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Abstract: Early Eocene mammal faunas of North America were transformed by intercontinental dispersal at the Paleocene–Eocene boundary, but lizard faunas from the earliest Eocene of the same area were dominated by immigrants from within the continent. A new lizard assemblage from the middle early Eocene of Wyoming sheds light on the longer‐term history of dispersal in relation to climate change. The assemblage consists of three iguanid species (including two new species possibly closely related to living Anolis), Scincoideus, ‘Palaeoxantusia’, four anguids, two species of an undescribed new anguimorph clade, Provaranosaurus and a varanoid (cf. Saniwa). Most North American glyptosaurin glyptosaurines are now referred to Glyptosaurus, and Glyptosaurus hillsi is given a new diagnosis. Scincoideus is otherwise known only from the mid‐Paleocene of Belgium, and the specimens described here are the first to document intercontinental dispersal to North America among lizards in the early Eocene. Like in mammals, some immigrant lizard lineages first appearing in the Bighorn Basin in the earliest Eocene persisted in the area long after the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum, but other immigrants appear to have been restricted to the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum.  相似文献   

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is correlated with the first occurrences of earliest modern mammals in the Northern Hemisphere. The latest Paleocene Clarkforkian North American Land Mammal Age, that has yielded rodents and carnivorans, is the only exception to this rule. However, until now no pre-PETM localities have yielded modern mammals in Europe or Asia. We report the first Clarkforkian equivalent Land Mammal Age in the latest Paleocene deposits of the basal Sparnacian facies at Rivecourt, in the north-central part of the Paris Basin. The new terrestrial vertebrate and macroflora assemblages are analyzed through a multidisciplinary study including sedimentologic, stratigraphic, isotopic, and palynological aspects in order to reconstruct the paleoenvironment and to evaluate biochronologic and paleogeographic implications. The mammals are moderately diverse and not abundant, contrary to turtles and champsosaurs. The macroflora is exceptional in preservation and diversity with numerous angiosperms represented by flowers, fruits, seeds and wood preserved as lignite material, revealing an abundance of Arecaceae, Betulaceae, Icacinaceae, Menispermaceae, Vitaceae and probably Cornaceae. Results indicate a Late Paleocene age based on carbon isotope data, palynology and vertebrate occurrences such as the choristoderan Champsosaurus, the arctocyonid Arctocyon, and the plesiadapid Plesiadapis tricuspidens. However, several mammal species compare better with the earliest Eocene. Among these, the particular louisinid Teilhardimys musculus, also recorded from the latest Paleocene of the Spanish Pyrenees, suggests a younger age than the typical MP6 reference level. Nevertheless, the most important aspect of the Rivecourt fauna is the presence of dental remains of a rodent and a “miacid” carnivoran, attesting to the presence of two modern mammalian orders in the latest Paleocene of Europe. Interestingly, these two groups are also the only modern groups recorded from the latest Paleocene of North America, making Rivecourt the first direct equivalent to the Clarkforkian Land Mammal Age outside of North America.  相似文献   

The Mesonychia is a group of archaic carnivorous mammals of uncertain phylogenetic affinities with a Holarctic distribution during the Paleogene. Intensive fossil collecting efforts in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, have resulted in recovery of the largest sample and most complete specimens yet known of the mesonychid Dissacus praenuntius from the second biozone of the Wasatchian North American Land Mammal Age (Wa-0). The Wa-0 biozone corresponds to the body of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a brief but intense global warming event that occurred ~56 myr ago that significantly impacted terrestrial mammal faunas, including dwarfing in many mammal lineages. To evaluate the potential response of this lineage to climate change, we compared the PETM sample of D. praenuntius with those recovered from just before the PETM in the last biozone of the Clarkforkian North American Land Mammal Age (Cf-3) and just after the PETM in the Wa-1 biozone. While the sample size is still too small to say with certainty, tooth size (as a proxy for body weight) of D. praenuntius appears to be smaller during the late PETM than during either the pre-PETM Cf-3, or post-PETM Wa-1 biozones, suggesting the possibility of a muted dwarfing response to the PETM. However, the pattern observed for D. praenuntius differs from that of many other PETM mammals, as the shift to smaller body size is less pronounced and may have only occurred in late Wa-0.  相似文献   

A diverse, new lizard assemblage from the early Oligocene of Belgium is described. The Boutersem railway local fauna is the most species‐rich lizard assemblage yet reported from the European early Oligocene. Four lizard taxa are present: Lacertidae, Anguidae, Scincoidea and Platynota. One new species is described, Folisaurus boutersemensis sp. nov . This fauna provides new insight into the profound turnover that took place during the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in Europe. The new fauna confirms a marked decrease in diversity across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Two groups encountered in the European late Eocene became extinct (Iguanidae*, Glyptosaurinae). Estimates of species‐level extinctions range up to 80%. These estimates include members of virtually all the families present in the late Eocene. The relative importance of climate change and biotic interactions in controlling this pattern is discussed, and negative interactions between lizards and new carnivorous mammals are favoured. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 148–170.  相似文献   

A lower jaw of the mesonychian Hapalodectes is reported from Nongshanian sediments (Upper Doumu Formation; middle Paleocene) of the Qianshan Basin (Anhui Province, China). The fragmentary mandible is only the third specimen of Hapalodectidae discovered in Paleocene deposits, and the first in south east China; it is moreover the oldest, the two other specimens having been found in Gashatan (late Paleocene) localities. The premolars and molars of the new fossil are morphologically similar to Hapalodectes dux (late Paleocene of Mongolia), which has been considered to be the most primitive hapalodectid, but their relative proportions recall H. paleocenus and the Eocene Hapalodectes species. As a result, the fossil described herein appears to be different from the other previously described species of Hapalodectes in being morphologically intermediate between H. dux and the other Hapalodectes species, notably the Bumbanian Hapalodectes hetangensis and H. huanghaiensis from China; it is thus identified as a new species, Hapalodectes lopatini (possibly a male individual). Its discovery is important because it sheds light on the initial radiation of hapalodectids. The presence of one primitive hapalodectid in Mongolia previously suggested the Mongolian Plateau as the centre of origination of this carnivorous family, but the discovery of H. lopatini in older sediments from south‐east China challenges this hypothesis. In the earliest Eocene, Hapalodectes dispersed from Asia to North America; this event being part of the ‘East of Eden’ dispersals. This event resulted in the geographical separation of two distinct Hapalodectes groups, in North America and south‐eastern China respectively.  相似文献   

Plesiadapids are extinct relatives of extant euarchontans (primates, dermopterans, and scandentians), which lived in North America and Europe during the Paleocene and Early Eocene. The only genus of plesiadapid whose species are absent from Paleocene strata is Platychoerops. Further, Platychoerops is the only group found in sediments post‐dating the Paleocene‐Eocene boundary (PEB) by a substantial period of time based on large samples. It is also substantially different from other plesiadapids in dental features thought to reflect ecology. Its evolution has been linked to the rapid global climate change and faunal turnover marking the PEB. Platychoerops and Plesiadapis tricuspidens have been reconstructed as members of a single lineage by some authors. We describe a specimen (right p3‐m3) that we attribute to a new species, Platychoeropsantiquus, from the unequivocally Paleocene (MP6) Mouras Quarry of Mont de Berru, France. It has strong morphological affinities to Platychoerops daubrei yet co‐occurs with many specimens of Plesiadapis tricuspidens, as well as the plesiadapid Chiromyoides campanicus. The existence of a species of Platychoerops prior to the PEB decouples the evolution of Platychoerops from the climate change and faunal turnover event associated with the PEB. Furthermore, the co‐occurrence of Platychoerops with P. tricuspidens refutes the idea of a single lineage for these taxa. Instead, Platychoerops may be more closely related to North American Plesiadapis cookei (a previous alternate hypothesis). We suggest character displacement in a Paleocene immigrant population of P. cookei resulting from competition with sympatric P. tricuspidens, as a likely scenario for the evolution of Platychoerops. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The north temperate region was characterized by a warm climate and a rich thermophilic flora before the Eocene, but early diversifications of the temperate biome under global climate change and biome shift remain uncertain. Moreover, it is becoming clear that hybridization/introgression is an important driving force of speciation in plant diversity. Here, we applied analyses from biogeography and phylogenetic networks to account for both introgression and incomplete lineage sorting based on geno...  相似文献   

Megaspores and massulae of Azolla, Azollopsis, and Salvinia are recorded from the Paleocene and Eocene of Montana and the Dakotas. Three new species of Azolla are described and two species of Azolla are redescribed. The columella of the floating apparatus of the megaspore apparatuses of Azolla appears to be a phylogenetic localization of the perispore around the megaspore. A new section of Azolla (section Kremastospora) is created for species whose megaspore apparatuses have many floats and whose massulae have hooked (anchor-shaped) glochidia. Salvinia preauriculata is based only on leaf remains from the Eocene of North America. Megaspores and massulae which probably are conspecific with the leaf remains are described. The megaspores and massulae of the fossil species are much smaller than those of the living species, S. auriculata, with which S. preauriculata has been compared. The similar size of the megaspores and massulae of the fossil species suggests a less specialized condition than in living species, where these two structures differ greatly in size. Azollopsis tomentosa, previously known from the late Cretaceous, has been found in the Eocene.  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the wood-decay basidiomycete Phlebiopsis gigantea, which is used commercially as a biocontrol agent for annosum root disease on conifers. Microsatellite sequences were isolated from repeat-enriched genomic libraries. Primers flanking these sequences were screened on P. gigantea isolates from Europe and North America. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 15, and gene diversity ranged from 0.72 to 0.90. These markers should be useful for studies of P. gigantea natural population structure and for making predictions about the impact of P. gigantea application in conifer forests.  相似文献   


The Paleocene Adrar Mgorn local fauna recently discovered in the Ouarzazate basin (Morocco) along with several significant Eocene North African faunas, has yielded the oldest known placental mammals of Africa. Contrary to those from the Eocene which are basically endemic, the Adrar Mgorn placentals display affinities with taxa from North‐Tethyan continents and indicate active faunal interchanges between Africa and Europe (and perhaps Asia) during the Cretaceous/Paleogene times. On biogeographical grounds, two dispersal events are suggested as a working hypothesis. The oldest one, exemplified by the presence of paleoryctid and adapisoriculid “insectivores”; in the Moroccan locality, possibly took place by the K/T boundary. The second dispersal event exemplified by the discovery of an omomyid primate and possible hyaenodontid creodonts may have been contemporaneous with the Paleocene/Eocene boundary during which a marine regression is also known.  相似文献   

This work summarizes biostratigraphic and paleogeographic data on Paleocene ostracods from the Senegalese-Mauritanian, West African and North African basins. In the Senegalese-Mauritanian basin, late Paleocene ostracods of high diversity suffered a mass extinction in the early Eocene. Comparison between Senegalese faunas and others of the Gulf of Guinea, Sahara and North African basins shows great similarities, with 10 common species identified: Bairdia ilaroensis Reyment and Reyment, Buntonia apatayeriyerii Reyment, Bfortunata Apostolescu, B. tichittensis Apostolescu, Cytherella sylvesterbradleyi Reyment, Dahomeya alata Apostolescu, Isohabrocythere teiskotensis Apostolescu, Phalcocythere vesiculosa (Apostolescu) Quadracythere lagaghiroboensis (Apostolescu) and Trachyleberis teiskotensis (Apostolescu). I. teiskotensis and P. vesiculosa are restricted to the upper Paleocene and are good stratigraphic markers for these basins. Faunal exchanges between West African, trans-Saharan and North African basins are highlighted. The directions of migration of some species are specified. Many West African species migrated to North Africa at the end of the Paleocene-Early Eocene. Migrations are related to climatic and paleobathymetric changes of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) that occurred during the Paleocene-Eocene transition.  相似文献   

Crocodyloid remains from the late Paleocene of Mont de Berru (France) hosted in the collections of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France) and in the Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (Brussels, Belgium) are described for the first time. This material, although fragmentary, can be clearly referred on a morphological basis to Asiatosuchus depressifrons (Blainville, 1855), a species previously reported from several Eocene Belgian localities thanks to abundant material including a nearly complete skeleton. The Paleocene material shares with A. depressifrons the number of alveoli involved in the dentary symphysis, the exclusion of the splenials from the symphysis, and the presence of a distinct depression on the jugal. The fossil remains from Berru represent the oldest European crocodyloid. Along with the alligatoroid Diplocynodon remensis Martin, Smith, de Lapparent de Broin, Escuillié and Delfino, 2014, previously reported from the same locality, the crocodyloid A. depressifrons indicates that these genera reached Europe before the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum. Although more complete remains from outside Europe are needed to refine phylogenetic hypotheses, according to the currently established fossil record the forerunners of diplocynodontids likely dispersed from North America, whereas those related to Asiatosuchus likely dispersed from Asia.  相似文献   

Hyaenodontida are represented in Europe by three subfamilies: Proviverrinae, Arfianinae and Sinopaninae. Here, we review all the specimens of Arfianinae and Sinopaninae known to date in Europe and Asia. A new Galecyon species is erected: Galecyon gallus nov. sp. We discuss the taxonomic position of the two Asian hyaenodontidans Anthracoxyaena palustris and Arfia langebadreae; the genus Anthracoxyaena is synonymized with Arfia. The analysis of the European and Asian arfianines and sinopanines provides new data concerning the dispersals and faunal events that occurred during the Early Eocene in Laurasia. The Arfianinae and Sinopaninae appeared in Europe around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (reference-level MP7). The sinopanines are widespread in Europe; they are known in Dormaal (Belgium, reference-locality of the level MP7), Rians, Soissons, Pourcy, Try, Le Quesnoy (France), and Abbey Wood (England). The analysis of the paleogeographic distribution of all Oxyaenodonta and Hyaenodontida at and after the MP7 supports the existence of two European provinces: the North Province and Mesogean Province. We show that the Arfianinae and Sinopaninae rapidly disappeared from Europe; they are unknown in Avenay (reference-locality of the level MP8+9) and younger localities. Their disappearance from Europe is synchronous with that of the Oxyaenodonta. These observations support the existence of a faunal turnover, which occurred between the reference-levels MP7 (Dormaal) and MP8+9 (Avenay). The hypothesis of a dispersal from Europe to North America during the Paleocene-Eocene transition for the Arfianinae and Sinopaninae is supported. Moreover, the study of Arfianinae supports a dispersal from Europe to Asia around the P/E boundary, followed by a short period of endemic evolution. However, our study does not support a close relationship between Arfia and the “Arfia-like South Asian Proviverrinae” (Kyawdawia, Indohyaenodon, Paratritemnodon and Yarshea).  相似文献   

Elucidating the spatio-temporal distributions of terrestrial plants is a key for interpreting the origin of distribution patterns and the tempo of intercontinental disjunction. Nordenskioeldia was distributed in eastern Asia and North America from the Late Cretaceous to the Miocene. Its fossil record provides important information on former patterns of disjunction and dispersal in the Northern Hemisphere. New specimens from the Paleocene of China allow us to further extend the history of the group and provide the impetus to review its distribution in space and time. The comparative morphological survey on fossil Nordenskioeldia found in the Paleocene sediments in both eastern Asia and North America confirms that they belonged to the same morpho-species, which indicates a close floristic continuity between both continents due to land connection available during that time. The spatio-temporal distributions of Nordenskioeldia indicate that the taxon probably expanded eastward from eastern Asia into North America by the end of Early/Middle Maastrichtian, subsequently colonized Greenland, northeastern North America and Spitsbergen in the Early Paleocene, and finally became extinct in the Miocene. The fluctuations in its northern limits took place in response to climate changes: warming from the Paleocene to the Eocene, cooling during the Eocene–Oligocene and amelioration during the Late Oligocene–Mid-Miocene.  相似文献   

广东南雄古新世一新的裂齿类   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
记述了广东南雄盆地早~中古新世上湖组上部发现的裂齿目一新属新种──杨氏华南兽(Huananius youngi gen. et sp. nov.)。新属在上、下前日齿不臼齿化,上臼齿无次尖,下臼齿三角座和跟座均呈V形等方面显得原始。但在颊齿单面高冠,上臼齿原尖前、后脊分别与前、后附尖相连,小尖发育,具初始的次尖架,下臼齿略呈双曲拱柱状,具下后附尖等方面显示了向典型的裂齿类方向发展。  相似文献   

Plesiadapis cookei is an extinct relative of extant euarchontans (primates, dermopterans; scandentians), which lived in North America during the late Paleocene. P. cookei body mass has been estimated to be ~2.2 kg, making it large compared with other species of its genus from North America, but similar to some from Europe. In particular, size as well as dental form similarities to P. russelli have been noted. However, it is thought that P. russelli evolved from P. tricuspidens, and into Platychoerops daubrei. Dental similarities among P. cookei, P. russelli, and P. daubrei have been hypothesized to reflect a more folivorous diet than utilized by P. tricuspidens. Here we test the hypothesis that P. cookei is more dietarily specialized than P. tricuspidens by quantifying functionally significant aspects of molar, premolar, and incisor forms. Casts of M2s and P4s of P. tricuspidens, P. cookei, and P. daubrei were microCT‐scanned. We measured the relief index and/or the complexity from surface reconstructions of scans. Results show that P. cookei has higher M2 relief and complexity than P. tricuspidens; P. daubrei exhibits the highest relief and complexity. Similarly, P. cookei has a more complex P4 than P. tricuspidens, whereas that of P. daubrei exhibits the highest complexity. Finally, the I1 of P. cookei resembles more the incisor of P. daubrei than that of P. tricuspidens. Because high relief and complexity of dentitions are related to fibrous plant diets in living mammals, these findings support the hypothesis that previously identified similarities among P. cookei, P. russelli and P. daubrei reflect a folivorous diet. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Forada section in the Venetian Pre-Alps of northern Italy represents an expanded record of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) at a depositional paleodepth of about 1 km ± 0.5 km. High-resolution planktonic foraminiferal analysis of this section, in a time interval of approximately 1.3 Myr across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, reveals striking faunal changes that allow the identification of eight phases (a–h). The late Paleocene was represented by stable, warm and oligotrophic surface water conditions (phase a). Unstable environmental conditions start well before the onset of PETM (ca. 150 kyr, phase b) and involved a change towards eutrophy, as marked by the increase of Subbotina and the concomitant decrease of Morozovella. This step is also characterized by enhanced fragmentation and dissolution.The interval corresponding to the main body of the carbon isotope excursion (CIE) is characterized by a marked increase of Acarinina, though with some differences in the species composition and relative abundance, both in high-and low-latitudes, particularly in the Tethyan area. Forada is no exception to this pattern. However, at Forada, two prominent peaks in abundance of acarininids are recorded ca. 30 kyr prior to the onset of the CIE, thus suggesting an increase in temperature heralding the onset of the PETM (phase c). Interestingly, the lower peak in abundance of Acarinina just precedes the 1‰ carbon isotope negative shift occurring below the onset of the main CIE. The basalmost Eocene, corresponding to the lower part of CIE curve, is represented by intense planktonic foraminiferal dissolution, implying an extraordinary rise of the CCD. This interval has an estimated duration of about 16 kyr (phase d).The dominance of acarininids in the lower part of the CIE (phase e, f; ca. 14 and 22.5 kyr) is interpreted as a consequence of the extreme warmth coupled with eutrophic conditions characterizing the Forada depositional environment at that time. These acarininids include at Forada also the temporally constrained Acarinina sibaiyaensis and A. africana. The morphological similarity between these peculiar species with the radially elongated chambered forms characterizing the Cretaceous anoxic events, suggests the hypothesis that depletion of oxygen in the upper water column might have been one of the factors causing their conspicuous occurrence at the PETM.The recovery in abundance of the specialized morozovellids and of other planktonic foraminiferal groups (e.g., biserials, globanomalinids, igorinids, planorotalids and pseudohastigerinids), occurring in the middle part of the CIE (ca. 30 kyr after the onset of the PETM), indicates an initial environmental recovery (phase g). A new stable state is definitely reached in the upper part of the Forada section where the relative proportions of the main component of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages move towards values similar to those of the late Paleocene conditions (phase h). However, the perturbation during the PETM produced significant changes in the ocean geochemistry that endured after the PETM event, as testified by the prominent high carbonate dissolution characterizing the marly levels, and the large variability in relative abundance among different components of the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. These striking oscillations were not present in the latest Paleocene.  相似文献   

Two new species of pseudorhyncocyonid, Fordonia lawsoni sp. nov. and Leptictidium prouti sp. nov. from the UK earliest Eocene, described here, are older than any previously recorded member of the family. They are represented by teeth from numerous loci, which allow a better understanding of the sparsely known dentitions of currently known pseudorhyncocyonids. This facilitates the recognition of two further species of Leptictidium, L. listeri sp. nov. from the Middle Eocene of Germany and L. storchi sp. nov. from the Late Eocene of France. Study of occlusal relationships also helps to fill gaps in our knowledge of missing tooth loci. Cladistic analysis of pseudorhyncocyonids with their previously judged closest relatives, the Leptictidae, Pantolesta and Palaeanodonta, shows that two European species, Diaphyodectes prolatus and Palaeictops? levei, formerly thought to be leptictids, are instead primitive pseudorhyncocyonids, extending the range of the family further back in time to the Middle Paleocene. Plevei is placed in the new genus Phakodon gen. nov. The analysis also shows that the Pseudorhyncocyonidae are sister group to the other three groups combined and that family‐level differentiation in this probable clade took place as early as the earliest Paleocene.  相似文献   

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