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In this paper a new reactive mechanism based on perception-action bionics for multi-sensory integration applied to Un-manned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) navigation is proposed.The strategy is inspired by the olfactory bulb neural activity observed inrabbits subject to external stimuli.The new UAV navigation technique exploits the use of a multiscroll chaotic system which isable to be controlled in real-time towards less complex orbits,like periodic orbits or equilibrium points,considered as perceptiveorbits.These are subject to real-time modifications on the basis of environment changes acquired through a Synthetic ApertureRadar (SAR) sensory system.The mathematical details of the approach are given including simulation results in a virtual en-vironment.The results demonstrate the capability of autonomous navigation for UAV based on chaotic bionics theory in com-plex spatial environments.  相似文献   

喷雾:一种简便的拟南芥转化方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张森 《生物技术》2006,16(5):36-38
目的:建立一种改良的且操作更为简便可行的拟南芥转化方法。方法:用含有OD600等于0.8的农杆菌,5%蔗糖和0. 2 ml/L表面活性剂Silwet L-77的MS液体培养基喷洒正在发育的花器官即可实现基因转化。植物生长到高约4cm时进行转化,此时植物具有大量的花和极少数的果荚,可以得到比较高的转化效率。喷洒溶液后将植物用保鲜膜等材料包裹起来以保持湿度,可有利于转化。结果:得到了365棵转化植株,转化效率和花器官浸泡法的基本一致。结论:这种方法可适用于多种生态型的拟南芥植物转化,并且方便大规模的拟南芥植物的转化,便于人们快速获得带有T-DNA标记的植株或基因遗传互补工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

A model helicopter is more difficult to control than its full scale counterpart. This is due to its greater sensitivity to control inputs and disturbances as well as higher bandwidth of dynamics. This work is focused on designing practical tracking controller for a small scale helicopter following predefined trajectories. A tracking controller based on optimal control theory is synthesized as a part of the development of an autonomous helicopter. Some issues with regards to control constraints are addressed.The weighting between state tracking performance and control power expenditure is analyzed. Overall performance of the control design is evaluated based on its time domain histories of trajectories as well as control inputs.  相似文献   

Precision agriculture: a challenge for crop nutrition management   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Robert  P. C. 《Plant and Soil》2002,247(1):143-149
Precision agriculture was initiated in the mid 1980s, using newly available technologies, to improve the application of fertilizers by varying rates and blends as needed within fields. Presently, the concept has been adapted to a variety of practices, crops, and countries. Its adoption varies significantly by cropping system, regions, and countries but it is progressively introduced or evaluated around the world. Several types of challenges limit a broader adoption: socio-economical, agronomical, and technological. Socio-economical barriers are principally costs and lack of skills. Agronomical challenges are lack of basic information, inadequate sampling and scouting procedures, absence of site-specific fertilizer recommendations, misuse of information, and lack of qualified agronomic services. There are multiple technological barriers that relate to machinery, sensor, GPS, software, and remote sensing. However, these barriers will be progressively lifted and precision agriculture will be a significant component of the agricultural system of the future. It offers a variety of potential benefits in profitability, productivity, sustainability, crop quality, food safety, environmental protection, on-farm quality of life, and rural economic development.  相似文献   

This paper considers the extrema of the relative precision (R. P.), or the ratio of the variance of optimum allocation to that of proportional allocation in stratified sampling for a mean (=Y) or total (=Y) when there is a fixed cost C=conhch over L strata. The upper bound of R. P. is shown to be equal to unity, though the lower bound can be negative while approaching zero if the finite population size N→∞. Numerical results (cf. Table) when the upper bound of R. P. = 1 is attained are included for the cases L≦4 with various combinations of {Wh}, {ch} and a fixed cost C; these give the appropriate sample sizes (=np) determined for proportional sampling in the cases of finite populations of sizes N=5000, 10,000 respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Cost considerations may be as important as precision when making survey-design choices, and the ability to accurately estimate survey costs will be essential if survey budgets become more constrained. We used data from a survey of ring-necked ducks (Aythya collaris) to illustrate how simple distance formulas can be used to construct a cost function for aerial quadrat surveys. Our cost function provided reasonable estimates of effort (hr) and costs, and allowed us to evaluate plot-size choices in terms of expected cost-precision tradeoffs. Although factors influencing costs in wildlife surveys can be complicated, we believe that cost functions deserve more attention and should be routinely considered in conjunction with traditional power analyses.  相似文献   

Precision oncology implies customizing treatment to the unique molecular and biologic characteristics of each individual and their cancer. Its implementation is being facilitated by remarkable technological advances in genomic sequencing, as well as the increasing availability of targeted and immunotherapeutic drugs. Yet, next generation sequencing may be a disruptive technology in that its results suggest that classic paradigms for clinical research and practice are a poor fit with the complex reality encountered in metastatic malignancies. Indeed, it is evident that advanced tumors have heterogeneous molecular landscapes that mostly differ between patients. Traditional modes of clinical research/practice are drug centered, with a strategy of finding commonalities between patients so that they can be grouped together and treated similarly. However, if each patient with metastatic cancer has a unique molecular portfolio, a new patient-centered, N-of-one approach that utilizes individually tailored treatment is needed.  相似文献   

1. This study highlights the use of waterbird communities as potential measures of river and floodplain health at a landscape scale. 2. The abundance and diversity of a waterbird community (54 species) was measured over 15 trips with four aerial and three ground counts per trip on a 300-ha lake in arid Australia. 3. Aerial survey estimates of individual species were significantly less precise (SE/mean) than ground counts across two (11–100 and > 1000) out of four abundance classes of waterbirds: 0–10, 11–100, 101–1000 and > 1000. Standard error/mean as a percentage decreased with increasing abundance from about 60% for the lowest abundance class to 18% for the largest abundance class. 4. Aerial survey estimates were negatively biased for species in numbers of less than 10 and greater than 5000 but unbiased compared to ground counts for other abundance classes. Aerial surveys underestimated numbers of waterbirds by 50% when there were 40 000 waterbirds. Three ground counts found about seven more waterbird species than four aerial surveys. One ground count took about 150 times longer than two aerial surveys and cost 14 times more. 5. Regression models were derived, comparing aerial survey estimates to ground counts for 31 of 36 species for which there were sufficient data. Aerial survey estimates were unbiased for most of these species (67%), negatively biased for six species and positively biased for one species. Estimates were negatively biased in species that occurred in small numbers or that dived in response to the aircraft. 6. River system health encompasses the state of floodplain wetlands. Waterbirds on an entire wetland or floodplain may be estimated by aerial survey of waterbirds; this is a coarse but effective measure of waterbird abundance. Aerial survey is considerably less costly than ground survey and potentially provides a method for measuring river and floodplain health over long periods of time at the same scale as river management.  相似文献   

<正> We proposed a dynamic model identification and design of an H-Infinity (i.e.H_∞) controller using a LightweightPiezo-Composite Actuator (LIPCA).A second-order dynamic model was obtained by using input and output data, and applyingan identification algorithm.The identified model coincides well with the real LIPCA.To reduce the resonating mode that istypical of piezoelectric actuators, a notch filter was used.A feedback controller using the H_∞ control scheme was designed basedon the identified dynamic model; thus, the LIPCA can be easily used as an actuator for biomemetic applications such as artificialmuscles or macro/micro positioning in bioengineering.The control algorithm was implemented using a microprocessor, analogfilters, and power amplifying drivers.Our simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed control algorithmworks well in real environment, providing robust performance and stability with uncertain disturbances.  相似文献   

The lack of autonomous take-off and landing capabilities of bird-like flapping-wing aerial vehicles(BFAVs)seriously restricts their further development and application.Thus,combined with the current research results on the autonomous take-off and landing technology of unmanned aerial vehicles,four types of technologies are studied,including jumping take-off and landing technology,taxiing take-off and landing technology,gliding take-off and landing technology,and vertical take-off and landing(VTOL)technology.Based on the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)-comprehensive evaluation method,a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for the autonomous take-off and landing scheme of a BFAV is established,and four schemes are evaluated concretely.The results show that under the existing technical conditions,the hybrid layout VTOL scheme is the best.Furthermore,the detailed design and development of the prototype of a BFAV with a four-rotor hybrid layout are carried out,and the vehicle performance is tested.The results prove that through the four-rotor hybrid layout design,the BFAV has good autonomous take-off and landing abilities.The power consumption analysis shows that for a fixed-point reconnaissance mission,when the mission radius is less than 3.38 km,the VTOL type exhibits longer mission duration than the hand-launched type.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Conservation and management of small mammals requires reliable knowledge of population size. We investigated precision of mark-recapture and removal abundance estimates generated from live-trapping and snap-trapping data collected at sites on Guam (n = 7), Rota (n = 4), Saipan (n = 5), and Tinian (n = 3), in the Mariana Islands. We also evaluated a common index, captures per unit effort (CPUE), as a predictor of abundance. In addition, we evaluated cost and time associated with implementing live-trapping and snap-trapping and compared species-specific capture rates of selected live- and snap-traps. For all species, mark-recapture estimates were consistently more precise than removal estimates based on coefficients of variation and 95% confidence intervals. The predictive utility of CPUE was poor but improved with increasing sampling duration. Nonetheless, modeling of sampling data revealed that underlying assumptions critical to application of an index of abundance, such as constant capture probability across space, time, and individuals, were not met. Although snap-trapping was cheaper and faster than live-trapping, the time difference was negligible when site preparation time was considered. Rattus diardii spp. captures were greatest in Haguruma live-traps (Standard Trading Co., Honolulu, HI) and Victor snap-traps (Woodstream Corporation, Lititz, PA), whereas Suncus murinus and Mus musculus captures were greatest in Sherman live-traps (H. B. Sherman Traps, Inc., Tallahassee, FL) and Museum Special snap-traps (Woodstream Corporation). Although snap-trapping and CPUE may have utility after validation against more rigorous methods, validation should occur across the full range of study conditions. Resources required for this level of validation would likely be better allocated towards implementing rigorous and robust methods.  相似文献   

In this study, we report on a group of complementary human osteoblast in vitro test methods for the preclinical evaluation of 3D porous titanium surfaces. The surfaces were prepared by additive manufacturing (electron beam melting [EBM]) and plasma spraying, allowing the creation of complex lattice surface geometries. Physical properties of the surfaces were characterized by SEM and profilometry and 3D in vitro cell culture using human osteoblasts. Primary human osteoblast cells were found to elicit greater differences between titanium sample surfaces than an MG63 osteoblast‐like cell line, particularly in terms of cell survival. Surface morphology was associated with higher osteoblast metabolic activity and mineralization on rougher titanium plasma spray coated surfaces than smoother surfaces. Differences in osteoblast survival and metabolic activity on titanium lattice structures were also found, despite analogous surface morphology at the cellular level. 3D confocal microscopy identified osteoblast organization within complex titanium surface geometries, adhesion, spreading, and alignment to the biomaterial strut geometries. Mineralized nodule formation throughout the lattice structures was also observed, and indicative of early markers of bone in‐growth on such materials. Testing methods such as those presented are not traditionally considered by medical device manufacturers, but we suggest have value as an increasingly vital tool in efficiently translating pre‐clinical studies, especially in balance with current regulatory practice, commercial demands, the 3Rs, and the relative merits of in vitro and in vivo studies. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2016;113: 1586–1599. © 2015 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Background: Metabolomic analysis aids in the identification of novel biomarkers by revealing the metabolic dysregulations underlying cardiovascular disease (CVD) aetiology. The aim of this study was to evaluate which metabolic biomarkers could add value for the prognosis of CVD events using meta-analysis.

Methods: The PRISMA guideline was followed for the systematic review. For the meta-analysis, biomarkers were included if they were tested in multivariate prediction models for fatal CVD outcomes. We grouped the metabolites in biological classes for subgroup analysis. We evaluated the prediction performance of models which reported discrimination and/or reclassification statistics.

Results: For the systematic review, there were 22 studies which met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. For the meta-analysis, there were 41 metabolites grouped into 8 classes from 19 studies (45,420 subjects, 5954 events). A total of 39 of the 41 metabolites were significant with a combined effect size of 1.14 (1.07–1.20). For the predictive performance assessment, there were 21 studies, 54,337 subjects, 6415 events. The average change in c-statistic after adding the biomarkers to a clinical model was 0.0417 (SE 0.008).

Conclusions: This study provides evidence that metabolomic biomarkers, mainly lipid species, have the potential to provide additional prognostic value. Current data are promising, although approaches and results are heterogeneous.  相似文献   

A computer-simulation model (MELSIM) of a Meloidogyne-grapevine system is developed. The objective is to attempt a holistic approach to the study of nematode population dynamics by using experimental data from controlled environmental conditions. A simulator with predictive ability would be useful in considering pest management alternatives and in teaching. Rates of flow and interaction between the components of the system are governed by environmental conditions. Equations for these rates are determined by fitting curves to data from controlled environment studies. Development of the model and trial simulations have revealed deficiencies in understanding of the system and identified areas where further research is necessary.  相似文献   

Aerial conidia of Metarhizium anisopliae (flavoviride) var. acridum strain IMI 330189 used for the inundative biological control of grasshoppers and locusts in sub-Saharan Africa are produced in a purpose-built facility at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture in Benin using a standard, two-stage mass-production system. The yields average 31.1 g of dry conidia powder/kg of rice substrate, the production capacity is 300-350 kg of conidia/year and the production costs are estimated at US$21/100 g (the recommended dose for 1 ha). The production process parameters vary within narrow limits established during optimization, but the yield is characterized by a high level of variation over time. The incubation period and temperature are identified as key factors, although they account for less than 40% of the yield variation. The variation in conidial viability and contamination are correlated with several parameters, but none can adequately explain this variation. The handling time, a principal limiting factor, could be reduced by increasing the substrate quantity/unit of production. An awareness of these factors presents the opportunity to fine tune production, although the options for increasing or improving production efficiency are limited within the constraints of the system.  相似文献   

目的研制一种新型的比格犬固定器。方法根据比格犬的体型大小设计出一种不锈钢固定架,将犬俯卧于固定架上,四肢穿过支撑体重的布垫糸在下方的横框上。结果此方法可长时间同时固定多条非麻醉状态的比格犬,适合于静脉推注或滴注给药以及多时间点静脉采血等操作。结论为比格犬研制出一种结构简单、操作方便的固定器。  相似文献   

A microbioreactor immobilized with a synthase-type mutant enzyme, Endo-M-N175Q (glycosynthase) of endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase derived from Mucor hiemalis (Endo-M), was constructed and used for glycoconjugate synthesis. The transglycosylation was performed with a reaction mixture containing an oxazoline derivative of sialo complex-type glycoside (SG), which was prepared from a sialo complex-type glycopeptide SGP derived from hen egg yolk, as a glycosyl donor and N-Fmoc-N-acetylglucosaminyl-l-asparagine [Fmoc-Asn(GlcNAc)-OH] as an acceptor. The reaction mixture was injected into a glycosynthase microbioreactor at a constant flow rate. Highly efficient and nearly stoichiometric transglycosylation occurred in the microbioreactor, and the transglycosylation product was eluted from the other end of the reactor. The glycosynthase microbioreactor was stable and could be used repeatedly for a long time.  相似文献   

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