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Fordel E  Geuens E  Dewilde S  De Coen W  Moens L 《IUBMB life》2004,56(11-12):681-687

Neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb), recent additions to the globin family, display a hexa-coordinated (bis-histidyl) heme in the absence of external ligands. Although these proteins have the classical globin fold they reveal a very high thermal stability with a melting temperature (Tm) of 100 degrees C for Ngb and 95 degrees C for Cygb. Moreover, flash photolysis experiments at high temperatures reveal that Ngb remains functional at 90 degrees C. Human Ngb may have a disulfide bond in the CD loop region; reduction of the disulfide bond increases the affinity of the iron atom for the distal (E7) histidine, and leads to a 3 degrees C increase in the T(m) for ferrous Ngb. A similar Tm is found for a mutant of human Ngb without cysteines. Apparently, the disulfide bond is not involved directly in protein stability, but may influence the stability indirectly because it modifies the affinity of the distal histidine. Mutation of the distal histidine leads to lower thermal stability, similar to that for other globins. Only globins with a high affinity of the distal histidine show the very high thermal stability, indicating that stable hexa-coordination is necessary for the enhanced thermal stability; the CD loop which contains the cysteines appears as a critical region in the neuroglobin thermal stability, because it may influence the affinity of the distal histidine.  相似文献   

Two new globin proteins have recently been discovered in vertebrates, neuroglobin in neurons and cytoglobin in all tissues, both showing heme hexacoordination by the distal His(E7) in the absence of gaseous ligands. In analogy to hemoglobin and myoglobin, neuroglobin and cytoglobin are supposedly involved in O2 storage and delivery, although their physiological role remains to be solved. Here we report O2 equilibria of recombinant human neuroglobin (NGB) and cytoglobin (CYGB) measured under close to physiological conditions and at varying temperature and pH ranges. NGB shows both alkaline and acid Bohr effects (pH-dependent O2 affinity) and temperature-dependent enthalpy of oxygenation. O2 and CO binding equilibrium studies on neuroglobin mutants strongly suggest that the bound O2 is stabilized by interactions with His(E7) and that this residue functions as a major Bohr group in the presence of Lys(E10). As shown by the titration of free thiols with 4,4'-dithiodipyridine and by mass spectrometry, this mechanism of modulating O2 affinity is independent of formation of an internal disulfide bond under the experimental conditions used, which stabilize thiols in the reduced form. In CYGB, O2 binding is cooperative, consistent with its proposed dimeric structure. Similar to myoglobin but in contrast to NGB, O2 binding to CYGB is pH-independent and exothermic throughout the temperature range investigated. Our data support the hypothesis that CYGB may be involved in O2-requiring metabolic processes. In contrast, the lower O2 affinity in NGB does not appear compatible with a physiological role involving mitochondrial O2 supply at the low O2 tensions found within neurons.  相似文献   

WWOX is a putative tumor suppressor gene that spans approximately a 1 Mb genomic region and is the site for the second most common chromosomal fragile site, FRA16D at 16q23. Various studies have focused on the expression of WWOX in human cancer mostly at the RNA level, but little is known about the normal pattern of WWOX protein expression in non-neoplastic tissues. In this study, a comprehensive analysis of WWOX protein expression in normal tissues was performed by means of immunohistochemistry utilizing a very specific anti-WWOX polyclonal antibody. We analyzed tissue cores of human samples representing more than 30 organs, using various tissue microarray (TMA) slides. Due to the potential role of WWOX in sex-steroid metabolism, whole sections from hormonally regulated organs like breast, ovaries, testes and prostate were also analyzed. The results from our study indicate that WWOX is preferentially highly expressed in secretory epithelial cells of reproductive, endocrine and exocrine organs, as well as in ductal epithelial cells from specific segments of the urinary system. Interestingly, we also observed significant WWOX protein expression in various cell types of neural origin including neurons, ependymal cells and astrocytes. No expression of WWOX was detected in adipose, connective, and lymphoid tissues, myelinized structures and blood vessels. By better defining the topographic distribution of WWOX in normal tissues this study provides some insight on the potential physiological role of this novel protein.  相似文献   

Neuroglobin and cytoglobin reversibly bind oxygen in competition with the distal histidine, and the observed oxygen affinity therefore depends on the properties of both ligands. In the absence of an external ligand, the iron atom of these globins is hexacoordinated. There are three cysteine residues in human neuroglobin; those at positions CD7 and D5 are sufficiently close to form an internal disulfide bond. Both cysteine residues in cytoglobin, although localized in other positions than in human neuroglobin, may form a disulfide bond as well. The existence and position of these disulfide bonds was demonstrated by mass spectrometry and thiol accessibility studies. Mutation of the cysteines involved, or the use of reducing agents to break the S-S bond, led to a decrease in the observed oxygen affinity of human neuroglobin by an order of magnitude. The critical parameter is the histidine dissociation rate, which changes by about a factor of 10. The same effect is observed with human cytoglobin, although to a much lesser extent (less than a factor of 2). These results suggest a novel mechanism for the regulation of oxygen binding; contact with an appropriate electron donor would provoke the release of oxygen. Hence the oxygen affinity would be directly linked to the redox state of the cell.  相似文献   

Lerat E  Sémon M 《Gene》2007,396(2):303-311
Transposable elements (TEs) are genomic sequences able to replicate themselves, and to move from one chromosomal position to another within the genome. Many TEs contain their own regulatory regions, which means that they may influence the expression of neighboring genes. TEs may also be activated and transcribed in various cancers. We therefore tested whether gene expression in normal and tumor tissues is influenced by the neighboring TEs. To do this, we associated all human genes to the nearest TEs. We analyzed the expression of these genes in normal and tumor tissues using SAGE and EST data, and related this to the presence and type of TEs in their vicinity. We confirmed that TEs tend to be located in antisense orientation relative to their hosting genes. We found that the average number of tissues where a gene is expressed varies depending on the type of TEs located near the gene, and that the difference in expression level between normal and tumor tissues is greatest for genes that host SINE elements. This deregulation increases with the number of SINE copies in the gene vicinity. This suggests that SINE elements might contribute to the cascade of gene deregulation in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the reaction of nitrite with deoxygenated hemoglobin and myoglobin contributes to the generation of nitric oxide and S-nitrosothiols in vivo under conditions of low oxygen availability. We have investigated whether ferrous neuroglobin and cytoglobin, the two hexacoordinate globins from vertebrates expressed in brain and in a variety of tissues, respectively, also react with nitrite under anaerobic conditions. Using absorption spectroscopy, we find that ferrous neuroglobin and nitrite react with a second-order rate constant similar to that of myoglobin, whereas the ferrous heme of cytoglobin does not react with nitrite. Deconvolution of absorbance spectra shows that, in the course of the reaction of neuroglobin with nitrite, ferric Fe(III) heme is generated in excess of nitrosyl Fe(II)-NO heme as due to the low affinity of ferrous neuroglobin for nitric oxide. By using ferrous myoglobin as scavenger for nitric oxide, we find that nitric oxide dissociates from ferrous neuroglobin much faster than previously appreciated, consistently with the decay of the Fe(II)-NO product during the reaction. Both neuroglobin and cytoglobin are S-nitrosated when reacting with nitrite, with neuroglobin showing higher levels of S-nitrosation. The possible biological significance of the reaction between nitrite and neuroglobin in vivo under brain hypoxia is discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of HLA expression in human tumor tissues   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cancer cells can be detected and destroyed by cytotoxic T lymphocytes in many experimental tumor systems, and--as has been well-documented--in some human tumors. In humans however, most diagnosed tumors are not eliminated by T cells but grow steadily, invading and metastasizing until the host is destroyed. Evidence is accumulating that progressive tumor growth occurs not because the immune system is defective or deteriorated, but because the cancer cell is capable of developing a variety of strategies to escape immune recognition. In addition, cancer cells acquire new biological properties to generate invasive capacity in order to migrate and colonize new tissues. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens are molecules that are specialized in communicating with the T cell receptor and natural killer (NK) cell ligands. With the former, they use the interaction with peptides derived from processed cellular and exogenous proteins to monitor self and non-self status. With the latter, they determine the degree of activation and killing capacity of NK cells by interacting with NK receptors. Any change in the MHC profile of tumor cells (including classical and nonclassical MHC molecules) may therefore have a profound influence on the immune recognition and immune rejection of cancer cells. We have reviewed the data from our laboratory and other groups, and have presented a standardized procedure for analyzing the MHC profile of human tumors with special emphasis on the quality and laboratory use of the material obtained from microdissected tumor samples. Appropriate tissue processing is of particular relevance, since it is not possible to obtain tumor cell lines from most patients. Oncologists require rapid information on the MHC profile of the tumor if gene therapy is envisaged to restore normal MHC class I gene expression.  相似文献   

Matriptase is a type II transmembrane serine protease that has been implicated in the progression of epithelium-derived tumors. The role of this protease in the biology of normal epithelial cells remains to be elucidated. Matriptase mRNA has been detected by Northern analysis in tissues rich in epithelial cells, and the protein is expressed in vivo in normal and cancerous breast, ovarian, and colon tissues. However, a systematic analysis of the distribution of matriptase protein and mRNA in normal human tissues rich in epithelium has not been reported. In this study we characterized the expression of the protease in a wide variety of normal human tissues using a tissue microarray and whole tissue specimens. Significant immunoreactivity and mRNA expression were detected in the epithelial components of most epithelium-containing tissues. Matriptase expression was found in all types of epithelium, including columnar, pseudostratified columnar, cuboidal, and squamous. Distinct spatial distributions of reactivity were observed in the microanatomy of certain tissues, however. This suggests that although matriptase is broadly expressed among many types of epithelial cells, its activity within a tissue may be regulated in part at the protein and mRNA levels during the differentiation of selected epithelia.  相似文献   

Integrated analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression can reveal specific epigenetic patterns that are important during carcinogenesis. We built an integrated database of DNA methylation and gene expression termed MENT (Methylation and Expression database of Normal and Tumor tissues) to provide researchers information on both DNA methylation and gene expression in diverse cancers. It contains integrated data of DNA methylation, gene expression, correlation of DNA methylation and gene expression in paired samples, and clinicopathological conditions gathered from the GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus) and TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas). A user-friendly interface allows users to search for differential DNA methylation by either ‘gene search’ or ‘dataset search’. The ‘gene search’ returns which conditions are differentially methylated in a gene of interest, while ‘dataset search’ returns which genes are differentially methylated in a condition of interest based on filtering options such as direction, DM (differential methylation value), and p-value. MENT is the first database which provides both DNA methylation and gene expression information in diverse normal and tumor tissues. Its user-friendly interface allows users to easily search and view both DNA methylation and gene expression patterns. MENT is freely available at http://mgrc.kribb.re.kr:8080/MENT/.  相似文献   

Cytoglobin (Cgb) and neuroglobin (Ngb) are the first examples of hexacoordinated globins from humans and other vertebrates in which a histidine (His) residue at the sixth position of the heme iron is an endogenous ligand in both the ferric and ferrous forms. Static and time-resolved resonance Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic techniques were applied in examining the structures in the heme environment of these globins. Picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman (ps-TR3) spectroscopy of transient five-coordinate heme species produced by the photolysis of carbon monoxide (CO) adducts of Cgb and Ngb showed Fe-His stretching (nu(Fe-His)) bands at 229 and 221 cm(-1), respectively. No time-dependent shift in the nu(Fe-His) band of Cgb and Ngb was detected in the 20-1000 ps time domain, in contrast to the case of myoglobin (Mb). These spectroscopic data, combined with previously reported crystallographic data, suggest that the structure of the heme pocket in Cgb and Ngb is altered upon CO binding in a manner different from that of Mb and that the scales of the structural alteration are different for Cgb and Ngb. The structural property of the heme distal side of the ligand-bound forms was investigated by observing the sets of (nu(Fe-CO), nu(C-O), delta(Fe-C-O)) and (nu(Fe-NO), nu(N-O), delta(Fe-N-O)) for the CO and nitric oxide (NO) complexes of Cgb and Ngb. A comparison of the spectra of some distal mutants of Cgb (H81A, H81V, R84A, R84K, and R84T) and Ngb (H64A, H64V, K67A, K67R, and K67T) showed that the CO adducts of Cgb and Ngb contained three conformers and that the distal His (His81 in Cgb and His64 in Ngb) mainly contributes to the interconversion of the conformers. These structural characteristics of Cgb and Ngb are discussed in relation to their ligand binding and physiological properties.  相似文献   

We investigated the immunohistochemical staining characteristics of cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), CYPB1, CYP2E1, and glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1), GSTT1, GSTO1, GSTK1 in colon tumor and surrounding normal colon tissues. Tissues were obtained from 47 patients with colon adenocarcinoma and the staining intensity of tumor and control tissues was compared. CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP2E1, GSTP1, GSTT1, GSTO1 and GSTK1 expressions in colon cancer cells were significantly greater than those in normal colon epithelial cells. No significant relation was found between the isoenzyme expressions and age, gender, smoking status, tumor grade and tumor stage. The higher expressions of CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP2E1, GSTP1, GSTO1, GSTT1 and GSTK1 in tumor than in normal colon tissues may be important for colon cancer progression and development.  相似文献   

Comparative study of concentrations of growing hexokinase subunits polypeptide chains in the polyribosomes from normal and tumour human stomach tissue is studied using specific antiserum to hexokinase isoenzyme from human stomach tumour tissue. It is shown by two different methods (chromatography on Sepharose 46 and sucrose concentration gradient analysis) that the content of hexokinase polypeptides in stomach tumour is several times higher than in homologous normal tissue. The acta obtained show that the high activity of hexokinase in tumour tissues is due to the increased synthesis rate of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Different mechanisms regulate the expression level of tissue specific genes in human. Here we report some compositional features such as codon usage bias, amino acid usage bias, codon frequency, and base composition which may be potentially related to mRNA amount of tissue specific tumor suppressor genes. Our findings support the possibility that structural elements in gene and protein may play an important role in the regulation of tumor suppressor genes, development, and tumorigenesis. The data presented here can open broad vistas in the understanding and treatment of a variety of human malignancies.  相似文献   

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