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Unripe Spanish pears ( Pyras commanis L. ev. Blanquilla ) were ripened at 18°C for 5 and 10 days. Softening of the cortical tissues was associated with swelling of parenchyma cell walls from 1 to more than 5 μm in 10 day ripe pears, by which time the pears were over ripe. However, there was little indication of cell separation and the middle lamella could be detected between most cell walls. Furthermore, cell separation was constrained by regions rich in plasmodesmata where wall swelling was prevented. Parenchyma cells in the 500 μm of tissue underlying the epidermis did not undergo ripening-related changes to the same extent as those of the cortex. These cells, in combination with a sub-epidermal layer of lignified sclereid clusters, constituted a relatively tough and protective skin. Ripening of the cortical tissues was associated with a depletion of alcohol-insoluble pectic polysaccharides, as indicated by the decrease in arabinose and uronic acid. Analysis of alcohol-insoluble cell wall preparations enriched in either parenchyma or sclereid cell walls indicated that this change was predominantly associated with the parenchyma walls. Such changes were less prominent in the peel. The decrease in pectic polysaccharides was accompanied by an increase in their solubility. During ripening, the sclereid clusters of the cortex continued in develop, as indicated by an increase in their size and yield of cell wall xylose and glucose. Cortical parenchyma cells radiating from the sclereids were firmly attached to the lignified cells. This was due to lignification extending from the sclereids into the primary walls of the parenchyma cells. We conclude that dissolution of pectic polysaccharides is one of several factors which determine softening during ripening of Spanish pears.  相似文献   

An interesting anatomic feature of Rauwolfia is the occurrence of a remarkable type of sclereid in the stem and root. The initials of the sclereids in the stem arise in the ground tissue element of the pith in a region between 50 and 70μ below the surface of the shoot apex. This region of the shoot remains surrounded by a whorl of either 3 or 4 leaves. Sclereids initiate in succession in association with each whorl of leaves. Thus, the sclereids are restricted to the nodes. The sclereids in the stem arise as a primary element of the shoot from the ground tissue of the pith. In the root, they differentiate from the cells of the phelloderm and are secondary in origin. Morphologically, the sclereids in these 2 organs are basically the same, except that the sclereids in the stem are larger in size than those in the root. A solitary cell, or 2 to several cells in a longitudinal cell file (originated from a single mother cell), may differentiate into sclereid initials. The growth of the sclereids through relatively compact ground tissue of the pith is possibly accomplished by a combination of gliding growth and apical intrusive process. The sclereid initials grow rapidly and force their way between the parenchymatous cells. As a result, the neighboring cells lose their original surface contacts. Sclereids increase in size rapidly, and, therefore, very enlarged sclereids with thin primary walls may be observed in the second node. They mature progressively in basipetal direction in the subjacent nodes. In the fifth or sixth node, mature sclereids with massive secondary walls are most common. The secondary walls of sclereids contain much lignin as determined by the phloroglucinol-HCl test. The walls of sclereids at maturity show a variable number of lamellae ranging from 10 to 15 in the lateral walls. A remarkable feature of the sclereids is their canal-like pits in the secondary walls. Two adjacent pits may coalesce uniquely to form a Y-like configuration directed centrifugally from the lumen of the sclereids. The sclereids are ventrically symmetrical, joined end-to-end by their transverse walls like 2 superimposed young fibers.  相似文献   

Department of Botany and Bacteriology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Zea mays L. root development from the coleoptilar node was observed by light and electron microscopy. Roots developed opposite collateral vascular bundles in the coleoptilar nodal region. Three distinct histogens (stelar, cortical-protoderm, and root cap) became evident in early development. In median sections of the young roots, root cap and cortical regions formed a “hat” configuration over the stelar region. As the root matured, this “hat” developed centripetally to encapsulate the stelar region. Central core cells of the root cap were characterized by having numerous dictyosomes, amyloplasts, vacuoles, and thin cell walls. As these cells matured into outer or peripheral cap cells, the Golgi vesicles became hypertrophied. These hypertrophied vesicles contained a granular PAS-positive material which accumulated between the plasma membrane and the cell wall and formed a thick layer. As the PAS-positive material passed through the cell wall, it changed to a fibrillar texture. A PAS-positive material similar to that in the outer root cap cells was found adjacent to the outer walls of the protodermal cells. In median sections, PAS-positive material was not present in the promeristem region. Root cap cells as well as parent cortical cells were crushed as the young root forced its way through the parent tissue.  相似文献   

A unique cell wall component has been observed in the aleurone layer of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya). This wall component has been shown to be localized adjacent to the plasmalemma. Unlike the surrounding cell wall matrix it is resistant to “Onozuka” cellulase and remains intact during gibberellic acid-stimulated hydrolase release. After treatment of the tissue with gibberellic acid followed by digestion with “Onozuka” cellulase this resistant wall component can be isolated free of protoplast. Study of its surface features revealed the presence of numerous tubular extensions, 120 nm wide, connecting adjacent resistant walls. These tubes resembled light microscope images of plasmodesmata in size and appearance. E.M. sections of resistant walls showed the presence of unit membrane lining the inner surface of the wall tubes. It was concluded that the resistant wall constitutes a modified wall layer that is secreted uniformly across all plasmalemma surfaces, including those in the wall (plasmodesmata). The presence of wall tubes surrounding plasmodesmata enhances the apparent size of the plasmodesmata in the light microscope. This may account for previous inconsistencies in the literature between light and electron microscope determinations of plasmodesmata diameters.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the calcareous red coralline alga Lithothrix aspergillum Gray and the development of the various tissue types has been studied. The sub-apical meristematic tissue alternately produces genicular or intergenicular cells. The genicular cells rapidly elongate and their cell walls thicken and become denser as more fibrillar wall material is laid down within the cell wall. These cells contain little cytoplasm and few organelles. The inter genicular cells which elongate only slightly during development have a small vacuole and many free starch grains in the cytoplasm. The peripheral cells in each inter genicular layer remain meristematic and form a cortical cell layer over the genicular cells. These cortical cells and the apical meristematic cells are covered by small epidermal cells which have extensive cell wall ingrowths between the chloroplasts. The inter genicular cells are calcified. Although the CaCO3 is laid down within the cell walls, there is always a thin layer of CaCO3-free organic cell wall material between the plasmalemma and the CaCO3 impregnated wall. Only the distal tips of the genicular cells are calcified. In old genicular tissues of Lithothrix, secondary deposits of CaCO3 of unknown crystallography are also found in the spaces between the cell walls. Thus there appear to be at least two mechanisms of calcification in this alga.  相似文献   

紫苏腺毛的形态结构和发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
紫苏(Perillafrutescens(L.)Britton)叶上腺毛的研究表明:叶上腺毛主要有两种类型,一是头状腺毛,二是后状腺毛。两类腺毛都是由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和由分泌细胞组成的头部构成。头状腺毛的头部由1个、2个或4个分泌细胞构成,其头部呈圆球形或半圆球形。盾状腺毛的头部也由1个、2个、4个或8个分泌细胞构成,其分泌细胞横向扩展使头部呈盾状。分泌盛期,大量分泌物充满角质层下间隙。两类腺毛的原始细胞均起源于叶原基或幼叶的原表皮层细胞,它通过两次平周分裂形成1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和1个头细胞,头细胞不分裂或依次进行1—3次垂周分裂,分别形成单细胞、2细胞、4细胞或8细胞的头部。  相似文献   

The tribes Amorpheae and Psoraleeae of the Leguminosae (Papilionoidae) share the characteristics of one-seeded fruits and gland-dotted foliage. Because of this, they traditionally have been considered closely related (either a single tribe or two closely related tribes). However, Barneby (1977) has suggested that the Amorpheae and Psoraleeae are not close but previously had been combined on the basis of a superficial resemblance. This paper describes the structure of the secretory cavities responsible for the gland dots. Approximately 50% of the species of each tribe were surveyed for cavity structure with leaflet clearings. Eight species were then chosen for developmental studies of their glands. Several distinct kinds of secretory cavities are present in these plants. Trabeculate cavities (found only in the Psoraleeae) are traversed by many elongated cells. This type of cavity and nontrabeculate cavities of the Psoraleeae initiate with localized dorsiventral elongation of protodermal cells to form a hemispherical protuberance on the leaf primordium surface. Development proceeds with separation of the cells of a protuberance along their lateral walls facing the protuberance center. As the leaf expands, the protuberance sinks until its apex is flush with the leaf surface. The result is a cavity lined by an epithelium of modified epidermal cells. Trabeculate cavities have more cells in the initial protodermal bump than nontrabeculate “epidermal” cavities, and the central cells of the protuberance are not involved in epithelium formation, but become separated from other cells on all lateral sides, transversing the cavity as trabeculae. Cavities of the Amorpheae are all nontrabeculate and subepidermal. They initiate with periclinal divisions of protodermal cells that result in two cell layers. The exterior layer differentiates into epidermis, while the interior layer divides to produce a small spherical group of cells (“epithelial initials”). Schizogeny occurs in the center of these cells to produce an epithelium-lined cavity. Previous studies of cavity development in the Amorpheae described lysigenous and schizo-lysigenous cavities for most species. These early reports are reviewed, and the possible role of preparation artifacts in producing images of lysigenous development in general is discussed.  相似文献   

Al -talib , Khalil H., and John G. Torrey . (U. California, Berkeley.) Sclereid distribution in the leaves of Pseudotsuga under natural and experimental conditions. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(1): 71–79. Illus. 1961.—A study of the distribution of sclereids in cleared leaves taken from 1-, 2-, and 4-year-old shoots of an adult tree of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco showed a repeated pattern of sclereid distribution along the shoot axis with many sclereids in the basal leaves grading into few or no sclereids in the terminal leaves of each year's growth. Attempts were made to influence sclereid distribution by bud defoliation of attached branches with and without auxin treatment and by testing the effects of growth-regulating substances on sclereid formation in leaves of excised buds of Pseudotsuga cultured in vitro. Whereas removal of the basal ¾ of the leaves at the time of bud unfolding had no effect on bud, leaf or sclereid development, removal of the leaves of the upper half or complete defoliation led to premature expansion of next year's terminal bud with leaves developing in part from presumptive bud-scale primordia. Indoleacetic acid at 0.5% in lanolin paste applied to the defoliated region prevented this premature bud expansion. Defoliation of the basal half did not affect sclereid formation in the terminal leaves. Sclereid development in leaves of prematurely expanded buds on defoliated branches was normal except in the few cases where bud expansion occurred in the presence of low-auxin concentrations. Then, sclereid development was inhibited. Sclereid formation in leaves of excised buds grown in nutrient culture was generally much less frequent than in intact branches, and auxin treatment still further reduced the frequency of sclereids. It was concluded that sclereid initiation and differentiation in the intact plant may well be under the control of hormonal factors in the plant, one of which may be auxin.  相似文献   

The development and structure of the guard cell walls of Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. (Musci) were studied with the light and electron microscopes. The stoma consists of only one, binucleate guard cell as the pore wall does not extend to the ends of the cell. The guard cell wall is thinnest in the dorsal wall near the outer wall but during movement is most likely to flex at thin areas of the outer and ventral walls. The mature wall contains a mottled layer sandwiched between two, more fibrillar layers. The internal wall layer has sublayers with fibrils in axial and radial orientations with respect to the pore. During substomatal cavity formation, the middle lamella is stretched into an electron dense network and into strands and sheets. After stomatal pore formation, the subsidiary cell walls close to the guard cell become strikingly thickened. The functional implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Gaudet, John. (U. Rhode Island, Kingston.) Ontogeny of the foliar sclereids in Nymphaea odorata . Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(7): 525–532. Illus. I960.—The “diffused” idioblastic sclereids develop in the leaves of Nymphaea odorata Ait. during periods when leaves are forming on the shoot apex, and they are initiated by cells which are differentiated from other cells of the fundamental tissue by nuclear size. The ontogeny of the sclereids is similar in most cases, but differences are apparent among petiolar, laminar and stipular types, especially, when the adult morphology is considered. At maturity, the sclereids are usually pitted in the central portion, and they do not show “polarity” in the leaf or orientation near the tracheary elements, which occur in the same tissue. The “spicule-like” protuberances and the angular cross-sectional shape of the stipular sclereids are interpreted as evidence that growth of these sclereids was restricted as compared to other types of sclereids which were not restricted.  相似文献   


Key message

The morphology and development of sumac phloem sclereid were observed, sclereid was developed from phloem parenchyma and lignin was deposited in the cell wall of parenchyma and formation sclereid.


Sumac [Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) F.A.Barkley] is a unique economic tree species in China. Raw lacquer is the sap flowing from the phloem of sumac. Stone cell clusters exist in the secondary phloem of sumac stem. In the present study, the morphology and development of stone cell clusters in sumac phloem were observed with optical microscope and transmission electron microscope. The distribution of lignin in the composition molecules of secondary phloem was observed with histochemistry method and fluorescence microscope. The results showed that phloem stone cells of sumac were developed from phloem parenchyma cells, and that lignin was deposited in layers in the cell wall of phloem parenchyma cells which cause the formation of stone cell clusters and which have the secondary wall. Studies on the ultrastructure of stone cells indicated that there was an obvious stratification and pits during the process of lignin deposition.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the testa was studied inErythrina lysistemon using both light and electron microscopy. Cells of the outer epidermis of the outer integument divide anticlinally and undergo radial elongation to form a palisade layer. The outer tangential walls are thickened at an early stage, and deposition of fluted thickenings on the radial walls occurs at maturity. Palisade cells in the hilar region differentiate from sub-funicular tissue, and at maturity the outer ends of the cells undergo extensive deposition of secondary walls and associated lignification. The light line occurs at the junction between the outer, thickened portions of the cells and the inner, less thickened portions. An electron-translucent (suberised) cap develops in the outer tangential walls of the palisade cells at a late stage. Microtubules and dictyosomes are closely associated with the developing thickenings in palisade and tracheid bar, and the microtubules run parallel to the wall microfibrils. Differentiation of the tracheid bar coincides with final secondary wall deposition and lignification in the hilar palisade. The cells of the tracheid bar are dead at maturity, but are surrounded by sheaths of elongate parenchyma.  相似文献   

The secretory cells which line the canal of Lilium longiflorum pistils possess, on the side facing the canal, an elaborate wall which, with associated structures, Rosen and Thomas (1970) termed the “secretion zone.” We examined the secretion zone in the electron microscope following treatment of excised pistil slices with extraction procedures which remove pectin, hemicellulose, cellulose, lipid, or protein. The outer, fibrillar wall (layer 1) of the secretion zone contains protein, pectin, and cellulose. Internal to layer 1 is a granular-fibrillar wall (layer 2) several microns thick. It consists of outer and inner regions which can be distinguished from each other cytochemically. The granular component is composed of pectin which is not esterified with methyl groups and which may be complexed with protein. The short, randomly dispersed microfibrils of layer 2 were sensitive to procedures which dissolve cellulose. The extraction procedures did not reveal the chemical nature of the “osmiophilic islands” of layer 2. Paramural body membranes appear to be composed of glycoprotein and may function in secretion by serving as sites of pinocytic interchange at the plasmalemma. The origin of stigmatic exudate and the release of canal cell secretion product are discussed.  相似文献   

砂仁种子的解剖学和组织化学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
砂仁种子包括假种皮、种皮、外胚乳、内胚乳与胚。假种皮由内表皮、外表皮及其间的6-9层薄壁细胞组成。种皮分为外种皮、中种皮与内种皮。外种皮由1层表皮细胞构成,其壁增厚并略木质化。中种皮包括各含1层细胞的下层皮和半透明细胞层与含3-5层细胞的色素层;下皮层与色素层细胞均含有红综色素,后者的壁呈网状增厚。内种皮由1层内切向壁与径向壁非常增厚的石细胞构成。种皮表面具有许多疣状突起,它们是体积较小的表皮细胞  相似文献   

The ultrastructural detail of spore development in Scutellospora heterogama is described. Although the main ontogenetic events are similar to those described from light microscopy, the complexity of wall layering is greater when examined at an ultrastructural level. The basic concept of a rigid spore wall enclosing two inner, flexible walls still holds true, but there are additional zones within these three walls distinguishable using electron microscopy, including an inner layer that is involved in the formation of the germination shield. The spore wall has three layers rather than the two reported previously. An outer, thin ornamented layer and an inner, thicker layer are both derived from the hyphal wall and present at all stages of development. These layers differentiate into the outer spore layer visible at the light microscope level. A third inner layer unique to the spore develops during spore swelling and rapidly expands before contracting back to form the second wall layer visible by light microscopy. The two inner flexible walls also are more complex than light microscopy suggests. The close association with the inner flexible walls with germination shield formation consolidates the preferred use of the term ‘germinal walls’ for these structures. A thin electron-dense layer separates the two germinal walls and is the region in which the germination shield forms. The inner germinal wall develops at least two sub-layers, one of which has an appearance similar to that of the expanding layer of the outer spore wall. An electron-dense layer is formed on the inner surface of the inner germinal wall as the germination shield develops, and this forms the wall surrounding the germination shield as well as the germination tube. At maturity, the outer germinal wall develops a thin, striate layer within its substructure.  相似文献   

This paper reports light and electron microscope observations of changes in the walls of cortical cells in the laminar abscission region of red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). In intact plants two or three rows of cells comprise the abscission zone. Pectic substances are not present in the walls of these cells when wall breaks occur. The separation cavity involves breaks in both radial and longitudinal cell walls. In ethylene-treated explants pectic substances are present in the cell walls when breaking occurs. The separation cavity involves breaks in longitudinal walls only, and breaking is confined to a single row of cortical cells. Prior to cell wall break the plasma membrane frequently invaginates. In intact plants this may be associated with plasmolysis and with the formation of secondary vacuoles. In ethylene-treated explants it may also be related to plasmolysis. At the time of cell wall break many unidentifiable inclusions of varying sizes and shapes are present in the cell wall region. Chloroplasts and mitochondria are structurally altered but recognizable in the cell at the time of wall break. Plasmodesmata are frequently observed in abscission cells and may be structurally elaborate. The observations of the nature of cell wall changes during abscission in ethylene-treated material fail to confirm physiological studies of other workers suggesting that pectin dissolution is necessary and may be sufficient for formation of a separation layer.  相似文献   

Fruit structure (anatomy) was studied in 27 species of 15 genera of Monimiaceae s.s. Almost all have apocarpous gynoecia, with the carpels more or less surrounded by a floral cup. The fruitlets are presented on the opened floral cup, which, depending on its pre‐ and post‐floral development, differentially contributes to the attractive part of the mature fruit. Morphologically similar fruits may differ conspicuously in anatomical structure. Based on anatomical characters two different fruit forms were found: drupe(let)s (with compact sclerenchymatic endocarp forming a stone: putamen) and berry(let)s (with parenchymatic endocarp, and mesocarp parenchyma containing isolated sclereid nests). Four types of drupelets differing by the endocarp structure were tentatively distinguished: (1) the Monimia‐type has a many‐cell‐layered putamen of large isodiametric sclereids, interrupted on the ventral side by few radial rows of small sclereids; (2) the Hortonia‐type has a few‐cell‐layered putamen of isodiametric, especially thick‐walled sclereids – it may be composed of two lateral halves, i.e. with the sclerenchyma partially interrupted on the ventral and dorsal sides (but without rows of small sclereids); (3) the Mollinedia‐type has a few‐cell‐layered putamen, with more or less radially elongate sclereids with wavy cell walls; and (4) the Hedycarya‐type has a one‐cell‐layered putamen of pronouncedly radially elongate sclereids with wavy cell walls. Drupelets of some taxa with a single‐cell‐layered endocarp with only weakly thickened cell walls may represent a transition from drupelets to berrylets. The fruit structure supports three major clades recognized earlier by morphological studies and by molecular phylogenetic analyses: (1) Monimioideae (Monimia‐type drupelets), (2) Hortonieae of Mollinedioideae (Hortonia‐type drupelets), and (3) the remainder of Mollinedioideae (Hedycarya‐ and Mollinedia‐types) and berrylets. Fruit structure also supports the close relationship of Monimiaceae and Lauraceae. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 153 , 265–285.  相似文献   

Aided by the techniques of thin and ultrathin sectioning and electron microscopy, the characteristic of structures in the cortical cells of Gastrodia elata was further investigated after infection of Armillaria mellea. It was found that the “hyphal coils”, observed with light microscope, in the cortical cells of G. elata were saccate structures deriv- ed from the cytoplasm of cortical cells and enclosed hyphae. And the cell walls of hyphae were digested in these sacs. Then, these hyphae without cell wall were cut into protoplast fragments in inner-most cortical cells. The results indicated that the cortical cells of G. elata possess digestive function.  相似文献   

The anatomy and orientation of the foliar sclereids of the evergreen sclerophyll Phillyrea latifolia suggest a light-guiding function. Light microscope observations of enzymatically isolated sclereids showed that they possessed very thick cell walls, lobes and branches which occurred mainly at the end of the idioblasts reaching the abaxial epidermis. Leaf cross-sections showed that sclereids occurred diffusely within the mesophyll and were oriented vertically with respect to the lamina. In paradermal sections, the cut cell walls of the sclereids appeared as bright light spots among the dark-green background of the mesophyll cells. The heterogeneity of the radiation field transmitted through the same paradermal section was quantified by image analysis and two- or three-dimensional representations. The amount of light transmitted through the sclereids was found to be up to 30-fold higher compared to that transmitted through the neighbouring mesophyll cells. The light guiding capacity of the sclereids at the spongy mesophyll level was estimated to be 40-80%. In leaves illuminated from the adaxial surface, light passing through the ends of the sclereids seemed to be reflected from the internal surface of the abaxial epidermis. In sunny conditions when leaf thickness tends to increase, the number of sclereids per unit leaf area was increased significantly compared to the shaded ones. It is proposed that the anatomy and orientation of the foliar osteosclereids of P. latifolia, are suitable for a light-guiding function. Thus foliar sclereids, besides other roles, may contribute both qualitatively and quantitatively, to the enhancement of the light microenvironment within the mesophyll of these sclerophyllous leaves.Keywords: Phillyrea latifolia L. (incl. P. media L.), foliar sclereids, light guiding, image analysis.   相似文献   

姜目芭蕉群植物种子解剖学研究及其系统学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了姜目芭蕉群代表植物象腿蕉属象腿蕉(Ensete glaucum)、旅人蕉属旅人蕉(Ravenala madagascariensis)与蝎尾蕉属Heliconia faranmansis?D6肿咏馄侍卣鳌=峁砻鳎笸冉段藜僦制ぃ制し只霰砥ぁ⒑癖谧橹赴褪赴悖赴瞿谇邢虮谟刖断虮谠龊瘢缓系闱哂泻系闶矣牒系愣眩谥制ち恢榭浊兄榭琢旌涂赘堑姆只榭琢煳涡停赘侵挥赡谥制は赴钩桑褐榭浊制ぱ由煨纬芍制昵唬和馀呷?层细胞:内胚乳细胞径向延长,细胞内充满淀粉粒。旅人蕉具假种皮,种皮分化出外种皮、中种皮和内种皮,外种皮细胞纵向延长,中种皮为7-9层切向延长的薄壁细胞,内种皮为石细胞型:合点区无合点室,内种皮在此出现缺口,缺口为整体轮廓呈喇叭形的近等径薄壁细胞群填充;珠孔区无珠孔领与孔盖的分化:外胚乳缺,内胚乳发达。蝎尾蕉属的Heliconia faranmansis?D6肿游藜僦制ぃ制の薹只墒闾寤闲∏揖断蜓映げ⑴帕形だ缸吹谋”谙赴钩桑褐榭锥酥制は蛲庋由欤纬衫嗨平浦肿拥闹指纷唇峁梗何蘅赘怯胫榭琢斓哂杏晒ば纬傻挠不牵缓系闱肼萌私断嗨疲煌馀呷樵?-4层细胞,细胞壁波浪形弯曲,内胚乳发达。综合作者对兰花蕉(Orchidanha chinensis)和前人对芭蕉群的种子解剖学研究结果,初步总结了芭蕉群种子解剖学特征及其进化式样,讨论了姜目芭蕉群四科种子解剖学特征的系统分类学意义。  相似文献   

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