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高寒草原优势种叶片结构变化与生态因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 为了揭示青藏高原高寒草原优势物种青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)和紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)对高原特殊环境的适应性,该文研究了 它们的叶片结构在自然环境梯度下的变化以及这些变化与生态因子之间的关系。结果表明:这两个物种叶片的大多数结构特征在各个样地间变 化显著,其结构特征与环境因子间存在显著的相关关系。紫花针茅叶肉细胞大小随土壤有效K含量的增高而减小,下表皮细胞厚度和韧皮部面积 随生长季云盖度的增高而增加,单一导管半径和导管平均面积随生长季月均湿度的增加而增大;青藏苔草上表皮细胞厚度随生长季月均最低温 的降低而增厚,泡状细胞厚度(径向直径)随大陆度的增强而增加,上表皮细胞大小随土壤pH值的增大而增大,导管总数和韧皮部面积随土壤 速效P含量的增高而增加。青藏苔草的保护组织、光合组织以及综合指标变异系数明显大于紫花针茅,仅维管组织指标变异系数小于紫花针茅。  相似文献   

两种珙桐叶片结构的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
珙桐(Davidia involucrata Baill.)与它的变种光叶珙桐[Davidia involucrata Baill.var.vilmoriniana(Dode)Wanger.]叶下表皮(即远轴面)差异较大,前者叶下表皮密被淡黄色或淡白色丝状单细胞粗毛,后者叶下表皮无毛或仅叶脉处被稀疏单细胞短毛或丝状粗毛。两者结构基本相似,表皮均由一层细胞构成,气孔仅分布在下表皮,无一定排列方向,为无规则型。叶肉具明显栅栏组织和海绵组织,是典型两面叶。叶脉的机械组织为腔隙厚角组织,维管组织韧皮部位于远轴面,木质部位于近轴面,两者间具形成层。  相似文献   

鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林林冠结构与冠层辐射研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  

To investigate differences in leaf structure, chlorophyll and nutrients on terminal branches of the understory tree Asimina triloba, the first (proximal) and the last (distal) leaves to develop in the spring were compared. Proximal leaf expansion was completed before the overstory canopy was fully closed but distal leaf expansion occurred during and after the development of the overstory canopy. Fully expanded proximal leaves were 76% smaller in area, were 18% thicker and had 36% more stomates per m of leaf area when compared to distal leaves. In addition, maximum stomatal conductance to water vapor was greater (150 vs. 120 mmol m−-2s−-1) and the minimum PPFD required for maximum conductance was higher (200 vs. 150 μmol m−-2s−-1) for the proximal leaves. Chlorophyll content was also greater for proximal leaves, but nitrogen and phosphorus contents were lower throughout the entire summer. Seasonal measurements indicated an increase in chlorophyll a content and reductions in nitrogen content throughout the summer growth period for leaves from both positions. The results suggest that distal and proximal leaves differed physiologically and that the measured differences were related to the changing irradiance environment during leaf development. The time of leaf expansion, as indicated by leaf position on the branch, may be an important consideration when examining the water and photosynthetic relations of understory trees.  相似文献   

紫椴幼苗的叶片运动与光截获*   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
从水平、垂直方向和叶片的旋转运动等角度对紫椴(Tilia amurensis)幼苗的叶片运动特征进行了描述,并就枝条、叶片空间取向及叶片运动对叶片截获光合有效辐射的影响进行了讨论。结果表明:紫椴幼苗通过叶片运动有效地调节了对光合有效辐射的截获,提高了早、晚叶片光合作用旺盛时间段内的光合有效辐射截获量,在一定程度上减缓了中午强光、高温对叶片生理活动的危害。由于活跃的叶片运动、适度遮荫环境中幼苗的西部叶片所截获的光合有效幅射接近于全光环境中个体各向叶平均截获量,这为该环境中紫椴幼苗叶片在全天保持较旺盛的光合作用提供了能量保障。枝条和叶片的空间取向决定了紫椴幼苗叶片的空间分布;适度遮荫环境中个体的东西向叶片所占比例最高,全光环境中个体次之,强度遮荫个体枝条与叶片的空间分布趋于随机化。这意味着强度遮荫环境中的紫椴幼苗叶片对太阳辐射截获的调节能力较差,这可能是该环境中紫椴个体生产力较低的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

番荔枝科10种植物叶表皮结构的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,对番荔枝科10种植物的叶表皮结构进行了观察,结果如下:表皮细胞近等径多角形或不规则形,垂周壁直,弧形,浅波状,波状或深波状,瓜馥木和香港瓜馥木叶片远轴面表皮细胞平周壁形成乳突,有的植物表皮细胞内具棱晶或晶簇,气孔器全部为平列型,具2-6个副卫细胞,除鹰爪花近轴面,远轴面均具气孔器外,其它9种植物的气孔器仅分布在远轴面,有的植物还具有双气孔器或败育的气孔器类型。除圆滑番荔枝外,其它9种的表皮均具表皮毛,表皮毛有单细胞毛,单列多细胞毛,2列多细胞毛,棍棒状毛和星状毛等类型,研究结果表明,10种植物的表皮细胞形状,垂周壁的式样,平周壁是否乳突,表皮细胞内晶体的有无及其类型,近轴面是否具气孔器,表皮毛的类型等方面存在着种间差异,这些特征可以作为种间甚至属间分类和系统关系探讨的依据。  相似文献   

Seasonal trends in five traits of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis Britt.) leaves thought to influence feeding by herbivores were measured from 17 May through 19 September, 1979. Total nitrogen and water contents declined and toughness increased through the growth season. These seasonal changes were more pronounced in sugar maple than in yellow birch. Total polyphenol contents and tanning coefficients of leaf extracts from both species reached a season high by the end of May and changed very little after that date; these patterns differ from those reported by several other investigators. Sugar maple leaf extracts exhibited much higher tanning coefficients than did those of yellow birch, a finding which is consistent with current plant defense theory. Significant differences in total polyphenol content and tanning coefficients were found between individual trees in yellow birch, but not sugar maple. The relationship between successional status, leaf quality traits, and variability in these traits in forest trees is discussed.  相似文献   

This study addressed the hypothesis that phylogenetic changes in plant size at reproductive maturity may have facilitated adaptive radiation of Geonoma species within rain forest understory habitats. Leaf size, leaf form, plant size, and growth form were compared within and among 23 species of Geonoma from lowland and montane rain forest areas of Costa Rica and Colombia. Leaf size was significantly correlated with crown height in 18 of the 21 species examined, and with stem diameter in 17 of the species. In species characterized by a gradual ontogenetic transition from bifid to dissected leaves, shoots with bifid leaves were significantly smaller than shoots with dissected leaves with respect to rachis length, number of plications, and stem diameter. Among species, stem diameter below the crown explained 74% of the variation in leaf size (rachis length). Crown height and stem diameter were positively correlated among clustered species, but not among solitary species or all species combined. Leaf dissection was correlated with crown height among the 17 species with dissected leaves; species with bifid leaves were significantly smaller than species with dissected leaves with respect to leaf size and stem diameter. Solitary species had larger leaves and larger stem diameters than clustered species at the same crown heights. Morphological patterns among species generally followed within-species trends. These patterns suggest that Geonoma species are variants on a generic theme:within and among species, leaf size and complexity of form increase with stem diameter and crown height. Solitary and clustered growth forms appear to be morphologically convergent; within each of these architectural groups, the generic theme still applies. Evolutionary changes in leaf size, leaf form, and plant size, however, have clearly involved other factors in addition to variation in plant size.  相似文献   

利用从自然界水体中采集到的标本为材料,对2种陀螺藻的囊壳的微细结构和元素组成进行分析比较,结果表明:组成陀螺藻囊壳的主要矿质元素是硅(Si)、铁(Fe)和铝(A1),并含有少量的镁(Mg)、锌(Zn)、钙(Ca)等元素。囊壳的表面形态是不规则的,不宜作为分类依据。  相似文献   

The structure of the mature leaves of 13 species from 9 families of homosporous leptosporangiate ferns was examined by light and electron microscopy. In 11 species (Adiantum pedatum L., Athyrium angustum Roth., Cyathea dregei Sm., Lygodium palmatum Sw., Mohria caffrorum (L.) Desv., Oleandra distenta Kuntae, Pellaea calomelanos (Sw.) Link, Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link var. austro-americana (Domn.) Farw., Trichomanes melanotrichum Schlechtend., Vittaria guineensis Desv., and Woodwardia orientalis Sw.) the lamina veins are collateral; in two (Phlebodium aureum and Platycerium bifurcatum), bicollateral as well as collateral veins are present. The vascular bundles in the midribs of C. dregei and those in the petioles and midribs of Phlebodium and Platycerium are concentric. All of the vascular bundles in the homosporous leptosporangiate ferns studied are delimited by a tightly arranged cylinder of endodermal cells with Casparian strips. Within the veins without parenchymatic xylem sheaths, some sieve elements commonly abut tracheary elements with hydrolyzed primary walls. The majority of vascular parenchyma cells contact both sieve elements and tracheary elements, although some parenchyma cells are associated with only one type of conducting cell. Transfer cells (parenchyma cells with wall ingrowths) occur in the veins of 6 species examined. Most of the vascular parenchyma cells, however, have no distinctive structural characteristics. The sieve elements of the homosporous leptosporangiate ferns are very similar structurally and each consists of a plasmalemma, a parietal, anastomosing network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and variable numbers of refractive spherules, plastids and mitochondria. The sieve elements of L. palmatum also contain plasmalemma tubules. The parenchymatic cells of the leaf (mesophyll, endodermal and vascular parenchyma cells) are united by desmotubule-containing plasmodesmata. The sieve elements are connected to each other by sieve pores and to parenchymatic cells by pore-plasmodesma connections. The sieve-area pores contain variable amounts of membranous material, apparently ER membranes, but do not occlude them. These membranes commonly are found in continuity with the parietal ER of the lumen. Based upon the relative frequencies of cytoplasmic connections between cell types, the photosynthates may move from the mesophyll to the site of phloem loading via somewhat different pathways in different species of homosporous leptosporangiate ferns.  相似文献   

 比较研究了不同光强下生长的(透光率分别为12.5%、36%、50%、100%)两种入侵性不同的外来种——紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)和兰花菊三七(Gynura sp.)的生物量分配、叶片形态和生长特性。结果表明: 1)两种植物叶片形态对光环境的反应相似。弱光下比叶面积(SLA)、平均单叶面积(MLS)和叶面积比(LAR)较大,随着光强的升高,SLA、MLS、LAR和叶根比(LARMR)降低。2)100%光强下紫茎泽兰叶生物量比(LMR)、叶重分数(LMF)和叶面积指数高于低光强下的值,也高于兰花菊三七,支持结构生物量比(SBR)则相反。强光下紫茎泽兰叶片自遮荫严重,这可能是其表现入侵性的重要原因之一;兰花菊三七分枝较多,避免了叶片自遮荫,较多的分枝利于种子形成对其入侵有利。3)随生长环境光强的升高,两种植物的净同化速率(NAR)、相对生长速率(RGR)和生长对NAR的响应系数均升高(但100%光强下兰花菊三七RGR降低),平均叶面积比(LARm)和生长对LARm的响应系数均降低,但不同光强下LARm对生长的影响始终大于NAR。4)随着光强的减弱,两种植物都增加高度以截获更多光能,但它们的生物量分配策略不同,紫茎泽兰根生物量比(RMR)降低,SBR增大,而兰花菊三七SBR降低,RMR增大。紫茎泽兰的生物量分配策略更好的反应了弱光环境中的资源变化情况。结论:紫茎泽兰对光环境的适应能力强于兰花菊三七。  相似文献   

杨潼  李建秋 《动物学报》1995,41(3):262-267
利用自制的控温实验槽在暗室内进行医蛭科两种吸血水蛭对光闪烁和水扰动刺激的模拟个体生态实验,实验结果的统计分析表明,日本医蛭在16℃时与照度有极好的正相关关系,而在22℃时成负相关关系,0.2克体重的个体在两种温度对照度的敏感度均大于0.5-0.6克和1.0-1.3克体重的个体,湖北牛蛭在两种温度时与照度均成正相关关系;0.5克体重的个体在16℃时对照度的敏感度大于1.0-3.3克体重的个体9.5-  相似文献   

弱光下生长的葡萄叶片蒸腾速率和气孔结构的变化   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
 植物能够对生长环境产生生态适应性,这种适应性可从气孔导度、光合速率、水分利用效率等生态指标上反映出来。为了研究葡萄蒸腾特性对弱光环境的适应性变化,本试验以‘京玉’葡萄幼苗(Vitis vinefera cv. Jingyu)为试验材料,通过遮光处理(2个处理,分别遮光65%和85%)营造弱光环境,测定了在弱光环境下生长的葡萄叶片蒸腾速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率对光照强度的响应,同时用扫描电镜技术观察了气孔的发育。结果表明,弱光环境下生长的葡萄幼苗,叶片的水势较高,但水分利用效率较低,叶片蒸腾速率和气孔导度变化对光照强度的响应缓慢,而自然光下生长的葡萄叶片则反应较迅速。通过对气孔结构的研究发现,与自然光照环境下生长的植株相比,在弱光环境下生长的葡萄幼苗,叶片下表皮的气孔横轴变宽,大小气孔之间差异减少,气孔外突,表皮细胞变大甚至扭曲,角质层变薄。说明葡萄幼苗能够对弱光环境产生适应性变化,其蒸腾特性的变化与其气孔结构的变化相关,具有一致性。  相似文献   

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