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Development of below-ground biomass and biomass allocation were studied in two different stands of young grey alder stands growing on a peat bog. Both stands were given the same fertilization and irrigation treatment. The roots were investigated from 1) open plastic tubes enclosing the complete root systems in 1982, and 2) root cores 1984–86. Coarse roots (diameter>1 mm) were mainly found close to the trunk of the trees while fine roots (≤1 mm) were more evenly distributed in the stands. Root nodules were intermediate in distribution. The root systems were shallow, with more than 90% of the biomass in the uppermost 9–10 cm of the soil, probably because of low oxygen availability in the peat soil. The biomass allocation to the above-ground parts increased during the study period.  相似文献   

The depth distribution of planctomycete abundance has been examined in six different sites of the Sphagnum peat bog Bakchar, Tomsk oblast, Russia. In situ hybridization of peat with the fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes PLA46 and PLA886, reported to be group-specific for representatives of the phylum Planctomycetes, revealed two distinct population maxima of these bacteria in all of the profiles examined. The first population maximum was detected in the uppermost, oxic layer of the bog profile, while the second maximum was located at a depth of 30 cm below the water table level. The population sizes of planctomycetes in the uppermost layer and at a depth of 30 cm were of the same order of magnitude and comprised 0.5–1.5 × 107 and 0.4?0.7 × 107 cells per g?1 of wet peat, respectively. Only 25–30% of the total number of planctomycete cells in the anoxic layer could be detected if the probe PLA886, whose target specificity is restricted to taxonomically characterized aerobic planctomycetes of the genera Gemmata, Planctomyces, Pirellula, and Isosphaera, was used alone. Other planctomycete cells in this layer were detected only with the probe PLA46, which possesses a much wider scope. This suggests the affiliation of these organisms with a yet undescribed phylogenetic subgroup within the Planctomycetes.  相似文献   

Of the former extensive peat bog in West Friesland, only small, buried and often cutover remains are left, scattered over a wide region. The results of pollen and macrofossil analyses of the most complete peat profile found to date in this district is presented in this paper. The vegetation development during the final stage of marine sedimentation in the vicinity of the analysed profile is reconstructed in some detail, as well as the subsequent formation of the lower layers of the mire, including the ombrotrophic peat. Apart from these aspects, the study also contributes to our knowledge of the Holocene palaeogeography of the coastal region of the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Regular bi-weekly additions of NH4NO3, equivalent to a rate of 3 g N m–2 yr–1, were applied to cores of Sphagnum capillifolium, inhabiting hummocks and S. recurvum a pool and hollow colonizer, in a raisedbog in north east Scotland. Microbial biomass C and N,both measured by chloroform extraction, showed similarseasonal patterns and, for most depths, the effects ofadded N on microbial biomass C and N changed withtime. The addition of inorganic N had greatest effectduring October when the water table had risen to thesurface and microbial C and N in the untreated coreshad decreased. Microbial C and N were maintained at75 g C m–2 and 8.3 g N m–2 above the values in the untreated cores and far exceeded the amounts of N that had been added up to that date (1 g N m–2) as NH4NO3. This increased microbial biomass was interpreted as leaching of carbonaceous material from the NH4NO3 treated moss resulting in greater resistance of the microbialbiomass to changes induced by the rising water table.Treatment with N also caused significant reductions inextractable dissolved organic N (DON) at 10–15 cmdepth, beneath the surface of the moss, but at lowerdepths to 25 cm no changes were observed. Extracteddissolved organic carbon (DOC) was not affected by Ntreatment and showed less seasonal variation than DON,such that the C:N ratio of dissolved organic matter(DOM) in all depths increased from approximately 4 inJuly to around 30 in December.  相似文献   

The polyploid peat mossSphagnum majus shows considerable phenotypic plasticity along ecological gradients in mires. It is considered taxonomically heterogeneous, and two subspecies have been described. Isozyme analyses were carried out on populations ofS. majus from Central Norway and from eastern coast of North America in order to assess the origin, taxonomy and population structure of this species. High levels of fixed heterozygosity in the populations demonstrate thatS. majus is a genetic allopolyploid. At all loci screened, extant populations ofS. cuspidatum shared enzyme bands withS. majus. The other most likely progenitor based on morphology,S. annulatum, was fixed for enzyme bands not found inS. majus. The progenitor genotype ofS. annulatum may have been missed because of inadequate sampling or extinction. Alternatively, another extinct or undetected taxon may constitute the second progenitor. The observed patterns of genetic variation and linkage disequilibria were uncorrelated with the previously proposed subspecific classification ofS. majus. Lack of genetic divergence between continents suggests that the origins ofS. majus in Europe and North America were not independent. Low mutation rates and large effective population sizes may be important causing populations to diverge slowly, and may explain the observed patterns without hypothesising frequent long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of a new methanogen from a peat bog, Methanobacterium palustre spec. nov., strain F, is described. Strain F grew on H2/CO2 and formate in complex medium. It also grew autotrophically on H2/CO2. Furthermore, growth on 2-propanol/CO2 was observed. Methane was formed from CO2 by oxidation of 2-propanol to acetone or 2-butanol to 2-butanone, but growth on 2-butanol plus CO2 apparently was too little to be measurable. Similarly, Methanobacterium bryantii M. o. H. and M. o. H. G formed acetone and 2-butanone from 2-propanol and 2-butanol, but no growth was measurable.On the basis of morphological and biochemical features strain F could be excluded from the genus Methanobrevibacter. Due to its cell morphology, lipid composition and polyamine pattern it belonged to the genus Methanobacterium. From known members of this genus strain F could be distinguished either by a different G+C content of the DNA, low DNA-DNA homology with reference strains, lacking serological reactions with anti-S probes and differences in the substrate spectrum.An alcohol dehydrogenase activity, specific for secondary alcohols and its substrate specificity was determined in crude extracts of strain F. NADP+ was the only electron carrier that was utilized. No reaction was found with NAD+, F420, FMN and FAD.Abbreviations NAD+ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NADH2 reduced form of NAD+ - NADP+ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - NADPH2 reduced form of NADP+ - FMN flavin adenine mononucleotide - FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide - ADH alcohol dehydrogenase - F420 8-hydroxy-7,8-didemethyl-5-deazaflavin - SSC standard saline citrate (0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M trisodium citrate, pH 7.5)  相似文献   

Summary A 1984 field experiment tested the effect of inoculation with a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on yield of onions (Allium cepa L. cv. Balstora) grown under commercial conditions from seedlings raised in peat modules. Roots in commercial blocking compost (M 64) could not be infected, so a modified peat, containing 50% of sterilized clay soil, was used to produce mycorrhizal seedlings. Treatments to seedlings were: uninoculated in M64 compost (K), uninoculated in modified medium (NM) and inoculated withGlomus mosseae in modified medium (M). There were two blocks of plots, one irrigated, one not. At harvest the yields of marketable (>20 mm bulb diameter) onions from M seedlings were generally about twice those from NM seedlings. On non-irrigated plots M seedlings yielded 30.3 tha−1, slightly less than did K seedlings (36.6 t ha−1). On irrigated plots M seedlings yielded 35.3 t ha−1 and K seedlings 34.9 t ha−1, but this difference was not significant. Differences in size of bulbs at harvest were small even though rates of vegetative growth differed markedly between treatments during crop development. Variations in final yield arose largely from differences in numbers of onions that failed to bulb (thicknecks). Irrigation increased mean bulb weight in all treatments but also markedly increased the number of thicknecks. Unexpectedly, the increase in thicknecks was much less in inoculated plants. This effect of mycorrhizal infection did not seem to be related to improved phosphorus nutrition.  相似文献   

The mean labor time of a leaf (hour/day–1) is defined as the ratio of mean daily photosynthetic rate of a leaf (Da; molm–2day–1) to the mean value of potential hourly photosynthetic rate (6060Amax mol m–2h–1) of the leaf. A model was proposed to estimate mean labor time of leaves. Mean labor time was obtained as the product of 24 (hours/day–1) and the four effects, each of which reduces production of a leaf: diel change in light (Diel Effect), reduction in light during cloudy and rainy days (Cloudy Effect), shading on the focal leaves (Shading Effect), and midday and afternoon depression in photosynthesis (Depression Effect). These four effects were estimated for open grown saplings of alder (Alnus sieboldiana), by measuring instantaneous photosynthetic rate and photon flux density above each leaf. The potential daily photosynthetic rate calculated from diel light condition in a clear day was 46.5% of hypothetical daily photosynthetic rate where maximum instantaneous photosynthetic rate was assumed to last throughout the life of the leaf (Diel Effect). The average of the daily photosynthetic rate considering clear, cloudy and rainy days was 79.7% of the clear day (Cloudy Effect). The photosynthetic rate estimated from light condition on the leaf was 85.6% of that in the open site (Shading Effect). Midday depression reduced the daily photosynthetic rate to 72.1% of the potential daily photosynthetic rate (Depression Effect). The product of the four effects multiplied by 24h gave the estimate of mean labor time of leaves to be approximately 5.5 (h/day–1).  相似文献   

Summary Canopy photosynthesis is difficult to measure directly or to predict with complex models demanding knowledge of seasonal variation in environmental and physiological properties of the canopy. Trees in particular offer a challenge with their large, aerodynamically rough and seasonally-changing canopy properties. In this paper we assess the possibility of using specific leaf weight to predict seasonal and annual net photosynthetic rate in deciduous (Larix sp.) and evergreen (Picea abies) conifers.Annual photosynthetic rate and specific leaf weight of different positions of the crown in both species were highly correlated (r 2=0.930). Annual carbon uptake by different segments in a mature P. abies crown was closely related to leaf biomass. The relationship was improved by adjusting the leaf biomass of each segment in regard to its specific leaf weight relative to the maximum found in the canopy. The adjustment accounted for associated differences in photosynthetic activity. This combined structural index (leaf biomassxrelative specific leaf weight) could, when calibrated, predict the total annual carbon uptake by different parts of the crown. If direct measurements of photosynthesis are not available, the combined structural index may still serve as a comparative estimator of annual carbon uptake.  相似文献   

Though birch and alder are the common pioneer tree species which dominate in northeast Asia, little is known about the effects of the predicted increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) upon their photosynthesis in field conditions. To investigate this, we grew 2-year-old saplings of three Betulaceae species (Betula platyphylla var. japonica Hara, Betula maximowicziana Regel, and Alnus hirsuta Turcz) for 2 years in a free air CO2 enrichment system in northern Japan. Since the effect of high [CO2] is known to depend on soil conditions, we evaluated the responses in two soils which are widely distributed in northern Japan: infertile and immature volcanic ash (VA) soil, and fertile brown forest (BF) soil. For B. platyphylla, photosynthetic down-regulation occurred in both soils, but for B. maximowicziana, down-regulation occurred only in VA soil. The explanation is reduced nitrogen and Rubisco content in the leaf. For A. hirsuta, down-regulation occurred only in BF soil because of the accumulation of starch in foliage, which restricts CO2 diffusion inside the chloroplast. The higher photosynthetic rate of A. hirsuta in infertile VA soil could be due to the sink for photosynthates in the N2-fixing symbiont. These three species are all able to down-regulate at high [CO2]. However, it is possible that A. hirsuta would dominate in VA soil and B. maximowicziana in BF soil in the early stages of forest succession in a CO2-enhanced world.  相似文献   

Peat samples, 3 015 from 103 boring points, on two mires (Åkhult mire, Store Mosse mire) south Sweden, have been subjected to macrofossil analysis. Based on plant remains, 9 peat groups were distinguished in the field. A further classification using phytosociological methods revealed 29 peat types. The affinities between the peat types were determined from TABORD classification and a Reciprocal Averaging ordination. The primary floristic differentiation is correlated with a gradient from treeless-to wooded stands, which coincides largely with the mire expanse-mire margin gradient. The poor-rich gradient seems to parallel the treeless-wooded gradient as well and may reflect the natural conditions in this mire before it was affected by man. The hummock-mud-bottom gradient is easy to distinguish in peat, formed by bog communities, but is not distinct in peat formed by fen communities and impossible to detect in peat dominated by wood remains. The amount of identifiable remains depends on the decomposition, which is determined by (1) the period of time the plant litter stays in the acrotelm, and (2) the nutrient status. The decomposition is greatest in fen-peat with abundant wood remains. This probably depends on a good supply of oxygen caused by greater horizontal water movements and better nutrient status.  相似文献   

Escudero  A.  Del Arco  J. M.  Garrido  M. V. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):225-237
Nitrogen retranslocation from senescing leaves represents a crucial adaptation by tree species towards a more efficient use of this nutrient. As a result, this part of the nitrogen cycle has received increasing attention in recent years. However, there remain strong discrepancies with respect to the factors responsible for interspecific differences in the efficiency of this process.In the present work the seasonal pattern of leaf growth and the movement of nitrogen in leaves have been studied in a series of Quercus ilex plots with different levels of rainfall and soil quality in central-western Spain, as well as in 20 other woody species typical of this area. The percentage of nitrogen retranslocated was estimated from the difference between the maximum mass of nitrogen stored in the leaf biomass and the amount of this nutrient returned annually to the soil through leaf fall. Q. ilex appears as one of the least efficient species in the Mediterranean region in the recovery of nitrogen from senescing leaves (29.7% of the maximum pool). Furthermore, the older leaves of Q. ilex do not show the cycles of nitrogen withdrawal during new flushes of shoot growth, such as occurs in Pinus spp. This suggests that older leaves in Q. ilex do not play an important role as nitrogen storage organs.  相似文献   

Summary Adults and larvae of Chrysomela aenicollis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) feed on foliage of Salix species (Salicaceae) between 2,400–3,400 m above sea level in the eastcentral Sierra Nevada mountains of California. We predicted that (1) cold climatic conditions would be a more frequent source of mortality at higher elevations, (2) mildweather agents of mortality such as predation should be more severe at lower elevations, and (3) populations of C. aenicollis would be adapted to the local selective regime at each elevation. We tested these predictions in 1984 and 1985 by transferring over 6,000 eggs and larvae within and between two sites at 2,810 and 3,240 m elevation above sea level. During mild summer weather at both sites, survivorship on Salix branches isolated by a barrier of sticky resin was similar to that on control branches, and we concluded that aerial predators were the primary cause of mortality. At least one major predator, a solitary wasp (Symmorphus sp., Hymenoptera: Eumenidae), was specifically associated with C. aenicollis at the lower site, where beetle mortality was highest. At both sites in 1984 and 1985, larvae originating from the lower site remained in aggregations and survived more frequently than larvae from the upper site, suggesting that they are better defended against predators. During a storm with cold weather late in the 1984 season, larvae and pupae died more frequently at the upper site, and there was a marginally significant trend (P<0.1) for the lower site individuals to die more frequently than upper site larvae during the cold storm. Upper site larvae grew approximately 10% faster than lower site larvae at the lower site and under controlled conditions in the laboratory. These findings indicate that upper and lower site populations were adapted to the local selective regime, which suggest how populations of montane phytopagous insects may adapt to changing elevations.  相似文献   

Summary Alders have an important role to play in biomass producing stands because of their N2-fixing ability and their capacity to withstand soils having an excess of moisture. The objectives of preliminary trials were (1) to find if there is any alder-genotype xFrankia-strain interaction when the effect of inoculating the bacteria was compared to no inoculation in seed beds of different species and provenances of alder, (2) to measure the possible effect of black alders interplanted in poplars compared to pure poplar plots. Two trials were laid out to study the alder-Frankia interaction. Both produced interaction. In the first one the inoculation had a favorable effect onAlnus glutinosa at age 2 years andA. cordata at age 1 and 2 and no effect onA. rubra. In the second one the inoculation had a depressive effect at age 1 on 2 of 3 provenances ofA. rubra and no effect on 1A. rubra, 3A.glutinosa and 3A. cordata provenances.A closely spaced field trial associating one black alder provenance and the poplar clone UNAL gives no superiority of mixed plots compared to pure plots. The results suggest that the N2-fixation of alders is not profitable to poplars at age 3 with a 1.5×2 m spacing.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton communities of five water hollows and a river from the Rancho Hambre peat bog (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) are compared as to species composition and densities, as well as morphological, chemical and physical data.A total of 212 taxa is reported, the river having the highest species richness (105) and algal density (6374 ind. ml–1). Water hollows showed remarkable differences in the structure of their phytoplankton communities.A cluster analysis, based on species presence-absence, clearly distinguishes the river from the water hollows. The hollows fall into groups. One contains the shallow ones the other, the smallest, deepest ones.Correlation analyses between biotic and abiotic variates shows strong correlations between the relative frequencies of some major groups (Chrysophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Tribophyceae) and the values of abiotic variables (alkalinity, pH, conductivity and dissolved phosphate).  相似文献   

Terrestrial isopods were studied in the Dubravica peat bog and surrounding forest in the northwestern Croatia. Sampling was conducted using pitfall traps over a two year period. Studied peat bog has a history of drastically decrease in area during the last five decades mainly due to the process of natural succession and changes in the water level. A total of 389 isopod individuals belonging to 8 species were captured. Species richness did not significantly differ between bog, edge and surrounding forest. High species richness at the bog is most likely the result of progressive vegetation succession, small size of the bog and interspecific relationships, such as predation. With spreading of Molinia grass on the peat bog, upper layers of Sphagnum mosses become less humid and probably more suitable for forest species that slowly colonise bog area. The highest diversity was found at the edge mainly due to the edge effect and seasonal immigration, but also possibly due to high abundance and predator pressure of the Myrmica ants and lycosid spiders at the bog site. The most abundant species were Trachelipus rathkii and Protracheoniscus politus, in the bog area and in the forest, respectively. Bog specific species were not recorded and the majority of the species collected belong to the group of tyrphoneutral species. However, Hyloniscus adonis could be considered as a tyrphoxenous species regarding its habitat preferences. Most of collected isopod species are widespread eurytopic species that usually inhabit various habitats and therefore indicate negative successive changes or degradation processes in the peat bog.  相似文献   

Conservation of natural values within farming practice is growing rapidly within the Netherlands. The focus is primarily on terrestrial flora and fauna such as the vegetation in ditch banks and meadow birds. Knowledge needed to enhance biodiversity in ditches is limited. Therefore, a field study was set up to determine the effects of dredging, ditch cleaning and nutrient supply in the adjacent fields on caddisfly, dragonfly and amphibian larvae in the ditches in a peat area.Two-hundred forty ditches spread over 84 dairy farms were selected to determine the individual effect of several management aspects. Generalised linear modelling was used as a tool to detect the most relevant aspects and to obtain quantitative relations with the chance of the larvae being present.Dredging had an impact on the presence of all larvae types. The type of dredging machine, the dredging period, the water depth and the frequency of dredging can influence the presence of the larvae. The presence of caddisfly larvae was also affected by the cleaning machine and period and by the P supply in the adjacent field. The presence of amphibian larvae was also affected by the cleaning period.Measures that will enhance the presence of the larvae are formulated. Options for water boards and other government authorities to stimulate farmers to take these measures are given.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal ground-surface dynamics are major factors that affect regeneration and species coexistence in tropical peat swamp forests. We studied the seedling survivorship and morphological features of two tree species that play important roles in maintaining the ground-surface dynamics of a peat swamp forest in Sumatra. Large Swintonia glauca trees form mounds, whereas large Stemonurus scorpioides trees occupy non-mounds. We monitored the demography of naturally dispersed Swintonia and Stemonurus seedlings that germinated in 2000. Survivorship of Swintonia seedlings was high under conditions of late germination, high-light environment, and elevated ground surface, and was negatively affected by distance to the nearest conspecific adult. Survivorship of Stemonurus was high under conditions of early germination and high conspecific seedling density, and was also negatively affected by distance to the nearest conspecific adult. The allometric features of Stemonurus seedlings indicated characteristics of stress tolerance, that is, low growth rate and thick, porous roots. Stemonurus, which has large wingless seeds, regenerated in non-mounds around the parental trees, while winged Swintonia seeds dispersed farther from the parent and established in patchily distributed gaps and mounds. Thus, Swintonia seedlings can survive on non-mound sites within gaps and possibly create mounds, while Stemonurus seedlings tend to maintain non-mounds around the parental trees.  相似文献   

In 1995–1996 a study of pollen concentrations of Corylus, Alnus and Fraxinus was performed at seven sites in regions of different climatic and natural conditions. The aim of the study was to determine whether regional differences in the course and duration of pollen seasons occur in Poland. The study was performed using a volumetric method. Several phases during the pollen season were defined for each taxon (1, 2.5, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 97.5, 99% of annual total) and duration of the pollen seasons was calculated using 98 and 90% methods. Dynamics and duration of the pollen seasons and a start of particular phases of the season were compared among sites. On the basis of the preliminary analysis it could be supposed that regional differences were most evident in the case of Corylus. The pollen season of this taxon started the earliest in Pozna where thermal conditions were most favourable and the latest in Gdask, a place at the furthest to the north ( 2, 0.05). In montane regions (Zakopane, Rabka) last phases of the season were significant extended ( 2, 0.05). Probably it results from secondary pollen deposition and a long-distance transport by montane wind. In case of Fraxinus the significant regional differences in the start of the pollen season were not found. The study supported that weather conditions have the substantial influence on the start of consecutive phases of the pollen season.  相似文献   

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