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Summary Declining yields of radiation-induced dicentric chromosomes in human G0 lymphocytes were observed in split-dose experiments with time intervals varied up to 8 h. In agreement with microdosimetric intratrack-intertrack interaction models, only the dose-squared yield component was reduced and approached an asymptotic value equal to one half of the corresponding single exposure yield. For 150 kV X-rays and 13 MeV electrons, at total doses up to 6 Gy, the time constant of the approximately exponential decline was practically dose- and quality-independent within a range of 100–180 min. For 10 kV X-rays, in the presence of a dominant linear yield component, only a small split-dose effect, but with a consistent-value, was observed for a total dose of 5 Gy. Since can be interpreted as the mean life time of primary lesions in chromatin fibres, its independence from absorbed dose and radiation quality means that radiation damage of the split-dose recovery mechanism can be excluded for doses up to 6 Gy. By correlating the observed split-dose reduction of the acentric fragment yield to the reduction of the dicentric yield, (1.64 ± 0.03) acentrics/dicentric for 150 kV X-rays and (1.51 ± 0.11) acentrics/dicentric for 13 MeV electrons were obtained. Acentrics formed in the course of dicentric formation as well as in other binary interactions of primary lesions are represented in these ratios. Post-irradiation recovery during time intervals between irradiation and cell stimulation up to 24 h did not occur. The relations to comparable results in cell lethality experiments are discussed, and a hypothesis of fast and slow binary interactions of primary lesions is put forward.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. Muth on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis work was supported by the Bundesministerium des Innern, Bonn, FRG  相似文献   

The effect of 125I-decay on cell lethality, and induction of chromosome and DNA damage, was studied in synchronous non-cycling, G1-phase CHO-cells. For this purpose a population of mitotic cells was allowed to divide and progress through S-phase in the presence of 125IdUrd. Cells were subsequently transferred to conditioned medium (C-med) obtained from plateau-phase cultures that allowed cells to divide and accumulate in G1-phase in a non-cycling state. To accumulate 125I-induced damage, cells were kept frozen at -80 degrees C. Freezing was carried out using a new method that optimally preserves cell integrity. After various times of cold storage, cells were thawed and assayed for survival, DNA and chromosome damage, either immediately or after various times in C-med. Neutral filter elution was used to assay repair of DNA double-strand breaks (dsbs), and premature chromosome condensation was used to assay repair of chromosome fragments and induction of ring chromosomes. The results indicate very little repair at the cell survival level (repair of PLD). At the DNA level an efficient repair of DNA dsbs was observed, with kinetics similar to those observed after exposure to X-rays. At the chromosome level a fast repair of prematurely condensed chromosome fragment was observed, with a concomitant increase in the number of ring chromosomes induced. The repair kinetics of chromosome fragments and DNA dsbs were very similar, suggesting that DNA dsbs may underlie chromosome fragmentation.  相似文献   

Development of the procedure to stimulate peripheral blood lymphocytes has greatly facilitated the understanding of chromosome aberration formation and repair mechanisms in human cells. Yet, because radiation induces far more initial chromosome breaks than are observed as aberrations in metaphase, it has not been possible to examine the kinetics of primary chromosome breakage and rejoining with this procedure. An improved method to induce premature chromosome condensation in unstimulated lymphocytes has been used to study primary chromosome breakage, rejoining, and ring formation at various times after irradiation with up to 800 rad of X-rays. The dose-response relations for chromosome fragments analyzed immediately or 1, 2, or 24 h after exposure were found to be linear. Rapid rejoining of chromosome fragments, which takes place in the first 3 h after X-ray exposure, was not correlated with a simultaneous increase in the formation of rings. The yield of rings per cell scored 24 h after irradiation, however, increased significantly and fit a linear quadratic equation. Both chromosome fragment rejoining and ring formation were completed about 6 h after irradiation. The frequency distributions of rings among cells followed a Poisson distribution, whereas chromosome fragments were overdispersed.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has shown that translocation frequencies decline over time. This phenomenon might be explained by the co-occurrence of translocations in cells that also contain dicentrics, in which case translocations would be eliminated as a by-product of selection against dicentrics. Alternatively, a fraction of translocations may themselves be lethal. Here we describe our initial approaches to develop mathematical models to test whether the decline in translocation frequencies results from the first, the second, or a combination of these two possibilities. The models assumed that all chromosome exchanges were simple, i.e., were comprised of dicentrics as well as one-way and two-way translocations. Complex aberrations (three or more breaks in two or more chromosomes) were not modeled, nor were fragments or intrachromosomal exchanges (rings, inversions). We tested the models using Monte Carlo simulations, and then we fitted the models to data describing chromosome aberration frequencies induced by a single acute in vitro exposure to (137)Cs gamma rays in human peripheral blood lymphocytes from two donors. Chromosome painting was used to enumerate translocations and dicentrics from 2 to 7 days after exposure. Our results indicate that in donor no. 2, the decline in translocation frequencies occurs as a by-product of selection against dicentrics. However, in donor no. 1, whose cells appeared more radiosensitive than cells from donor no. 2, up to 40% of the one-way translocations may themselves be lethal at high doses, although calculations indicate that two-way translocations do not cause lymphocyte mortality. Individual variation in the probability that translocations are lethal to cells appears to be important, and one-way translocations appear to be lethal more often than two-way translocations. Within the limits of these models, these findings indicate that both postulated mechanisms, i.e. inherent lethality and selection against dicentrics in the same cells, contribute to the loss of both one-way and two-way translocations.  相似文献   

Cells in human peripheral blood were treated in vitro with increasing concentrations of melatonin (0.5 or 1.0 or 2.0 mM) for 20 min at 37 ± 1°C and then exposed to 150 cGy γ-radiation from a 137Cs source. The lymphocytes which were pre-treated with melatonin exhibited a significant and concentration-dependent decrease in the frequency of radiation-induced chromosome damage as compared with the irradiated cells which did not receive the pre-treatment. The extent of the reduction in radiation-induced chromosome damage observed with 2.0 mM melatonin was similar to that found in lymphocytes pre-treated with 1.0 M dimethyl sulfoxide, a known free radical scavenger. Melatonin at 2.0 mM (a 500 X lower concentration) was as effective in decreasing the radiation-induced chromosome damage as dimethyl sulfoxide at 1.0 M. These observations may have implications for human protection against damage due to endogenously produced free radicals and also due to exposure to free radical producing physical and chemical mutagens and carcinogens.  相似文献   

The metabolic inhibitor of DNA synthesis cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) is known to induce chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes. It has been recently argued, however, that there is no unequivocal evidence that ara-C can damage chromosomes directly. Therefore, the effect of ara-C on unstimulated human lymphocytes was examined directly by means of the premature chromosome condensation technique. In about 50% of the cells, ara-C effectively induced chromosome fragments, which did not show rejoining even after the chemical was washed out. These results suggest that a possible selection against damaged cells in their progress to mitosis could result in the low yields of ara-C-induced chromosome aberrations reported in the literature. The effect of ara-C on the repair of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations was also examined. Ara-C did not affect the rejoining of the chromosome fragments induced in unstimulated human lymphocytes by 6 Gy of X-rays.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids inhibit cell proliferation by inducing cell cycle lengthening. In this report, we have analyzed, in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, the involvement of p27Kip1 in this slowing of proliferation. Following dexamethasone (DXM) treatment, p27Kip1 expression and regulation varied differently with the level of lymphocyte stimulation. In quiescent cells, DXM inhibited p27Kip1 protein expression by decreasing its rate of synthesis, whereas its half-life and mRNA steady state remained constant. In contrast, in stimulated lymphocytes, DXM increased p27Kip1 expression by enhancing its mRNA steady state. This increase is not only a consequence of the DXM-induced interleukin 2 inhibition: we also found an increase in p27Kip1 mRNA stability that was not observed in quiescent lymphocytes. Cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes immunoprecipitated with p27Kip1 are differentially modified by DXM addition: (a) G1 kinasic complexes (cyclin D/CDK4 or CDK6) associated with p27Kip1 are strongly decreased by DXM, (b) S-phase complexes (CDK2/cyclin E and A) remained stable or increased, and (c) the association of p27Kip1 with the phosphorylated forms of CDK1 is increased by DXM. In addition, CDK2 kinase activity was decreased in DXM-treated cells: we suggest that p27Kip1 might participate in inhibiting its catalytic activity. These results indicated that, in normal lymphoid cells, p27Kip1 may be involved in DXM antiproliferative effects. The increase of p27Kip1 expression and a decrease in G1 mitogenic factors, together with the redistribution of p27Kip1 to S/G2-M regulatory complexes, may explain the lengthening of G1 and S/G2 after DXM treatment in lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether chromosome 16p presents breakpoint regions susceptible to radiation-induced rearrangements. The frequencies of translocations were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using cosmid probes C40 and C55 mapping on chromosome 16p, and a chromosome 16 centromere-specific probe (pHUR195). Peripheral lymphocytes were collected from normal individuals and from seven victims of 137Cs in the Goiania (Brasil) accident (absorbed doses: 0.8-4.6 Gy) 10 years after exposure. In vitro irradiated lymphocytes (3 Gy) were also analyzed. The mean translocation frequency/cell obtained for the 137Cs exposed individuals was 2.4-fold higher than the control value (3.6 x 10(-3) +/- 0.001), and the in vitro irradiated lymphocytes showed a seven-fold increase. The genomic translocation frequencies (FGs) were calculated by the formula Fp = 2.05 fp(1-fp)FG (Lucas et al., 1992). For the irradiated lymphocytes and victims of 137Cs, the FGs calculated on the basis of chromosome 16 were 2- to 8-fold higher than those for chromosomes 1, 4 and 12. Our results indicate that chromosome 16 is more prone to radiation-induced chromosome breaks, and demonstrate a non-random distribution of induced aberrations. This information is valuable for retrospective biological dosimetry in case of human exposure to radiation, since the estimates of absorbed doses are calculated by determining the translocation frequency for a sub-set of chromosomes, and the results are extrapolated to the whole genome, assuming a random distribution of induced aberrations. Furthermore, the demonstration of breakpoints on 16p is compatible with the reports about their involvement in neoplasias.  相似文献   

S Wolff 《Mutation research》1972,15(4):435-444
The repair time for chromosome breaks induced by X-irradiation of unstimulated (G0) and stimulated (G1) human lymphocytes has been determined by dose fractionation studies. In both types of cells repair time was approx. 4–5 h. Treatment with hydroxyurea, a DNA synthesis inhibitor, did not prevent or delay the rejoining of broken chromosomes, whereas treatment with cycloheximide, a potent protein synthesis inhibitor, did. Thus, the repair of radiation-induced chromosome breaks in human lymphocytes is similar to the repair observed with plant cells.  相似文献   

This study provides a useful biodosimetry protocol for radiation accidents that involve high doses of heavy particle radiation. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were irradiated in vitro with high doses (5–50 Gy) of charged heavy-ion particles (carbon ions, at an effective linear-energy-transfer (LET) of 34.6 keV/μm), and were then stimulated to obtain dividing cells. PBLs were treated with 100 nM calyculin A to force chromosomes to condense prematurely, and chromosome spreads were obtained and stained with Giemsa. The G2 prematurely condensed chromosome (G2-PCC) index and the number of G2-PCC including fragments (G2-PCC-Fs) per cell for each radiation dose point were scored. Dose-effect relationships were obtained by plotting the G2-PCC indices or G2-PCC-Fs numbers against radiation doses. The G2-PCC index was greater than 5% up to doses of 15 Gy; even after a 30 Gy radiation dose, the index was 1 to 2%. At doses higher than 30 Gy, however, the G2-PCC indices were close to zero. The number of G2-PCC-Fs increased steeply for radiation doses up to 30 Gy at a rate of 1.07 Gy−1. At doses higher than 30 Gy, the numbers of G2-PCC-Fs could not be accurately indexed because of the limited numbers of cells for analysis. Therefore, the number of G2-PCC-Fs could be used to estimate radiation doses up to 30 Gy. In addition, a G2-PCC index close to zero could be used as an indicator for radiation doses greater than 40 Gy.  相似文献   



Major genomic surveillance mechanisms regulated in response to DNA damage exist at the G1/S and G2/M checkpoints. It is presumed that these delays provide time for the repair of damaged DNA. Cells have developed multiple DNA repair pathways to protect themselves from different types of DNA damage. Oxidative DNA damage is processed by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Little is known about the BER of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage and putative heterogeneity of BER in the cell cycle context. We measured the activities of three BER enzymes throughout the cell cycle to investigate the cell cycle-specific repair of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage. We further examined BER activities in G2 arrested human cells after exposure to ionizing radiation.


Using an in vitro incision assay involving radiolabeled oligonucleotides with specific DNA lesions, we examined the activities of several BER enzymes in the whole cell extracts prepared from synchronized human HeLa cells irradiated in G1 and G2 phase of the cell cycle. The activities of human endonuclease III (hNTH1), a glycosylase/lyase that removes several damaged bases from DNA including dihydrouracil (DHU), 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase (hOGG1) that recognizes 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxoG) lesion and apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (hAPE1) that acts on abasic sites including synthetic analog furan were examined.


Overall the repair activities of hNTH1 and hAPE1 were higher in the G1 compared to G2 phase of the cell cycle. The percent cleavages of oligonucleotide substrate with furan were greater than substrate with DHU in both G1 and G2 phases. The irradiation of cells enhanced the cleavage of substrates with furan and DHU only in G1 phase. The activity of hOGG1 was much lower and did not vary within the cell cycle. These results demonstrate the cell cycle phase dependence on the BER of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage. Interestingly no evidence of enhanced BER activities was found in irradiated cells arrested in G2 phase.  相似文献   

Chromosomal in situ suppression (CISS)-hybridization of biotinylated phage DNA-library inserts from sorted human chromosomes was used to decorate chromosomes 1 and 7 specifically from pter to qter and to detect structural aberrations of these chromosomes in irradiated human peripheral lymphocytes. In addition, probe pUC1.77 was used to mark the 1q12 subregion in normal and aberrant chromosomes 1. Low LET radiation (60Co-gamma-rays; 1.17 and 1.33 MeV) of lymphocyte cultures was performed with various doses (D = 0, 2, 4, 8 Gy) 5 h after stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin. Irradiated cells were cultivated for an additional 67 h before Colcemid arrested metaphase spreads were obtained. Aberrations of the specifically stained chromosomes, such as deletions, dicentrics, and rings, were readily scored after in situ hybridization with either the 1q12 specific probe or DNA-library inserts. By the latter approach, translocations of the specifically stained chromosomes could also be reliably assessed. A linear increase of the percentage of specifically stained aberrant chromosomes was observed when plotted as a function of the square of the dose D. A particular advantage of this new approach is provided by the possibility to delineate numerical and structural chromosome aberrations directly in interphase nuclei. These results indicate that cytogenetic monitoring of ionizing radiation may be considerably facilitated by CISS-hybridization.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of blood storage on the yield of micronuclei (MN) in both irradiated (in vivo and ex vivo) and unirradiated peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), we applied the MN assay in cytokinesis-blocked (CB) PBL obtained from healthy subjects (n=11), and from cancer patients (n=10) who were undergoing fractionated partial-body radiotherapy (xRT). The heparinized blood samples were exposed to 137Cs-irradiation (0 Gy or 2 Gy) immediately after blood collection and were stored upright in test tubes either at room temperature (22 degrees C) or in the refrigerator (5 degrees C). Duplicate whole blood cultures from each sample were set up at 0 h, 96 h, and 120 h after ex vivo irradiation. Giemsa (10%) stained slides were prepared from each culture. MN yield was determined per 1000 binucleated cells. As compared to that obtained from the corresponding fresh blood samples, we found that (1) the 22 degrees C blood storage temperature did not affect MN yields in PBL of either healthy subjects or cancer patients up to 96 h, either with or without ex vivo irradiation; and (2) while blood samples were stored at 5 degrees C, the MN yield increased significantly in PBL of healthy subjects (with or without ex vivo irradiation) at 120 h, and in cancer patients (with ex vivo irradiation) at 96 h and 120 h. Since handling of the blood sample is important for CBMN assay during shipment or in the laboratory, our findings showed that blood storage at 22 degrees C or at 5 degrees C up to 96 h appeared to provide insignificant variations of the MN results as compared to fresh blood samples. However, the 96 h of blood storage at 5 degrees C elevated the MN frequency in ex vivo irradiated PBL of cancer patients who were undergoing xRT.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) is influenced by the chemical complexity of the lesion. Clustered lesions (complex DSBs) are generally considered more difficult to repair and responsible for early and late cellular effects after exposure to genotoxic agents. Resection is commonly used by the cells as part of the homologous recombination (HR) pathway in S- and G2-phase. In contrast, DNA resection in G1-phase may lead to an error-prone microhomology-mediated end joining. We induced DNA lesions with a wide range of complexity by irradiation of mammalian cells with X-rays or accelerated ions of different velocity and mass. We found replication protein A (RPA) foci indicating DSB resection both in S/G2- and G1-cells, and the fraction of resection-positive cells correlates with the severity of lesion complexity throughout the cell cycle. Besides RPA, Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR) was recruited to complex DSBs both in S/G2- and G1-cells. Resection of complex DSBs is driven by meiotic recombination 11 homolog A (MRE11), CTBP-interacting protein (CtIP), and exonuclease 1 (EXO1) but seems not controlled by the Ku heterodimer or by phosphorylation of H2AX. Reduced resection capacity by CtIP depletion increased cell killing and the fraction of unrepaired DSBs after exposure to densely ionizing heavy ions, but not to X-rays. We conclude that in mammalian cells resection is essential for repair of complex DSBs in all phases of the cell-cycle and targeting this process sensitizes mammalian cells to cytotoxic agents inducing clustered breaks, such as in heavy-ion cancer therapy.  相似文献   

It has been known for many years that caffeine reduces or eliminates the G2-phase cell cycle delay normally seen in human HeLa cells or Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells after exposure to X or gamma rays. In light of our recent demonstration of a consistent difference between human normal and tumor cells in a G2-phase checkpoint response in the presence of microtubule-active drugs, we examined the effect of caffeine on the G2-phase delays after exposure to gamma rays for cells of three human normal cell lines (GM2149, GM4626, AG1522) and three human tumor cell lines (HeLa, MCF7, OVGI). The G2-phase delays after a dose of 1 Gy were similar for all six cell lines. In agreement with the above-mentioned reports for HeLa and CHO cells, we also observed that the G2-phase delays were eliminated by caffeine in the tumor cell lines. In sharp contrast, caffeine did not eliminate or even reduce the gamma-ray-induced G2-phase delays in any of the human normal cell lines. Since caffeine has several effects in cells, including the inhibition of cAMP and cGMP phosphodiesterases, as well as causing a release of Ca(++) from intracellular stores, we evaluated the effects of other drugs affecting these processes on radiation-induced G2-phase delays in the tumor cell lines. Drugs that inhibit cAMP or cGMP phosphodiesterases did not eliminate the radiation-induced G2-phase delay either separately or in combination. The ability of caffeine to eliminate radiation-induced G2-phase delay was, however, partially reduced by ryanodine and eliminated by thapsigargin, both of which can modulate intracellular calcium, but by different mechanisms. To determine if caffeine was acting through the release of calcium from intracellular stores, calcium was monitored in living cells using a fluorescent calcium indicator, furaII, before and after the addition of caffeine. No calcium release was seen after the addition of caffeine in either OVGI tumor cells or GM2149 normal cells, even though a large calcium release was measured in parallel experiments with ciliary neurons. Thus it is likely that caffeine is eliminating the radiation-induced G2-phase delay through a Ca(++)-independent mechanism, such as the inhibition of a cell cycle-regulating kinase.  相似文献   

The activity of the mitosis-promoting kinase CDC2-cyclin B is normally suppressed in S phase and G2 by inhibitory phosphorylation at Thr14 and Tyr15. This work explores the possibility that these phosphorylations are responsible for the G2 arrest that occurs in human cells after DNA damage. HeLa cell lines were established in which CDC2AF, a mutant that cannot be phosphorylated at Thr14 and Tyr15, was expressed from a tetracycline-repressible promoter. Expression of CDC2AF did not induce mitotic events in cells arrested at the beginning of S phase with DNA synthesis inhibitors, but induced low levels of premature chromatin condensation in cells progressing through S phase and G2. Expression of CDC2AF greatly reduced the G2 delay that resulted when cells were X- irradiated in S phase. However, a significant G2 delay was still observed and was accompanied by high CDC2-associated kinase activity. Expression of wild-type CDC2, or the related kinase CDK2AF, had no effect on the radiation-induced delay. Thus, inhibitory phosphorylation of CDC2, as well as additional undefined mechanisms, delay mitosis after DNA damage.  相似文献   

The frequency of translocations detected by FISH in lymphocytes of control donors increases with age as a quadratic function. This process is faster in persons previously exposed to low doses of radiation. It means that translocation frequency can be used as a measure of biological age. Moreover, translocation frequency should be taken into account in biological reconstruction of absorbed doses. The frequencies of dicentrics detected by FIGH and FPG linearly increase with age in both groups, and this process occurs at equal rates during natural and radiation-induced aging. The age-dependent increase in the frequency of translocations exceeds the increase in dicentrics. The radiation sensitivity of lymphocytes estimated from the frequency of in vitro induced chromosomal aberrations tends to increase with age in the control group and decreases significantly in the group exposed to radiation; i.e., low-dose preexposure alters the pattern of the age dependence of radiation sensitivity in lymphocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

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