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Mole rats (genus Nannospalax) display prolific chromosomal variation with more than 50 distinct cytotypes. These cytotypes are largely indistinguishable morphologically, are mainly allopatric and their taxonomic ranking is contradictory. We established a cytochrome b phylogeny for 15 cytotypes belonging to all three species recognized on morphological grounds (morphospecies): N. leucodon, N. xanthodon and N. ehrenbergi. Phylogenetic reconstructions yielded two highly divergent groups which are in agreement with the current division into two subgenera (Nannospalax and Mesospalax). The former comprised samples from south‐eastern Turkey, Israel and Egypt (the morphospecies N. ehrenbergi). Basal dichotomy within Mesospalax remained unresolved and the putative sister position of N. leucodon against the two lineages of N. xanthodon was not supported in our analysis. Net divergences between sister cytotypes were low (< 2.0%) and two N. leucodon cytotypes were not even reciprocally monophyletic. Among the three morphospecies, the genetic diversity was lowest in N. leucodon (2.4% ± 0.3%), highest in N. xanthodon (8.8% ± 0.7%) and intermediate in N. ehrenbergi (5.0% ± 0.5%). Our results show that associations between genetic and chromosomal variation are not widespread and common in mole rats, and therefore refute the generalization of a ‘cytotype‐equals‐species’ approach. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 446–455.  相似文献   

Six flying fox species, genus Pteropus (four from the Philippines) were investigated using complete cytochrome b gene sequences (1140 bp) to infer their evolutionary relationships. The DNA sequences generated via polymerase chain reaction were analyzed using the neighbor-joining, parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods. We estimated that the first evolutionary event among these Pteropus species occurred approximately 13.90 ± 1.49 MYA. Within this short period of evolutionary time we further hypothesized that the ancestors of the flying foxes found in the Philippines experienced a subsequent diversification forming two clusters in the topology. The first cluster is composed of P. pumilus (Philippine endemic), P. speciosus (restricted in western Mindanao) with P. scapulatus, while the second one comprised P. vampyrus and P. dasymallus species based on the analysis from first and second codon positions. Consistently, all phylogenetic analyses divulged close association of P. dasymallus with P. vampyrus contradicting the previous report categorizing P. dasymallus under subniger species group with P. pumilus, P. speciosus, and P. hypomelanus. The Philippine endemic species (P. pumilus) is closely linked with P. speciosus. The representative samples of P. vampyrus showed a large genetic distance of 1.87%. The large genetic distance between P. dasymallus and P. hypomelanus, P. pumilus and P. speciosus denotes a distinct species group.  相似文献   

Using the data on complete sequences of cytochrome b gene, phylogenetic relationships were studied among the Stenocephalemys s. lat. (Stenocephalemys ssp. + Praomys albipes) murine rodents, inhabiting adjacent altitudinal belts of the isolated Ethiopian mountain massifs, and among the related Praomys s. lat. species. Extremely low resolution of the relationships among the main Praomys s. lat. lineages hampered identification of the nearest sister group for the Stenocephalemys s. lat. "Ethiopian" clade, monophyly of which was strongly supported. Sister relationships between P. albipes and S. griseicauda (implying "accelerated" morphological and chromosomal evolution upon the formation of the former species), as well as between S. albocaudata and the recently described novel chromosomal form of Stenocephalemus sp. A (2n = 50; NFa = 56) were demonstrated. Definite discordance between the rates of their molecular, chromosomal, and morphological evolution was revealed. Based on phylogenetic reconstructions and the estimates of the divergence time, obtained by use of molecular clock method, an attempt to draw a phylogenetic scenario for the group examined was made. The obtained data were compared to those for analogous Sigmodontinae species complexes, distributed across a marked altitudinal gradient on the Andean slopes. It was shown that molecular genetic data on the rodents from mountain tropics did not support the gradient model of diversification, based on the possibility of morphological diversification prior to their achievement of the species status (without interruption of the gene flow between the forms) due to differently directed selection across a strong environmental gradient.  相似文献   

Using the data on complete sequences of cytochrome b gene, phylogenetic relationships were studied among the Stenocephalemys s. lat. (Stenocephalemys spp. + Praomys albipes) murine rodents, inhabiting adjacent altitudinal belts of the isolated Ethiopian mountain massifs, and among the related Praomys s. lat. species. Extremely low resolution of the relationships among the main Praomys s. lat. lineages hampered identification of the nearest sister group for the Stenocephalemys s. lat. “Ethiopian” clade, monophyly of which was strongly supported. Sister relationships between P. albipes and S. griseicauda (implying “accelerated” morphological and chromosomal evolution upon the formation of the former species), as well as between S. albocaudata and the recently described novel chromosomal form of Stenocephalemus sp. A (2n = 50; NFa = 56) were demonstrated. Definite discordance between the rates of their molecular, chromosomal, and morphological evolution was revealed. Based on phylogenetic reconstructions and the estimates of the divergence time, obtained by use of molecular clock method, an attempt to draw an evolutionary scenario for the group examined was made. The obtained data were compared to those for Sigmodontinae species complexes, distributed across a marked altitudinal gradient on the Andean slopes. It was shown that molecular genetic data on the rodents from mountain tropics did not support the gradient model of diversification, based on the possibility of diversification of the forms up to their achievement of the species rank (without interruption of the gene flow between them) due to differently directed selection across a strong environmental gradient.  相似文献   

Two mitochondrial genes, Cytochrome b (Cytb) and Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), have been used as phylogenetic markers in Chironomids. The nucleotide sequences of 685 bp from Cytb and 596 bp from COI have been determined for 36 Chironomus species from the Palearctic, or Holarctic, and Australasia. The concatenated sequence of 1281 bp from both genes was used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among these species. The nucleotide sequence alignments were used for construction of phylogenetic trees based on maximum-parsimony and neighbor-joining methods. Both techniques produced similar phylogenies. Monophyly of the genus Chironomus is supported by a bootstrap value of 100% at the basal branch. Six clusters of species have been revealed with high bootstrap values supporting both monophyly of each cluster and the validity of the branching order within each cluster. Four species, C. circumdatus, C. nepeanensis, C. dorsalis, and C. crassiforceps, cannot be placed into any cluster. Cytological phylogenies were constructed using the same set of species, except for C. biwaprimus. These trees showed many similarities to that obtained from the mitochondrial (mt) sequence analysis, but also a number of significant differences. When compared with the tree constructed from the sequence of 23 species available for one of the globin genes, globin 2b (gb2b), there was better support for the mt tree than for the cytological trees. An intron, which varies in its occurrence and position in gb2b, was also investigated and the distribution of the introns supports the phylogenetic history of the genus Chironomus obtained with mt data. The differences observed in the cytological trees seem to be attributable more to the retention of the same chromosome banding sequence across several species, rather than convergent evolutionary events. An important question is the determination of the position of the subgenus Camptochironomus in relation to the representatives of the nominal subgenus Chironomus, since it has been suggested that this is a separate genus. The Camptochironomus species are internal to the trees and have arisen more recently than some of the species of the subgenus Chironomus, indicating that they are not sufficiently differentiated to be considered more than a subgenus.  相似文献   

从细胞色素b基因序列探讨笛鲷属的分子系统发生关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了9种中国南海的笛鲷属鱼类的细胞色素b基因的部分序列,结合来自GenBank中1种分布于菲律宾和9种分布于美国大西洋的笛鲷属鱼类的相应同源序列,用邻接法和最大简约法构建分子系统树。结果显示:红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanuserythropterus)与红笛鲷(L.sanguineus)之间的同源序列碱基差异百分率只有0.32%,支持二者是同种异名的观点;中国南海的笛鲷属鱼类间的平均碱基差异要高于美国大西洋笛鲷属鱼类。在MP和NJ树中,美国大西洋笛鲷表现为亲缘关系较近,来源于中国南海的笛鲷鱼类相对集中在树的基部,分歧较大。这与所研究的笛鲷地理分布和地理隔离基本相一致,同时也说明中国南海笛鲷分化较早并且分歧较大。  相似文献   

Partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences of eight salmonid species were used in a PAUP analysis to generate a phylogeny of the group. The four genera represented are Salmo, Salvelinus, Oncorhynchus and Thymallus . The inferred phylogenetic tree coincides well with the classically derived one for these genera. The recent reclassification of the rainbow trout as a member of the genus Oncorhynchus is supported. The assignment of grayling as the outgroup is vindicated. The utility of gene sequence data to infer the phylogenetic relationships of the Salmonidae is discussed.  相似文献   

A reliable phylogeny relating the major groups of Galliformes was sought in order to shed light on an unusual case of coupled amino acid replacements in the lysozymes c of these birds. The New World quail and the African guinea fowl share a unique trio of amino acids at three internal positions but have been separated phylogenetically by the majority of trees based on morphological characters. Alternative hypotheses based on molecular data have suggested an arrangement that would be more parsimonious with regard to the lysozyme data. The entire mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1,143 bp) was amplified via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced for nine galliforms and a representative anseriform to provide DNA sequence data for a phylogenetic reconstruction. The mode and tempo of change in these sequences were analyzed to determine the characters most appropriate for phylogenetic reconstruction. Our results place the New World quail outside all other representative game birds except the cracids. Although in conflict with various morphological analyses, this finding is consistent with the results of DNA-DNA hybridization studies. A model to account for the coupled replacements in the lysozymes is presented. Our results also suggest a rapid but ancient radiation among the Galliformes such that the majority of cytochrome b sequence differences among taxa have accumulated on the terminal branches of the reconstructed phylogenetic trees.Deceased July 21, 1991 Correspondence to: J.R. Kornegay  相似文献   

Aim To test a vicariant speciation hypothesis derived from geological evidence of large‐scale changes in drainage patterns in the late Miocene that affected the drainages in the south‐eastern Tibetan Plateau. Location The Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas. Methods The cytochrome b DNA sequences of 30 species of the genus Schizothorax from nine different river systems were analysed. These DNA sequences were analysed using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. The approximately unbiased and Shimodaira–Hasegawa tests were applied to evaluate the statistical significance of the shortest trees relative to alternative hypotheses. Dates of divergences between lineages were estimated using the nonparametric rate smoothing method, and confidence intervals of dates were obtained by parametric bootstrapping. Results The phylogenetic relationships recovered from molecular data were inconsistent with traditional taxonomy, but apparently reflected geographical associations with rivers. Within the genus Schizothorax, we observed a divergence between the lineages from the Irrawaddy–Lhuit and Tsangpo–Parlung rivers, and tentatively dated this vicariant event back to the late Miocene (7.3–6.8 Ma). We also observed approximately simultaneous geographical splits within drainages of the south‐eastern Tibetan Plateau, the Irrawaddy, the Yangtze and the Mekong–Salween rivers in the late Miocene (7.1–6.2 Ma). Main conclusions Our molecular evidence tentatively highlights the importance of palaeoriver connections and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau in understanding the evolution of the genus Schizothorax. Molecular estimates of divergence times allowed us to date these vicariant scenarios back to the late Miocene, which agrees with geological suggestions for the separation of these drainages caused by tectonic uplift in south‐eastern Tibet. Our results indicated the substantial role of vicariant‐based speciation in shaping the current distribution pattern of the genus Schizothorax.  相似文献   

There are currently 25 recognized species of the chipmunk genus Tamias. In this study we sequenced the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of 23 Tamias species. We analyzed the cyt b sequence and then analyzed a combined data set of cyt b along with a previous data set of cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) sequence. Maximum-likelihood was used to further test the fit of models of evolution to the cyt b data. Other sciurid cyt b sequence was added to examine the evolution of Tamias in the context of other sciurids. Relationships among Tamias species are discussed, particularly the possibility of a current sorting event among taxa of the southwestern United States and the extreme divergences among the three subgenera (Neotamias, Eutamias, and Tamias).  相似文献   

从细胞色素b基因全序列探讨大额牛的分子系统发生   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
大额牛是一种半野生半家养的珍稀牛种, 有关其起源和系统地位一直存在争议。通过PCR扩增、测序等步骤共获得了11头大额牛细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因全序列(1 140 bp)。应用分析软件, 对大额牛11条Cyt b序列进行了分析, 并结合GenBank中牛属动物6个近缘种的同源序列, 以亚洲水牛(Bubalus bubalis)为外群, 分别采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)构建了牛属动物分子系统发育树。序列分析结果表明, 11条大额牛Cyt b序列1 140位点中, 共发现95个变异位点(占分析位点总数的8.33 %), 定义了6种单倍型, 表明大额牛群体的Cyt b基因遗传多态性比较丰富。构建的NJ和MP分子系统树均显示, 大额牛研究群体明显分为3支, 第1支与普通牛(Bos taurus)相聚, 第2支与瘤牛(Bos indicus)相聚, 第3支与印度野牛(Bos gaurus)相聚。系统发育分析表明, 大额牛很可能是印度野牛的家养型或驯化种, 我国大额牛群体可能曾受到其他牛种血缘的入侵。  相似文献   

The genus Sorex is one of the most diverse and ecologically successful lineages of the family Soricidae. We present the first multilocus nuclear phylogeny focusing on the nominal subgenus Sorex s.str., which is distributed mainly in the northern Palearctic. The nuclear tree (six exons) provides more resolution than the mitochondrial data (cytb) and supports subdivision into eight species groups within Sorex s.str., most of which correspond to those recognized from chromosome data. The European species S. alpinus is consistently placed as the basal lineage in the Palearctic clade, while the next split separates the east‐Tibetan group of striped shrews (S. aff. cylindricauda, S. bedfordiae, S. excelsus). Within the remaining species, the following well‐supported clades are identified at the supra‐group level: “araneus” species group+S. samniticus; the “caecutiens” group+the “minutus” group, the latter also including S. minutissimus, S. gracillimus and S. thibetanus. S. raddei and S. roboratus represent separate lineages with no close relatives. The fossil‐calibrated molecular clock placed the divergence between Sorex s.str. and Otisorex at the Early/Middle Miocene boundary. Basal radiation of the crown Sorex s.str. was estimated to have occurred in the middle of the Late Miocene. A more than threefold increase in the diversification rate is inferred for the Early Pliocene. Taxonomic implications including potential genus ranks for Sorex s.str. and Otisorex are discussed. S. alpinus is placed in the monotypic subgenus Homalurus. The full species status of S. buchariensis and S. thibetanus and close relationships between S. cf. cansulus and S. caecutiens are confirmed.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genus Aleochara was previously poorly understood due to difficulties with phylogenetic reconstruction by morphological characters. We present here a phylogeny based on the sequences of a 2022-bp fragment of the COI/II genes; 50 Aleochara and 10 outgroup species were included in the analysis. We used parsimony, minimum-evolution, and maximum-likelihood analyses to infer the phylogeny of the group. Our data do not support the commonly assumed sister group relationship between Aleocharini and Hoplandriini. Aleochara is resolved as a monophylum, although A. clavicornis might not belong to the genus. Within Aleochara, there are two large monophyletic clades. Many of the existing subgenera are shown to be para- or polyphyletic; others are likely to be monophyletic. Tinotus morion, previously assigned to the Hoplandriini, is strongly supported as belonging to Aleochara. According to our data, the mesosternal carina that has been used as an important character for classification has arisen and been reduced independently in several clades within Aleochara.  相似文献   

Evolutionary patterns of selected characters among 17 representatives of subtribe Torilidinae of family Apiaceae were investigated by comparative sequencing of the two internal transcribed spacers of the 18s-26s nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat. Distribution of several palynological, cytological, morphological, and cotyledon characters reveals that many of these features are highly homoplastic. Base chromosome number of x=6 is not suggestive of monophyly of the genus Torilis. Features derived from secondary (vallecular) appendages of hits do not seem to be usekl characters for delimiting generic boundaries. Bristles on the primary ridges of fruits are ancestral within the subtribe; curved bristles and spines emerged. Characters of cotyledons and pollen grains support the generic relationships between Lisaea and Turgenia.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) consists of class I and class II genes. In the humanMhc (HLA) class II genes, nineDRB loci have been identified. To elucidate the origin of these duplicated loci and allelic divergences at the most polymorphicDRBI locus, introns 4 and 5 as well as the 3′ untranslated region (altogether approximately 1,000 base pairs) of sevenHLA-DRB loci, threeHLA-DRBI alleles, and nine nonhuman primateDRB genes were examined. It is shown that there were two major diversification events inHLA-DRB genes, each involving gene duplications and allelic divergences. Approximately 50 million years (my) ago,DRBI *04 and an ancestor of theDRB1 *03 cluster (DRBI *03, DRBI*15, andDRB3) diverged from each other andDRB5, DRB7, DRB8, and an ancestor of theDRB2 cluster (DRB2, DRB4, andDRB6) arose by gene duplication. Later, about 25 my ago,DRBI *15 diverged fromDRBI*03, andDRB3 was duplicated fromDRBI *03. Then, some 20 my ago, the lineage leading to theDRB2 cluster produced two new loci,DRB4 andDRB6. TheDRBI *03 andDRBI *04 allelic lineages are extraordinarily old and have persisted longer than some duplicated genes. The orthologous relationships ofDRB genes between human and Old World monkeys are apparent, but those between Catarrhini and New World monkeys are equivocal because of a rather rapid expansion and contraction of primateDRB genes by duplication and deletion. Correspondence to: Y. Satta  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 26 South African species in the tribe Aphnaeini (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) were inferred from DNA characters of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI), using maximum-parsimony methods. The resulting phylogenetic estimate supports the systematic hypothesis made by Heath (1997, Metamorphosis, supplement 2), based on morphological characters, that at least three preexisting genera (Chrysoritis, Poecilmitis, and Oxychaeta) should be collapsed into the single monophyletic genus Chrysoritis. Two of the species groups described by Heath within Chrysoritis are also monophyletic, while one is paraphyletic and thus unsupported by the molecular data. Strong node support and skewed transition/transversion ratios suggest that two Chrysoritis clades contain synonymous species. Aphytophagy appears as a derived feeding strategy. Evolutionary patterns of ant association indicate lability at the level of ant genus, while association with different ant subfamilies may have played an ancestral and chemically mediated role in the diversification of South African aphnaeines.  相似文献   

We sequenced the entire cytochrome b gene in Microtus paradoxus from Turkmenistan and Microtus socialis from Crimea and Kalmykia. Phylogenetic relationships among social voles were reconstructed by the inclusion into analyses of a further 23 published haplotypes belonging to six species. The two probabilistic methods which were used in phylogenetic analyses, the Bayesian inference and Maximum Likelihood, yielded very similar results. Both trees showed two highly divergent lineages which were further subdivided into seven species. The socialis lineage encompassed four species (M. socialis, M. irani, M. anatolicus, and M. paradoxus), and the remaining three species clustered into the guentheri lineage (M. guentheri, M. hartingi, M. dogramacii). The ranges for nucleotide divergences between seven species of social voles (4.95–9.28% and 4.18–8.81% for mean and net divergences, respectively) mainly exceeded 4.3%, which is frequently regarded as the conservative cut-off between sibling species in the specious genus Microtus.  相似文献   

We investigated phylogenetic relationships among north Mediterranean species of the genus Barbus using sequences of the cytochrome b gene. Our results indicate that the species belong to two major clades that are consistent with those previously defined from morphological features. The first clade includes species ranging from France to the Black Sea. In this clade, there is a well-supported monophyletic group of large-sized fluvio-lacustrine barbs; however, the monophyly of the small-sized rheophilic species is not clear. The second clade comprises species found in Spain, Greece, and Asia Minor and probably represents the oldest group present in the north Mediterranean rivers. In general, there is good concordance between geography and phylogenetic relationships. These results are compared to those from previous morphological- and allozyme-based studies and demonstrate widespread discordance and polyphyly in the traditional taxonomy of the genus Barbus. This study is one of the first reporting the phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of a genus that is widely distributed in European rivers and contains species that are a major component of the European ichthyofauna.  相似文献   

The group of small poor cods and pouts from the genus Trisopterus, belonging to the Gadidae family, comprises four described benthopelagic species that occur across the North-eastern Atlantic, from the Baltic Sea to the coast of Morocco, and the Mediterranean. Here, we combined molecular data from mitochondrial (cytochrome b) and nuclear (rhodopsin) genes to confirm the taxonomic status of the described species and to disentangle the evolutionary history of the genus. Our analyses supported the monophyly of the genus Trisopterus and confirmed the recently described species Trisopterus capelanus. A relaxed molecular clock analysis estimated an Oligocene origin for the group (∼30 million years ago; mya) indicating this genus as one of the most ancestral within the Gadidae family. The closure and re-opening of the Strait of Gibraltar after the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) probably triggered the speciation process that resulted in the recently described T. capelanus.  相似文献   

We examined intra-specific phylogenetic relationships in leatherside chub, Gila copei. The complete mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) was sequenced for 30 individuals from 10 populations that span the geographical distribution of this species. Traditional phylogenetic analyses revealed two deeply divergent and evolutionarily distinct mtDNA clades that are geographically separated in northern and southern drainage basins. Interpopulation sequence variation between clades ranged from 7.7 to 8.1%. The northern clade was genetically more similar and phylogenetically more closely related to the selected out-group Lepidomeda m. mollispinus than to the southern clade, suggesting that the taxonomy of this species may require revision. Sequence variation among populations within clades ranged from 0 to 0.3% in the north and from 0 to 0.7% in the south. Statistical parsimony was used to construct phylogenetic networks of haplotypes within clades. Nested clade analysis revealed that geographical fragmentation has played an important role in genetic structuring within northern and southern clades.  相似文献   

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