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Granulocyte colony-stimulating (G-CSF) factor is a well-known hematopoietic growth factor stimulating the proliferation and differentiation of myeloid progenitors. Recently, we uncovered that G-CSF acts also as a neuronal growth factor in the brain, which promotes adult neural precursor differentiation and enhances regeneration of the brain after insults. In adults, the receptor for G-CSF is predominantly expressed in neurons in many brain areas. We also described expression in neurogenic regions of the adult brain, such as the subventricular zone and the subgranular layer of the dentate gyrus. In addition, we found close co-localization of the G-CSF receptor and its ligand G-CSF. Here we have conducted a systematic expression analysis of G-CSF receptor and its ligand in the developing embryo.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that the hematopoietic Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) is neuroprotective in rodent stroke models, and that this action appears to be mediated via a neuronal G-CSF receptor. Here, we report that the G-CSF receptor is expressed in rodent dopaminergic substantia nigra neurons, suggesting that G-CSF might be neuroprotective for dopaminergic neurons and a candidate molecule for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Thus, we investigated protective effects of G-CSF in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-challenged PC12 cells and primary neuronal midbrain cultures, as well as in the mouse 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) model of Parkinson's disease. Substantial protection was found against MPP+-induced dopaminergic cell death in vitro. Moreover, subcutaneous application of G-CSF at a dose of 40 microg/Kg body weight daily over 13 days rescued dopaminergic substantia nigra neurons from MPTP-induced death in aged mice, as shown by quantification of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive substantia nigra cells. Using HPLC, a corresponding reduction in striatal dopamine depletion after MPTP application was observed in G-CSF-treated mice. Thus our data suggest that G-CSF is a novel therapeutic opportunity for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, because it is well-tolerated and already approved for the treatment of neutropenic conditions in humans.  相似文献   

Secretoneurin is a functional neuropeptide derived from secretogranin II (chromogranin C). This proprotein is processed to varying degrees in neuroendocrine tissues. In the present study we established by gel filtration high performance liquid chromatography that in human intestinal wall and mucosa an antiserum against secretoneurin detects as the major immunoreactive moiety the free peptide secretoneurin. In the mucosa some larger immunoreactive peptides were also present, however, a significant amount of the intact proprotein secretogranin II could not be detected. By immunohistochemistry we studied the distribution of secretoneurin within the gut. Antibodies to protein gene product 9.5 and chromogranin A were used to identify all neurons and endocrine cells, respectively, whilst those to the peptides substance P. CGRP and somatostatin were used for the further characterization of individual secretoneurin-positive structures. Secretoneurin immunoreactivity was found in nerve fibres in all layers of the gut wall. In both myenteric and submucous plexuses, nerve fibres and the majority of ganglion cells were secretoneurin-immunoreactive. In the mucosa, some secretoneurin-positive nerve processes ran parallel to the basal membrane of epithelial cells, occasionally invading the epithelial layer. Secretoneurin immunoreactivity was found in endocrine cells, mostly D cells, in the following regions in descending order of density: stomach/duodenum; rectum; colon; ileum. Thus, secretoneurin is a new major peptide within the human enteric neuroendocrine system. Its presence in abundant myenteric ganglion cells may imply a role in the modulation of gastrointestinal motility. The chemotactic properties of secretoneurin and its possible localization in sensory fibres suggest that this peptide may be involved in the genesis of intestinal inflammation.  相似文献   

The mature enteric nervous system (ENS) is characterized by a degree of neuronal phenotypic diversity and independence of central nervous system control unequaled by any other region of the peripheral nervous system. Studies that have utilized the immunocytochemical demonstration of neurofilament protein and explanation of primordial gut with subsequent growth in culture have indicated that the neural crest precursors of enteric neurons are already committed to the neuronal lineage when they colonize the bowel; however, neuronal phenotypic expression occurs within the gut itself. It is likely that precursors able to give rise to each type of neuron found in the mature ENS are present among the earliest neural crest émigrés to reach the bowel. In mice a proximodistal wave of neuronal phenotypic expression occurs that does not appear to reflect the descent of neuronal precursors. This observation, the known plasticity of developing neural crest-derived neurons, and the demonstration of a persistent population of proliferating neuroblasts in the gut raise the possibility that enteric neuronal phenotypic expression is influenced by the enteric microenvironment.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a proinflammatory mediator that may influence neuronal activity in the enteric nervous system (ENS). Electrophysiology, immunofluorescence, Western blot analysis, and RT-PCR were used to study the action of PAF and the expression of PAF receptor (PAFR) in the ENS. PAFR immunoreactivity (IR) was expressed by 6.9% of the neurons in the myenteric plexus and 14.5% of the neurons in the submucosal plexus in all segments of the guinea pig intestinal tract as determined by double staining with anti-human neuronal protein antibody. PAFR IR was found in 6.1% of the neurons with IR for calbindin, 35.8% of the neurons with IR for neuropeptide Y (NPY), 30.6% of the neurons with IR for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and 1.96% of the neurons with IR for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the submucosal plexus. PAFR IR was also found in 1.5% of the neurons with IR for calbindin, 51.1% of the neurons with IR for NPY, and 32.9% of the neurons with IR for ChAT in the myenteric plexus. In the submucosal plexus, exposure to PAF (200-600 nM) evoked depolarizing responses (8.2 +/- 3.8 mV) in 12.4% of the neurons with S-type electrophysiological behavior and uniaxonal morphology and in 12.5% of the neurons with AH-type electrophysiological behavior and Dogiel II morphology, whereas in the myenteric preparations, depolarizing responses were elicited by a similar concentration of PAF in 9.5% of the neurons with S-type electrophysiological behavior and uniaxonal morphology and in 12.0% of the neurons with AH-type electrophysiological behavior and Dogiel II morphology. The results suggest that subgroups of secreto- and musculomotor neurons in the submucosal and myenteric plexuses express PAFR. Coexpression of PAFR IR with ChAT IR in the myenteric plexus and ChAT IR and VIP IR in the submucosal plexus suggests that PAF, after release in the inflamed bowel, might act to elevate the excitability of submucosal secretomotor and myenteric musculomotor neurons. Enhanced excitability of motor neurons might lead to a state of neurogenic secretory diarrhea.  相似文献   

Many physiological processes are controlled by a great diversity of Ca2+ signals. Within cell, Ca2+ signals depend upon Ca2+ entry and/or Ca2+ release from internal Ca2+ stores. The control of Ca2+-store mobilization is ensured by a family of messengers comprising inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate, cyclic ADP-ribose and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP). From recent works, new concepts have emerged where activation of the cells by outside stimuli, acting at the plasma membrane, results in the synthesis of multiple Ca2+-releasing messengers which may interact and shape complex Ca2+ signals in the cytosol as well as in the nucleus. This contribution will cover the most recent advances on NAADP signalling with some emphasis on neurons.  相似文献   

Normal development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) requires the coordinated activity of multiple proteins to regulate the migration, proliferation, and differentiation of enteric neural crest cells. Much of our current knowledge of the molecular regulation of ENS development has been gained from transgenic mouse models and cultured neural crest cells. We have developed a method for studying the molecular basis of ENS formation complementing these techniques. Aneural quail or mouse hindgut, isolated prior to the arrival of neural crest cells, was transplanted into the coelomic cavity of a host chick embryo. Neural crest cells from the chick host migrated to and colonized the grafted hindgut. Thorough characterization of the resulting intestinal chimeras was performed by using immunohistochemistry and vital dye labeling to determine the origin of the host-derived cells, their pattern of migration, and their capacity to differentiate. The formation of the ENS in the intestinal chimeras was found to recapitulate many aspects of normal ENS development. The host-derived cells arose from the vagal neural crest and populated the graft in a rostral-to-caudal wave of migration, with the submucosal plexus being colonized first. These crest-derived cells differentiated into neurons and glial cells, forming ganglionated plexuses grossly indistinguishable from normal ENS. The resulting plexuses were specific to the grafted hindgut, with quail grafts developing two ganglionated plexuses, but mouse grafts developing only a single myenteric plexus. We discuss the advantages of intestinal coelomic transplants for studying ENS development. This work was supported by NIH K08HD46655 (to A.M.G.).  相似文献   

Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a neuropoietic cytokine, which promotes the development of enteric neurons in vitro, particularly when administered together with neurotrophin-3 (NT-3). The purpose of this study was to map the LIF immunoreactivity in the human enteric nervous system in foetuses, children, adults, and in patients with Hirschsprung's disease. Normal bowel specimens were obtained at postmortem examination of 13 foetuses, at 13–31 weeks of gestation, and at surgery in five children and two adults. Bowel resected in seven patients with Hirschsprung's disease was also investigated. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed on material fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. The specimens were exposed to antibodies raised against LIF. The ABC-complex method was used to visualise binding of antibodies to the corresponding antigen. LIF immunoreactivity was disclosed in the myenteric and submucous ganglion cells at 13–31 weeks of gestation, in childhood cases, and adults. LIF-immunoreactive ganglion cells were absent in aganglionic bowel, where the ganglia in the intermuscular layer were replaced by hypertrophic nerve bundles. These morphological findings indicate that LIF may play a role in the development of the enteric nervous system.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) of the moth Manduca sexta is organized into two distinct cellular domains: an anterior domain that includes several small ganglia on the surface of the foregut, and a more posterior domain consisting of a branching nerve plexus (the enteric plexus) that spans the foregut-midgut boundary. Previously, we showed that the neurons of the posterior domain, the enteric plexus, are generated from a large placode that invaginates from the caudal lip of the foregut; subsequently, the cells become distributed throughout the enteric plexus by a sequence of active migration. We now demonstrate that the neurons of the anterior domain, the cells of the enteric ganglia, arise via a distinct developmental sequence. Shortly after the foregut has begun to form, three neurogenic zones differentiate within the foregut epithelium and give rise to chains of cells that emerge onto the foregut surface. The three zones are not sites of active mitosis, as indicated by the absence of labelling with a thymidine analogue and by clonal analyses using intracellularly injected dyes. Rather, the zones serve as loci through which epithelial cells are recruited into a sequence of delamination and neuronal differentiation. As they emerge from the epithelium, the cells briefly become mitotically active, each cell dividing once or twice. In this manner, they resemble the midline precursor class of neural progenitors in the insect central nervous system more than neuroblast stem cells. The progeny of these zone-derived precursors then gradually coalesce into the ganglia and nerves of the anterior ENS. Although this reorganization results in some variability in the precise configuration of neurons within the ganglia, the overall morphology of the ganglia is highly stereotyped, consisting of cortical layers of cells that surround a ventral neuropil. In addition, a number of the neurons within the frontal and hypocerebral ganglia express identifiable phenotypes in a manner that is similar to many cells of the insect central nervous system. These observations indicate that the differentiation of the enteric ganglia in Manduca involves an unusual combination of features seen during the formation of other regions of the nervous system and, as such, constitutes a distinct program of neurogenesis.  相似文献   

During cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury, reactive oxygen species (ROS) level is markedly increased, leading to oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Although granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is known to be cardioprotective, its effects on cardiac mitochondria during oxidative stress have never been investigated. In this study, we discovered that G-CSF completely prevented mitochondrial swelling and depolarization, and markedly reduced ROS production caused by H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative stress in isolated cardiac mitochondria. Its effects were similar to those treated with cyclosporine A and 4'-chlorodiazepam. These findings suggest that G-CSF could act directly on cardiac mitochondria to prevent mitochondrial dysfunction caused by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

G-CSF not only functions as an endogenous hemopoietic growth factor for neutrophils, but also displays pro-Th2 and antiinflammatory properties that could be of therapeutic benefit in autoimmune settings. We evaluated the effect of treatment with G-CSF in a murine model of spontaneous systemic lupus erythematosus, a disease in which G-CSF is already administered to patients to alleviate neutropenia, a common complication. Chronic treatment of lupus-prone MRL-lpr/lpr mice with low doses (10 microg/kg) of recombinant human G-CSF, despite the induction of a shift toward the Th2 phenotype of the autoimmune response, increased glomerular deposition of Igs and accelerated lupus disease. Conversely, high-dose (200 microg/kg) treatment with G-CSF induced substantial protection, prolonging survival by >2 mo. In the animals treated with these high doses of G-CSF, neither the Th1/Th2 profile nor the serum levels of TNF-alpha and IL-10 were modified. Despite the presence of immune complexes in their kidney glomeruli, no inflammation ensued, and serum IL-12 and soluble TNF receptors remained at pre-disease levels. This uncoupling of immune complex deposition and kidney damage resulted from a local down-modulation of FcgammaRIII (CD16) expression within the glomeruli by G-CSF. Our results demonstrate a beneficial effect of high doses of G-CSF in the prevention of lupus nephritis that may hold promise for future clinical applications, provided caution is taken in dose adjustment.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) improves outcome after experimental SCI by counteracting apoptosis, and enhancing connectivity in the injured spinal cord. Previously we have employed the mouse hemisection SCI model and studied motor function after subcutaneous or transgenic delivery of the protein. To further broaden confidence in animal efficacy data we sought to determine efficacy in a different model and a different species. Here we investigated the effects of G-CSF in Wistar rats using the New York University Impactor. In this model, corroborating our previous data, rats treated subcutaneously with G-CSF over 2 weeks show significant improvement of motor function.  相似文献   

This review discusses current knowledge about cell death in the developing enteric nervous system (ENS). It also includes findings about the molecular mechanisms by which such death is mediated. Additional consideration is given to trophic factors that contribute to survival of the precursors and neurons and glia of the ENS, as well to genes that, when mutated or deleted, trigger their death. Although further confirmation is needed, present observations support the view that enteric neural crest-derived precursor cells en route to the gut undergo substantial levels of apoptotic death, but that once these cells colonize the gut, there is relatively little death of precursor cells or of neurons and glia during the fetal period. There are also indications that normal neuron loss occurs in the ENS, but at times beyond the perinatal stage. Taken together, these findings suggest that ENS development is similar is some ways, but different in others from extra-enteric areas of the vertebrate central and peripheral nervous systems, in which large-scale apoptotic death of precursor neurons and glia occurs during the fetal and perinatal periods. Potential reasons for these differences are discussed such as a fetal enteric microenvironment that is especially rich in trophic support. In addition to the cell death that occurs during normal ENS development, this review discusses mechanisms of experimentally-induced ENS cell death, such as those that are associated with defective glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor/Ret signaling, which are an animal model of human congenital megacolon (aganglionosis; Hirschsprung’s disease). Such considerations underscore the importance of understanding cell death in the developing ENS, not just from a curiosity-driven point of view, but also because the pathophysiology behind many disorders of human gastrointestinal function may originate in abnormalities of the mechanisms that govern cell survival and death during ENS development.  相似文献   

Development of the mammalian enteric nervous system.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The mammalian enteric nervous system is derived from neural crest cells which invade the foregut and hindgut mesenchyme. It has been established that signalling molecules produced by the mesenchyme of the gut wall play a critical role in the development of the mammalian enteric nervous system. Recent studies have characterised further the role of such molecules and have identified novel extracellular and intracellular signals that are critical for enteric ganglia formation.  相似文献   

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