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This article briefly describes a large, multidisciplinary research project that combines skeletal data in Europe over the past 10,000 years with information from sources in history, archaeology, geography and climate history to measure and analyze important aspects of human health. Over this era human health was significantly affected by climate change, the rise of settled agriculture, urbanization, new technologies, global exploration and colonization, and industrialization.  相似文献   

This paper creates a framework for the study of the history of tourism for climate and health. It traces the ways in which people have both moved away from detrimental health conditions and towards places thought to provide climatic cures. It brings to light the complex issues that have affected the course of the tourist trade. In this way it helps to explain that the modern geographical distribution of the highly fashionable resort areas of the world owe a great deal to past and present interpretations of the HippocraticCorpus.  相似文献   

The project brought together researchers from 9 EU-Countries and resulted in a number of actions, in particular the following: (a) There is an urgent need of defining the concept of flexible working hours, since it has been used in many different and even counterintuitive ways; the most obvious distinction is where the influence over the working hours lies, that is between the “company-based flexibility” and the “individual-oriented flexibility”; (b) The review of the Legislation in force in the 15 European countries shows that the regulation of working times is quite extensive and covers (Council Directive 93/104/EC) almost all the various arrangements of working hours (i.e., part-time, overtime, shift, and night work), but fails to provide for flexibility; (c) According to the data of the Third EU Survey on Working Conditions, longer and “irregular” working hours are in general linked to lower levels of health and well-being; moreover, low (individual) flexibility and high variability of working hours (i.e., company-based flexibility) were consistently associated with poor health and well-being, while low variability combined with high autonomy showed positive effects; (d) Six substudies from different countries demonstrated that flexible working hours vary according to country, economic sector, social status, and gender; overtime is the most frequent form of company-based flexibility but has negative effects on stress, sleep, and social and mental health; individual flexibility alleviates the negative effects of the company-based flexibility on subjective health, safety, and social well-being; (e) The literature review was able to list more than 1,000 references, but it was striking that most of these documents were mainly argumentative with very little empirical data. Thus, one may conclude that there is a large-scale intervention ongoing in our society with almost completely unknown and uncontrolled effects. Consequently, there is a strong need for systematic research and well-controlled actions in order to examine in detail what flexible working hours are considered, what and where are their positive effects, in particular, as concerns autonomy, and what regulation seem most reasonable.  相似文献   

A new diatom record from Lake Euramoo on the Atherton Tableland, north Queensland, Australia is used to assess regional climate change and variability and their links to forcing at a local to global scale. The major factor driving diatom composition in the approximately fifteen thousand-year record appears to be regional moisture availability. Patterns of diatom preservation and other indicators, particularly sediment organic content, suggest that permanent deep water formed at the site from ca. 15,000 cal. yr BP. However, between 13,800 and 11,500 cal. yr BP, there was a notable phase of lower lake levels and effective precipitation. The timing and duration of this phase does not correspond to large-scale climate phenomena such as the Antarctic Cold Reversal or the Younger Dryas and supports emerging evidence for a variable climate regime in the south-west Pacific during the late glacial transition.The Early to Mid Holocene record is one of remarkable stability with 5000 years of sustained dominance by the planktonic diatom Aulacoseira ambigua. Conversely, the Mid to Late Holocene record is marked by distinct diatom variability superimposed on a series of sustained shifts in composition. Accentuated Late Holocene climate variability may aid in explaining intensified land use in indigenous populations and also suggests that Europeans may have arrived in the landscape at the time it was most vulnerable to perturbation.  相似文献   

The Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption, dated by 40Ar/39Ar and various stratigraphic methods to ca. 39,000 cal BP, generated a massive ash plume from its source in southern Italy across Southeastern and Eastern Europe. At the Kostenki-Borshchevo open-air sites on the Middle Don River in Russia, Upper Paleolithic artifact assemblages are buried below, within, and above the CI tephra (which is redeposited by slope action at most sites) on the second terrace. Luminescence and radiocarbon dating, paleomagnetism, and soil and pollen stratigraphy provide further basis for correlation with the Greenland and North Atlantic climate stratigraphy. The oldest Upper Paleolithic occupation layers at Kostenki-Borshchevo may be broadly correlated with warm intervals that preceded the CI event and Heinrich Event 4 (HE4; Greenland Interstadial: GI 12-GI 9) dating to ca. 45,000-41,000 cal BP. These layers contain an industry not currently recognized in other parts of Europe. Early Upper Paleolithic layers above the CI tephra are correlated with HE4 and warm intervals that occurred during 38,000-30,000 cal BP (GI 8-GI 5), and include an assemblage that is assigned to the Aurigancian industry, associated with skeletal remains of modern humans.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from the Ahlequellmoor in the Solling area shows the history of vegetation and settlement over the last 7,800 years. In the early Atlantic period mixed deciduous forest with mainly Tilia together with Ulmus and Quercus grew in the area. In the late Atlantic period Quercus became most abundant. Fagus spread in the Sub-boreal period at about 2700 B.C. Since ca. 900 B.C. the Solling was covered by beech forests with some oak. In prehistoric times woodland grazing is indicated. Only in Medieval times are two settlements in the vicinity of the Ahlequellmoor reflected in the pollen diagram. The earlier one is dated to about A.D. 750–1020, and may be connected with the former Monastery of Hethis, which is thought to have existed close to the fen from A.D. 815 to 822. The second Medieval settlement dates to the 11th–12th century. The large-scale woodland destruction of late Medieval and modern times is not clearly visible. The silvicultural measures of the last 200 years are reflected by increasing values of spruce and grassland taxa.  相似文献   

老鸦洞遗址是贵州省毕节市七星关区一处旧石器时代晚期遗址,该遗址上世纪80年代被发现并发掘,出土大量石制品及动物碎骨。为进一步研究该遗址,明确遗址文化及年代性质,2013年7月至8月,发掘队对该遗址进行了再次系统发掘,出土包括石制品、骨制品、古人类牙齿化石、动物化石、植物果核、碳屑在内的标本两千余件,其中,石制品在制作技术上显示了典型的小石片石器传统特征。另有未统计碎骨上万件。碳十四测年结果表明,这些出土物及遗迹记录了旧石器时代晚期距今37000-20000年,以及距今14000年古人类在老鸦洞内生存的历史,是毕节地区旧石器时代晚期最初阶段古人类生存栖息的证据。多个石制品及碳屑、灰烬富集的层位表明了古人类对该洞穴的长时间反复利用,以及末次冰期最盛期期间人类活动的消退现象。  相似文献   

Recent scholarship has revised the once pessimistic view of the Chinese economy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but controversy surrounds the distribution effects of economic growth. Did livelihoods improve? Who benefited from the growth? Which regions were better off? Past studies infer an improved standard of living based on sparse data for wages, the output of cotton textiles and movements in grain prices. Height data provide an additional measure of the change in welfare, specifically the biological standard of living. This paper draws on the health examination records conducted at various Chinese government enterprises and agencies during the 1930s and 1940s, and shows a modest improvement in this measure of human welfare in some regions of China from the 1890s to the 1920s.  相似文献   

A growing body of archeological evidence suggests that the dramatic climatic events of the Last Glacial Maximum in Europe triggered important changes in foraging behavior, involving a significant decrease in mobility. In general, changes in mobility alter patterns of bending of the midshaft femur and tibia, resulting in changes in diaphyseal robusticity and shape. This relationship between levels of mobility and lower limb diaphyseal structure was used to test the hypothesized decrease in mobility. Cross-sectional geometric data were obtained for 81 Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic European femora and tibiae. The sample was divided into three time periods: Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP), Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP), and Mesolithic (Meso). In addition, because decreased mobility often results in changes in sex roles, males and females were analyzed separately. All indicators of bending strength decrease steadily through time, although few of the changes reach statistical significance. There is, however, a highly significant change in midshaft femur shape, with LUP and Meso groups more circular in cross-section than the EUP sample, supporting archeologically based predictions of decreased mobility. Sexual dimorphism levels in diaphyseal strength remain low throughout the three time periods, suggesting a departure in Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic foragers away from the pattern of division of labor by sex observed in modern hunter-gatherers. Results confirm that the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum represents a crucial stage in Late Pleistocene human evolution, and signals the appearance of some of the behavioral adaptations that are usually associated with the Neolithic, such as sedentism.  相似文献   

The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition is a key period of change in the prehistory of the Old World and one of the most studied issues in paleoanthropology, as the nature of the transition(s) is still, after at least a century of archaeological research, largely unknown. Many of the issues at stake in the transition relate to the problem of building a reliable chronology for this period, which is at the limits of the radiocarbon method. The papers in this volume show that much progress has been made in our chronological knowledge of significant aspects of the transition, such as the age of the most recent Neandertal fossils and the earliest modern human remains in Europe, and the inferred overlap between the Chatelperronian and the Aurignacian. At the same time, the volume also shows where the chronological database for the period 40 to 30 ka 14C BP is flawed and that significant contextual and methodological problems have been underestimated in a number of studies of the biological and cultural changes during this crucial period. Chronology is employed by paleoanthropologists to relate the record of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition to major biological and cultural developments. This paper takes a broader paleoanthropological perspective and attempts to evaluate and, to some degree, synthesize the main results of these proceedings, while also presenting a brief discussion of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic archaeological and fossil records, and possible explanations for the differences between the two, focusing on the role of differences in the ecology of Neandertals and early European modern humans.  相似文献   

A continuous palynological record from the marine core GeoB1016-3 from the Angola Basin reveals the regional vegetation and climate history of the last 300 ka. Pollen and spores found at the studied site have their source areas in the different vegetation zones of the adjacent part of the West African continent. Those vegetation zones comprise tropical rain forest, coastal mangrove swamp, Miombo woodland, dry forest, Afromontane forest, desert and semi-desert. The main pollen transport agent is the southeast trade wind system. Ocean currents also partly play a role in transporting pollen and spores. During the interglacial periods, ocean currents also transported palynomorphs southward. During the glacial periods, increased trade winds are indicated by high influx of pollen and spores and high pollen percentages of Poaceae and taxa from desert and semidesert vegetations. Reconstruction of the geographical position of palaeo-vegetation zones shows that the northern boundary of the Namib Desert did not move north of 12°S during the last 300 ka. This implies that northward shifts of the Angola-Benguela Front did not pass the latitude of 12°S.  相似文献   

A case of chondrodystrophic dwarfism in the Italian late Upper Paleolithic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During excavations by P. Graziosi at Romito Cave near Papasidero (Cosenza) in Calabria, Italy, two skeletons (Romito 1 and 2) were discovered in a common grave. Although the specimens were briefly described by Messeri (Atti X Riuniuone Scientifica Ist. Ital. Preist. Protost., pp. 301-307, 1966), it is generally unknown in the anthropological literature that one of these individuals is a chondrodystrophic dwarf. As such, the specimen provides the earliest known case of dwarfism in the human skeletal record, extending the time span of this genetically determined growth abnormality to approximately 10,000 years ago. The specimen (Romito 2) exhibits features typical of chondrodysplasia, including a high domed skull, compressed cranial base, and in the postcranial skeleton extremely shortened diaphyseal lengths. The unique combination of these features suggests this pathological condition is acromesomelic dysplasia. Besides providing evidence for a greater antiquity of dwarfism than previously known, the fact that this individual reached late adolescence attests to tolerance of Upper Paleolithic groups for severely abnormal individuals and their ability to support members who were of limited economic value to the social group.  相似文献   

Archaeological charcoals from Puritjarra rock shelter provide the first direct information about the vegetation of central Australia during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. During the late Pleistocene there appears to have been a more open vegetation than today with fewer trees and shrubs, though with many of the taxa that are important in the modern central Australian flora. The persistence of species such as Acacia macdonnelliensis, Callitris glaucophylla and Eucalyptus opaca throughout the time of the last glacial maximum and the presence of appreciable quantities of wood charcoal in the archaeological deposits at this time indicate that the region was not a tree-less steppe even during full glacial aridity. From 13,000 B.P. onwards, acacias are strongly represented in the charcoal assemblage both quantitatively and in terms of the number of species present. Acacia aneura is for the first time a major component of the assemblage indicating that it had by this time become a significant element of the local vegetation. These changes coincide with evidence elsewhere in the Australian arid zone for the onset of wetter conditions in the early Holocene.  相似文献   

Climate change is a current global concern and, despite continuing controversy about the extent and importance of causes and of its effects, it seems likely that it will affect the incidence and prevalence of both residual and imported infections in Europe. Climate affects mainly the range of infectious diseases, whereas weather affects the timing and intensity of outbreaks. Climate change scenarios include a change distribution of infectious diseases with warming and changes in outbreaks associated with weather extremes. The largest health impact from climate change for Europe doesn’t come from vector borne infectious diseases. This does not mean that these types of health impacts will not arise in Europe. The ranges of several vector-borne diseases or their vectors are already changing in altitude due to warming. In addition, more intense weather events create conditions conductive to outbreaks of infectious diseases: Heavy rains leave insect breeding sites, drive rodents from burrows, and contaminate clean water systems. The incidence of mosquito-borne parasitic and viral diseases, are among those diseases most sensitive to climate. Climate change affect disease transmission by shifting the vector’s geographic range and by shortening the pathogen incubation period. climate-related increases in temperature in sea surface and level would lead to higher incidence of waterborne infectious and toxin-related illnesses, such as cholera and seafood intoxication. Climate changes all around the world with impact in Europe are demonstrated by the fact that recent cases of cholera have been imported to Europe from Kenya, where spreading epidemic has been linked to the El Niño phenomenon, originated from the Pacific Ocean. Human migration and damage to health infrastructures from aberrant climate changes could indirectly contribute to disease transmission. Human susceptibility to infections might be further compounded by alterations in the human immune system caused by increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation and malnutrition due to alterations in agricultural products. Different kind of incidents in Europe with extreme weather events demonstrated effects on public health. The recent outbreak of the insect-borne Chikungunya virus in Italy in 2007 is an example of the kind of new health threat that the EU must be vigilant to confront. In addition, health effects of flooding, have been related to an excess cases of leptospirosis and campylobacter enteritis. Such examples have been demonstrated reported after flooding in the Czech Republic. Similarly, an increase of cryptosporidiosis in the United Kingdom has been related to flooding. Changing vector distributions associated with tickborne encephalitis and malaria have also been dempostrated in EU. A recently reported case of malaria in Italy in June 2008, suspected to be indigenously acquired, has shown how easily malaria could be reintroduced into several countries in the region. Another case of malaria in Greece in May 2010 affecting a young man living in a forestry region was claimed at KEELPNO-the Greek Center for disease control. Would this latest case be considered closely related to the one from Italy? If yes, then Public Health Services should elaborate plans to affront possible tickborne diseases. Heat waves are important causes of mortality on mortality are important. The deaths seen in France in 2003 from a heat wave are projected to be repeated, as heat waves become more severe. However, heat waves impacts on the transmission and severity of infectious diseases have not been elucidated. Finally scientific challenges include the elucudation of climate changes and extreme weather condition impact on infection transmission and outcome, human immune system changes and infection response, outbreak scenarios, animal and plant health and public health preparedness. European action plans to affront climate changes related health and infection problems are developed by the EU Commission at different levels and jointly by different DGs. In a few words within the EU the following points on human, animal and plant health are considered a priority: * Strengthening cooperation between the services of these three branches of health (human, animals, plants); * Developing action plans in the event of extreme weather conditions, in order to be better prepared and to react in the best way; * Gathering more reliable information on the risks of climate change whilst maintaining international cooperation, in particular with the WHO, as cooperation beyond that between Member States will be required to be more effective; * Providing additional effort to identify the most effective measures; * Improving the surveillance and the control of the animal diseases. The European Commission has decided to consider climate change, and the consequences it has on health, with greater importance whilst being aware that it is at the root of numerous diseases.  相似文献   

Running over timescales that span decades or centuries, the epidemiological transition provides the central narrative of global health. In this transition, a reduction in mortality is followed by a reduction in fertility, creating larger, older populations in which the main causes of illness and death are no longer acute infections of children but chronic diseases of adults. Since the year 2000, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have provided a framework for accelerating the decline of infectious diseases, backed by a massive injection of foreign investment to low-income countries. Despite the successes of the MDGs era, the inhabitants of low-income countries still suffer an enormous burden of disease owing to diarrhoea, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other pathogens. Adding to the predictable burden of endemic disease, the threat of pandemics is ever-present and global. With a view to the future, this review spotlights five aspects of the fight against infection beyond 2015, when the MDGs will be replaced by a new set of goals for poverty reduction and sustainable development. These aspects are: exploiting the biological links between infectious and non-infectious diseases; controlling infections among the new urban majority; enhancing the response to international health threats; expanding childhood immunization programmes to prevent acute and chronic diseases in adults; and working towards universal health coverage. By scanning the wider horizon now, infectious disease specialists have the chance to shape the post-2015 era of health and development.  相似文献   

Abstract For a phylogeographical analysis of European grey partridge (Perdix perdix) we sequenced 390 nucleotides of the 5′ end of the mitochondrial control region (CR) of 227 birds from several localities. The birds were divided into two major clades (western and eastern) which differed in control region 1 (CR1) by 14 nucleotide substitutions (3.6%). For estimation of the time of divergence, the whole CR of 14 specimens was sequenced. The major clades differed by 2.2%, corresponding to an estimated coalescence time of c. 1.1 million years. On CR1, 45 haplotypes were found. Western clade haplotypes were found in France, England, Germany, Poland, Italy and Austria. Eastern clade haplotypes were found in Finland, Bulgaria, Greece, and Ireland. One Finnish population and all Bulgarian and Irish populations were mixed, but only in Bulgaria was the mixing assumed to be natural. Nucleotide and haplotype diversities varied between populations, and both clades showed geographical structuring. The distribution of pairwise nucleotide differences in the eastern clade fitted the expectations of an expanding population. About 80% of the genetic structure in the grey partridge could be explained by the clades. The western clade presumably originates on the Iberian Peninsula (with related subtypes in Italy), and the eastern clade either on the Balkan or Caucasian refugia. Large‐scale hand‐rearing and releasing of western partridges have introduced very few mtDNA marks into the native eastern populations in Finland.  相似文献   

Ossom's Eyrie Cave, a small cave in the face of a limestone cliff, has yielded an extensive vertebrate fauna which documents important changes over the last 2000 years. There seem to be three major contributions to the fauna. A short-lived Romano-British occupation provides dating evidence for the lower levels, and may have contributed a few bones of larger species (sheep/goat, pig, fowl). A golden eagle nested on the cave ledge at a later time, and brought as food medium to large birds and mammals, including black grouse, raven, polecat, pine marten, juvenile fox, badger, roe deer and wild boar. Many of these species are locally extinct. There is an extensive small mammal fauna of over 4200 individuals, which occurs throughout the deposits and dominates the top layers representing the diet of a barn owl. Important changes in this fauna include the sudden decline of the water vole from around 7% in the earlier layers to less than 1% in the top layers and the disappearance of the dormouse.  相似文献   

During the 19th century the physical stature of the Canadian-born stagnated or declined slightly in spite of a substantial increase in income. Stature varied regionally within Canada. The Quebec population was especially short; men in the Atlantic coastal region were taller than their low incomes would lead us to expect. Heights increased dramatically in the 20th Century. The pattern of long-run change is consistent with evidence of age-specific mortality and with the relationship between income and physical well-being envisaged by Preston [Preston, S., 1975. The changing relationship between mortality and the level of economic development. Popul. Stud. 29, 231-248]. The transition from stagnant or declining stature to secular increase points to a dramatic shift ca. 1900 in the evolution of the physical standard of living in Canada.  相似文献   

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