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Osteoclastoma-derived giant cells were used to produce 11 mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAb) reactive against human osteoclasts on undecalcified sections of adult human bone. All exhibited unique reactivities across a wide range of human tissues. Three in particular demonstrated distinctive reactivities; C35 was highly selective for bone osteoclasts, C27 showed selective reactivity for osteoclasts, tissue macrophages and blood-borne monocytes, and C22 showed selective membrane staining of osteoclasts. Consequently, C22 was used to coat Dynabeads to affinity-purify viable human osteoclasts from osteoclastoma-derived cell suspensions. Immunocytochemical staining of inflammatory osteoarthritic synovium/granulation tissue demonstrated positivity in the majority of giant cells with MAb C22 and C27. In contrast, C35 reacted with only very occasional giant cells. Furthermore, multinucleated cells formed in long-term human bone marrow cultures demonstrated similar selective staining. C27 stained all giant cells and the majority of mononuclear cells. C22 detected only a small proportion of giant cells. In contrast to its staining on bone osteoclasts, C22 demonstrated granular cytoplasmic staining in cultured giant cells. C35 stained no cells at all in these cultures. These MAb can therefore distinguish between giant cells of various origins and authentic mature osteoclasts. Alternatively, they can recognize antigens expressed at different stages of osteoclast differentiation and therefore provide an excellent tool for the study of the human osteoclast lineage.  相似文献   

Many monoclonal antibodies have been developed for therapy over the last 2 decades. In the development of therapeutic antibodies, the preclinical assessment of an antibody's biodistribution is important for the prediction of the antibody's efficacy and safety. For imaging analyses of such biodistributions, radioisotope (RI) labeling and fluorescence labeling methods are typically used, but the resulting data are limited because these methods cannot distinguish breakdown products from intact antibodies. To resolve this problem, we developed a novel method using fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET)-type labeling and a spectral unmixing tool. With FRET-type labeling (labeling with 2 species of fluorophore), different fluorescence properties of labeled intact antibodies and their breakdown products (the hydrolyzed/digested type of breakdown products) are made visible. With the spectral unmixing tool, the fluorescence of a solution containing the intact antibody and its breakdown products could be unmixed in proportion to their contents. Moreover, when labeled antibodies that targeted either human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 or epidermal growth factor receptor were injected into nude mice implanted subcutaneously with tumor cells, the accumulation of the injected labeled antibodies and their breakdown products in the tumor could be separately analyzed by both whole-mouse imaging and a tumor homogenate analysis. These results suggest that our method using FRET-type labeling and a spectral unmixing tool could be useful in distinguishing breakdown products from intact antibodies.  相似文献   

Two murine IgG2Ak monoclonal antibodies (703D4, 704A 1) were produced and characterized after immunization with a human large cell lung cancer line (NCI-H 157). These antibodies detect different epitopes on 31 kilodalton [35S]methionine incorporating protein(s). Radiobinding and immunohistochemical studies show these antibodies bind to most (11/13) human non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma, epidermoid, and large cell), but not to small cell lung cancer (0/11) tumors tested. The epitopes these antibodies recognized are also expressed on human melanomas (7/8), two other tumors (osteogenic sarcoma, renal cell carcinoma), but not on many other human tumors (breast, colon, neuroblastoma, lymphoid), and not on a panel of normal adult human tissues. Because the antigen(s) are preserved after fixation and because of their ability to distinguish lung cancer types from each other and normal tissues, they should be of clinical, as well as of biologic interest.  相似文献   

Cathepsins V and L have high identity and few structural differences. In this paper, we reported a comparative study of the hydrolytic activities of recombinant human cathepsins V and L using fluorescence resonance energy transfer peptides derived from Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp (Abz = ortho-aminobenzoic acid and EDDnp = N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)ethylenediamine). Five series of peptides were synthesized to map the S3 to S2' subsites. The cathepsin V subsites S1 and S3 present a broad specificity while cathepsin L has preference for positively charged residues. The S2 subsites of both enzymes require hydrophobic residues with preference for Phe and Leu. The S1' and S2' subsites of cathepsins V and L are less specific. Based on these data we designed substrates to explore the electrostatic potential differences of them. Finally, the kininogenase activities of these cathepsins were compared using synthetic human kininogen fragments. Cathepsin V preferentially released Lys-bradykinin while cathepsin L released bradykinin. This kininogenase activity by cathepsins V and L was also observed from human high and low molecular weight kininogens.  相似文献   

Seven neutralizing murine monoclonal antibodies specific for the glycoprotein H of human cytomegalovirus were produced and used to construct a topological map of two nonoverlapping antigenic sites that are bridged by a third antigenic site. Neutralization assays with 15 laboratory or clinical human cytomegalovirus strains indicated that the monoclonal antibodies recognize three antigenically variable and three conserved epitopes within the three antigenic sites. The variable-domain genes encoding monoclonal antibodies representing each of the three antigenic sites were cloned and sequenced, and molecular models of their binding sites were generated. Conformational differences in the antibody-binding sites suggested a structural basis for experimentally observed differences in gH epitope recognition.  相似文献   

A 1,3-alpha-glucan synthase (GTF-I), a highly branched 1, 6-alpha-glucan synthase (GTF-U) and a 1,6-alpha-glucan synthase (GTF-T) were purified to near homogeneity from the culture fluid of Streptococcus sobrinus strain B13N (serotype d) and characterized. In addition, a crude preparation of a recombinant oligo-isomaltosaccharide synthase (rGTF-S) was prepared from a cell-free extract of Escherichia coli MD124 transformant. Using four homogeneous GTF preparations including previously purified rGTF-S as antigens for immunization, 11 murine hybridomas producing a monoclonal antibody (MAb) were established through the fusion of myeloma cells (P3X63-Ag8-U1) and spleen cells of immunized BALB/c mice. When the immunoreactivities of the resultant MAbs were tested, all five MAbs raised against GTF-I, all three MAbs raised against GTF-T, and two of three MAbs raised against GTF-U reacted specifically with the homologous enzyme alone, while one MAb (B86) raised against GTF-U cross-reacted strongly with all GTFs. Although no MAb monospecific for rGTF-S was obtained, precise recognition of GTF-S was possible using the nonspecific B86 antibody together with the MAbs monospecific for the three glucan synthases. Thus, a set of four typical MAbs (B17, B76, B19 and B86) were successfully used for the identification of gene products expressed in 24 previously constructed E. coli phage clones, and the findings suggested that six phage clones might express a gtfU gene encoding GTF-U which has not been hitherto isolated.  相似文献   

E Debus  K Weber  M Osborn 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(12):1641-1647
Four monoclonal antibodies designated CK1 - CK4 were obtained from fusions of mouse myeloma F0 cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with cytoskeletal preparations made by treatment of human HeLa cells with non-ionic detergents. These IgG1 type antibodies all recognize, in immune blots, cytokeratin 18 (45 kd, pI 5.7) in the catalogue of 19 human cytokeratin species developed by Moll et al. (1982). Immunofluorescence microscopy on human material shows that CK1 - CK4 stain a wide variety of simple epithelia (e.g., intestine, respiratory and urinary systems, liver, glandular epithelia) but do not stain stratified squamous epithelia (e.g., oesophagus, epidermis) or non-epithelial cells. The immunofluorescence results, developed mainly by gel electrophoresis, support the concept of cytokeratin divergence in different epithelia and clarify, for cytokeratin 18, some unsolved problems posed by high tissue complexity. CK2 appears specific for human, CK1 and CK3 for primates, while CK4 shows broad cross-species reactivity. Thus, CK1 - CK4 appear to be valuable tools for cytokeratin typing and initial experiments also suggest that they can be used to further subdivide human tumours of epithelial origin.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to human interferons (HuIFN) of the alpha-class have been prepared by screening against 125I-labeled IFN in a rapid liquid-phase radioimmunoassay. All of the six antibodies produced react with HuIFN-alpha 2 and with some components of HuIFN-alpha N (Namalwa); three of the antibodies also bind HuIFN-alpha 1, and these either do not bind or bind very weakly the 25K component of Namalwa. Reaction of the antibodies with IFN components blotted onto nitrocellulose after separation on reducing gels suggests that two of the antibodies are against conformational determinants, whereas the epitopes recognized by the other antibodies are not destroyed by reduction or SDS treatment; these antibodies can be used to detect the presence of oligomers in IFN preparations. From the reaction of the antibodies with different alpha-IFN in immunoblots, in an antiviral assay, and in an ELISA, it was concluded that at least five different epitopes are recognized by the six antibodies, only one of which is non-neutralizing.  相似文献   

By using human calcitonin (hCT), human calcitonin-gene-related peptide (hCGRP), and a synthetic peptide with a sequence analogous to the 34 C-terminal amino acids of human preprocalcitonin (designated as PQN-34) as haptens in the generation of monoclonal antibodies, we assessed the role of amido and amino groups in paratope-epitope binding. By using peptide inhibition experiments and solid-phase immunoassays, monoclonal anti-hCT antibody CT07 and monoclonal anti-hCGRP antibody CGR01 were found to bind to an antigenic determinant located in the C-terminal segment of the hormones. These epitopes comprise the seven C-terminal amino acids of the hormones, and the presence of the hormone-ending carboxamide group was found to be essential for antibody binding. The corresponding heptapeptides, either bearing a carboxyl group or else linked to a glycine residue at their C-terminal part, failed to react with the antibodies. Moreover, these monoclonal antibodies did not bind to synthetic peptides analogous to the C-terminal region of the hormone precursor molecules that comprised the epitope site flanked by a peptide sequence. In an attempt to assess whether amido groups when present on the side-chain of amino acids may also modulate antibody binding, a monoclonal antibody referred to as QPO1 was produced and was found to recognize an antigenic determinant localized in the N-terminal region of the PQN-34 peptide bearing a glutamine residue as the N-terminal amino acid. The epitope was found to correspond to a topographic assembled site, and binding of QPO1 was found to be substantially dependent on the presence of the free amino and the side-chain amido groups borne by the N-terminal glutamine residue of this peptide PQN-34. In contrast to these findings, an antigenic determinant located in the internal sequence of calcitonin and recognized by monoclonal anti-hCT antibody CT08 was found to be expressed on the mature form of the hormone, as well as on synthetic peptides with sequence mimicking that of preprocalcitonin. These data should guide the choice of synthetic peptide haptens for the production of anti-protein antibodies.  相似文献   

A series of peptidyldiazomethanes was synthesized and tested as inactivators of the cysteine proteinases calpain II, cathepsin L and cathepsin B. Inactivators that react rapidly and that show a degree of selectivity between the enzymes were identified. Z-Tyr(I)-Ala-CHN2 (where Z represents benzyloxycarbonyl) reacts rapidly with cathepsin L and more slowly with cathepsin B, but does not inhibit calpain II. Z-Leu-Leu-Tyr-CHN2 reacts rapidly with cathepsin L and calpain II but very slowly with cathepsin B. Boc-Val-Lys(epsilon-Z)Leu-Tyr-CHN2 (where Boc represents t-butyloxycarbonyl) reacts more rapidly with calpain II than with cathepsin L or cathepsin B. The discriminating inhibitory effects of these compounds make them potentially useful for investigation of enzyme functions in vivo. The data presented also provide insights into the subsite specificity of calpain.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies raised against intact Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L2 were isolated, affinity-purified, and characterized. One of the antibodies (Ab 5-186) recognizes an epitope within residues 5-186, and the other (Ab 187-272) recognizes an epitope within residues 182-272. Both antibodies strongly inhibit in vitro polyphenylalanine synthesis when they are first allowed to bind to 50 S subunits prior addition of 30 S subunits. However, only Ab 187-272 is inhibitory when added to preformed 70 S ribosomes. Ab 5-186 binds to 50 S subunits but not to 70 S ribosomes. Ab 187-272 does not cause dissociation of 70 S ribosomes under the ionic conditions of the assay for polyphenylalanine synthesis (15 mM magnesium), although at 10 mM magnesium it does cause dissociation. Both antibodies inhibit the reassociation of 50 S with 30 S subunits. Both antibodies strongly inhibit peptidyltransferase activity. The two antibodies differ in their effects on interactions with elongation factors Tu (EF-Tu) and G (EF-G). Neither antibody significantly inhibits EF-G-dependent GTPase activity, nor the binding of EF-G when the antibodies are incubated with 50 S subunits; however, Ab 187-272 causes a decrease in the binding of EF-Tu X aminoacyl-tRNA X GTP ternary complex and of EF-Tu-dependent GTPase when it is incubated with 70 S ribosomes. The Fab fragments of both antibodies had effects similar to the intact antibodies. The results show that monoclonal antibodies can be used to discriminate different regions of L2 and that EF-Tu and EF-G do not have identical ribosomal binding sites.  相似文献   

A genetic deficiency of the cysteine protease cathepsin L (Ctsl) in mice results in impaired positive selection of conventional CD4+ T helper cells as a result of an incomplete processing of the MHC class II associated invariant chain or incomplete proteolytic generation of positively selecting peptide ligands. The human genome encodes, in contrast to the mouse genome, for two cathepsin L proteases, namely cathepsin L (CTSL) and cathepsin V (CTSV; alternatively cathepsin L2). In the human thymic cortex, CTSV is the predominately expressed protease as compared to CTSL or other cysteine cathepsins. In order to analyze the functions of CTSL and CTSV in the positive selection of CD4+ T cells we employed Ctsl knock-out mice crossed either with transgenic mice expressing CTSL under the control of its genuine human promoter or with transgenic mice expressing CTSV under the control of the keratin 14 (K14) promoter, which drives expression to the cortical epithelium. Both human proteases are expressed in the thymus of the transgenic mice, and independent expression of both CTSL and CTSV rescues the reduced frequency of CD4+ T cells in Ctsl-deficient mice. Moreover, the expression of the human cathepsins does not change the number of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, but the normalization of the frequency of conventional CD4+ T cell in the transgenic mice results in a rebalancing of conventional T cells and regulatory T cells. We conclude that the functional differences of CTSL and CTSV in vivo are not mainly determined by their inherent biochemical properties, but rather by their tissue specific expression pattern.  相似文献   

The finding of large, stage-specific changes in secretion of procathepsin L by rat Sertoli cells has led to the hypothesis that this proenzyme promotes the survival, replication, or differentiation of spermatogenic cells. Experiments described herein used a mouse model to test this hypothesis. To prove that mice are appropriate for this purpose, we first demonstrate that mature mouse Sertoli cells express cathepsin L mRNA in the same stage-specific manner as rat Sertoli cells and they also secrete procathepsin L. To test whether catalytically active cathepsin L is required for normal spermatogenesis, we examined the testes of 110- to 120-day-old furless mice, which express catalytically inactive cathepsin L. Morphologic examination of testes of furless mice revealed both normal and atrophic seminiferous tubules. Enumeration of atrophic tubules in furless and control mice demonstrates that lack of functional cathepsin L results in a 12-fold increase in seminiferous tubule atrophy. To determine whether lack of functional cathepsin L affects the production of male germ cells in apparently normal, nonatrophic tubules, we compared numbers in control and furless mice of preleptotene spermatocytes, pachytene spermatocytes, and round spermatids per Sertoli cell. Results demonstrate that the lack of functional cathepsin L causes a 16% reduction in formation of preleptotene spermatocytes and a 25% reduction in differentiation of these cells into pachytene spermatocyte. These results suggest that procathepsin L either directly or indirectly has two distinct functions in the testis. This proenzyme prevents atrophy of seminiferous tubules and promotes the formation of preleptotene spermatocytes and the differentiation of these meiotic cells into pachytene spermatocytes.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody has been generated that interacts with the surface of cultured human aorta smooth muscle cells and does not bind to the endothelial cells from aorta and umbilical vein. An antigen recognized by the antibody has a molecular mass of 330 kDa as determined by electrophoresis of immunoprecipitate in SDS-polyacrylamide gel. The same antigen appeared to be present on the fibroblast surface while neither immunofluorescence, flow cytofluorimetry nor immunoprecipitation reveal it on the endothelial cell surface or in the Triton X-100 extract.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(6):1351-1359
Subtractive immunization allowed the isolation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies that specifically inhibit metastasis but not proliferation of highly metastatic human tumor cells. The tolerizing agent cyclophosphamide was used to suppress the immune system in mice to dominant immunodeterminants present on a non-metastatic variant (M-) of the human epidermoid carcinoma cell line (HEp3). Mice were then inoculated with a highly metastatic variant (M+) of HEp3 to enhance an immune response to antigenic determinants present on metastatic cells. Hybridomas were generated and screened by ELISA for differential reactivity to M+ HEp3 over M- HEp3 cells. This experimental approach, termed subtractive immunization (S.I.), was compared to a control immunization protocol, which eliminated the cyclophosphamide treatment. The S.I. protocol resulted in an eight-fold increase in the proportion of mAbs that react with molecules enriched on the surface of the M+ HEp3 cells. Two of the mAbs derived from the S.I. protocol, designated DM12-4 and 1A5, were purified and examined for their effect in a metastasis model system in which chick embryos are transplanted with primary HEp3 tumors. Purified mAbs DM12-4 and 1A5, inoculated i.v. into the embryos, inhibited spontaneous metastasis of HEp3 cells by 86 and 90%, respectively. The mAbs are specifically anti-metastatic in that they have no effect on the growth of HEp3 cells in vitro nor did they inhibit primary tumor growth in vivo. The mAbs recognize M+ HEp3 cell surface molecules of 55 kD and 29 kD, respectively. These data demonstrate that the S.I. protocol can be used for the development of unique mAbs that are reactive with antigenic determinants whose expression is elevated on metastatic human tumor cells and which function mechanistically in the metastatic cascade.  相似文献   

The general structure of F- and V-ATPases is quite similar and they may share a common mechanism of action that involves mechanochemical energy transduction. Both holoenzymes are composed of catalytic sectors, F1 and V1 respectively, and membrane sectors, F(o) and V(o) respectively. Although we assume that a similar mechanism underlies ATP-dependent proton pumping by F- and V-ATPases in eukaryotic cells, the latter cannot catalyze pmf-driven ATP synthesis. The loss of this ability is probably due to a proton slip that is a consequence of alterations in its membrane sector. The major events include gene duplication of the proteolipids and the presence of three distinct proteolipids in each complex.  相似文献   

Isolation of human monoclonal antibodies that neutralize human rotavirus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A human antibody library constructed by utilizing a phage display system was used for the isolation of human antibodies with neutralizing activity specific for human rotavirus. In the library, the Fab form of an antibody fused to truncated cp3 is expressed on the phage surface. Purified virions of strain KU (G1 serotype and P[8] genotype) were used as antigen. Twelve different clones were isolated. Based on their amino acid sequences, they were classified into three groups. Three representative clones-1-2H, 2-3E, and 2-11G-were characterized. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with virus-like particles (VLP-VP2/6 and VLP-VP2/6/7) and recombinant VP4 protein produced from baculovirus recombinants indicated that 1-2H and 2-3E bind to VP4 and that 2-11G binds to VP7. The neutralization epitope recognized by each of the three human antibodies might be human specific, since all of the antigenic mutants resistant to mouse monoclonal neutralizing antibodies previously prepared were neutralized by the human antibodies obtained here. After conversion from the Fab form of an antibody into immunoglobulin G1, the neutralizing activities of these three clones toward various human rotavirus strains were examined. The 1-2H antibody exhibited neutralizing activity toward human rotaviruses with either the P[4] or P[8] genotype. Similarly, the 2-3E antibody showed cross-reactivity against HRVs with the P[6], as well as the P[8] genotype. In contrast, the 2-11G antibody neutralized only human rotaviruses with the G1 serotype. The concentration of antibodies required for 50% neutralization ranged from 0.8 to 20 micro g/ml.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies specific for titin have been elicited using a chicken heart muscle residue as antigen. The three antibodies T1, T3, and T4 recognize both bands of the titin doublet in immunoblot analysis on polypeptides from chicken breast muscle. In contrast, on chicken cardiac myofibrils two of the antibodies (T1, T4) react only with the upper band of the doublet indicating immunological differences between heart and skeletal muscle titin. This difference is even more pronounced for rat and mouse. Although all three antibodies react with skeletal muscle titin, T1 and T4 did not detect heart titin, whereas T3 reacts with this titin both in immunofluorescence microscopy and in immunoblots. Immunofluorescence microscopy of myofibrils and frozen tissues from a variety of vertebrates extends these results and shows that the three antibodies recognize different epitopes. All three titin antibodies decorate at the A-I junction of the myofibrils freshly prepared from chicken skeletal muscle and immunoelectron microscopy using native myosin filaments demonstrates that titin is present at the ends of the thick filaments. In chicken heart, however, antibodies T1 and T4 stain within the I-band rather than at the A-I junction. The three antibodies did not react with any of the nonmuscle tissues or permanent cell lines tested and do not decorate smooth muscle. In primary cultures of embryonic chicken skeletal muscle cells titin first appears as longitudinal striations in mononucleated myoblasts and later at the myofibrillar A-I junction of the myotubes.  相似文献   

Mice lacking the ubiquitously expressed lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin L, show a complex skin phenotype consisting of periodic hair loss and epidermal hyperplasia with hyperproliferation of basal epidermal keratinocytes, acanthosis and hyperkeratosis. The recently identified human cathepsin L-like enzyme cathepsin V, which is also termed cathepsin L2, is specifically expressed in cornea, testis, thymus, and epidermis. To date, in mice no cathepsin V orthologue with this typical expression pattern has been identified. Since cathepsin V has about 75% protein sequence identity to murine cathepsin L, we hypothesized that transgenic, keratinocyte-specific expression of cathepsin V in cathepsin L knockout mice might rescue the skin and hair phenotype. Thus, we generated a transgenic mouse line expressing cathepsin V under the control of the human keratin 14 promoter, which mimics the genuine cathepsin V expression pattern in human skin, by directing it to basal epidermal keratinocytes and the outer root sheath of hair follicles. Subsequently, transgenic mice were crossed with congenic cathepsin L knockout animals. The resulting mice show normalization of epidermal proliferation and normal epidermal thickness as well as rescue of the hair phenotype. These findings provide evidence for keratinocyte-specific pivotal functions of cathepsin L-like proteolytic activities in maintenance of epidermis and hair follicles and suggest, that cathepsin V may perform similar functions in human skin.  相似文献   

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