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脊髓性肌萎缩症(spinal muscular atrophy, SMA)是一种儿童时期较为常见的神经肌肉病,属于常染色体隐性遗传。绝大多数SMA由运动神经元存活基因1 (survival motor neuron 1, SMN1)的纯合缺失突变所致。而SMN1的2+0基因型个体作为一种特殊的SMA携带者,给携带者筛查以及家系的遗传咨询带来了巨大的挑战。已有研究表明,g.27134T>G和g.2770627707delAT多态位点变异对于Ashkenazi犹太人群中的2+0基因型个体具有提示作用。为进一步探究这两个多态位点是否在中国人群也具有特异性,本研究纳入了44例家系成员和204例已知SMN1基因拷贝数的对照样本。44例家系成员来自于9个无关的SMN1基因纯合缺失的SMA家系,先证者双亲之一疑似为2+0基因型携带者。利用多重连接探针扩增(multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification,MLPA)和短串联重复(short tandem repeat, STR)连锁分析进行基因型的鉴定以及多态位点的筛查,最终...  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a recessive neuromuscular disorder caused by loss of the SMN1 gene. The clinical distinction between SMA type I to IV reflects different age of onset and disease severity. SMN2, a nearly identical copy gene of SMN1, produces only 10% of full-length SMN RNA/protein and is an excellent target for a potential therapy. Several clinical trials with drugs that increase the SMN2 expression such as valproic acid and phenylbutyrate are in progress. Solid natural history data for SMA are crucial to enable a correlation between genotype and phenotype as well as the outcome of therapy. We provide genotypic and phenotypic data from 115 SMA patients with type IIIa (age of onset <3 years), type IIIb (age of onset >3 years) and rare type IV (onset >30 years). While 62% of type IIIa patients carry two or three SMN2 copies, 65% of type IIIb patients carry four or five SMN2 copies. Three type IV SMA patients had four and one had six SMN2 copies. Our data support the disease-modifying role of SMN2 leading to later onset and a better prognosis. A statistically significant correlation for ≥4 SMN2 copies with SMA type IIIb or a milder phenotype suggests that SMN2 copy number can be used as a clinical prognostic indicator in SMA patients. The additional case of a foetus with homozygous SMN1 deletion and postnatal measurement of five SMN2 copies illustrates the role of genotypic information in making informed decisions on the management and therapy of such patients.Database: SMN1—OMIM: 600354; GeneBank: U18423, SMN2—OMIM: 601627: GeneBank: NM_022875  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by loss of motor neurons in patients with null mutations in the SMN1 gene. An almost identical SMN2 gene is unable to compensate for this deficiency because a single C‐to‐T transition at position +6 in exon‐7 causes skipping of the exon by a mechanism not yet fully elucidated. We observed that the C‐to‐T transition in SMN2 creates a putative binding site for the RNA‐binding protein Sam68. RNA pull‐down assays and UV‐crosslink experiments showed that Sam68 binds to this sequence. In vivo splicing assays showed that Sam68 triggers SMN2 exon‐7 skipping. Moreover, mutations in the Sam68‐binding site of SMN2 or in the RNA‐binding domain of Sam68 completely abrogated its effect on exon‐7 skipping. Retroviral infection of dominant‐negative mutants of Sam68 that interfere with its RNA‐binding activity, or with its binding to the splicing repressor hnRNP A1, enhanced exon‐7 inclusion in endogenous SMN2 and rescued SMN protein expression in fibroblasts of SMA patients. Our results thus indicate that Sam68 is a novel crucial regulator of SMN2 splicing.  相似文献   

A paramount question in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) research is why reduced levels of SMN, a ubiquitously expressed protein, leads to a motoneuron-specific disease. It has been hypothesized that SMN may have a dual function: a role in snRNP assembly and a novel function that affects axons. We have previously shown that decreasing Smn levels in zebrafish causes defects in motor axon outgrowth. To determine whether decreasing other components of the snRNP complex would also cause motor axon defects, we knocked down Gemin2, a SMN binding protein involved in snRNP assembly. Moderate knockdown of Gemin2 yields a large percentage of morphologically abnormal embryos with shortened trunks and overall delayed development. Examination of motor axons revealed that only embryos with abnormal body morphology had aberrant motor axons indicating that the motor axon defects are secondary to the overall body defects observed in these embryos. To directly test this, we knocked down Gemin2 specifically in motoneurons using two separate approaches and found that motor axons developed normally. Furthermore, wild-type neurons transplanted into morphologically abnormal gemin2 morphants had aberrant motor axons indicating that the motor axon defects observed when Gemin2 is decreased are secondary to the defects in body morphology. These data show that reduction of Gemin2, unlike reduction of SMN, in zebrafish embryos does not directly cause motor axon outgrowth defects. Since Gemin2 and SMN both function in snRNP biogenesis yet only SMN knockdown causes motor axon defects, these data are consistent with an additional role for SMN that is snRNP independent.  相似文献   

5q spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a common autosomal recessive disorder in humans and the leading genetic cause of infantile death. Patients lack a functional survival of motor neurons (SMN1) gene, but carry one or more copies of the highly homologous SMN2 gene. A homozygous knockout of the single murine Smn gene is embryonic lethal. Here we report that in the absence of the SMN2 gene, a mutant SMN A2G transgene is unable to rescue the embryonic lethality. In its presence, the A2G transgene delays the onset of motor neuron loss, resulting in mice with mild SMA. We suggest that only in the presence of low levels of full-length SMN is the A2G transgene able to form partially functional higher order SMN complexes essential for its functions. Mild SMA mice exhibit motor neuron degeneration, muscle atrophy, and abnormal EMGs. Animals homozygous for the mutant transgene are less severely affected than heterozygotes. This demonstrates the importance of SMN levels in SMA even if the protein is expressed from a mutant allele. Our mild SMA mice will be useful in (a) determining the effect of missense mutations in vivo and in motor neurons and (b) testing potential therapies in SMA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if 8 weeks of exercise affects motor control in people with chronic low back pain (CLBP), measured by anticipatory (APAs) and compensatory postural adjustments (CPAs). APAs and CPAs were measured prior to and following 8 weeks in two groups of people with CLBP: an exercise group (n = 12) who attended three exercise sessions per week for 8 weeks; and a non-exercise control group (n = 12) who were advised to continue their usual activities for the duration of the study. APAs and CPAs were recorded during unilateral arm flexion, bilaterally from rectus abdominis (RA), transverse abdominis/internal oblique (TA/IO), and erector spinae (ES) via surface electromyography. Analysis of muscle onsets and APA amplitudes suggests APAs did not change for either group. Ipsi-lateral TA/IO CPAs increased for the exercise group and ipsi-lateral TA/IO CPAs decreased for the control group. Only exercise promoted a pattern of TA/IO activity during CPAs similar to healthy individuals, suggesting improved control of rotational torques. These results show motor control improvement following exercise in people with CLBP, highlighted by improved side specific control of TA/IO.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-related protein 1 (LRP1/CD91) is one of the receptors of CCN2 that conducts endochondral ossification and cartilage repair. LRP1 is a well-known endocytic receptor, but its distribution among chondrocytes remains to be elucidated. We herein demonstrate for the first time that the distribution of LRP1 in chondrocytes except for hypertrophic chondrocytes in vivo and in vitro. Interestingly, the LRP1 levels were higher in mature chondrocytic HCS-2/8 and osteoblastic SaOS-2 than in other cells, whereas the other LDLR family members involved in ossification were detected at lower levels in HCS-2/8. It was interesting to note that in HCS-2/8, LRP1 was observed not only on the cell surface and in the cytoplasm, but also in the nucleus. Exogenously added CCN2 was incorporated into HCS-2/8, which was partially co-localized with LRP1, and targeted to the recycling endosomes and nucleus as well as the lysosomes. These findings suggest specific roles of LRP1 in cartilage biology.  相似文献   

Xu CY  Li S  Shao K  Zhang RL  Hao W 《中国应用生理学杂志》2011,27(3):274-5, 283, 379
目的:观察大鼠急性酒精中毒后脑组织趋化因子单核细胞趋化蛋白1(MCP-1)及其受体CCR2mRNA水平的表达变化.方法:制备急性酒精中毒模型,用SYBR Green I荧光实时定量PCR技术动态定量监测脑组织中MCP-1与CCR2 mRNA在急性酒精中毒后不同时间点表达的变化.结果:息性酒精中毒后6h脑组织MCP-1 ...  相似文献   

Introduction: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by alpha motor neuron loss in the spinal cord due to reduced survival motor neuron (SMN) protein level. While the genetic basis of SMA is well described, the specific molecular pathway underlying SMA is still not fully understood.

Areas covered: This review discusses the recent advancements in understanding the molecular pathways in SMA using different omics approaches and genetic modifiers identified in both vertebrate and invertebrate systems. The findings that are summarized in this article were deduced from original articles and reviews with a particular focus on the latest advancements in the field.

Expert commentary: The identification of genetic modifiers such as PLS3 and NCALD in humans or of SMA modulators such as Elavl4 (HuD), Copa, Uba1, Mapk10 (Jnk3), Nrxn2 and Tmem41b (Stasimon) in various SMA animal models improved our knowledge of impaired cellular pathways in SMA. Inspiration from modifier genes and their functions in motor neuron and neuromuscular junctions may open a new avenue for future SMA combinatorial therapies.  相似文献   

The 1TS1 and ITS2 of rDNA of four diploid species, newly Triticum urartu Thum. (AA), T. monococcum var. boeoticum (Boiss.) MK (AA),Aegilops speltoides Tausch. (BB) and Ae. taus&ii Coss. (DD), the most possible donors of A, B and D genomes to broad wheat ( T. aestivum), were amplified by PCR, cloned and sequenced. Some published sequences were discussed and rectified. The length of ITS1 sequences in four species was 221 to 223 bp, and that of 1TS2 was 216 to 217 bp. In pairwise sequence comparisons among four species, divergence ranged from 0.029 0 to 0.064 0 in ITS1, and from 0.009 3 to 0.058 0 in ITS2. Based on ITS1, ITS2 and 1TS1 + ITS2 data respectively, the same most parsimony tree that is congruent with the phylogenetic relationships was generated which was concordant with their morphological and cytological characteristics. In the trees, T. urartu and T. monococcum var. boeoticum constituted one monophyly, whereas two species of the genus Aegilops, Ac. speltoides and Ac. tauschii, fortmed another mono- phyly but with lower bootstrap value than the first clade. This study suggests that ITS region is a useful molecular marker in the studies on the origin and evolution of Triticum.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(9):750-756

Background. In chronic liver diseases of different etiologies, including viral hepatitis, genotoxic effects of oxidative stress have been shown, both in clinical and in experimental conditions, suggesting that this mechanism may contribute to the evolution of the disease. Aim. To evaluate DNA damage in the peripheral blood of untreated non-diabetic patients with chronic hepatitis C and control subjects, and its correlation with demographic, anthropometric, biochemical, and histological parameters in the patient sample. Patients and methods. This study comprised 100 subjects of both genders, 60 of whom were treatment-naïve patients with positive serology for genotype 1 hepatitis C. The remaining 40 were blood donors with negative serology for hepatitis who were used as control subjects, and matched by gender, age, weight, and BMI. DNA damage was determined using the comet assay in the total peripheral blood. Results. The DNA damage evaluated by the comet assay revealed higher values in the group of patients with hepatitis compared with that in the control group. The relationships of the comet assay with the studied variables were assessed using multivariate analysis; significant correlations were only identified with insulin (r = 0.343, p = 0.008) and Homeostasis Model Assessment Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) (r = 0.331, p = 0.011). Conclusion. Patients with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C have higher rates of DNA damage, as determined by comet assay and this alteration is correlated with the HOMA index of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin (Ub) carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) has dual functions, such as hydrolase activity on the chemical bonds formed by the C-terminal Gly of Ub and dimerization-dependent ubiquitin ligase activity. Accumulating evidence suggests that dual activities of UCH-L1 were intimately associated with Parkinson’s diseases (PD) and cancer. However, the molecular mechanism that regulates UCH-L1 enzymatic activity has not yet been fully elucidated. The serine protease high temperature requirement A2 (HtrA2), a PD-associated gene, is important in regulating cell survival as well as apoptosis. Using in vitro and in vivo cleavage assays, we have demonstrated that UCH-L1 is a natural substrate for the serine protease HtrA2 in the apoptotic pathway. Notably, we show that released, cytosolic HtrA2 decreases UCH-L1 protein level and its hydrolase activity through HtrA2-mediated cleavage of UCH-L1 under apoptotic conditions. These findings suggest that the HtrA2-mediated cleavage of UCH-L1 may play important roles in regulating the fine balance between cell growth and cell death.  相似文献   

Ovulated oocytes are arrested at the metaphase of second meiotic division. The metaphase-II arrest in Xenopus oocytes is regulated by RSKs located downstream of the Mos–MAPK pathway. In mice, other kinase(s) besides RSKs may be responsible for the metaphase-II arrest, because RSK1/RSK2/RSK3-triple knockout mice exhibit no obvious phenotype. Here, we show the subcellular localization and possible role of mitogen- and stress-activated kinase 1, MSK1 known as another downstream kinase of the Mos–MAPK pathway, in the mouse oocytes. Immunostaining analysis indicated that MSK1 is present in the germinal vesicle (GV) and cytoplasm of oocytes at the GV and metaphase-II stages, respectively. An active, phosphorylated form of MSK1 was predominantly localized to the metaphase-II spindle. The inhibition of the MSK1 activity failed to maintain the sister chromatid alignment within the metaphase-II plate. Importantly, MSK1 exhibited the ability to phosphorylate four Ser/Thr residues of meiotic cell-cycle regulator EMI2. The phosphorylation was required for up-regulation of the EMI2 activity in the oocytes. These results suggest that mouse MSK1 may play a key role in the metaphase-II arrest through phosphorylation of EMI2.  相似文献   

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is 7α-hydroxylated by the cytochome P450 7B1 (CYP7B1) in the human brain and liver. This produces 7α-hydroxy-DHEA that is a substrate for 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) which exists in the same tissues and carries out the inter-conversion of 7α- and 7β-hydroxy-DHEA through a 7-oxo-intermediary. Since the role of 11β-HSD1 is to transform the inactive cortisone into active cortisol, its competitive inhibition by 7α-hydroxy-DHEA may support the paradigm of native anti-glucocorticoid arising from DHEA. Therefore, our objective was to use human tissues to assess the presences of both CYP7B1 and 11β-HSD1. Human skin was selected then and used to test its ability to produce 7α-hydroxy-DHEA, and to test the interference of 7α- and 7β-hydroxy-DHEA and 7-oxo-DHEA with the 11β-HSD1-mediated oxidoreduction of cortisol and cortisone. Immuno-histochemical studies showed the presence of both CYP7B1 and 11β-HSD1 in the liver, skin and tonsils. DHEA was readily 7α-hydroxylated when incubated using skin slices. A S9 fraction of dermal homogenates containing the 11β-HSD1 carried out the oxidoreduction of cortisol and cortisone. Inhibition of the cortisol oxidation by 7α-hydroxy-DHEA and 7β-hydroxy-DHEA was competitive with a Ki at 1.85 ± 0.495 and 0.255 ± 0.005 μM, respectively. Inhibition of cortisone reduction by 7-oxo-DHEA was of a mixed type with a Ki at 1.13 ± 0.15 μM. These findings may support the previously proposed native anti-glucocorticoid paradigm and suggest that the 7α-hydroxy-DHEA production is a key for the fine tuning of glucocorticoid levels in tissues.  相似文献   

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