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天主教传教士Pierre Marie Heude(1836-1902)1867年自法国来到中国,他特别钟情于自然历史研究,把几乎所有的精力倾注于他在东亚地区的标本收藏上。1868年,他在现上海市郊的徐家汇建立了一座博物馆并收藏大量的动物标本。1933年徐家汇博物馆被震旦大学(现复旦大学)接管,并建立了一座新馆,更名为震旦博物院(欧洲称为Musee Heude),在Heude收藏的标本中,一部分是他在菲律宾,印度尼西亚,日本,印度及中国等地区探险时采集的,而绝大多数标本则是他通过各种方法联络各国同僚收集而来,在他死后,由他的接班人Courtois和Sowerby等继承了他的研究,1952年,上海自然历史博物馆接收了原震旦博物院,1958年原震旦博物院的标本被送至上海自然历史博物馆和中国科学院 研究所收藏。源自原震旦博物院的哺乳动物头骨标本可能是目前仍保存在国内有关亚洲地区收藏数量最大的一部分,然而,由于历史久远和中国近代变迁等因素的影响,Heude当时收藏的原始记录资料和标本标签大多遗佚或破损,使这批具有极高学术价值的头骨标本一直在标本馆中沉睡了一百多年。2000年4月中旬至5月中旬,作者将存放在上海和北京的所有兽类头骨标本进行了整理,重新进行标识和编目,经整理,共清理出兽类头骨2139件,根据Heude当时的分类,共查出模式标本188件(其中正模54,副模6,配模79,余模49),用红色圆点在模林标本上进行了标记,并将其名写于其上,尽管Heude标本中模式标本绝大多数为同物异名,这在一定程度上降低了它们的价值,但仍有一部分模式标本是名符其实的,如Bubalus mindorensis和Sus cebifrons等。在本文中,作者按现代分类顺序进行排列,并将保存于上海和北京两地的标本分开排列,以便于查找,同时用现代学术界认可的种名,在每一种名之后,分别列出标本中雌,雄个体,亚成体和性别不明标本的数量,如3.4.7+5表示,标本中有3个雄性成体,4个雌性成体,7个亚成体和5只性别不明个体。在种名的下面,按Heude在标本上标识的种名进行排列,在种名后是作者名和在著作中进行描述的时间,模式标本排列在前,其它标本在后。目录中的地名来自Heude在头骨上的标记,在目录最后列出了所有在目录中出现的地名。Heude在标签和头骨上书写的地名,可能是他根据当地口音或其他方式所确定,多数不是学术上公开使用的有效名称,给现在及将来使用带来诸多不便,因此在研究历史文献的基础上尽可能地附上了这些地名的现代名称。  相似文献   

Starr , Richard C. (Indiana U., Bloomington.) The Culture Collection of Algae at Indiana University. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(1) : 67–86. 1960.–A list is presented of cultures of algae available for purposes of research and teaching. The list includes 592 Chlorophyta; 77 Chrysophyta; 56 Cyanophyta; 55 Euglenophyta; 6 Rhodophyta; 1 Phaeophyta; 2 residual flagellates. Formulae of culture media and directions for maintaining the cultures are included as are instructions for evoking sexual reproduction in species of Chlamydomonas, Pandorina, Eudorina, Volvox, Cosmarium, Clostcrium, Oedogonium, Bulbochaete and Vaucheria.  相似文献   

微藻是指一类形态微小, 能够进行光合作用, 以单细胞或简单多细胞形式存在的藻类。作为一类重要的生物资源, 活体微藻的保藏和共享服务是开展藻类科学研究和藻类产业发展的必要平台和基础。坐落于中国科学院水生生物研究所的淡水藻种库(FACHB-Collection)正式成立于1973年, 1996年作为创会成员加入中国科学院典型培养物保藏委员会; 2019年成为国家水生生物种质资源库的核心成员。该库保藏逾3400株微藻, 隶属于9门169属。年均为国内外用户提供2500株藻株, 并提供藻种鉴定、分离纯化和培养技术等方面的服务和咨询。文章回顾了国际微藻种质资源库的发展历史和现状, 介绍了国内微藻种质资源保藏情况, 着重介绍国家水生生物种质资源库——淡水藻种库在库藏藻株多样性、共享服务、藻株无菌化、超低温保藏技术及优良品种选育与应用等方面的进展, 瞄准提升我国在藻类学研究和藻类产业研发的竞争力, 提出了藻种资源库未来发展的建议。  相似文献   

The species of the genus Chlorella exhibit considerable biochemical and physiological differences. Therefore, it is important to select for and utilize in research or biotechnology correctly identified strains of the species having the most favorable properties for the respective project. We examined the Chlorella strains of the University of Texas collection at Austin, Texas, according to species-specific chemotaxonomic characters and assigned 58 strains to 10 well-established species (only 17 of these strains were correctly named before).  相似文献   

The marine flora of Panama remains poorly described to date, having been described from a few sporadic and species poor (<50 species) collections in the early half of the century and a couple of dedicated surveys in the latter half. With the exception of a few studies that have focused on particular genera or species, only a single marine floral survey has been published in the past three decades. In 1999 we collected marine algae from nearly 100 different collection sites along both coasts of Panama over a 10 month period of time. Over 1500 specimens have been curated, representing 250 Caribbean species and 117 Pacific species. This is an increase in algal diversity of approximately 100 and 50% for the Caribbean and Pacific flora, respectively, relative to Earle's compilation of 1972. We estimate that algal diversity in Panama may approach 450 species as the remaining 30% of the collection is identified and previous records are incorporated. Aspects of biogeography will be discussed in light of such extraordinary diversity over a relatively confined region.  相似文献   

The marine flora of Panama remains poorly described to date, having been described from a few sporadic and species poor (<50 species) collections in the early half of the century and a couple of dedicated surveys in the latter half. With the exception of a few studies that have focused on particular genera or species, only a single marine floral survey has been published in the past three decades. In 1999 we collected marine algae from nearly 100 different collection sites along both coasts of Panama over a 10 month period of time. Over 1500 specimens have been curated, representing 250 Caribbean species and 117 Pacific species. This is an increase in algal diversity of approximately 100 and 50% for the Caribbean and Pacific flora, respectively, relative to Earle's compilation of 1972. We estimate that algal diversity in Panama may approach 450 species as the remaining 30% of the collection is identified and previous records are incorporated. Aspects of biogeography will be discussed in light of such extraordinary diversity over a relatively confined region.  相似文献   

《Journal of phycology》2001,37(Z3):22-22
Hansen, G. I.1 & Stekoll, M. S.2 1Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University, Newport, OR 97365 USA; 2Juneau Center for the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska, Juneau, AK 99801 USA During the University of Alaska's Coastal Habitat Injury Assessment (CHIA) study of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, intensive investigations were carried out on the intertidal algal communities of Prince William Sound, the Kenai Peninsula, the Kodiak Islands, and the Alaska Peninsula. As a part of these investigations, thorough voucher collections were made of the benthic marine algae present in more than 100 transect areas used for the study. The 7,300 collected specimens were pressed, identified to species, curated, and cataloged. For this study, we have utilized these data as well as information on the habitat types and species life histories to prepare regional checklists and distributional analyses of the species discovered. Environmental conditions in south central Alaska vary regionally as well as seasonally, and the narrow vs. broad ranges of these species appear to reflect closely their ability to tolerate these diverse conditions. The algal biodiversity, distribution, and habitat data made available through this study provide crucially needed background information for future environmental impact studies and for restoration and conservation efforts in Alaska.  相似文献   

本文记述钩土蜂属长肩片组2新种──杨氏钩土蜂Tiphia(Tiphia)yangi,sp.nov.与多变钩土蜂Tiphia(Tiphia)mutata,sp.nov.。模式标本分别保存于中国科学院昆虫标本馆和北京农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

Underhill, L.G., Oatley, T.B. & Harrison, J.A. 1991. The role of large-scale data collection projects in the study of southern African birds. Ostrich 62:124-148.

The major ornithological data collections in southern Africa (checklists, migration enquiry, atlas projects, censuses, bird ringing and recoveries, biometric data, nest record cards, moult cards and beached birds) are described. For each project, current volumes of data are tabulated. The Southern African Bird Atlas Project database contained 5,0 million records in December 1990. 1,25 million birds of 810 species had been ringed with South African Bird Ringing Unit rings by June 1989, resulting in 22 000 recoveries. There were more than 100 recoveries for 27 species. The nest record card scheme of the Southern African Ornithological Society had 117 000 cards on file in February 1990, representing 696 species, with more than 1 000 cards for 18 species. There were 4 040 cards of 380 species in the moult record scheme. African Seabird Group beach patrols had found 10 057 seabirds by the end of 1985. A selection of published applications for each data set is given. The potential of the data sets for further analyses is considered, especially in relation to key demographic characteristics such as abundance, productivity and survival. It is recommended that volunteer participation projects should concentrate on monitoring and that indices for change in the demographic characteristics be developed. Most of the projects could be incorporated into an Avian Demography Unit.  相似文献   

Avian eggs exhibit substantial intra- and interspecific variation in shape, size and colour. Considerable efforts have been made to better understand the evolutionary drivers behind such variation, often using museum egg collections. Usually it is assumed that museum collections accurately represent the variation seen in natural populations, but this may not be the case if there is collection bias. Collection bias may lead to the over-representation of certain egg traits in collections, due to the aesthetic (or other) preferences of collectors. The aim of this study is to begin to look for the occurrence of potential collection bias in museum egg collections by comparing three shape indices (pointedness/asymmetry, elongation and polar asymmetry) and egg volume between subsets of eggs in museum collections with those of recently sampled eggs in the field for three different bird species: common guillemot Uria aalge, razorbill Alca torda and northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis. We found no evidence of collection bias in our sampled razorbill and northern fulmar museum collection eggs, but some evidence for a bias in sampled museum collection eggs of common guillemots. Since the guillemot's egg differs from most bird eggs in being pyriform, we suggest that collection bias by historic egg collectors may be more prevalent in species with extreme egg traits. Researchers using museum egg collections to examine questions relating to egg shape should be aware of collection bias risks and consider how to minimise the effect of these possible biases on accumulated datasets.  相似文献   

Alain Migeon 《ZooKeys》2015,(489):15-24
The family Tetranychidae (spider mites) currently comprises 1,275 species and represents one of the most important agricultural pest families among the Acari with approximately one hundred pest species, ten of which considered major pests. The dataset presented in this document includes all the identified spider mites composing the Jean Gutierrez Collection hosted at the CBGP (Montferrier-sur-Lez, France), gathered from 1963 to 1999 during his career at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD). It consists of 5,262 specimens corresponding to 1,564 occurrences (combination species/host plant/date/location) of 175 species. Most specimens were collected in Madagascar and other islands of the Western Indian Ocean, New Caledonia and other islands of the South Pacific and Papuasia. The dataset constitutes today the most important one available on Tetranychidae worldwide.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that the 5′ end of the mitochondrial gene COI (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) is useful for rapid and reliable identification of red algal species and have demonstrated that our understanding of red algal biodiversity and biogeography is fragmentary. In this context, we are completing a thorough sampling along the Canadian coast and using the DNA barcode for the assignment of collections to genetic species to explore algal diversity in the Canadian flora. In the present study, we provide results regarding diversity of members of the red algal family Phyllophoraceae. We have analyzed 354 individuals from the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific coasts of Canada, as well as 26 specimens from the USA, Europe, and Australia, resolving 29 species based on the analyses of the DNA barcode. Twenty‐three of these genetic species were present in Canada where only 18 species are currently recognized, including Ceratocolax hartzii Rosenv., which was in the same genetic species group as its host Coccotylus truncatus (Pall.) M. J. Wynne et N. J. Heine and is thus transferred to Coccotylus, C. hartzii (Rosenv.) comb. nov., but retained as a distinct species owing to its unique habit and phenology. Our results revealed the presence of cryptic diversity within the genera Coccotylus, Mastocarpus, Ozophora, and Stenogramme, for which we resurrect Coccotylus brodiei (Turner) Kütz. and describe Mastocarpus pachenicus sp. nov., Ozophora lanceolata sp. nov., and Stenogramme bamfieldiensis sp. nov., leaving a multitude of unnamed Mastocarpus spp. in need of further taxonomic study. In addition, we report range extensions into British Columbia of Besa papillaeformis Setch., previously known only from its type and nearby localities in California; Gymnogongrus crenulatus (Turner) J. Agardh, recorded only from the Atlantic; and Stenogramme cf. rhodymenioides Joly et Alveal, previously only known from South America. Finally, the phylogenetic affinities of the Canadian species of Phyllophoraceae characterized in this study were investigated using LSU rDNA, RUBISCO LSU (rbcL), and combined analyses.  相似文献   

This note is to call attention to a number of marine algal taxa from the Antilles that were described by Placide Duchassaing in his 1850 work Animaux radiaires des Antilles. The mid‐19th century was a period when the distinction between marine invertebrates and some calcified benthic marine algae was still not always clear. The names of these algal taxa were validated, although no figures or details on their specific provenance were provided, other than they were from Duchassaing's collections from the Antilles. Duchassaing assigned his new algal species to the following genera: Galaxaura, Amphiroa, Jania, Melobesia and Nullipora. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The genus Glycine Willd. is divided into three subgenera, Glycine Willd., Soja (Moench) F. J. Herm., and Bracteata Verdc. Six species are currently recognized in the subgenus Glycine: G. canescens F. J. Herm., G. clandestina Willd., G. falcata Benth., G. latrobeana (Meissn.) Benth., G. tabacina (Labill.) Benth., and G. tomentella Hayata. Distribution of the subgenus extends from south China to Tasmania and includes several Pacific islands. A collection of these species was examined cytologically and morphologically in an attempt to evaluate existing variability between and within taxa. Chromosome counts confirmed G. canescens, G. clandestina and G. falcata to be diploid with 2n = 40. Both tetraploids (2n = 80) and diploids were found in G. tabacina, the latter restricted to Australia. Glycine tomentella accessions were primarily tetraploid, but several collections from New South Wales, Australia, were found to be aneuploid with 78 chromosomes. One collection was aneuploid at the diploid level with 38 chromosomes. Meiosis appeared normal in the aneuploids with regular bivalent formation. Several accessions previously identified as G. tomentella were diploid. Seed of G. latrobeana was not available for analysis. Numerical techniques in the form of cluster analysis and principal components analysis were applied to morphological data on vegetative and inflorescence characters obtained from each collection. Numerical analysis grouped the accessions essentially according to current species delimitations with some exceptions. Glycine tabacina specimens from Taiwan approached G. clandestina in several characteristics. The diploid G. tomentella specimens formed a separate cluster and appeared morphologically distinct from the remaining taxa.  相似文献   

Owing in large part to the foresight and efforts of Wally Welker, the National Museum of Health and Medicine has become a major repository for collections of brain specimens vital to the study of neurobehavioral evolution. From its origins in the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, with the collection of largely pathological specimens assembled by Paul Yakovlev, the museum has added to its resources four additional extensive collections, largely consisting of specimens acquired specifically for comparative and evolutionary studies: Welker's collection from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, John I. Johnson's collection from Michigan State University, the Adolf Meyer Collection from the Johns Hopkins University, and the Elizabeth Crosby collections from the University of Michigan. We describe here the history and contents of each of these five collections, to inform the scientific field of the extent and details of these remarkable resources.  相似文献   

An Unusual Xylotheque with Plant Illustrations from Early Meiji Japan. Two unusual wood collections, reported previously in the collections of the Botanical Museum at Berlin-Dahlem and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, take the form of framed plant illustrations painted on boards made from the wood of the species illustrated. We present new finds of very similar wood collections in the Economic Botany Collection of the Harvard University Herbaria, a private collection in the U.K. (Loudon collection), and at the Koishikawa Botanical Garden of the University of Tokyo. A stamp on the reverse of the boards links all five collections to Chikusai Kato, an artist working at Tokyo University (now the University of Tokyo) in early Meiji Japan, under the direction of the preeminent nineteenth century Japanese botanist Keisuke Ito. New evidence from contemporary historical accounts indicates that more than 100 boards were ordered in June 1878 by Hiroyuki Katō, the first president of Tokyo University, most likely to support the early teaching of Western-influenced botanical science in Japan. However, while the boards had clear value for teaching, especially about useful plants, their unusual fusion of Western and Japanese influences also made them desirable craft objects that were collected and given as gifts during the early Meiji era.  相似文献   

The Friesner Herbarium (BUT) of Butler University is a collection of over 100,000 specimens built from the personal herbarium of Ray C. Friesner. He and other botanists at Butler amassed one of the largest and most complete collections of Indiana plants. Active exchange from the 1920’s through the 1940’s increased the holdings of plants from other states. Although the collection does not contain many type specimens, it is rich in vouchers from floristic and ecological studies conducted in the first half of the 20th century and published in the scientific journal,Butler University Botanical Studies.  相似文献   

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