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The YidC protein fulfills a dual and essential role in the assembly of inner membrane proteins in Escherichia coli. Besides interacting with transmembrane segments of newly synthesized membrane proteins that insert into the membrane via the SecYEG complex, YidC also functions as an independent membrane protein insertase and assists in membrane protein folding. Here, we discuss the mechanisms of YidC substrate recognition and membrane insertion with emphasis on its role in the assembly of multimeric membrane protein complexes such as the F1F0-ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The a subunit is a membrane component of the F1F0-ATP synthase from Escherichia coli. Regions of a which appear important for membrane insertion or F0 assembly have been identified by analysis of both deletion mutants and fusion proteins which link the mutant a subunits to alkaline phosphatase. This analysis suggests the hydrophilic, amino-terminal domain of a is required for proper membrane targeting and/or insertion of the nascent polypeptide. In addition, the subcellular fractionation of four different a subunit-beta-galactosidase fusion proteins suggests this domain is localized to the periplasm, in agreement with a proposed topological model of the protein (Lewis, M.J., Chang, J.A., and Simoni, R.D. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 10541-10550). Deletions within the next three putative loops of a appear to have no significant effect on membrane targeting or insertion. Rather, they seem to interfere with the subsequent assembly of a functional enzyme.  相似文献   

During the assembly of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase, the subunits of F1 interact with F0 to increase the proton permeability of the transmembrane proton channel. We tested the involvement of the delta subunit in this process by partially and completely deleting uncH (delta subunit) from a plasmid carrying the genes for the F0 subunits and delta and testing the effects of those F0 plasmids on the growth of unc+ and unc mutant E. coli strains. We found that the delta subunit was required for inhibition of growth of unc+ cells. We also tested membranes isolated from unc-deleted cells containing F0 plasmids for F1-binding ability. In unc-deleted cells, these plasmids produced F0 in amounts comparable to those found in normal unc+ E. coli cells, while having only small effects on cell growth. These studies demonstrate that the delta subunit plays an important role in opening the F0 proton channel but that it does not serve as a temporary plug of F0 during assembly, as had been previously speculated (S. Pati and W. S. A. Brusilow, J. Biol. Chem. 264:2640-2644, 1989).  相似文献   

U Norris  P E Karp    A L Fimmel 《Journal of bacteriology》1992,174(13):4496-4499
Eight strains carrying amino acid substitutions within the c subunit of the F0F1 ATPase of Escherichia coli have been constructed by using site-directed mutagenesis. Three strains carrying the substitutions Gly-23----Leu, Ala-24----Leu, and Gly-38----Leu, which reside in or near the highly conserved glycine-rich region of the c subunit, are unable to carry out oxidative phosphorylation. Membranes prepared from these strains possess basal levels of ATPase activity. In contrast, strains carrying the substitutions Ile-30----Phe, Gly-33----Leu, Gly-58----Leu, and Lys-34----Val and the Lys-34----Val, Glu-37----Gln double substitution were found to possess a coupled phenotype similar to that of the wild type.  相似文献   

ATP4, the structural gene for yeast F0F1 ATPase subunit 4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A plasmid containing the gene coding for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae F0F1 ATPase subunit 4 was isolated from a yeast genomic DNA library using the oligonucleotide probe procedure. The gene and the surrounding regions were cloned into M13 tg 130 and M13 tg 131 phage vectors. A 732-base-pair open reading frame encoding a 244-amino-acid polypeptide is described. The nucleotide sequence predicts that subunit 4 is probably derived from a precursor protein with a hydrophilic and basic 35-amino-acid leader sequence. Mature subunit 4 contains 209 amino acid residues and the predicted molecular mass is 23250 Da. This subunit presents amphiphilic behaviour with two distinct domains. A high alpha-helix content of 77% was predicted from the sequence. Subunit 4 shows homology with the b subunit of Escherichia coli ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli YidC protein belongs to the Oxa1 family of membrane proteins that have been suggested to facilitate the insertion and assembly of membrane proteins either in cooperation with the Sec translocase or as a separate entity. Recently, we have shown that depletion of YidC causes a specific defect in the functional assembly of F1F0 ATP synthase and cytochrome o oxidase. We now demonstrate that the insertion of in vitro-synthesized F1F0 ATP synthase subunit c (F0c) into inner membrane vesicles requires YidC. Insertion is independent of the proton motive force, and proteoliposomes containing only YidC catalyze the membrane insertion of F0c in its native transmembrane topology whereupon it assembles into large oligomers. Co-reconstituted SecYEG has no significant effect on the insertion efficiency. Remarkably, signal recognition particle and its membrane-bound receptor FtsY are not required for the membrane insertion of F0c. In conclusion, a novel membrane protein insertion pathway in E. coli is described in which YidC plays an exclusive role.  相似文献   

The membrane-traversing subunit c parallel from the F0 part of the ATP synthase molecule has been studied in chloroform/methanol by high-resolution 1H n.m.r. Various one-dimensional and two-dimensional techniques have been used for assignment purposes, some NOE connectivities were established and some 3JHN alpha coupling constants were measured from spin--echo experiments. The effects of varying pH, solvent composition, lanthanide concentration and temperature have been investigated. Evidence is presented that the molecule has extensive alpha-helical segments, and the hairpin structure suggested by other groups is supported by our n.m.r. data. Only one ionizable group, assigned to the C-terminal carboxyl, is observed to titrate in the pH range 2 to 10; so the conserved residue, Asp61, which binds dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, presumably has (at least in this solvent system) an abnormally high pK value.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of the delta subunit of the Escherichia coli F1 ATPase on the proton permeability of the F0 proton channel synthesized and assembled in vivo. Membranes isolated from an unc deletion strain carrying a plasmid containing the genes for the F0 subunits and the delta subunit were significantly more permeable to protons than membranes isolated from the same strain carrying a plasmid containing the genes for the F0 subunits alone. This increased proton permeability could be blocked by treatment with either dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide or purified F1, both of which block proton conduction through the F0. After reconstitution with purified F1 in vitro, both membrane preparations could couple proton pumping to ATP hydrolysis. These results demonstrate that an interaction between the delta subunit and the F0 during synthesis and assembly produces a significant change in the proton permeability of the F0 proton channel.  相似文献   

Cassette site-directed mutagenesis was employed to generate mutations in the a subunit (uncB (a) gene) of F1F0ATP synthase. Using sequence homology with similar subunits of other F1F0ATP synthases as a guide, 20 mutations were targeted to a region of the a subunit thought to constitute part of the proton translocation mechanism. ATP-driven proton pumping activity is lost with the substitution of lys, ile, val, or glu for arginine 210. Substitution of val, leu, gln, or glu for asparagine 214 does not completely block proton conduction, however, replacement of asparagine 214 with histidine does reduce enzyme activity below that necessary for significant function. Two or three mutations were constructed in each of four nonpolar amino acids, leucine 207, leucine 211, alanine 217, and glycine 218. Certain specific mutations in these positions result in partial loss of F1F0ATP synthase activity, but only the substitution of arginine for alanine 217 reduces ATP-driven proton pumping activity to undetectable levels. It is concluded that of the six amino acids studied, only arginine 210 is an essential component of the proton translocation mechanism. Fractionation of cell-free extracts of a subunit mutation strains generally reveals normal amounts of F1 specifically bound to the particulate fraction. One possible exception is the arginine 210 to isoleucine mutation which results in somewhat elevated levels of free F1 detectable in the soluble fraction. For nearly all a subunit mutations, F1F0-mediated ATP hydrolysis activity remains sensitive to inhibition by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide in spite of the fact that the mutations block proton translocation.  相似文献   

Incubation of right-side-out oriented membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli with tetranitromethane resulted in the nitration of tyrosine residues (Tyr-10 and Tyr-73) of subunit c from the ATP synthase. Cleavage of the protein with cyanogen bromide and separation of the resulting fragments, especially of the tyrosine-containing peptides, clearly demonstrated that the distribution of the nitro groups is similar at any time and at any pH value chosen for the analysis. Furthermore, the percentage of 3-nitrotyrosine present in the two peptide fragments was in good agreement with that obtained for the intact polypeptide chain. While the modification of the tyrosine residues in subunit c with the lipophilic tetranitromethane is independent of the orientation of the membrane vesicles, the subsequent partial conversion of the 3-nitrotyrosine to the amino form only occurred when membrane vesicles with right-side-out orientation were treated with the ionic, water-soluble sodium dithionite, which at certain concentrations cannot penetrate biological membranes. Cleavage of subunit c isolated from nitrated and subsequently reduced membrane vesicles and separation of the resulting fragments by high-pressure liquid chromatography showed that the 3-nitrotyrosine in the Tyr-73-containing peptides has been completely reduced, while the nitro group in peptides containing Tyr-10 remained nearly unaffected.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein kinase C isozymes have been reported to mediate both cardiac ischemic preconditioning and ischemia/reperfusion injury. In addition, cardiac preconditioning improves the recovery of ATP levels after ischemia/reperfusion injury. We have, therefore, evaluated protein kinase C modulation of the F(1)F(0) ATPase in neonatal cardiac myocytes. Exposure of cells to 3 or 100 nM 4beta-phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate induced co-immunoprecipitation of delta protein kinase C (but not alpha, epsilon, or zeta protein kinase C) with the d subunit of the F(1)F(0) ATPase. This co-immunoprecipitation correlated with 40+/-3% and 72+/-9% inhibitions of oligomycin-sensitive F(1)F(0) ATPase activity, respectively. We observed prominent expression of delta protein kinase C in cardiac myocyte mitochondria, which was enhanced following a 4-h hypoxia exposure. In contrast, hypoxia decreased mitochondrial zetaPKC levels by 85+/-1%. Following 4 h of hypoxia, F(1)F(0) ATPase activity was inhibited by 75+/-9% and delta protein kinase C co-immunoprecipitated with the d subunit of F(1)F(0) ATPase. In vitro incubation of protein kinase C with F(1)F(0) ATPase enhanced F(1)F(0) activity in the absence of protein kinase C activators and inhibited it in the presence of activators. Recombinant delta protein kinase C also inhibited F(1)F(0) ATPase activity. Protein kinase C overlay assays revealed delta protein kinase C binding to the d subunit of F(1)F(0) ATPase, which was modulated by diacylglycerol, phosphatidylserine, and cardiolipin. Our results suggest a novel regulation of the F(1)F(0) ATPase by the delta protein kinase C isozyme.  相似文献   

Mutations in the uncB gene which encodes the a subunit of F1F0-ATPase in Escherichia coli were isolated and characterized. Eight mutations caused premature polypeptide chain termination. Two mutations were single amino acid substitutions resulting in the replacements of serine 206 with leucine (ser-206----leu) and histidine 245 with tyrosine (his-245----tyr). The ser-206----leu mutation does not alter F1 binding and allows ATP driven membrane energization at a low level. Stripping of F1 from membranes containing the ser-206----leu mutation does not render the membranes permeable to protons indicating impaired proton conductivity. The his-245----tyr mutation also blocks Fo-mediated proton conduction but has normal F1 binding properties. F1 bound to membranes with both ser-206----leu and his-245----tyr mutant a subunits is sensitive to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Apparently, both missense mutations impair proton conduction without altering assembly of the F1F0-ATPase complex. The direct involvement of the a subunit in proton translocation is discussed.  相似文献   

Missense mutations affecting Asp-161 and Ser-163 in the delta subunit of F1F0 ATP synthase have been generated. Although most substitutions allowed substantial enzyme function, the delta Asp-161-->Pro substitution resulted in a loss of enzyme activity. The loss of activity was attributable to a structural failure altering assembly of the enzyme complex.  相似文献   

We cloned and sequenced an operon of nine genes coding for the subunits of the Bacillus subtilis F0F1 ATP synthase. The arrangement of these genes in the operon is identical to that of the atp operon from Escherichia coli and from three other Bacillus species. The deduced amino acid sequences of the nine subunits are very similar to their counterparts from other organisms. We constructed two B. subtilis strains from which different parts of the atp operon were deleted. These B. subtilis atp mutants were unable to grow with succinate as the sole carbon and energy source. ATP was synthesized in these strains only by substrate-level phosphorylation. The two mutants had a decreased growth yield (43 and 56% of the wild-type level) and a decreased growth rate (61 and 66% of the wild-type level), correlating with a twofold decrease of the intracellular ATP/ADP ratio. In the absence of oxidative phosphorylation, B. subtilis increased ATP synthesis through substrate-level phosphorylation, as shown by the twofold increase of by-product formation (mainly acetate). The increased turnover of glycolysis in the mutant strain presumably led to increased synthesis of NADH, which would account for the observed stimulation of the respiration rate associated with an increase in the expression of genes coding for respiratory enzymes. It therefore appears that B. subtilis and E. coli respond in similar ways to the absence of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Mutant genes for the beta subunit of H+-translocating ATPase (F0F1) were cloned from Escherichia coli strains isolated in this laboratory. Determination of their nucleotide sequence revealed four missense mutations (strain KF39, Glu-41----Lys; strain KF16 and KF42, Glu-185----Lys; strain KF48, Gly-223----Asp; KF26 and 4 other strains, Ser-292----Phe). Two nonsense mutants (strain KF40, Gln-361----end; strain KF20, Gln-397----end) were also identified. Glu-41, Glu-185, and Ser-292 are conserved in the amino acid sequences of the beta subunits so far studied, and Gly-223, Gln-361, and Gln-397 are conserved in beta subunits from bacteria and mitochondria, but not in those from chloroplasts. The amounts of F1 subunits in the membranes of these strains were studied by immunochemical assay and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In the mutants studied, the amounts of alpha and beta subunits in the membranes were 69-21 and 46-2%, respectively, of the amounts in wild-type membranes, the amount depending on the strain. No delta and epsilon subunits were detected in membranes of a missense mutant KF16, although reduced amounts of alpha and beta subunits could be detected, suggesting that the F1 portion may not be connected to F0 through the delta and epsilon subunits. The altered residues in missense mutants or missing domains in nonsense mutants may be important for the subunit-subunit interactions or assembly of the entire complex. Genetic experiments on introduction of suppressor tRNA into strains KF40 and KF20 suggested that F1 could be active even when residue 361 or 397 was replaced by a Ser, Leu, or Tyr residue.  相似文献   

The structure of the N-terminal transmembrane domain (residues 1-34) of subunit b of the Escherichia coli F0F1-ATP synthase has been solved by two-dimensional 1H NMR in a membrane mimetic solvent mixture of chloroform/methanol/H2O (4:4:1). Residues 4-22 form an alpha-helix, which is likely to span the hydrophobic domain of the lipid bilayer to anchor the largely hydrophilic subunit b in the membrane. The helical structure is interrupted by a rigid bend in the region of residues 23-26 with alpha-helical structure resuming at Pro-27 at an angle offset by 20 degrees from the transmembrane helix. In native subunit b, the hinge region and C-terminal alpha-helical segment would connect the transmembrane helix to the cytoplasmic domain. The transmembrane domains of the two subunit b in F0 were shown to be close to each other by cross-linking experiments in which single Cys were substituted for residues 2-21 of the native subunit and b-b dimer formation tested after oxidation with Cu(II)(phenanthroline)2. Cys residues that formed disulfide cross-links were found with a periodicity indicative of one face of an alpha-helix, over the span of residues 2-18, where Cys at positions 2, 6, and 10 formed dimers in highest yield. A model for the dimer is presented based upon the NMR structure and distance constraints from the cross-linking data. The transmembrane alpha-helices are positioned at a 23 degrees angle to each other with the side chains of Thr-6, Gln-10, Phe-14, and Phe-17 at the interface between subunits. The change in direction of helical packing at the hinge region may be important in the functional interaction of the cytoplasmic domains.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II, and III, the mitochondrial DNA-encoded proteins, are inserted across the inner membrane by the Oxa1p-containing translocator in a membrane potential-dependent manner. Oxa1p is also involved in the insertion of the cytoplasmically synthesized precursor of Oxa1p itself into the inner membrane from the matrix via the conservative sorting pathway. The mechanism of insertion of the other mitochondrially synthesized proteins, however, is unexplored. The insertion of the mitochondrial DNA-encoded subunit 8 of F(1)F(0)-ATPase (Su8) across the inner membrane was analyzed in vitro using the inverted inner membrane vesicles and the Escherichia coli lysate-synthesized substrate. This assay revealed that the N-terminal segment of Su8 inserted across the membrane to the intermembrane space and assumed the correct trans-cis topology depending on the mitochondrial matrix fraction. This translocation reaction was similar to those of Sec-independent, direct insertion pathways of E. coli and chloroplast thylakoid membranes. (i) It required neither nucleotide triphosphates nor membrane potential, and hydrophobic forces drove the process. (ii) It did not require protease-sensitive membrane components facing the matrix space. (iii) It could be inserted across liposomes in the correct topology in a matrix fraction-dependent manner. Thus, a novel mechanism conserved in bacteria and chloroplasts also functions in the insertion of Su8 across the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli inner membrane proteins (IMPs) use different pathways for targeting and membrane integration. We have examined the biogenesis of the F1F0 ATP synthase subunit c, a small double spanning IMP, using complementary in vivo and in vitro approaches. The data suggest that F0c is targeted by the SRP to the membrane, where it inserts at YidC in a Sec-independent mechanism. F0c appears to be the first natural substrate of this novel pathway.  相似文献   

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