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Summary Regeneration methods for coastal sage srub vegetation after fire were studied in the coastal Santa Monica Mountains of southern California. Six sites were sampled two years after a large fire of fall, 1978. The intensity of fire varied. Foliar cover and flowering incidence were recorded for individuals regenerating by resprouting or from seed. Resprouting plants contributed most to post-fire recovery, comprising 95% of the relative foliar shrub cover; 84% of resprout and 47% of seedling cover had flowered. An ANOVA of reproductive mode and fire intensity indicates that resprout total cover and individual size are significantly greater than those of seedlings, regardless of fire intensity. Among sites the average foliar cover of resprouts exceeded that of seedlings by factors ranging from 9 to 63. All coastal sage species examined resprout, although the potential vigor of resprouting appears to vary widely within genera (e.g. Encelia, Eriogonum, and Salvia) and even within species. In the second growing season following fire seedling density increased due to seeds shed by resprouted shrubs. Most of the cover on these stands of coastal sage scrub is destined to be either crown-sprouted individuals or their progeny.  相似文献   

Browsing by exotic mule deer on Santa Catalina Island (SCI) off the coast of southern California may diminish the post-fire resilience of native shrublands. To assess this, deer exclosures were established following a wildfire to monitor post-fire recovery of three dominant, native shrub species (Heteromeles arbutifolia, Rhus integrifolia, and Rhamnus pirifolia). Post-fire resprout growth, mortality, and tissue water status as well as pre- and post-fire shrub density and cover were measured inside and outside of deer exclosures. We found that deer browsing significantly limited post-fire resprout growth and led to increased mortality of resprouting H. arbutifolia shrubs (88 % mortality outside compared to 11 % inside exclosures). Post-fire resprouts maintained favorable water status during the study despite drought conditions, indicating that water stress was not a proximate cause of resprout mortality. Deer browsing resulted in a >93 % reduction in canopy coverage of dominant shrub species. The dramatic reduction of native shrubs at this site may create opportunities for displacement by exotic species, resulting in eventual vegetation-type conversion. The observed link between intense browsing and post-fire shrub mortality provides much needed information concerning the environmental impact of exotic deer on SCI and illustrates the interaction between exotic herbivores and fire on an island system.  相似文献   

Early post-fire vegetation dynamics following large, severe forest fires are largely unknown for the southern California mountains owing to historic fire suppression. Vegetation in 38 forest stands was surveyed (2004, 2005, and 2007) following the 2003 Cedar Fire in the Cuyamaca Mountains, Peninsular Ranges, San Diego County, California, USA. Each stand was sampled using four 10-m radius plots for the tree stratum, and 20 1-m2 quadrats for shrub and herb strata. Changes in canopy cover by species, origin (native and exotic) and life form were analyzed. 2007 data were subjected to clustering to examine the divergence in species composition of the stands with time. Shrub cover increased from 3 to 31%, and exotic herbaceous cover increased from 3 to 40%. Cover of native annuals had increased from 2004 (17%) to 2005 (33%), but then dropped to 15% in 2007. Forty percent of the stands were dominated by the shrub species Ceanothus palmeri, and associated with higher pre-fire conifer cover and fire severity. More than 50% of the stands were dominated by exotic annuals and associated with lower fire severity and less steep slopes. The remaining stands (<10%) were dominated by chaparral shrubs and occurred on lower elevation, steep west-facing slopes. Species traits predict their dynamics following disturbance, as environmental conditions change. Establishment and increasing abundance of species dependent on dispersal to reach a site, including exotic and native herbaceous species, occurred in years 2–4. Differences among stands in species composition 4 years post-fire were associated with topographic and fire severity gradients.  相似文献   

Introduced grass species have invaded extensive areas of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and increased the size and frequency of fire. Following fire, grass cover is enhanced while native shrub cover is reduced; the reduction in most shrubs persists for at least 20 years even in the absence of fire. Shrub seedlings were planted in burned and unburned plots with and without grass cover. Biomass of 14 month old shrub seedlings was generally highest in recently burned/grass removed plots, intermediate in old burn/grass removed plots, and lowest in unburned/grass removed plots. In contrast, shrub biomass in plots with grass cover was low and did not differ significantly among burn treatments. Light competition is likely to be responsible for differences in shrub growth rates; grass cover reduced light to 1–10% of background levels. In addition, pool sizes of available soil N were highest in recently burned, intermediate in old burn, and lowest in unburned areas.  相似文献   

Summary Big Pod Ceanothus (Ceanothus megacarpus) is an obligate seeder after fire; Laurel Sumac (Rhus laurina) is primarily a resprouter after fire. Both species commonly occur together in mixed stands and are dominant members of the coastal chaparral of southern California. We compared the mean survival of post-fire seedlings of each species during the first summer drought after fire and found C. megacarpus to have a mean survival of 54% while R. laurina had a mean survival of only 0.1%. Rooting dephs were similar between species but predawn water potentials and leaf temperatures were higher for R. laurina seedlings. Leaf temperatures for R. laurina reached a mean value of 46.8° C on hot, summer days, about 5° C higher than seedlings of C. megacarpus. By the end of the first growing season, 92% of all C. megacarpus seedlings had suffered herbivory compared to only 17% of all R. laurina seedlings. Herbivory did not appear to be the immediate cause of seedling mortality. Transect data indicated that full recovery of prefire species composition and density at our study site was likely but the mode of recovery was different for the species examined. R. laurina recovered primarily by sprouting, C. megacarpus totally by seedling establishment and a third species, Adenostoma fasciculatum (chamise), by a combination of sprouting and seedling establishment. We attribute the higher mortality of R. laurina seedlings to the greater sensitivity of its tissue to water stress. It may be that differential survival of shrub seedlings and differential modes of reestablishment after fire play an important role in maintaining species diversity in the chaparral communities of coastal, southern California.  相似文献   

Summary In a mature, even aged stand of mixed chaparral, Rhus laurina (facultative resprouter) had consistently higher water potentials and deeper roots than Ceanothus spinosus (facultative resprouter) and Ceanothus megacarpus (obligate seeder). For two years following a wildfire, the same stand of chaparral had resprouts with higher survivorships, predawn water potentials, stomatal conductances, photosynthetic rates and shoot elongation rates than seedlings. Supplemental irrigation of seedlings during summer months removed differences between resprouts and seedlings suggesting that the cause of such differences was limited water availability to the shoot tissues of seedlings. After two years of postfire regrowth, mean seedling survivorship for the obligate seeder (C. megacarpus) was 42%, whereas seedling survivorship for facultative resprouters was only 18% (C. spinosus) and 0.01% (R. laurina). Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that lack of resprouting ability among obligate seeders is offset by an enhanced ability to establish seedlings after wildfire, allowing obligate seeders to maintain themselves in mixed populations through many fire cycles.  相似文献   

Abstract. Demographic structure of 12 chaparral sites unburned for 56 to 120 years was investigated. All sites were dominated by vigorous shrub populations and, although there was colonization by seedlings of woodland tree species in several stands, successional replacement of chaparral was not imminent. Although successional changes in community composition were evident, there was no indication of a decline in species diversity. Non-sprouting species of Ceanothus suffered the greatest mortality at most, but not all, sites. Sprouting shrubs, such as Quercus and Heteromeles had very little mortality, even in stands more than a century old. All postfire resprouting species had multiple stems of different ages indicating these shrubs were capable of continuously regenerating their canopy from basal sprouts. Ceanothus populations were highly clumped and there was a significant correlation across all sites between variance/mean ratio and percentage mortality. As Ceanothus populations thinned, they became less clumped. In mixed chaparral stands, Quercus and Heteromeles were significantly taller than associated Ceanothus shrubs and overtopped the Ceanothus; at two sites, the density of live Quercus per plot was correlated with the density of dead Ceanothus. Thus, mortality of Ceanothus stems is likely related to both intra and interspecific interations. Seedling recruitment was observed for most shrub species that regenerate after fire by resprouting; seedling and sapling densities ranging from 1000–36 500 ha-1 were recorded for Quercus dumosa, Rhamnus crocea, Prunus ilicifolia, Heteromeles arbutifolia and Cercocarpus betuloides. For all but the last species, seedlings and saplings were most abundant beneath the canopy cover and not in gaps. Across all sites, recruitment was significantly correlated with depth and bio-mass of the litter layer. Cercocarpus betuloides was present in several stands, but seedling establishment was found only in one very open, disturbed stand. Regardless of stand age, taxa such as Adenostoma, Arctostaphylos and Ceanothus, which recruit seedlings after fire, had no significant seedling production.  相似文献   

Summary We compared the tissue water relations among resprouts and seedlings of three chaparral species during the first summer drought after wildfire. Two of the species, Rhus laurina and Ceanothus spinosus recover after fire by a combination of resprouting and seedling establishment (facultative resprouters), whereas a third species, Ceanothus megacarpus recovers by seedling establishment alone (obligate seeder). Our objectives were to document any differences in tissue water characteristics that might arise between resprouts and seedlings and to test the hypothesis that seedlings of obligate seeders develop more drought tolerant characteristics of their tissues than seedlings of facultative resprouters. We found that resprouts had much higher predawn values of water potential, osmotic potential, and turgor potentials than seedlings. Predawn turgor potentials of resprouts were 1.5 MPa through July and August when turgor potentials for seedlings remained near 0 MPa. During summer months, midday water potentials were 2 to 3 MPa higher for resprouts than seedlings and midday conductances of resprouts were two to five fold greater than those of seedlings. Even though resprouts did not experience severe water stress like seedlings, their tissue water characteristics, as determined by pressure-volume curve analyses, were similar by the peak of the drought in August. Further-more, the tissue water characteristics of seedlings from the obligate seeder, C. megacarpus, were similar to those of facultative resprouters — R. laurina, and C. spinosus. We attribute the observed differences in plant water status between resprouts and seedlings to differences in rooting depths and access to soil moisture reserves during summer drought. We conclude that the higher growth rates, photosynthetic performance, and survivorship of postfire resprouts are primarily a result of higher water availability to resprouting tissues during summer months. It appears that the greater seedling survivorship during summer drought observed for the obligate seeder, C. megacarpus, is not associated with more favorable tissue water characteristics.  相似文献   

Abstract. The nurse-plant syndrome is a widely recognized example of positive (facilitative) influences of plant species on the establishment and growth of other species. Most studies of the nurse-plant syndrome have been on species that reproduce mainly from seed rather than vegetatively. In this study, we experimentally compared the influences of two species of nurse shrubs, Schinus patagonicus and Berberis buxifolia, on the survival and growth of vegetatively reproducing herbaceous and woody plants in a post-fire shrubland in northern Patagonia, Argentina. The vegetation beneath shrubs was removed by clipping and, in a paired-sample design, one half of the canopy of each shrub was removed. We determined species richness, counted number of resprouts, and measured photon flux density and soil moisture beneath cut and uncut halves of each shrubs. Abundances of resprouts were several times greater beneath the uncut vs. the cut shrubs, as was the mean number of species. Thus, shrubs have a strong facilitating influence as measured by resprout densities and the number of species. Numbers of resprouts and of species were twice as high beneath Schinus as beneath Berberis, implying important differences in the facilitative effects of the two shrubs species. Microsites beneath Schinus were characterized by lower and more heterogeneous light levels but by greater soil moisture. Even though the reproductive mode in this post-fire shrubland is overwhelmingly vegetative, facilitation by nurse shrubs is important and differentially effective for different species of nurse shrubs.  相似文献   

Big is not better: small Acacia mellifera shrubs are more vital after fire   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Fire and acacias are vital components in savanna dynamics but little is known about the relationship between postfire mortality and size of Acacia species. We determined mortality, height, and height of resprouts of the encroaching shrub species Acacia mellifera in a semi‐arid South African savanna 2 years after fire. As expected, resprouting ability after topkill was high, only 9% of the studied shrubs died completely. Surprisingly, shrubs that died in the fire were significantly taller than their resprouting conspecifics. Results from quantile regression show that the height of regrowth relative to the total height of taller shrubs is less than in smaller shrubs, despite taller shrubs having more access to below‐ground resources. We offer two possible explanations for these unexpected results: in taller shrubs, the maximum longitudinal growth rate of resprouts may be reached and therefore, resources may be invested in a greater number of resprouts or stored as reserves. Alternatively, resprouting ability may be impaired in old age by a senescence effect caused by the accumulation of physiological dysfunctions.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plants are a problem for conservation management, and control of these species can be combined with habitat restoration. Subsoil burial of uprooted plants is a new method of mechanical control, which might be suitable in disturbed habitats. The method was tested in Rosa rugosa (Japanese Rose), an invasive shrub in north‐western Europe with negative effects on coastal biodiversity. Two months after uprooting and burial in dunes of north‐eastern Denmark, 89% of the 58 shrubs resprouted from roots and rhizomes; on average 41 resprouts per shrub. Resprout density was twice as high at former shrub margins compared with the center; resprouts were taller and originated from more superficial soil layers at the margin than in the center. Resprouting was negatively correlated with fragment depth, and no resprouts were observed from greater than 15 cm depth. The number of resprouts increased with fragment dry mass (0.5–168.5 g). After 18 months with harrowing the species was still resprouting, flowering, and fruiting, albeit with no difference between shrub margin and center. Resprouts were taller (26 cm) and coverage was higher (0–4%) after two compared with three times harrowing, whereas no difference was found in cover of native dune species (1–5%). The results show that even small fragments of R. rugosa resprout, and that resprouting persists despite repeated harrowing. Thus, careful subsoil burial of all fragments is necessary, special attention should be paid to the shrub margin, and follow‐up treatments are needed. The effectiveness of the burial method is discussed for restoration of coastal dunes.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment into open grasslands occurs worldwide and causes multiple ecological and management impacts. Prescribed fire could be used to conserve grassland habitat but often has limited efficacy because many woody plants resprout after fire and rapidly reestablish abundance. If fire‐induced mortality could be increased, prescribed fire would be a more effective management tool. In California's central coast, shrub encroachment, especially of Baccharis pilularis (coyote brush), is converting coastal prairie into shrub‐dominated communities, with a consequent loss of native herbaceous species and open grassland habitat. B. pilularis has not been successfully controlled with single prescribed fire events because the shrub resprouts and reestablishes cover within a few years. We investigated whether two consecutive annual burns would control B. pilularis by killing resprouting shrubs, without reducing native herbaceous species or encouraging invasive plants. As expected, resprouting did occur; however, 2 years after the second burn, B. pilularis cover on burned plots was only 41% of the cover on unburned plots. Mortality of B. pilularis more than doubled following the second burn, likely maintaining a reduction in B. pilularis cover for longer than a single burn would have. Three native coastal prairie perennial grasses did not appear to be adversely affected by the two burns, nor did the burns result in increased cover of invasive species. Managers wanting to restore coastal prairie following B. pilularis encroachment should consider two consecutive annual burns, especially if moderate fire intensity is achievable.  相似文献   

Abstract. The post-fire regeneration of a 45-yr-old Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine) forest, burned in July 1989, has been studied on Mount Párnis, Attiki, Greece. Four experimental plots at various slopes and exposures were established at altitudes of 400 - 450 m, and monitored for 3 yr at 3-month intervals. Early regeneration took place abundantly, through both resprouting and seed germination of mostly hard-seeded herbs and shrubs; the floristic richness was high with 80 taxa. Pine seedling emergence took place during the winter of the first post-fire year. The mean pine seedling density by the end of the recruitment period (March 1990) was 5–6 seedlings/m2. This density decreased slightly during late spring and considerably during summer. During the second post-fire year only a relatively slight decline was observed; thereafter the density was stabilized to 1 - 2 seedlings/m2. Mortality follows a negative exponential curve that levels off at ca. 20 %. Height distributions throughout the three post-fire years were all positively skewed as a result of the presence of few very tall saplings. A considerable fraction (20 %) of very short (5–15 cm) saplings were still alive 39 months after the fire; these may constitute the sapling bank. Based on the analysis of height distribution curves, it is concluded that the taller seedlings survived significantly better than the shorter ones.  相似文献   

Fuel management techniques are commonly used in shrublands to reduce wildfire risk. However, more information about the ecological effects of these treatments is needed by managers and ecologists. In an effort to address this need, we performed a replicated (4 replicates per treatment) 48-ha experiment in northern California chaparral dominated by Adenostoma fasciculatum to determine the effects of two fuel reduction types (prescribed fire and mastication) and three different seasons of treatment (fall, winter, and spring) on shrub cover, height, and seedling density. Exclosures (2.5 m2 each) were also used to assess herbivory effects. By the third post-treatment year, prescribed fire treatments had higher shrub cover (71 ± 2%) than mastication (43 ± 4%). There was no treatment effect on shrub height, species richness, or composition. Seedling density was initially higher in prescribed fire treatments (31 ± 4 seedlings m−2) than mastication (3 ± 0 seedlings m−2); however, prescribed fire treatments experienced substantial mortality, especially spring burning, resulting in lower densities 3 years after treatments (18 ± 0 seedlings m−2 after fall and winter fire compared to 2 ± 0 seedlings m−2 after spring fire). A. fasciculatum remained the dominant shrub species after the treatments, and Ceanothus cuneatus recruitment was higher in fall burning. Deer herbivory only affected shrub height, especially in masticated units, resulting in heights of 55 ± 2 cm in unexclosed areas compared to 66 ± 4 cm inside exclosures by the third post-treatment year. Overall, our findings suggest that fuel treatments play an important role in shrubland community dynamics, at least in the short-term, with implications for re-treatment frequency, community structure, and wildlife habitat.  相似文献   

The recent increase in wildfire frequency in the Santa Monica Mountains (SMM) may substantially impact plant community structure. Species of Chaparral shrubs represent the dominant vegetation type in the SMM. These species can be divided into three life history types according to their response to wildfires. Nonsprouting species are completely killed by fire and reproduce by seeds that germinate in response to a fire cue, obligate sprouting species survive by resprouting from dormant buds in a root crown because their seeds are destroyed by fire, and facultative sprouting species recover after fire both by seeds and resprouts. Based on these assumptions, we developed a set of nonlinear difference equations to model each life history type. These models can be used to predict species survivorship under varying fire return intervals. For example, frequent fires can lead to localized extinction of nonsprouting species such as Ceanothus megacarpus while several facultative sprouting species such as Ceanothus spinosus and Malosma (Rhus) laurina will persist as documented by a longitudinal study in a biological preserve in the SMM. We estimated appropriate parameter values for several chaparral species using 25 years of data and explored parameter relationships that lead to equilibrium populations. We conclude by looking at the survival strategies of these three species of chaparral shrubs under varying fire return intervals and predict changes in plant community structure under fire intervals of short return. In particular, our model predicts that an average fire return interval of greater than 12 years is required for 50 % of the initial Ceanothus megacarpus population and 25 % of the initial Ceanothus spinosus population to survive. In contrast, we predict that the Malosma laurina population will have 90 % survivorship for an average fire return interval of at least 6 years.  相似文献   

We surveyed postfire vegetation at five sites at high elevations (> 2000 m) in the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic. Highlands of the Cordillera Central are dominated by a single pine species, Pinus occidentalis, but plant communities are rich with endemics and conservation and fire management efforts in these systems are ongoing. The burns were 2–7 yr in age and had consumed nearly all shrub crowns. Pines suffered high mortality (> 50%, all sites combined), but shrubs resprouted at high rates (88%, N = 957) after fire. All shrub taxa produced basal resprouts; eight of 11 shrub taxa measured had resprouting rates > 90 percent, while Baccharis myrsinites had the lowest (56%). Most taxa grew to prefire height quickly (within 5–7 yr), with regrowth of stem diameters lagging behind. Patterns and rates of shrub recovery resembled those documented in high elevation shrublands in Costa Rica and Brazil. Pinus occidentalis does not resprout, but larger individuals can survive fire. Survival increases dramatically when trees attain > 13-cm dbh, when bark becomes thick enough to protect cambial tissue. Overall, pines are regenerating much more slowly than shrubs, but seedling establishment varied considerably between sites. Frequent fires may cause a decline in pines and an increase in shrub- or grass-dominated communities. Succession in these high elevation fire-dependent pine forests favors taxa already present in the preburn vegetation, with woody composition changing little after fire, in contrast to lower-elevation cloud forest, where postfire vegetation has been shown to bear little resemblance to mature forest even after several years.  相似文献   

Post-fire vegetation regeneration was studied for a 6-year period in a 13-year-old-artificial forest consisting of Larix kaempferi with a dense undergrowth of Sasa senanensis. The study site was classified into three fire severity categories according to the degree of Sasa senanensis scorching, that is, a high-severity category, a mid-severity category, and a low-severity category. Study plots were established in areas which fitted the criteria for each category, and in nearby unburned sites. A total of 41 woody species were newly emerged during the 6-year study period in the burned and unburned plots. Only a few seedlings and resprouts emerged in the unburned plots, while many seedlings emerged in the high-severity plots from the first year after fire onward. A high-severity fire that burns the rhizomes of Sasa is necessary for the vegetation recovery by germination of seed. Whereas the establishment of seedlings was restricted to a few years after fire, the regeneration through resprouting continued into the last year of observation. The survival time of resprouts was longer than that of seedlings, and the survival time of shade-tolerant species was longer than that of shade-intolerant species. In contrast, shade-intolerant species grew more rapidly than shade-tolerant species. The plants ability to exceed the maximum height of the Sasa before the bamboo recovers can be critical to the survival of shade-intolerant species. Because resprouts have a stronger resistance to the shade of Sasa than seedlings, the resprouts of shade-tolerant species play a major role in the re-establishment of woody species after fire in sites with considerable Sasa ground-cover.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of fire intensity - both temperature and duration - on the resprouting pattern of the evergreen Mediterranean shrub Erica multiflora in relation to plant size, was experimentally investigated by subjecting plants to the flame of a propane torch, and observing mortality and resprouting after 5 and 20 months. Pre-treatment plant size was not important in determining post-fire plant survival, but it did influence the resprouting vigour, increasingly so with time. High temperatures induced higher mortality rates within populations, but duration of fire did not effect mortality. Biomass of resprouts was lower following more intense fire treatments, but this effect progressively disappeared over time, except in plants subjected to the most intense fire treatment. This is probably because of the increasing importance of the below-ground organs for the regeneration of the above-ground biomass. Some of the plants which were clipped but not exposed to fire also died 20 months after treatment. The effect of clipping onmortality andresprout-ing response, estimated as biomass of resprouts, was not significantly different from the effect induced by either low or medium temperature treatments, but was significantly different when compared with the effect of high-temperature treatments. Field observations show that the establishment of seedlings of E. multiflora is rare both after fire and between fires. Thus, our data support the idea that both a single fire or clipping can diminish the population size of a resprouting species. We conclude that fire may have a stochastic effect on E. multiflora populations, due to the variation in fire intensity existing within a single burning stand.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of growth, water relations, photosynthesis and leaf characteristics were compared between obligate seeders (Cistus monspeliensis and Cistus ladanifer) and resprouters (Arbutus unedo and Pistacia lentiscus) from the first to the second year after fire. We hypothesized that seedlings would be more water-limited than resprouts due to their shallower root systems. Regarding water use strategies, Cistus species are drought semi-deciduous and A. unedo and P. lentiscus are evergreen sclerophylls, therefore, comparisons were based on the relative deviation from mature conspecific plants. Seedlings and resprouts had higher shoot elongation and leaf production than mature plants, and over an extended period. Differences from mature plants were larger in resprouts, with two-fold transpiration, leaf conductance and photosynthesis in late spring/early summer. Seedlings of C. monspeliensis exhibited higher transpiration and leaf conductance than mature plants, while those of C. ladanifer only exhibited higher water potential. Growth increments and ameliorated water relations and photosynthesis after fire were attributed to an increase in water and nutrient availability. The small differences in water relations and photosynthesis between seedlings and mature conspecifics are in accordance with the prediction of seedlings experiencing higher water limitation than resprouts. We attribute these results to differences in root systems: resprouters benefited from an increase in root/shoot ratios and the presence of deep roots whereas Cistus seedlings relied on very shallow roots, which cannot provide assess to deep water during summer. Nevertheless, seedlings did not show evidence of experiencing a more severe water limitation than mature conspecifics, which we attributed to the presence of efficient mechanisms of avoiding and tolerating water stress. The results are discussed in relation to post-fire demography of seeders and resprouters in Mediterranean communities.  相似文献   

Fires may greatly alter the N budget of a plant community. During fire nitrogen is lost to the atmosphere. Although high light availability after fire promotes N2-fixation, the presumably high soil N availability could limit N2-fixation activity. The latter limitation might be particularly acute in legume seedlings compared with resprouts, which have immediate access to belowground stored carbon. We wished to learn whether early post-fire conditions were conducive to N2-fixation in leguminous seedlings and resprouts in two types of grassland and in a shrubland and whether seedlings and resprouts incurred different amounts of N2-fixation after fire. We set 18 experimental fires in early autumn on 6 plots, subsequently labelling 6 subplots (2 × 2 m2) in each community with 15NH4+-N (99 atom % excess). For 9 post-fire months we measured net N mineralisation in the top 5 cm of soil and we calculated the fraction of legume N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) in seedlings and resprouts. We used two independent estimates of the amounts of N derived from non-atmospheric sources in potentially N2-fixing plants: mean soil pool abundance and the 15N-enrichment of non-legumes. Despite substantial soil net N mineralisation in all burned community types (about 2.6 g Nm−2 during the first nine months after fire), the %Ndfa of various legume species was 52–99%. Legumes from both grasslands showed slightly higher N2-fixation values than shrubland legumes. As grassland legumes grew in more belowground dense communities than shrubland legumes, we suggest that higher competition for soil resources in well established grass-resprouting communities may enhance the rate of N2-fixation after fire. In contrast to our hypothesis, legume seedlings and resprouts from the three plant communities studied, had similar %Ndfa and apparently acquired most of their N from the atmosphere rather than from the soil.  相似文献   

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