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SUMMARY 1. A study of twenty-nine temporary pools located in a nature reserve in Central Italy was carried out for two successive years (1982–83 and 1983–84) to determine the distribution and life cycles of the cladocerans they contained.
2. The pools followed a typical autumnal cycle, filling up in early autumn and drying up in late spring. They differed in morphology (size, depth, type of soil) and in the length of the wet phase.
3. Nineteen cladoceran species were found. A few of these are early species, appearing at the beginning of the wet phase, whereas others appear much later in spring and these populations persist for a shorter time.
4. Species distributions did not show any clear correlation with the ponds'morphological features, and the life cycles of individual species were similar in all ponds. Thus populations did not adapt life history patterns to match conditions in particular ponds.  相似文献   

Large slender-bodied snakes that forage actively for a generalized array of small vertebrates are conspicuous elements of the terrestrial snake fauna of most continents; the venomous elapid species fill this role in much of Asia, Africa and Australia. Our dissections of eight species of cobras from southern Africa Aspidelaps, Hemachatus, Naja; Serpentes and Elapidae (total of 1290 specimens) provide extensive data on sexual dimorphism, reproductive biology and food habits. Females grow larger than males in Aspidelaps lubricus and Naja nigricincta , but (perhaps reflecting selection on male body size due to male–male combat) males grow as large as females in Naja anchietae, Naja melanoleuca, Naja mossambica, Naja nivea and Hemachatus haemachatus , and males grow larger than females in Naja annulifera . Overall, the degree of male size superiority is higher in species with a larger absolute mean adult body size. Male cobras typically have larger heads and longer tails than conspecific females. Fecundity increases with maternal body size, and is higher in the viviparous rhinkals H. haemachatus than in the oviparous Naja species studied. Diets are broad in all eight species, comprising a wide variety of amphibians, reptiles, mammals and (less often) birds. Ontogenetic (size-related) shifts in dietary composition (amphibian to reptile to mammal) are significant within some taxa ( N. annulifera, N. nigricincta ) but absent in others (notably N. nivea , the most arid-adapted species). Overall, despite substantial interspecific variation among the eight study species, strong parallels are evident between the cobras of southern Africa and their ecological counterparts in other continents.  相似文献   

Although hypersaline environments have been extensively examined, only a limited number of microbial community studies have been performed in saline tide pools. We have studied a temporary salt-saturated tide pool and isolated prokaryotes from the water. Chlorinity measurements revealed that the tide pool brine could be characterized as one of the most hypersaline ecosystems on earth. Enumeration of microorganisms at different salinities showed that the tide pool was dominated by moderate halophiles. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the prokaryotic strains isolated were related to the bacterial genera Rhodovibrio, Halovibrio, Aquisalimonas, Bacillus and Staphylococcus and to the haloarchaeal species Haloferax alexandrinus. Four bacterial isolates were distantly related to their closest validly described species Aquisalimonas asiatica (96.5 % similarity), representing a novel phylogenetic linkage. Ecophysiological analysis also revealed distinct phenotypic profiles for the prokaryotic strains analyzed. The herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate could be effectively utilized by selected strains as the sole carbon source, but phenolic compounds could not be utilized by any of the halophilic isolates examined. None of the halophilic strains were able to grow without the presence of sea salt or seawater. Based on these results, we conclude that moderate halophilic bacteria rather than extremely halophilic archaea dominate in such a hypersaline environment.  相似文献   

Most studies of community development in insular systems have investigated the colonization dynamics of only a portion of the biotic community using islands that have the benefit of prior biotic modification. Two experiments assessed the predictive ability of equilibrium island theory with regard to the development of the protistan community in temporary aquatic islands (100-1 plastic swimming pools) void of any prior biotic modification. The first experiment ran for 170 d (March–September 1985) and manipulated the access of islands to animals that represent potentially important dispersal pathways for microbes. A second experiment (May–June 1986) investigated in greater detail the early stages of species accrual in the absence of dispersal pathways other than via the atmosphere. Polyurethane foam substrates were used as sampling devices to increase the accuracy and replicability of sampling and provide habitat for colonists. Sampling was determined to be asymptotic. Species accrual was asymptotic in both experiments, although it initially lagged behind that predicted by theory. Autotrophs approached equilibrium faster than heterotrophs, but at a lower species richness. The predicted number of autotroph species at equilibrium was lower in islands that were excluded from contact with birds compared to less exclosed islands. The colonization dynamics of the entire community was not significantly different among islands having different degrees of exclosure. In both experiments, rates of species immigration were nonmonotonic with respect to time and species richness. This relationship appeared to reflect the importance of species interactions during the initial accrual phase before equilibrium. Rates of extinction were positively correlated with both these parameters, although they tended to decrease with time during the equilibrium period in less exclosed islands. Turnover at equilibrium was significant and resulted in directional changes in species composition over time. Assortative processes appeared to be important since later colonists exhibited greater persistence. Colonizing species generally fall into three autecological categories: 1) those that were ubiquitous and had temporally predictable patterns of immigration (successional species); 2) those possessing temporally predictable distributions but not spatially ubiquitous distributions (dispersal limited species); 3) those that showed little temporal or spatial predictability in immigration (transient or allochthonous species). Individual islands exhibited various degrees of fluctuation in species number during the predicted equilibrium which were poorly correlated with exogenous environmental variables and physicochemical habitat parameters. The presence of predacious mosquito larvae(Culex spp.) invariably resulted in a sharp decreases in microbial species richness, while documented contact with rodents was followed by an increase in species number in an island so contaminated. Several aspects of microbial colonization of temporary waters that contradict equilibrium predictions appear to be strongly influenced by microbe-microbe as well as macrobe-microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Preliminary observations on chironomid assemblages in 9 temporary pools of the National Park of Circeo (Central Italy) are reported. A total of 15 genera or species groups (6 Orthocladiinae, 3 Tanypodinae, 1 Tanytarsini and 5 Chironomini) were recorded during March and April, 1986.Psectrotanypus varius, Polypedilum nubeculosum gr.,Chironomus thummi gr. andC. plumosus gr. were the most abundant and frequent taxa in the nine pools. Almost all chironomids collected are eurytopic and widely distributed in Europe, including Italian waters. Only the finding ofGymnometriocnemus is reported in this paper as a new record for Central Italy. Similarity among pools and among taxa (coefficient of Jaccard) shows a major occurrence of aquatic Orthocladiinae in smaller pools and of Chironomini in larger pools. This relationship between chironomid assemblages and pool sizes can be partly related to the duration of the wet phase which affects chironomid species according to their survival strategies.  相似文献   

Vascular flora of Mediterranean temporary pools has been studied with the aims to define its diversity and to individuate the ecological characteristics of the different plant groups associated with this relevant and endangered habitat type. Overall, 246 species were found of which 108 were terrestrial, 57 generalist of aquatic or wet habitats and 81 typical of temporary water and strongly linked to temporary pools. The results suggest that: (i) vascular flora associated with Sardinian Mediterranean temporary pools is rich and diversified; (ii) rare ferns are better represented than previously reported; (iii) plant species are generally heliophilous and acidophilous, specialized temporary pool species mainly differing from the unspecialized ones in relationship to their soil moisture requirements; (iv) these habitats are particularly important for maintaining regional freshwater biodiversity.  相似文献   

Ecology of Vibrio mimicus in aquatic environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An environmental study was done to examine the prevalence of Vibrio mimicus in some aquatic environments of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and of Okayama, Japan. Water samples from Dhaka environments and water and plankton samples from Okayama environments were quantitatively as well as qualitatively analyzed throughout the seasons for V. mimicus. The organism was isolated from Bangladesh environments throughout the year, whereas it was not isolated in Okayama when the water temperature fell below 10 degrees C. Samples with as many as 9.0 x 10(2) CFU of V. mimicus per 100 ml of water in Dhaka and 1.5 x 10(4) CFU of V. mimicus per 100 ml of water in Okayama were detected during the study period. V. mimicus was not found in any environment with an average salinity of 10% or more. Brackish environments with an average salinity of 4% were observed to be the optimal natural condition for the pathogen. Using the API 20E system with the conventional test methods, we observed variations in biochemical properties within the V. mimicus species. This study reveals the inefficacy of the API 20E system to identify a significant percentage of V. mimicus. Therefore, in addition to the API 20E system, a salt tolerance test and a string test are recommended for identification of this species. Susceptibility testing of strains isolated from Okayama environments showed higher resistance to ampicillin and susceptibility to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole when compared with environmental isolates of V. mimicus from Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Blaustein  Leon  Garb  Jessica E.  Shebitz  Daniela  Nevo  Eviatar 《Hydrobiologia》1999,392(2):187-196
Solar radiation, which influences temperature and hydroperiod, should strongly influence colonization, development rate, development strategies and survival in temporary pools. We assessed these hypotheses at two spatial microscales with varying microclimate. One scale, ca. 200 m, was opposing slopes of a canyon on MT Carmel, Israel, referred to as 'Evolution Canyon' (Nevo, 1995). Due primarily to differential solar radiation, the warmer and drier South-facing slope (SFS) supports a savanna-like open park forest while the cooler, moister North-facing slope (NFS) is heavily forested, primarily with live oak. Using artificial pools, we assessed how these close but contrasting environments may influence developmental plasticity in the frog, Hyla savignyi, and colonization of insects. As expected, hydroperiod was considerably longer on the NFS. Hyla tadpole development was significantly faster on the SFS, while size at metamorphosis was greater on the NFS. Insect species richness was higher in NFS pools. The most common species, Culex pipiens, oviposited significantly more in NFS pools than in SFS pools. In the second scale, we placed pools only meters apart, but varying in shade and thus maximum temperature at Haifa University Campus, MT Carmel. Species richness and maximum temperature among pools were not correlated during winter and early spring (cool to mild temperatures), but were strongly and negatively correlated during early summer (hot temperatures). Thermal tolerance in the laboratory of selected species matched their thermal spatial distribution in the field. These results indicate that temperature can play a strong role in affecting developmental strategies, species′ distributions and community structure in temporary pools over a very small spatial scale. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Synopsis Similarities between the freshwater fish faunas of 52 west African rivers have been investigated and three main zoogeographic regions recognized. The Sudanian region includes all rivers from Senegal to the Omo, as well as coastal basins from Ivory Coast to the Cross and the Wouri. The Upper Guinean region comprises the coastal basins from Guinea to Liberia and the Lower Guinean one, the coastal rivers of Cameroon and Gaboon. The Sudanian region can be sub-divided into a Sudanian region sensu stricto, including the Sahelo-Sudanese rivers, and the Eburneo-Ghanean region corresponding to coastal basins from the Cess (or Nipoué, Ivory Coast) to the Pra (Ghana). These delimitations give an highly significant within region faunal homogeneity, even if the effect of geographical proximity between rivers is removed. 21 to 71% of the fish species in each region are endemics. The present patterns of distribution are the result of past climatic and geological events affecting west Africa and, given this framework, the role of alternating wet and dry periods during the early Quarternary is emphasized as well as the importance of mountains as dispersal barriers. Role of recent river connections and links via lagoon is emphasized in explaining river faunal similarities within biogeographical regions.  相似文献   

Grazing lawns are a distinct grassland community type, characterised by short‐stature and with their persistence and spread promoted by grazing. In Africa, they reveal a long co‐evolutionary history of grasses and large mammal grazers. The attractiveness to grazers of a low‐biomass sward lies in the relatively high quality of forage, largely due to the low proportion of stem material in the sward; this encourages repeat grazing that concomitantly suppresses tall‐grass growth forms that would otherwise outcompete lawn species for light. Regular grazing that prevents shading and maintains sward quality is thus the cornerstone of grazing lawn dynamics. The strong interplay between abiotic conditions and disturbance factors, which are central to grazing lawn existence, can also cause these systems to be highly dynamic. Here we identify differences in growth form among grazing lawn grass species, and assess how compositional differences among lawn types, as well as environmental variables, influence their maintenance requirements (i.e. grazing frequency) and vulnerability to degradation. We also make a clear distinction between the processes of lawn establishment and lawn maintenance. Rainfall, soil nutrient status, grazer community composition and fire regime have strong and interactive influences on both processes. However, factors that concentrate grazing pressure (e.g. nutrient hotspots and sodic sites) have more bearing on where lawns establish. Similarly, we discuss the relevance of enhanced rates of nitrogen cycling and of sodium levels to lawn maintenance. Grazer community composition and density has considerable significance to grazing lawn dynamics; not all grazers are adapted to foraging on short‐grass swards, and differences in body size and relative mouth dimensions determine which species are able to convert tall‐grass swards into grazing lawns under different conditions. Hence, we evaluate the roles of different grazers in lawn dynamics, as well as the benefits that grazer populations derive from having access to grazing lawns. The effects of grazing lawns can extend well beyond their borders, due to their influence on grazer densities, behaviour and movements as well as fire spread, intensity and frequency. Variation in the area and proportion of a landscape that is grazing lawn can thus have a profound impact on system dynamics. We provide a conceptual model that summarises grazing lawn dynamics, and identify a rainfall range where we predict grazing lawns to be most prevalent. We also examine the biodiversity associated with grazing lawn systems, and consider their functional contribution to the conservation of this biodiversity. Finally, we assess the utility of grazing lawns as a resource in a rangeland context.  相似文献   

Ecology of small rodents in Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This account considers progress in research on small rodent ecology since about 1970. While some ecological survey has been undertaken throughout much of the continent, the main research thrust has involved the detailed examination of population processes in a range of habitats from deserts to tropical rain forests. The deserts and semi-arid regions support a range of species with some better adapted to these harsh conditions than others. The adaptations manifest themselves in different life history strategies e.g., opportunistic with high turnover species, or low turnover-low reproduction species, in their physiology e.g., adaption to water retention, and in their behaviour e.g., avoiding heat of day. Long term studies show large numerical fluctuations with a quick response by some species to favourable conditions caused by relatively high precipitation. In the savanna and grasslands, studies have centred on population dynamics, the relationship between food and breeding, reproductive and life history strategies and the determination of niche. These have been approached through the study of groups of species in particular localities as well as by the examination of individual species. In these habitats populations are more stable and less erratic than in semi-arid regions. Perturbations, particularly fire, can have various effects on the numbers and species composition of the disturbed area. In the tropical rain forest population fluctuations are modest and may take up to 2–3 years to pass from a peak to a trough and back again. Breeding typically extends over much of the year with, apparently, the greatest number of rodents occurring on the ground surface. Bush and temporary farms derived as a result of forest modification support more animals (and often more species) than forest. The niches occupied by forest rodents are poorly understood and very little is known of the ecology within the canopy. In most localities a small number of species are abundant and the remainder much less frequent.  相似文献   

Temporary pools are numerous in coastal plains of Atlantic Morocco and have a rich and diverse flora. These habitats are increasingly under pressure by man impact through grazing by domestic livestock and the development of annual crops in their catchments. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the species richness and the species composition of the vegetation of a sample of 30 pools in this region, in order to assess the structure of the vegetation within pools and to evaluate the role of environmental and anthropogenic factors in their richness and species composition. The results highlighted the species richness of the pools with 300 species found among which annual species were heavily dominant. The structure of the vegetation varied within pools according to a topographical/flooding gradient and between pools in relation with the land use in the surrounding areas. Three vegetation belts were recognized from the centre to the periphery of the pool. The total species richness per pool was not found significantly related to environmental or anthropogenic factors. The species characteristics of the pools were found mostly in the centre and their number affected by hydrological factors and land use in the pool and in the surrounding areas. The species characteristics of woodland habitats and of agriculture crops were found mostly in the peripheral zone. Temporary pools maintain specific communities of both aquatic and amphibious species, probably because of the selection induced by water level variations. The peripheral zone, although often dominated by terrestrial species, is clearly interpreted as part of the pool. It contains amphibious species highly characteristic of the pool for which the irregular flooding is a key environmental factor which decreases competition.  相似文献   

Ecology of Vibrio mimicus in aquatic environments.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
An environmental study was done to examine the prevalence of Vibrio mimicus in some aquatic environments of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and of Okayama, Japan. Water samples from Dhaka environments and water and plankton samples from Okayama environments were quantitatively as well as qualitatively analyzed throughout the seasons for V. mimicus. The organism was isolated from Bangladesh environments throughout the year, whereas it was not isolated in Okayama when the water temperature fell below 10 degrees C. Samples with as many as 9.0 x 10(2) CFU of V. mimicus per 100 ml of water in Dhaka and 1.5 x 10(4) CFU of V. mimicus per 100 ml of water in Okayama were detected during the study period. V. mimicus was not found in any environment with an average salinity of 10% or more. Brackish environments with an average salinity of 4% were observed to be the optimal natural condition for the pathogen. Using the API 20E system with the conventional test methods, we observed variations in biochemical properties within the V. mimicus species. This study reveals the inefficacy of the API 20E system to identify a significant percentage of V. mimicus. Therefore, in addition to the API 20E system, a salt tolerance test and a string test are recommended for identification of this species. Susceptibility testing of strains isolated from Okayama environments showed higher resistance to ampicillin and susceptibility to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole when compared with environmental isolates of V. mimicus from Bangladesh.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of ploughing on soil seed banks of plant communities living in temporary marshes located in agricultural fields. The quantity, quality and vertical distribution of seeds were quantified under ploughed or unploughed treatment at community level. We also focussed on a typical semi-aquatic species, Damasonium alisma, to investigate the impact of ploughing at population level. We used two complementary techniques to study seed banks: hand sorting and seedling emergence. We found that species richness of seeds, seed abundance and germination ability were strongly affected by ploughing at community level. Concerning D. alisma, most of the seeds (56%) were stored in the two deepest soil layers among the four considered in ploughed pools. Moreover, the germination rate was higher for buried seeds (84%) than for seeds collected at the surface (33.6%). These patterns were almost inverted in unploughed pools. Our results agree with the temporal storage effect generally suggested to describe the seed bank property of plant communities. But in addition, we showed that ploughing induces a spatial storage effect in accumulating species and individuals in the seed banks that favourably influence community dynamics. We conclude that, in contrast to what is usually thought, ploughing disturbance can be of benefit for such ephemeral wetland vegetation.  相似文献   

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