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烟草花粉发育过程及不同组织中的内源GUS活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以 X- gluc作为葡糖苷酸酶 ( GUS)酶反应底物 ,用酶组织化学方法检测了烟草 ( Nicotianatabacum L.)不同组织细胞的内源 GUS。在幼苗的根、茎、叶不同发育时期的花药壁、柱头、胚珠分离的生殖细胞和胚囊中 ,均未检测到内源 GUS活性。不同发育时期的烟草花粉内源GUS活性存在差异 ,在小孢子分裂前后和成熟花粉萌发前后有两个活性高峰。检测花粉内源GUS活性的适宜 p H为 5 .0 ;p H7.0的条件下未检测到内源 GUS。用 2 0 %甲醇或 0 .2mmol/L葡糖二酸内酯处理不能完全抑制内源 GUS活性  相似文献   

The occurrence of phosphatase activity that was dependent on Mg2+ and K+ and inhibited by diethylstilbestrol has been detected in unfertilized African violet ovules with the use of biochemical techniques. Since cation-dependent phosphatase activity is believed to be involved in ion transport across cell membranes, these results are interpreted as lending indirect support to cytochemical evidence that suggests the innermost integumentary cells of African violet ovules are involved in active transport of solutes to the embryo sac.  相似文献   

The development of chloroplasts in light-grown and in previously etiolated tissues of tobacco has been studied. A single membrane-bound body is found in the developing plastids of both light- and dark-grown tissue. The contents of the body appear homogeneous, becoming progressively granular as the chloroplast develops. In the mature chloroplast the body contains a fibrillar network resembling strands shown to be DNA by other workers. The prolamellar body persists even in moderately well developed chloroplasts in light-grown plants. Frequently the prolamellar body is connected to the membrane-bound body as well as to the grana. Relatively mature chloroplasts are seen to divide in this tissue. The membrane-bound body may have a role in the formation of lamellae, but the nature of its contents is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

在小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)雌配子体发育过程中,胚囊周围邻近的珠心细胞退化降解,并出现很高的酸性磷酸酶反应,特别是合点部分最强。电镜细胞化学定位也表明退化珠心细胞质中有强烈的酸性磷酸酶活力,它们存在于多层环状的胞质结构中,而远离胚囊的非退化珠心细胞中无上述结构,酸性磷酸酶活性仅出现于液泡中。认为珠心细胞的退化是一种自溶现象。从功能大孢子至七细胞胚囊期,胚囊内部胞质酸性磷酸酶活性很低,合点与珠孔两端的反应强度无明显区別。后期成熟胚囊阶段,反足细胞中出现强烈酸性磷酸酶活性,中央细胞次之,而助细胞及卵细胞中很弱。  相似文献   

采用磷酸铅技术,对烟草类根瘤中ATPase的活性变化及分布特征进行了研究。分生细胞中没有磷酸铅颗粒,非含菌细胞的细胞质和细胞器中有少量的磷酸铅颗粒,但在年轻和成熟根瘤菌中却未见它们。相反,当非含菌细胞和根瘤菌开始衰老后,有大量的磷酸铅颗粒位于细胞的质膜和细胞壁上以及根瘤菌表面的内侧。随着它们进一步衰老,磷酸铅颗粒越来越多,广泛分布在细胞的液泡膜、质膜、细胞壁、胞间层、胞间隙及根瘤菌的表面、细胞质和拟核中。由于细胞的解体,磷酸铅颗粒明显减少,一般只位于质膜和由细胞器解体而来的膜泡状结构上。  相似文献   

烟草幼嫩花粉原生质体分离与早期离体发育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了两种分离烟草(Nicotiana tabacum )幼嫩花粉原生质体的方法:一为通过花药漂浮培养释放出外壁裂开的花粉,后者转入酶液彻底脱去外壁,内壁降解而分离出原生质体(简称“花药预培养法”);二为花粉经饥饿处理后,转入酶液释放原生质体(简称“花粉饥饿预处理法”)。对影响分离效果的主要因素作了研究。用花药预培养法分离的幼嫩花粉原生质体,在K3 培养基中可再生细胞壁,启动1 次细胞分裂,或萌发花粉管。表明具有孢子体发育与配子体发育的潜能。观察到花粉原生质体分裂成二细胞后,其中1 个子细胞又长出花粉管的稀有现象,暗示其开始启动孢子体发育后又重新恢复配子体发育途径  相似文献   

In the presence of Cu(II) ions, plasmid DNA is cleaved under physiological condition by different arenes at low concentrations. The cleavage was dependent on the presence of O2. The DNA cleavage efficiency of the designed system arene-Cu is comparable to that of the well-known DNA cleaving reagents such as phenanthroline-Cu and ascorbic acid-Cu. However in contrast to the mentioned reagents, the system arene-Cu does not require external reducing agents or H2O2.  相似文献   

Shoot apices of a short-day sensitive line of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. NCTG-22 have been examined by electron microscopy for ultrastructural changes which occurred in the central zone over a 17-day period during the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. Plants were grown in controlled-environment chambers of the NCSU Phytotron and exposed to an inductive photoperiod after a 6-wk juvenile phase. Ultrastructural changes were investigated from photomicrographs using a semi-automatic stereological procedure and a microcomputer. After exposure to only one inductive cycle cell and nuclear cross sectional areas in short-day plants were significantly larger than in long-day controls. Subsequently, under short days cross sectional areas of cells, nuclei, vacuoles and proplastids decreased, while mitochondrial cross sectional area and relative volume increased during the course of the induction period. In induced apices as cross sectional areas and relative volumes of vacuoles and proplastids decreased, their profile numbers increased. The reduction in cross sectional areas of cells and most organelles was associated with an increase in rate of leaf initiation and size of the apical dome. The demand for sufficient energy input to maintain the surge in growth and activity preceding floral initiation was reflected by the significant increases in cross sectional area, profile numbers and density of the mitochondria population. Even though the transition period is quite long for Nicotiana, cells and organelles in the central zone were observed to progress through similar changes in morphology that are known to occur in Sinapis and Xanthium which exhibit a more rapid and absolute response to photo-induction.  相似文献   

柳叶烟草愈伤组织分化期间抗氰呼吸的改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
继代培养的柳叶烟草愈伤组织有明显的抗氰呼吸。交替途径的相对贡献约占总呼吸的29—38%;但仍以细胞色素途径为主,约占总呼吸的44—51%。接种在分化培养基上的愈伤组织在发生组织分化和芽原基形成期间,交替途径运行量占总呼吸的41—47%,承担呼吸电子传递的主要部分;而细胞色素途径只占总呼吸的29—32%。交替途径运行程度的增高可能与烟草愈伤组织的分化有一定相关性。  相似文献   

烟草与枸杞叶片组织培养中的无丝分裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

小麦受精过程中酸性磷酸酶的超微细胞化学定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
小麦(Triticum aestivum )受精前成熟胚囊,除胚囊中央细胞的合点端细胞质中有酸性磷酸酶外,其余部位均未发现酸性磷酸酶。受精时期,以下部位存在酸性磷酸酶活性:卵细胞的细胞核内一部分染色质和细胞质中大部分线粒体;精、卵核融合时两核的核周腔内;退化助细胞合点端细胞质和一些液泡内;进入雌性细胞中的两个精核;胚囊各成员细胞的细胞壁及胚囊周围珠心细胞的细胞壁。二细胞原胚中未见有酸性磷酸酶。早期胚乳游离核染色质上有酸性磷酸酶。小麦受精过程酸性磷酸酶的分布特点可能与卵细胞生理状态的变化和细胞质中线粒体的改组、助细胞的退化、精核的生理状态以及精核与卵核的核膜融合等有关。  相似文献   

败血症大鼠心肌肌浆网phospholamban蛋白磷酸酶活性的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杨青  吴立玲 《生理学报》1995,47(4):357-365
用DEAE-Sephacel层析法部分纯化了大鼠心肌肌浆网phospholamban(PLB)蛋白磷酸酶(PPase),并证明其是PPase-1。在SDS-PAGE电泳放射自显影上证明,ES大鼠心肌SR部分纯化的PLBPPase对底物^32P-磷酸化酶a和^32P-SR)的去磷酸化作用明显减弱;LS大鼠该部分纯化的PPase对底物的去磷酸化作用和健康大鼠相比未见明显变化。测定败血症大鼠心肌SR及其  相似文献   

连翘绒毡层发育中的内质网活动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
超微结构研究表明,内质网在连翘(Forsythiasuspensa(Thunb.)Vahl)绒毡层发育中十分活跃,参与了许多功能的实现:1.在小抱子母细胞减数分裂时期产生前乌氏体;2.分布在前质体边缘,参与了前质体向造油体的转化;3.参与了抱粉素物质的分泌;4.粗面内质网的槽库曾两度膨大,并分割、包围细胞质,形成球形体和内质网兜(ERpockets),参与了绒毡层细胞壁的加厚和外壁蛋白的分泌。  相似文献   

研究花生(Arachishypogaea)种子萌发过程中胚轴多胺氧化酶(PAO)的活性变化及其与种子萌发的关系表明:胚轴中的PAO活性是在种子萌发过程中逐渐形成的,而黑暗条件更有利于该酶的活性形成;放线菌素D(10mg/L)、环己酰亚胺(10mg/L)处理对种子萌发的抑制率分别为26.3%和87.3%,对胚轴PAO活性的抑制率分别为41.1%和94.0%,显示胚轴中的PAO很可能参与花生种子的萌发过程,且其mRNA在种子发育过程中已合成并贮存于种子中,萌发时PAO活性的出现主要是由于这些mRNA转译合成了PAO。  相似文献   

外源Ca^2+对烟草花粉管生长和生殖核分裂的调节   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
用细胞学和统计学方法研究了外源Ca~(2 )对烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)离体花粉管生长和生殖核分裂的影响。正常培养条件下,花粉管群体内的生殖核分裂率大致呈对数增长,10~18h为其分裂高峰期。所用Ca~(2 )浓度中以10~(-3)mol/L最适于花粉管生长,与之相比,其它浓度随时间延长愈益明显地表现出抑制效应。生殖核分裂则以10~(-2)与10~(-3)mol/L较为适宜,且10~(-2)mol/L可相对提前分裂高峰。在含10~(-3)mol/L Ca~(2 )培养基中培养10h后用不同方法处理,发现高钙抑制花粉管生长,尤以10~(-1)mol/L Ca~(2 )抑制最强烈,导致花粉管顶端壁加厚及生殖核的无丝分裂。而10~(-2)mol/L Ca~(2 )在处理早期(10~12h)促进生殖核分裂。EGTA处理则同时抑制花粉管生长和生殖核分裂。  相似文献   

The normal pattern of maize floral development of staminate florets on the terminal inflorescence (tassel) and pistillate florets on the lateral inflorescences (ears) is disrupted by the recessive mutation tassel seed 2. Tassel seed 2 mutant plants develop pistillate florets instead of staminate florets in the tassel. In addition, the ears of tassel seed 2 plants display irregular rowing of kernels due to the development of the normally suppressed lower floret of each spikelet. The morphology of tassel and ear florets of the recessive maize mutant tassel seed 2 has been compared to those of wild-type maize through development. We have identified the earliest stages at which morphological signs of sex differentiation are evident. We find that sex determination occurs during the same stage on tassel and ear development. Early postsex determination morphology of florets in wild-type ears and in tassel seed 2 tassels and ears is identical.  相似文献   

槐种子发育中胚乳细胞半乳甘露聚糖积累的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
槐 ( Sophora japonica L.)开花约 60 d至种子成熟 ,为胚乳半乳甘露聚糖积累期。用组织化学方法 ,对储藏于胚乳细胞壁上的半乳甘露聚糖的形成积累进行了观察 ,结果表明 ,半乳甘露聚糖最先在邻近胚的胚乳细胞的粗面内质网的囊泡腔内形成 ,并通过细胞质膜分泌至细胞壁周围。此后 ,半乳甘露聚糖的积累逐渐向种皮方向扩展 ,及至种子成熟时 ,除糊粉层外 ,所有胚乳细胞几乎全由多糖所填充。此外 ,对半乳甘露聚糖发生部位及其积累过程的消长变化进行了讨论  相似文献   

The amount of gibberellin-like substances in the seed of Pharbitisnil increased in parallel with the growth of the seed, and attained20 days after anthesis to a maximum of 0.115 µg gibberellinA3 eqivalent per seed, when the seed reached its maximum freshweight or four-fifths of its final dry weight. At this maximumlevel, 0.03 µg and 0.1 µg gibberellin A3 equivalentswere localized in the embryo and in the "endosperm", respectively.Three gibberellin-like substances (Factors I, II and III) wereseparated upon paper chromatography. In view of the changesin amount of the factors with respect to the seed maturation,these factors, especially Factor II, in the "endosperm" andembryo were assumed to participate in the initial or the mainpart of growth of the embryo. Dwarf rice seedling and maizedwarfs 1, 3 and 5 responded to the three factors nearly in thesame way. Pharbitis dwarf, however, responded only to FactorI, but not to Factors II and III. (Received February 21, 1963; )  相似文献   

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