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The embryo of Rhizophora mangle L. is initially attached to the integument by a long multiseriate suspensor. Its basal cells lyse, and intrusive growth of the endosperm envelops the embryo, forces the micropyle open, and often carries the embryo out of the integument. Thus, “germination” is effected by growth of the endosperm rather than of the embryo. The surface of the endosperm differentiates into a layer of peculiar transfer cells. The cotyledonary body initiates as a toroidal primordium, which later becomes lobed; most of the free portions ultimately fuse. After “germination,” the axis of the viviparous seedling grows by a diffuse intercalary meristem below the cotyledonary node. Before seedling abscission, the shoot apex produces three pairs of leaves, the first of which aborts, leaving the rest of the plumule protected by their stipules. The (immersed) radicle apex is nearly inactive, but lateral roots arise early in seedling development; these are usually the first or only roots to grow during establishment. Ten provascular strands “differentiate” in the cotyledons; a hollow provascular cylinder develops in the hypocotyl. Initial vascular differentiation in the latter is of many alternate poles of xylem and phloem; later, de novo differentiation of metaxylem opposite the protophloem poles, and vice versa, produces collateral bundles. Xylem maturation is endarch over most of the length of the hypocotyl, but tangential and random series of metaxylem vessels occur in the radicle end.  相似文献   

The monophylly of Streptocarpus grandis was examined ontogeneticallyand anatomically. When the seed is shed, the embryo is composedof a hypocotyl and two equal-sized cotyledons, lacking rootand shoot apices. During germination, cell division and subsequentcell enlargement occur in the hypocotyl and cotyledons. Thehypocotyl soon produces a primary root from its distal tip;this involves surface and subsurface cells at the point of attachmentof the suspensor remnant. In the cotyledons, cell enlargementand differentiation occur basipetally, leaving small meristematiccells at the bases. These small cells give rise to the basalmeristem in one of the two cotyledons, which contributes toan accrescent cotyledon. The groove meristem, which later differentiatesinto an inflorescence, arises in place of shoot apices whenthe cotyledons become visibly unequal in size. It later exhibitsa tunica-corpus like configuration and differentiates directlyinto an inflorescence meristem. The evolution of this uniquegrowth of one-leaved Streptocarpus is discussed with regardto morphogenetic data.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Anisocotyly, developmental anatomy, evolution, Gesneriaceae, one-leaf plant, ontogeny, Streptocarpus grandis  相似文献   

The suspensor is a specialized basal structure that differentiates early in plant embryogenesis to support development of the embryo proper. Suspensor differentiation in Arabidopsis is maintained in part by the TWIN1 (TWN1) gene, which suppresses embryogenic development in suspensor cells: twn1 mutants produce supernumerary embryos via suspensor transformation. To better understand mechanisms of suspensor development and further investigate the function of TWN1, we have characterized late-embryo and post-embryonic development in the twn1 mutant, using seedling culture, microscopy, and genetics. We report here that the twn1 mutation disrupts cotyledon number, arrangement, and morphology and occasionally causes partial conversion of cotyledons into leaves. These defects are not a consequence of suspensor transformation. Thus, in addition to its basal role in suspensor differentiation, TWN1 influences apical pattern and morphology in the embryo proper. To determine whether other genes can similarly affect both suspensor and cotyledon development, we looked for twinning in Arabidopsis mutants previously identified by their abnormal cotyledon phenotypes. One such mutant, amp1, produced a low frequency of twin embryos by suspensor transformation. Our results suggest that mechanisms that maintain suspensor identity also function later in development to influence organ formation at the embryonic shoot apex. We propose that TWN1 functions in cell communication pathways that convey local positional information in both the apical and basal regions of the Arabidopsis embryo.  相似文献   

Much work has been done on the agricultural potential of Jojoba, but little on the anatomy of the mature plant or seed. Our investigations concern the structure of the embryo of mature seeds and their external morphology during early germination. The embryo is straight and investing. A hypocotyl sheath surrounds the radicle like a hollow cone. The apical meristem is a low mound of cells in a shallow depression between the broad short petioles of the cotyledons. During germination these petioles lengthen and force the embryo away from the coytledons and seed coat. The hypocotyl elongates and the primary root rapidly extends and is well developed before the apical meristem becomes active. A mature imbibed seed contains approximately fifty percent liquid wax. After germination there is a linear decrease in the amount of wax to approximately ten percent at thirty days.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution and time course of development of transfer cells in the hypocotyl region of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and groundsel (Senecio vulgaris L.) are examined by light microscopy of serial sections through a sequence of ages of hypocotyls. Investments of xylem transfer cells occur in departing traces to the cotyledons and, later, in the traces to foliage leaves; phloem transfer cells are widely distributed but particularly prominent in those bands of protophloem in the plumule vasculature which lie alongside xylem of the cotyledonary traces. Both classes of transfer cell are well endowed with wall ingrowths before differentiation of xylem and perforation of stomata occurs in the plumule. Autoradiographic evidence is obtained of a transport pathway from cotyledonary trace xylem elements to xylem transfer cell to plumule, and analyses of xylem sap collected from above or below the zones of transfer cells in the hypocotyl show that certain materials can be removed from the xylem sap by transfer cells as it moves towards the cotyledons. From these findings it is concluded that the seedling transfer cells play an important role in nutrition of the young plumule, particularly before the latter has become adequately connected with the vascular systems of cotyledons and root.Experiments on the experimental modification of transfer cell development in the hypocotyl suggest that both photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide and a transpirational loss of water by a cotyledon must take place before the presumptive xylem transfer cells in its traces can develop normal sets of wall ingrowths.Discussion is extended to the general role of transfer cells in the nodal regions of stems. Possible functions envisaged are, the general nutrition of young tissues of the apical region, the abstraction of assimilates for local storage, the transfer of assimilates to axillary buds released from apical dominance, and the interchange of assimilates between adjacent vascular traces running through the node.  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞的胚胎发生属茄型,由顶细胞参与胚体的形成,基细胞仅形成六细胞胚柄。胚乳发育为细胞型,但也观察到少数核型胚乳的现象。初步探讨了核型胚乳与细胞型胚乳的关系。  相似文献   

运用扫描电镜与半薄切片技术,观察了玉米(Zea mays L.)的胚发育过程,得到以下认识:第一、关于原胚.玉米合子细胞分裂形成的原胚分为胚柄、胚基与胚体三部分.胚柄短小,寿命短暂.胚基具有生长带,纵向伸长长度大,胚基的上部参与形成胚根鞘,其余部分干缩后附在胚根鞘末端.第二、玉米胚的背腹极性及二型子叶.原胚初期胚体出现背腹极性,腹面的细胞小,细胞质稠密,液泡较少;背面的细胞较大,细胞质稠密度略低,液泡较多.原胚后期胚体分化为腹部与背部,腹部从腹面的中央突起,背部在腹部的周围(从左至右侧)及整个胚体背面.进入幼胚时期,腹部分化为胚芽鞘、生长锥、胚轴、胚根和胚根鞘(大部分).期间,胚芽鞘原基和根原始细胞的分化都从胚体的中轴部位开始,然后向两侧和四周扩展,表现出胚体腹面形态的两侧对称性.原胚的背部形成盾片原基,盾片原基经历向左、右、上、下的迅速扩展和加厚的生长,将整个腹部所分化形成的构件藏于盾片的纵沟之中,最后盾片从纵沟的边缘长出的左、右侧鳞均向胚体的中轴线生长,完整显示出玉米胚腹面的两侧对称.玉米胚由腹部顶端形成胚芽鞘和生长锥的情况与水稻胚的胚芽鞘(顶生子叶)和生长锥的形成相同,玉米的胚芽鞘也是顶生子叶,盾片则是侧生子叶.玉米异型子叶的由来在于胚体的背腹极性.第三、玉米胚的真实形态结构及胚胎发育时期的划分.玉米胚是一个胚轴,其顶部是具胚芽鞘的胚芽,中部是具侧生子叶(盾片)的胚轴,下部是具胚根鞘的胚根.盾片从背面到腹面包住整个胚轴系统,在胚的腹面上可见从盾片边缘衍生的左、右侧鳞的边缘相迭,只在接缝线的上、下端留下蝌蚪状的小孔,使胚芽鞘和胚根鞘的末端稍露出.胚胎发育分为4个时期: 1.原胚期--从合子细胞分裂开始至分化背部与腹部为止;2.腹部迅速分化期;3.盾片快速生长期;4.侧鳞生长、胚套形成期.第四、获取垂直于胚腹面正中央纵切面是正确认识玉米胚形态的关键.  相似文献   

玉米胚胎发育、萌发与胚的结构及子叶二型性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用扫描电镜与半薄切片技术,观察了玉米(Zea mays L.)的胚发育过程,得到以下认识:第一、关于原胚。玉米合子细胞分裂形成的原胚分为胚柄、胚基与胚体三部分。胚柄短小,寿命短暂。胚基具有生长带,纵向伸长长度大,胚基的上部参与形成胚根鞘,其余部分干缩后附在胚根鞘末端。第二、玉米胚的背腹极性及二型子叶。原胚初期胚体出现背腹极性,腹面的细胞小,细胞质稠密,液泡较少;背面的细胞较大,细胞质稠密度略低,液泡较多。原胚后期胚体分化为腹部与背部,腹部从腹面的中央突起,背部在腹部的周围(从左至右侧)及整个胚体背面。进入幼胚时期,腹部分化为胚芽鞘、生长锥、胚轴、胚根和胚根鞘(大部分)。期间,胚芽鞘原基和根原始细胞的分化都从胚体的中轴部位开始,然后向两侧和四周扩展,表现出胚体腹面形态的两侧对称性。原胚的背部形成盾片原基,盾片原基经历向左、右、上、下的迅速扩展和加厚的生长,将整个腹部所分化形成的构件藏于盾片的纵沟之中,最后盾片从纵沟的边缘长出的左、右侧鳞均向胚体的中轴线生长,完整显示出玉米胚腹面的两侧对称。玉米胚由腹部顶端形成胚芽鞘和生长锥的情况与水稻胚的胚芽鞘(顶生子叶)和生长锥的形成相同,玉米的胚芽鞘也是顶生子叶,盾片则是侧生子叶。玉米异型子叶的由来在于胚体的背腹极性。第三、玉米胚的真实形态结构及胚胎发育时期的划分。玉米胚是一个胚轴,其顶部是具胚芽鞘的胚芽,中部是具侧生子叶(盾片)的胚轴,下部是具胚根鞘的胚根。盾片从背面到腹面包住整个胚轴系统,在胚的腹面上可见从盾片边缘衍生的左、右侧鳞的边缘相迭,只在接缝线的上、下端留下蝌蚪状的小孔,使胚芽鞘和胚根鞘的末端稍露出。胚胎发育分为4个时期:1.原胚期——从合子细胞分裂开始至分化背部与腹部为止;2.腹部迅速分化期;3.盾片快速生长期;4.侧鳞生长、胚套形成期。第四、获取垂盲于胚腹面正中央纵切面是正确认识玉米胚形态的关键。  相似文献   

Anomalous secondary thickening occurs in the main axis of Bougainvillea spectabilis as a result of a primary thickening meristem which differentiates in pericycle. The primary thickening meristem first appears in the base of the primary root about 6 days after germination and differentiates acropetally as the root elongates. It begins differentiating from the base of the hypocotyl toward the shoot apex about 33 days after germination. The primary thickening meristem is first observable at the base of the first internode about 60 days after germination. It then becomes a cylinder in the main axis of the seedling. No stelar cambial cylinder forms in the primary root, hypocotyl, or stem because vascular cambium differentiation occurs neither in the pericycle opposite xylem points in the primary root nor in interfascicular parenchyma in the hypocotyl or stem. The primary vascular system of the stem appears anomalous because an inner and an outer ring of vascular bundles differentiate in the stele. Bundles of the inner ring anastomose in internodes, whereas those of the outer ring do not. Desmogen strands each of which is composed of phloem, xylem with both tracheids and vessels, and a desmogic cambium, differentiate from prodesmogen strands in conjunctive tissue. The parenchymatous cells surrounding desmogen strands then differentiate into elongated simple-pitted fibers and thick-walled fusiform cells that are about the same length as the primary thickening meristem initials.  相似文献   

Lin PP 《Plant physiology》1984,76(2):372-380
Active polyamine biosynthesis occurs in the embryonic axis, but not in the cotyledons, during germination of Glycine max (L.) cv Williams seeds and subsequent growth of the young seedlings. The hypocotyl and radicle synthesize and accumulate considerable amounts of cadaverine (Cad) and putrescine (Put) during the early stages of growth. Most of the amino acid precursors for the diamines are supplied from breakdown of the cotyledonary protein.  相似文献   


The orchid reproductive strategy, including the formation of numerous tiny seeds, is achieved by the elimination of some stages in the early plant embryogenesis. In this study, we documented in detail the formation of the maternal tissues (the nucellus and integuments), the structures of female gametophyte (megaspores, chalazal nuclei, synergids, polar nuclei), and embryonic structures in Dendrobium nobile. The ovary is unilocular, and the ovule primordia are formed in the placenta before the pollination. The ovule is medionucellate: the two-cell postament and two rows of nucellar cells persist until the death of the inner integument. A monosporic eight-nucleated embryo sac is developed. After the fertilization, the most common central cell nucleus consisted of two joined but not fused polar nuclei. The embryogenesis of D. nobile is similar to the Caryophyllad-type, and it is characterized by the formation of all embryo cells from the apical cell (ca) of a two-celled proembryo. The only exception is that there is no formation of the radicle and/or cotyledons. The basal cell (cb) does not divide during the embryogenesis, gradually transforming into the uninuclear suspensor. Then the suspensor goes through three main stages: it starts with an unbranched cell within the embryo sac, followed by a branched stage growing into the integuments, and it ends with the cell death. The stage-specific development of the female gametophyte and embryo of D. nobile is discussed.


Seedlings of Atriplex hortensis were studied to ascertain; 1) in which organ the primary thickening meristem (PTM) first differentiates; 2) the direction of differentiation of the PTM, and 3) the pattern of differentiation of conjunctive tissue. The PTM initially differentiates in pericycle of the primary root base 11 days after emergence of the primary root. It then differentiates in the transition region of the hypocotyl, mostly in cells of pericycle between pairs of vascular bundles. In the upper hypocotyl, PTM differentiates by day 20 in the inner layer of cortical parenchyma. In the epicotyl, PTM apparently differentiates in the inner layer of cortex, by day 24. Desmogic xylem differentiates from radial files of internal conjunctive tissue cells and desmogic phloem differentiates opposite desmogic xylem strands from newly formed cells of external conjunctive tissue. No interfascicular cambium differentiates in the root, hypocotyl, or epicotyl.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of somatic embryos of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) produced from solid- and liquid-culture-derived proembryogenic masses (PEM) was compared using light and scanning electron microscopy. Somatic embryos produced from solid-medium-derived PEM (SPEM) had large cotyledons, little or no visible suspensor structure, and a relatively undeveloped concave shoot apical meristem, whereas those from liquid-medium-derived PEM (LPEM) had smaller cotyledons, a distinct suspensor, and a flat-to-convex shoot apical meristem. The convex shoot apical meristem in LPEM-derived somatic embryos formed as early as the heart stage of development; it was 4-6 cell layers deep and rich in protein. Suspensors persisted in fully developed and mature LPEM-derived somatic embryos. The SPEM-derived somatic embryos exhibited dormancy, as do mature zygotic embryos, which also have a rudimentary suspensor, whereas LPEM-derived embryos were not dormant. We hypothesize that the presence of a persistent suspensor in LPEM-derived somatic embryos modulates development, ultimately resulting in rapid germination and a high plant-regeneration rate.  相似文献   

西瓜胚和胚乳的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秀玲  高新起  任秋萍 《广西植物》2002,22(5):437-T006
应用显微技术对西瓜胚和胚乳的发育过程进行了观察并分析了西瓜胚珠败育的原因。西瓜胚发育属紫菀型。合子第一次分裂为不均等分裂 ,形成的基细胞体积明显较顶细胞大 ,两细胞均含有多个液泡。原胚发育过程中没有明显的胚柄。最外层的原胚细胞 ,与胚乳细胞相邻的壁上被胼胝质物质包围 ,且无外连丝存在 ;与胚囊壁相接的壁上无壁内突结构。胚的子叶体积增长的同时 ,子叶细胞内积累蛋白质和脂类物质 ,多糖物质的含量下降。胚乳发育属核型 ,在球形胚期开始自珠孔端向合点端细胞化 ,胚子叶分化出后开始自珠孔端向合点端退化。胚乳合点端在球形胚早期形成发达的胚乳吸器 ,开始呈游离核状态 ,后细胞化 ,在心型胚期之后退化。  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determination of cell cycle activation duringimbibition and visible germination in five families of jackpine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) embryos and megagametophytes revealedthat in seeds that had undergone no imbibition the majorityof cells were in the 2C state. As the imbibition period increased,less of the nuclei were blocked in the G0/G1 state and morebecome active in the cell cycle. The augmentation in the nucleiactive in the 2C–4C cycle as well as those with DNA levelshigher than the 4C state occured gradually and preceeded radicleemergence. In megagametophyte tissue examined at various stagesof imbibition, cell cycle activity became apparent rapidly followingimbibition. In nuclei of green and white embryos examined separatelythe 2frequency distributions were significantly different forall three families after 144h. As imbibition period increased,fewer nuclei from the green embryos were blocked in the 2C state,and more became active in the 2C–4C cell cycle. This wasnot the case for white embryos where no significant linear relationwas noted. Cell cycle activity in the hypocotyl+cotyledons regionand the emerging radicle were examined separately. Functionalrelations found in the hypocotyl+cotyledons region were notevident in the radicle. As visible germination proceeded, cellcycle activity in the hypocotyl + cotyledons region for thisperiod of germination showed a reversal of the activity notedduring imbibition: fewer nuclei were active and once again ahigher proportion were found in the 2C state. cell cycle; C levels; DNA content; flow cytometry; germination; imbibition; jack pine; megagametophyte; Pinus banksiana Lamb  相似文献   

Using scanning electron microscopy and semi-thin plastic sections, the pattern of development of the rice ( Oryza sativa L. ) embryo from 2 days after pollination (DAP) to maturity was followed. ( 1 ) At 2 DAP, the young embryo was observed to consist of an embryo proper, a hypoblast and a suspensor. The trum-pet-shaped hypoblast was a transitional region situated between the suspensor and the embryo proper. To label the hypoblast as suspensor is incorrect. During this time, dorsiventrality was established, but a radicle was not yet differentiated. Therefore it is still referred to as a proembryo. (2) 3 ~ 5 DAP, the embryo underwent definite morphological and anatomical changes. In the young embryo at 3 DAP the scutellum and colcoptile appeared simultaneously directly from the proembryo. The coleoptile did not originate from the scutellmn. During these foremost 3 days, the coleoptile primordium underwent a special kind of morphological change and formed a young coleeptile having the shape of an inverted hollow cone. This process revealed the true mechanism of c61eeptile formation. Anatomical observation indicated that the embryo at 3 DAP began to differentiate procambium, ground meristem and root cap. At 4 DAP a dome-like growth cone and protoderm of radicle appeared. Then the shoot-root axis became established. At 5 DAP the plumule, hypocotyl and radicle were formed. (3) It was shown that the embryo of rice actually has two cotyledons: the scutellum (a part of the embryonic envelope) and the coleeptile (The scutellum being the lateral cotyledon, a part of outside cotyledon, and the coleoptile the apical cotyledon--the coleoptile may be considered to be a modified form of a cotyledon). This kind of structural arrangemem can be referred to as dimorphic cotyledon.  相似文献   

? The cell and developmental biology of zygotic embryogenesis in the model legume Medicago truncatula has received little attention. We studied M. truncatula embryogenesis from embryo sac until cotyledon maturation, including oil and protein body biogenesis. ? We characterized embryo development using light and electron microscopy, measurement of protein and lipid fatty acid accumulation and by profiling the expression of key seed storage genes. ? Embryo sac development in M. truncatula is of the Polygonum type. A distinctive multicellular hypophysis and suspensor develops before the globular stage and by the early cotyledon stage, the procambium connects the developing apical meristems. In the storage parenchyma of cotyledons, ovoid oil bodies surround protein bodies and the plasma membrane. Four major lipid fatty acids accumulate as cotyledons develop, paralleling the expression of OLEOSIN and the storage protein genes, VICILIN and LEGUMIN. ? Zygotic embryogenesis in M. truncatula features the development of a distinctive multicellular hypophysis and an endopolyploid suspensor with basal transfer cell. A clear procambial connection between the apical meristems is evident and there is a characteristic arrangement of oil bodies in the cotyledons and radicle. Our data help link embryogenesis to the genetic regulation of oil and protein body biogenesis in legume seed.  相似文献   

The indolic compound auxin regulates virtually every aspect of plant growth and development, but its role in embryogenesis and its molecular mechanism of action are not understood. We describe two mutants of Arabidopsis that define a novel gene called AUXIN-RESISTANT6 (AXR6) which maps to chromosome 4. Embryonic development of the homozygous axr6 mutants is disrupted by aberrant patterns of cell division, leading to defects in the cells of the suspensor, root and hypocotyl precursors, and provasculature. The homozygous axr6 mutants arrest growth soon after germination lacking a root and hypocotyl and with severe vascular pattern defects in their cotyledons. Whereas previously described mutants with similar developmental defects are completely recessive, axr6 heterozygotes display a variety of morphological and physiological alterations that are most consistent with a defect in auxin physiology or response. The AXR6 gene is likely to be important for auxin response throughout the plant, including early development.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, the first zygotic division usually gives rise to two daughter cells with distinct morphologies and developmental fates, which is critical for embryo pattern formation; however, it is still unclear when and how these distinct cell fates are specified, and whether the cell specification is related to cytoplasmic localization or polarity. Here, we demonstrated that when isolated from both maternal tissues and the apical cell, a single basal cell could only develop into a typical suspensor, but never into an embryo in vitro. Morphological, cytological and gene expression analyses confirmed that the resulting suspensor in vitro is highly similar to its undisturbed in vivo counterpart. We also demonstrated that the isolated apical cell could develop into a small globular embryo, both in vivo and in vitro, after artificial dysfunction of the basal cell; however, these growing apical cell lineages could never generate a new suspensor. These findings suggest that the initial round of cell fate specification occurs at the two‐celled proembryo stage, and that the basal cell lineage is autonomously specified towards the suspensor, implying a polar distribution of cytoplasmic contents in the zygote. The cell fate transition of the basal cell lineage to the embryo in vivo is actually a conditional cell specification process, depending on the developmental signals from both the apical cell lineage and maternal tissues connected to the basal cell lineage.  相似文献   

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