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A stereological morphometric study of leaf primordia (P1 and P2) of Echinocereus engelmannii indicated that primordia are significantly different ultrastructurally from the shoot apical meristem tissues (tunica and peripheral zone) that produce the primordia. Leaf initiation involves readjustments of rates of synthesis and growth of cytoplasm, vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and dictyosomes, such that leaf initiation must be a complex process in which different cell components are affected individually. Furthermore, leaf primordia are ultrastructurally distinct from spine primordia. Leaf and spine primordia as young as these are not yet irrevocably determined, thus different types of primordia, from the time of their inception and before their determination, have distinctly unique metabolisms; primordia are not merely generalized, uncommitted outgrowths whose developmental fate is set at some time later than inception.  相似文献   

At germination the shoot apical meristems of Echinocereus engelmannii were discs with a volume of 666,000 μm3 and were composed of a unistratose tunica (volume: 260,000 μm3) and a corpus which was two cell-layers thick (volume: 406,000 μm3). Four days after germination the nucleus constituted 28.9% of the volume of the cell, and the vacuole constituted 24.5%. The mitochondria were 13.3% of the volume of the tunica cytoplasm, the chloroplasts 9.4%, and the dictyosomes only 1.2%. The endoplasmic reticulum was too sparse to be accurately measured. The organelles of the corpus were identical in size and shape to those of the tunica, but there were statistically significant differences in their cellular and cytoplasmic densities: the more distal corpus layer (C1) was less vacuolate (16.6% of the cell volume), and both corpus layers contained more chloroplasts, 12.0% of the cytoplasmic volume in C1 and 14.3% in the more proximal corpus layer (C2). During the first four days after germination there was a dramatic increase in the size of the central vacuole (e.g., from 15.4% to 24.5% in the tunica), and the mitochondria increased in density from 10.2% of the cytoplasmic volume to 13.3%. Chloroplast density also increased in all meristem layers, but the dictyosome density decreased, as much as a 30% loss in C2. There was also a highly significant reduction in the number of cisternae per dictyosome, from 5.47 to 4.77. Surprisingly, there was no change in heterochromatin: ca. 27% of the volume of the nuclei of all layers was heterochromatic at all stages studied. Thus, the organellar structure of corpus cells is distinctly different from that of tunica cells, and as the apical meristem becomes active after germination, the changes which occur are not uniform in the meristem but rather are zone-specific.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristems of adult Echinocereus engelmannii plants are zonate and have a tunica, central mother cells, a peripheral zone, and a pith-rib meristem. An ultrastructural, stereological study showed that each zone has its own distinct ultrastructure, but that the differences between the zones are quite small, both on a protoplasmic basis and on a cytoplasmic basis. Furthermore, the ultrastructure present in the adult apices differed only slightly from that which had been found in seedling apices, demonstrating a long-term stability of structure. The standard deviations found in the sample were small, indicating little variability from one plant to the next and suggesting that there are little or no cyclic changes during the plastochron or a 24-hr photoperiod. The ultrastructures found in the shoot apical meristems differed significantly and markedly from mature tissues of the same plants.  相似文献   

The structures of spine basal meristem cells were examined by stereological morphometric techniques and found to be different not only from shoot apical meristem cells but also from spine primordium cells in the relative volumes occupied by cellular organelles. Nineteen types of meristematic cells have been studied in E. engelmannii, and all are distinct ultrastructurally. This suggests that whereas they all appear to be primarily involved in mitosis and cytokinesis, there must be other important aspects to their physiology; possibly these cells have already begun differentiation toward their mature states even while they are parts of active meristems.  相似文献   

The Echinocereus viridiflorus complex is morphologically distinct from other members of the genus. Temporal differences in flowering preclude natural interspecific hybridization between taxa of the E. viridiflorus complex and sympatric congeners. All taxa within the complex are xenogamous and self-incompatible. Considerable taxonomic disagreement exists among herbarium and field botanists with regard to species boundaries and infraspecific classification of the taxa constituting the E. viridiflorus complex. One author views the complex as consisting of a single species, E. viridiflorus while other authors additionally recognize E. chloranthus, E. russanthus, and E. davisii. Pollination in E. viridiflorus is by solitary halictid bees. Photographs taken with a filter transmitting long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light revealed two floral patterns among entities of the complex: entirely UV-absorbing tepals and tepals with UV-reflective outer segments and UV-absorbing centers (target-type blossoms). We suggest that UV-floral patterning increases pollinator visitation and efficiency. Six flavonol-O-glycosides and two dihydroflavonol-7-O-glycosides were localized in tepal tissue. No qualitative differences were seen either between differentially UV-patterned flowers or among E. viridiflorus, E. chloranthus, E. davisii, and E. russanthus. Flavonoid evidence indicates that these taxa are conspecific.  相似文献   

In Echinocereus reichenbachii dichotomous branching and fasciation (cresting) are rare events. Both were found together in only a few of many populations investigated and are interpreted as variants of a single phenomenon. They may occur at any stage of shoot development, but crest meristems arise most commonly on young branches among clusters of normal shoots. Sometimes they appear on unbranched young plants or seedlings, very rarely on older shoots. Dichotomy results from the division of an apical meristem into equal parts each of which functions independently, producing a forked shoot. Fasciation involves the extension of a single meristem into an apical ridge. The product is a flabellate shoot that becomes undulate if growth along the summit continues. In longisection linear meristems appear similar to radial sections of normal shoots; in median sagittal section they have a much extended central mother cell zone within which the cell pattern resembles a rib meristem. Although crest meristems become sluggish or even inactive with age, localized renewed growth may occur spontaneously or be induced by injury. In this species the random production of normal shoots from crest meristems (defasciation) was not observed, but if much or all of such a meristem is removed, branches may arise from lateral areoles, and these are always normal. It seems, therefore, that whatever induces fasciation in E. reichenbachii originates in and is restricted to the apical meristem and its immediate vicinity.  相似文献   

Anderson, Edward F. (Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, California.) A revision of Ariocarpus (Cactaceae). I. The status of the proposed genus Roseocactus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(7) : 582–589. Illus. 1960.—The proposed genus Roseocactus Berger is found to be a subgenus of Ariocarpus. The subgenera Ariocarpus and Roseocactus are basically similar in habitat, seedlings, presence of mucilage systems, tubercle structure, seed structure, fruiting habit, flower origin and structure, alkaloidal properties, trichomes, pollen grains, and chromosome number. They differ in flower color, presence or absence of an areolar groove, tubercle divergence, and trichome texture. A hypothesis is proposed to explain variations in the areoles. The differences in structure of mature tubercles are thought to be due to variability in the location of growth and elongation with respect to the floral and spinous areolar areas.  相似文献   

The monotypic genus Obregonia Frič was compared with Ariocarpus, Lophophora, Strombocactus, and certain other cactus genera. Obregonia and Ariocarpus are similar in characters of seeds, seedlings, habitat, fruits, and general habit. They differ in time of flowering, point of flower origin, areole structure, presence or absence of druses and a mucilage system, and presence or absence of spines. Obregonia and Lophophora are similar in characters of seeds, habitat, basic areole structure, and fruits. They differ in seedling form, habit of adult plants, presence or absence of spines, and chemical analysis. Strombocactus resembles Obregonia in few ways except in basic areole structure and some aspects of anatomy. The author concludes that Obregonia is an intermediate form between Ariocarpus and Lophophora and deserves generic rank. A formal taxonomic treatment of the genus follows the conclusions.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹成熟卵形态和超微结构的研究   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
堵南山  姜焕伟 《动物学报》1995,41(3):229-234
中华绒螯蟹的成熟卵仅有初级卵膜,无次级和三级卵巢,质膜初期厚而多层,且具皱褶,卵核在卵的发育过程中变化很大,未发见中心粒,内质网和高尔基体均始见于蟹卵发育的初期,皮层颗粒先出现于蟹卵深部,随后移到卵的表层,无滋养细胞,蟹卵由卵泡细胞提供物质,形成卵黄,此外,还可直接从血淋巴内摄取卵黄前身物质。  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to investigate early development of latex ducts in Mammillaria heyderi (Cactaceae). Numerous vesicles (secondary vacuoles) form from invaginations of the plasmalemma near sites of wall thinning, from endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and from vesiculate grana of degenerate plastids. Dictyosomes, though they occur in young duct cells, do not seem to be responsible for the formation of vesicles. Cytoplasmic vesicles may contain fibrillar, globular, or crystalline materials, or may be devoid of any type of particulate matter. They may be responsible for storage of numerous laticiferous components. Lysosomal materials could be stored in some vesicles and contribute to the degradation of the protoplast. Some nuclei contain condensed chromatin and are subject to deformation and collapse. Mitochondria and lipid bodies are common in young duct cells but ER is rare. When ducts form in young tissues, plastids in the lumen do not produce starch grains or extensive membranous networks. The plastids eventually degenerate to become a part of latex. If ducts form in older, established tissues having mature plastids, the plastids undergo extreme modification.  相似文献   

Representatives of three genera of anthooerotes were examined: Phaeoceros, Notothylas, and Megaceros. Species of the first two genera were found to exemplify the typical anthocerote plastid condition. This condition is characterized by the presence in each cell of the gametophyte of only a single large chloroplast containing a “multiple” pyrenoid. The genus Megaceros, however, proved to be quite different. In two species of Megaceros the pyrenoid was observed to be composed of a highly subdivided thylakoid system of even greater complexity than the “multiple” pyrenoids of Phaeoceros. In another species only an indistinct “pyrenoid-like” area was noted while in a fourth species no evidence was found for any internal differentiation. Associated with these changes in plastid structure there are corresponding alterations in the number and the size of the chloroplasts. Together they indicate an evolutionary trend away from a primitive, algal-like condition to a more advanced land plant form.  相似文献   

The results of a light and electron microscopic study of the caryopsis coat and aleurone cells in ungerminated, unimbibed rice (Oryza sativa) caryopses are presented. Surrounding the rice grain is the caryopsis coat composed of the pericarp, seed coat and nucellar layers. The outermost layer, the pericarp, consists of crushed cells and is about 10 μm thick. The seed coat, interior to the pericarp, is one cell thick and has a thick cuticle. Between the seed coat cuticle and endosperm are the remains of the nucellus. The nucellus is about 2.5 μm thick and has a thick cuticle adjacent to the seed coat cuticle. Interior to the caryopsis coat is the aleurone layer of the endosperm. The aleurone completely surrounds the rice grain and is composed of two cell types—aleurone cells that surround the starchy endosperm and modified aleurone cells that surround the germ. The aleurone cells of the starchy endosperm contain many aleurone grains and lipid bodies around a centrally located nucleus. The modified aleurone cells lack aleurone grains, have fewer lipid bodies than the other aleurone cells, and contain filament bundles (fibrils). Plastids of aleurone cells exhibit a unique morphology in which the outer membranes invaginate to form tubules and vesicles within the plastid. Transfer aleurone cells are not observed in the mature rice caryopsis.  相似文献   

An in-depth transmission electron microscope study of the ungerminated, unimbibed rice germ was conducted. All tissues in the germ were examined. Plastids were similar in all cells; many contained osmiophilic globules and phytoferritin, some displayed a limited thylakoid system, and all contained cytoplasmic tubular and vesicular inclusions formed by invaginations of the outer plastid membranes. Filament bundles were found in cells of the coleoptile, plumule, mesocotyl, radicle, and epiblast. Three general categories of cells could be identified in the germ based on protein body characteristics and on lipid body distribution: 1) Cells having inclusions in protein bodies and having numerous lipid bodies scattered throughout the cytoplasm; 2) Cells having or lacking protein body inclusions and possessing peripheral lipid bodies and/or having electron-dense deposits in the lipid bodies; and 3) Cells lacking protein bodies and having peripheral lipid bodies.  相似文献   

Shoot apical meristems of Echinocereus engelmannii have only a tunica-corpus organization at germination, but the corpus rapidly develops central mother cells, a peripheral zone and a pith-rib meristem. The manner in which nutrition, darkness and various growth regulators at several concentrations and in several combinations affect the development of zonation was examined by growing derooted seedlings on agar which contained the nutrients or growth regulators. Benzylaminopurine was able to elicit the formation of the pith-rib meristem in an otherwise non-zonate corpus. Also, the rate of leaf initiation was greatly increased. Gibberellic acid severely inhibited the formation of corpus zones but had little effect on leaf initiation. Indoleacetic acid had no effects other than mild inhibition of zonation and a slight retardation of leaf initiation. Abscisic acid was strongly inhibitory. Sucrose only slightly increased the rate of leaf formation and did not affect apex size or zonation. To more closely examine the cytokinin-induced effects on the apical meristem, several growth regulators were applied in combination with the most effective concentration of cytokinin. Certain combinations were able to interfere with several of the cytokinin-induced responses, while other cytokinin-induced responses occurred even in the presence of high concentrations of these other growth regulators. Leaf initiation and meristem morphogenesis appeared to be remarkably stable and insensitive to the presence of most hormones except cytokinin and gibberellin.  相似文献   

The structure of the starchy endosperm of rice (Oryza sativa) was studied by using light and transmission electron microscopy coupled with proteolytic enzyme digestions. The starchy endosperm was divided into two regions, the subaleurone and central, based on the number and types of protein bodies observed. The subaleurone region contained three different types of membrane bounded protein bodies—large spherical, small spherical, and crystalline protein bodies. The small spherical protein bodies were most numerous and the large spherical ones were least numerous. The crystalline protein bodies displayed crystal lattice fringes and were a composite of smaller angular components. The central region lacked both the small spherical and crystalline protein bodies. The large spherical protein bodies of this region were located in pockets of densely stained proteinaceous material. In contrast to the relatively well preserved cytoplasm of the subaleurone region, the central endosperm zone consistently was poorly preserved.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of developing and mature nonarticulated laticifers in Asclepias syriaca L. (the common milkweed) was studied by conventional fixation and staining techniques and by osmium impregnation techniques. The mature laticifer protoplast in A. syriaca possesses a large central vacuole with an intact vacuolar membrane. Formation of this vacuole apparently results from dilation and subsequent enlargement of endoplasmic reticulum and possibly in part by fusion of smaller vacuoles and limited cellular-lytic autophagy. Widespread digestion or autophagy of cytoplasm within vacuoles is not evident. Nuclei, mitochondria, dictyosomes, and small vesicles are the most prominent components distributed in the peripheral cytoplasm. Plastids appear to degenerate as the laticifer matures. The specialized cellular component, latex, which is the vacuolar content of the laticifer, is interpreted to be produced in the cytoplasm and subsequently incorporated into the large central vacuole. Rubber globules, the most prominent latex component, are surrounded by a membrane that does not have a trilaminate structure. Globules are associated with an electron-dense fibrillar component in the vacuole.  相似文献   

The schizo-lysigenous latex ducts of Mammillaria guerreronis, sect. Subhydrochylus, were examined by optical and electron microscopy. These ducts are complex having a distinct outer epithelium without intercellular spaces and an inner epithelium in which schizogenous spaces arise. Schizogeny begins with formation of bulbous pockets and/or production of dark streaks in certain walls. Spaces formed by these processes ultimately contain a combination of electron dense materials, vesicles, and numerous thin, convoluted wall layers. Schizogeny may be responsible for initial formation of lumen and latex and may also separate some inner epithelial cells from the surrounding layers. Lysigeny of the inner epithelial cells contributes materials to the latex and allows enlargement of the duct. The inner epithelial cells contain mitochondria, dictyosomes, apparently functional nuclei, and numerous vesicles. The outer epithelium has fewer vesicles than the inner epithelium. Schizo-lysigeny in the members of sect. Subhydrochylus is considered to be ancestral to the strict lysigeny of the members of sect. Mammillaria. The inner and outer epithelia of M. guerreronis are thought to be homologous to the lumen and epithelium respectively of M. heyderi.  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼成熟卵结构及精子入卵早期的电镜观察   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
黄永松 《动物学报》1990,36(3):227-230
用扫描电镜观察尼罗罗非鱼(Tilopia nilotica)成熟卵卵膜孔结构和精子入卵的早期情况,用透射电镜观察成熟卵皮质,可见卵膜孔包括前庭和精孔管两部分,前庭壁及壳膜外表面上有许多小孔洞,精孔管壁呈阶梯状。卵膜孔下的卵皮质是一凹陷区,这一区域存在着皮质小泡。本实验见到5种形态的皮质小泡,其中大的皮质小泡靠近质膜。  相似文献   

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