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Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) contains rubber in the parenchymatous cells of stems and roots. Stem anatomy of P. argentatum is described along with that of P. incanum H.B.K. (mariola). Anatomy of these species differs significantly. Phloem rays in both species increase in width by cell division and expansion; however, the increase observed in mariola is less as compared to that in guayule. Axial xylem parenchyma in guayule is generally a two-cell strand as compared to the fusiform axial xylem parenchyma observed in mariola. Vascular ray cells and cells of the pith region of guayule are parenchymatous, whereas those of mariola are sclerenchymatous. As a result of introgression between guayule and mariola, three forms of guayule exist in the native stands of Mexico. Morphological differences between these guayule plants have been described previously. The stem anatomy of these three groups of plants differ importantly. Group I guayule plants, least introgressed by mariola, have taller rays with the cells of pith region and vascular rays parenchymatous. Group III plants, highly introgressed by mariola, have a few to many cells of vascular rays and pith with lignified secondary walls and shorter rays. Many of the anatomical characteristics of group II plants, somewhat introgressed by mariola, are intermediate between group I and III plants.  相似文献   

Meiotic analyses and pollen viability tests were performed on F, hybrids between diploid guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray 2n = 36), P. rollinsianum Rzedowski (2n = 36), P. alpinum var. tetraneuris Barneby (2n = 36), and P. alpinum var. alpinum Nutt. (2n = 36). Parthenium chromosomes are small and karyomorphologically similar, and meiotic analysis is difficult because of chromosome clumping. However, cytogenetic studies at metaphase I indicated univalents can be seen in a lateral view of the metaphase plate. Chromosome pairing and the number of univalents varied within and between the interspecific hybrids, with an average univalent number of 1.54 for the P. rollinsianum hybrids, 2.36 for the P. alpinum var. tetraneuris hybrids, and 2.46 for the P. alpinum var. alpinum hybrids. Pollen viability tests for the parental species and the hybrids were conducted by germination of pollen grains on stigmas. The percent of viable pollen recorded for the diploid guayule hybrids with P. rollinsianum, P. alpinum var. tetraneuris, and P. alpinum var. alpinum are 21.94, 13.47, and 11.17, respectively. The degree of chromosome pairing and pollen viability is striking because there are many morphological differences between the parents. The chromosome homology of these species based on their pairing behavior allows for the design of a backcross breeding program that would permit the transfer of the desirable characteristics from these species into diploid guayule.  相似文献   

Structure and distribution of vascular bundles (VB) have been investigated in petioles of 26 herbaceous and woody dicotyledons. No single pattern of vascular bundle distribution could be found for both groups of plants. Both groups of plants had VB patterns ranging from a cylinder to separate bundles arranged in a variety of patterns, e.g., distorted cylinder, various configurations of a crescent, and other types. The total number of xylem vessels in herbaceous and woody plant petioles varied between 110 and 1756.  相似文献   

Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is a rubber-producing plant native to the semi-arid region of north central Mexico and southwestern Texas. As a member of the family Asteraceae, the seed dispersal unit in guayule is comprised of an achene enclosed by two staminate florets and a bract. The seeds in this condition are dormant and need special treatment in order to germinate. Threshing, prolonged washing, and/or chemical treatments prove effective in improving the germination. Experiments showed that chaff influenced germination and seedling emergence. Bioassays of aqueous extracts of guayule chaff and the seed coat showed a significant inhibition of germination and radicle growth of guayule, lettuce, and tomato seeds. High-performance liquid chromatography enabled the identification of at least seven phenolic acids from guayule chaff extract. These, in order of decreasing concentrations, included p-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, p-coumaric, ferulic, benzoic, vanillic, and cinnamic acids. All of them are well-known germination and growth inhibitors, and seem to play an important role in the dormancy of guayule seed.  相似文献   

Parthenium argentatum Gray (guayule) and P. incanum (mariola) grow in close associations in their native habitat of Mexico. Variation in rubber concentration and morphology of guayule has been known for a long time. Studies of over 75 native guayule plants indicated the presence of at least three prominent forms of guayule plants. Group I guayule plants have oblanceolate leaves and leaf margins are entire to two-toothed. T-shaped leaf trichomes are with centrally attached stalk and cap cell with two blunt ends. Plants in this group are high in rubber, containing on the average 17% rubber. Group II guayule plants have narrow elliptic leaves and leaf margins are entire to four-toothed. T-shaped trichomes have an acentrally attached stalk and a cap cell with short end blunt, long end pointed and straight. Rubber content in these plants averages 10%. Group III guayule plants have ovate leaves and leaf margins are four- to eight-toothed. T-trichomes have an acentrally attached stalk and a cap cell with short end blunt, long end pointed and wavy or curved. These plants on the average contain 6% rubber. Morphological as well as biochemical data indicate the presence of mariola genes in the last two groups of plants and this has resulted in an increase in trichome length and a decrease in the rubber content. Group II guayule plants are of more common occurrence than the others. Based on the data presented here, high rubber bearing guayule plants in native stands can be easily selected by analyzing trichome morphology.  相似文献   

The water-soluble compounds synthesized by the weed, Pluchea lanceolata, and released by it into the soil significantly reduced seed germination, number of nodes, internode length, shoot and root lengths, nodule number and weight, and Chl a and b and Chl a/b ratio of asparagus bean plants. The pattern of accumulation of nutrients in shoot and root of asparagus bean was also affected. In contrast, the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of fully expanded leaves were higher in plants grown with treated soil. The concentrations of Mg++, Zn++, and PO43- were higher and K+ was lower in shoots of plants grown with treated soil as compared to those grown with the control soil. Also, roots of plants grown with treated soil showed greater accumulation of Mg++ and NO3-. Shoot/root ratio of nutrients in plants grown with control soil were higher for Zn++, Na+, Ca++, and NO3-, whereas plants grown with treated soil had higher ratios for PO43-. These results provide evidence for allelopathic interference by P. lanceolata to the growth of asparagus bean.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship of Iostephane is assessed using data from morphology, flavonoid chemistry, and chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA restriction fragment analysis. Morphological evidence supports placement of Iostephane in subtribe Helianthinae, but fails to clarify the placement of the genus within this assemblage. Further evidence for the placement of Iostephane in subtribe Helianthinae is provided by the presence in all species of the genus of floral flavonoids of the chalcone/aurone type, which provides a distinctive trait for the subtribe within the tribe Heliantheae. Analysis of chloroplast DNA from two species of Iostephane, I. heterophylla and I. madrensis, in comparison to Viguiera and related genera indicates that the restriction site patterns with 16 enzymes for the Iostephane species are virtually identical to one another as well as to those of Viguiera sect. Maculatae. Data from restriction fragment patterns of nuclear rDNA are concordant with the results from chloroplast DNA in suggesting a direct relationship between the two groups. The close phylogenetic relationship between Iostephane and Viguiera sect. Maculatae suggested by the DNA restriction fragment data was not suggested by any other set of data.  相似文献   

The karyotype of A-set and B-chromosomes of Xanthisma texanum DC. are described in detail and measurements are given. The distribution of B-chromosomes in stem tissue is described and the loss of B-chromosomes from primary roots confirmed. The number of B-chromosomes in pollen mother cells was constant within single inflorescence buds and in all buds throughout the flowering period. The behavior of one and two B-chromosomes during meiosis is described in detail. During meiosis, B1's divided in 71% of the cases during anaphase II and in 29% of the cases during anaphase I. First anaphase division resulted in some lagging and elimination of B-chromatids during second division. During anaphase I, B11's divided into chromosomes and in anaphase II these divided into chromatids in 95% of the cases. In the other 5 % non-disjunction of the B-chromosomes or chromatids and A-set chromosome abnormalities occurred. Post meiotic preferential distribution during pollen mitosis resulting in a doubling of the number of B-chromosomes passed to progeny via pollen occurred, but no doubling occurred in the female line. Crosses involving plants with two B-chromosomes each yielded fewer plants with three B-chromosomes than expected. Polyploidy is extremely rare in the species. The evolutionary significance of B-chromosome behavior is discussed in relation to its origin and survival.  相似文献   

木岩黄芪的繁殖特点及其与沙生适应性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 木岩黄芪具有两种繁殖方式:天然下种繁殖及根状茎繁殖。本文试图从这两种繁殖方式入手,探讨木岩黄芪的沙生适应性。木岩黄芪种子繁殖效率较低,原因主要有两点:种子不易传播和影响天然下种繁殖的因素较多。大致3年生的实生植株具备根状茎繁殖能力,根状茎繁殖对战胜沙埋具有较大的作用,也具有在干旱条件下保证该植物萌发新枝从而衰而不竭的作用,这无疑是适应沙地流动性及干旱性的重要生物学特性。  相似文献   

本文对麻醉瓜采收前后及衰老期间的呼吸强度、乙烯生成及内源生长调节物质作了测定。麻醉瓜成熟过程中 ABA 首先生成并积累,当 ABA 达到一定水平后才出现乙烯的生成。与杏果相似,麻醉瓜成熟期间果肉中 ABA 大量积累,生长促进物质迅速消失,这可能是它不耐贮藏的内在生理原因。  相似文献   

刘建全 《植物研究》2000,20(3):313-317
研究了款冬属的核形态。染色体间期为简单型与复杂型的过渡型;前期染色体为近基型与中间型的过渡型。染色体较小,核型不对称,具明显的二型性;数目与核型公式为2n=60=42m+10sm+6st+2t。比较发现款冬的核型明显不同于千里光族中已有的核型记载,其核型特征似乎与它独特的形态特征相联系,具有重要的系统学意义。  相似文献   

草芍药,野牡丹和黄牡丹的核型研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
本文报道了国产芍药属(Paeonia L.)植物草芍药、野牡丹和黄牡丹的染色体数目及核型,均为2n=10=6m 2sm 2st,它们分别具2、3和4对次缢痕,所具次缢痕的数目和位置可以作三种核型的区别特征。  相似文献   

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