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《Mathematical biosciences》1986,81(2):191-212
Bifurcation phenomena appearing in the Lotka-Volterra competition equations with periodically varying coefficients are studied numerically. We assume sinusoidal oscillations of the coefficients and use phase differences between them as free parameters. We are mainly concerned with the case where a pair of stable and unstable positive periodic solutions exists, although one of the trivial periodic solutions is stable and the other is unstable. We obtain a very curious bifurcation diagram in which two branches of stable and unstable positive periodic solutions are connected at both ends, but are connected with no other branches. We show how this unusual diagram can be viewed as a cross-section of a multidimensional bifurcation diagram. The region in a 3-dimensional parameter space where a pair of stable and unstable positive periodic solutions exists is shown in an example, and the ecological meaning of the phase differences necessary for stable coexistence of two species is considered. Finally, a bifurcation problem with the average intrinsic growth rate as a parameter is also dealt with numerically, in relation with Cushing's result.  相似文献   

1. Recent developments in the field of chaotic advection in hydrodynamical/environmental flows encourage us to revisit the population dynamics of competing species in open aquatic systems.
2. We assume that these species are in competition for a common limiting resource in open flows with chaotic advection dynamics. As an illustrative example, we consider a time periodic two-dimensional flow of viscous fluid (water) around a cylindrical obstacle.
3. Individuals accumulate along a fractal set in the wake of the cylinder, which acts as a catalyst for the biological reproduction process. While in homogeneous, well mixed environments only one species could survive this competition, coexistence of competitors is typical in our hydrodynamical system.
4. It is shown that a steady state sets in after sufficiently long times. In this state, the relative density of competitors is determined rather by the fractal nature of the spatial distribution of the advected species, and by their initial conditions, than by their competitive abilities. We argue that two factors, the strong chaotic mixing along a fractal set and the boundary layer around the obstacle, are responsible for the coexistence.  相似文献   

Heteromyopia and the spatial coexistence of similar competitors   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Most spatial models of competing species assume symmetries in the spatial scales of dispersal and interactions. This makes analysis tractable, and has led to the conclusion that segregation of species in space does not promote coexistence. However, these symmetries leave parts of the parameter space uninvestigated. Using a moment‐approximation method, we present a spatial version of the Lotka–Volterra competition equations to investigate effects of removing symmetries in the distances over which individuals disperse and interact. Some spatial segregation of the species always comes about due to competition, and such segregation does not necessarily lead to coexistence. But, if interspecific competition occurs over shorter distances than intraspecific competition (heteromyopia), spatial segregation becomes strong enough to promote coexistence. Such coexistence is most likely when the species have similar dynamics, in contrast to the competition–colonization trade‐off that requires large competitive differences between species.  相似文献   

方笛熙  万霞  毛婉琼  张锋 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7109-7117
病原体感染对种间竞争的影响可能是因为改变了宿主的资源利用过程,然而竞争模型(Lotka-Volterra)由于参数化竞争系数而忽略了资源的动态变化过程,因此基于此类模型的研究无法揭示病原体对宿主资源利用的影响。基于Tilman的资源竞争理论构建了病原体感染一个物种的资源竞争模型,通过分析宿主物种资源利用效率的变化探讨了病原体对种间竞争的影响。结果表明:(1)病原体降低了宿主对资源的消耗率(消费矢量变短),抬高了对资源的最低需求(零等倾线上移),这意味着宿主的竞争力减弱;(2)虽然感染影响了竞争物种的密度,但不会改变共存物种的共存状态;(3)病原体可以使宿主物种的竞争对手更容易入侵,形成共存局面,极大地扩大了竞争物种共存的参数范围,本质上促进了物种多样性维持;(4)病原体的传播率和毒性也复杂地影响了竞争物种共存,传播率越大越能促进物种共存,而中等强度毒性最能促进物种共存。研究结果明确了病原体对物种资源利用模式的潜在改变,强调了病原体在物种共存和生物多样性维持中的重要性。  相似文献   

We consider spatial distributions of two competing and diffusing populations whose habitats are partly overlapping. As a model, certain reaction—diffusion equations are used in the finite and in the infinite regions with Dirichlet boundary conditions. On the assumption of extremely different diffusive rates of the two species, it is verified, by the use of singular perturbation techniques, that the slowly diffusing species can survive in some subregions, although the species with the greater diffusive rate rapidly occupies the region at the initial stage, and that coexistence of two populations is realized, reducing the effect of interspecific competition by spatial segregation. It will be also shown that the size of the region where the slowly moving population can survive exhibits a markedly qualitative change, depending on the values of some parameters, and that the population can extends the distribution infinitely, when the parameters satisfy a certain condition.  相似文献   

For the majority of species, per capita growth rate correlates negatively with population density. Although the popular logistic equation for the growth of a single species incorporates this intraspecific competition, multi-trophic models often ignore self-limitation of the consumers. Instead, these models often assume that the predator-prey interactions are purely exploitative, employing simple Lotka-Volterra forms in which consumer species lack intraspecific competition terms. Here we show that intraspecific interference competition can account for the stable coexistence of many consumer species on a single resource in a homogeneous environment. In addition, our work suggests a potential mechanism for field observations demonstrating that habitat area and resource productivity strongly positively correlate to biodiversity. In the special case of a modified Lotka-Volterra model describing multiple predators competing for a single resource, we present an ordering procedure that determines the deterministic fate of each specific consumer. Moreover, we find that the growth rate of a resource species is proportional to the maximum number of consumer species that resource can support. In the limiting case, when the resource growth rate is infinite, a model with intraspecific interference reduces to the conventional Lotka-Volterra competition model where there can be an unlimited number of coexisting consumers. This highlights the crucial role that resource growth rates may play in promoting coexistence of consumer species.  相似文献   

Intransitive competition has the potential to be a powerful contributor to species coexistence, but there are few proposed biological mechanisms that could create intransitivities in natural communities. Using a three‐species model of competition for space, we demonstrate a mechanism for coexistence that combines a colonization–competition tradeoff between two species with the ability of a third species to preempt space from the other competitors. The combination of differential abilities to colonize, preempt, and overtake space creates a community where no single species can exclude both of its competitors. The dynamics of this kind of community are analogous to rock‐paper‐scissors competition, and the three‐species community can persist even though not all pairs of species can coexist in isolation. In distinction to prior results, this is a mechanism of intransitivity that does not require nonhierarchical local interference competition. We present parameter estimates from a subtidal marine community illustrating how documented competitive traits can lead to preemption‐based intransitivities in natural communities, and we describe methods for an empirical test of the occurrence of this mechanism.  相似文献   

We study a model of competition for resource through a chemostat-type model where species consume the common resource that is constantly supplied. We assume that the species and resources are characterized by a continuous trait. As already proved, this model, although more complicated than the usual Lotka–Volterra direct competition model, describes competitive interactions leading to concentrated distributions of species in continuous trait space. Here we assume a very fast dynamics for the supply of the resource and a fast dynamics for death and uptake rates. In this regime we show that factors that are independent of the resource competition become as important as the competition efficiency and that the direct competition model is a good approximation of the chemostat. Assuming these two timescales allows us to establish a mathematically rigorous proof showing that our resource-competition model with continuous traits converges to a direct competition model. We also show that the two timescales assumption is required to mathematically justify the corresponding classic result on a model consisting of only finite number of species and resources (MacArthur in, Theor Popul Biol 1:1–11, 1970). This is performed through asymptotic analysis, introducing different scales for the resource renewal rate and the uptake rate. The mathematical difficulty relies in a possible initial layer for the resource dynamics. The chemostat model comes with a global convex Lyapunov functional. We show that the particular form of the competition kernel derived from the uptake kernel, satisfies a positivity property which is known to be necessary for the direct competition model to enjoy the related Lyapunov functional.  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of competitor-mediated coexistence, it is important to study the influence of an exotic species on other native species in terms of exogenous effects, in general, exotic species are weaker than native ones because they have evolved in a different environment. Even if an exotic species is weaker, however, it might cooperate with a native species, after which the competitive relations among native species may have reversed. This motivates us to consider the ecological situation whereby one exotic competing species invades the native system of two strongly competing species. Therefore, we discuss the problem of competitive exclusion or competitor-mediated coexistence using a three-species competition–diffusion system.  相似文献   

Different aspects of the foraging strategies of two harvester ant species, Messor wasmanni and M. minor, were investigated in a Mediterranean dry grassland area. Baits were used to evaluate the existence of a trade-off between resource discovery and domination as well as the effect of three variables (air temperature, relative humidity and distance) on the trade-off. Baits were also utilized to explore random vs non random use of time by colonies. Random vs non random utilization of space was instead evaluated by mapping the daily foraging area of colonies in a grid of 900 plots of 1 m2 each. Results revealed that species coexistence is not preferentially supported by a trade-off in resource utilization with no overall effect of the examined variables. The foraging activity of the two species widely overlapped whilst a clear competition for space occurred. The observed space partitioning could represent an advantageous strategy for the coexistence of the two ant species.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hypothesis allowing us to explain the coexistence of several species (here micro-organisms) in competition on a single resource (called a substrate) in a chemostat. We introduce a new class of kinetics that does not only depend on the substrate concentration in the medium, but also on the biomass concentration. From the study of elementary interactions (i) between micro-organisms, (ii) between micro-organisms and their environment in which they grow and from simulations, we show that this modelling approach can be interpreted in terms of substrate diffusion phenomena. A rigorous study of this new class of models allows us to hypothesize that abiotic parameters can explain the fact that an arbitrarily large number of species can coexist in the presence of a unique substrate.  相似文献   

When we investigate the bifurcation structure of models of natural phenomena, we usually assume that all model functions are mathematically specified and that the only existing uncertainty is with respect to the parameters of these functions. In this case, we can split the parameter space into domains corresponding to qualitatively similar dynamics, separated by bifurcation hypersurfaces. On the other hand, in the biological sciences, the exact shape of the model functions is often unknown, and only some qualitative properties of the functions can be specified: mathematically, we can consider that the unknown functions belong to a specific class of functions. However, the use of two different functions belonging to the same class can result in qualitatively different dynamical behaviour in the model and different types of bifurcation. In the literature, the conventional way to avoid such ambiguity is to narrow the class of unknown functions, which allows us to keep patterns of dynamical behaviour consistent for varying functions. The main shortcoming of this approach is that the restrictions on the model functions are often given by cumbersome expressions and are strictly model-dependent: biologically, they are meaningless. In this paper, we suggest a new framework (based on the ODE paradigm) which allows us to investigate deterministic biological models in which the mathematical formulation of some functions is unspecified except for some generic qualitative properties. We demonstrate that in such models, the conventional idea of revealing a concrete bifurcation structure becomes irrelevant: we can only describe bifurcations with a certain probability. We then propose a method to define the probability of a bifurcation taking place when there is uncertainty in the parameterisation in our model. As an illustrative example, we consider a generic predator–prey model where the use of different parameterisations of the logistic-type prey growth function can result in different dynamics in terms of the type of the Hopf bifurcation through which the coexistence equilibrium loses stability. Using this system, we demonstrate a framework for evaluating the probability of having a supercritical or subcritical Hopf bifurcation.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of a top predator on the stability of a system of competing prey species. In the first instance, this is done in detail for two prey species where the predators either behave in a completely random way, interfere with each other or switch to the more abundant prey at any time. The analysis is then extended to the case of n similar prey species, either competing equally or competing with their two nearest neighbours in exploiting a one-dimensional resource spectrum. It is found that predator switching can produce local stability when the prey species overlap completely and even when the competition coefficients are greater than one. This, however, is more difficult to attain for nearest neighbour competition. In either case switching is advantageous to the predators, since it allows them to coexist successfully with their prey over a wider range of conditions.  相似文献   

In the absence of other limiting factors, assemblages in which species share a common, effective natural enemy are not expected to persist. Although a variety of mechanisms have been postulated to explain the coexistence of species that share natural enemies, the role of productivity gradients has not been explored in detail. Here, we examine how enrichment can affect the outcome of apparent competition. We develop a structured resource/consumer/natural enemy model in which the prey are exposed to attacks during a vulnerable life phase, the length of which depends on resource availability. With a single prey species, the model exhibits the "paradox of enrichment," with unstable dynamics at high levels of resource productivity. We extend this model to consider two prey species linked by a shared predator, each with their own distinct resource base. We derive invasion and stability conditions and examine how enrichment influences prey species exclusion and coexistence. Contrary to expectations from simpler, prey-dependent models, apparent competition is not necessarily strong at high productivity, and prey species coexistence may thus be more likely in enriched environments. Further, the coexistence of apparent competitors may be facilitated by unstable dynamics. These results contrast with the standard theory that apparent competition in productive environments leads to nonpersistent interactions and that coexistence of multispecies interactions is more likely under equilibrial conditions.  相似文献   

It is well established that intraspecific aggregation has the potential to promote coexistence in communities of species competing for patchy ephemeral resources. We developed a simulation model to explore the influence of aggregation on coexistence in such communities when an important assumption of previous studies – that interspecific interactions have only negative effects on the species involved – is relaxed. The model describes a community of competing insect larvae in which an interaction that is equivalent to intraguild predation (IGP) can occur, and is unusual in that it considers species exploiting very small resource patches (carrying capacity=1). Model simulations show that, in the absence of any intraspecific aggregation, variation between species in the way that resource heterogeneity affects survival increases the likelihood of species coexistence. Simulations also show that intraspecific aggregation of the dominant competitor's eggs across resource patches can promote coexistence by reducing the importance of interspecific competition relative to that of intraspecific competition. Crucially, however, this effect is altered if one competitor indulges in IGP. In general, coexistence is only possible when the species that is capable of IGP is less effective at exploiting the shared resource than its competitor. Because it reduces the relative importance of interspecific interactions, intraspecific aggregation of the eggs of a species that is the victim of IGP actually reduces the likelihood of coexistence in parts of parameter space in which the persistence of the other species is dependent on its ability to exploit its competitor. Since resource heterogeneity, intraspecific aggregation and IGP are all common phenomena, these findings shed light on mechanisms that are likely to influence diversity in communities exploiting patchy resources.  相似文献   

Yinghui Yang  Cang Hui 《Oikos》2021,130(2):260-273
Competitive intransitivity is mostly considered outside the main body of coexistence theories that rely primarily on the role of niche overlap and differentiation. How the interplay of competitive intransitivity and niche overlap jointly affects species coexistence has received little attention. Here, we consider a rock–paper–scissors competition system where interactions between species can represent the full spectra of transitive–intransitive continuum and niche overlap/differentiation under different levels of competition asymmetry. By comparing results from pair approximation that only considers interference competition between neighbouring cells in spatial lattices, with those under the mean-field assumption, we show that 1) species coexistence under transitive competition is only possible at high niche differentiation; 2) in communities with partial or pure intransitive interactions, high levels of niche overlap are not necessary to beget species extinction; and 3) strong spatial clustering can widen the condition for intransitive loops to facilitate species coexistence. The two mechanisms, competitive intransitivity and niche differentiation, can support species persistence and coexistence, either separately or in combination. Finally, the contribution of intransitive loops to species coexistence can be enhanced by strong local spatial correlations, modulated and maximised by moderate competition asymmetry. Our study, therefore, provides a bridge to link intransitive competition to other generic ecological theories of species coexistence.  相似文献   

We show the existence of a periodic solution in which four species coexist in competition for three essential resources in the standard model of resource competition. By assuming that species i is limited by resource i for each i near the positive equilibrium, and that the matrix of contents of resources in species is a combination of cyclic matrix and a symmetric matrix, we obtain an asymptotically stable periodic solution of three species on three resources via Hopf bifurcation. A simple bifurcation argument is then employed which allows us to add a fourth species. In principle, the argument can be continued to obtain a periodic solution adding one new species at a time so long as asymptotic stability can be assured at each step. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate our analytical results. The results of this paper suggest that competition can generate coexistence of species in the form of periodic cycles, and that the number of coexisting species can exceed the number of resources in a constant and homogeneous environment.  相似文献   

L. Eigentler 《Oikos》2021,130(4):609-623
The exploration of mechanisms that enable species coexistence under competition for a sole limiting resource is widespread across ecology. Two examples of such facilitative processes are intraspecific competition and spatial self-organisation. These processes determine the outcome of competitive dynamics in many resource-limited patterned ecosystems, classical examples of which include dryland vegetation patterns, intertidal mussel beds and subalpine ribbon forests. Previous theoretical investigations have explained coexistence within patterned ecosystems by making strong assumptions on the differences between species (e.g. contrasting dispersal behaviours or different functional responses to resource availability). In this paper, I show that the interplay between the detrimental effects of intraspecific competition and the facilitative nature of self-organisation forms a coexistence mechanism that does not rely on species-specific assumptions and captures coexistence across a wide range of the environmental stress gradient. I use a theoretical model that captures the interactions of two generic consumer species with an explicitly modelled resource to show that coexistence relies on a balance between species' colonisation abilities and their local competitiveness, provided intraspecific competition is sufficiently strong. Crucially, the requirements on species' self-limitation for coexistence to occur differ on opposite ends of the resource input spectrum. For low resource levels, coexistence is facilitated by strong intraspecific dynamics of the species superior in its colonisation abilities, but for larger volumes of resource input, strong intraspecific competition of the locally superior species enables coexistence. Results presented in this paper also highlight the importance of hysteresis in understanding tipping points, in particular extinction events. Finally, the theoretical framework provides insights into spatial species distributions within single patches, supporting verbal hypotheses on coexistence of herbaceous and woody species in dryland vegetation patterns and suggesting potential empirical tests in the context of other patterned ecosystems.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the niche space is a mechanism used to explain the coexistence of similar species. Ectotherms have variable body temperatures and their body temperatures influence performance and, ultimately, fitness. Therefore, many ectotherms use behavioral thermoregulation to avoid reduced capacities associated with body temperatures far from the optimal temperature for performance. Several authors have proposed that thermal niche partitioning in response to interspecific competition is a mechanism that allows the coexistence of similar species of ectotherms. We reviewed studies on thermal resource partitioning to evaluate the evidence for this hypothesis. In almost all studies, there was insufficient evidence to conclude unequivocally that thermal resource partitioning allowed species coexistence. Future studies should include sites where species are sympatric and sites where they are allopatric to rule out alternative mechanisms that cause differences in thermal traits between coexisting species. There is evidence of conservatism in the evolution of most thermal traits across a wide range of taxa, but thermal performance curves and preferred temperatures do respond to strong selection under laboratory conditions. Thus, there is potential for selection to act on thermal traits in response to interspecific competition. Nevertheless, more stringent tests of the thermal resource partitioning hypothesis are required before we can assess whether it is widespread in communities of ectotherms in nature.  相似文献   

1. Costs of coexistence for species with indirect resource competition usually increase monotonically with competitor numbers. Very little is known though about the shape of the cost function for species with direct interference competition. 2. Here we report the results of an experiment with two vole species in artificial coexistence in large enclosures, where density of the dominant competitor species (Microtus agrestis) was manipulated. Experimental populations of the subordinate vole species (Clethrionomys glareolus) were composed of same aged individuals to study distribution of costs of coexistence with a dominant species within an age-cohort. 3. Survival and space use decreased gradually with increasing field vole numbers. Thus, responses to interference competition in our system appeared to be similar as expected from resource competition. The total number of breeders was stable. Reproductive characteristics such as the timing of breeding, and the litter size were not affected. In the single species enclosures a proportion of surviving individuals were not able to establish a breeding territory against stronger conspecifics. Under competition with heterospecifics such nonbreeders suffered high mortality, whereas the breeders survived. 4. Combined interference of dominant conspecifics and heterospecifics probably increased the frequency of aggressive interactions, social stress and mortality for the weaker individuals within a homogeneous age cohort of the subordinate competitor population. 5. Our results suggest, that in open systems where bank voles are outcompeted over the breeding season by faster reproducing field voles, animals able to establish a territory may be able to withstand competitor pressure, while nonbreeding bank vole individuals are forced to emigrate to suboptimal forest habitats.  相似文献   

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