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Using a polyclonal antibody raised against purified luciferase of Vibrio harveyi and immunogold labeling on thin sections, the amounts and cellular localization of luciferase were examined during the growth of the bacteria. Cells harvested at different times during cultivation in liquid medium at 22°C were fixed, either chemically or by fast freeze fixation followed by freeze substitution, and embedded in LR White. Concomitant measures of bioluminescence, both in vitro and in vivo,showed the classical curve of autoinduction. The number of gold particles per cell area showed a similar pattern. Their localization was always cytoplasmic, with no indication of special periplasmic or membrane associations.  相似文献   

Summary Osteocalcin was localized by indirect immunogold staining of thin frozen sections of rat tooth germs which had been fixed by different methods. Acrolein fixation proved to be satisfactory considering the preservation of fine structure and antigenicity. In odontoblasts, osteocalcin was found to be localized in the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Few positive transport vesicles were found. Staining for osteocalcin in odontoblastic processes was only observed after strong fixation and was intense in odontoblasts engaged in early dentine formation. Predentine was slightly positive in the neighbourhood of positive processes. Matrix vesicles were negative and strong osteocalcin labeling of dentine seemed to appear after the onset of mineralization.  相似文献   

Osteocalcin was localized by indirect immunogold staining of thin frozen sections of rat tooth germs which had been fixed by different methods. Acrolein fixation proved to be satisfactory considering the preservation of fine structure and antigenicity. In odontoblasts, osteocalcin was found to be localized in the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Few positive transport vesicles were found. Staining for osteocalcin in odontoblastic processes was only observed after strong fixation and was intense in odontoblasts engaged in early dentine formation. Predentine was slightly positive in the neighbourhood of positive processes. Matrix vesicles were negative and strong osteocalcin labeling of dentine seemed to appear after the onset of mineralization.  相似文献   

Several immunogold techniques were used to determine the ultrastructural localization of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), tachykinin, somatostatin, and gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn of rat spinal cord. The immunocytochemical reactions were carried out directly on ultrathin sections from non-osmicated frozen tissue, non-osmicated low temperature-embedded (Lowicryl K4M) tissue, and osmicated epoxy-embedded material. Preservation of ultrastructural morphology and immuno-labeling efficiency were compared. Morphology of subcellular organelles was relatively good in ultra-thin frozen sections, which showed the highest immunoreactivity. However, only very small samples of tissue could be examined. Although there was relatively good immunolabeling in the Lowicryl K4M-embedded tissue, the ultrastructure of the neuropil, and particularly that of synapses, was poorly maintained. In contrast, the osmicated epoxy-embedded material offered optimal morphological preservation together with accurate subcellular localization of all antigens under study. The latter approach thus enabled clear visualization of CGRP, tachykinin, and somatostatin immunoreactivity restricted to large dense-cored vesicles (90-150 nm diameter) in many axonal and synaptic profiles in the superficial layers of the dorsal horn. CGRP- and tachykinin-positive profiles were also present in the tract of Lissauer. GABA immunoreactivity was present mainly in axons and terminals, and less frequently in somatic and dendritic profiles. In terminals, which often formed symmetrical synapses on immunonegative dendritic profiles, it was associated with small (30-60 nm diameter) clear vesicles and mitochondria. Double immunolabeling was possible on all preparations, but the osmicated, epoxy-embedded material clearly showed co-localization of peptides, especially of CGRP and tachykinins, within the same dense-cored vesicles in axonal fibers and/or terminals. On the other hand, peptide and GABA immunoreactivity were consistently seen in different nerve profiles. In a few cases, GABAnergic terminals were seen to synapse on tachykinin-positive fibers.  相似文献   

The distribution of apolipoprotein (apo) E in rat hepatocytes was investigated with an affinity-purified polyclonal antibody raised against apoE isolated from hepatogeneous very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). The distribution of this antibody was visualized with colloidal gold complexed to anti-rabbit IgG. By epipolarization microscopy, apoE was found uniformly along the basolateral surfaces of all hepatic parenchymal cells, showing a striking intensity along the sinusoidal front. Punctate deposits of colloidal gold appeared to be randomly distributed within all hepatocytes. Widely scattered Kupffer cells also stained for apoE. Electron microscopic examination of immunogold-labeled cryothin sections showed that hepatocytic microvilli projecting into the space of Disse consistently contained clusters of immunogold. The gold particles were variably associated with evident lipoprotein particles, raising the possibility that apoE alone may bind to receptors or other macromolecules at the surface of hepatocytes. Endosomes near the sinusoidal front and multivesicular bodies in the Golgi/biliary area labeled intensely for apoE, consistent with a high content of apoE associated with triglyceride-rich lipoprotein remnants contained within these organelles. Some but not all nascent VLDL particles within putative forming Golgi secretory vesicles were labeled, but many other Golgi vesicles and cisternae that lacked evident VLDL particles were also labeled. These results suggest that at least some apoE associates with nascent VLDL in forming Golgi secretory vesicles. Unexpectedly, the matrix of all hepatocytic peroxisomes was heavily labeled. Immunoblots with the affinity-purified anti-rat apoE IgG against proteins from highly purified peroxisomes isolated from rat hepatocytes revealed a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 34.5 kDa, similar to that of rat apoE in rat blood plasma. In addition, gold was sometimes found in the area either adjacent to peroxisomes or between multivesicular bodies and the bile canaliculus not evidently associated with a membranous compartment. These observations suggest that apoE may participate in interorganellar cholesterol transport within hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Dentine phosphoprotein (DPP) was localized on thin frozen sections of fixed rat tooth germs by indirect immunogold staining. Antisera were directed against DPP and against glutaraldehyde-treated DPP and were characterized by immuno-electroblotting. In odontoblasts, DPP was found to be localized in the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the Golgi apparatus and in Golgi-associated vesicles. Odontoblastic processes were moderately positive for DPP and dentine was intensely labeled on frozen sections of unfixed tissue. Predentine showed a slight immunoreactivity. These results indicate the synthesis of DPP in the RER, its accumulation in the Golgi apparatus and its vesicular transport and secretion via the odontoblastic processes into dentine. The close association of the gold particles with the dentinal collagen fibres makes a role of DPP in linking mineral to collagen conceivable. Matrix vesicles were negative for DPP, suggesting that the protein is not present at the sites of matrix vesicle-associated nucleation.  相似文献   

Summary Dentine phosphoprotein (DPP) was localized on thin frozen sections of fixed rat tooth germs by indirect immunogold staining. Antisera were directed against DPP and against glutaraldehyde-treated DPP and were characterized by immuno-electroblotting. In odontoblasts, DPP was found to be localized in the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the Golgi apparatus and in Golgi-associated vesicles. Odontoblastic processes were moderately positive for DPP and dentine was intensely labeled on frozen sections of unfixed tissue. Predentine showed a slight immunoreactivity. These results indicate the synthesis of DPP in the RER, its accumulation in the Golgi apparatus and its vesicular transport and secretion via the odontoblastic processes into dentine. The close association of the gold particles with the dentinal collagen fibres makes a role of DPP in linking mineral to collagen conceivable. Matrix vesicles were negative for DPP, suggesting that the protein is not present at the sites of matrix vesicleassociated nucleation.  相似文献   

On-grid (post-embedding) immunolabeling methods with epoxy resins have been difficult to apply to thin structures such as intermediate filaments, which may remain inaccessible within the plastic. In this study, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), the major protein of astrocyte intermediate filaments, was localized with a post-embedding immunogold method, using both unosmicated and osmicated material embedded in epoxy resin. The tissue studied was from a diagnostic brain biopsy on a child with Alexander's disease. This disorder is characterized by proliferation of astrocyte intermediate filaments and formation of Rosenthal fibers. With unosmicated tissue, as in a previous study, extensive labeling of the glial filaments was achieved only when ultra-thin sections were pre-treated with dilute sodium ethoxide, an agent that dissolves plastic. Fifteen-nm gold could be used. With osmicated tissue, localization to glial filaments required pre-treatment with sodium ethoxide and with the oxidizing agent sodium metaperiodate, followed by the use of small (5 nm) colloidal gold. That 5-nm gold was required for labeling filaments in osmicated material suggested that osmication increases problems of penetrability and antigen accessibility within ultra-thin sections. The large Rosenthal fibers were labeled by 15-nm gold in both unosmicated and osmicated material. The methods employed may be useful for electron immunolocalizations to other thin structures in material embedded in epoxy resin.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK) mediates the effects of catecholamines and hormones that cause elevation of intracellular cyclic AMP levels. The holoenzyme is a tetramer consisting of catalytic (C) and cyclic AMP-binding regulatory (R) subunits. The type I and type II cAPK isoenzymes are defined by R subunits (RI and RII) of differing molecular weight, primary structure, and cyclic AMP-binding properties. Postembedding immunogold labeling procedures and specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to RI, RII, and C were used to study the subcellular distribution of cAPK subunits in several tissues. In the rat parotid gland, both RI and RII were present in the cytoplasm, nuclei, and secretory granules of the acinar cells, whereas secretory granules of intercalated and striated duct cells were poorly labeled. These results confirmed that the acinar secretory granules are the source of R subunits previously identified in saliva by specific photoaffinity labeling techniques. Zymogen granules of pancreatic acinar cells and secretory granules of seminal vesicle cells were labeled with antibody to RII. Pancreatic and seminal fluids were shown to contain cyclic AMP-binding proteins. The granules of several endocrine cells (pituitary, pancreatic islet, intestinal) also labeled with RII antibody. Double labeling of ovarian granulosa cells showed that both RI and C were present in the nuclei and cytoplasm. The localization of cAPK subunits revealed by postembedding immunogold labeling is consistent with the postulated regulatory functions of these proteins in gene expression, cell proliferation, exocytosis, and various metabolic events The widespread occurrence of cAPK subunits in secretory granules and their release to the extracellular environment suggests that they play an important role in secretory cell function.  相似文献   

Summary— Intestinal biopsies from patients having genetic disorders of lipoprotein assembly and secretion, such as abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) or Anderson's disease (AD), contain large amounts of lipids which are accumulated in the enterocytes. Determination of the intracellular sites in which the lipids accumulate and to which apolipoproteins the lipids are bound would help to identify the defects in these diseases and further elucidate the mechanisms by which lipoprotein assembly and secretion occur normally. Ultrastructural immunogold labeling, however, is hampered by the poor preservation of the lipids accumulated in the enterocytes of these patients. We have used routine electron microscopy (fixation and ultra-thin sectioning) along with three methods for immunogold labeling of lipid-laden enterocytes; ultrathin cryosectioning, low temperature freeze substitution with embedding in Lowicryl K4M, and ultra-low temperature freeze substitution with embedding in Lowicryl HM20, to establish a protocol for investigating the intestinal tissue from these patients. Ultracryosectioning, while preserving the overall morphology of the lipid laden enterocytes, did not preserve the lipid content and the immunogold labeling of apolipoprotein B (ApoB) appeared dislocated. Freeze substitution and low temperature embedding in Lowicryl K4M, in contrast, appeared to better preserve the lipid and lipoprotein structures; however, the antigenicity of both apoAI and apoB appeared to be lost and no specific labeling could be obtained. Freeze substitution and embedding in Lowicryl HM20 best preserved the lipid and lipoprotein structures while maintaining apoprotein antigenicity. In conclusion, immunogold labeling of apolipoproteins on lipid structures in the lipid-laden enterocytes of patients with ABL and AD is best obtained by freeze substitution and embedding in Lowicryl HM20.  相似文献   

The polyethylene glycol (PEG) method for immunofluorescence localization of cytoskeletal antigens has been extended to the ultrastructural level using glutaraldehyde-fixed tissues and immunogold staining. Semithin sections of fixed tissue embedded in polyethylene glycol are divested of the PEG, exposed to purified antibodies (e.g., antiactin, antitubulin) and anti-IgG-colloidal gold. The sections may be processed by dehydration and critical-point drying, or reembedment in hydrophilic substances. Tubulin is demonstrated in the mitotic spindles of dividing spermatogonia, manchettes, axonemes and centrioles of developing spermatids, and in the Sertoli cell cytoplasm; actin localization is demonstrated in the myoid cells of the tunica propria, and smooth muscle cells of arterioles in the interstitial tissue. The results demonstrate the applicability and versatility of PEG embedding for immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   

The polyethylene glycol (PEG) method for immunofluorescence localization of cytoskeletal antigens has been extended to the ultrastructural level using glutaraldehyde-fixed tissues and immunogold staining. Semithin sections of fixed tissue embedded in polyethylene glycol are divested of the PEG, exposed to purified antibodies (e.g., antiactin, antitubulin) and anti-IgG-colloidal gold. The sections may be processed by dehydration and critical-point drying, or reembedment in hydrophilic substances. Tubulin is demonstrated in the mitotic spindles of dividing spermatogonia, manchettes, axonemes and centrioles of developing spermatids, and in the Sertoli cell cytoplasm; actin localization is demonstrated in the myoid cells of the tunica propria, and smooth muscle cells of arterioles in the interstitial tissue. The results demonstrate the applicability and versatility of PEG embedding for immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   

In vivo trafficking and localization of p24 proteins in plant cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
p24 proteins constitute a family of putative cargo receptors that traffic in the early secretory pathway. p24 proteins can be divided into four subfamilies (p23, p24, p25 and p26) by sequence homology. In contrast to mammals and yeast, most plant p24 proteins contain in their cytosolic C-terminus both a dilysine motif in the −3, −4 position and a diaromatic motif in the −7, −8 position. We have previously shown that the cytosolic tail of Arabidopsis p24 proteins has the ability to interact with ARF1 and coatomer (through the dilysine motif) and with COPII subunits (through the diaromatic motif). Here, we establish the localization and trafficking properties of an Arabidopsis thaliana p24 protein ( At p24) and have investigated the contribution of the sorting motifs in its cytosolic tail to its in vivo localization. At p24-red fluorescent protein localizes exclusively to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), in contrast with the localization of p24 proteins in other eukaryotes, and the dilysine motif is necessary and sufficient for ER localization. In contrast, At p24 mutants lacking the dilysine motif are transported along the secretory pathway to the prevacuolar compartment and the vacuole, although a significant fraction is also found at the plasma membrane. Finally, we have found that ER export of At p24 is COPII dependent, while its ER localization requires COPI function, presumably for efficient Golgi to ER recycling.  相似文献   

Cryo-substituted spinach leaf pieces, embedded in LR-White resin by chemical polymerization at low temperature, were used to localize enzymes within chloroplasts by immuno-electron microscopy. Employing monospecific antibodies and protein A-gold as label, the spatial distribution of six chloroplast enzymes was investigated. Statistical methods were used to determine whether each enzyme was bound to the thylakoids. By this means the coupling factor 1 (CF1), ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase, sedoheptulosebisphosphatase, and ribulose-5-phosphate kinase were found to be membrane-associated. In case of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase the label was only weak and an unequivocal determination of its location was not possible. In contrast, ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase was randomly distributed throughout the chloroplast.  相似文献   

Summary Motilin-immunoreactivity has been localized by two electron immunocytochemical techniques, using goldlabelled protein A or IgG as second layer, in a specific type of endocrine cell scattered in the epithelium of human and canine upper small intestine. The motilin (M) cell is characterized by relatively small (180 nm in man; 200 nm in the dog), solid granules with homogeneous core and closely applied membrane, round in man, round to irregularly-shaped in the dog. Perinuclear microfilaments are prominent in human motilin cells.  相似文献   

Summary Secretin has been localized by the immunogold technique in endocrine cells of the dog duodenum — previously described as K cells — characterized by secretory granules with double structure consisting of a secretin-containing osmiophilic core surrounded by an argyrophil halo. Granules resembling those of dog secretin cells were also found in some ultrastructurally characterized S cells of the cat, pig, rat and rabbit duodenum, thus confirming in these species the identification of S cells with secretin cells. Conversely, the cells previously described as S cells in the dog lacked secretin immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Motilin-immunoreactivity has been localized by two electron immunocytochemical techniques, using gold-labelled protein A or IgG as second layer, in a specific type of endocrine cell scattered in the epithelium of human and canine upper small intestine. The motilin (M) cell is characterized by relatively small (180 nm in man; 200 nm in the dog), solid granules with homogeneous core and closely applied membrane, round in man, round to irregularly-shaped in the dog. Perinuclear microfilaments are prominent in human motilin cells.  相似文献   

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