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This study compares the phylogenetic structure in the Canary Islands and Hawaii by means of the distributions of the species number for plant families (Taxonomic evenness) and lineages (Phylogenetic evenness) across archipelagos and across habitats in both archipelagos using the Gini coefficient. We then investigate phylogenies to identify particular habitats contributing to such differences using Taxonomic distinctness (AvTD) and its variation (VarTD).Our results show that the distribution of species number among Hawaiian lineages is much more uneven than the Canary Islands. In contrast, Hawaii produces a more even distribution of species number by family than the Canary Islands. This may be due to the Hawaiian Flora being derived from considerably fewer colonists than the Canarian Flora as a result of its much greater degree of isolation. At the same time, Hawaii is represented by the same number of families as the Canary Islands. This may stem from Hawaii's flora being derived from a greater range of source areas despite its isolation. Finally, there is much more diversification spread across a larger number of lineages in Hawaii. The higher degree of Hawaiian diversification may be due to a greater range of habitats, more diverse and phylogenetically distinct floristic sources, and low initial species diversity resulting from extreme isolation.Two Canarian habitats (Rock communities and Thermophilous habitats) and one Hawaiian habitat (Wet communities) contribute to the differences in phylogenetic structure between the two archipelagos. These habitats exhibit disproportionate levels of unevenness and may represent centres of diversification. We propose a combination of two habitat properties, high receptivity and low stability, to explain these results.  相似文献   

Carthamus (Asteraceae) includes both crop (Carthamus tinctorius, safflower) and weedy species. Despite previous studies, many outstanding questions remain regarding the phylogenetic surroundings of safflower, especially in relation to weedy species. Here we investigated relationships within Carthamus using a tiered approach examining sequence and microsatellite data. First, nuclear and chloroplast sequences were analyzed from 37 accessions of 16 species. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference confirm two well supported clades, corresponding to sect. Atractlyis and sect. Carthamus, the latter of which includes safflower. Because sequence data provided limited resolution within the clades, microsatellite markers were used to investigate relationships within sect. Carthamus. Both sequence and microsatellite data reveal that most traditionally recognized species are not monophyletic. Microsatellite data indicate that Carthamus palaestinus is the closest relative of cultivated safflower.  相似文献   

On the basis of distinct ecological and morphological characters, the European Barbus taxa have been clustered in two groups: a fluvio-lacustrine and a rheophilic or strictly riverine one. These two groups (or ecophenotypes) were recognized in different parts of Europe, and formed either a species assemblage ( Barbus barbus group) or a polytypic species ( Barbus meridionalis ). The hypothesis was that species of the same group belong to the same phylogenetic lineage (clade) and are the result of the same transcontinental colonization event. The analysis, using allozyme markers, of 10 taxa of the genus Barbus from France, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, showed that the taxa thought to belong to the fluvio-lacustrine and the rheophilic groups are not monophyletic. The results suggest that probably in each sub-region, the founding taxon has diverged independently to form species of two different ecophenotypes, one occupying the upstream rivers and the other the lowland rivers. Accordingly, Barbus species groups represent clusters of morphologically convergent taxa living in equivalent biotopes.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Despite substantial efforts to develop and populate the back-ends of biological databases, front-ends to these systems often rely on taxonomic expertise. This research applies techniques from human-computer interaction research to the biodiversity domain. RESULTS: We developed an interactive node-link tool, TaxonTree, illustrating the value of a carefully designed interaction model, animation, and integrated searching and browsing towards retrieval of biological names and other information. Users tested the tool using a new, large integrated dataset of animal names with phylogenetic-based and classification-based tree structures. These techniques also translated well for a tool, DoubleTree, to allow comparison of trees using coupled interaction. Our approaches will be useful not only for biological data but as general portal interfaces.  相似文献   

Hypotheses to explain the causes of diversity gradients have increasingly focused on the factors that actually change species numbers, namely speciation, extinction and dispersal. A common assumption of many of these hypotheses is that there should be phylogenetic signal in diversification rates, yet this assumption has rarely been tested explicitly. In this study, we compile a large data set including 328,219 species of plants, mammals, amphibians and squamates to assess the level of phylogenetic signal in their diversification rates. Significant phylogenetic signal was detected in all data sets, except for squamates, suggesting not only that closely related clades indeed might share similar diversification rates, but also that the level of phylogenetic signal might vary considerably between them. Moreover, there were intriguing differences among taxa in the rate of decay in phylogenetic autocorrelation over time, underscoring the existence of taxon-specific patterns of phylogenetic autocorrelation. These results have important implications for the development of more realistic models of species diversification.  相似文献   

Estimating diversification rates from phylogenetic information   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Patterns of species richness reflect the balance between speciation and extinction over the evolutionary history of life. These processes are influenced by the size and geographical complexity of regions, conditions of the environment, and attributes of individuals and species. Diversity within clades also depends on age and thus the time available for accumulating species. Estimating rates of diversification is key to understanding how these factors have shaped patterns of species richness. Several approaches to calculating both relative and absolute rates of speciation and extinction within clades are based on phylogenetic reconstructions of evolutionary relationships. As the size and quality of phylogenies increases, these approaches will find broader application. However, phylogeny reconstruction fosters a perceptual bias of continual increase in species richness, and the analysis of primarily large clades produces a data selection bias. Recognizing these biases will encourage the development of more realistic models of diversification and the regulation of species richness.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic analyses of the tribe Phyllotini, one of the largest components of the subfamily Sigmodontinae, have been based on a single source of evidence. In particular, morphological analyses were largely based on craniodental data, almost neglecting the potential phylogenetic information present in the postcranium. Despite the significant advances made in relation to the knowledge of phyllotine phylogeny in recent times, there are several unsolved issues that highlight the importance of a phylogenetic analysis that integrates multiple sources of evidence, including previously considered sources as well as new sources of data. We present here the first combined phylogenetic analysis (morphological and molecular) of phyllotines, which includes the widest taxon and character sampling to date. Our dataset includes 164 morphological characters, of which 83 are postcranial characters, plus 3561 molecular characters, scored for 52 species from 34 genera of Oryzomyalia. In this study 75 postcranial characters not previously considered in this group are thoroughly described, and their utility for solving the relationships within Phyllotini is evaluated by means of different complementary analyses. Phyllotini was retrieved as a monophyletic clade in the combined analysis, with a composition that matches that obtained in most other recent analyses. All genera of phyllotines were monophyletic and show high support values. Abrotrichini, Akodontini and Oryzomyini were also monophyletic. The inclusion of postcranial data appears to be of limited utility to solve the phylogenetic relationships within Phyllotini.  相似文献   

Passerine birds comprise over half of avian diversity, but have proved difficult to classify. Despite a long history of work on this group, no comprehensive hypothesis of passerine family-level relationships was available until recent analyses of DNA-DNA hybridization data. Unfortunately, given the value of such a hypothesis in comparative studies of passerine ecology and behaviour, the DNA-hybridization results have not been well tested using independent data and analytical approaches. Therefore, we analysed nucleotide sequence variation at the nuclear RAG-1 and c-mos genes from 69 passerine taxa, including representatives of most currently recognized families. In contradiction to previous DNA-hybridization studies, our analyses suggest paraphyly of suboscine passerines because the suboscine New Zealand wren Acanthisitta was found to be sister to all other passerines. Additionally, we reconstructed the parvorder Corvida as a basal paraphyletic grade within the oscine passerines. Finally, we found strong evidence that several family-level taxa are misplaced in the hybridization results, including the Alaudidae, Irenidae, and Melanocharitidae. The hypothesis of relationships we present here suggests that the oscine passerines arose on the Australian continental plate while it was isolated by oceanic barriers and that a major northern radiation of oscines (i.e. the parvorder Passerida) originated subsequent to dispersal from the south.  相似文献   

Carotenoid composition is very diverse in Rhodophyta. In this study, we investigated whether this variation is related to the phylogeny of this group. Rhodophyta consists of seven classes, and they can be divided into two groups on the basis of their morphology. The unicellular group (Cyanidiophyceae, Porphyridiophyceae, Rhodellophyceae, and Stylonematophyceae) contained only β‐carotene and zeaxanthin, “ZEA‐type carotenoids.” In contrast, within the macrophytic group (Bangiophyceae, Compsopogonophyceae, and Florideophyceae), Compsopogonophyceae contained antheraxanthin in addition to ZEA‐type carotenoids, “ANT‐type carotenoids,” whereas Bangiophyceae contained α‐carotene and lutein along with ZEA‐type carotenoids, “LUT‐type carotenoids.” Florideophyceae is divided into five subclasses. Ahnfeltiophycidae, Hildenbrandiophycidae, and Nemaliophycidae contained LUT‐type carotenoids. In Corallinophycidae, Hapalidiales and Lithophylloideae in Corallinales contained LUT‐type carotenoids, whereas Corallinoideae in Corallinales contained ANT‐type carotenoids. In Rhodymeniophycidae, most orders contained LUT‐type carotenoids; however, only Gracilariales contained ANT‐type carotenoids. There is a clear relationship between carotenoid composition and phylogenetics in Rhodophyta. Furthermore, we searched open genome databases of several red algae for references to the synthetic enzymes of the carotenoid types detected in this study. β‐Carotene and zeaxanthin might be synthesized from lycopene, as in land plants. Antheraxanthin might require zeaxanthin epoxydase, whereas α‐carotene and lutein might require two additional enzymes, as in land plants. Furthermore, Glaucophyta contained ZEA‐type carotenoids, and Cryptophyta contained β‐carotene, α‐carotene, and alloxanthin, whose acetylenic group might be synthesized from zeaxanthin by an unknown enzyme. Therefore, we conclude that the presence or absence of the four enzymes is related to diversification of carotenoid composition in these three phyla.  相似文献   

Exocytosis is, in all likelihood, an important communication method among microbes. Ciliates are highly differentiated and specialized micro-organisms for which versatile and/or sophisticated exocytotic organelles may represent important adaptive tools. Thus, in ciliates, we find a broad range of different extrusomes, i.e ejectable membrane-bound organelles. Structurally simple extrusomes, like mucocysts and cortical granules, are widespread in different taxa within the phylum. They play the roles in each case required for the ecological needs of the organisms. Then, we find a number of more elaborate extrusomes, whose distribution within the phylum is more limited, and in some way related to phylogenetic affinities. Herein we provide a survey of literature and our data on selected extrusomes in ciliates. Their morphology, distribution, and possible function are discussed. The possible phylogenetic implications of their diversity are considered.  相似文献   

Hill RV 《Systematic biology》2005,54(4):530-547
Several mutually exclusive hypotheses have been advanced to explain the phylogenetic position of turtles among amniotes. Traditional morphology-based analyses place turtles among extinct anapsids (reptiles with a solid skull roof), whereas more recent studies of both morphological and molecular data support an origin of turtles from within Diapsida (reptiles with a doubly fenestrated skull roof). Evaluation of these conflicting hypotheses has been hampered by nonoverlapping taxonomic samples and the exclusion of significant taxa from published analyses. Furthermore, although data from soft tissues and anatomical systems such as the integument may be particularly relevant to this problem, they are often excluded from large-scale analyses of morphological systematics. Here, conflicting hypotheses of turtle relationships are tested by (1) combining published data into a supermatrix of morphological characters to address issues of character conflict and missing data; (2) increasing taxonomic sampling by more than doubling the number of operational taxonomic units to test internal relationships within suprageneric ingroup taxa; and (3) increasing character sampling by approximately 25% by adding new data on the osteology and histology of the integument, an anatomical system that has been historically underrepresented in morphological systematics. The morphological data set assembled here represents the largest yet compiled for Amniota. Reevaluation of character data from prior studies of amniote phylogeny favors the hypothesis that turtles indeed have diapsid affinities. Addition of new ingroup taxa alone leads to a decrease in overall phylogenetic resolution, indicating that existing characters used for amniote phylogeny are insufficient to explain the evolution of more highly nested taxa. Incorporation of new data from the soft and osseous components of the integument, however, helps resolve relationships among both basal and highly nested amniote taxa. Analysis of a data set compiled from published sources and data original to this study supports monophyly of Amniota, Synapsida, Reptilia, Parareptilia, Eureptilia, Eosuchia, Diapsida, Neodiapsida, Sauria, Lepidosauria, and Archosauriformes, as well as several more highly nested divisions within the latter two clades. Turtles are here resolved as the sister taxon to a monophyletic Lepidosauria (squamates + Sphenodon), a novel phylogenetic position that nevertheless is consistent with recent molecular and morphological studies that have hypothesized diapsid affinities for this clade.  相似文献   

Traditionally, physical anthropologists have focused their dental studies on features of teeth that can be observed with the unaided eye, measured with calipers, or observed with light microscopes. With the advent of the scanning electron microscope, there has been renewed interest in the use of the microstructure of enamel in phylogenetic reconstruction and taxonomic classification. The microstructure of dentine has received far less research attention than has enamel although several investigators have proposed that dentine has taxon specificity. We report the first results of a study in which we investigated the taxon specificity of dentine. In our study, we exposed the dentinal tubules on the mesial root surfaces of 12 Canis, 11 Papio, and 12 Homo mandibular first molars and compared tubule density and pattern among the three taxa. Based on these parameters, 91.43% of the teeth were correctly identified as being dog, baboon, or human, respectively. We conclude that dentine has taxon-specific structural characteristics, which can be used in anthropological investigations. To our knowledge, this is the first comparative study of the micro-structure of teeth utilizing statistical analysis.  相似文献   



TreeBASE is currently the only available large-scale database of published organismal phylogenies. Its utility is hampered by a lack of taxonomic consistency, both within the database, and with names of organisms in external genomic, specimen, and taxonomic databases. The extent to which the phylogenetic knowledge in TreeBASE becomes integrated with these other sources is limited by this lack of consistency.  相似文献   

How will the emerging possibility of inferring ultra-large phylogenies influence our ability to identify shifts in diversification rate? For several large angiosperm clades (Angiospermae, Monocotyledonae, Orchidaceae, Poaceae, Eudicotyledonae, Fabaceae, and Asteraceae), we explore this issue by contrasting two approaches: (1) using small backbone trees with an inferred number of extant species assigned to each terminal clade and (2) using a mega-phylogeny of 55473 seed plant species represented in GenBank. The mega-phylogeny approach assumes that the sample of species in GenBank is at least roughly proportional to the actual species diversity of different lineages, as appears to be the case for many major angiosperm lineages. Using both approaches, we found that diversification rate shifts are not directly associated with the major named clades examined here, with the sole exception of Fabaceae in the GenBank mega-phylogeny. These agreements are encouraging and may support a generality about angiosperm evolution: major shifts in diversification may not be directly associated with major named clades, but rather with clades that are nested not far within these groups. An alternative explanation is that there have been increased extinction rates in early-diverging lineages within these clades. Based on our mega-phylogeny, the shifts in diversification appear to be distributed quite evenly throughout the angiosperms. Mega-phylogenetic studies of diversification hold great promise for revealing new patterns, but we will need to focus more attention on properly specifying null expectation.  相似文献   

Genera, families, and possibly orders of basidiomycetous yeasts can be defined by 25S rRNA homology and correlated phenotypic characters. The teleomorphic genera Filobasidium, Leucosporidium, and Rhodosporidium have greater than 96 relative binding percent (rb%) intrageneric 25S rRNA homology and significant intergeneric separation from each other and from Filobasidiella. The anamorphic genus Cryptococcus can be defined by morphology (monopolar budding), colony color, and greater than 75 rb% intrageneric homology; Vanrija is heterogeneous. Agaricostilbum (Phragmobasidiomycetes, Auriculariales), Hansenula (Ascomycotera, Endomycota), Tremella (Phragmobasidiomycetes, Tremellales), and Ustilago (Ustomycota, Ustilaginales) appear equally unrelated to the Cryptococcus, Filobasidiella, and Rhodosporidium spp. used as probes. The Filobasidiaceae and Sporidiaceae, Filobasidiales and Sporidiales, form coherent homology groups which appear to have undergone convergent 25S rRNA evolution, since their relatedness is much greater than that indicated by 5S rRNA homology. Ribosomal RNA homologies do not appear to measure evolutionary distance.  相似文献   

Few issues in evolutionary biology have received as much attention over the years or have generated as much controversy as those involving evolutionary rates. One unresolved issue is whether or not shifts in speclation and/or extinction rates are closely tied to the origin of 'key' innovations in evolution. This discussion has long been dominated by 'time-based' methods using data from the fossil record. Recently, however, attention has shifted to 'tree-based' methods, in which time, if It plays any role at all, is incorporated secondarily, usually based on molecular data. Tests of hypotheses about key innovations do require Information about phylogenetic relationships, and some of these tests can be implemented without any information about time. However, every effort should be made to obtain information about time, which greatly increases the power of such tests.  相似文献   

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