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Compressions and impressions of leafy twigs, pollen cones, and seed cones of Athrotaxites berryi are abundant in certain layers of the Kootenai Formation (Aptian) in Montana and the Lower Blairmore Formation in adjacent Alberta. The twigs are densely covered by helically arranged leaves that are about 2 mm long and wide. Pollen cones are borne laterally on ultimate branch segments. Some are sessile, while others terminate a minute lateral branch. The cones are 3–4 mm in diam and about 10 mm long. Each sporophyll has a stalk that is about 0.7 mm long and an upturned laminar tip that is 1–1.5 mm long by 1 mm wide. At least two pollen sacs are attached to the abaxial side of each sporophyll. Seed cones are borne terminally on lateral branches that are often curved. These cones are about 10 mm at their widest diameter and about 15 mm long. Each bract and associated ovuliferous scale are fused to form a wedge-shaped complex that is 4–5 mm long. The complex is 0.7 mm wide at its base and expands to about 2.5 mm wide and thick near its apex. The tip of the complex narrows abruptly to a point and terminates in a spine that is about 0.5 mm long. At least one seed occurs on the adaxial side of each complex. Athrotaxites berryi belongs to the Taxodiaceae. It resembles modern Athrotaxis cupressoides but differs from it in too many aspects to be included in the modern genus.  相似文献   

The genus Penthorum L. consists of two species of perennial herbs, P. sedoides of eastern North America and P. chinense of eastern Asia. Penthorum has long been considered intermediate between Crassulaceae and Saxifragaceae. An anatomical study of both species was undertaken to contribute to a better understanding of the relationships of these plants. Prominent anatomical features of Penthorum include: an aerenchymatous cortex and closely-spaced collateral vascular bundles of stems; one-trace unilacunar nodes; brochidodromous venation, rosoid teeth bearing hydathodes, and anomocytic stomata of leaves; angular vessel elements with many-barred scalariform perforation plates and alternate to scattered intervascular pits; thin-walled non-septate fiber-tracheids; abundant homocellular erect uniseriate and biseriate rays; and absence of axial xylem parenchyma. In general, Penthorum possesses neither the morphological nor the anatomical synapomorphies which define Crassulaceae, and features shared with Saxifragaceae are largely symplesiomorphous. Thus Penthorum is probably best classified in the monogeneric Penthoraceae.  相似文献   

Characters of the inflorescence and flower distinguish 2 sections in Garrya. Female flowers of sect. Garrya bear 2 small epigynous appendages, usually considered a rudimentary perianth. In sect. Fadyenia, female flowers are nude, but occasionally 2 more or less foliaceous bracts are partially adnate to the ovary, sometimes simulating the appearance of appendages in sect. Garrya. Authors who have observed this infer that the adnate bracts are homologous to epigynous appendages in sect. Garrya and that the ovary, therefore, cannot be considered inferior. This inference, if valid, would weigh against a close relationship between Garrya and Cornaceae. Clearing and sectioning show, however, that the vascular pattern in flowers of sect. Garrya is similar to the pattern in many Cornaceae. Perianth bundles are united with ventral carpellaries for most of their length, whereas bundles of the adnate bracts in sect. Fadyenia are associated with dorsal carpellary strands; therefore, the 2 kinds of appendages are not homologous. In gynoecial characters Garrya most closely resembles Griselinia and, to a lesser extent, A ucuba. These 3 genera probably had a common origin within the Cornaceae.  相似文献   

1. The study of geographic variation and the racial affinities between populations is of central importance to systematics and evolutionary theory. When using phenotypic variation to measure the similarity between the populations of a species one should analyse the variation in several characters simultaneously. This is a statistical procedure and is known as multivariate analysis. Multivariate analysis of phenotypic variation, unlike some other methods, has the advantage of not being dependent on living specimens. 2. To obtain an adequate sample at each locality, and an adequate distribution of localities within a given geographic area, can be a major problem. The pooling of data from adjacent localities is discussed. 3. There are several sources of phenotypic variation within a species, e.g. sexual and ontogenetic variation. Failure to eliminate the non-geographic sources of variation can confuse the assessment of the similarity between populations. 4. Correlation between characters can reflect similar genetic control and/or similar patterns of geographic variation, the biological interpretation being influenced by whether the data come from one locality or many. 5. The influences of environmental induction and genetic control cannot easily be separated. Also, some characters may not be entirely homologous throughout the range of the species. 6. Most studies rely on far too few characters of a too restricted type to give an ‘overall’ assessment of the phenotypic similarity. This is one of the most neglected aspects of the study of geographic variation. 7. The various forms of clinal and categorical variation, the precise nature and position of sharp transition (hybrid) zones, the relationship between non-adjacent as well as adjacent populations and the phenotypic divergence between island populations, etc., all come under the heading of geographic variation. The ideal technique should be able to elucidate all types of geographic variation but some techniques can only be used effectively with a few of them. Moreover, techniques may be limited in their application because they require the data to conform to certain models, e.g. normal distribution. 8. The degree of phenotypic similarity between populations can be measured by a wide range of similarity coefficients. Comparison between even a small series of populations produces a large set (or matrix) of similarity coefficients that is difficult to interpret. However, the relationships between populations can be summarized in several ways and these may be loosely grouped into four categories; (i) network diagrams, (ii) contours and isometric plots, (iii) hierarchical clusters, and (iv) ordination methods. These methods are explained and their advantages and limitations discussed. 9. The hierarchical (dendritic) model of cluster analysis is unsuitable for analysing all but a few types of geographic variation. 10. There are several types of ordination technique. They all aim to summarize the variation of many characters in a reduced number of axes. One can either emphasize the biological interpretation of each separate axis, or treat the analysis as a classifying technique and assess the grouping of the populations in the space defined by the axes. Considerable care is needed in interpreting the results of both of these approaches. If correctly applied, ordination techniques generally can be used to analyse all the forms of geographical variation and are therefore recommended. Contrary to current practice they can be used with a large number of characters. The advantages and limitations of the various ordination techniques are discussed. 11. Contours and their three-dimensional isometric plots can be used to portray geographic variations in the information obtained from a multivariate analysis. However, contours and isometric plots are limited in their applicability and the amount of information they can convey. 12. The sophistication of some multivariate methods should not be allowed to cloak the scientific inadequacies of a study. The use of more than one technique and variety in the choice of pertinent parameters may be of value in indicating the reliability of the results.  相似文献   

致病酵母菌基因组多态性及亲缘关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
致病酵母是条件致病菌感染中最常见的菌群。其属间、种间及种内的分型具有重要的流行病学及临床意义。以随机扩增多态性(Randomly Amplified Polymorphism DNA markers,RAPD)的方法对48株临床上常见的酵母菌属间、种间及种内基因组型的多态性进行了研究,并以多种引物扩增带型的相似性系数的高低来评价酵母菌之间的亲缘关系。结果表明:RAPD带型可清楚的显示出假丝酵母(Candida)及相关酵母属间、种间及种内的差异,亲缘关系的研究表明假丝酵母属与隐球菌属(Cryptococcus)、丝孢酵母属(Trichosporon)的相似性系数为80%,除季也蒙假丝酵母(C. guilliermondii)外,假丝酵母属中不同种间的相似性系数为82%~87%,同种不同株间的相似性系数>90%。大多数属、种基因组分型的结果和形态学分类结果相符。  相似文献   

中国-日本蕨类植物区系的地理亲缘   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文较详细地分析比较了中国和日本蕨类植物区系的种类组成。两国有7个共同的特有属,有461种共有种。说明两国蕨类植物区系是在两陆块未分离之前共同起源的,此后才有了分化。日本蕨类区系与中国华东地区尤为相近,而与中国西南部即中国-喜马拉雅区系本质上是一致的,但已有较大的不同。  相似文献   

WALTER J. BOCK 《Ibis》1978,120(4):467-479
Melamprosops phaeosoma has a thick straight tongue with an anterior spoon-like trough, but without any indication of a tube. Its hyoid skeleton has an elongated, flattened basihyale, stout parallel paraglossalia and a concavity along the dorsal surface of the ceratobranchiale. All the tongue muscles could be dissected but the superficial M. mylohyoideus and M. serpihyoideus were too damaged to figure and describe. The M. ceratoglossus and the M. hypoglossus obliquus are large; the latter muscle inserts mainly on the basihyale and ceratobranchiale, but a small number of fibres pass beneath the basihylale. The M. hypoglossus anterior is absent. The morphology of the tongue apparatus of Melamprosops is very similar to that of Ciridops and of Loxops and supports placement of Melamprosops in the Drepanididae. Further it suggests that Melamprosops evolved from an ancestor with a tubular tongue, supporting the suggestion that it evolved from Loxops.  相似文献   

伊朗晚中新世的几个地点新近发现了哺乳动物足迹化石。足迹化石在伊朗中北部分布在一套被称为上红组的厚层、混杂的泻湖-陆相地层序列的数个层位中;在伊朗北部的里海地区南部,则位于一套陆相沉积序列中。产自上红组的足迹以偶蹄动物类型为主,由于个体很小,可归入几种像羚羊一样大小的种;其他足迹则分别归入小型、中型和大型的鼬科和猫科食肉动物。产自伊朗北部的足迹化石主要为长鼻类,有些可能是犀牛,少数为偶蹄类足迹。根据上红组中发现的猫科动物(剑齿虎)足迹,可认为产足迹的地层年代为晚中新世,而产于伊朗北部古地中海边缘区沉积中的长鼻类足迹显示,地层的最大年龄为中新世最早期。这些足迹化石的发现填补了这一重要地区新近纪哺乳动物化石记录的空白。  相似文献   


Mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptors (MBRs) participate in many physiological processes, such as calcium flow regulation, proliferative and respiratory cell functions, mitochondrial steroidogenesis and adaptational reactions to stress. We have found that the selective anxiolytic gidazepam has a higher affinity for CNS MBRs as compared to central benzodiazepine receptors. The ability of gidazepam to bind to MBRs probably underlies a wide spectrum of its pharmacological effects. We have studied affinities of gidazepam analogs for CNS MBRs in search for the ligands possessing higher affinity and selectivity. The experiments were carried out with male Wistar rats weighing between 200–220?g. Affinities of the investigated compounds were assessed on their ability to displace radioligand Ro5-4864 from its specific binding sites on MBRs of rat brain. Within the series of tested compounds three substances comparable on affinity with Ro5-4864 were found. Experimental results have shown that the presence of chlorine atom in o-position of 5-phenyl substituent leads to a 10 to 15-fold increase in affinity for CNS MBRs. We have also found that the essential contribution in affinity of the investigated series is brought by lipophilicity of substituent in 1N-position. Our data may be useful in design and synthesis of novel potent selectively acting ligands of CNS MBRs.  相似文献   

本文采用多元统计方法分析了亚洲地区25个人群的活体测量资料以探讨亚洲地区各人类群体之间的相互关系,数据分析结果显示这一地区的人类按活体特征的差异可以划分为两大类型。包括中国、朝鲜、日本等东北亚的人类构成一个组群;东南亚的人类形成另一个组群。南亚地区的人类在分类上与东南亚的人类接近但仍呈现一些特殊性。日本列岛的人类具有两种体质特征类型。本岛居民与东北亚人类接近;而包括阿伊努、硫球群岛岛民及台湾土著在  相似文献   

Chinlea campii Daugherty and Osmundites walkeri Daugherty are species of petrified stems from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of Arizona that were described as members of the fern family Osmundaceae. Investigation of additional material indicates that the two species are conspecific and belong to the Lepidophyta. The stems are radially symmetric and have an ectophloic siphonostele in which the xylem cylinder is thick and deeply furrowed. Internal pressure against the xylem cylinder caused by the lateral expansion of the pith in some stems produces what appears in transverse section to be a ring of up to 60 separate xylem strands. Leaf traces are small, terete, collateral and have exarch xylem. They are arranged in a tight spiral. Adventitious roots, secondary xylem, and secondary cortex are lacking. The stems are classified under the binomial Chinlea campii, and other axes that have similar cortical anatomy but in which all vascular tissues have decayed are treated as Chinlea sp. Both types of stems are interpreted as ephemeral aerial shoots of an herbaceous plant. Of the known fossil Lepidophyta, Chinlea is most similar to Pleuromeia and Nathorstiana, but it differs from each of these genera in a number of respects and is therefore included in Lepidophyta incertae sedis.  相似文献   

C. J. O. Harrison 《Ibis》1975,117(2):164-170
The Aegialornithidae of the Eocene-Oligocene, previously regarded as swifts, have been transferred by Brodkorb (1971) to the nightjar order Caprimulgiformes. The fossil forelimb bones representing this early family have now been compared with those of recent species of the true swifts and tree swifts (Apodi in Apodiformes) and with nightjars, Oilbirds and frogmouths (Caprimulgiformes). The corresponding bones in swifts differ consistently from those of nightjars in the greater development of various prominences for muscle attachment. In all critical characters the fossil bones resemble those of swifts, and it is concluded that the Aegialornithidae should be reinstated as a family of the Apodiformes.  相似文献   

The two best preserved specimens of the Upper Permian fish Menaspis armata have been reinvestigated, resulting in new interpretations of a variety of anatomical features. The conclusion is reached that the menaspids cannot possibly be closely related to the chimaeriforms (myriacanthids, squalorajids, and chimaerids), nor to any of those better known bradyodonts (chondrenchelyids, helodontids or edestids) with which they were previously classified. Among the bradyodonts, their closest relatives are probably to be found within the cochliodontids. As far as other elasmobranchiomorphs are concerned, the menaspids may be somehow related to, though surely not direct descendants of, the rhenanids, and it is conceivable that both these groups are derived from the same ancestral forms among the early arthrodires or the arthrodire predecessors.  相似文献   

Derek  Goodwin 《Ibis》1963,105(1):116-118

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