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Phosphate concentrations in the range 0.1 to 2.0 millimolar induced the formation of extracellular amorphous calcium-phosphates in the cell wall of the marine macro algae Ulva lactuca when they were cultivated in light in seawater at 20°C. A broad resonance representing these compounds as well as resonances for extracellular orthophosphate and polyphosphates could be followed by 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The presence of the calcium-phosphate made the cells brittle and it inhibited the growth of the macro algae and caused mortality within 1 week. The formation of the calcium-phosphates was influenced by the external phosphate concentration, the extracellular pH and the nature and concentration of the external nitrogen source. Furthermore, no formation of these compounds was observed when Ulva lactuca was cultivated in the dark, at low temperatures (5°C) or in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. The complex could be removed through washes with ethylenediaminetetraacetate; this treatment did not alter the intracellular pH or the orthophosphate and polyphosphate pools and it restored growth.  相似文献   

Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance is used to study changes in the levels of the major phosphate-containing intermediary metabolites concomitant with induced cellular differentiation in the N-18 and C-46 neuroblastoma clonal lines. The study reveals differences between the31P-NMR profiles of the two clonal lines and also striking differences attendant to dibutyryl cAMP-mediated morphological differentiation in the N-18 clone. Phosphorus-31 NMR would appear to provide a new technique with which to study genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance methodology continues to advance such that phosphorus-31 NMR experiments can be profitably applied to elucidate some aspects of proteins which are covalently phosphorylated. This review introduces NMR spectral parameters pertinent to using phosphorus-31 NMR for investigation of structure and dynamics. The techniques of two-dimensional NMR, solid state NMR, and isotopic substitution are also introduced. Characteristics of phosphorylated amino acids and peptides, as revealed by phosphorus-31 NMR, are described. Studies of phosphorylated containing phosphomonoesters, phosphoramidates, acyl phosphates, and disubstituted phosphorus bridges are discussed. Among these phosphoproteins are several examples where phosphorus residues evidently play a role as polyelectrolytes, in enzyme catalysis, and in regulation of protein function.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, relaxation times and nuclear Overhauser (NOE) enhancement have been measured for E. coli ribosomes, subunits and rRNA. NOE and T1 experiments reveal that the phosphorus relaxation in this organelle is largely dipolar in origin. Moreover these results imply the presence of internal motion within the RNA chain with a correlation time of about 3-5 x 10(-9) sec. In all cases the predominant resonance is centered at about -1.5 ppm (relative to 85% H3PO4) as expected for a phosphodiester linkage where there is a large degree of double helix. The linewidth narrows by about a factor of four when the ribosomal proteins are removed indicating a substantial immobilization of the RNA when it is assembled into the ribosome. In addition to the phosphodiester resonance, ribosomes also reveal one or two narrower resonances shifted to low field by 1-4 ppm. Based on the observation that these resonances show a pH dependent chemical shift, we assign them to phosphate monoesters i.e. terminal 3' or 5' phosphate groups. These terminal phosphates are due to short oligomers of RNA derived from the terminus of the chain.  相似文献   

Summary Streptococcus lactis ferments glucose in a homolactic fashion but a heterolactic fermentation pattern is observed when it is grown on maltose. Using in vivo phosphorus-31 and carbon-13 NMR studies of glucose-metabolizing cells we confirmed that fructosediphosphate (FDP) is the major glycolytic intermediate and that the production of lactate causes major changes both in the intra- and extracellular pH values. Starved cells contain mainly 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and some phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). Metabolism of maltose also brings about major changes in pH, but it was unclear from the poorly resolved in vivo spectra if FDP was the main glycolytic intermediate present. This question was further studied by analyzing perchloric acid extracts by phosphorus-31 NMR. These studies showed that glucose-metabolizing cells have higher levels of FDP and lower levels of inorganic phosphate (P i ) than maltose-metabolizing cells. 3-PGA always remained present in the latter cells suggesting that these exist in a semi-starved state which is probably the reason for their heterolactic fermentation pattern. In the course of these studies we also examined the effects of the inhibitors 2-deoxyglucose, fluoride and iodoacetate. We could demonstrate that by judicious choice of carbon sources and inhibitors one could completely reduce the intracellular P i pool. This suggests that one should be able to regulate the shift from heterolactic to homolactic fermentation, as P i is considered to be the most potent inhibitor of pyruvate kinase in these cells.Sponsored by grants from the Swedish Natural Sciences Research Council (NFR) (to BHH and HJV), the Biotechnology Research Foundation (SBF) (to BHH) and the Canadian Natural Sciences Research Council (NSERC) (to HJV)  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 NMR spectra of superfused isometrically mounted guinea-pig taenia coli were obtained using a horizontal probe at 103.2 MHz. The spectra showed resonances for ATP, phosphocreatine (PCr), and a sugar phosphate resonance. The PCr/ATP ratio was between 1.5 and 2.0 consistent with chemical analysis of tissue extracts. The level of PCr, but not of ATP, decreases reversibly during contraction or inhibition of respiration. These conditions did not cause substantial changes in the intracellular pH, which was 7.0 ± 0.1.  相似文献   

The effect of Mn2+/Mn2+, Mn2+/Zn2+ and Mn2+/Cd2+ reconstituted phosphotriesterase on the 31P spin lattice (1/T1) relaxation rate of diethyl p-methoxyphenyl phosphate has been investigated. In the presence of Mn2+/Mn2+ phosphotriesterase, the spin lattice relaxation rate of the phosphorus atom is enhanced giving an upper limit for the phosphorus-metal root mean-sixth average distance of 4.2 Å. These results demonstrate for the first time that substrates for phosphotriesterase bind in close proximity to the binuclear metal center.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic phosphomonoesters and inorganic phosphate, as well as vacuolar inorganic phosphate and polyphosphates, gave rise to the major peaks in 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of the marine macroalgae Enteromorpha sp., Ceramium sp., and Ulva lactuca which were collected from the sea. In contrast, NMR-visible polyphosphates were lacking in Pylaiella sp. and intracellular vacuolar phosphate seemed to act as the main phosphorus store in this organism. In laboratory experiments, polyphosphates decreased in growing U. lactuca which was cultivated in continuous light under phosphate-deficient conditions. In contrast, the same organism cultivated in seawater with added phosphate and ammonium, accumulated phosphate mainly in the form of polyphosphates. When nitrate was provided as the only nitrogen source, accumulation of polyphosphates in the algae decreased with increasing external nitrate concentration. From the chemical shift of the cytoplasmic Pi peak, the cytoplasmic pH of superfused preparations of Ulva was estimated at 7.2. The vacuolar pH, determined from the chemical shifts of the vacuolar Pi and the terminal polyphosphate peaks, was between 5.5 and 6.0. The intracellular nitrate and ammonium levels in U. lactuca were determined by 14N NMR. Both nitrogen sources were taken up and stored intracellularly; however, the uptake of ammonium was much faster than that of nitrate.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional solid-state 31P NMR has been used to investigate the orientational exchange of phospholipids in gel and liquid-crystalline aqueous multilamellar dispersions and oriented multibilayers, and in biological membranes. In liquid-crystalline L alpha multilamellar dispersions, orientational exchange originates from the lateral diffusion of phospholipid molecules over the curved surface of the liposomes and is manifest by an increase in off-diagonal intensity, which correlates the 90 and 0 degrees orientations of the membrane normal with respect to the magnetic field when the system is fully exchanged. Spectral simulations of the time evolution of exchange allowed determination of the correlation times tau d for lateral diffusion. For DMPC and DPPC at comparable reduced temperatures, tau d values of 44 and 8 ms were obtained, respectively. The nature and rate of exchange observed for POPE at 30 degrees C is similar to that of DMPC at the same temperature. The measured correlation times are consistent with diffusion rates obtained by FRAP for liposomes with radii in the 1 micron range. In the gel phase of DPPC (30 degrees C), little orientational exchange is observed at mixing times up to 200 ms, demonstrating that the lateral diffusion is very slow. The correlation time for orientational exchange obtained from spectral simulations was approximately 900 ms; thus, exchange in the gel state is at least two orders of magnitude slower than in the liquid-crystalline state. In the P beta (ripple) phase, at temperatures between 34 and 39 degrees C, significant exchange is observed for mixing times between 50 and 200 ms. Exchange is also observed in oriented samples of DPPC in the P beta phase for mixing times of 50 ms, but not for oriented liquid-crystalline samples for mixing times up to 100 ms. The exchange observed in the ripple phase could originate from rapid lateral diffusion of "fast" diffusing phospholipid within defect structures, and/or from "slow" lateral diffusion of ordered phospholipid over the ripples. 2D experiments were also performed on pig erythrocyte ghosts and on intact pig spinal cord. Significant orientational exchange was observed with the erythrocyte ghosts at a mixing time of 200 ms, but almost no exchange was observed with the spinal cord at the same mixing time. Spectral simulations suggest tau d values of approximately 400 ms and 1.3 s for the erythrocyte ghosts and spinal cord at 30 degrees C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rat brain in vivo has been examined by 31p NMR under conditions of normal blood perfusion (hematocrit 38%) and under conditions in which a perfluorocarbon blood substitute, devoid of any phosphorus containing compounds, largely replaced the animal's normal blood supply (hematocrit 7%). These studies demonstate that 2,3-diphosphoglycerate does not — as has been suggested — contribute to, and thus does not interfere with, the 31p NMR analysis of rat brain in vivo. However, low intensity 31P resonances assigned to choline phosphate, glycerol 3-phosphorylethanolamine, and glycerol 3-phosphorylcholine are observed. “High energy phosphorus” metabolite levels show no marked change over two hours with perfluorocarbon blood substitution from those of the normal blood perfused animal. This supports use of perfluorocarbon media for tissue perfusion in vitro and for 19F NMR vascular imaging in vivo.  相似文献   

Spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) for 31P were determined in normal and malignant tissues by a saturation technique employing a 90 degree -tau-90 degrees pulse sequence. Results for five normal tissues from rat were (in seconds): 2.33 +/- .14 for liver; 2.19 +/- .05 for muscle; 1.13 +/- .05 for brain; 1.43 +/- .15 fro kidney; and 1.97 +/- .12 for intestine. Results for two rat malignancies, Novikoff hepatoma and Walker sarcoma, were 5.98 +/- .57 and 5.38 +/- .68, respectively, and for Crocker sarcoma of mouse, 5.19 +/- 1.42. No individual measurement of malignant tissue overlapped any of the normal measurements; probabilities of insignificance ranged from .029 for Crocker sarcoma to .000184 for Novikoff hepatoma. The data call attention to another nucleus of potential value for NMR detection of internal malignancies in humans. Also suggested, because of the strategic placement of the 31P nucleus in the nucleic acid molecule, is a possible new probe for exploring the mechanism of carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 and cadmium-113 NMR spectroscopy has been used to study the interaction between tertiary phosphines (P(c-C6H11)3 and PBu3) and Cd(O3SCF3)2, Cd(ClO4)2, Cd(CF3COO)2 and Cd(SCN)2 salts in solution. the NMR data imply the formation in solution of novel 1:1 adducts CdX2(phos) (X = O3SCF3, ClO4, CF3COO, phos = P(c-C6H11)3, PBu3) in which there is substantial interaction between the anions and cadmium. Data are also presented for mixed phosphine complexes CdX2[P(c-C6H11)3][PBu3] (X = O3SCF3, ClO4, NO3, CF3COO, CH3COO, Cl, Br, I, SCN). The two bond coupling constants 2J(P′P) of these mixed phosphine complexes decrease as the coordination ability of the anion increases and cover the narrow range from 95 Hz to 66 Hz.  相似文献   

Biochemical and Ultrastructural Studies of Cultured Rat Astroglial Cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The growth of astroglial cells in primary cultures derived from newborn rat cerebral hemispheres was investigated in the absence and in the presence of newborn rat brain extract or dBcAMP. The parameters chosen were the content of DNA, total protein, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (OFA) as well as the morphologic development of gliofilaments. During the entire culture period the DNA content increased in control culture indicating a continuous cell division, whereas the cells stopped dividing after 14 or 4 days of treatment with either brain extract or dBcAMP respectively. In contrast, a constant increase of total protein was found in both control and treated cultures. Since cell divisions had stopped in treated cultures, the increase in total protein in these cultures indicates growth of the individual cells. The GFA levels increased progressively and similarly in control cultures and in cultures treated with brain extract. The values in the treated cultures remained slightly higher than those in controls. Conversely, immediately after the addition of dBcAMP a sudden increase in GFA protein occurred and the amounts were statistically significantly different from those of the controls. The GFA levels were expressed relative to total protein indicating that GFA constitutes an increasing amount of the total protein of the individual cells during culture. The changes in the amount of GFA was shown to parallel the morphologic development of gliofilaments. Indeed, when the level of GFA increased a progressive accumulation of gliofilaments was observed. The results obtained were discussed in relation to the astrocytic maturation.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of phospholipids   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Sonication of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and 1-palmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (lysoPC, up to approximately 30 mol %) produces small unilamellar vesicles (SUV, 250-265 A diameter). Phosphorus-31 NMR of the POPC/lysoPC vesicles gives rise to four distinct peaks for POPC and lysoPC in the outer and in the inner bilayer leaflet which can be used to localize and quantify the phospholipids in both vesicle shells. Addition of paramagnetic ions (3 mM Pr3+) enhances outside/inside chemical shift differences and allows monitoring of membrane integrity by the absence of Pr3+ in the vesicle interior. 31P NMR shows that lysoPC in these highly curved POPC/lysoPC vesicles prefers the outer bilayer leaflet. LysoPC incorporation into POPC SUV furthermore causes a substantial and concentration-dependent decrease in spin-spin relaxations (T*2) of the outside POPC phosphorus signals from 55 ms for pure POPC vesicles (v1/2, 5.8 Hz) to 29.5 ms (v1/2, 10.8 Hz) for POPC/lysoPC vesicles containing 25 mol % lysoPC. Our findings are consistent with the idea of a cone-shaped lysoPC molecule which, for geometric reasons, is preferentially accommodated in the outer bilayer leaflet. LysoPC incorporation into POPC SUV restricts POPC headgroup motion and tightens phospholipid packing, but only in the outer bilayer shell.  相似文献   

Sera from larval and pupal stages of the tobacco hornworn, Manduca sexta, have been investigated using phosphorus-31 pulsed Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance. Spectra of larval and pupal sera containing 5 mm EDTA were characterized by four major peaks and one or more minor resonances. A phosphorus-31 spectrum of dialyzed larval serum showed several weak signals which indicated the presence of some higher-molecular-weight phosphorylated compounds as well. None of those signals, however, corresponded to any of the ones seen with undialyzed sera. Three of the four prominent peaks and one minor peak in the whole larval serum had the same chemical shifts as those in the pupal samples. The pupal sera, in addition, displayed an extra peak well upfield from those of the larval stage. All of the low-molecular-weight resonances detectable in the hemolymphs have been identified and included four compounds not previously reported; trehalose-6-phosphate, phosphoarginine, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanol-amine. The phosphometabolites found at millimolar or higher concentrations in larval hemolymph were α-glycerolphosphate, phosphorylcholine, phosphorylethanolamine, inorganic phosphate, trehalose-6-phosphate, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine. All of the above compounds were found in pupal sera as well except for the addition of phosphoarginine and the deletion of phosphorylethanolamine. The levels of the phosphometabolites in common between the two stages of development, however, were quite different as were their stabilities after extraction. While the intensities of the larval phosphates remained virtually constant in the presence of EDTA at pH 7.8, those of the pupal sera changed rapidly. This was especially true for arginine phosphate which disappeared quickly.  相似文献   

To assess RNAi mediated inhibition of the expression of wt-DYT1 on H2O2-induced toxicity in NIH 3T3 cells and primary cortical neurons. To detect the function of wild-type Torsin A and the effect of SiRNA on the wt-DYT1 gene. The shRNA expression vector was constructed by ligating annealed complementary shRNA oligonucleotides into the down-stream of the human U6 promoter (PU6) of the RNAi-ready pSIREN-Shuttle vector. Then, the pSIREN-Shuttle-DYT1-shRNA cassette was ligated to Adeno-X Viral DNA to construct the recombinant adenoviral vector pAd-DYT1-shRNA. Cultured cerebral cortical neurons and NIH 3T3 cells were transfected with pAd-DYT1-shRNA and pSIREN-Shuttle-DYT1-shRNA. We evaluated NIH 3T3 cells and neurons in the presence of oxidative stress using a TUNEL assay under different conditions. The knockdown efficacy of the DYT1 was confirmed by real-time RT-PCR and Western Blot analysis. After exposure to H2O2, the quantity of NIH 3T3 cells transfected with pSIREN-Shuttle-DYT1-shRNA, which stained positively in the TUNEL assay, was significantly higher than the cells transfected with pSIREN-Shuttle-negative control-shRNA. (44.85 ± 1.81% vs. 8.98 ± 2.73%, t = 26.168). There were significantly more apoptotic neurons infected with pAd-DYT1-shRNA (45.63 ± 7.53%) than neurons infected with pAd-X-negative control-shRNA (17.33 ± 2.43%) (t = 9.816). The observed silencing of wild-type Torsin A expression by DYT1-shRNA was sequence-specific. RNAi-mediated inhibition of the expression of wild-type Torsin A increases apoptosis caused by oxidative stress. It is reasonable to consider that wild-type Torsin A has the capacity to protect cortical neurons against oxidative stress, and in the development of DYT1-delta GAG-dystonia the neuroprotective function of wild-type Torsin A may be compromised.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence to the 31P NMR spectra of poly[d(GC)] . poly [d(GC)],d(GC)4, phenylalanine tRNA (yeast) and mixtures of poly(A) + oligo(U) is presented. The 31P NMR spectra of mixtures of complementary RNA and of the poly d(GC) self-complementary DNA provide torsional information on the phosphate ester conformation in the double, triple, and "Z" helix. The increasing downfield shift with temperature of the single-strand nucleic acids provides a measure of the change in the phosphate ester conformation in the single helix to coil conversion. A separate upfield peak (20-60% of the total phosphates) is observed at lower temperatures in the oligo(U) . poly(A) mixtures which is assigned to the double helix/triple helix. Proton NMR and UV spectra confirm the presence of the multistrand forms. The 31P chemical shift for the double helix/triple helix is 0.2-0.5 ppm upfield from the chemical shift for the single helix which in turn is 1.0 ppm upfield from the chemical shift for the random coil conformation.  相似文献   

Salt-tolerant selected cells of Shamouti orange (Citrus sinensis) and Sour orange (Citrus aurantium) grew considerably better than nonselected cells at any NaCl concentration tested up to 200 millimolar. Also, the growth response of each treatment was identical in the two species. However, the performance of cells of the two species under osmotic stress induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is presumably a nonabsorbed osmoticum, was significantly different. The nonselected Shamouti cell lines were significantly more sensitive to osmotic stress than the selected cells. The salt adapted Shamouti cells were apparently also adapted to osmotic stress induced by PEG. In Sour orange, however, the selected lines had no advantage over the nonselected line in response to osmotic stress induced by PEG. This response was also similar quantitatively to the response of the selected salt-tolerant Shamouti cell line. It seems that the tolerance to salt in Shamouti, a partial salt excluder, involves an osmotic adaptation, whereas in Sour orange, a salt accumulator, such an adaptation apparently does not occur. PEG-induced osmotic stress causes an increase in the percent dry weight of salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant cells of both species. No such increase was found under salt stress. The size of control and stressed cells is not significantly different.  相似文献   

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