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AIMS: Legionella pneumophila is a contaminant of man-made water systems, including potable water, cooling towers, water systems of large buildings, etc. It is the most common causative agent of legionellosis, a respiratory infection, which may give rise to restricted outbreaks. To survey environmental water samples from hospitals and private habitations in Bologna, we developed a species-specific nested and a TaqMan real-time PCR for the detection of L. pneumophila. We compared the two assays and both to cultural isolation. METHODS AND RESULTS: The targeted gene was macrophage infectivity potentiator (mip), conserved in L. pneumophila, and divergent in other legionellae. One assay was based on a nested PCR and the other on a TaqMan real-time PCR protocol. Their sensitivities were 14 % or 5% higher than that of cultural isolation respectively. The detection limits were 1-2 genome equivalents per 50-microl reaction. Specificity was assessed using DNA from nine target and 20 nontarget organisms. CONCLUSIONS: When applied to water samples, both assays detected L. pneumophila at 80% or higher frequency. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The species-specific molecular diagnosis of L. pneumophila by means of nested PCR does not require a specific instrumentation, exhibits a high sensitivity, and is advantageous over the cultural isolation and real-time PCR detection. It allows to quickly monitor water samples for the risk assessment of environmental contaminations.  相似文献   

The presence of high levels of Legionella pneumophila in man-made aquatic systems correlates with the incidence of nosocomial Legionnaires' disease. This requires a rapid, reliable, and sensitive quantification of L. pneumophila concentrations in suspected water systems. In this research, a homologous competitor was developed and evaluated in a L. pneumophila competitive polymerase chain reaction (cPCR) to quantify this human pathogen in a quick, cost-effective, and reliable way. Accuracy of cPCR was evaluated by analyzing cooling tower and tap water samples spiked with known concentrations of L. pneumophila bacteria, in parallel with the standard culture method. Legionella pneumophila amounts detected and calculated from cPCR and culture correlated very well: r = 0.998, P = 0.002 for tap water and r = 0.990, P = 0.009 for cooling tower water. Nevertheless, for both kinds of water samples, mean numbers of L. pneumophila calculated from cPCR results were always higher than those obtained by culture. This study makes it clear that the rapid, sensitive, and cost-effective L. pneumophila cPCR is a promising alternative to the standard time-consuming culture method and expensive real-time PCR to enumerate L. pneumophila bacteria in environmental water samples.  相似文献   

A new real-time PCR assay was developed and validated in combination with an immunomagnetic separation system for the quantitative determination of Legionella pneumophila in water samples. Primers that amplify simultaneously an 80-bp fragment of the dotA gene from L. pneumophila and a recombinant fragment including a specific sequence of the gyrB gene from Aeromonas hydrophila, added as an internal positive control, were used. The specificity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, repetitivity, reproducibility, and accuracy of the method were calculated, and the values obtained confirmed the applicability of the method for the quantitative detection of L. pneumophila. Moreover, the efficiency of immunomagnetic separation in the recovery of L. pneumophila from different kinds of water was evaluated. The recovery rates decreased as the water contamination increased (ranging from 59.9% for distilled water to 36% for cooling tower water), and the reproducibility also decreased in parallel to water complexity. The feasibility of the method was evaluated by cell culture and real-time PCR analysis of 60 samples in parallel. All the samples found to be positive by cell culture were also positive by real-time PCR, while only eight samples were found to be positive only by PCR. Finally, the correlation of both methods showed that the number of cells calculated by PCR was 20-fold higher than the culture values. In conclusion, the real-time PCR method combined with immunomagnetic separation provides a sensitive, specific, and accurate method for the rapid quantification of L. pneumophila in water samples. However, the recovery efficiency of immunomagnetic separation should be considered in complex samples.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila, a bacterium that replicates within aquatic amoebae and persists in the environment as a free-living microbe, is the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease. Among the many Legionella species described, L. pneumophila is associated with 90% of human disease, and within the 15 serogroups (Sg), L. pneumophila Sg1 causes more than 84% of Legionnaires' disease worldwide. Thus, rapid and specific identification of L. pneumophila Sg1 is of the utmost importance for evaluation of the contamination of collective water systems and the risk posed. Previously we had shown that about 20 kb of the 33-kb locus carrying the genes coding for the proteins involved in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis (LPS gene cluster) by L. pneumophila was highly specific for Sg1 strains and that three genes (lpp0831, wzm, and wzt) may serve as genetic markers. Here we report the sequencing and comparative analyses of this specific region of the LPS gene cluster in L. pneumophila Sg6, -10, -12, -13, and -14. Indeed, the wzm and wzt genes were present only in the Sg1 LPS gene cluster, which showed a very specific gene content with respect to the other five serogroups investigated. Based on this observation, we designed primers and developed a classical and a real-time PCR method for the detection and simultaneous identification of L. pneumophila Sg1 in clinical and environmental isolates. Evaluation of the selected primers with 454 Legionella and 38 non-Legionella strains demonstrated 100% specificity. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were further evaluated with 209 DNA extracts from water samples of hospital water supply systems and with 96 respiratory specimens. The results showed that the newly developed quantitative Sg1-specific PCR method is a highly specific and efficient tool for the surveillance and rapid detection of high-risk L. pneumophila Sg1 in water and clinical samples.  相似文献   

We evaluated a ready-to-use real-time quantitative Legionella pneumophila PCR assay system by testing 136 hot-water-system samples collected from 55 sites as well as 49 cooling tower samples collected from 20 different sites, in parallel with the standard culture method. The PCR assay was reproducible and suitable for routine quantification of L. pneumophila. An acceptable correlation between PCR and culture results was obtained for sanitary hot-water samples but not for cooling tower samples. We also monitored the same L. pneumophila-contaminated cooling tower for 13 months by analyzing 104 serial samples. The culture and PCR results were extremely variable over time, but the curves were similar. The differences between the PCR and culture results did not change over time and were not affected by regular biocide treatment. This ready-to-use PCR assay for L. pneumophila quantification could permit more timely disinfection of cooling towers.  相似文献   

Aim: To identify media and environmental conditions suitable for rapid mycelial growth and sporulation of Diplocarpon mali. Methods and Results: Liquid shake cultures were used to evaluate effects of media and environmental conditions on mycelial growth and conidial production of D. mali. Carrot sucrose broth (CSB), potato and carrot dextrose broth (PCDB) and potato and carrot sucrose broth (PCSB) were most favourable for rapid mycelial growth. PCDB, PCSB, PCB (potato and carrot broth) and carrot dextrose broth (CDB) were favourable for conidial production. All carbon sources tested and peptone favoured for mycelial growth. Carbon and nitrogen sources tested did not significantly stimulate conidial production. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth and conidial production was 25°C. No mycelial growth occurred at 5 or 30°C, but D. mali survived at these temperatures. Active mycelial growth occurred at pH 5–7, and pH 5–8 was favourable for sporulation. Conclusions: PCDB and PCSB incubated at 25°C for 14 day are recommended for mycelial growth and conidial production of D. mali. Significance and Impact of the Study: The information generated in this study will facilitate mycological and pathological research on D. mali and Marssonina leaf blotch of apple caused by D. mali.  相似文献   

Aims: This study was designed to evaluate the usefulness of quantification by real‐time PCR as a management tool to monitor concentrations of Legionella spp. and Legionella pneumophila in industrial cooling systems and its ability to anticipate culture trends by the French standard method (AFNOR T90‐431). Methods and Results: Quantifications of Legionella bacteria were achieved by both methods on samples from nine cooling systems with different water qualities. Proportion of positive samples for L. pneumophila quantified by PCR was clearly lower in deionized or river waters submitted to a biocide treatment than in raw river waters, while positive samples for Legionella spp. were quantified for almost all the samples. For some samples containing PCR inhibitors, high quantification limits (up to 4·80 × 105 GU l?1) did not allow us to quantify L. pneumophila, when they were quantified by culture. Finally, the monitoring of concentrations of L. pneumophila by both methods showed similar trends for 57–100% of the samples. Conclusions: These results suggest that, if some methodological steps designed to reduce inhibitory problems and thus decrease the quantification limits, could be developed to quantify Legionella in complex waters, the real‐time PCR could be a valuable complementary tool to monitor the evolution of L. pneumophila concentrations. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study shows the possibility of using real‐time PCR to monitor L. pneumophila proliferations in cooling systems and the importance to adapt nucleic acid extraction and purification protocols to raw waters.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and evaluation of a specific Legionella pneumophila Taqman duplex real-time PCR (qPCR) for fast and reliable quantification of this human pathogen in suspected man-made water systems. The qPCR assay was 100% specific for all L. pneumophila serogroups 1-15 with a sensitivity of 60 genome units/l and an amplification efficiency of 98%. Amplification inhibitors were detected via an exogenous internal positive control, which was amplified simultaneously with L. pneumophila DNA using its own primer and probe set. Mean recovery rates of the qPCR assay for tap water and cooling circuit water, spiked with a known number L. pneumophila bacteria, were 93.0% and 56.3%, respectively. Additionally, by using the Ultraclean Soil DNA isolation kit, we were able to remove amplification inhibitors ubiquitously present in cooling water. The practical value of our qPCR assay was evaluated through analysis of 30 water samples from showers, taps, eyewash stations, fire sprinklers and recirculation loops with qPCR and traditional culture. In conclusion, the described L. pneumophila Taqman duplex real-time assay proved to be specific, sensitive and reproducible. This makes it a promising method complementing the current time-consuming culture standard method.  相似文献   

Fluorescent resonance energy transfer probes targeting the 16S rRNA gene were constructed for a sensitive and specific real-time PCR for identification and differentiation of Legionella pneumophila from other Legionella spp. For identification of non-L. pneumophila spp. by direct amplicon sequencing, two conventional PCR assays targeting the mip gene were established.  相似文献   

Quantitative Legionella PCRs targeting the 16S rRNA gene (specific for the genus Legionella) and the mip gene (specific for the species Legionella pneumophila) were applied to a total of 223 hot water system samples (131 in one laboratory and 92 in another laboratory) and 37 cooling tower samples (all in the same laboratory). The PCR results were compared with those of conventional culture. 16S rRNA gene PCR results were nonquantifiable for 2.8% of cooling tower samples and up to 39.1% of hot water system samples, and this was highly predictive of Legionella CFU counts below 250/liter. PCR cutoff values for identifying hot water system samples containing >10(3) CFU/liter legionellae were determined separately in each laboratory. The cutoffs differed widely between the laboratories and had sensitivities from 87.7 to 92.9% and specificities from 77.3 to 96.5%. The best specificity was obtained with mip PCR. PCR cutoffs could not be determined for cooling tower samples, as the results were highly variable and often high for culture-negative samples. Thus, quantitative Legionella PCR appears to be applicable to samples from hot water systems, but the positivity cutoff has to be determined in each laboratory.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific method has been developed to enumerate viable L. pneumophila and other Legionella spp. in water by epifluorescence microscopy in a short period of time (a few hours). This method allows the quantification of L. pneumophila or other Legionella spp. as well as the discrimination between viable and nonviable Legionella. It simultaneously combines the specific detection of Legionella cells using antibodies and a bacterial viability marker (ChemChrome V6), the enumeration being achieved by epifluorescence microscopy. The performance of this immunological double-staining (IDS) method was investigated in 38 natural filterable water samples from different aquatic sources, and the viable Legionella counts were compared with those obtained by the standard culture method. The recovery rate of the IDS method is similar to, or higher than, that of the conventional culture method. Under our experimental conditions, the limit of detection of the IDS method was <176 Legionella cells per liter. The examination of several samples in duplicates for the presence of L. pneumophila and other Legionella spp. indicated that the IDS method exhibits an excellent intralaboratory reproducibility, better than that of the standard culture method. This immunological approach allows rapid measurements in emergency situations, such as monitoring the efficacy of disinfection shock treatments. Although its field of application is as yet limited to filterable waters, the double-staining method may be an interesting alternative (not equivalent) to the conventional standard culture methods for enumerating viable Legionella when rapid detection is required.  相似文献   

Contamination of hospital water systems with legionellae is a well-known cause of nosocomial legionellosis. We describe a new real-time LightCycler PCR assay for quantitative determination of legionellae in potable water samples. Primers that amplify both a 386-bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene from Legionella spp. and a specifically cloned fragment of the phage lambda, added to each sample as an internal inhibitor control, were used. The amplified products were detected by use of a dual-color hybridization probe assay design and quantified with external standards composed of Legionella pneumophila genomic DNA. The PCR assay had a sensitivity of 1 fg of Legionella DNA (i.e., less than one Legionella organism) per assay and detected 44 Legionella species and serogroups. Seventy-seven water samples from three hospitals were investigated by PCR and culture. The rates of detection of legionellae were 98.7% (76 of 77) by the PCR assay and 70.1% (54 of 77) by culture; PCR inhibitors were detected in one sample. The amounts of legionellae calculated from the PCR results were associated with the CFU detected by culture (r = 0.57; P < 0.001), but PCR results were mostly higher than the culture results. Since L. pneumophila is the main cause of legionellosis, we further developed a quantitative L. pneumophila-specific PCR assay targeting the macrophage infectivity potentiator (mip) gene, which codes for an immunophilin of the FK506 binding protein family. All but one of the 16S rRNA gene PCR-positive water samples were also positive in the mip gene PCR, and the results of the two PCR assays were correlated. In conclusion, the newly developed Legionella genus-specific and L. pneumophila species-specific PCR assays proved to be valuable tools for investigation of Legionella contamination in potable water systems.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is accounted for more than 80% of Legionella infection. However it is difficult to discriminate between the L. pneumophila and non-L. pneumophila species rapidly. In order to detect the Legionella spp. and distinguish L. pneumophila from Legionella spp., a real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) platform that targets a specific sequence of the 16S rRNA gene was developed. LS-LAMP amplifies the fragment of the 16S rRNA gene to detect all species of Legionella genus. A specific sequence appears at the 16S rRNA gene of L. pneumophila, while non-L. pneumophila strains have a variable sequence in this site, which can be recognized by the primer of LP-LAMP. In the present study, 61 reference strains were used for the method verification. We found that the specificity was 100% for both LS-LAMP and LP-LAMP, and the sensitivity of LAMP assay for L. pneumophila detection was between 52 and 5.2 copies per reaction. In the environmental water samples detection, a total of 107 water samples were identified by the method. The culture and serological test were used as reference methods. The specificity of LS-LAMP and LP-LAMP for the samples detection were 91.59% (98/107) and 93.33% (56/60), respectively. The sensitivity of LS-LAMP and LP-LAMP were 100% (51/51) and 100% (18/18). The results suggest that real-time LAMP, as a new assay, provides a specific and sensitive method for rapid detection and differentiation of Legionella spp. and L. pneumophila and should be utilized to test environmental water samples for increased rates of detection.  相似文献   

We evaluated a ready-to-use real-time quantitative Legionella pneumophila PCR assay system by testing 136 hot-water-system samples collected from 55 sites as well as 49 cooling tower samples collected from 20 different sites, in parallel with the standard culture method. The PCR assay was reproducible and suitable for routine quantification of L. pneumophila. An acceptable correlation between PCR and culture results was obtained for sanitary hot-water samples but not for cooling tower samples. We also monitored the same L. pneumophila-contaminated cooling tower for 13 months by analyzing 104 serial samples. The culture and PCR results were extremely variable over time, but the curves were similar. The differences between the PCR and culture results did not change over time and were not affected by regular biocide treatment. This ready-to-use PCR assay for L. pneumophila quantification could permit more timely disinfection of cooling towers.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific method has been developed to enumerate viable L. pneumophila and other Legionella spp. in water by epifluorescence microscopy in a short period of time (a few hours). This method allows the quantification of L. pneumophila or other Legionella spp. as well as the discrimination between viable and nonviable Legionella. It simultaneously combines the specific detection of Legionella cells using antibodies and a bacterial viability marker (ChemChrome V6), the enumeration being achieved by epifluorescence microscopy. The performance of this immunological double-staining (IDS) method was investigated in 38 natural filterable water samples from different aquatic sources, and the viable Legionella counts were compared with those obtained by the standard culture method. The recovery rate of the IDS method is similar to, or higher than, that of the conventional culture method. Under our experimental conditions, the limit of detection of the IDS method was <176 Legionella cells per liter. The examination of several samples in duplicates for the presence of L. pneumophila and other Legionella spp. indicated that the IDS method exhibits an excellent intralaboratory reproducibility, better than that of the standard culture method. This immunological approach allows rapid measurements in emergency situations, such as monitoring the efficacy of disinfection shock treatments. Although its field of application is as yet limited to filterable waters, the double-staining method may be an interesting alternative (not equivalent) to the conventional standard culture methods for enumerating viable Legionella when rapid detection is required.  相似文献   

Fluorescent resonance energy transfer probes targeting the 16S rRNA gene were constructed for a sensitive and specific real-time PCR for identification and differentiation of Legionella pneumophila from other Legionella spp. For identification of non-L. pneumophila spp. by direct amplicon sequencing, two conventional PCR assays targeting the mip gene were established.  相似文献   

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