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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of giving a two-dose regimen of gonadotropin-releasing hormone vaccine, Improvac® (Pfizer Ltd), earlier than currently recommended, on performance and behaviour of growing/finishing pigs. Cross-bred male pigs (n = 192) were randomly allocated, within a litter, into four groups at birth: one group of pigs surgically castrated without anaesthesia before one week of age, a second group of early vaccinated pigs given Improvac at 10 and 14 weeks of age, a third group of standard vaccinated pigs given Improvac at 16 and 20 weeks of age, so that the second vaccination was given 4 to 6 weeks before slaughter as recommended by the manufacturer, and a fourth group of entire male pigs. The experiment started when the pigs were 12 weeks old and lasted until 25 weeks of age, when the pigs were slaughtered. The pigs were fed restrictedly. Daily weight gain and feed conversion during the entire raising period did not differ significantly between groups. Estimated lean meat content of early vaccinated and surgically castrated pigs was lower when compared with entire male pigs, whereas standard vaccinated pigs did not differ from entire males. Dressing percentage was higher in early vaccinated and surgically castrated pigs than in standard vaccinated and entire male pigs, partly because of lower size and weight of reproductive organs. For both groups of vaccinated pigs, both problematic and non-problematic behaviours decreased after their second injection, from the levels of entire males to those of surgically castrated pigs. After the second injection, pigs of both vaccination groups performed no mountings, in contrast with entire male pigs of the same age. Skin lesions at slaughter were fewer and less severe for vaccinated pigs compared with entire male pigs. No difference in income per carcass was observed for surgically castrated or vaccinated pigs. However, for entire male pigs the income was lower, as the payment system in Sweden also takes into consideration the additional cost for boar taint analyses and reduced payment for tainted carcasses. Under our experimental conditions, early vaccination with Improvac can be used as an alternative to the recommended schedule to minimise problematic behaviour with unaffected profitability.  相似文献   

Su  Tongqing  Dijkstra  Feike A.  Wang  Peng  Cheng  Weixin 《Plant and Soil》2017,419(1-2):349-361
Plant and Soil - Soil seed banks are an important source of seedling recruits in grassland ecosystems, particularly following large-scale disturbance. Nonetheless, the relative importance of...  相似文献   

In a stable state children with Asperger’s and Kanner’s syndromes demonstrate a similar decrease in plasma norepinephrine. In the aggravated state, these changes become more expressed and are characterized by a decrease in plasma tyrosine, norepinephrine, normetanephrine, and by an increase in dopamine and homovanillic acid and a decrease in excretion of norepinephrine and an increase in excretion of homovanillic acid, epinephrine and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG). In the aggravated state children with Kanner’s syndrome were characterized by increased plasma MHPG, decreased excretion of tyrosine and increased expression of normetanephrine. The observed imbalance in dopamine and epinephrine/norepinephrine systems suggests importance of combined analysis of changes in catecholamines and their metabolites as the most informative approach in the study of the effect of autistic disorders.  相似文献   

The lamins are nuclear intermediate filament-type proteins forming the nuclear lamina meshwork at the inner nuclear membrane as well as complexes in the nucleoplasm. The recent discoveries that mutated A-type lamins and lamin-binding nuclear membrane proteins can be linked to numerous rare human diseases (laminopathies) affecting a multitude of tissues has changed the cell biologist’s view of lamins as mere structural nuclear scaffold proteins. It is still unclear how mutations in these ubiquitously expressed proteins give rise to tissue-restricted pathological phenotypes. Potential disease models include mutation-caused defects in lamin structure and stability, the deregulation of gene expression, and impaired cell cycle control. This review brings together various previously proposed ideas and suggests a novel, more general, disease model based on an impairment of adult stem cell function and thus compromised tissue regeneration in laminopathic diseases.  相似文献   

Epidemics of organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN) have paralysed thousands of people. This syndrome of nerve axon degeneration is initiated by organophosphates which react with neuropathy target esterase (NTE). Dosing experiments with adult chickens raise the possibility that OPIDN is initiated by a gain-of-function mechanism. By contrast, loss of NTE function by mutation causes massive apoptosis in Drosophila brain. Now, Winrow et al. show that nte(-/-) mice die by mid-gestation, but nte(+/-) mice appear hyperactive and are more sensitive than wild-type mice to a fatal form of OP toxicity. Thus, different toxic syndromes may be initiated via a single target protein.  相似文献   

Predictive frameworks for performance under both physical and social stressors are available, but no general framework yet exists for predicting the performance of animals exposed to pathogens. The aim of this paper was to identify the key problems that would need to be solved to achieve this. Challenges of a range of hosts by a range of pathogens were reviewed to consider reductions in growth beyond those associated with reductions in voluntary food intake (VFI). Pair-feeding and marginal response studies identified the extent and mechanisms of how further reductions in growth occur beyond those caused by reduced VFI. Further reductions in growth depended on the pathogen, the host and the dose and were time dependent. In some instances the reduction in VFI fully explained the reduction in growth. Marginal response experiments showed increased maintenance requirements during exposure to pathogens, but these were different for specific amino acids. There were no clear effects on marginal efficiency. Innate immune functions, repair of damaged tissue and expression of acquired immunity caused significant but variable increases in protein (amino acid) requirements. More resistant genotypes had greater requirements for mounting immune responses. The partitioning of protein (amino acids) was found to be different during pathogen challenges. Prediction of the requirements and partitioning of amino acids between growth and immune functions appears to be a crucial problem to solve in order to predict performance during pathogen challenges of different kinds and doses. The problems of accounting for reductions in performance during pathogen challenges that are described here provide a useful starting point for future modelling and experimental solutions.  相似文献   

A convergence of evidence from macroscopic, radiographic and histologic examination indicates that treponemal infection was present in the 16ST1 Tchefuncte Indian burial population, dated 500 B.C. to 300 A.D. Pattern and nature of lesions suggests that chronic infection induced by variants of the spirochete Treponema pallidum, causing endemic syphilis and/or yaws, resulted in third-stage osseous response. It is suggested that Tchefuncte Indians acquired partial immunity to treponemal infection by exposure to a variant of the related spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease. Partial immunity would help explain the relatively mild expression of the treponemal disease process in the 16ST1 skeletal population and the apparent absence of venereal syphilis. Presence of the Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete might be linked to a single incidence of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The enteropathogen Campylobacter jejuni has the ability to synthesize glycan structures that are similar to mammalian gangliosides within the core component of its lipooligosaccharide (LOS). Exposure to ganglioside mimics in some individuals results in the production of autoantibodies that deleteriously attack nerve surface gangliosides, precipitating the onset of Guillain-Barré and Fisher syndromes (GBS and FS). We have characterized the interaction of four monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), established by sensitization of mice with LOS isolated from GBS- and FS-associated C. jejuni strains, with chemoenzymatically synthesized gangliooligosaccharides. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements demonstrate that three of the mAbs interact specifically with derivatives corresponding to their targeted gangliosides, with dissociation constants ranging from 10 to 20 microM. Antibody binding to the gangliooligosaccharides was probed by saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy. STD signals, resulting from antibody/oligosaccharide interaction, were observed for each of the four mAbs. In two cases, differential saturation transfer rates to oligosaccharide resonances enabled detailed epitope mapping. The binding of GD1a-S-Phe with GB1 is characterized by close association of the immunoglobulin with sites that are distributed over several residues of the oligosaccharide. This contrasts sharply with the profile observed for the binding of both GD3-S-Phe and GT1a-S-Phe with FS1. The close antigenic contacts in these ganglioside derivatives are confined to the N-acetylmannosaminyl portion of the terminal N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) residue of the disialosyl moiety. Our characterization of FS1 provides insight, at an atomic level, into how a single antigenic determinant presented by the LOS of C. jejuni can give rise to antibodies with binding promiscuity to [alphaNeuAc-(2-8)-alphaNeuAc]-bound epitopes and demonstrates why sera from FS patients have antibodies that are often reactive with more than one disialylated ganglioside.  相似文献   

CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase α (CCTα) is a nuclear enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the CDP-choline pathway for phosphatidylcholine (PC) synthesis. Lipid activation of CCTα results in its translocation to the nuclear envelope and expansion of an intranuclear membrane network termed the nucleoplasmic reticulum (NR) by a mechanism involving membrane deformation. Nuclear lamins are also required for stability and proliferation of the NR, but whether this unique structure, or the nuclear lamina in general, is required for PC synthesis is not known. To examine this relationship, the nuclear lamina was depleted by RNAi or disrupted by expression of the Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) mutant lamin A (progerin), and the effect on CCTα and choline metabolism was analyzed. siRNA-mediated silencing of lamin A/C or lamin B1 in CHO cells to diminish the NR had no effect on PC synthesis, while double knockdown non-specifically inhibited the pathway. Confirming this minor role in PC synthesis, only 10% of transiently overexpressed choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase was detected in the NR. In CHO cells, CCTα was nucleoplasmic and co-localized with GFP-progerin in nuclear folds and invaginations; however, HGPS fibroblasts displayed an abnormal distribution of CCTα in the cytoplasm and nuclear envelope that was accompanied by a 2-fold reduction in PC synthesis. In spite of its altered localization, choline-labeling experiments showed that CCT activity was unaffected, and inhibition of PC synthesis was traced to reduced activity of a hemicholinium-sensitive choline transporter. We conclude that CCTα and lamins specifically cooperate to form the NR, but the overall structure of the nuclear envelope has a minimal impact on CCT activity and PC synthesis.  相似文献   

Compared to Sulfolobus solfataricus P2, the S. solfataricus mutant PBL2025 misses 50 genes (SSO3004-3050), including genes coding for a multitude of enzymes possibly involved in sugar degradation or metabolism. We complemented PBL2025 with two of the missing proteins, the α-mannosidase (SSO3006, Ssα-man) and the β-galactosidase LacS (SSO3019), and performed comparative fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy to analyze the recombinant strains. We demonstrated that the Ssα-man complemented strain resembled the S. solfataricus P2 behavior with respect to attachment of cells to glass and growth of cells in static biofilms. During expression of the Ssα-man, but not LacS, glucose and mannose-containing extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) levels changed in the recombinant strain during surface attachment and biofilm formation. These results suggest that the Ssα-man might be involved in the modulation of the EPS composition and/or in the de-mannosylation of the glycan tree, which is attached to extracellular glycosylated proteins in S. solfataricus. On the other hand, LacS expression in PBL2025 reduced the carbohydrate content of the isolated total EPS implying a role in the modulation of the produced EPS during static biofilm formation. These are the first enzymes identified as playing a role in archaeal EPS formation.  相似文献   

Gene identification for X-linked dominant sporadic disorders is challenging because no extended families exist that can be studied by linkage analysis. Therefore, classic positional cloning approaches are not possible, and other methods have to be used to search for candidate genes. These conditions present the next challenge for disease-gene identification of Mendelian disorders. The various issues and difficulties involved, such as male lethality, X chromosome inactivation, and analysis of phenotypic similarities among different conditions are illustrated through discussion of three X-linked developmental disorders: microphthalmia with linear skin defects (MLS) syndrome, Aicardi syndrome, and Goltz syndrome (focal dermal hypoplasia).  相似文献   

Lower limb (LL) muscle morphology and growth are altered in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Muscle alterations differ with age and with severity of motor impairment, classified according to the gross motor classification system (GMFCS). Muscle alterations differ also with orthopedic intervention, frequently performed at the level of the shank muscles since an early age, such as the gastrocnemius. The aim was to investigate the alterations of treatment-naïve pelvis and thigh muscle lengths and volumes in children with GMFCS levels I and II, of varying ages.17 children with CP (GMFCS I: N = 9, II: N = 8, age: 11.7 ± 4 years), age-matched to 17 typically developing (TD) children, underwent MRI of the LL. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the muscles were performed bilaterally. Muscle volumes and lengths were calculated in 3D and compared between groups. Linear regression between muscle volumes and age were computed.Adductor-brevis and gracilis lengths, as well as rectus-femoris volume, were decreased in GMFCS I compared to TD (p < 0.05). Almost all the reconstructed muscle volumes and lengths were found to be altered in GMFCS II compared to TD and GMFCS I. All muscle volumes showed significant increase with age in TD and GMFCS I (R2 range: 0.3–0.9, p < 0.05). Rectus-femoris, hamstrings and adductor-longus showed reduced increase in the muscle volume with age in GMFCS II when compared to TD and GMFCS I.Alterations of treatment-naïve pelvis and thigh muscle volumes and lengths, as well as muscle growth, seem to increase with the severity of motor impairment in ambulant children with CP.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling cascade has developed together with multicellularity to orchestrate the development and homeostasis of complex structures. Wnt pathway components – such as β-catenin, Dishevelled (DVL), Lrp6, and Axin-- are often dedicated proteins that emerged in evolution together with the Wnt signaling cascade and are believed to function primarily in the Wnt cascade. It is interesting to see that in recent literature many of these proteins are connected with cellular functions that are more ancient and not limited to multicellular organisms – such as cell cycle regulation, centrosome biology, or cell division. In this review, we summarize the recent literature describing this crosstalk. Specifically, we attempt to find the answers to the following questions: Is the response to Wnt ligands regulated by the cell cycle? Is the centrosome and/or cilium required to activate the Wnt pathway? How do Wnt pathway components regulate the centrosomal cycle and cilia formation and function? We critically review the evidence that describes how these connections are regulated and how they help to integrate cell-to-cell communication with the cell and the centrosomal cycle in order to achieve a fine-tuned, physiological response.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted to assess whether a concept termed ‘attract and reward’ (A&R) could enhance conservation biological control (CBC). In A&R, a synthetically-produced herbivore-induced plant volatile (HIPV) (‘attract’) is combined with a floral resource (‘reward’). It is anticipated that the two will work synergistically, attracting natural enemies into the crop (‘attract’) and maintaining them within it (‘reward’).The study was conducted in Canterbury, New Zealand and the system consisted of brassica crop, commonly occurring brassica herbivores, their natural enemies and higher order natural enemies. The HIPV deployed was methyl salicylate (MeSA) and the floral resource was buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum.The first experiment assessed the abundance of arthropods from three trophic levels and the second evaluated herbivore abundance, parasitism and hyper-parasitism rates. No synergistic effect of ‘attract’ and ‘reward’ was observed in either experiment. Populations of three parasitoids, one hoverfly and one lacewing from the third trophic level and a fourth trophic level lacewing parasitoid increased significantly in treatments with buckwheat. One hoverfly species was significantly more abundant in treatments with MeSA, but less abundant in treatments with buckwheat. The effect of MeSA on Diadegma semiclausum abundance depended on sex, with fewer males and more females being caught. Treatments with MeSA had significantly higher aphid parasitism rate.Combining MeSA and buckwheat could be beneficial because the two techniques increase the abundance of different natural enemies. Thus, these results indicate that A&R has potential as a CBC technique, as long as any unwanted side effects can be managed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the impact of inter-fraction modifications of bladder during RT of prostate cancer on bladder dose surface maps (DSM).Eighteen patients treated with daily image-guided Tomotherapy and moderate hypofractionation (70–72.8 Gy at 2.5–2.6 Gy/fr in 28 fractions and full bladder) were considered. Bladder contours were delineated on co-registered daily Megavoltage CT (MVCT) by a single observer and copied on the planning CT to generate dose–volume/surface histograms (DVH/DSH) and bladder DSMs. Discrepancies between planned and daily absorbed doses were analyzed through the average of individual systematic errors, the population systematic errors and the population random errors for the DVH/DSHs and DSMs.In total, 477 DVH/DSH and 472 DSM were available. DSH and DVH showed small population systematic errors of absolute surfaces (<3.4 cm2) and volumes (<8.4 cm3) at the highest doses.The dose to the posterior bladder base assessed on DSMs showed a mean systematic error below 1 Gy, with population systematic and random errors within 4 and 3 Gy, respectively. The region surrounding this area shows higher mean systematic errors (1–3 Gy), population systematic (8–11 Gy) and random (5–7 Gy) errors.In conclusion, DVH/DSH and DSMs are quite stable with respect to inter-fraction variations in the high-dose region, within about 2 cm from bladder base. Larger systematic variations occur in the anterior portion and cranially 2.5–3.5 cm from the base.Results suggest that dose predictors related to the high dose area (including the trigone dose) are likely to be sufficiently reliable with respect to the expected variations due to variable bladder filling.  相似文献   

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