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We used radio-telemetry and collar-mounted activity sensors to compare home range size, habitat use, and activity patterns of owned and unowned free-roaming cats on the outskirts of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA. Owned cats (3 M, 8 F) had smaller home ranges than unowned cats (6 M, 10 F), but we failed to detect consistent differences in home range size between the sexes or among seasons. Home ranges of unowned cats included more grassland and urban area than predicted based on availability in all seasons, and farmsteads were selected in fall and winter. Within home ranges, unowned cats shifted their use of habitats among seasons in ways that likely reflected prey availability, predation risk, and environmental stress, whereas habitat use within home ranges by owned cats did not differ from random. Unowned cats were more nocturnal and showed higher overall levels of activity than owned cats. Space use and behavioral differences between owned and unowned cats supported the hypothesis that the care a cat owner provides influences the impact a cat has on its environment, information that is important for making decisions on controlling cat populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The present study is aimed at finding taste reactivity patterns in domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) which reflect 'liking' or perceived palatability. Three groups of nonstressed cats living in households were formed which a priori were expected to differ in motivational state for eating food items (more or less hungry), and which were offered two different food items differing in general taste properties (more or less flavourful food, MFF and LFF, respectively) around the time that they were fed their normal food. Analysis of the amount of food eaten showed that MFF was consumed regardless of hunger level and that LFF was consumed depending on the hunger level of cats: the more hungry cats ate more of LFF than the less hungry cats. Analysis of post-meal behavioural sequences showed that the 'MFF consumption sequence' differed from the 'LFF refusal sequence' and that the 'LFF consumption sequence' strongly resembled the 'MFF consumption sequence' but also contained elements of the 'LFF refusal sequence'. Subsequent analysis of the frequencies and total durations of behavioural patterns showed that two kinds of patterns existed, possibly reflecting two 'palatability dimensions': hedonic taste reactivity patterns (lick/sniff feeding bowl, lip lick and groom face) and aversive taste reactivity patterns (lick/sniff food and lick nose). These dimensions may be combined to obtain a single palatability score.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of data on the movement patterns of feral cats in Australia. Such data can be used to refine control strategies and improve track‐based methods of monitoring populations of feral cats. In this study the home ranges and movements of male feral cats were examined over 3.5 years in a semiarid woodland environment in central Australia. Two home range estimators were used in the examination: (i) minimum convex polygon (MCP); and (ii) fixed kernel. The most widely used method of estimating home range in feral cats is MCP, while the fixed kernel method can be used to identify core areas within a home range. On the basis of the MCP method, the long‐term home ranges of feral cats in central Australia were much larger than those recorded elsewhere (mean, 2210.5 ha). Twenty‐four hour home ranges were much smaller (mean, 249.7 ha) and feral cats periodically shifted their 24 h ranges within the bounds of their long‐term home ranges. Core area analysis indicated marked heterogeneity of space use by male feral cats. Several instances where feral cats moved large distances (up to 34 km) were recorded. These long distance movements may have been caused by nutritional stress. Using data from the literature, it is shown that prey availability is a primary determinant of long‐term home range size in feral cats. The relevance of the results to the design of management strategies for feral cats in central Australia is also discussed.  相似文献   

Hochberg and co-workers have predicted that an increase in host adult mortality due to parasites is balanced by an earlier age at first reproduction. In polygynous species we hypothesize that such a pattern would lead to diverging selection pressure on body size between sexes and increased sexual size dimorphism. In polygynous mammals, male body size is considered to be an important factor for reproductive success. Thus, under the pressure of a virulent infection, males should be selected for rapid growth and/or higher body size to be able to compete successfully as soon as possible with opponents. In contrast, under the same selection pressure, females should be selected for lighter adult body size or rapid growth to reach sexual maturity earlier. We investigated this hypothesis in the domestic cat Felis catus. Orange cats have greater body size dimorphism than non-orange cats. Orange females are lighter than non-orange females, and orange males are heavier than non-orange males. Here, we report the extent to which orange and non-orange individuals differ in infection prevelance for two retroviruses, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). FIV is thought to be transmitted almost exclusively through aggressive contacts between individuals, whereas FeLV transmission occurs mainly through social contacts. The pattern of infection of both diseases is consistent with the higher aggressiveness of orange cats. In both sexes, orange cats are significantly more infected by FIV, and tend to be less infected by FeLV than other cats. The pattern of infection is also consistent with an earlier age at first reproduction in orange than in non-orange cats, at least for females. These results suggest that microparasitism may have played an important role in the evolution of sexual size dimorphism of domestic cats.  相似文献   

A dominance hierarchy based on the outcome of agonistic encounters was found among male and female domestic cats. A female dominated over some males. The dominance concept is also discussed in terms of social bonding. The relationships among adult females were amicable, whereas adult males showed reciprocal tolerance. The flow of affiliative behaviour was directed mainly from females to one male of the group. The analysis of marking behaviour showed that this male sprayed urine and rubbed the perioral and cheek regions of the face on the objects of the environment at a higher rate than the other members of the group. Nevertheless, rubbing the perioral and cheek regions of the face on objects was not correlated to dominance rank, possibly because it has some function in social communication other than territorial defence against strangers. No relationships have been found between claw scratching, rolling on the ground and social rank, or between the former and other marking behaviour. It is concluded that claw scratching and rolling were not utilised to mark territory.  相似文献   

Domestic cats ( Felis catus ) living in rural areas – hereafter named 'farm cats' (Liberg & Sandell, 1988) – show a highly variable degree of dependence on man (Macdonald, 1991). They generally benefit from human presence by getting household food and shelter for resting and reproduction (Niewold, 1986). Nevertheless, despite regular food provisioning by man and as long as their movements are not controlled by their 'owner', most farm cats remain active hunters and still feed to a variable extent on wild prey, particularly lagomorphs, rodents and birds (Goldschmidt-Rothschild & Lüps, 1976; Liberg, 1984; Carss, 1995, amongst others), having sometimes a significant impact on prey species (Fitzgerald, 1988).  相似文献   

The feral Cat (Felis catus) population on Macquarie Island was targeted for eradication between 1996 and 2002, with 761 cats captured during this period. After 22 years of cat control from 1974 integrated with control programmes for other pests, effort intensified for 2 years before a dedicated eradication programme began in 1998. The primary knock‐down for the eradication used cage trapping and shooting, with most surviving cats captured with leg‐hold traps. A total of 6298 field days and 216 574 trap nights were recorded in this operation. Factors contributing to the success of the programme included extensive planning, increased staff numbers at critical times, better access to remote areas of the island, introduction of leg‐hold traps, sufficient operational funding and good collaboration between government agencies operating on the island. The programme would have benefited from earlier deployment of detector dogs and better posteradication monitoring of a broader range of native species impacted by cats. The successful eradication of cats from Macquarie Island, being the second largest achieved to date, provides valuable experience for cat eradication attempts on other large remote islands. This programme relied on ground‐based techniques with minimal use of poisons and provides possible options for sites where broad‐scale poisoning, or where aerial distribution of poisons, cannot be used.  相似文献   

Impact of predation by domestic cats Felis catus in an urban area   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
  • 1 As companion animals, domestic cats Felis catus can attain very high densities, and have the potential to exert detrimental effects on prey species. Yet, there is a paucity of information on the impact of cat predation in urban areas, where most cats are likely to be present.
  • 2 We quantified the minimum number of animals killed annually by cats in a 4.2-km2 area of Bristol, UK, by asking owners to record prey animals returned home by their pets. The potential impact of cat predation on prey species was estimated by comparing the number of animals killed with published estimates of prey density and annual productivity.
  • 3 Predator density was 229 cats/km2.
  • 4 Five mammal, 10 bird and one amphibian prey species were recorded. Mean predation rate was 21 prey/cat/annum. The most commonly recorded prey species was the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus.
  • 5 Predation on birds was greatest in spring and summer, and probably reflected the killing of juvenile individuals. For three prey species (house sparrow Passer domesticus, dunnock Prunella modularis, robin Erithacus rubecula), estimated predation rates were high relative to annual productivity, such that predation by cats may have created a dispersal sink for juveniles from more productive neighbouring areas. The impact of cats on these species therefore warrants further investigation.

Munir Virani 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):139-142
Virani, M. 2000. Home range and movement patterns of Sokoke Scops Owl Otus ireneae. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 139–142.

A radio-telemetric study of the endangered Sokoke Scops Owl Otus ireneae was conducted between July and December 1993. The aims were to determine the species' home range and movement patterns with respect to time and moon phases. Information gathered would then be used to formulate a rational conservation plan to ensure their survival. Six adult owls (from three adjacent pairs) were monitored during the study period. Pairs held exclusive home ranges with little (2.6%) or no overlap with their neighbours. Mean home range size (MCP) of individual owls was 8.8 ha while mean home range size of each pair was 11.0 ha. Peak owl activity took place immediately after dusk and prior to dawn. Periods of lulls occurred between 23h00 and 03h00. Movement per unit time was negatively correlated with distance from roost. The owls tended to forage further from their roosts on nights with decreased illumination from the moon. Maximum owl distances from roosts were attained between 00h00 and 02h00.  相似文献   

Abstract Habitat selection of mammalian predators is known to be influenced by availability and distribution of prey. The habitat selection of feral cats on Stewart Island, southern New Zealand, was investigated using telemetry of radio‐tagged cats. Compositional analysis of the habitat selection of radio‐tagged cats showed they were using the available habitats non‐randomly. Feral cats avoided subalpine shrubland and preferentially selected podocarp‐broadleaf forest. The avoidance of subalpine shrubland by cats was probably due to a combination of the presence of a large aggressive prey species, Norway rats Rattus norvegicus, and the lack of rain‐impervious shelter there. Most cats also used subalpine shrubland more often in dry weather than in wet weather. Cats did not preferentially select all the other habitats with only smaller rat species, Rattus rattus and Rattus exulans, present however. Cats were probably further influenced by the availability of large trees, in podocarp‐broadleaf forest, that can provide shelter. Cats were also more active in dry rather than wet weather which supports this conclusion. Home ranges of feral cats on Stewart Island were some of the largest recorded, probably because of limited primary and alternative prey.  相似文献   

Individual discrimination provides animals the opportunity to adjust their exposure and behavior when interacting with other animals, both conspecifics and heterospecifics. Meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, were exposed to scents of house cats, Felis catus. Our first experiment tested whether meadow voles could discriminate between caudal, interdigital, and facial scents produced by a cat with a habituation–dishabituation paradigm. Upon exposure to the familiar scent and a novel one, meadow voles did not investigate either scent more than the other. Our second experiment tested whether meadow voles discriminate between the facial scents of different cats. When exposed to a familiar scent of one cat and the unfamiliar scent of another cat, the meadow voles did discriminate and investigated the unfamiliar scent more than the familiar scent. The results suggest that meadow voles will discriminate between cats using any scent that the cat may inadvertently leave within the environment, thereby reducing the vole's risk of predation by that individual.  相似文献   

Feral cat control using aerial broadcasting of toxic baits continues to be used in the rangelands of Western Australia. The effectiveness of these operations has sometimes been compromised by different environmental factors that affect prey and cat numbers. This study demonstrates that the ratio of cats to their preferred prey (small mammals) can be used to predict the most effective time to bait. The regular baiting of three conservation sites offered an opportunity to study the relationship between feral cat abundance, the abundance of their prey and ingestion of toxic baits. Peron Peninsula on the mid‐west coast, Lorna Glen station in the northern Goldfields and the central Gibson Desert of Western Australia are sites where cat control using toxic baits has been routinely applied over the last 15 years. We postulated that bait ingestion by cats was linked to the availability of live prey. Small mammal abundance (capture rates in pit‐fall traps) and relative cat abundance (based on daily track counts) were assessed at these sites and the data used to produce a predator‐prey ratio index (PPRI). We used generalised linear mixed models to test the effect of prey abundance, prebaiting cat abundance and PPRI on baiting efficacy (BE). The best model for predicting efficacy of baiting contained only PPRI. This simple model was able to predict baiting success over the entire range of outcomes, from highly successful ( >75% cat reduction) to unsuccessful (0% cat reduction). The ability to predict feral cat BE in advance of planned toxic baiting operations will provide a valuable tool for wildlife managers involved in cat control.  相似文献   

Mastication has been studied by cinematography with synchronized electromyography (computer quantified and analyzed), while unanesthetized, freely feeding cats (Felis catus) were reducing equivalent-sized chunks of raw and cooked beef and cooked chicken. Cats reduce food on one side at a time, and their chewing cycles show both horizontal and anteroposterior deflections. Food objects are shifted from side to side by lateral jerks of the head and movements of the tongue. During the opening phase, the lower jaw is rotated relatively straight downward, and the digastric muscles are active in bilateral symmetry. Near the end of opening, the head jerks upward, both zygomaticomandibulares start to fire, and opening acceleration of the mandible decreases. Closing starts with horizontal displacement of the mandibular canines toward the working side, accompanied by asymmetrical activities from the working side deep temporalis and the balancing side medial pterygoid, as well as a downward jerk of the head. As closing proceeds, the mandibular canines remain near the working side and the working side zygomaticomandibularis and deep masseter are very active. Near the end of closing, the mandibular canine on the working side moves toward the midline, and adductors, digastrics, and lateral pterygoids of both sides are active. The adductors of the working side are generally more active than those of the balancing side. During a reduction sequence, the number and shape of the masticatory cycles, as well as movements of the head, during a reduction sequence are affected significantly by food type. As reduction proceeds, the duration of bite and the muscular activity (as characterized by number and amplitude of spikes) change significantly among muscles of the working and balancing sides. The adductors of the working side are generally most active when cats chew raw beef, less for cooked beef, and least for cooked chicken. In general, the adductor activity reflects food consistency, whereas that of the digastrics and lateral pterygoids reflects more the vertical and lateral displacements of the mandible. Statistical analysis documents that the methods of electrode insertion and test give repeatable results for particular sites in different animals. Thus, it should be possible to compare these results with those produced while other mammalas are masticating.  相似文献   

The food preferences of 64 cats, of which 28 were domestic pets and 36 were free-ranging animals on three farms, were tested using five food types; a sixth type was also tested on the farm cats. Information was also gathered on the background diet of the house cats (individually) and of each farm cat colony. Consistent differences were found between the predefined groups of cats in their preferences for three foods, Hard Dry (HD), Canned Meat (CM) and Raw Beef (RB), the greatest differences being between house cats and farm cats as a whole. The three colonies of farm cats showed distinct differences in preference, for RB and/or CM, and for the sixth food, Soft Dry (SD). Differences between farms could be explained by a reduced preference for items similar to major components of the background diet of each colony, i.e. selection in favour of foods that were temporally rare. Differences between house and farm cats, and within the house cats, could not be explained in this way; the house cats were neophobic towards RB, and the farm cats ate little of the HD food, possibly because they found it difficult to ingest.  相似文献   

J. Symonds  A. T. Lloyd 《Genetica》1987,72(2):133-136
A survey was carried out of mutant allele frequencies at seven loci in the domestic cats of Bordeaux and rural areas between 50 and 140 km distant. The results support the suggestion of Pontier (1983) that urban rural clines are apparent at the orange locus, but not for non-agouti or blotched tabby. A triple centroid curve smoothing technique was carried out on all the French populations surveyed so far. This is an attempt to reduce genetic and statistical noise and take account of standard errors of gene frequency estimates. The cline maps of Todd (1977), which included only ten French populations are thereby substantially supported by subsequently obtained data. There appears to be a striking affinity between the cats of Bordeaux and those of St. Pierre et Miquelon. This is the first demonstration of a connection between the cats of French Canada and those of mainland France. The origin of the cat populations of the main areas of French settlement in the St. Lawrence River valley remains unexplained.  相似文献   

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