillary buds into branches. This alteration of branching pattern can affect the location and extent of seed production. I examined the effects of removal of the shoot apex and of mineral nutrient addition on branching and seed production in Thlaspi arvense. Individual plants received no, early, or late apex removal and no, early, or late nutrient addition in a two-way factorial experiment. Apex removal led to greater production of secondary branches. Total seed weight per plant was higher for early- than late-removal plants under all nutrient treatments, but intact controls produced the highest total weight of seeds in two of three nutrient treatments, because their seeds were heavier. Addition of nutrients increased the numbers of secondary branches, fruits, and seeds, and the average and total weight of seeds produced. Apex removal resulted in increased seed production only when it occurred early and when nutrients were added at the same time. Resource availability and plant phenology can be influential in determining the effects of apical damage on seed production, and their effects in combination may differ from their individual effects.  相似文献   

Pods and seeds of field-collected Baptisia lanceolala plants were analyzed to partition seed weight and seed packaging trait variance among and within plants and to detect relationships between these traits. Packaging traits studied were: pod weight, seed weight per pod, number of seeds per pod, mean weight of seeds per pod, proportion seed weight of total pod weight, and pod weight per seed. Significant among-plant variation was found for seed weight and all packaging traits. Within plants, positive correlations were found between number of seeds per pod and pod dry weight and between the proportion seed weight of total pod weight and number of seeds per pod. Pod weight per seed was negatively correlated with number of seeds per pod. Most plants had a negative correlation between mean seed weight and number of seeds per pod. When compared with an equality of slopes test, slopes of regressions of the above pairs of traits were found to differ among plants. Among plants, the same relationships were found, except for the latter two traits, which were not correlated. These within-plant patterns may represent constraints on seed weight variance imposed by the seed package. This view is supported by a positive correlation between packaging trait variance and seed weight variance. Packaging-related constraints could have an effect on seed weight in this and other species. If these phenotypic constraints have a genetic basis, then selection on seed packaging could change seed weight in a way different from that which might be predicted by considering seed weight alone.  相似文献   

The determination of mean seed weight in Chenopodium rubrum L., a short-day, weedy annual, has been examined through the manipulation of photoperiod during the course of reproductive development. Individuals that develop seeds in relatively long photoperiods (15 L: 9 D) form many more seeds of smaller weight than individuals that develop seeds in relatively shorter photoperiods (12 L: 12 D). By altering the inductive photoperiod at different times during the course of reproductive development, it is shown that the effect of photoperiod is most strongly exerted between six and twelve days after the start of floral induction and is coincident with the determination of primordia as floral structures. The ecological significance of this early developmental determination is discussed.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that selection on floral traits in hermaphroditic plants should occur primarily through differences in male fitness. However, measurements of selection on floral traits through differences in lifetime male fitness have been lacking. We measured selection on a variety of wild radish floral traits using lifetime male fitness measures derived from genetic paternity analysis. These male fitness estimates were then combined with estimates of lifetime female fitness of the same plants to produce measurements of selection based on lifetime total fitness. Contrary to the prediction above, there was no strong evidence for selection on floral morphology through male fitness differences in any of the three years of the study, but there was strong selection for increased flower size through female fitness differences in one year. The main determinant of both male and female fitness in all years was flower number; this lead to moderately positive correlations between male and female fitness in all three years.  相似文献   

Estimates of interpopulational gene flow and the levels and distribution of genetic variation in Clarkia speciosa subsp. polyantha were obtained using enzyme electrophoresis. Eight enzymes encoded by 17 loci were analyzed. Nei's mean genetic identity was 0.96, indicating little genetic divergence among populations. Gene diversity statistics also suggest little heterogeneity among populations. Interpopulational gene flow, estimated according to Slatkin (1985), was fairly high, Nm = 3.9, probably accounting for the lack of differentiation among populations.  相似文献   

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