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Hedyotis caerulea is a perennial, spring-flowering herb native to eastern North America with distylous flowers that differ in a number of morphological and physiological traits. However, the pin and thrum morphs produce the same numbers of buds, flowers, and fruits per plant, although it is possible that differences in these may occur in some populations at certain times of the flowering period. The two morphs are self-incompatible and cross-compatible. Most populations contained an excess of pins over thrums (anisoplethy); less commonly pins and thrums were equally represented (isoplethy). Populations change from anisoplethy to isoplethy and in the reverse direction. The spatial distribution of pin and thrum flowers in populations was random in some populations but non-random in others. There is some indication that the two morphs in some populations have somewhat different flowering periods. Pollinators seem to be chiefly bombyliid flies and perhaps thrips, but insects were rarely observed visiting flowers. In some populations, the two morphs produced equal numbers of pollen grains per flower; in others they did not. The average pollen viability varied, but on the average there was a moderate level of pollen sterility. High numbers of pollen grains remained in dehisced anthers, probably as a result of low pollinator activity. However, between 5% and 9% of the pollen produced participated in pollination. Stigmas of most pin flowers received more pin pollen grains than thrum pollen grains; on stigmas of thrum flowers pin pollen grains outnumbered thrum pollen grains. Thus, compatible pollen flow from pins to thrums was greater than in the reverse direction. Anisoplethic and isoplethic populations had the same pollen flow patterns. A plant-by-plant examination of stigmas indicated that many stigmas bore few or no pollen grains. Seed production of the two morphs was equal. Despite the inequities in pollen flow patterns, the widespread and occasionally weedy nature of H. caerulea suggests that its breeding system must be viewed as a successful one.  相似文献   

Pollen flow in a population of Primula vulgaris Huds.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A British population of Primula vulgaris was visited four times between 1971 and 1976 for study of the nature and functioning of distyly. The stainability and production of pollen from pins exceeded those of thrums. About 20% of pin pollen and 48% of thrum pollen was removed from anthers by insect visitors. Pins and thrums were present in a 1:1 ratio in 1971 but pins outnumbered thrums in 1976. Thrums produced more seeds per flower than pins though the number of ovules produced by each was similar. Two methods for collecting stigmas from open flowers and analyzing them for pollen loans produced somewhat different results. For pin stigmas, the pollen load consisted of 2–23% thrum pollen; for thrum stigmas, the pollen load consisted of 0–71% pin pollen with most stigmas having less than 50% pin pollen. In general, intermorph pollen flow is less than would be expected if pollen flow were random. It is probable that most intramorph pollen on stigmas is a result of self- or geitonogamous pollination. The extensive literature concerning the natural pollinators of the primrose is reviewed. Although Darwin's hypothesis concerning the functional significance of distyly in promoting intermorph pollination was never quantified, the pollen flow patterns observed in P. vulgaris are unexpectedly deviant and are similar to those patterns observed in several unrelated heterostylous species in other plant families.  相似文献   

The North American Lythrum lineare L., L. alatum Pursh, L. curtissii Fernald, and L. californicum T. & G. have distylous flowers that differ in a number of traits. In the two species examined, pins have a stronger incompatibility system than thrums. Pins outnumber thrums in natural populations, but the ratio of the two may change radically during the course of a year, probably as a result of sexual reproduction. Exotic honeybees visiting L. californicum exhibited preferential collection of pin pollen over thrum pollen. The relative proportion of pin and thrum pollen grains transferred to stigmas is not dependent upon the proportion in which these pollen grains are produced in a population. Analyses of stigmatic pollen loads of L. lineare and L. californicum indicate very high levels of intramorph pollen flow. Although distyly is likely derived from tristyly in Lythrum, pollen flow patterns in trimorphic species seem to operate more “efficiently” than in dimorphic ones. It is probable that distyly has evolved from tristyly several times in the Lythraceae, but comparisons between pollen flow patterns in distylous species and those in a tristylous species provide no clear insights into the selective pressures that have led to this fundamental change in floral morphology and reproductive system.  相似文献   

We studied a population of the distylousPalicourea padifolia (Rubiaceae) in a cloud forest remnant near Xalapa City, Veracruz, México to explore possible asymmetries between floral morphs in the attractiveness to pollinators, seed dispersers, nectar robbers, floral parasites, and herbivores. We first assessed heterostyly and reciprocal herkogamy by measuring floral attributes such as corolla length (buds and open flowers), style and anther heights, stigma and stamen lengths and the distance between the anther tip to the stigma lobe. We then estimated floral and fruit attributes such as flower size, anther height, number and size of pollen grains, fruit size, seed size, nectar production, and flower and fruit standing crops to assess differences between floral morphs in attracting and effectively using mutualistic pollinators and seed dispersers. Also, floral parasitism and nectar robbing were assessed in this study as a measure of flower attractiveness to antagonists. The system seems to conform well to classical heterostyly (e.g. reciprocal stamen/style lengths, pollen and anther dimorphism, intramorph incompatibility) yet, there were several tantalizing differences observed between pin and thrum morphs. Thrum flowers have longer corollas and larger but fewer pollen grains than pin flowers. Both morphs produced the same total number of inflorescences, developed the same number of buds, and opened the same number of flowers per inflorescence during the flowering season. Nectar production and sugar concentration were similar between floral morphs but the reward was not offered symmetrically to floral visitors throughout the day. Nectar concentration was higher in pin flowers in the afternoon. The numbers of developing, fully developed, and ripe fruits were the same between floral morphs, however, fruits and seeds were larger than those of thrums. The incidence of fly larvae was higher among thrum flowers and damage by nectar robbing was the same between floral morphs. Fruit abortion patterns of flowers manually pollinated suggest intra-morph sterility (self and intramorph incompatibility). There were no differences between morphs in fruit and seed set per flower following legitimate pollination although thrums were more leaky than the pins (intramorph compatibility).  相似文献   

Hand pollinations experiments with distylous Amsinckia douglasiana A. DC. (Boraginaceae) revealed that legitimate (intermorph) crosses produce more seed than self-pollinations and that self-pollinations yield more seed than illegitimate (intramorph) crosses. We tested the occurrence of cryptic incompatibility in both style-length morphs by pollinating them with a mixture of legitimate and illegitimate pollen, each homozygous for a different electrophoretically distinguishable allele of phosphoglucose isomerase. The success of intramorph pollen was greatly reduced in mixture; only about 4% of the offspring of both pins and thrums were sired by illegitimate pollen. One pin and one thrum had sufficiently high seed set that the results cannot be attributed to selective abortion of embryos. In those individuals, discrimination against illegitimate pollen must have occurred on the stigma or in the style. Based on our findings, it appears that illegitimate matings are rare in natural populations. The progeny of legitimate crosses was biased toward pins, which suggests some regulation of morph ratios independent of the style-length locus. Prezygotic discrimination against the thrum genotype or selective abortion of embryos with the thrum genotype are both possible, but selective mortality of seedlings with the thrum genotype cannot be ruled out for some families.  相似文献   

Lithospermum cobrense Greene exhibits the floral dimorphisms and strong self-incompatibility system typical of most distylous plants. Flowers of the long styled (pin) form produce smaller pollen grains but more pollen per flower than flowers of the short styled (thrum) form. Corollas of pins and thrums are equal in size. The breeding system of L. cobrense is less specialized than, and probably ancestral to, that of L. caroliniense.  相似文献   

The floral biology and breeding system of Alpinia blepharocalyx were studied in Yunnan province, southwest China. Our results indicate that populations of A. blepharocalyx have two floral morphs, which differ in flowering behaviour: the cataflexistylous morph in which the stigma is held erect above the dehiscent anther when anthesis begins in the morning and becomes curved under the anther at afternoon, and the anaflexistylous morph in which the receptive stigma is curved under the indehiscent anther first and moves into a reflexed superior position above the anther as it begins to shed pollen in the afternoon; the flowering period of both floral morphs is 12 hours; the stylar movements in the two floral morphs are synchronous, and they have similar traits to those found in other Alpinia species previously reported. Also, on average, cataflexistylous flowers are larger than anaflexistylous flowers, especially the labellum and corolla tube length; moreover, the P/O ratio of the two floral morphs is significantly different: the cataflexistylous morph has more pollen grains and fewer ovules than the anaflexistylous morph; the evolutionary significance of this comparison is discussed. Cataflexistylous flowers were observed to produce a lower concentration of nectar than that of anaflexistylous flowers before 11:00 a.m., but they then have higher nectar concentration; cataflexistylous flowers always have more nectar than anaflexistylous flowers. Flowers of A. blepharocalyx were visited by fewer insects at a lower frequency, including honey bees (Apis cerana cerana) and two species of carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.). No significant differences were found in the fruit set among the hand-pollination treatments regardless of selfing (geitonogamy and autogamy) or crossing (intermorph and intramorph); but all hand-pollination treatments exhibited much higher fruit set than the controls; meanwhile, no fruit set occurred in the unpollinated bagged plants. Pollen tube growth was examined using fluorescence microscopy following self, intramorph, and intermorph hand pollinations at different times of the day; the pollen tubes of both floral morphs have the same growth rate and the capability to reach the ovary. Both the results of pollen tube growth and fruit sets under different pollination conditions show that A. blepharocalyx is self-compatible and dependent upon insects for pollination. The distinctive flexistyly mechanism of A. blepharocalyx is likely a floral mechanism that promotes effective intermorph pollen transfer.  相似文献   

Distyly, floral polymorphism frequently associated with reciprocal herkogamy, self‐ and intramorph incompatibility and secondary dimorphism, constitutes an important sexual system in the Rubiaceae. Here we report an unusual kind of distyly associated with self‐ and/or intramorph compatibility in a perennial herb, Hedyotis acutangula. Floral morphology, ancillary dimorphisms and compatibility of the two morphs were studied. H. acutangula did not exhibit precise reciprocal herkogamy, but this did not affect the equality of floral morphs in the population, as usually found in distylous plants. Both pin and thrum pollen retained relatively high viability for 8 h. The pollen to ovule ratio was 72.5 in pin flowers and 54.4 in thrum flowers. Pistils of pin flowers remained receptive for longer than those of thrum flowers. No apparent difference in the germination rate of pin and thrum pollen grains was observed when cultured in vitro, although growth of thrum pollen tubes was much faster than that of pin pollen tubes. Artificial pollination revealed that pollen tube growth in legitimate intermorph crosses was faster than in either intramorph crosses or self‐pollination, suggesting the occurrence of cryptic self‐incompatibility in this species. Cryptic self‐incompatibility functioned differently in the two morphs, with pollen tube growth rates after legitimate and illegitimate pollination much more highly differentiated in pin flowers than in thrum flowers. No fruit was produced in emasculated netted flowers, suggesting the absence of apomixis. Our results indicate that H. acutangula is distylous, with a cryptic self‐incompatibility breeding system.  相似文献   

A 2-year study of three natural populations of the distylousJasminum fruticans showed that mean fruit and seed production were significantly greater in shortstyled plants (thrums) than in long-styled plants (pins). In this study, we investigated the role of four sequential factors which may differentially influence fruit and seed set in the two floral morphs: (1) differences in flowering phenology, (2) a limitation of pollen transfer towards pins, (3) a differential capacity of the two morphs to act through famale and male function and (4) differential fruit abortion in the two morphs. Fruit set was significantly influenced by differences in flowering phenology although there were no differences in flowering time between the two morphs. supplementary pollinations in a natural population significantly increased fruit set and reduced the difference in fruit set between the two morphs in relation to controls, indicating a limitation on pollen transfer which was most severe towards pin stigmas. In reciprocal crosses, seed set was significantly dependent on the paternal and maternal identity of the pin parent. There was no significant variation among thrums for their performance as male or female parent. Furthermore, individual pin plants with relatively high percentage seed set as female parents gave poor seed set as male parents and vice-versa. Whereas fruit removal had no effect on seed number in thrum plants, a greater proportion of viable seeds were produced on pin plants which were left to naturally mature their fruits than on pins which had fruits artificially removed, suggesting the occurrence of selective fruit abortion in pins but not in thrums. The initially greater maternal fitness of thrums due to their greater success as pollen recipients may thus be opposed by increased viable seed set in the pins due to factors acting after the pollination stage. The relative reproductive success of floral morphs in the distylousJ. fruticans is thus differentially influenced by ecological factors occurring at different stages of the reproductive process.  相似文献   

Abstract: Data on pollination biology constitute important clues for the comprehension of pollen flow and genetic differentiation in plant populations. Pollinator type, availability and behaviour may modify morphological and mating patterns in populations of typically distylous species. This study investigates the pollination biology of four distylous species of Rubiaceae in the Atlantic rain forest, SE Brazil. Data on flowering phenology, floral lifespan, stigmatic receptivity, pollen availability, nectar volume and concentration, and pollinator activity were collected. The species studied flower sequentially throughout the wet season, and produce terminal inflorescences which bear small, tubular, diurnal, nectariferous flowers. Despite these similarities, some of the species studied are pollinated by different groups of pollinators, probably due to their distribution, availability of flowers and corolla length. On the other hand, pollinator specificity does not seem to be so important for distylous species. Long mouthparts, like those of most of the recorded pollinators, may reach lower sexual organs and, together with the self- and intramorph-incompatibilities observed, be sufficient to perform legitimate pollination and maintain levels of intermorph mating.  相似文献   

This 2-yr study of gender and its relation to the sizes of pin and thrum plants in Lithospermum croceum was performed in central Michigan. The population was composed of 51-52% thrums, 42-43% pins, and ≈6% homostyles in 1988 and 1989. Pins produced more flowers and fruits than thrums, and a greater proportion of their ovaries produced more than one nutlet. However, the number of fruits produced by pins and thrums in 1988 did not differ when plant size is a covariate in ANCOVA. The number of seeds produced by plants in 1989 is also unaffected by floral morph when size is a covariate. Instead, plant size is the most important predictor of fecundity in both years. The average percent fruit sets (fruits/ovaries) of the morphs did not differ in either year. Herbivory was more common in 1988 than in 1989, but there was no difference in the frequency with which pins and thrums were attacked. Furthermore, the effect of herbivory on fecundity did not differ for the morphs. The fecundity of neither morph was limited by pollen in 1989. Apparent gender specialization was a consequence of subtle differences in the vegetative sizes of the morphs.  相似文献   

Richard H. Ree 《Biotropica》1997,29(3):298-308
Palicourea padifolia is a distlous shrub visited primarily by hummingbirds and bees in mid-elevation rain forests in Costa Rica. At Las Cruces Biological Station, the population of P. padifolia is composed of equal numbers of pin and thrum plants and morphs are randomly distributed. Like the majority of distylous species, P. padifolia exhibits a self and intramorph-incompatible mating system. The analysis of stigmatic pollen loads obtained from emasculated flowers shows that pollen flow between floral morphs is disassortative, which supports the Darwinian hypothesis concerning the adaptive significance of heterostyly. Pins experience greater disassortative pollination than thrums. Pins also set more seed than thrums, suggesting that the higher frequency of compatible pollen deposited on pin stigmas results in greater fecundity; alternatively, greater seed set in pins could be due to the differential allocation of resources to male and female function between morphs. Overall, seed set for the Las Cruces popularion of P. padifolia is much lower than the potential maximum. Factors which could contribute to seed set limitation include the frequency and/or spatial pattern of pollinator visits, pollen availability, and resource availability.  相似文献   

Summary Different subsets of mainland nectarivores visited Quassia amara (Simaroubaceae), a self-compatible, predominately bird-pollinated treelet, at three islands and the mainland in Panamá. Factors correlated with reproductive success, defined as seed to ovule ratio, included the species pollinating and robbing flowers, visitor activity, pollinator response to nectar robbing, and internal regulation of fruit production. The absence of robbers and former pollinators on an island separated from the mainland during the holocene was associated with shifts in flower size, nectar production, and 3–4fold increases in population reproductive success and pollinator efficiency (=seeds produced per visit). Exclusion of robbers at three sites resulted in seed production 4–12 times greater than control flowers, at which robbers accounted for 52–98% of all visits. Although 36% of buds and over 83% of all flowers were robbed, this had no direct influence on the recorded 36–61% respective abortion rates of buds and flowers. Opportunistic avian robbers appeared where normal robbers were absent; three avian robbers extensively used floral perforations made by Trigona bees, and all ancillary pollinators also robbed. Selection pressures from nectar robbers are discussed that may relate to plant reproductive fitness.  相似文献   


Disassortative mating in distylous self-incompatible species should result in the equilibrium of morph types in natural populations. Deviation from isoplethy may affect pollen transfer, and in isolated populations it could lead to Allee effect and genetic drift. Pollen limitation has been found to occur in several distylous species, for which mating opportunities are actually reduced to half population. In this study, we investigated the reproductive features and pollination ecology of the narrow endemic Primula apennina. We recorded equilibrium of morph frequencies in the studied population, reflecting the comparable fecundity found in the two morphs. Long-styled flowers produce more pollen grains of smaller size than short-styled ones: we hypothesize that in thrum flowers, pollen is more easily removed by the insect pollinator Macroglossum stellatarum, resulting in equal pollen amounts carried to both short styles and long styles. This lower pollen transfer efficiency from long-styled to short-styled flowers is also reflected in legitimate pollen–ovule ratio values. Despite results show no evidence of imminent threats to population persistence at study site, the strict dependence on one or very few pollinator species, and ecological traits, may increase extinction risks in the long-term period.  相似文献   

Distyly, a reproductive system characterized by the presence of long-styled (thrum). and short-styled (pin) individuals within a population, has been repeatedly used as a model for the study of the evolution of the reproductive systems in plants. Erythroxylum havanense is a distylous species in which most thrum plants fail to develop a fertile androecium, thus behaving as male-sterile or partially male-sterile plants. Short-styled (thrum) individuals have an increased performance as female parents, thereby compensating for their loss of male fitness. Previous studies of populations within close proximity to each other suggest that E. havanense may be involved in a process of gender specialization in which, unlike other heterostylous species, thrum plants are specializing as females and pins (long-styled) as males. In this paper we describe more general patterns of male sterility, one of the first steps in the evolution of gender specialization, among populations of the distylous shrub Erythroxylum havanense. Pollen germination differed among populations (range 0.52 ± 0.03 to 0.06 ± 0.04), and between morphs. Pollen from pin plants was almost two times (1.89) as fertile as that from thrums (0.36 ± 0.03 and 0.19 ± 0.03, pin and thrums respectively). Thrums were significantly more male sterile in four out of five populations. The population where differences between the floral morphs were not apparent showed the lowest levels of pollen fertility. Accordingly, our results indicate that populations of E. havanense show marked differences in pollen fertility and higher male sterility associated with the thrum morph. We hypothesize that differences between morphs could be explained if restorers of male sterility are linked to the distyly haplotype, while differences in genes associated with male sterility could explain the variation among populations. Overall, the prevalence of thrum-biased male sterility across populations suggests that E. havanense is subject to a process of gender specialization.  相似文献   

The evolution of male-sterile individuals in hermaphroditic species represents the first step in the evolution of sex specialization. For male-sterile individuals to persist they must have some fitness advantage that compensates for their loss of the male function. Female fecundity also depends on environmental factors as those determining the likelihood of pollination and fertilization. Here we assessed the effects of both male sterility and reproductive synchrony (an environmentally affected trait) on the magnitude of female compensation of Erythroxylum havanense, a distylous shrub with morph-biased male sterility. In vitro measurements of pollen germination showed that thrums were more male sterile than pins. The compensatory advantage of thrums changed by a factor of five depending on flowering synchrony. Flowering in synchrony with the population increased fruit production in both morphs. However, because pins that flowered out of synchrony produced almost no fruits, the reproductive compensation of thrums was higher in these circumstances. Because the magnitude of compensation is frequently considered as a key factor in the evolution of sex specialization, the environmentally induced variation in the magnitude of the reproductive compensation of thrum plants may have profound effects on the evolutionary dynamics of the reproductive system of E. havanense.  相似文献   

Summary From 1985–1987, patterns of fruit and seed set were studied in a population of mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum), a clonal, self-incompatible herb found in deciduous woods in eastern North America. Mayapple flowers do not produce nectar, but depend on infrequent visits by nectar-seeking queen bumble bees for pollination. In all years female reproductive success in mayapple colonies was influenced by colony size (number of flowers), by the distance to neighbouring colonies and by proximity to lousewort plants (Pedicularis canadensis), a prolific nectar producer heavily visited by bumble bees. In all years fruit and seed set were greater in mayapple colonies <25 m from lousewort flowers than in matched colonies which were >50 m from lousewort. In 1985 and 1987 the frequency of queen bumble bee visits to flowers in colonies close to lousewort was about four times greater than to distant colonies. In 1986 I removed about 80% of lousewort flowers to test whether the enhanced fruit and seed set in mayapples close to lousewort was pollinator mediated. Mayapple colonies close to flowerless lousewort patches did not differ in fruit or seed set from matched colonies >50 m from lousewort. In contrast, mayapples close to flowering lousewort patches had greater fruit and seed set compared with distant colonies. Over all years, a larger proportion of mayapples close to flowering lousewort patches had enhanced fruit and seed set compared with colonies close to louseworts without flowers. Though rarely documented, this type of facilitative interaction between plants that are highly attractive to pollinators (magnet species), and co-flowering species that are rarely visited by pollinators, may be widespread in plant communities.  相似文献   

Distyly has been interpreted as a mechanism that promotes cross-pollination among conspecific plants and as one of the routes leading to the evolution of dioecy. In one of the possible evolutionary pathways, pollinators may disrupt intermorph pollen flow, and, as a consequence, floral morphs may gradually specialize as either male or female (functional dioecy). Natural patterns of pollen deposition and fruit and seed production were estimated in Palicourea demissa (Rubiaceae) and used as parameters to assess functional gender differences between floral morphs. Pollen flow was asymmetrical in P. demissa. Long-styled flowers were more effective than short-styled flowers in pollen deposition towards compatible stigmas, whereas short-styled flowers were more effective in legitimate pollen receipt. Accordingly, short-styled plants produced more fruits and viable seeds than long-styled plants. The contributions of male and female function to the potential functional gender were equivalent in both morphs. However, the realized functional gender deviated significantly from the potential functional gender in both morphs, in which short-styled plants were more successful through their female function, but long-styled plants through their male function. If pollinators disrupt the complementarities of pollen transfer between the two morphs (asymmetric pollen flow), the expression of a more profitable gender is expected in each morph. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that dioecy may evolve in distylous populations through the gradual specialization of each morph as either male or female.  相似文献   

By definition, the floral morphs of distylous plants differ in floral architecture. Yet, because cross-pollination is necessary for reproductive success in both morphs, they should not differ in attributes that contribute to attracting and rewarding floral visitors. Floral and vegetative attributes that function in distylous polymorphism in hummingbird-pollinated Palicourea padifolia (Rubiaceae) and the responses of pollinators and insect herbivores to the resources offered by both morphs were investigated. The performance of each morph along multiple stages of the reproductive cycle, from inflorescence and nectar production to fruit production, was surveyed, and pollinator behavior and nectar standing crops were then observed. Costs associated with such attractiveness were also evaluated in terms of herbivore attack and of plant reproductive fitness (female function) as a function of leaf herbivory. The number of inflorescences, floral buds, open flowers, and ripe fruits offered by either floral morph were similar, but short-styled plants almost doubled the number of developing fruits of long-styled plants. Long-styled flowers produced higher nectar volumes and accumulated more nectar over time than short-styled flowers. Measures of nectar standing crop and data on pollinator behavior suggest that hummingbirds respond to this morph-specific scheduling of nectar production. Lastly, long-styled plants suffered a higher herbivore attack and lost more leaf area over time than those with short-styled flowers. Herbivory was negatively correlated with fruit number and fruit mass, and long-styled plants set significantly less fruit mass than short-styled plants. The results suggest that pollinators and herbivores may exert selective pressures on floral and vegetative traits that could also influence gender function.  相似文献   

The restricted perennial diploid herb,Villarsia lasiosperma, of southwestern Western Australia has distylous flowers with dimorphism in style and stamen length, stigma morphology, and pollen size. In order to assess the presence and nature of an incompatibility system in this species, a crossing program was carried out using 17 plants grown from seeds collected in two field populations. Pollen stainabilities of these plants mostly exceeded 95%. Mean seed-set of Longs following intermorph pollinations was c. 24 seeds per pollination and for Shorts was c. 16 seeds per pollination. Approximately three-quarters of the Longs and Shorts produced no seeds after self-pollination; the remainder produced very few seeds following such pollinations. No Shorts produced seeds after intramorph cross-pollinations. However, about half the Longs exhibited various levels of weakened intramorph incompatibility, with mean seed-sets following intramorph cross-pollinations up to half the mean seed-sets following intermorph pollinations. In the behavior of Longs, the incompatibility system ofV. lasiosperma differs from the idealized distylous breeding system, but resembles that of a purported close relative,V. exaltata of eastern and southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

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