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Clarkia nitens and Clarkia speciosa polyantha (Onagraceae) are distinct chromosomal taxa differing by at least six reciprocal translocations. Where the taxa have come into contact, a chromosome boundary zone exists characterized by high levels of translocation heterozygosity due to at least 12 new chromosome arrangements which have evolved there. Previous studies have shown that these boundary arrangements are distributed such that they provide for full interfertility between adjacent populations. It was hypothesized that the geographic distributions of each of these arrangements will remain generally stable due largely to the very adverse effect that major changes would have on fertility. Evidence is presented here that over a ten year period the frequencies and geographic distributions of the chromosome arrangements within this boundary region have remained stable. The frequencies of the various chromosomal configurations (nine pairs, ring of four, two rings of four, ring of six, ring of four + ring of six, and ring of eight) from surveys in 1968 and 1978 have been analyzed statistically. In general, the analysis indicates that there have been no detectable changes over the 10-yr period. 相似文献
Timothy P. Holtsford Norman C. Ellstrand 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1992,46(1):216-225
Clarkia tembloriensis exhibits a wide range of variation among its natural populations in outcrossing rate and in separation of male and female function in space (anther-stigma separation or herkogamy) and in time (protandry). Here we show that outcrossing rate is highly correlated with protandry and anther-stigma separation. Both genetic and environmental variation contribute to inter- and intrapopulation variation in protandry and anther-stigma separation. Interpopulation differentiation for protandry and anther-stigma separation was found to be polygenic. Genetic variation for protandry and anther-stigma separation within populations was demonstrated by a significant among-family variance in two populations with contrasting breeding systems. Environmental effects on the expression of mating system traits were manifested in two ways. First, significant variation among lathhouse benches suggests that small-scale environmental heterogeneity may affect the development of floral traits. Second, protandry was shortened under hot summer conditions. Hence, hotter and drier habitats, typical of the more self-pollinating populations of C. tembloriensis, can promote self-pollination purely through environmental effects. 相似文献
Kenneth J. Sytsma Leslie D. Gottlieb 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1986,40(6):1248-1261
Restriction-site analysis of chloroplast DNA in Clarkia sect. Peripetasma (Onagraceae) was done to test previously proposed phylogenetic models. One hundred nineteen restriction-site mutations were identified among the nine species using 29 restriction enzymes, and these were used to construct rooted most parsimonious trees (Wagner and Dollo). A chloroplast DNA evolutionary clock could not be statistically rejected. Branch points of this tree were statistically tested by Felsenstein's bootstrap method. This tree 1) provided an unambiguous and detailed genealogical history for the section, 2) verified a previous partial phylogenetic model for the section based on gene duplications and differential silencing, 3) provided details of the phylogenetic model not inferred or expected based on morphology and reproductive isolation, and 4) indicated that morphology evolves at markedly different rates within and between lineages in the section. 相似文献
Robert N. Bowman 《American journal of botany》1984,71(10):1338-1346
Within angiosperms, the stigma-style apparatus provides a barrier to direct contact between ovules and the external environment. In traversing this barrier, male gametophytes presumably are subject to intense competition and natural selection. Successful fertilizations and resultant seed set can be accomplished following surgical decapitation of the stigma and style, provided that these normally receptive sites are replaced with an optimal environment suitable for pollen germination and growth. Unlike other methodologies, these in situ-in vitro pollinations are comparatively easily accomplished, and provide a means for circumventing natural fertility barriers; additionally, they may provide a simple means of artificially selecting pollen genomes. In Clarkia unguiculata 23.0% of attempted non-stigmatic pollinations produced outcrossed F1 progeny. 相似文献
Edwin H. Bryant Lisa M. Meffert 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1998,52(2):626-630
Quantitative genetic estimates of morphometric traits in the housefly, Musca domestica L, were made on parents captured in the wild or reared in the laboratory. Phenotypic variation of morphometric traits declined within the laboratory, but as the additive genetic component of variation also declined, there was no net change in ???narrow-sense heritabilities of these traits across environments. Additive genetic variances were inflated only when wild-caught females were used as parents, suggesting that a maternal effect was present. 相似文献
Pamela S. Soltis Douglas E. Soltis Kent E. Holsinger 《American journal of botany》1988,75(11):1765-1770
Relatively little information is available on mating systems and interpopulational gene flow in species of homosporous pteridophytes. Because of the proximity of antheridia and archegonia on the same thallus, it has long been maintained that intragametophytic selling is the predominant mode of reproduction in natural populations of homosporous ferns and other homosporous plants. Furthermore, quantitative estimates of interpopulational gene flow via spore dispersal are lacking. In this paper, we examine five species of homosporous ferns (Botrychium virginianum, Polystichum munitum, P. imbricans, Blechnum spicant, and Dryopteris expansa) and present estimates of 1) rates of intragametophytic selling, 2) levels of interpopulational gene flow, and 3) interpopulational genetic differentiation (FST). Our data demonstrate that mating systems vary among species of ferns, just as they do among species of seed plants. The data also suggest that levels of interpopulational gene flow are generally high. The FST values indicate little genetic divergence among populations for all species except Dryopteris expansa, which exhibits significant levels of interpopulational genetic differentiation. Patterns of genetic diversity in the five species examined are related to the mating system and rate of interpopulational gene flow in each species. The FST values for all species except Botrychium virginianum are in close agreement with those predicted for an island model of population structure. 相似文献
Robert N. Bowman 《American journal of botany》1987,74(4):471-476
Analysis of 2,117 segregating progeny from competitive pollinations involving self and foreign pollen reveals that Clarkia unguiculata possesses a cryptic self-incompatibility mechanism. This mechanism promotes outcrossing when foreign pollen is available, yet allows for high fecundity through selling in marginal or catastrophically reduced populations. Competitively based self-incompatibility in the species suggests that discrimination against genetically similar siblings may also be possible. The preferential self-exclusion system insures that a seed crop of maximal size and genetic heterogeneity will be produced despite unpredictable environmental perturbations. 相似文献
Gisela García-Ramos Mark Kirkpatrick 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1997,51(1):21-28
We investigate the interplay between gene flow and adaptation in peripheral populations of a widespread species. Models are developed for the evolution of a quantitative trait under clinally varying selection in a species whose density decreases from the center of the range to its periphery. Two major results emerge. First, gene flow from populations at the range center can be a strong force that inhibits peripheral populations from evolving to their local ecological optima. As a result, peripheral populations experience persistent directional selection. Second, response to local selection pressures can cause rapid and substantial evolution when a peripheral population is isolated from gene flow. The amount of evolutionary change depends on gene flow, selection, the ecological gradient, and the trait's heritability. Rapid divergence can also occur between the two halves of a formerly continuous population that is divided by a vicariant event. A general conclusion is that disruption of gene flow can cause evolutionary divergence, perhaps leading to speciation, in the absence of contributions from random genetic drift. 相似文献
J. L. Bossart J. M. Scriber 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1995,49(6):1163-1171
Differential selection in a heterogeneous environment is thought to promote the maintenance of ecologically significant genetic variation. Variation is maintained when selection is counterbalanced by the homogenizing effects of gene flow and random mating. In this study, we examine the relative importance of differential selection and gene flow in maintaining genetic variation in Papilio glaucus. Differential selection on traits contributing to successful use of host plants (oviposition preference and larval performance) was assessed by comparing the responses of southern Ohio, north central Georgia, and southern Florida populations of P. glaucus to three hosts: Liriodendron tulipifera, Magnolia virginiana, and Prunus serotina. Gene flow among populations was estimated using allozyme frequencies from nine polymorphic loci. Significant genetic differentiation was observed among populations for both oviposition preference and larval performance. This differentiation was interpreted to be the result of selection acting on Florida P. glaucus for enhanced use of Magnolia, the prevalent host in Florida. In contrast, no evidence of population differentiation was revealed by allozyme frequencies. FST-values were very small and Nm, an estimate of the relative strengths of gene flow and genetic drift, was large, indicating that genetic exchange among P. glaucus populations is relatively unrestricted. The contrasting patterns of spatial differentiation for host-use traits and lack of differentiation for electrophoretically detectable variation implies that differential selection among populations will be counterbalanced by gene flow, thereby maintaining genetic variation for host-use traits. 相似文献
Rebecca A. Sherry Elizabeth M. Lord 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1996,50(1):80-91
Four natural populations of Clarkia tembloriensis, whose levels of heterozygosity and rates of outcrossing were previously found to be correlated, are examined for developmental instability in their leaves. From the northern end of the species range, we compare a predominantly selfing population (t? = 0.26) with a more outcrossed population (t? = 0.84), which is genetically similar. From the southern end of the range, we compare a highly selfing population (t? = 0.03) with a more outcrossed population (t? = 0.58). We measured developmental stability in the populations using two measures of within-plant variation in leaf length as well as calculations of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) for several leaf traits. Growth-chamber experiments show that selfing populations are significantly more variable in leaf length than more outcrossed populations. Developmental instability can contribute to this difference in population-level variance. Plants from more homozygous populations tend to have greater within-plant variance over developmentally comparable nodes than plants from more heterozygous populations, but the difference is not significant. At the upper nodes of the plant, mature leaf length declines steadily with plant age, allowing for a regression of leaf length on node. On average, the plants from more homozygous populations showed higher variance about the regression (MSE) and lower R2 values, suggesting that the decline in leaf length with plant age is less stable in plants from selfing populations than in plants from outcrossing populations. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was calculated for four traits within single leaves at up to five nodes per plant. At the early nodes of the plant where leaf arrangement is opposite, FA was also calculated for the same traits between opposite leaves at a node. Fluctuating asymmetry is significantly greater in the southern selfing population than in the neighboring outcrossed population. Northern populations do not differ in FA. Fluctuating asymmetry can vary significantly between nodes. The FA values of different leaf traits were not correlated. We show that developmental stability can be measured in plants using FA and within-plant variance. Our data suggest that large differences in breeding system are associated with differences in stability, with more inbred populations being the least stable. 相似文献
Pamela S. Soltis Douglas E. Soltis 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1987,41(3):620-629
Levels and distribution of genetic variation were investigated in the homosporous fern, Polystichum munitum. Homosporous ferns differ from higher vascular plants in that they possess potentially bisexual gametophytes which can produce a completely homozygous sporophyte in a single generation. Because of this, it has long been maintained that ferns possess an inbreeding mating system, resulting in low levels of genetic variation and high levels of homozygosity within populations. The four populations sampled maintain high levels of genetic variation (P? = 0.542; H? = 0.111; ā = 2.23), comparable to that maintained by populations of outcrossing seed plants. The mean fixation index, F, for the four populations was 0.052, indicating no significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg genotypic expectations. Polystichum munitum distributes most of its genetic variation within rather than among populations. Population-genetic structure was assessed by subdividing each of two large populations into 10 × 10-m subpopulations. Comparisons of genetic variation within and among subpopulations indicated little genetic substructure within either of the artificially subdivided populations. Estimates of interpopulational gene flow (Nm) are extremely high, comparable to those reported for gymnosperms. Statistical estimates of intragametophytic selling are very low, ranging from 0 to 3%. This study suggests that Polystichum munitum is an outcrossing species. Evidence from this and other investigations indicates that fern species do not typically self-fertilize and that mating systems in ferns vary as they do among species of seed plants. 相似文献
Jessica Worthington Wilmer Les Hall Elizabeth Barratt Craig Moritz 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1999,53(5):1582-1591
The Australian ghost bat is a large, opportunistic carnivorous species that has undergone a marked range contraction toward more mesic, tropical sites over the past century. Comparison of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences and six nuclear microsatellite loci in 217 ghost bats from nine populations across subtropical and tropical Australia revealed strong population subdivision (mtDNA φST = 0.80; microsatellites URST = 0.337). Low-latitude (tropical) populations had higher heterozygosity and less marked phylogeographic structure and lower subdivision among sites within regions (within Northern Territory [NT] and within North Queensland [NQ]) than did populations at higher latitudes (subtropical sites; central Queensland [CQ]), although sampling of geographically proximal breeding sites is unavoidably restricted for the latter. Gene flow among populations within each of the northern regions appears to be male biased in that the difference in population subdivision for mtDNA and microsatellites (NT φST = 0.39, URST = 0.02; NQ φST = 0.60, URST = ?0.03) is greater than expected from differences in the effective population size of haploid versus diploid loci. The high level of population subdivision across the range of the ghost bat contrasts with evidence for high gene flow in other chiropteran species and may be due to narrow physiological tolerances and consequent limited availability of roosts for ghost bats, particularly across the subtropical and relatively arid regions. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that the contraction of the species' range is associated with late Holocene climate change. The extreme isolation among higher-latitude populations may predispose them to additional local extinctions if the processes responsible for the range contraction continue to operate. 相似文献
This study investigated fertility selection on a flower petal pigmentation polymorphism in Clarkia gracilis ssp. sonomensis. Natural populations are typically composed of nearly 100% spotted-petal plants, although rare populations contain a majority of unspotted plants. I compared fitness values for the two morphs using a simple fertility model to estimate selection for experimental arrays of plants placed into existing populations of different phenotypic frequencies. Both male and female reproductive success were estimated as well as the pattern of mating among phenotypes. Although the separate fitness components varied from no differences to a strong advantage for spotted plants, for every situation the selection calculations predicted an increase in the frequency of the spotted allele. Pollinator behavior and postpollination mechanisms may be responsible for the fitness differences. The apparent inability of the unspotted allele to spread though most natural populations is consistent with its selective disadvantage in this study. 相似文献
Nancy L. Smith-Huerta 《American journal of botany》1992,79(12):1423-1430
The mature wild type petals of Clarkia tembloriensis consist of a long slender claw and an expanded deltoid-shaped limb. They are pink, with a maroon spot at the base of the limb. Their surface texture is smooth. A variant of petal form, crinkled petal, occurs commonly in several natural populations of C. tembloriensis. The mature crinkled petals are elongated, greenish pink, and possess trichomes. They resemble the mature sepals of C. tembloriensis in general shape, color, and surface texture. Organ initiation and subsequent patterns of development of wild type petals, wild type sepals, and crinkled petals were examined and compared using scanning electron microscopy and allometric growth analysis. Crinkled petals are similar to wild type petals in time and position of primordia initiation, and in size and shape at inception. Crinkled petals are similar to wild type sepals in pattern of allometric growth. The crinkled petal mutant fits the broad definition of a homeotic mutant in that the petal has assumed characteristics of the sepal. 相似文献