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The reproductive biology of tree species of a tropical rain forest was investigated to determine the relative frequency and spatial distribution of different types of pollination mechanisms. Species pollinated by medium-sized to large bees were most frequent, followed by those pollinated by moths, small diverse insects and small bees, in that order. Almost one half the total species were found to have pollinators with wide foraging ranges. Species pollinated by various groups of pollinators were distributed non-randomly. The greatest diversity of pollination systems was found in the subcanopy. As compared to the subcanopy, pollination mechanisms in the canopy were monotonous, consisting primarily of species pollinated by bees and small diverse insects. The hummingbird- and sphingid moth-pollinated species were found mainly in the subcanopy. The factors underlying the non-random distribution of pollinators are discussed and the potential implications of such distribution on the forest structure are explored.  相似文献   

Most plants in Mediterranean ecosystems are insect pollinated, with pollen being the main reward to pollinators. The great majority of pollinators (70%) are bees and flies. We measured the energy content of pollen from 40 plant species in these ecosystems that represent abiotic and biotic pollination modes as well as the number of species of their pollinators. Pollen energy content correlates with pollinator diversity. Pollen of wind-pollinated plants contained less energy than that of insect-pollinated plants; there was no difference between insect-pollinated dicots and insect-pollinated monocots. The median date of flowering (from 1 January) estimated for each of the plant species did not vary significantly either with the number of pollinator species or with the energy content of pollen. The reasons for the differing values of pollen energy content are discussed; in particular, its relation to the type of pollen reserves, length of the flower style, and pollination enhancement.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of flower‐size variation along altitudinal gradients in the bee‐pollinated perennial Campanula rotundifolia (Campanulaceae) by examining 22 Norwegian populations at altitudes between 240 and 1100 m a.s.l. We explored potential mechanisms for the underlying pattern by quantifying pollinator–faunal composition, pollinator‐visitation rates and pollen limitation of seed set in subsets of the study populations. Despite a decrease in plant size, several measures of flower size increased with elevation. Bumble bees were the main pollinators at both alpine and lowland sites in the study area. However, species composition of the pollinator fauna differed, and pollinators were larger in higher‐elevation than in lower‐elevation sites. Pollinator visitation rates were lower at higher‐elevations than at lower elevations. Pollen limitation of seed set did not vary significantly with altitude. Our results are consistent with differences in bumble‐bee size and visitation rates as causal mechanisms for the relatively larger flowers at higher elevations, in three non‐mutually exclusive ways: 1) Larger flowers reflect selection for increased attractiveness where pollinators are rare. 2) Larger and fewer flowers represent a risk avoidance strategy where the probability of pollination is low on any given day. 3) Flower size variation reflects selection to improve the fit of pollinators with fertile structures by matching flower size to pollinator size across sites.  相似文献   

The floral nectar sugar compositions of 20 New World species from 10 genera and of five interspecific hybrids in tribe Antirrhineae have been analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Species are pollinated by short-tongued bees, long-tongued bees, and hummingbirds. Ornithophily represents the derived condition in the tribe and has arisen independently in subtribes Maurandyinae and Gambeliinae. All nectars analyzed are sucrose-dominant or -rich, except for the hexose-rich nectar of Mohavea breviflora. Despite the predominance of sucrose, floral nectar sugars from species pollinated by different pollen vectors have characteristic constituents. Nectar sugars from flowers visited by hummingbirds average 76.2% sucrose and have compositions remarkably similar to hummingbird nectars analyzed in previous studies of unrelated species. Long-tongued bee nectars average 87% sucrose and differ from shorttongued bee nectars which have the lowest mean sucrose percentage (40.2%). The association of sugar constituent types and principal pollinators is concordant with previous data and supports hypotheses concerning pollinator preferences and the adaptive significance of certain nectar sugar compositions. Within this adaptive framework, phylogenetic constraint is also operative and may explain the predominance of sucrose in nectar sugars, similarities in sugar composition among hummingbird nectars in subtribes Maurandyinae and Gambeliinae, and the similarity of nectar from Galvezia leucantha (long-tongued bee-pollinated) to hummingbird-pollinated species also in subtribe Gambeliinae.  相似文献   

Dalechampia brownsbergensis and D. fragrans co-occur in Suriname, and both are pollinated by fragrance-collecting male euglossine bees. Dalechampia brownsbergensis appears to bloom year-round and is pollinated by relatively few species of bees, including Euglossa tridentata and E. gaianii. In contrast, D. fragrans appears to bloom from late October through early December and is visited and pollinated by at least 13 species of euglossines. Field observations of pollination indicated that the two species did not share pollinators. However, when the flowers of D. fragrans were “transplanted” into a population of D. brownsbergensis, the main pollinator of D. brownsbergensis also visited the flowers of D. fragrans. The pollinators of D. fragrans, however, did not visit the flowers of D. brownsbergensis. Partial sharing of pollinators may have only a small negative impact on the two sympatric plant species at this site because they flower simultaneously only part of the year, and they are often spatially separated from one another.  相似文献   

The pollination ecology of four Dalechampia species was studied in three areas in northern Natal, South Africa. All species were pollinated by resin- and/or pollen-collecting megachilid bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). The most common of these at all study sites was Heriades sp. (Megachilini), which collected both pollen and resin. This bee was the primary pollinator of D. galpinii and D. volubilis, and a secondary pollinator of D. aff. parvifolia and D. capensis. The primary pollinators of these latter two Dalechampia were Pachyanthidium near cucullatum and P. cordatum (Anthididiini), respectively. These are larger bees that collected mainly resin. Other visitors varied among Dalechampia species and among sites. Pairs of Dalechampia species were often found in sympatry (within 30 m of each other) and shared pollinators to varying extents. “Transfer experiments,” in which we placed inflorescences of two Dalechampia species together, reinforced observations of flower discrimination by bees foraging among naturally occurring sympatric pairs. Heriades sp. showed no obvious discrimination between Dalechampia species, but Pachyanthidium spp. “preferred” the Dalechampia species with the greater resin reward. Occasionally, however, Pachyanthidium would visit less rewarding species. Thus, although sympatric African Dalechampia species showed some pollinator partitioning, it was much weaker than found among New World species, and cannot alone explain the general absence of Dalechampia hybrids in northern Natal.  相似文献   

The pollination patterns of bees and butterflies were observed in an assemblage composed of 57 plants of Lythrum alatum and 30 plants of L. salicaria. Lythrum salicaria was preferred by both groups of pollinators as indicated by the greater number of flights from this species as compared to flights from L. alatum. The degree of assortative pollination was measured in both groups of pollinators and was greater in bees. Fidelity in bees appeared to be in response to species attractiveness, whereas in butterflies it appeared to be in response to species balance.  相似文献   

Extensively managed and flower‐rich mountain hay meadows, hotspots of Europe''s biodiversity, are subject to environmental and climatic gradients linked to altitude. While the shift of pollinators from bee‐ to fly‐dominated communities with increasing elevation across vegetation zones is well established, the effect of highland altitudinal gradients on the community structure of pollinators within a specific habitat is poorly understood. We assessed wild bee and hoverfly communities, and their pollination service to three plant species common in mountain hay meadows, in eighteen extensively managed yellow oat grasslands (Trisetum flavescens) with an altitudinal gradient spanning approx. 300 m. Species richness and abundance of pollinators increased with elevation, but no shift between hoverflies and wild bees (mainly bumblebees) occurred. Seedset of the woodland cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum) increased with hoverfly abundance, and seedset of the marsh thistle (Cirsium palustre) increased with wild bee abundance. Black rampion (Phyteuma nigrum) showed no significant response. The assignment of specific pollinator communities, and their response to altitude in highlands, to different plant species underlines the importance of wild bees and hoverflies as pollinators in extensive grassland systems.  相似文献   

Based on the ready availability of nectar and pollen, and on the large numbers and great diversity of insect visitors, species in the Apiaceae have been labeled promiscuous. The distinction between floral visitors and effective pollinators, however, is extremely important and is rarely discerned. Floral visitation was documented for plants of nine populations in a comparative study of three species of the closely related apioid genera, Thaspium Nutt. and Zizia Koch. A pollinator importance index was calculated for each floral visitor using visitor abundance, pollen load composition and foraging behavior as its basic components. Results showed that, despite a high diversity of insect visitors, generally 1–4 species accounted for a minimum of about 74% of the pollinations in all populations. This specialization in pollination appears in part to be the result of an oligolectic relationship between Andrena ziziae (Hymenoptera; Andrenidae) and plants of the taxa studied, but solitary bees of Andrenidae, Colletidae and Halictidae in general were efficient and important pollinators. This study emphasizes that visitation records, when considered alone, effectively disguise specialization in the pollination system.  相似文献   

The pollination of Paspalum dilatatum was studied in south-central Oklahoma during the summer of 1979. Pollen was liberated between 0700–0900 hr except on humid mornings (RH ≤ 80%), when there was a delay of 2–3 hr and a reduction in the total air-borne pollen concentration. A rapid decrease in air-borne pollen concentration with distance from the source results from: 1) individual pollen grains larger (50–70 μ in diam) than typical wind-pollinated plants, and 2) some pollen dispersed as clusters of grains. Several floral characters of P. dilatatum led to a hypothesis that this perennial grass may be entomophilous as well as anemophilous. Not only were the pollen grains larger than most other wind-pollinated taxa but the species produced fewer than 2,500 pollen grains per ovule. Three additional observations corroborate this view: 1) solitary bees (Halictidae) actively collect pollen during the morning, 2) the number of pollen grains per stigma was significantly (P < 0.001) greater on racemes exposed to both wind and bees than on racemes exposed only to wind, and 3) the combination of bees and wind as pollinators significantly (P < 0.001) increased seed set compared to wind alone.  相似文献   

In many plants, the frequency of geitonogamous (within-plant) pollination is likely to increase as a function of the number of simultaneously blooming flowers. This increase in self-pollination often produces inbreeding depression. Thus, a dilemma may exist in that individuals cannot increase seed production without lowering the average fitness of each seed. Conditions necessary for the existence of the dilemma were confirmed in large individuals of the herbaceous perennial Geranium caespitosum. Manually geitonogamously pollinated flowers initiated as many fruits as manually outcrossed flowers, but showed a subsequently greater number of embryo abortions, matured fewer seeds, and had a lower average seed weight. Observations of pollinators and dye transfer showed that geitonogamous bee pollinations increased as the number of flowers per plant increased. A simple model predicted that detrimental effects from geitonogamy become likely when 55 flowers are simultaneously blooming. Plants with 55 or more flowers produced 30% of the flowers in populations. The effect, and possible circumvention, of the dilemma on Geranium, and angiosperm breeding systems in general, is discussed.  相似文献   

塔落岩黄芪主要传粉蜂的传粉效率研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塔落岩黄芪 (Hedysarum laeve)是毛乌素沙地重要豆科植物, 在我国西部生态系统恢复与重建中起着重要作用, 但其自交率非常低, 必须依靠传粉昆虫授粉才能结实。野生传粉蜂是其主要传粉者。为了明确塔落岩黄芪的主要传粉蜂组成及优势传粉蜂的传粉效率, 2004–2006年, 我们设置了4个2 m×2 m样方观测访花昆虫的组成并对主要传粉蜂的访花频率、花粉移出率和柱头花粉沉降数目及单花停留时间进行了观测。结果表明白脸条蜂(Anthophora albifronella)、海切叶蜂(Megachile maritima)和散熊蜂(Bombus sporsdicus)是塔落岩黄芪的主要传粉蜂, 其中白脸条蜂在数量和访花频率上占有明显优势, 但其花粉移出率比海切叶蜂和散熊蜂的低, 3种蜂的柱头花粉沉降数目没有显著区别。通过对这3种蜂的花粉移出率、柱头花粉沉降数目和访花频率综合分析后, 我们认为白脸条蜂是塔落岩黄芪最有效的传粉蜂。  相似文献   

Increasing cultivation of oilseed rape may have consequences for pollinators and wild plant pollination. By providing pollinating insects with pollen and nectar, oilseed rape benefits short-tongued, generalist insect species. Long-tongued bumble bee species, specialized to other flower types, may instead be negatively affected by increased competition from the generalists (e.g. due to nectar-robbing of long-tubed flowers) after oilseed rape flowering has ceased. We expected that the increased abundance of short-tongued pollinators and reduced abundance of long-tongued bumble bees in landscapes with a high proportion of oilseed rape would impact the pollination of later flowering wild plant species. In addition, we expected contrasting effects on plants pollinated by short-tongued pollinators and those pollinated by long-tongued bumble bees. We predicted that semi-natural grasslands, which provide insects with alternative floral resources, would reduce both negative and positive effects on pollination by mitigating competition between pollinators.In 16 semi-natural grasslands, surrounded by agricultural landscapes, with a variation in both the proportion of oilseed rape and the proportion of semi-natural grassland within 1 km, we studied reproductive output in two species of potted plants with different pollination strategies: the woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) and red clover (Trifolium pratense). The first species is mainly pollinated by short-tongued pollinators, e.g. hoverflies and solitary bees, and the latter by long-tongued bumble bees. Both species flowered after oilseed rape.Strawberry weight was higher in landscapes with a high proportion of oilseed rape, but only in landscapes with a low proportion of semi-natural grassland. The proportion of developed achenes was also positively related to the proportion of oilseed rape, but only during the latest flowering period. In contrast, red clover seed set was unrelated to the proportion of oilseed rape. Whereas the discrepancy between the two strawberry measurements calls for further research, this study suggests that oilseed rape can affect later flowering plants and that the impact differs among species.  相似文献   

Pollination ecology of Campanula species on Mt Olympos, Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nine Campanula species occurring along the elevation gradient of Mt Olympos were studied regarding their pollination ecology. The main issues considered were 1) the relative importance of various insect taxa as Campanula pollinators, 2) the patterns of pollinators' size and activity as a function of altitude, 3) the effect of pollinator exclusion on floral longevity, and 4) the extent to which the morphological difference of C. versicolor from the other Campanula species on Mt Olympos is expressed in its pollinating fauna. The vast majority of Campanula pollinators were solitary bees. Andrenidae and Megachilidae bees (mainly Chelostoma campanulorum) dominated the pollinating fauna of most species, Melittidae and bumblebees were the commonest pollinators of high altitude species. Campanula versicolor differs from the other Campanula species in that its corolla is not bell-shaped but flat. Mainly Apis mellifera, syrphid flies, and carpenter bees, unlike all other Campanula species on Mt Olympos pollinated it. At the species level, rather large altitudinal differences of Campanula populations did not result into large diversification of their pollinating fauna. The insect visitation rate to flowers decreased with altitude. When pollinators were excluded, the floral longevity of the species examined increased three to five times. Neither flower phase (male of female) was consistently favoured in the absence of pollinators. The pollen loads of the different insect taxa (Apis mellifera included) were of variable purity. The majority of Megachilidae bees carried pollen loads of high purity. Pollen loads from insects visiting Campanula species at high altitudes did not differ significantly in their purity from those visiting lowland species. The distribution of Campanula pollinators' body size along the altitudinal gradient exhibited a U-shaped pattern. No relationship was found between insect-pollinator body size and corolla size of Campanula species.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in a phryganic (East Mediterranean) ecosystem at Daphni, near Athens, Greece. The Labiatae, represented by ten species belonging to nine genera, dominate in this ecosystem type. They flower from February to July. Both flowering time and nectar quantity are related to the species ability to tolerate intense water stress. Labiatae are visited by 201 insect species. Of these, 43 are exclusively supported by the family and 37 are monotropous. Solitary bees (mainly Anthophoridae, Megachilidae, Halictidae) constitute 47.3% of pollinators. The family is important in hosting specialized bees (15 species) in phrygana, particularly late in the flowering season. Labiatae species form two equally represented groups in this system; namely, the late winter-early spring (early) flowering, visited by relatively few pollinator species, and the late spring-summer (late) flowering species, visited by numerous pollinators. This temporal distinction is accompanied by different pollination profiles that include duration of anthesis, reward to pollinators, floral attractiveness, and flower character differentiation. All of these attributes are maximized in the early flowering period. This strategy suggests a mechanism for resource partitioning at a time when the pollinator resource is limited and competition for the services of pollinators is expected to be intense. Contrary to the current theory concerning cornucopian species, the copiously rewarding flowers of Labiatae in phrygana are not those abundantly serviced by pollinators.  相似文献   

Non‐rewarding plants use a variety of ruses to attract their pollinators. One of the least understood of these is generalized food deception, in which flowers exploit non‐specific food‐seeking responses in their pollinators. Available evidence suggests that colour signals, scent and phenology may all play key roles in this form of deception. Here we investigate the pollination systems of five Eulophia spp. (Orchidaceae) lacking floral rewards. These species are pollinated by bees, notably Xylocopa (Anthophorinae, Apidae) or Megachile (Megachilidae) for the large‐flowered species and anthophorid (Anthophorinae, Apidae) or halictid (Halictidae) bees for the small‐flowered species. Spectra of the lateral petals and ultraviolet‐absorbing patches on the labella are strongly contrasting in a bee visual system, which may falsely signal the presence of pollen to bees. All five species possess pollinarium‐bending mechanisms that are likely to limit pollinator‐mediated self‐pollination. Flowering times extend over 3–4 months and the onset of flowering was not associated with the emergence of pollinators, some of which fly year round. Despite sharing pollinators with other plants and lacking rewards that would encourage fidelity, the Eulophia spp. exhibited relatively high levels of pollen transfer efficiency compared with other rewarding and deceptive orchids. We conclude that the study species employ generalized food deception and exploit food‐seeking bees. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 171 , 713–729.  相似文献   

Calanthe striata has nectarless flowers that are self‐compatible, but pollinator dependent. Field observations showed that the flowers were pollinated exclusively by the carpenter bee Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans, although the bees occasionally wasted pollen by delivering to the stigmatic surface pollinaria that retained their anther caps. Fruit set ratios at the population level varied spatiotemporally, but were generally low (8.3–17.3%). Calanthe striata blooms in spring when post‐overwintering carpenter bees have not yet started foraging for brood production. It can therefore exploit an abundance of opportunistic/naïve foragers. This timing may also increase the possibility of pollinator visits, because no rewarding co‐flowering plants are available in the orchid habitats. A literature review of Orchidaceae pollinated by carpenter bees revealed that at least 14 species of Orchidoideae and Epidendroideae have evolved flowers specialized for carpenter bee pollination. They typically have shallow pink/magenta flowers with a foothold for pollinators; pollinaria are attached to the head, ventral thorax or base of the middle legs of carpenter bees when they insert their heads and/or proboscises into flowers; pollination success is generally low, a probable consequence of the deceptive pollination systems. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 171 , 730–743.  相似文献   

The flora of New Caledonia is characterized by remarkably high species diversity, high endemicity, and an unusual abundance of archaic plant taxa. To investigate community-level pollination mutualism in this endemic ecosystem, we observed flower visitors on 99 plant species in 42 families of various types of vegetation. Among the 95 native plant species, the most dominant pollination system was melittophily (bee-pollinated, 46.3%), followed by phalaenophily (moth-pollinated, 20.0%), ornithophily (bird-pollinated, 11.6%), cantharophily (beetle-pollinated, 8.4%), myophily (fly-pollinated, 3.2%), chiropterophily (bat-pollinated, 3.2%), and anemophily (wind-pollinated, 3.2%). The prevalence of ornithophily by honeyeaters shows an ecological link to pollination mutualism in Australia. The relative dominance of phalaenophily is unique to New Caledonia, and is proposed to be related to the low diversity of the original bee fauna and the absence of long-tongued bees. Although some archaic plants maintain archaic plant-pollinator interactions, e.g., Zygogynum pollinated by micropterigid moths, or Hedycarya pollinated by thrips and staphylinid beetles, the most dominant organism observed on flowers was the introduced honey bee, Apis mellifera. The plant species now visited by honey bees are thought to have originally been pollinated by native solitary short-tongued bees. Our data suggest that the unique systems of pollination mutualism in New Caledonia are now endangered by the establishment of highly invasive honey bees.  相似文献   

Among associations of plants and their pollinating bees, mutually specialized pairings are rare. Typically, either pollen specialist (oligolectic) bees are joined by polylectic bees in a flowering species’ pollinator guild, or specialized flowers are pollinated by one or more polylectic bees. The bee Andrena astragali is a narrow oligolege, collecting pollen solely from two nearly identical species of death camas (Toxicoscordion, formerly Zigadenus). Neurotoxic alkaloids of these plants are implicated in sheep and honey bee poisoning. In this study, T. paniculatum, T. venenosum and co-flowering forbs were sampled for bees at 15 sites along a 900-km-long east–west transect across the northern Great Basin plus an altitudinal gradient in northern Utah’s Bear River Range. Only A. astragali bees were regularly seen visiting flowering panicles of these Toxicoscordion. In turn, this bee was never among the 170 bee species caught at 17 species of other prevalent co-occurring wildflowers in the same five state region (38,000 plants surveyed). Our field pollination experiments show that T. paniculatum is primarily an outcrosser dependent on pollinator visitation for most capsule and seed set. Thus, both A. astragali and two sister species of Toxicoscordion are narrowly specialized and co-dependent on each other for reproduction, illustrating a rare case of obligate mutual specialization in bee–plant interactions.  相似文献   

Solitary bees often form specialised mutualisms with particular plant species, while honeybees are considered to be relatively opportunistic foragers. Thus, it may be expected that solitary bees are more effective pollinators than honeybees when foraging on the same floral resource. To test this, we studied two Wahlenbergia species (Campanulaceae) in South Africa that are visited by both social honeybees and solitary bees, and which are shown here to be genetically self-incompatible and thus reliant on pollinator visits for seed production. Contrary to expectation, the solitary bee Lipotriches sp. (Halictidae) and social bee Apis mellifera (Apidae), which were the two most frequent visitors to flowers of the study species, were equally effective pollinators in terms of the consequences of single visits for fruit and seed set. Both bee species preferentially visited female phase flowers, which contain more nectar than male phase flowers. Male solitary bees of several genera frequently shelter overnight in flowers of both Wahlenbergia species, but temporal exclusion experiments showed that this behaviour makes little contribution to either seed production or pollen dispersal (estimated using a dye particle analogue). Manipulation of flower colour using a sunscreen that removed UV reflectance strongly reduced visits by both bee groups, while neither group responded to Wahlenbergia floral odour cues in choice tests. This study indicates that while flowers of Wahlenbergia cuspidata and W. krebsii are pollinated exclusively by bees, they are not under strong selection to specialise for pollination by any particular group of bees.  相似文献   

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