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《Current biology : CB》2022,32(19):4150-4158.e3
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 Diurnal patterns of photoinhibition have been identified in seven species of shallow water reef corals from the Andaman Sea, off the west coast of Thailand, using pulse amplitude fluorometry. Photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and quantum yield (ΔF/Fm∑) of symbiotic dinoflagellates within the corals declined after dawn to reach a minimum between midday and early afternoon, recovering to former dawn levels by early evening. Parallel studies on the xanthophylls diadinoxanthin (Dn) and diatoxanthin (Dt), and their inter-conversion, also revealed a strong diurnal pattern as well as inverse correlations between the xanthophyll ratio Dt/(Dn+Dt) and Fv/Fm and ΔF/Fm′. These findings suggest a photoprotective function for these pigments. Accepted: 18 March 1999  相似文献   

In photobioreactors, which are usually operated under light limitation,sufficient dissolved inorganic carbon must be provided to avoid carbonlimitation. Efficient mass transfer of CO2 into the culture mediumisdesirable since undissolved CO2 is lost by outgassing. Mass transferof O2 out of the system is also an important consideration, due tothe need to remove photosynthetically-derived O2 before it reachesinhibitory concentrations. Hydrodynamics (mixing characteristics) are afunctionof reactor geometry and operating conditions (e.g. gas and liquid flow rates),and are a principal determinant of the light regime experienced by the culture.This in turn affects photosynthetic efficiency, productivity, and cellcomposition. This paper describes the mass transfer and hydrodynamics within anear-horizontal tubular photobioreactor. The volume, shape and velocity ofbubbles, gas hold-up, liquid velocity, slip velocity, axial dispersion,Reynoldsnumber, mixing time, and mass transfer coefficients were determined intapwater,seawater, and algal culture medium. Gas hold-up values resembled those ofvertical bubble columns, and the hydraulic regime could be characterized asplug-flow with medium dispersion. The maximum oxygen mass transfer coefficientis approximately 7 h–1. A regime analysisindicated that there are mass transfer limitations in this type ofphotobioreactor. A methodology is described to determine the mass transfercoefficients for O2 stripping and CO2 dissolution whichwould be required to achieve a desired biomass productivity. This procedure canassist in determining design modifications to achieve the desired mass transfercoefficient.  相似文献   

The increase in seawater temperature associated with global warming is a significant threat to coral health and is linked to increasing mass mortality events and Vibrio-related coral diseases. In the Mediterranean Sea, the endemic Cladocora caespitosa and the invasive species Oculina patagonica are the main scleractinian corals affected by mass mortalities. In this study, culturable Vibrio spp. assemblages associated with healthy and unhealthy colonies of these two shallow coral species were characterized to assess the presence of Vibrio pathogens in tissue necrosis. Vibrio communities associated with O. patagonica and C. caespitosa showed geographical differences, although these became more homogeneous in unhealthy specimens of both species. Furthermore, the number of recovered Vibrio specimens was more than five times higher in unhealthy than in healthy corals. Within these culturable vibrios, the known pathogens Vibrio mediterranei and Vibrio coralliilyticus were present in unhealthy colonies of both coral species in the two localities, suggesting that they could play a role in the health status of C. caespitosa and thus act as generalist pathogens in Mediterranean corals. Nonetheless, a clonal type of V. coralliilyticus detected in C. caespitosa was not associated with disease signs, suggesting that this species could encompass assemblages with different levels of virulence.  相似文献   

Although a lot of research has been done into modelling microbial processes, the applicability of these concepts to problems specific for bioreactor design and optimization of process conditions is limited. This is partly due to the tendency to separate the two essential factors of bioreactor modelling, i.e. physical transport processes and microbial kinetics. The deficiencies of these models become especially evident in industrial production processes where O2 supply is likely to become the limiting factor, e.g. production of gibberellic acid and other organic acids. Hydrodynamics, mass transfer and rheology of gibberellic acid production by Gibberella fujikuroi in an airlift bioreactor is presented in this work. Important hydrodynamic parameters such as gas holdup, liquid velocity in the riser and in the downcomer, and mixing time were determined and correlated with superficial gas velocity in the riser. Mass transfer was studied evaluating the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, which was determined as a function of superficial gas velocity in the riser and as a function of fermentation time. Culture medium rheology was studied through fermentation time and allowed to explain the volumetric mass transfer coefficient behaviour. Rheological behaviour was explained in terms of changes in the morphology of the fungus. Finally, rheological studies let us obtain correlations for gas holdup and volumetric mass transfer coefficient estimation using the superficial gas velocity in the riser and the culture medium apparent viscosity.  相似文献   

Corals inhabiting shallow back reef habitats are often simultaneously exposed to elevated seawater temperatures and high irradiance levels, conditions known to cause coral bleaching. Water flow in many tropical back reef systems is tidally influenced, resulting in semi-diurnal or diurnal flow patterns. Controlled experiments were conducted to test effects of semi-diurnally intermittent water flow on photoinhibition and bleaching of the corals Porites lobata and P. cylindrica kept at elevated seawater temperatures and different irradiance levels. All coral colonies were collected from a shallow back reef pool on Ofu Island, American Samoa. In the high irradiance experiments, photoinhibition and bleaching were less for both species in the intermittent high-low flow treatment than in the constant low flow treatment. In the low irradiance experiments, there were no differences in photoinhibition or bleaching for either species between the flow treatments, despite continuously elevated seawater temperatures. These results suggest that intermittent flow associated with semi-diurnal tides, and low irradiances caused by turbidity or shading, may reduce photoinhibition and bleaching of back reef corals during warming events.  相似文献   

Abstract: Changes of the main hydrodynamic and oxygen transfer parameters during Aspergillus niger cultivation in an external-loop air-lift bioreactor of 200 dm3 operating capacity were investigated. The final average concentrations of biomass and citric acid obtained in batch fermentations were about 17 g 1-1 and 90 g 1-1, respectively. Significant influence of the increasing biomass concentration on the rheological properties of the broth and operating parameters was found. Volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient. k L a , was found to be dependent on the apparent viscosity of the broth with an exponent of -0.984.  相似文献   

Microalgae cultivation has received growing importance because of its potential applications in CO2 bio‐fixation, wastewater treatment and biofuel production. In this regard, proper design of photobioreactors is crucial for large‐scale commercial applications. The hydrodynamics of a photobioreactor has great influence on the transfer of CO2 from gas phase to liquid phase. Considering the facts, the present research focused on studying the gas holdups and mass transfer from the gas to liquid phase in a tubular photobioreactor at various superficial liquid velocities ranging from 8.4 to 22.4 cm/s and superficial gas velocities ranging from 3.66 to 8.1 cm/s. It was found that the gas holdups were radially distributed. The highest gas holdups were observed at the center zone while the lowest holdups are found near the reactor wall. CO2 mass transfer coefficient in the photobioreactor was also estimated under different superficial liquid velocities (0.206, 0.355 and 0.485 cm/s) and gas velocities (0.67, 1.16 and 1.37 cm/s). The overall mass transfer coefficient was estimated by fitting the experimental data and comparing results with an unsteady state differential mole balance equation solved by Runge‐Kutta‐Gill method. Model predictions were comparable to experimental results.  相似文献   

The effects of an increasing moisture on trees of the tropical species-rich mountain rain forest in the South Ecuadorian Andes was investigated, using the daily total water consumption (TWC) and the instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE, ratio of photosynthetic CO2 uptake per water loss by transpiration) as ecophysiological indicators. Two canopy and one sub-canopy tree species, (Vismia tomentosa, Clusiaceae, an as of yet unknown Lauracee, and Spirotheca rosea, Bombacaceae) were the experimental objects. Seasonal changes as well as a long-term (18 months) trend of increasing precipitation caused an inverse reaction of the TWC of the trees. Because of a rather unlimited water supply to the trees from a permanently high water content of the soil, transpiration followed mainly the atmospheric demand of water vapor, and increasing moisture hence reduced water loss by transpiration. It was hypothesized that in spite of the reduction in transpiratory water loss photosynthetic carbon acquisition would be not or less affected due to an increase in water use efficiency. Concomitant measurements of photosynthetic net CO2 uptake showed the expected increase of WUE in V. tomentosa and S. rosea, but no clear reaction of the Lauracee. Accompanying measurements of stem extension growth confirmed an undiminished growth of V. tomentosa and S. rosea but showed also suspended growth of the Lauracee during the wettest months. While TWC can be continuously monitored with the heat dissipation technique, WUE is determined by leaf porometry in campaigns for which access to the canopy is required. Simultaneous recordings of the gas exchange of leaves at 4 different positions in the crown of one of the experimental trees (V. tomentosa) showed the usability of the trait WUE in combination with the total daily water consumption as indicator set for assessing the response of trees to a subtly changing climate. However, not all tree species appear as likewise useful indicator trees.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to environmental stress are increasingly well studied in scleractinian corals. This work reports a new stress-related skeletal structure we term clypeotheca. Clypeotheca was observed in several live-collected common reef-building coral genera and a two to three kya subfossil specimen from Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef and consists of an epitheca-like skeletal wall that seals over the surface of parts of the corallum in areas of stress or damage. It appears to form from a coordinated process wherein neighboring polyps and adjoining coenosarc seal themselves off from the surrounding environment as they contract and die. Clypeotheca forms from inward skeletal centripetal growth at the edges of corallites and by the merging of flange-like outgrowths that surround individual spines over the surface of the coenosteum. Microstructurally, the merged flanges are similar to upside-down dissepiments and true epitheca. Clypeotheca is interpreted primarily as a response to stress that may help protect the colony from invasion of unhealthy tissues by parasites or disease by retracting tissues in areas that have become unhealthy for the polyps. Identification of skeletal responses of corals to environmental stress may enable the frequency of certain types of environmental stress to be documented in past environments. Such data may be important for understanding the nature of reef dynamics through intervals of climate change and for monitoring the effects of possible anthropogenic stress in modern coral reef habitats. Communicated by Geology Editor Dr Bernhard Riegl  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In clonal plants, internode connections allow translocation of photosynthates, water, nutrients and other substances among ramets. Clonal plants form large systems that are likely to experience small-scale spatial heterogeneity. Physiological and morphological responses of Fragaria vesca to small-scale heterogeneity in soil quality were investigated, together with how such heterogeneity influences the placement of ramets. As a result of their own activities plants may modify the suitability of their habitats over time. However, most experiments on habitat selection by clonal plants have not generally considered time as an important variable. In the present study, how the foraging behaviour of clonal plants may change over time was also investigated. METHODS: In a complex of environments with different heterogeneity, plant performance was determined in terms of biomass, ramet production and photosynthetic activity. To identify habitat selection, the number of ramets produced and patch where they rooted were monitored. KEY RESULTS: Parent ramets in heterogeneous environments showed significantly higher maximum and effective quantum yields of photosystem II than parents in homogeneous environments. Parents in heterogeneous environments also showed significantly higher investment in photosynthetic biomass and stolon/total biomass, produced longer stolons, and had higher mean leaf size than parents in homogeneous environments. Total biomass and number of offspring ramets were similar in both environments. However, plants in homogeneous environments showed random allocation of offspring ramets to surrounding patches, whereas plants in heterogeneous environments showed preferential allocation of offspring to higher-quality patches. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that F. vesca employs physiological and morphological strategies to enable efficient resource foraging in heterogeneous environments and demonstrate the benefits of physiological integration in terms of photosynthetic efficiency. The findings indicate that short-term responses cannot be directly extrapolated to the longer term principally because preferential colonization of high-quality patches means that these patches eventually show reduced quality. This highlights the importance of considering the time factor in experiments examining responses of clonal plants to heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria dominate the world's oceans where iron is often barely detectable. One manifestation of low iron adaptation in the oligotrophic marine environment is a decrease in levels of iron-rich photosynthetic components, including the reaction center of photosystem I and the cytochrome b6f complex [R.F. Strzepek and P.J. Harrison, Photosynthetic architecture differs in coastal and oceanic diatoms, Nature 431 (2004) 689-692.]. These thylakoid membrane components have well characterised roles in linear and cyclic photosynthetic electron transport and their low abundance creates potential impediments to photosynthetic function. Here we show that the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 exhibits significant alternative electron flow to O2, a potential adaptation to the low iron environment in oligotrophic oceans. This alternative electron flow appears to extract electrons from the intersystem electron transport chain, prior to photosystem I. Inhibitor studies demonstrate that a propyl gallate-sensitive oxidase mediates this flow of electrons to oxygen, which in turn alleviates excessive photosystem II excitation pressure that can often occur even at relatively low irradiance. These findings are also discussed in the context of satisfying the energetic requirements of the cell when photosystem I abundance is low.  相似文献   

Oxygen reduction by isolated pea thylakoids was studied in the presence of ferredoxin (Fd), Fd + NADP, and cytochrome c. At Fd concentrations optimal for NADP reduction, it contributed 30–50% of the reducing equivalents (as deduced by comparing the rates of oxygen reduction and light oxidation of reduced Fd). The oxygen reduction rate in the presence of Fd + NADP was 3–4 times lower than with Fd alone, and comparable to that with cyt c. It is supposed that the process involves a photosystem I component whose reaction with oxygen depends on the rate of electron efflux from the PS I terminal acceptors, and that this component is phylloquinone.  相似文献   

Protoplasma - Impact of membrane excitability on fluidic transport of photometabolites and their cell-to-cell passage via plasmodesmata was examined by pulse-modulated chlorophyll (Chl)...  相似文献   

温度变化对藻类光合电子传递与光合放氧关系的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张曼  曾波  张怡  韩博平 《生态学报》2010,30(24):7087-7091
由于直接测定藻类的光合速率耗时且不方便,研究者们常通过测定藻类光合电子传递速率的方式来间接反映其光合速率,理论上,以氧气产生来度量的总光合速率(PGross)与电子传递速率(ETR)之间应该存在很好的线性关系。然而,由于温度的变化会影响藻类的光呼吸等耗氧的生理过程从而影响光合作用中的氧气释放,因此温度可能会对PGross与ETR之间的线性关系产生影响。研究了温度变化对蛋白核小球藻(Cholorella pyrenoidosa)、菱形藻(Nitzschia sp.)和水生集胞藻(Synechocystis aquetilis Sauv.)的总光合放氧速率(PGross)与电子传递速率(ETR)之间比率的影响,结果表明PGross/ETR随温度的升高而降低,低温条件下PGross/ETR比值较高,说明在相同的电子传递速率的情况下水的光裂解产生的氧有更多的可以释放出来;在高温条件下PGross/ETR比值相对较低,说明高温条件下可能有相对更多的水光裂解产生的氧被用于耗氧的生理过程而没有释放出来。研究表明当温度发生变化时,光合放氧与电子传递之间并不呈线性关系,这说明将ETR作为实际光合生产的评价指标时要谨慎,不能不加分析地直接应用。  相似文献   

The CO2 compensation points of Coccochloris peniocystis, a blue-green alga and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a green alga, were determined at pH 8.0 in a closed system by a gas chromatographic technique. The compensation point of Chlamydomonas increased markedly with temperature, rising from 0.79 microliter per liter CO2 at 15 C to 2.5 microliters per liter CO2 at 35 C. In contrast, the compensation point of Coccochloris at 20 C was 0.71 microliter per liter CO2 and rose to only 0.95 microliter per liter CO2 at 40 C.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals vary in response to rapid shifts in the marine environment and changes in reef community structure post-disturbance reveal a clear relationship between coral performance and morphology. With exceptions, massive corals are thought to be more tolerant and branching corals more vulnerable to changing environmental conditions, notably thermal stress. The typical responses of massive and branching coral taxa, respectively, are well documented; however, the biological and functional characteristics that underpin this variation are not well understood. We address this gap by comparing multiple biological attributes that are correlated with skeletal architecture in two perforate (having porous skeletal matrices with intercalating tissues) and two imperforate coral species (Montipora aequituberculata, Porites lobata, Pocillopora damicornis, and Seriatopora hystrix) representing three morphotypes. Our results reveal inherent biological heterogeneity among corals and the potential for perforate skeletons to create complex, three-dimensional internal habitats that impact the dynamics of the symbiosis. Patterns of tissue thickness are correlated with the concentration of symbionts within narrow regions of tissue in imperforate corals versus broad distribution throughout the larger tissue area in perforate corals. Attributes of the perforate and environmentally tolerant P. lobata were notable, with tissues ~5 times thicker than in the sensitive, imperforate species P. damicornis and S. hystrix. Additionally, P. lobata had the lowest baseline levels of superoxide and Symbiodinium that provisioned high levels of energy. Given our observations, we hypothesize that the complexity of the visually obscured internal environment has an impact on host–symbiont dynamics and ultimately on survival, warranting further scientific investigation.  相似文献   

Changes in photosynthetic pigment ratios showed that the Chlorophyll d-dominated oxyphotobacterium Acaryochloris marina was able to photoacclimate to different light regimes. Chl d per cell were higher in cultures grown under low irradiance and red or green light compared to those found when grown under high white light, but phycocyanin/Chl d and carotenoid/Chl d indices under the corresponding conditions were lower. Chl a, considered an accessory pigment in this organism, decreased respective to Chl d in low irradiance and low intensity non-white light sources. Blue diode PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) fluorometry was able to be used to measure photosynthesis in Acaryochloris. Light response curves for Acaryochloris were created using both PAM and O(2) electrode. A linear relationship was found between electron transport rate (ETR), measured using a PAM fluorometer, and oxygen evolution (net and gross photosynthesis). Gross photosynthesis and ETR were directly proportional to one another. The optimum light for white light (quartz halogen) was about 206+/-51 micromol m(-2) s(-1) (PAR) (Photosynthetically Active Radiation), whereas for red light (red diodes) the optimum light was lower (109+/-27 micromol m(-2) s(-1) (PAR)). The maximum mean gross photosynthetic rate of Acaryochloris was 73+/-7 micromol mg Chl d(-1) h(-1). The gross photosynthesis/respiration ratio (P(g)/R) of Acaryochloris under optimum conditions was about 4.02+/-1.69. The implications of our findings will be discussed in relation to how photosynthesis is regulated in Acaryochloris.  相似文献   

黄瓜叶片光合电子传递对水分胁迫的响应   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
黄瓜叶片在水分胁迫下叶片相对含水量减少,类囊体室温吸收光谱的吸收峰降低,同时其NADP光还原活性、Ca^2 -ATPase活性也相应降低,全链电子传递明显受阻。类囊体膜蛋白电泳分析结果显示:类囊体膜色素蛋白复合体含量有不同程度的降低,其中PSⅡ色素蛋白复合体含量下降较多,试验结果表明水分胁迫通过限制光能的吸收,传递双及转换效率,抑制了光合电子传递过程。  相似文献   

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