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In F2 populations, gametic and zygotic selection may affect the analysis of linkage in different ways. Therefore, specific likelihood equations have to be developed for each case, including dominant and codominant markers. The asymptotic bias of the classical estimates are derived for each case, in order to compare them with the standard errors of the suggested estimates. We discuss the utility and the efficiency of a previous model developed for dominant markers. We show that dominant markers provide very poor information in the case of segregation distortion and, therefore, should be used with circumspection. On the other hand, the estimation of recombination fractions between codominant markers is less affected by selection than is that for dominant markers. We also discuss the analysis of linkage between dominant and codominant markers.  相似文献   

水稻日本晴与广陆矮4号杂交F2群体SSR标记偏分离原因探析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
以全基因组测序已经完成的材料粳稻日本晴和完成了第4染色体全序列测序的籼稻广陆矮4号的杂交F2作为构图群体,共90个单株,构建了一张含148个微卫星标记的水稻分子遗传图谱。该F2群体显著偏分离非常高,发现有49个分子标记表现偏分离(P〈0.05),占总标记数的33.11%,这些偏分离标记中有36个偏向广陆4号,13个偏向杂合体,没有偏向日本晴的偏分离标记。讨论了配子体基因和孢子体基因导致偏分离的原因,通过已经定位的配子体基因和杂种不育基因分布在偏分离集中的区域来进一步说明配子体基因和杂种不育基因确实是导致偏分离形成的原因,而且还通过未定位的标记分析了偏分离的原因。  相似文献   

提出新的以广义最小二乘法原理处理同胞对数据间的相关性,以多元响应回归的方法处理多个性状数据间的相关性的多元性状同胞对连锁分析方法,模型的参数估计使用MCMC方法.并把此模型应用于原发性高血压基因定位的实际数据中.结果表明,与把多元性状拆成单一性状进行分析的方法相比,本文的方法可以提高估计的精度和检验的效能.  相似文献   

本文提出在雄性不交换条件下,在F2群体中进行基因定位的计算方法.  相似文献   

Abstract The Singing-Ground Survey (SGS) is a primary source of information on population change for American woodcock (Scolopax minor). We analyzed the SGS using a hierarchical log-linear model and compared the estimates of change and annual indices of abundance to a route regression analysis of SGS data. We also grouped SGS routes into Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) and estimated population change and annual indices using BCRs within states and provinces as strata. Based on the hierarchical model–based estimates, we concluded that woodcock populations were declining in North America between 1968 and 2006 (trend = −0.9%/yr, 95% credible interval: −1.2, −0.5). Singing-Ground Survey results are generally similar between analytical approaches, but the hierarchical model has several important advantages over the route regression. Hierarchical models better accommodate changes in survey efficiency over time and space by treating strata, years, and observers as random effects in the context of a log-linear model, providing trend estimates that are derived directly from the annual indices. We also conducted a hierarchical model analysis of woodcock data from the Christmas Bird Count and the North American Breeding Bird Survey. All surveys showed general consistency in patterns of population change, but the SGS had the shortest credible intervals. We suggest that population management and conservation planning for woodcock involving interpretation of the SGS use estimates provided by the hierarchical model.  相似文献   

单种群生长的广义Logistic模型中参数的一种估值方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文提出种群生长的实测数据与广义Logistic模型的相容性条件,给出估计环境容纳量K的数学方法,利用常微分方程反问题的处理方法与麦夸特方法,对模型中参数进行近似估计与优化估计,其方法简便、通用性强.  相似文献   

In the present study, data from four F2 crosses were analysed and used to study the linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure within and across the crosses. Genome‐wide association analyses (GWASes) for conductivity and dressing out meat traits were conducted using single‐marker and Bayesian multi‐marker models using the pooled data from all F2 crosses. Porcine F2 crosses generated from the distantly related founder breeds Wild Boar, Piétrain and Meishan, as well as from a porcine F2 cross from the closely related founder breed Piétrain and an F1 Large White × Landrace cross were pooled. A total of 2572 F2 animals were genotyped using a 62K SNP chip. The positions of the SNPs were based on genome assembly Sscrofa11.1. After post‐alignment and genotype filtering, approximately 50K SNPs were usable for LD studies and GWASes. The main findings of the present study are that the breakdown of LD was faster in crosses from closely related founder breeds compared to crosses from distantly related founders. The fastest breakdown of LD was observed by pooling the data. Based on the single‐marker results and LD structure, clusters and windows were built for 1‐Mb intervals. For conductivity and dressing out, 183 and 191 nominal significant associations respectively and six and five clusters respectively were found. Dominance was important for conductivity, and considering dominance in GWASes improved the mapping signals. Most clear signals were found for conductivity on SSC6, 8 and 15 and for dressing out on SSC2 and 7. Considering dominance might contribute to the accuracy of genomic selection and serve as a guide for choosing mating pairs with good combining abilities. However, further research is needed to investigate if dominance is also important in crossbreed pig breeding schemes.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国汉族人群甘露糖结合凝集素相关的丝氨酸蛋白酶(MASP2)基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的连锁不平衡和单体型,为相关研究提供更为详实的数据。方法:选取30例广州汉族无关个体,用重新测序的方法进行MASP2基因SNP的发掘,构建连锁不平衡(LD)模式,与HapMap公布的其他4个人群数据相比,并选择4个标签SNP(tagSNP)在232例北京汉族个体和291例广州汉族个体中分析MASP2的多态性和单体型。结果和结论:对MASP2的重测序共检测出16个SNP,LD分析显示来自中国不同地区人群的LD模式基本相同,与来自美国和日本的人群存在差异;北京和广州地区汉族人群tagSNP的等位基因和基因型频率分布不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

 Either by selective breeding for population divergence or by using natural population differences, F2 and advanced generation hybrids can be developed with high variances. We relate the size of the genetic variance to the population divergence based on a forward and backward mutation model at a locus with two alleles with additive gene action. The effects of population size and initial gene frequency are also explored. Larger parental population sizes increase the F2 genetic variance if the initial probability distribution is uniform or U-shaped. However, population size has the opposite effect if the initial distribution of gene frequencies is skewed such as it would be with newly arriving alleles. These alleles contribute to the genetic variance sooner when the selection pressure is higher or when the effective population size is smaller. Received: 5 April 1998 / Accepted: 22 April 1998  相似文献   

我们先前通过全基因组扫描发现lp36与体重指数显提示性连锁(LOD=2.09)。肿瘤坏死因子受体2(1NFR2)定位于lp36,是肥胖的一个极好的图位和功能侯选基因。本研究采用数量传递连锁不平衡检验在两个大的独立的白人样本中进行了TNFR2基因与肥胖表型的连锁与关联检验。第一组受试者由来自79个多代家系的1836个个体组成;第二组受试者由来自157个核心家庭的636个个体组成。所检测的肥胖表型包括体重指数、脂肪量和脂肪量百分数。在多代家系中我们发现TNFR2基因变异与BMI显著连锁(P=0.0056)。结果表明,TNFR2基因是影响白人BMI变异的一个数量性状位点。  相似文献   

李宏 《生命科学研究》2002,6(2):123-128
提出了雄性不交换条件下F2群体区间标记定位QTL的相关方法,并且对其适用的条件进行了讨论,通过对分子区间标记进行赋值,计算在无交叉干涉条件下分子标记与表型值的简单相关系数,并在此基础上进行连锁检验,在特定条件下可以估计数量性状座位(QTL)与分子标记座位间的连锁值。  相似文献   

TFDP3 has been previously identified as an inhibitor of E2F molecules. It has been shown to suppress E2F1-induced apoptosis dependent P53 and to play a potential role in carcinogenesis. However, whether it indeed helps cancer cells tolerate apoptosis stress in cancer tissues remains unknown. TFDP3 expression was assessed by RT-PCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry in normal human tissues, cancer tissues and prostate cancer tissues. The association between TFDP3 and E2F1 in prostate cancer development was analyzed in various stages. Apoptosis was evaluated with annexin-V and propidium iodide staining and flow-cytometry. The results show that, in 96 samples of normal human tissues, TFDP3 could be detected in the cerebrum, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, bronchus, breast, ovary, uterus, and skin, but seldom in the lung, muscles, prostate, and liver. In addition, TFDP3 was highly expressed in numerous cancer tissues, such as brain-keratinous, lung squamous cell carcinoma, testicular seminoma, cervical carcinoma, skin squamous cell carcinoma, gastric adenocarcinoma, liver cancer, and prostate cancer. Moreover, TFDP3 was positive in 23 (62.2%) of 37 prostate cancer samples regardless of stage. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry results show that TFDP3 was always expressed in coordination with E2F1 at equivalent expression levels in prostate cancer tissues, and was highly expressed particularly in samples of high stage. When E2F1 was extrogenously expressed in LNCap cells, TFDP3 could be induced, and the apoptosis induced by E2F1 was significantly decreased. It was demonstrated that TFDP3 was a broadly expressed protein corresponding to E2F1 in human tissues, and suggested that TFDP3 is involved in prostate cancer cell survival by suppressing apoptosis induced by E2F1.  相似文献   

视网膜母细胞瘤基因(retinoblastoma gene, RB1)突变或调节CDK-RB-E2F通路其他成分的突变存在于几乎所有人类恶性肿瘤中。因此,通过抑制细胞周期蛋白激酶(CDK)来实现对细胞周期的调控,在肿瘤治疗中越来越显示出其优势。目前,CDK4/6抑制剂帕博西尼(palbociclib)联合芳香酶抑制剂,治疗ER 阳性乳腺癌是很有效的临床应用。研究显示,CDK-RB-E2F信号通路,对控制乳腺细胞增殖发挥关键作用。近期的研究结果,揭示了该通路在肿瘤发展、血管生成及转移中的作用。并且,E2Fs是不依赖于其他临床参数的乳腺癌预后指标。本综述总结了乳腺癌中RB E2F通路的最新研究进展,并且讨论应用高通量基因组学研究,筛选获得乳腺癌中CDK4/6抑制剂重要的作用靶点,旨在发展更有效的联合治疗手段。  相似文献   

根据连锁遗传的原理,列出了三点自交法和两点自交最大似然(ML)法估算显性标记遗传距离的具体步骤和算法,将水稻F2群体含香味基因Aro及其连锁的RFLP数据转变为显性标记数据后,用上述两种方法构建的连锁图谱与用MAPMAKER软件计算共显性数据得到的图谱排序相同、标记间距离相近.但是标记数据存在较大程度偏分离时,由三点自交法构建的图谱中标记间图距有增大趋势.作者为提高作图精确性,简化计算过程,讨论了三点自交法对估算重组值的影响及其在分子标记作图中的应用价值,并建议将共显性标记转变为显性标记时进行两次自交ML法估算。  相似文献   

Avian genomes are small and lack some genes that are conserved in the genomes of most other vertebrates including nonavian sauropsids. One hypothesis stated that paralogs may provide biochemical or physiological compensation for certain gene losses; however, no functional evidence has been reported to date. By integrating evolutionary analysis, physiological genomics, and experimental gene interference, we clearly demonstrate functional compensation for gene loss. A large-scale phylogenetic analysis of over 1,400 SLC2 gene sequences identifies six new SLC2 genes from nonmammalian vertebrates and divides the SLC2 gene family into four classes. Vertebrates retain class III SLC2 genes but partially lack the more recent duplicates of classes I and II. Birds appear to have completely lost the SLC2A4 gene that encodes an important insulin-sensitive GLUT in mammals. We found strong evidence for positive selection, indicating that the N-termini of SLC2A4 and SLC2A12 have undergone diversifying selection in birds and mammals, and there is a significant correlation between SLC2A12 functionality and basal metabolic rates in endotherms. Physiological genomics have uncovered that SLC2A12 expression and allelic variants are associated with insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels in wild birds. Functional tests have indicated that SLC2A12 abrogation causes hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and high relative activity, thus increasing energy expenditures that resemble a diabetic phenotype. These analyses suggest that the SLC2A12 gene not only functionally compensates insulin response for SLC2A4 loss but also affects daily physical behavior and basal metabolic rate during bird evolution, highlighting that older genes retain a higher level of functional diversification.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease with complex genetic factors. Single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the SLC22A4 gene have been previously reported to be associated with RA in Japanese but not European populations. This study further investigated the association of SLC22A4 polymorphisms, in particular slc2F1/slc2F2, with RA in the Chinese population, the largest Asian population. A total of 160 human subjects with 95 RA patients and 65 healthy controls were genotyped for slc2F1‐G/A and slc2F2‐C/T polymorphisms. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the genotype distribution of these two polymorphisms between the two groups. In addition, the presence of slc2F1 A allele and slc2F2 T allele carries a 1.93‐fold and 2.14‐fold increased risk for anticyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) positivity, respectively. Overall, this study provided evidence that SLC22A4 gene polymorphisms played important roles in the etiology of RA in the largest Asian population, the Chinese population.  相似文献   

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