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A large number of species of Coprasma (Rubiaceae) show bacteria-containingstipular ndules. Hairs which contain bacteria are also present.In other species, for example Myoporum laetum, bacteria arepresent in superficial and in immersed leaf-glands. It is suggestedthat the bacterial symbionts, which can readily be obtainedin culture, may function in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogenand thereby be of importance to the plants when growing in nitrogen-deficientsoils.  相似文献   

Summary In further studies of the zoosporic fungi of New Zealand nine additional species were isolated on various substrata from soil. These include Rhizophydium pythii de Wildemann, R. condylosum Karling, Rhizophlyctis oceanis Karling, R. ingoldii Sparrow, R. boneysi Sparrow, Rhizophlyctis sp., Rhizidium reniformis sp. nov., Chytriomyces rotoruaensis sp. nov., Sparrowia parasitica Willoughby, and Aphanomycopsis punctatus Karling. Rhizidium reniformis is characterized by predominantly reniform, appendiculate zoosporangia and small zoospores which emerge slowly in a columnar mass. This usually floats away from the zoosporangium and explands, and after a while the zoospores swarm collectively in a vesicle. Chytriomyces rotoruaensis resembles R. reniformis by the structure and appearance of its thallus and behavior of the zoospores after discharge, but differs by the presence of a thin inconspicuous operculum and the development of smooth hyaline resting spores with coarsely granular content. Rhizophlyctis ingoldii, Sparrowia parasitica, and R. boneysi, known previously only from England and Hawaii, respectively, occurred abundantly in New Zealand.This study has been supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

Some new micromycetes from New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New collections of micromycetes from New Zealand are recorded, including several new species and a new variety of the genera Cercospora, Entylomella, Gonatophragmium, Pseudocercospora, Ramularia and Subramaniomyces as well as some new combinations and a new name. Based on a new generic concept of the Pseudocercospora/Cercostigmina complex, which is supported by new molecular examinations, all species of Cercostigmina are re-allocated to Pseudocercospora.  相似文献   

Persistence and stability of lotic invertebrate communities in New Zealand   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Persistence and stability of lotic invertebrate communities were determined at an annual time scale over a 9‐year period (1990–98) at 26 river sites over the northern half of New Zealand. In addition, a number of water quality variables were measured monthly and flow information collected continuously over the same period at each site. 2. The aim of the study was to describe the levels of interannual variability in invertebrate communities, and relate community changes to variability in environmental conditions. The consequences of this temporal variability for the sensitivity of predictive models were also investigated. 3. Levels of change in environmental conditions varied significantly between years, but were relatively similar across sites. In contrast, community persistence (similarity between years in species assemblage composition), and stability (similarity between years with respect to relative abundance of species in the community) both varied significantly between sites, but changes between years were similar. Community stability was highest at sites with relatively harsh flow conditions (high coefficient of variation, high relative size of floods), and was also greater in communities dominated by Ephemeroptera. 4. Relationships between change in environmental conditions and changes in community composition and structure were relatively weak for most individual sites. However, when average levels of change for each of the 26 sites were used, communities showed greater persistence under conditions where flow conditions remained relatively constant. Water quality changes had no significant effect on community persistence when assessed for all 26 sites combined. 5. Results from this study suggest that lotic invertebrate communities fluctuate around a relatively stable state, at least over a 9‐year period. However, the extent of interannual variation in community composition and structure observed, along with the relatively low degree of cluster fidelity observed within a single region, suggests that predictive models based on reference site conditions extrapolated over several years should be applied with caution in New Zealand streams.  相似文献   

Light environments in two lowland New Zealand podocarp rainforests are described using data from quantum sensors. Mean daily total photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) in the forest understorey varies from 2.6-5.2% incident PPFD in summer and 1.0-2.5% in autumn, and in gaps from 5.0-16.6% in summer and 6.3-8.3% in autumn. Pronounced differences in understorey PPFD occur between clear and overcast days. Overcast days tend to have a lower proportion of 2-minute periods with very low mean PPFD than clear days. In summer, 37.7-91.7% of PPFD occurs as sunflecks, but these only occur for 4.0-27.9% of the time. Most sunflecks are short duration (42.2-72.7% less than 4 minutes in summer) but some are very long (>32 minutes). Overall, light environments are similar to those found in other forests, both in New Zealand and elsewhere. However, canopy structure has a pronounced influence on spatial distribution of light environments within a forest, and differences in the size and frequency of canopy disturbances are a contributing factor to the floristic differences between the two forests studied.  相似文献   

Methanotrophs use methane (CH4) as a carbon source. They are particularly active in temperate forest soils. However, the rate of change of CH4 oxidation in soil with afforestation or reforestation is poorly understood. Here, soil CH4 oxidation was examined in New Zealand volcanic soils under regenerating native forests following burning, and in a mature native forest. Results were compared with data for pasture to pine land-use change at nearby sites. We show that following soil disturbance, as little as 47 years may be needed for development of a stable methanotrophic community similar to that in the undisturbed native forest soil. Corresponding soil CH4-oxidation rates in the regenerating forest soil have the potential to reach those of the mature forest, but climo-edaphic fators appear limiting. The observed changes in CH4-oxidation rate were directly linked to a prior shift in methanotrophic communities, which suggests microbial control of the terrestrial CH4 flux and identifies the need to account for this response to afforestation and reforestation in global prediction of CH4 emission.  相似文献   

1. Blooms of the benthic, stalked diatom Didymosphenia geminata were first observed in New Zealand in 2004. Since then, D. geminata has spread to numerous catchments in the South Island and is also spreading in its native range. The species is a rare example of an invasive alga in lotic systems.
2. Ecosystem effects may be expected as D. geminata attains unusually high biomass in rivers. We examined data from three independent studies in three South Island, New Zealand, rivers for evidence of effects on periphyton biomass and benthic invertebrate communities.
3. The combined results confirmed that the presence of D. geminata was associated with greatly increased periphyton biomass and, in most cases, increased invertebrate densities. We also recorded shifts in community composition, dominated by increased densities of Oligochaeta. Chironomidae, Cladocera and Nematoda also generally increased in density with D. geminata . Significant increases or declines in other invertebrate taxa were inconsistent among rivers.
4. In all three studies, increased spatial invertebrate community homogeneity was associated with high D. geminata biomass at the within-river scale. However, no declines in taxon richness or diversity were detected.
5. Although ecosystem effects of D. geminata on existing periphyton biomass and invertebrate communities are measurable, no inferences can be made from the present data about effects on higher trophic levels (fish).  相似文献   

Alien plants and animals are of major economic and conservation significance in New Zealand. Plant introductions have averaged 11 species per year since European settlement in /840, and distinctive landscapes are being increasingly altered by weeds. Many introduced animals act as disease vectors or threaten native biota. Recent studies of introduced wasps show adverse effects on honey-eating and insectivorous birds. Introduced possums are now known to prey on eggs and nestlings of native birds in addition to their impact on native forests and transmittal of bovine tuberculosis. Research is increasingly focused on finding effective methods of biocontrol.  相似文献   

Introduced social wasps (Vespula vulgaris) reach high densities in some New Zealand beech forests, because honeydew provides an abundant high-energy food source. We manipulated wasp density to estimate an “ecological damage threshold” for large, free-living Lepidoptera larvae. There will be a continuum of ecological damage thresholds for wasp density depending on the prey species or habitat. Experimentally placed small caterpillars had a significantly higher survival rate than large caterpillars, and the survival rate of both groups decreased with increasing wasp density. Spring-occurring caterpillars have a probability of surviving of 0.90–0.95, assuming wasps are the only source of mortality. However, at the peak of the wasp season we predict caterpillars would have virtually no chance (probability of 10−78 to 10−40) of surviving to adults. Wasp abundance must be reduced by at least 88% to conserve the more vulnerable species of free-living caterpillars at wasp densities similar to those observed in our study sites. This equates to a damage threshold of 2.7 wasps per Malaise trap per day. It was exceeded for about 5 months of the year in non-poisoned sites. There are currently no biological or chemical control techniques available in New Zealand that will reduce wasp abundance below this damage threshold throughout the year. Our models show that most Lepidoptera with spring caterpillars will be able to persist, but species with caterpillars occurring in the peak wasp season will be eliminated. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

The dispersal, germination and establishment of the New Zealand Loranthaceae (Alepis flavida, Peraxilla colensoi, P. tetrapetala, Ileostylus micranthus and Tupeia antarctica) were investigated. The most important bird dispersers were tui, bellbirds and silvereyes. These birds appear to provide reasonably good quality dispersal: fruits were swallowed whole and the seeds later defecated in germinable condition; birds tended to visit plants for only 1-2 minutes and eat a few mistletoe fruits each time. Germinability of seeds ranged between species from moderate to high (17-96%). None of the study species of mistletoe germinated successfully unless the fruit skin (exocarp) was removed, by hand or by passage through a bird gut. While hand removal of the exocarp gave the same or higher percentage germination as bird removal, in the field bird dispersal is the only effective method of exocarp removal and is therefore essential. Dispersal was limiting at one of three sites studied (Craigieburn), suggesting that reductions in bellbird densities by introduced carnivores or competition for honeydew food sources may be indirectly affecting mistletoe reproduction. Establishment and survival of seedlings on host branches was low (15-28% depending on species to production of first independent leaves, 0-14% after two years). Survival of adults over one year of the study was 80% for Tupeia and 91-95% in the other species, showing that frequent establishment of seedlings is necessary for population maintenance. While disperser limitation does not seem to currently be a major threat to mistletoe survival, it must be considered as a possible factor both historically and in the future.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The macro-invertebrate fauna of Waitakere River and its tributaries, a northern New Zealand kauri forest stream, was surveyed in January 1974 and January and June 1975, as part of a study on stream community dynamics. This survey and regular samples in the study area provided 144 taxa, almost three times the maximum number previously recorded from a New Zealand stream. Many species were restricted in distribution to a high gradient tributary, or the low gradient mainstream. These did not follow the division into rhithron and potamon families suggested for New Zealand.  相似文献   

The conifer Agathis australis (New Zealand kauri; Araucariaceae) has a significant influence on soil processes beneath its canopies, reducing soil pH, stalling nitrogen cycling processes, and sometimes forming podzols. Distinctive plant species assemblages have been anecdotally observed to occur in association with A. australis stands; however, the authenticity of these proposed associations has not been formally assessed. Owing to the effects of A. australis on its soil environment and the recorded vegetation patterns, we hypothesized that this species may act as a foundation species, playing a significant role in structuring plant community composition in its vicinity. To test this, we investigated the influence of proximity to A. australis on plant community composition at stand and individual tree scales. We also investigated compositional variation with distance from the conifer Dacrydium cupressinum (rimu, Podocarpaceae) within the same forests to directly compare A. australis effects to those of another large conifer. We examined changes in stand composition relative to the abundance of each of these conifers at two forests, and measured changes in environmental conditions and plant composition with increasing distance from mature individuals at one of the same and one other study site. The organic soil formed beneath A. australis individuals was highly acidic, with high levels of NH4‐N, carbon and total nitrogen, but low levels of NO3‐N. We recorded a difference in species composition in the vicinity of A. australis compared to forest without this species in the same environment, describing three groups of species: stress‐tolerant species dependent on the presence of A. australis within mature forest; those dependent on areas with A. australis absent; and those with distributions unaffected by A. australis presence. Such effects on the abiotic and biotic environments were not recorded in the vicinity of individuals of D. cupressinum. These results highlight the substantial effect that A. australis has in enhancing landscape‐scale habitat heterogeneity and influencing overall forest diversity.  相似文献   

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