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The bellbird (Anthornis melanura) is a honeyeater endemic to New Zealand, which uses song to defend breeding territories and/or food resources year round. Both sexes sing and the song structure and singing behavior have not yet been quantified. The number of song types, spectral structure, repertoire size, and singing behavior of male and female bellbirds was investigated for a large island population. Song types differed between the sexes with males singing a number of structurally distinct song types and females producing song types that overlapped in structure. Singing behavior also differed between the sexes; males often sung long series of songs while females sung each song at relatively long and variable intervals. Singing by both sexes occurred year round but the frequency of male and female singing bouts showed contrasting seasonal patterns. The frequency of female singing bouts increased as the breeding season progressed, whereas male singing bouts decreased. In contrast to almost all studied passerines, female bellbirds exhibited significant singing behavior and sung songs of complex structure and variety that parallel male song. These results provide a quantitative foundation for further research of song in bellbirds and in particular the function of female vocal behavior.  相似文献   

Many aspects of the social behaviour of birds are mediated by vocal displays, and variation in song output or song structure conveys different information to receivers. After nest construction begins, when vermilion flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus) females are potentially fertile, males increase their song rate during the dawn chorus. A previous study failed to give evidence that males discriminate among song rates. However, males sing in sequences of songs (song bouts), and an increase in song rate may be achieved by increasing the number of bouts, the number of songs in each bout (bout size) or both. Studying a vermilion flycatcher population in Mexico City, we evaluated whether dawn song rate is related to song bout size or to number of bouts. Bout size correlated with song rate and differed among males. We hypothesized that longer bouts are more threatening signals than shorter ones and predicted a stronger response by males towards the former. We exposed each male to three playback treatments: (1) Long song bout (Long), in which we replied to the male with twice the number of songs he sang in the bout, (2) Short song bout (Short), in which we played half the number of songs sung by the male and (3) Control, this was the same as the Long treatment but we used songs from a related species, the tropical kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus). Males responded with a higher proportion of calls near the speaker when exposed to the Long treatment than during the Short or Control treatments, indicating that they discriminate among song bouts differing in size, that they may perceive longer bouts as more threatening and that they use calls rather than songs to address threatening situations. Our results suggest that song bout size is a relevant song attribute that conveys information during intrasexual interactions.  相似文献   

To what extent has the style of song development among songbirds coevolved with other life history strategies? Among Cistothorus wrens in North America, it seems that sedentary or site-faithful habits of marsh wrens, C. palustris, favour song imitation, but seminomadic habits of sedge wrens, C. platensis, favour song improvisation, whereby each male generates a large but unique song repertoire. In this study, we tested whether more sedentary populations of sedge wrens in the Neotropics would imitate songs. At our primary study site near Cartago, Costa Rica, breeding birds were colour-banded during 1995 and 1996, and follow-up surveys revealed that the birds remained at this site the year round. Extensive tape recording and analysis of songs showed that males had large song repertoires (200-300+ songs), and that many songs were shared among neighbouring males. In addition, males only 27 km distant, at La Pastora, used different songs. Furthermore, matched countersinging, in which two males answer each other with identical song types, was recorded near Brasilia, in Brazil. The sharing of songs among permanent neighbours, microgeographical variation in song, and matched countersinging can be achieved only through song imitation, thus revealing a striking difference in the style of song development among different populations of the sedge wren. In the Neotropics, having predictable neighbours throughout life appears to have favoured song imitation, so that individuals can interact using a common, learned code typical of the local population; among more mobile populations in North America, however, individuals improvise large repertoires of species-typical songs, thereby enabling singing males to communicate with any individual, no matter what the population of origin. Strategies of song development must correlate with life history features, and further surveys are needed to make sense of the great diversity of singing behaviours among songbirds. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The elaborate songs of male animals are thought to function in either territory defense (male–male communication) or mate attraction (male–female communication). In non‐territorial animals, male vocalizations are expected to function primarily in mate attraction, yet the reproductive consequences of male vocalizations in non‐territorial animals are poorly described. Here we explore the relationship between male song and male reproductive performance in a free‐living population of house finches, Carpodacus mexicanus, a non‐migratory, non‐territorial songbird. Based on recordings of 20 males, we analyzed three song features (song length, number of unique syllables per song, and song rate) and compared male song with two measures of within‐pair reproductive performance (nest initiation date and clutch size) and one measure of extra‐pair reproductive performance (whether males sired extra‐pair young). We demonstrate a positive association between male song and within‐pair reproductive performance; males that sang long songs initiated their first clutch significantly earlier and males that sang songs at a faster rate had larger clutches. Despite the fact that only one of our recorded males sired extra‐pair young in the nest of another male, this male's songs were the most elaborate for two of three song features measured, anecdotally suggesting that male song may play a role in both within‐pair and extra‐pair partner choice. These results suggest that male song is a sexually selected trait in non‐territorial house finches.  相似文献   

In many passerines, males have repertoires of different songs of which some songs are often shared with other males. Sharing of song repertoires among males can provide insights into the context in which songs were acquired and on the role of song repertoires in inter- and intrasexual communication. Here we studied repertoire sharing in male territorial thrush nightingales ( Luscinia luscinia ). We compared male vocal repertoires of the basic song components, full songs, and the sequencing of songs in a bout. The results show that males differed significantly in the size of their song repertoires but not in the size of the repertoire of basic song components. Moreover, they shared almost all (80%) the repertoire of song components but only 30% of their song types. Neighboring males shared significantly more song types than did non-neighboring males but interestingly they did not share more basic song components than non-neighboring males. These results show that the repertoire of basic song components is under much less sexual selection than the size of song repertoires. Sharing of song repertoires among neighbors presumably results from repertoire conversion over time and from males returning to their territories in the following season. Repertoire sharing then can be an indicator of territory tenure and thus it can be important in repelling rivals and in female choice.  相似文献   

Juvenile male zebra finches develop their song by imitation. Females do not sing but are attracted to males' songs. With functional magnetic resonance imaging and event‐related potentials we tested how early auditory experience shapes responses in the auditory forebrain of the adult bird. Adult male birds kept in isolation over the sensitive period for song learning showed no consistency in auditory responses to conspecific songs, calls, and syllables. Thirty seconds of song playback each day over development, which is sufficient to induce song imitation, was also sufficient to shape stimulus‐specific responses. Strikingly, adult females kept in isolation over development showed responses similar to those of males that were exposed to songs. We suggest that early auditory experience with songs may be required to tune perception toward conspecific songs in males, whereas in females song selectivity develops even without prior exposure to song. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 2010  相似文献   

Bird song is unusual as a sexually selected trait because its expression depends on learning as well as genetic and other environmental factors. Prior work has demonstrated that males who are deprived of the opportunity to learn produce songs that function little if at all in male-female interactions. We asked whether more subtle variation in male song-learning abilities influences female response to song. Using a copulation solicitation assay, we measured the response of female song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to songs of laboratory-reared males that differed in the amount of learned versus invented material that they included and in the degree to which learned material accurately matched the model from which it was copied. Females responded significantly more to songs that had been learned better, by either measure. Females did not discriminate between the best-learned songs of laboratory-reared males and songs of wild males used as models during learning. These results provide, to our knowledge, a first experimental demonstration that variation in learning abilities among males plays a functionally important part in the expression of a sexually selected trait, and further provide support for the hypothesis that song functions as an indicator of male quality because it reflects variation in response to early developmental stress.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1997,53(4):687-700
Bird song, like many other male secondary sexual characters, may have evolved as intra- or inter-sexual signals of male phenotypic quality. The hypotheses that song rate and song features reflect androgen levels and body condition, qualities useful in male–male competition, and that they are also influenced by social context, was tested for the first time in the present correlational study. The relationships between song rate and 14 variables describing song structure, respectively, and absolute plasma testosterone levels, body mass, body condition, number of neighbouring males and distances between nest sites in male barn swallows,Hirundo rustica, were analysed. Song rate was not correlated with any of the song features nor with male or social context characteristics. By contrast, a harsh song syllable, the ‘rattle’, was positively related to plasma testosterone levels, and its peak amplitude frequency varied inversely with male body mass and condition. In addition, eight features of song varied according to the social environment of each male. In particular, males sang longer and more varied songs when they had few or no neighbours, whereas males in highly competitive contexts uttered short songs, interrupted them more frequently, and emphasized the rattle. Neighbouring males also sang more similar songs than distant males, and this resulted in matched countersinging. The quality of song output therefore reflects aspects of male competitive potential, and relationships between song structure and social context suggest that some features, such as the rattle, might have originally evolved to serve in male–male interactions; a female preference may have further promoted song evolution leading to complex syllable repertoires.  相似文献   

In many species of songbirds, males sometimes produce songs at distinctly lower amplitude than in normal singing. Depending on the species, these 'soft songs' may be sung in the context of female courtship, male–male aggression, or both. In song sparrows, males produce soft songs during aggressive interactions with other males, and the amount of soft song produced is the only singing behavior that can be used to reliably predict a subsequent attack by the singer. Although soft song is clearly an important signal in this species, little is known about the acoustic structure of soft song or about how that structure compares to the structure of normal 'broadcast song'. We recorded a large sample of soft songs and broadcast songs from 10 male song sparrows, and measured song amplitudes in the field while controlling the subject's distance to a calibrated microphone. We show that song sparrow males produce songs over a wide range of amplitudes, with soft songs in the range of 55–77 dB sound pressure level and broadcast songs in the range of 78–85 dB. We present evidence for two types of soft song: 'crystallized' soft songs that are broadcast repertoire song types sung at low amplitude, and 'warbled' soft songs that are not found in the broadcast repertoire. Although highly variable, warbled soft songs produced by individual birds could be grouped into song types based on spectrographic similarity. To our knowledge, a distinct repertoire of soft song types has not been previously reported for any songbird.  相似文献   

Transmitting information about singer's quality is an important function of song in many bird species, and this information should be useful in territorial interactions. Fast trills, being physically demanding song structures, are particularly suitable candidates for signalling of quality or aggressive motivation. We have evaluated trill characteristics in songs within a population of the Tree Pipit, a common European songbird with no sexual dimorphism, in which song apparently plays a key role in territory defence as well as mate choice. Two types of relatively fast trills (each of them in multiple variants differing in complexity) were commonly observed in repertoires of Tree Pipit males. Trill rates significantly differed among individuals, suggesting that these song structures may carry information about male quality in this species. We tested by playback experiments whether both trill types are used in territorial encounters. Only one of the trill types was sung by males in response to playback, regardless on the trill type played to them. In an immediate response to playback, they increased the frequency of use of this trill, and also significantly increased the trill rate in comparison with spontaneous songs. This confirmed field observations, suggesting that this trill is important in male–male interactions. On the contrary, the use of the fastest, apparently more demanding, trill type actually decreased after the simulated territorial intrusion. We hypothesize that the latter one is more directed towards females, and that while performance of both trill types may reflect male quality, they are primarily used in different contexts.  相似文献   

Song complexity is an important behavioural trait in songbirds, subject to sexual selection. Elucidation of intraspecific variation in song complexity can provide insights into its evolution. In this study, we investigated song complexity variation in tūī (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae), a vocally complex songbird endemic to New Zealand. At two separate nature reserves, we recorded male songs in two habitat types: forest remnants with high habitat complexity, and open habitats with lower habitat complexity. Analyses indicated strong evidence that song complexity was higher in forest habitats. Possible explanations for this divergence include: (i) competition between individuals results in higher quality, dominant males with more complex songs occupying forest habitats, and less competitive males occupying open habitat zones; (ii) forest habitats provide more abundant resources therefore higher tūī density, resulting in more complex songs; and (iii) a higher abundance of food in dense forest habitats may reduce nutritional stress during development resulting in full development of song nuclei. However, these hypotheses on the drivers of habitat effects on tūī song complexity remain to be tested.  相似文献   

Unmated male songbirds usually change their vocal behaviour when females enter their territories. Either the males court the females by changing the rate or pattern with which their normal long-ranging full songs are emitted, or they shift to special displays and long- or short-ranging vocalisations. In this study we quantified how female presence and behaviour affect the singing behaviour of male whitethroats. In the presence of a female the male frequently performed song flights, maybe to locate the female before it was courted, with sequences of diving-song displays. The courtship was interrupted by periods of perch songs. Female dscharp calls and short movements made the males initiate or resume courtship, whereas short horizontal jumps made the males intensify their courtship. Overall, the males changed their dual-function song activity in females' presence by emitting fewer perch songs and more flight songs. The quiet diving songs were only emitted during direct courtship of a female. The song types emitted immediately before, during, and after courtship are all highly variable, thus allowing for a quick assessment of the male's song repertoire. The courtship was also interrupted by periods of male woid calling, a call that is known to have a deterring effect on rival males. Bouts of woid calls were usually followed by song flights, again probably to locate the female that might have moved out of sight, or maybe to locate potential rival intruders. The latter was supported by an increased intrusion rate during female presence. Communicated by P. McGregor  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that captive female cowbirds, Molothrus ater, can influence the outcome of male song development by affecting retention or deletion of song elements and by stimulating improvization. Here we looked for evidence of female influence during the process of learning, as males progress from subsong to plastic song to stereotyped song. In a longitudinal study, we measured the rate and timing of vocal development in captive, juvenile male brown-headed cowbirds, M. a. artemisiae. Half the young males were housed with female cowbirds from their own population (South Dakota: SD) and half with female cowbirds from a M. a. ater population (Indiana: IN). Both populations of females prefer local songs and differ in the time of breeding, with SD females breeding 2 weeks later than IN females. The results showed significant effects of female presence on the age at which males advanced through stages of vocal development: the SD males with SD females, as opposed to SD males with IN females, developed stereotyped song earlier, reduced motor practise earlier, and produced more effective playback songs. Longitudinal observations of social interactions showed that the two groups of females reliably differed in social responses to males. Degree of social proximity of females to males in the winter predicted song maturity, rate of rehearsal and song potency. Thus, females can stimulate the progression of song learning, as well as prune song content. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(5):1359-1371
Results of earlier studies indicated that hand-raised white-crowned sparrows exposed to taperecorded songs learned conspecific song between ages 10–50 days, but not before or after that age. These studies also indicated that allospecific songs were not learned. We describe song development in 41 male and 22 female hand-raised white-crowned sparrows. Thirty males and 15 females were exposed to a live adult singing male. It was found that most male students learned the song of their live tutor even though tutoring was begun at 50 days of age, an age by which young would have dispersed from the natal to the breeding area. Male students learned allospecific song as easily as they did conspecific song, even though conspecific song was present in the laboratory. Only three females copied any part of the song of either conspecific or allospecific live tutors. Six 50-day-old males and seven females were exposed to taperecorded song and none learned the tutor song. These results indicate that there are sex differences in song learning, and that, if live tutors are used, the sensitive phase for male song learning extends beyond 50 days of age. We conclude that social interaction can override any auditory gating mechanism that prevents inappropriate stimuli from influencing song learning centres.  相似文献   

High-quality male Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca (defined by brighter plumage, better condition and more experience) have previously been shown to have larger syllable repertoires and greater song versatility than males of inferior quality. Thus, by preferring more complex songs, females could choose a high-quality male. Females may also use song as a cue to find a high-quality territory since early arriving males may obtain the best territories and these males have more complex songs than late-arriving males. We found that males with more complex songs had a greater chance of becoming paired and stayed unpaired for a shorter period than males with less elaborate songs. When controlling for arrival order, however, only strophe versatility was still correlated with pairing order. Males defending popular territories had more complex and longer songs and were also in better body condition than males in less popular territories. A multiple logistic regression showed that song length was important in explaining whether a male defended a popular nestbox or not. Thus, male arrival time seems to be important in deciding the quality of a male's territory, which in turn explains female choice. However, song quality seems to add important information. Thus, females could find both high-quality males and high-quality territories by using song cues during mate choice.  相似文献   

Female songbirds are thought to assess males based on aspectsof song, such as repertoire size or amount of singing, thatcould potentially provide information about male quality. Arelatively unexplored aspect of song that also might serve asan assessment signal is a male's ability to perform physicallychallenging songs. Trilled songs, such as those produced byswamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana), present males with a performancechallenge because trills require rapid and precise coordinationof vocal tract movements, resulting in a trade-off between trillrate and frequency bandwidth. This trade-off defines a constrainton song production observed as a triangular distribution inacoustic space of trill rate by frequency bandwidth, with anupper boundary that represents a performance limit. Given thisbackground on song production constraints, we are able to identifya priori which songs are performed with a higher degree of proficiencyand, thus, which songs should be more attractive to females.We determined the performance limit for a population of swampsparrows and measured how well individual males performed songsrelative to this limit ("vocal performance"). We then comparedfemale solicitation responses to high-performance versus low-performanceversions of the same song type produced by different males.Females displayed significantly more to high-performance songsthan to low-performance songs, supporting the hypothesis thatfemales use vocal performance to assess males.  相似文献   

The males of most species of the HawaiianDrosophila planitibia group produce songs when vibrating their wings during courtship. In four of the most recently evolved species,D. differens, D. planitibia, D. heteroneura, andD. silvestris, these songs are simple in structure and possess a higher and more variable carrier frequency than the songs of the more ancestral species of the group. In the present paper, we studied the variation in wing song production and song characters in aD. planitibia population. Some males vibrated their wings at a very low amplitude or slow speed, producing no detectable sound. Other males produced sound bursts varying in carrier frequency and burst length. The carrier frequency of the song depended mainly on the wing posture of the male during wing vibrations and was consistent for individual males. Variation between males of different isofemale progenies was not significant in any measured song trait. Songs of the males recorded in the present study differed, however, from songs of the males of a laboratory strain recorded earlier.  相似文献   

Historically, bird song complexity was thought to evolve primarily through sexual selection on males; yet, in many species, both sexes sing and selection pressure on both sexes may be broader. Previous research suggests competition for mates and resources during short, synchronous breeding seasons leads to more elaborate male songs at high, temperate latitudes. Furthermore, we expect male–female song structure and elaboration to be more similar at lower, tropical latitudes, where longer breeding seasons and year‐round territoriality yield similar social selection pressures in both sexes. However, studies seldom take both types of selective pressures and sexes into account. We examined song in both sexes in 15 populations of nine‐fairy‐wren species (Maluridae), a Southern Hemisphere clade with female song. We compared song elaboration (in both sexes) and sexual song dimorphism to latitude and life‐history variables tied to sexual and social selection pressures and sex roles. Our results suggest that song elaboration evolved in part due to sexual competition in males: male songs were longer than female songs in populations with low male survival and less male provisioning. Also, female songs evolved independently of male songs: female songs were slower paced than male songs, although only in less synchronously breeding populations. We also found male and female songs were more similar when parental care was more equal and when male survival was high, which provides strong evidence that sex role similarity correlates with male–female song similarity. Contrary to Northern Hemisphere latitudinal patterns, male and female songs were more similar at higher, temperate latitudes. These results suggest that selection on song can be sex specific, with male song elaboration favored in contexts with stronger sexual selection. At the same time, selection pressures associated with sex role similarity appear to favor sex role similarity in song structure.  相似文献   

Basic economic models adapted from foraging theory predict that decisions in mate choice may be determined either by ‘best‐of‐n’ preference functions or by sequential rules incorporating acceptance thresholds. However, in some species, more complex determinations that incorporate versions of both protocols are found. To understand the functions of co‐occurring protocols, we studied mating decisions in the lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), an acoustic species in which females prefer males, the advertisement songs of which are delivered at relatively high ‘pulse‐pair’ rates. In addition to this preference, A. grisella females avoid mating with a male, the song of which does not exceed a minimum pulse‐pair rate, and they hold to this criterion even when no other singing males are present and regardless of song amplitude. Thus, mating decisions are not simply based on acoustic power (pulse‐pair rate × amplitude). We recorded male songs and female responses in an A. grisella population and found that male pulse‐pair rates showed a median of 87/s and ranged from 50 to 115/s, while female acceptance thresholds for male song showed a median of 60/s and ranged from 30 to 105/s. The distributions of thresholds were approximately normal and were not significantly skewed toward the right. Male song rates declined slightly with age, but female thresholds remained stable over the adult lifespan. Both the male and female traits showed significant repeatability within individuals. Whereas phylogenetic inference indicates that hearing in pyralid moths originated as a means of avoiding predation by insectivorous bats, the specific distribution of female acceptance thresholds suggests that currently this protocol does not primarily function to preclude inappropriate, and potentially lethal, responses to bat echolocations: pulse rates in the searching‐phase echolocations used by either aerial‐hawking or substrate‐gleaning bats mostly range from 10 to 20/s, and the lack of positive skew in the distribution of thresholds indicates an absence of directional selection from the left. Rather, we infer that thresholds augment preference functions in A. grisella by precluding mating with males which are markedly inferior in a critical song character. In general, co‐occurring protocols may be important where population density fluctuates markedly, as preference functions may be ineffective in preventing mating with inferior males when density is low.  相似文献   

Gibbons are characterized by their species-specific calls, or songs. There are few studies of songs of Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus). To study the sound spectrum characteristics and test for intergroup differences in Hainan gibbon song, we studied the singing behavior of Hainan gibbons in Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Province, China, intermittently from August 2002 to February 2013, collecting 184 recordings. Our results show that: 1) Hainan gibbon song bouts occur mainly 0–4 h after dawn. 2) The songs of adult males living in groups are composed mainly of one to three short notes and one to five long notes, while solitary adult male songs consist only of long frequency modulated notes and no short or single notes. 3) The song chorus is dominated by adult males, while females add a great call. Males do not have a great call, unlike those in other gibbon species. There are no female solos. 4) The sound spectrum frequency is similar in adult males living in two different groups, but the duration of the first long note differed significantly between the groups. The sonic frequencies of male and female songs are lower than those of other gibbons: no more than 2 kHz. Hainan gibbon sound structure is simple, although females participate in the chorus, reflecting their primitive status among gibbon species.  相似文献   

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