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人参根系发育形态学的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人参(Panax qinseng C. A. Meyer)属于直根系植物,有次生构造。一年生苗只具有主根和侧根。二年以上的人参常在根状茎上长出不定根,即人参根系包括主根和不定根及其各级分枝。主根初生木质部为三原型,侧根和不定根及其分枝多为二原型,偶见三原型。根系随参龄的增加而增大。每年末级分枝自基部于休眠前萎缩、脱落,并在萎缩部分的上一级支根内部产生越冬根原基,越冬根原基是翌年形成全部吸收根的基础。一年生人参由中柱鞘产生一圈初生树脂道,由形成层产生一圈(或二圈)次生树脂道,以后次生树脂道的圈数随参龄的增加而每年增加一圈,自第五年开始渐缓。根内淀粉粒含量随发育时期的变化而相应变化,其积累高峰出现在果后期。研究人参根系发育形态学不仅对全面正确认识人参根系具有理论意义,而且对改进人参栽培管理和评价人参质量具有指导意义。  相似文献   

二月兰根系发育形态学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏力军  刘晓辉 《植物研究》1995,15(3):377-381
二月兰Orychophragmus violaceus O.E.Schulz为二年生草本植物,直根系。初生结构为二原型,次生结构发达,主侧根结构相同。形成层活动随季节有明显变化,木质部可见年轮。冬季吸收根不死,无越冬根原基产生,吸收根连续不断更替,无明显季节性变化。根内淀粉含量随发育时期的变化而相应变化,其积螺高峰有两个,分别出现在第一年越冬前及第二年返青后开花前,不同播期对根系积累营养及第二年植  相似文献   

防风为多年生草本植物,直根系。主根和侧根结构相同,初生木质部为二原型。主根中油室数目随着年龄的增长不断增加,第1-2年内,数目增加明显。防风进入生殖生长后,主根的韧皮部与木质部的比例明显减少,根的木质化严重,果期以后根部逐渐腐烂。首次研究了防风根的发育形态学,对防风的栽培管理和评价防风质量具有指导意义 。  相似文献   

The dorsiventral shoot system of Selaginella martensii is characterized by opposite pairs of ventral and dorsal leaves that are dimorphic in size and form. This study was undertaken to determine if the smaller dorsal leaf can be appropriately regarded as an arrested form of the larger leaf. Although the pattern of cell divisions and cell enlargement associated with leaf initiation is similar for both leaf types, the extent of localized growth results in distinctly larger primordia on the ventral side of the shoot. Ventral leaf primordia are also distinguished by the early formation of more extensive mesophyll tissue. Regression analysis of quantitative data on leaf length vs. position and leaf width vs. length indicates that the growth pattern of ventral and dorsal leaves is significantly different. These observations indicate that the developmental pathways of the dimorphic leaves of Selaginella martensii do not diverge at a relatively late developmental stage, but rather can be distinguished from inception.  相似文献   

The embryo of Rhizophora mangle L. is initially attached to the integument by a long multiseriate suspensor. Its basal cells lyse, and intrusive growth of the endosperm envelops the embryo, forces the micropyle open, and often carries the embryo out of the integument. Thus, “germination” is effected by growth of the endosperm rather than of the embryo. The surface of the endosperm differentiates into a layer of peculiar transfer cells. The cotyledonary body initiates as a toroidal primordium, which later becomes lobed; most of the free portions ultimately fuse. After “germination,” the axis of the viviparous seedling grows by a diffuse intercalary meristem below the cotyledonary node. Before seedling abscission, the shoot apex produces three pairs of leaves, the first of which aborts, leaving the rest of the plumule protected by their stipules. The (immersed) radicle apex is nearly inactive, but lateral roots arise early in seedling development; these are usually the first or only roots to grow during establishment. Ten provascular strands “differentiate” in the cotyledons; a hollow provascular cylinder develops in the hypocotyl. Initial vascular differentiation in the latter is of many alternate poles of xylem and phloem; later, de novo differentiation of metaxylem opposite the protophloem poles, and vice versa, produces collateral bundles. Xylem maturation is endarch over most of the length of the hypocotyl, but tangential and random series of metaxylem vessels occur in the radicle end.  相似文献   

Comparative morphological studies of woody Ranales have established the primitive status of the group and hence their key place in angiosperm phylogeny. Significant advances in our knowledge of some ranalian families have been made in recent years. An attempt is made in the present review to bring together a range of morphological data (vegetative and floral anatomy, palynology and embryology) on the Ranales (sensu lato), with particular reference to research work published after the publication of Eames's (1961) book, and to discuss the relationships of the families. Recent ontogenetic studies have shown that the carpel of Drimys is ascidial and not conduplicate as earlier suggested. The inclusion of Degeneria in the Winteraceae is not supported by morphological data. Melville's gonophyll theory has been shown to be inapplicable to the magnoliaceous flower. The pollen of Schisandra is interpreted as derived and specialized rather than primitive as previously supposed. The removal of Schisandra from Magnoliaceae is upheld by morphological evidence. Recent morphological studies do not support a close relationship between Schisandraceae and Illiciaceae suggested by earlier authors. The Canellaceae shows similarities to Winteraceae, Magnoliaceae, Illiciaceae, Eupteleaceae and Myristicaceae. Transitional types of division of pollen mother cells found in Winteraceae, Schisandraceae and Annonaceae and their probable phylogenetic significance have been discussed. The Annonaceae, Winteraceae, Degeneriaceae, Magnoliaceae, Schisandraceae and Cercidiphyllaceae share several embryological features in addition to similarities in floral structure. Ruminate endosperm is regarded either as an archaic feature retained in some taxa or as a later and parallel development in others. Thus its value in assessing relationships seems to be doubtful. Myristicaceae has been shown to be closely related neither to the the Annonaceae nor to the Lauraceae. The suggested relationship of Eupomatiaceae to Annonaceae is not supported by palynology. Floral cortical vascular systems in Magnoliaceae, Annonaceae, Calycanthaceae and Myristicaceae have been compared and it is concluded that they may be vestigial structures. A great deal of similarity has been found between Lauraceae and Calycanthaceae in wood, node, flower structure and embryology. Further floral anatomical evidence has been adduced to support the removal of Scyphostegia from Monimiaceae. The Hernandiaceae show similarities to some members of Monimiaceae while the Gyrocarpaceae resemble the Lauraceae, Gomortegaceae and certain other genera of Monimiaceae. Available evidence from wood and floral anatomy and embryology indicates close relationships among Lauraceae, Monimiaceae and Hernandiaceae. Vegetative and floral anatomical and embryological data seem to indicate a place for the Chloranthaceae in the ranalian complex. Recent anatomical studies in the Nymphaeaceae show that the floral structure is of a primitive type with similarities to the woody Ranales. Available morphological evidence is considered inadequate to express an opinion on the splitting of the family. Ceratophyllaceae is regarded as a highly reduced ranalian family derived most probably from a nymphaeaceous stock. The gynoecium in Berberidaceae is interpreted as monocarpellate. No evidence has been found to support the tricarpellate view. Berberidaceae, Lardizabalaceae and Menispermaceae share several embryological features, while at the same time showing evidence of specialization, each in its own way. Thus they might have arisen from a common stock and early diverged along different lines. The occurrence of several types of embryo sac in Ranunculaceae may well be an indication of specialization, but their probable taxonomic value, if any, is not yet clear. The occurrence of numerous primitive features in Paeonia has been suggested as an argument for its retention in the Ranales. No evidence has been found to preclude the inclusion of Dilleniaceae in the Ranales. On the other hand, as opposed to similarities in wood and pollen characters between Dilleniaceae and Theaceae, floral anatomical and embryological features offer a sharp contrast between the two. The Ranales are believed to be polyphyletic. It has been tentatively suggested that two major phyletic lines may be recognized in each of the woody and herbaceous series: the magnolialian and lauralian lines in the former and the nymphaealian and berberidalian lines in the latter.  相似文献   

The iridescent blue color of several Selaginella species is caused by a physical effect, thin-film interference. Predictions for a model film have been confirmed by electron microscopy of S. willdenowii and S. uncinata. For the latter species iridescence contributes to leaf absorption at wavelengths above 450 nm and develops in environments enriched with far-red (730 nm) light. This evidence supports the involvement of phytochrome in the developmental control of iridescence.  相似文献   

利用光镜和扫描电镜研究了紫花野菊叶表面毛状体结构和发育。较详细地描述和讨论了这两种毛的个体发育过程。  相似文献   

兰州鲇与鲇消化系统的形态学及组织学比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究黄河濒危鱼类兰州鲇(Silurus lanzhouensis)消化系统的形态学和组织学结构特点,以鲇(Silurus asotus)为对照,对兰州鲇消化系统形态学和组织学进行了深入研究。结果表明:(1)兰州鲇与鲇的消化道和消化腺形态相似,具有肉食性鱼类的特征。兰州鲇消化道较短,有发达的“U”型胃,胃内皱褶明显,无幽门盲囊,肠道短且粗,可分为前肠、中肠和后肠三部分,前肠粗大,后肠较细。两种鲇属鱼类都有独立致密的肝脏和胰脏。(2)兰州鲇的比肠长显著大于鲇(P < 0.05),比胃重、比肝胰脏重显著低于鲇(P < 0.05),但二者的比肠重无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(3)兰州鲇胃的皱襞幅度小于鲇,且环肌层比兰州鲇薄。兰州鲇与鲇前肠的肠黏膜均形成了大量皱襞,肠黏膜、褶皱粗大,但鲇的褶皱分支较细密。兰州鲇与鲇的后肠与前肠相比,肠腔变小,褶皱数量明显减少,高度降低。黏膜层分布有杯状细胞和柱状细胞。兰州鲇与鲇的肝脏肝小叶间缺少结缔组织,分界不明显,而兰州鲇肝细胞的密度大于鲇。综上所述,兰州鲇与鲇的消化系统相似,均符合肉食性鱼类消化系统特征,结合消化生理等研究结果,表明兰州鲇的消化能力弱于鲇,这可能是在自然情况下兰州鲇的分布区域及适应性不及鲇的原因之一。  相似文献   

The morphology and anatomy of 105 flowers representing 13 species and 6 genera of the Canellaceae are summarized. The flowers are borne in axillary or terminal racemes, cymes, or small groups, or solitary, in an axillary or terminal position. The flowers are characterized as follows: bisexual, hypogynous; sepals 3, thick and leathery; petals, 5–12, free or united into tube at base, rather thick, in 1 or 2 whorls and/or spirals; androecium of 6–12 stamens united by their filaments forming a tube, anthers with longitudinal extrorse dehiscence; gynoecium of 2–6 carpels fused by their ventral margins; 2–6 placentae. There are 2 vascular bundles (rarely 3) to each sepal, 3 to each petal (some of the inner petals have only 1), 1 to each stamen and 1 trace to each carpel. The petal and stamen bundles have a common origin. All the data accumulated in this series on the Canellaceae indicate that the correct systematic placement of the Canellaceae is in the woody Ranales, perhaps in a complex with the Myristicaceae.  相似文献   

小麦种子根的发育解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦胚胎发育过程中通常形成5条幼根(少数可形成6条),这些根统称为种子根,中间最先发生的为初生根.初生根的原基在胚胎发育的早期就在胚轴的一侧发生,原基细胞由不规则到规则排列。侧生种子根的原基在胚胎发育后期才出现,通常成对发生,并且是由胚轴上的节(盾片节和胚芽鞘节)维管束外方的细胞形成。侧生种子根的发育明显较初生根的快,分化能力也较强,后生木质部导管母细胞出现早,数目较多.因此,小麦胚胎发育过程中从胚轴上形成的这些侧生的种子根,形态上,仍应看作是一些不定根,其结构特征与后来形成须根系的不定根的比较近似。  相似文献   

慈菇下胚轴毛的形态发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施国新  徐祥生   《广西植物》1989,9(2):113-116+195
慈菇种子萌发前,下胚轴基部的表皮细胞分化成生毛细胞。当下胚轴穿出种皮约1—2毫米时,生毛细胞的外壁向外突出,形成下胚轴毛。开始时,其顶端膨大,呈分泌毛状,后呈根毛状。下胚轴毛的主要功能是起固着作用。下胚轴毛发育后期,在其保留细胞核的膨大的基部和突起的毛状体之间形成一细胞壁,此时毛状体便开始萎缩脱落。下胚轴毛的基部重新形成完整的表皮细胞。  相似文献   

T. SEN  U. SEN 《The New phytologist》1970,69(4):1093-1101
The anatomy and morphology of Leucostegia immersa (Wall.) Presl (type species of the genus Leucostegia) and Araiostegia pulchra (Don.) Copel. (a species which comes very near to the type species of the genus Araiostegia) are described in detail for the first time in order to determine whether the genus Araiostegia is distinct from Leucostegia. The present investigation reveals that Leucostegia differs from Araiostegia in many significant morphological and anatomical details. For example, in Leucostegia , both scales and hairs protect the rhizome, while on the rhizome of Araiostegia hairs are absent. Further, the basifixed scales of Leucostegia are sharply different from the strongly peltate scales of Araiostegia. Though the stelar cylinders in the two genera are basically similar in construction, they are markedly different in their modes of production of root-traces and leaf-traces. No tanniniferous cells which are found in Leucostegia , occur in the fundamental tissues of Araiostegia. Young fronds of Leucostegia produce delicate hairs, but in Araiostegia the fronds are glabrous throughout. The rachises and costae in Leucostegia are grooved on the upper surface and never show any raised median bands in sharp contrast to the rachises of Araiostegia which are at least in the upper part narrowly winged on either side of the raised upper surface. All these differences certainly show that these genera are well defined. The relationship between Araiostegia and other davallioid ferns is also discussed.  相似文献   

西洋参根的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西洋主根顶端的原分生组织由三群原始细胞组成。初生木质部为三原型。维管形成层产生的次生维管组织中薄壁细胞占主导地位;维管分子量少、聚集成群,分散在薄壁组织中。周皮加、周皮发生较迟,其木栓形成层由紧靠内皮层的皮层细胞产生。不同年龄西洋参主根随着龄龄的增加,周皮、次生真心皮部和木质部面积均呈增加趋势,但韧皮部与木质部面积比值自5:1下降至1:1。一年生根由中柱鞘产生初生分泌道,由维管形成层产生一圈次生分  相似文献   

黄花水龙与水龙形态及结构的比较观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
颜素珠  范允平  方   《广西植物》1997,17(2):152-157
在国内长期以来都将开黄花和开白花的水龙归并为水龙(JusiaearepensL.)一个种。我们将两者从野外引种栽培,对其形态特征进行比较观察,在结构上从宏观到微观进行解剖研究。发现两者之间在形态结构上确有许多相似的特征。但两者花色的不同却是显著而且稳定,花的内部结构和花粉壁纹饰的差异也是很明显的。这些差异已构成它们各自独为一个种的条件,因此,我们认为应将开黄花的水龙恢复为一独立种———黄花水龙(J.stipulaceaOhwi)  相似文献   

Compsopogon coeruleus has been grown in culture for 4 years. The life-history consists of reproduction by monospores and their germination and growth into erect filamentous (corticated or uncorticated) thalli. Plastids are parietal sheets in young cells but undergo characteristic divisions to form discoid segments in older cells. The chromosome number has been determined as 7 ± 1. Sporangia have been studied and their derivation compared to the sporangial types of Drew-Baker. Variations in cell walls, basal systems, spore germination and young plantlets are discussed.  相似文献   

The development and asexual cycle of Gongrosira debaryana have been studied in unialgal culture. Zoospores may settle singly and develop a Pleurotham-mon-like thallus, or they may clump and so produce a thallus characteristic of Gongrosira. It is suggested that Borzi's Pleurothamnion papuasicum be considered a synonym of Gongrosira debaryana.  相似文献   

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