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Chen SY  Lu J  Shih YC  Tsai CH 《Journal of virology》2002,76(18):9556-9561
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) is widely expressed in both EBV-infected cells and EBV-associated malignancies. However, the function of LMP2A is still veiled. In this study, LMP2A was found to induce the kinase activities of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase JNK/SAPK. Furthermore, the downstream effector c-Jun showed hyperphosphorylation under LMP2A expression. The phosphorylation could be inhibited by the ERK pathway inhibitor PD98059, indicating that ERK may contribute to the phosphorylation of c-Jun in LMP2A-expressing cells. The impact on c-Jun phosphorylation by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is suggested to increase c-Jun protein stability, and this was also observed in LMP2A-expressing cells by a protein synthesis inhibition assay. Moreover, LMP2A-induced cell invasion was inhibited in the presence of the ERK pathway inhibitor. Taken together, we suggest that LMP2A may exploit MAPK kinases and affect both the phosphorylation and stability of c-Jun protein. Additionally, LMP2A may thereby promote the mobility of the cells. In doing so, it may enhance the mobility of EBV-infected cells and contribute to the metastatic process of malignant cells. Here we demonstrated the first evidence of LMP2A-induced migration and the underlying pathways accounting for it.  相似文献   

Latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) is a viral protein expressed during Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latency in EBV-infected B cells both in cell culture and in vivo. LMP2A has important roles in modulating B-cell receptor signal transduction and provides survival and developmental signals to B cells in vivo. Although Lyn has been shown to be important in mediating LMP2A signaling, it is still unclear if Lyn is used preferentially or if LMP2A associates promiscuously with other Src family kinase (SFK) members. To investigate the role of various SFKs in LMP2A signaling, we crossed LMP2A transgenic mice (TgE) with Lyn−/−, Fyn−/−, or Blk−/− mice. TgE Lyn−/− mice had a larger immunoglobulin M (IgM)-positive B-cell population than TgE mice, suggesting that the absence of Lyn prevents LMP2A from delivering survival and developmental signals to the B cells. Both TgE Fyn−/− and TgE Blk−/− mice have an IgM-negative population of splenic B cells, similar to the TgE mice. LMP2A was also transiently transfected into the human EBV-negative B-cell line BJAB to determine which SFK members associate with LMP2A. Lyn was detected in LMP2A immunoprecipitates, whereas Fyn was not. Both Lyn and Fyn were able to bind to an LMP2A mutant which contained a sequence shown previously to bind tightly to the SH2 domain of multiple SFK members. From these results, we conclude that LMP2A preferentially associates with and signals through Lyn compared to its association with other SFKs. This preferential association is due in part to the SH2 domain of Lyn associating with LMP2A.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence are compatible with the hypothesis that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA-2) or leader protein (EBNA-LP) affects expression of the EBV latent infection membrane protein LMP1. We now demonstrate the following. (i) Acute transfection and expression of EBNA-2 under control of simian virus 40 or Moloney murine leukemia virus promoters resulted in increased LMP1 expression in P3HR-1-infected Burkitt's lymphoma cells and the P3HR-1 or Daudi cell line. (ii) Transfection and expression of EBNA-LP alone had no effect on LMP1 expression and did not act synergistically with EBNA-2 to affect LMP1 expression. (iii) LMP1 expression in Daudi and P3HR-1-infected cells was controlled at the mRNA level, and EBNA-2 expression in Daudi cells increased LMP1 mRNA. (iv) No other EBV genes were required for EBNA-2 transactivation of LMP1 since cotransfection of recombinant EBNA-2 expression vectors and genomic LMP1 DNA fragments enhanced LMP1 expression in the EBV-negative B-lymphoma cell lines BJAB, Louckes, and BL30. (v) An EBNA-2-responsive element was found within the -512 to +40 LMP1 DNA since this DNA linked to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene was transactivated by cotransfection with an EBNA-2 expression vector. (vi) The EBV type 2 EBNA-2 transactivated LMP1 as well as the EBV type 1 EBNA-2. (vii) Two deletions within the EBNA-2 gene which rendered EBV transformation incompetent did not transactivate LMP1, whereas a transformation-competent EBNA-2 deletion mutant did transactivate LMP1. LMP1 is a potent effector of B-lymphocyte activation and can act synergistically with EBNA-2 to induce cellular CD23 gene expression. Thus, EBNA-2 transactivation of LMP1 amplifies the biological impact of EBNA-2 and underscores its central role in EBV-induced growth transformation.  相似文献   

Transporter associated with antigen processing 2 (Tap-2) is responsible for ATP-dependent transport of peptides from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum, where peptides bind to newly synthesized human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules, which are essential for cellular immune responses. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) has been shown to induce the expression of Tap-2. In this study, the induction of endogenous Tap-2 by LMP-1 is shown to be associated with and requires the expression of interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF-7). In DG75 Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cells, in which LMP-1 induces the expression of IRF-7, LMP-1 induced endogenous Tap-2, and ectopic expression of IRF-7 could enhance the induction. In Akata BL cells, in which LMP-1 could not induce IRF-7, LMP-1 could not induce Tap-2. Addition of IRF-7, which complements the defect in Akata cells, could stimulate the expression of Tap-2. Furthermore, LMP-1 and IRF-7A but not other IRF-7 splicing variants could activate endogenous Tap-2. A Tap-2 promoter reporter construct could be activated by the overexpression of IRF-7A. The activation could be specifically enhanced by LMP-1 and was dependent on an intact interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) present in the Tap-2 promoter. Also, IRF-7 can bind to the Tap-2 promoter under physiological conditions in vivo, as shown by formaldehyde cross-linking, as well as to the Tap-2 ISRE in vitro, as shown by gel mobility shift assays. Furthermore, LMP-1 facilitates the phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of IRF-7. These data point to the role of IRF-7 as a secondary mediator of LMP-1-activated signal transduction for Tap-2 as follows: LMP-1 stimulates the expression of IRF-7 and facilitates its phosphorylation and nuclear translocation, and then the activated IRF-7 mediates the activation of the cellular Tap-2 gene. The induction of Tap-2 by IRF-7 and LMP-1 may have an important implication for the immune response to EBV and its persistence in vivo.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded LMP1 protein is an important component of the process of transformation by EBV. LMP1 is essential for transformation of B lymphocytes, most likely because of its profound effects on cellular gene expression. Although LMP1 is expressed in the majority of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tumors, the effect of LMP1 on cellular gene expression and its contribution to the development of malignancy in epithelial cells is largely unknown. In this study the effects of LMP1 on the expression and tyrosine kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) were investigated in C33A human epithelial cells. Stable or transient expression of LMP1 in C33A cells increased expression of the EGFR at both the protein and mRNA levels. In contrast, expression of the EGFR was not induced by LMP1 in EBV-infected B lymphocytes. Stimulation of LMP1-expressing C33A cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) caused rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR (pp170) as well as several other proteins, including pp120, pp85, pp75, and pp55, indicating that the EGFR induced by LMP1 is functional. LMP1 also induced expression of the A20 gene in C33A epithelial cells. In C33A cells, LMP1 expression increased the proliferative response to EGF, as LMP1-expressing C33A cells continued to increase in number when plated in serum-free media supplemented with EGF, while the neo control cells exhibited very low levels of viability and did not proliferate. Immunoblot analysis of protein extracts from nude mouse-passaged NPC tumors also demonstrated that the EGFR is overexpressed in primary NPC tumors as well as those passaged in nude mice. This study suggests that the alteration in the growth patterns of C33A cells expressing LMP1 is a result of increased proliferative signals due to enhanced EGFR expression, as well as protection from cell death due to LMP1-induced A20 expression. The induction of EGFR and A20 by LMP1 may be an important component of EBV infection in epithelial cells and could contribute to the development of epithelial malignancies such as NPC.  相似文献   

The oncogenic Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects the majority of the human population without doing harm and establishes a latent infection in the memory B-cell compartment. To accomplish this, EBV hijacks B-cell differentiation pathways and uses its own viral genes to interfere with B-cell signalling to achieve life-long persistence. EBV latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) provides a surrogate B-cell receptor signal essential for cell survival and is believed to have a crucial role in the maintenance of latency by blocking B-cell activation which would otherwise lead to lytic EBV infection. These two functions demand tight control of LMP2A activity and expression levels. Based on recent insights in the function of LMP2B, an isoform of LMP2A, we propose a model for how LMP2B modulates the activity of LMP2A contributing to maintenance of EBV latency.  相似文献   

Chen YR  Liu MT  Chang YT  Wu CC  Hu CY  Chen JY 《Journal of virology》2008,82(16):8124-8137
Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) oncoprotein, mimics a constitutively activated tumor necrosis factor receptor and activates various signaling pathways, including phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt. LMP1 is essential for EBV-mediated B-cell transformation and is sufficient to transform several cell lines. Cellular transformation has been associated strongly with genomic instability, while DNA repair plays an important role in maintaining genomic stability. Previously, we have shown that LMP1 represses DNA repair by the C-terminal activating region 1 (CTAR1) in human epithelial cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that the PI3K/Akt pathway is required for LMP1-mediated repression of DNA repair. Through the LMP1/PI3K/Akt pathway, FOXO3a, which can induce DNA repair, is inactivated because of phosphorylation and relocalization. Expression of a constitutively active FOXO3a mutant can rescue LMP1-mediated repression of DNA repair. Furthermore, LMP1 can decrease the expression of DNA damage-binding protein 1 (DDB1), which functions in nucleotide excision repair, through the PI3K/Akt/FOXO3a pathway. LMP1-mediated repression of DNA repair is restored by DDB1, although only partially. These results suggest that LMP1 triggers the PI3K/Akt pathway to inactivate FOXO3a and decrease DDB1, which can lead to repression of DNA repair and may contribute to genomic instability in human epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) activates multiple signaling pathways. Two regions, C-terminal-activating region 1 (CTAR1) and CTAR2, have been identified within the cytoplasmic carboxy terminal domain that activates NF-kappaB. CTAR2 activates the canonical NF-kappaB pathway, which includes p50/p65 complexes. CTAR1 can activate both the canonical and noncanonical pathways to produce multiple distinct NF-kappaB dimers, including p52/p50, p52/p65, and p50/p50. CTAR1 also uniquely upregulates the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in epithelial cells. Increased p50-Bcl-3 complexes have been detected by chromatin precipitation on the NF-kappaB consensus motifs within the egfr promoter in CTAR1-expressing epithelial cells and nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. In this study, the mechanism responsible for the increase in Bcl-3 has been further investigated. The data indicate that LMP1-CTAR1 induces Bcl-3 mRNA and increases the nuclear translocation of both Bcl-3 and p50. LMP1-CTAR1 constitutively activates STAT3, and this activation was not due to the induction of interleukin 6 (IL-6). In LMP1-CTAR1-expressing cells, increased levels of activated STAT3 were detected by chromatin immunoprecipitation on STAT-binding sites located within both the promoter and the second intron of Bcl-3. A STAT3 inhibitor significantly reduced the activation of STAT3, as well as the CTAR1-mediated upregulation of Bcl-3 and EGFR. These data suggest that LMP1 activates distinct forms of NF-kappaB through multiple pathways. In addition to activating the canonical and noncanonical pathways, LMP1-CTAR1 constitutively activates STAT3 and increases Bcl-3. The increased nuclear Bcl-3 and p50 homodimer complexes positively regulate EGFR expression. These results indicate that LMP1 likely regulates distinct cellular genes by activating specific NF-kappaB pathways.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) signaling plays an important role in B cell survival and activation and is dependent on Ca(2+) trapped in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and on extracellular Ca(2+). Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can immortalize B cells and contributes to lymphomagenesis. Previously, we showed that the ER Ca(2+) content of Burkitt lymphoma cell lines was increased following infection with immortalization-competent virus expressing the full set of EBV latency genes (B95-8). In contrast, infection with an immortalization-deficient virus (P3HR-1) not expressing LMP-1 is without effect. LMP-1 protein expression was sufficient to increase the ER Ca(2+) content and to increase the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](cyt)). In this follow-up study, we showed that the resting [Ca(2+)](cyt) of P3HR-1-infected cells was decreased, implying that EBV not only modified the ER homeostasis but also affected the cytosolic Ca(2+) homeostasis. Furthermore, even if the store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) of these cells was normal, the [Ca(2+)](cyt) increase after thapsigargin + CaCl(2) stimulation was blunted. In contrast, the resting [Ca(2+)](cyt) of B95-8 infected cells was not changed, even if their SOCE was increased significantly. When expressed alone, LMP-1 induced an increase of the SOCE amplitude and the expression of the protein allowing this influx, Orai1, showing the effect of EBV on SOCE of B cells are mediated by LMP-1. However, other hitherto unidentified EBV processes, unmasked in P3HR-1 infected cells, counteract this LMP-1-dependent increase of SOCE amplitude to impair a general and potentially toxic increase of [Ca(2+)](i). Thus, EBV infection modifies the cellular Ca(2+) homeostasis by acting on the ER and plasma membrane transporters.  相似文献   

The C-terminus of latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) can be phosphorylated in vivo. However, the protein kinase responsible for LMP1 phosphorylation has not yet been identified. In this study, GST fusion proteins containing the C-terminus of LMP1 were generated and used as substrates to survey the kinases that phosphorylate LMP1. Among several purified protein kinases tested, only protein kinase CK2 (CK2) could specifically phosphorylate LMP1. Using the in-gel kinase assay in the absence and presence of a selective CK2 inhibitor, 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole, CK2 was determined to be the major kinase to phosphorylate LMP1 in lymphoma and epithelial cell lines. This is the first study to show that CK2 is a potent kinase to phosphorylate LMP1 in vitro.  相似文献   

Ning S  Hahn AM  Huye LE  Pagano JS 《Journal of virology》2003,77(17):9359-9368
We have shown previously that interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF7), a multifunctional protein intimately involved in latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, is induced as well as activated by EBV latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), the principal EBV oncoprotein. Since the LMP1 promoter (LMP1p) contains an interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE), we hypothesized that IRF7 might be able to regulate LMP1 expression and thus participate in a regulatory circuit between these two genes. In this study, IRF7 was shown first to activate LMP1p in transient transfection assays. Compared with EBV nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2), the most potent viral transactivator of LMP1p, IRF7 has a lesser effect (approximately 10% that of EBNA2) on induction of LMP1p. Study with IRF7 deletion mutants showed that IRF7 functional domains have similar effects on both the beta interferon (IFN-beta) and LMP1 promoters in BJAB and 293 cells, and study with IRF7 phosphomimetic mutants showed that IRF7 phosphorylation may be involved in the activation of these two promoters. Further, the ISRE in LMP1p responds to IRF7 induction and IRF7 binds to this element. In the EBV-positive cell line P3HR1, which lacks the complete EBNA2 and EBV-encoded leader protein genes and hence expresses low-level LMP1, IRF7 alone can notably increase the endogenous LMP1 mRNA and protein levels. These results indicate that LMP1 is regulated by this host cell gene in addition to the viral factor, EBNA2, and may help to explain how LMP1 is expressed in type II latency in the absence of EBNA2. Moreover, IRF7 can regulate a viral gene in addition to a host cellular gene such as the IFN-beta gene. Together with the previous data that LMP1 can induce IRF7 expression and facilitate IRF7 phosphorylation and nuclear translocation, these results suggest a positive regulatory circuit between IRF7 and LMP1.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a human herpesvirus that establishes a lifelong latent infection of B cells. Within the immune system, apoptosis is a central mechanism in normal lymphocyte homeostasis both during early lymphocyte development and in response to antigenic stimuli. In this study, we found that latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) inhibited B-cell receptor (BCR)-induced apoptosis in Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines. Genistein, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-specific protein kinases, blocked BCR-induced apoptosis and EBV reactivation in the cells. These findings indicate that LMP2A blocks BCR-induced cell apoptosis and EBV reactivation through the inhibition of activation of tyrosine kinases by BCR cross-linking.  相似文献   

Kim JH  Kim WS  Kang JH  Lim HY  Ko YH  Park C 《FEBS letters》2007,581(4):623-628
To investigate the effect of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) on human cancer cells, we sought to identify and analyze potential target genes that were differentially expressed in the presence and absence of LMP1. Our cDNA microarray analysis revealed that expression of early growth response gene-1 (Egr-1) was increased by LMP1 expression in MCF7 and Jurkat cells. An NFkappaB inhibitor (SN50) antagonized LMP1-induced enhancement of Egr-1 expression, indicating that LMP1 induced Egr-1 via NFkappaB. Furthermore, three lines of evidence indicated that Egr-1 was required for LMP1-induced cancer cell survival. First, Egr-1 expression enhanced the survival of doxorubicin-treated MCF7 cells. Second, inhibition of Egr-1 expression by siRNA (siEgr-1) effectively suppressed LMP-1-induced survival of MCF7 cells. Third, Egr-1 knockdown decreased LMP1-induced expression of Bfl-1. Similar relationships among EBV infection, Egr-1 and drug resistance were also observed in tissues of peripheral T-cell lymphoma-unspecified (PTCL-u) patients.  相似文献   

Yan G  Luo W  Lu Z  Luo X  Li L  Liu S  Liu Y  Tang M  Dong Z  Cao Y 《Cellular signalling》2007,19(2):341-348
We have previously combined phosphorylation enrichment with proteomics technology to elucidate the novel phosphoproteins in the signaling pathways triggered by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) and shown that LMP1 can increase the phosphorylation level of annexin A2. Here, we further showed that LMP1 increased the serine, but not tyrosine, phosphorylation of annexin A2 by activating a novel signaling pathway, the protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathway. However, LMP1 did not affect the level of annexin A2 expression. In addition, we found that LMP1 induced the nuclear entry of annexin A2 in an energy- and temperature-dependent manner, suggesting that the nuclear entry of annexin A2 is an active process. Treatment of LMP1-expressing cells with the PKC inhibitor myr-psiPKC resulted in annexin A2 being present almost exclusively at cell surface, instead of within the nucleus, suggesting that the nuclear entry of annexin A2 was associated with serine phosphorylation mediated by PKC.  相似文献   

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